Everywhere including examples, external interop APIs, bindings generators
code and in other valuable places. A couple of `interface{}` usages are
intentionally left in the CHANGELOG.md, documentation and tests.
d5a9af5860 is incompatible with the NeoFS
mainnet sidechain, so we add the old logic to the pre-Aspidochelone
behaviour. Changing flags at newMethodAndPrice() is a bit less convenient
unfortunately because this will affect interop validity checks, so let's have
this kludge here.
And include some node-specific configurations there with backwards
compatibility. Note that in the future we'll remove Ledger's
fields from the ProtocolConfiguration and it'll be possible to access them in
Blockchain directly (not via .Ledger).
The other option tried was using two configuration types separately, but that
incurs more changes to the codebase, single structure that behaves almost like
the old one is better for backwards compatibility.
It doesn't store id->hash mappings for native contracts. We need blockchain's
GetContractScriptHash to serve both anyway, so it was changed a bit. The only
other direct user of native.GetContractScriptHash is the VM CLI, but I doubt
anyone will use it for native contracts (they have ~zero VM code anyway).
Follow neo-project/neo#2807. Notice that this data is not cached, our previous
implementation wasn't too and it shouldn't be a problem (not on the hot path).
We don't use all of the Stack functionality for it, so drop useless methods
and avoid some interface conversions. It increases single-node TPS by about
0.9%, so nothing really important there, but not a bad change either. Maybe it
can be reworked again with generics though.
Bad contract -> no contract. Unfortunately we've got a broken
6f1837723768f27a6f6a14452977e3e0e264f2cc contract on the mainnet which can't
be decoded (even though it had been saved successfully), so this is a
temporary fix for #2801 to be able to start mainnet node after shutdown.
There is a security issue found in github.com/btcsuite/btcd that we don't care
about (we're only using 256k1 implementation), but GitHub complains about
it. We could update to github.com/btcsuite/btcd/btcec/v2, but it's now just a
thin wrapper over github.com/decred/dcrd/dcrec/secp256k1/v4, so we better use
it directly.
Which allows to enable/disable the service, change nodes, keys and other
settings. Unfortunately, atomic.Value doesn't allow Store(nil), so we have to
store a pointer there that can point to nil interface.
It can change the committee even if noone voted. Fixes state diff at block
390726 of T5 testnet where there are no transactions, but committee changes
because there were some registrations in previous 21 blocks.
It also brings ToStackItem to Block and Transaction, previously this was
avoided to separate block and transaction packages from VM. But turns out
`transaction` depends on `stackitem` already, so this makes little sense (but
can be shuffled in another way if needed).
Context.Container is still a hash.Hashable because we have a number of
occasions (header or MPT root verification) where there is no ToStackItem
implementation possible. Maybe they can go with `nil` Container, but I don't
want to have this risk for now.