Commit graph

89 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Ekaterina Pavlova
cf4d3b25d7 *: fix linter exhaustive errors
pkg/smartcontract/rpcbinding/binding.go:523:2      exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type smartcontract.ParamType: smartcontract
pkg/smartcontract/rpcbinding/binding.go:572:2      exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type smartcontract.ParamType: smartcontract
pkg/smartcontract/rpcbinding/binding.go:862:2      exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type smartcontract.ParamType: smartcontract
.UnknownType, smartcontract.AnyType, smartcontract.BoolType,
smartcontract.IntegerType, smartcontract.ByteArrayType, smartcontract
.Hash160Type, smartcontract.Hash256Type, smartcontract.SignatureType,
smartcontract.InteropInterfaceType, smartcontract.VoidType
pkg/smartcontract/param_type.go:165:2              exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type smartcontract.ParamType: smartcontract
pkg/smartcontract/manifest/permission.go:103:2     exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type manifest.PermissionType: manifest
pkg/services/notary/core_test.go:223:4             exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type notary.RequestType: notary.Contract
pkg/services/notary/core_test.go:292:4             exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type notary.RequestType: notary.Contract
pkg/services/oracle/jsonpath/jsonpath.go:62:3      exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type jsonpath.pathTokenType: jsonpath.pathInvalid,
jsonpath.pathRoot, jsonpath.pathRightBracket, jsonpath.pathAsterisk,
jsonpath.pathComma, jsonpath.pathColon, jsonpath.pathIdentifier,
jsonpath.pathString, jsonpath.pathNumber
pkg/services/rpcsrv/server.go:2740:3               exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type neorpc.EventID: neorpc.InvalidEventID, neorpc
pkg/services/rpcsrv/server.go:2804:2               exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type neorpc.EventID: neorpc.InvalidEventID, neorpc
pkg/services/rpcsrv/server.go:2864:2               exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type neorpc.EventID: neorpc.InvalidEventID, neorpc

pkg/vm/contract_checks.go:153:3                    exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type opcode.Opcode: opcode.PUSHINT8, opcode
.PUSHINT16, opcode.PUSHINT32, opcode.PUSHINT64, opcode.PUSHINT128,
opcode.PUSHINT256, opcode.PUSHT, opcode.PUSHF, opcode.PUSHNULL, opcode
.PUSHDATA1, opcode.PUSHDATA2, opcode.PUSHDATA4, opcode.PUSHM1, opcode
.PUSH0, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.PUSH3, opcode.PUSH4, opcode
.PUSH5, opcode.PUSH6, opcode.PUSH7, opcode.PUSH8, opcode.PUSH9, opcode
.PUSH10, opcode.PUSH11, opcode.PUSH12, opcode.PUSH13, opcode.PUSH14,
opcode.PUSH15, opcode.PUSH16, opcode.NOP, opcode.CALLA, opcode.CALLT,
opcode.ABORT, opcode.ASSERT, opcode.THROW, opcode.ENDFINALLY, opcode
.RET, opcode.SYSCALL, opcode.DEPTH, opcode.DROP, opcode.NIP, opcode
.XDROP, opcode.CLEAR, opcode.DUP, opcode.OVER, opcode.PICK, opcode.TUCK,
 opcode.SWAP, opcode.ROT, opcode.ROLL, opcode.REVERSE3, opcode.REVERSE4,
  opcode.REVERSEN, opcode.INITSSLOT, opcode.INITSLOT, opcode.LDSFLD0,
  opcode.LDSFLD1, opcode.LDSFLD2, opcode.LDSFLD3, opcode.LDSFLD4, opcode
  .LDSFLD5, opcode.LDSFLD6, opcode.LDSFLD, opcode.STSFLD0, opcode
  .STSFLD1, opcode.STSFLD2, opcode.STSFLD3, opcode.STSFLD4, opcode
  .STSFLD5, opcode.STSFLD6, opcode.STSFLD, opcode.LDLOC0, opcode.LDLOC1,
   opcode.LDLOC2, opcode.LDLOC3, opcode.LDLOC4, opcode.LDLOC5, opcode
   .LDLOC6, opcode.LDLOC, opcode.STLOC0, opcode.STLOC1, opcode.STLOC2,
   opcode.STLOC3, opcode.STLOC4, opcode.STLOC5, opcode.STLOC6, opcode
   .STLOC, opcode.LDARG0, opcode.LDARG1, opcode.LDARG2, opcode.LDARG3,
   opcode.LDARG4, opcode.LDARG5, opcode.LDARG6, opcode.LDARG, opcode
   .STARG0, opcode.STARG1, opcode.STARG2, opcode.STARG3, opcode.STARG4,
   opcode.STARG5, opcode.STARG6, opcode.STARG, opcode.NEWBUFFER, opcode
   .MEMCPY, opcode.CAT, opcode.SUBSTR, opcode.LEFT, opcode.RIGHT, opcode
   .INVERT, opcode.AND, opcode.OR, opcode.XOR, opcode.EQUAL, opcode
   .NOTEQUAL, opcode.SIGN, opcode.ABS, opcode.NEGATE, opcode.INC, opcode
   .DEC, opcode.ADD, opcode.SUB, opcode.MUL, opcode.DIV, opcode.MOD,
   opcode.POW, opcode.SQRT, opcode.MODMUL, opcode.MODPOW, opcode.SHL,
   opcode.SHR, opcode.NOT, opcode.BOOLAND, opcode.BOOLOR, opcode.NZ,
   opcode.NUMEQUAL, opcode.NUMNOTEQUAL, opcode.LT, opcode.LE, opcode.GT,
    opcode.GE, opcode.MIN, opcode.MAX, opcode.WITHIN, opcode.PACKMAP,
    opcode.PACKSTRUCT, opcode.PACK, opcode.UNPACK, opcode.NEWARRAY0,
    opcode.NEWARRAY, opcode.NEWSTRUCT0, opcode.NEWSTRUCT, opcode.NEWMAP,
     opcode.SIZE, opcode.HASKEY, opcode.KEYS, opcode.VALUES, opcode
     .PICKITEM, opcode.APPEND, opcode.SETITEM, opcode.REVERSEITEMS,
     opcode.REMOVE, opcode.CLEARITEMS, opcode.POPITEM, opcode.ISNULL,
     opcode.ABORTMSG, opcode.ASSERTMSG
pkg/vm/vm.go:912:3                                 exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type opcode.Opcode: opcode.PUSHINT8, opcode
.PUSHINT16, opcode.PUSHINT32, opcode.PUSHINT64, opcode.PUSHINT128,
opcode.PUSHINT256, opcode.PUSHT, opcode.PUSHF, opcode.PUSHA, opcode
.PUSHNULL, opcode.PUSHDATA1, opcode.PUSHDATA2, opcode.PUSHDATA4, opcode
.PUSHM1, opcode.PUSH0, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.PUSH3, opcode
.PUSH4, opcode.PUSH5, opcode.PUSH6, opcode.PUSH7, opcode.PUSH8, opcode
.PUSH9, opcode.PUSH10, opcode.PUSH11, opcode.PUSH12, opcode.PUSH13,
opcode.PUSH14, opcode.PUSH15, opcode.PUSH16, opcode.NOP, opcode.JMP,
opcode.JMPL, opcode.JMPIF, opcode.JMPIFL, opcode.JMPIFNOT, opcode
.JMPIFNOTL, opcode.JMPEQ, opcode.JMPEQL, opcode.JMPNE, opcode.JMPNEL,
opcode.JMPGT, opcode.JMPGTL, opcode.JMPGE, opcode.JMPGEL, opcode.JMPLT,
opcode.JMPLTL, opcode.JMPLE, opcode.JMPLEL, opcode.CALL, opcode.CALLL,
opcode.CALLA, opcode.CALLT, opcode.ABORT, opcode.ASSERT, opcode.THROW,
opcode.TRY, opcode.TRYL, opcode.ENDTRY, opcode.ENDTRYL, opcode
.ENDFINALLY, opcode.RET, opcode.SYSCALL, opcode.DEPTH, opcode.DROP,
opcode.NIP, opcode.XDROP, opcode.CLEAR, opcode.DUP, opcode.OVER, opcode
.PICK, opcode.TUCK, opcode.SWAP, opcode.ROT, opcode.ROLL, opcode
.REVERSE3, opcode.INITSSLOT, opcode.INITSLOT, opcode.LDSFLD0, opcode
.LDSFLD1, opcode.LDSFLD2, opcode.LDSFLD3, opcode.LDSFLD4, opcode
.LDSFLD5, opcode.LDSFLD6, opcode.LDSFLD, opcode.STSFLD0, opcode.STSFLD1,
 opcode.STSFLD2, opcode.STSFLD3, opcode.STSFLD4, opcode.STSFLD5, opcode
 .STSFLD6, opcode.STSFLD, opcode.LDLOC0, opcode.LDLOC1, opcode.LDLOC2,
 opcode.LDLOC3, opcode.LDLOC4, opcode.LDLOC5, opcode.LDLOC6, opcode
 .LDLOC, opcode.STLOC0, opcode.STLOC1, opcode.STLOC2, opcode.STLOC3,
 opcode.STLOC4, opcode.STLOC5, opcode.STLOC6, opcode.STLOC, opcode
 .LDARG0, opcode.LDARG1, opcode.LDARG2, opcode.LDARG3, opcode.LDARG4,
 opcode.LDARG5, opcode.LDARG6, opcode.LDARG, opcode.STARG0, opcode
 .STARG1, opcode.STARG2, opcode.STARG3, opcode.STARG4, opcode.STARG5,
 opcode.STARG6, opcode.STARG, opcode.NEWBUFFER, opcode.MEMCPY, opcode
 .CAT, opcode.SUBSTR, opcode.LEFT, opcode.RIGHT, opcode.INVERT, opcode
 .AND, opcode.OR, opcode.XOR, opcode.EQUAL, opcode.NOTEQUAL, opcode
 .SIGN, opcode.ABS, opcode.NEGATE, opcode.INC, opcode.DEC, opcode.ADD,
 opcode.SUB, opcode.MUL, opcode.DIV, opcode.MOD, opcode.POW, opcode
 .SQRT, opcode.MODMUL, opcode.MODPOW, opcode.SHL, opcode.SHR, opcode
 .NOT, opcode.BOOLAND, opcode.BOOLOR, opcode.NZ, opcode.NUMEQUAL, opcode
 .NUMNOTEQUAL, opcode.LT, opcode.LE, opcode.GT, opcode.GE, opcode.MIN,
 opcode.MAX, opcode.WITHIN, opcode.PACKMAP, opcode.PACKSTRUCT, opcode
 .PACK, opcode.UNPACK, opcode.NEWARRAY0, opcode.NEWARRAY, opcode
 .NEWARRAYT, opcode.NEWSTRUCT0, opcode.NEWSTRUCT, opcode.NEWMAP, opcode
 .SIZE, opcode.HASKEY, opcode.KEYS, opcode.VALUES, opcode.PICKITEM,
 opcode.APPEND, opcode.SETITEM, opcode.REVERSEITEMS, opcode.REMOVE,
 opcode.CLEARITEMS, opcode.POPITEM, opcode.ISNULL, opcode.ISTYPE, opcode
pkg/vm/vm.go:1116:4                                exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type opcode.Opcode: opcode.PUSHINT8, opcode
.PUSHINT16, opcode.PUSHINT32, opcode.PUSHINT64, opcode.PUSHINT128,
opcode.PUSHINT256, opcode.PUSHT, opcode.PUSHF, opcode.PUSHA, opcode
.PUSHNULL, opcode.PUSHDATA1, opcode.PUSHDATA2, opcode.PUSHDATA4, opcode
.PUSHM1, opcode.PUSH0, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.PUSH3, opcode
.PUSH4, opcode.PUSH5, opcode.PUSH6, opcode.PUSH7, opcode.PUSH8, opcode
.PUSH9, opcode.PUSH10, opcode.PUSH11, opcode.PUSH12, opcode.PUSH13,
opcode.PUSH14, opcode.PUSH15, opcode.PUSH16, opcode.NOP, opcode.JMP,
opcode.JMPL, opcode.JMPIF, opcode.JMPIFL, opcode.JMPIFNOT, opcode
.JMPIFNOTL, opcode.JMPEQ, opcode.JMPEQL, opcode.JMPNE, opcode.JMPNEL,
opcode.JMPGT, opcode.JMPGTL, opcode.JMPGE, opcode.JMPGEL, opcode.JMPLT,
opcode.JMPLTL, opcode.JMPLE, opcode.JMPLEL, opcode.CALL, opcode.CALLL,
opcode.CALLA, opcode.CALLT, opcode.ABORT, opcode.ASSERT, opcode.THROW,
opcode.TRY, opcode.TRYL, opcode.ENDTRY, opcode.ENDTRYL, opcode
.ENDFINALLY, opcode.RET, opcode.SYSCALL, opcode.DEPTH, opcode.DROP,
opcode.NIP, opcode.XDROP, opcode.CLEAR, opcode.DUP, opcode.OVER, opcode
.PICK, opcode.TUCK, opcode.SWAP, opcode.ROT, opcode.ROLL, opcode
.REVERSE3, opcode.REVERSE4, opcode.REVERSEN, opcode.INITSSLOT, opcode
.INITSLOT, opcode.LDSFLD0, opcode.LDSFLD1, opcode.LDSFLD2, opcode
.LDSFLD3, opcode.LDSFLD4, opcode.LDSFLD5, opcode.LDSFLD6, opcode.LDSFLD,
 opcode.STSFLD0, opcode.STSFLD1, opcode.STSFLD2, opcode.STSFLD3, opcode
 .STSFLD4, opcode.STSFLD5, opcode.STSFLD6, opcode.STSFLD, opcode.LDLOC0,
  opcode.LDLOC1, opcode.LDLOC2, opcode.LDLOC3, opcode.LDLOC4, opcode
  .LDLOC5, opcode.LDLOC6, opcode.LDLOC, opcode.STLOC0, opcode.STLOC1,
  opcode.STLOC2, opcode.STLOC3, opcode.STLOC4, opcode.STLOC5, opcode
  .STLOC6, opcode.STLOC, opcode.LDARG0, opcode.LDARG1, opcode.LDARG2,
  opcode.LDARG3, opcode.LDARG4, opcode.LDARG5, opcode.LDARG6, opcode
  .LDARG, opcode.STARG0, opcode.STARG1, opcode.STARG2, opcode.STARG3,
  opcode.STARG4, opcode.STARG5, opcode.STARG6, opcode.STARG, opcode
  .NEWBUFFER, opcode.MEMCPY, opcode.CAT, opcode.SUBSTR, opcode.LEFT,
  opcode.RIGHT, opcode.INVERT, opcode.AND, opcode.OR, opcode.XOR, opcode
  .EQUAL, opcode.NOTEQUAL, opcode.SIGN, opcode.ABS, opcode.NEGATE,
  opcode.INC, opcode.DEC, opcode.ADD, opcode.SUB, opcode.MUL, opcode
  .DIV, opcode.MOD, opcode.POW, opcode.SQRT, opcode.MODMUL, opcode
  .MODPOW, opcode.SHL, opcode.SHR, opcode.NOT, opcode.BOOLAND, opcode
  .BOOLOR, opcode.NZ, opcode.NUMEQUAL, opcode.NUMNOTEQUAL, opcode.MIN,
  opcode.MAX, opcode.WITHIN, opcode.PACKMAP, opcode.PACKSTRUCT, opcode
  .PACK, opcode.UNPACK, opcode.NEWARRAY0, opcode.NEWARRAY, opcode
  .NEWARRAYT, opcode.NEWSTRUCT0, opcode.NEWSTRUCT, opcode.NEWMAP, opcode
  .SIZE, opcode.HASKEY, opcode.KEYS, opcode.VALUES, opcode.PICKITEM,
  opcode.APPEND, opcode.SETITEM, opcode.REVERSEITEMS, opcode.REMOVE,
  opcode.CLEARITEMS, opcode.POPITEM, opcode.ISNULL, opcode.ISTYPE,
  opcode.CONVERT, opcode.ABORTMSG, opcode.ASSERTMSG

pkg/compiler/codegen.go:944:5                      exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type smartcontract.ParamType: smartcontract
.UnknownType, smartcontract.AnyType, smartcontract.BoolType,
smartcontract.IntegerType, smartcontract.ByteArrayType, smartcontract
.StringType, smartcontract.PublicKeyType, smartcontract.SignatureType,
smartcontract.ArrayType, smartcontract.MapType, smartcontract
.InteropInterfaceType, smartcontract.VoidType
pkg/compiler/codegen.go:1221:3                     exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type token.Token: token.ILLEGAL, token.EOF, token
.COMMENT, token.IDENT, token.INT, token.FLOAT, token.IMAG, token.CHAR,
token.STRING, token.ADD, token.SUB, token.MUL, token.QUO, token.REM,
token.AND, token.OR, token.XOR, token.SHL, token.SHR, token.AND_NOT,
token.REM_ASSIGN, token.AND_ASSIGN, token.OR_ASSIGN, token.XOR_ASSIGN,
token.SHL_ASSIGN, token.SHR_ASSIGN, token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN, token.LAND,
token.LOR, token.ARROW, token.INC, token.DEC, token.EQL, token.LSS,
token.GTR, token.ASSIGN, token.NOT, token.NEQ, token.LEQ, token.GEQ,
token.DEFINE, token.ELLIPSIS, token.LPAREN, token.LBRACK, token.LBRACE,
token.COMMA, token.PERIOD, token.RPAREN, token.RBRACK, token.RBRACE,
token.SEMICOLON, token.COLON, token.CASE, token.CHAN, token.CONST, token
.DEFAULT, token.DEFER, token.ELSE, token.FALLTHROUGH, token.FOR, token
.FUNC, token.GO, token.GOTO, token.IF, token.IMPORT, token.INTERFACE,
token.MAP, token.PACKAGE, token.RANGE, token.RETURN, token.SELECT, token
.STRUCT, token.SWITCH, token.TYPE, token.VAR, token.TILDE
pkg/compiler/codegen.go:1709:2                     exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type token.Token: token.ILLEGAL, token.EOF, token
.COMMENT, token.IDENT, token.INT, token.FLOAT, token.IMAG, token.CHAR,
token.STRING, token.ADD, token.SUB, token.MUL, token.QUO, token.REM,
token.AND, token.OR, token.XOR, token.SHL, token.SHR, token.AND_NOT,
token.REM_ASSIGN, token.AND_ASSIGN, token.OR_ASSIGN, token.XOR_ASSIGN,
token.SHL_ASSIGN, token.SHR_ASSIGN, token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN, token.LAND,
token.LOR, token.ARROW, token.INC, token.DEC, token.ASSIGN, token.NOT,
token.DEFINE, token.ELLIPSIS, token.LPAREN, token.LBRACK, token.LBRACE,
token.COMMA, token.PERIOD, token.RPAREN, token.RBRACK, token.RBRACE,
token.SEMICOLON, token.COLON, token.BREAK, token.CASE, token.CHAN, token
.CONST, token.CONTINUE, token.DEFAULT, token.DEFER, token.ELSE, token
.FALLTHROUGH, token.FOR, token.FUNC, token.GO, token.GOTO, token.IF,
token.IMPORT, token.INTERFACE, token.MAP, token.PACKAGE, token.RANGE,
token.RETURN, token.SELECT, token.STRUCT, token.SWITCH, token.TYPE,
token.VAR, token.TILDE
pkg/compiler/codegen.go:2353:3                     exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type opcode.Opcode: opcode.PUSHINT8, opcode
.PUSHINT16, opcode.PUSHINT32, opcode.PUSHINT64, opcode.PUSHINT128,
opcode.PUSHINT256, opcode.PUSHT, opcode.PUSHF, opcode.PUSHNULL, opcode
.PUSHDATA1, opcode.PUSHDATA2, opcode.PUSHDATA4, opcode.PUSHM1, opcode
.PUSH0, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.PUSH3, opcode.PUSH4, opcode
.PUSH5, opcode.PUSH6, opcode.PUSH7, opcode.PUSH8, opcode.PUSH9, opcode
.PUSH10, opcode.PUSH11, opcode.PUSH12, opcode.PUSH13, opcode.PUSH14,
opcode.PUSH15, opcode.PUSH16, opcode.NOP, opcode.CALLA, opcode.CALLT,
opcode.ABORT, opcode.ASSERT, opcode.THROW, opcode.TRY, opcode.ENDTRY,
opcode.ENDFINALLY, opcode.RET, opcode.SYSCALL, opcode.DEPTH, opcode
.DROP, opcode.NIP, opcode.XDROP, opcode.CLEAR, opcode.DUP, opcode.OVER,
opcode.PICK, opcode.TUCK, opcode.SWAP, opcode.ROT, opcode.ROLL, opcode
.REVERSE3, opcode.REVERSE4, opcode.REVERSEN, opcode.INITSSLOT, opcode
.LDSFLD0, opcode.LDSFLD1, opcode.LDSFLD2, opcode.LDSFLD3, opcode
.LDSFLD4, opcode.LDSFLD5, opcode.LDSFLD6, opcode.LDSFLD, opcode.STSFLD0,
 opcode.STSFLD1, opcode.STSFLD2, opcode.STSFLD3, opcode.STSFLD4, opcode
 .STSFLD5, opcode.STSFLD6, opcode.STSFLD, opcode.LDLOC0, opcode.LDLOC1,
 opcode.LDLOC2, opcode.LDLOC3, opcode.LDLOC4, opcode.LDLOC5, opcode
 .LDLOC6, opcode.LDLOC, opcode.STLOC0, opcode.STLOC1, opcode.STLOC2,
 opcode.STLOC3, opcode.STLOC4, opcode.STLOC5, opcode.STLOC6, opcode
 .STLOC, opcode.LDARG0, opcode.LDARG1, opcode.LDARG2, opcode.LDARG3,
 opcode.LDARG4, opcode.LDARG5, opcode.LDARG6, opcode.LDARG, opcode
 .STARG0, opcode.STARG1, opcode.STARG2, opcode.STARG3, opcode.STARG4,
 opcode.STARG5, opcode.STARG6, opcode.STARG, opcode.NEWBUFFER, opcode
 .MEMCPY, opcode.CAT, opcode.SUBSTR, opcode.LEFT, opcode.RIGHT, opcode
 .INVERT, opcode.AND, opcode.OR, opcode.XOR, opcode.EQUAL, opcode
 .NOTEQUAL, opcode.SIGN, opcode.ABS, opcode.NEGATE, opcode.INC, opcode
 .DEC, opcode.ADD, opcode.SUB, opcode.MUL, opcode.DIV, opcode.MOD,
 opcode.POW, opcode.SQRT, opcode.MODMUL, opcode.MODPOW, opcode.SHL,
 opcode.SHR, opcode.NOT, opcode.BOOLAND, opcode.BOOLOR, opcode.NZ,
 opcode.NUMEQUAL, opcode.NUMNOTEQUAL, opcode.LT, opcode.LE, opcode.GT,
 opcode.GE, opcode.MIN, opcode.MAX, opcode.WITHIN, opcode.PACKMAP,
 opcode.PACKSTRUCT, opcode.PACK, opcode.UNPACK, opcode.NEWARRAY0, opcode
 opcode.NEWMAP, opcode.SIZE, opcode.HASKEY, opcode.KEYS, opcode.VALUES,
 opcode.PICKITEM, opcode.APPEND, opcode.SETITEM, opcode.REVERSEITEMS,
 opcode.REMOVE, opcode.CLEARITEMS, opcode.POPITEM, opcode.ISNULL, opcode
pkg/compiler/codegen.go:2474:3                     exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type opcode.Opcode: opcode.PUSHINT8, opcode
.PUSHINT16, opcode.PUSHINT32, opcode.PUSHINT64, opcode.PUSHINT128,
opcode.PUSHINT256, opcode.PUSHT, opcode.PUSHF, opcode.PUSHNULL, opcode
.PUSHDATA1, opcode.PUSHDATA2, opcode.PUSHDATA4, opcode.PUSHM1, opcode
.PUSH0, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.PUSH3, opcode.PUSH4, opcode
.PUSH5, opcode.PUSH6, opcode.PUSH7, opcode.PUSH8, opcode.PUSH9, opcode
.PUSH10, opcode.PUSH11, opcode.PUSH12, opcode.PUSH13, opcode.PUSH14,
opcode.PUSH15, opcode.PUSH16, opcode.NOP, opcode.CALLA, opcode.CALLT,
opcode.ABORT, opcode.ASSERT, opcode.THROW, opcode.ENDFINALLY, opcode
.RET, opcode.SYSCALL, opcode.DEPTH, opcode.DROP, opcode.NIP, opcode
.XDROP, opcode.CLEAR, opcode.DUP, opcode.OVER, opcode.PICK, opcode.TUCK,
 opcode.SWAP, opcode.ROT, opcode.ROLL, opcode.REVERSE3, opcode.REVERSE4,
  opcode.REVERSEN, opcode.INITSSLOT, opcode.INITSLOT, opcode.LDSFLD0,
  opcode.LDSFLD1, opcode.LDSFLD2, opcode.LDSFLD3, opcode.LDSFLD4, opcode
  .LDSFLD5, opcode.LDSFLD6, opcode.LDSFLD, opcode.STSFLD0, opcode
  .STSFLD1, opcode.STSFLD2, opcode.STSFLD3, opcode.STSFLD4, opcode
  .STSFLD5, opcode.STSFLD6, opcode.STSFLD, opcode.LDLOC0, opcode.LDLOC1,
   opcode.LDLOC2, opcode.LDLOC3, opcode.LDLOC4, opcode.LDLOC5, opcode
   .LDLOC6, opcode.LDLOC, opcode.STLOC0, opcode.STLOC1, opcode.STLOC2,
   opcode.STLOC3, opcode.STLOC4, opcode.STLOC5, opcode.STLOC6, opcode
   .STLOC, opcode.LDARG0, opcode.LDARG1, opcode.LDARG2, opcode.LDARG3,
   opcode.LDARG4, opcode.LDARG5, opcode.LDARG6, opcode.LDARG, opcode
   .STARG0, opcode.STARG1, opcode.STARG2, opcode.STARG3, opcode.STARG4,
   opcode.STARG5, opcode.STARG6, opcode.STARG, opcode.NEWBUFFER, opcode
   .MEMCPY, opcode.CAT, opcode.SUBSTR, opcode.LEFT, opcode.RIGHT, opcode
   .INVERT, opcode.AND, opcode.OR, opcode.XOR, opcode.EQUAL, opcode
   .NOTEQUAL, opcode.SIGN, opcode.ABS, opcode.NEGATE, opcode.INC, opcode
   .DEC, opcode.ADD, opcode.SUB, opcode.MUL, opcode.DIV, opcode.MOD,
   opcode.POW, opcode.SQRT, opcode.MODMUL, opcode.MODPOW, opcode.SHL,
   opcode.SHR, opcode.NOT, opcode.BOOLAND, opcode.BOOLOR, opcode.NZ,
   opcode.NUMEQUAL, opcode.NUMNOTEQUAL, opcode.LT, opcode.LE, opcode.GT,
    opcode.GE, opcode.MIN, opcode.MAX, opcode.WITHIN, opcode.PACKMAP,
    opcode.PACKSTRUCT, opcode.PACK, opcode.UNPACK, opcode.NEWARRAY0,
    opcode.NEWARRAY, opcode.NEWARRAYT, opcode.NEWSTRUCT0, opcode
    .NEWSTRUCT, opcode.NEWMAP, opcode.SIZE, opcode.HASKEY, opcode.KEYS,
    opcode.VALUES, opcode.PICKITEM, opcode.APPEND, opcode.SETITEM,
    opcode.REVERSEITEMS, opcode.REMOVE, opcode.CLEARITEMS, opcode
    .POPITEM, opcode.ISNULL, opcode.ISTYPE, opcode.CONVERT, opcode
pkg/compiler/inline_test.go:34:3                   exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type opcode.Opcode: opcode.PUSHINT8, opcode
.PUSHINT16, opcode.PUSHINT32, opcode.PUSHINT64, opcode.PUSHINT128,
opcode.PUSHINT256, opcode.PUSHT, opcode.PUSHF, opcode.PUSHA, opcode
.PUSHNULL, opcode.PUSHDATA1, opcode.PUSHDATA2, opcode.PUSHDATA4, opcode
.PUSHM1, opcode.PUSH0, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.PUSH3, opcode
.PUSH4, opcode.PUSH5, opcode.PUSH6, opcode.PUSH7, opcode.PUSH8, opcode
.PUSH9, opcode.PUSH10, opcode.PUSH11, opcode.PUSH12, opcode.PUSH13,
opcode.PUSH14, opcode.PUSH15, opcode.PUSH16, opcode.NOP, opcode.JMP,
opcode.JMPL, opcode.JMPIF, opcode.JMPIFL, opcode.JMPIFNOT, opcode
.JMPIFNOTL, opcode.JMPEQ, opcode.JMPEQL, opcode.JMPNE, opcode.JMPNEL,
opcode.JMPGT, opcode.JMPGTL, opcode.JMPGE, opcode.JMPGEL, opcode.JMPLT,
opcode.JMPLTL, opcode.JMPLE, opcode.JMPLEL, opcode.CALLA, opcode.CALLT,
opcode.ABORT, opcode.ASSERT, opcode.THROW, opcode.TRY, opcode.TRYL,
opcode.ENDTRY, opcode.ENDTRYL, opcode.ENDFINALLY, opcode.RET, opcode
.SYSCALL, opcode.DEPTH, opcode.DROP, opcode.NIP, opcode.XDROP, opcode
.CLEAR, opcode.DUP, opcode.OVER, opcode.PICK, opcode.TUCK, opcode.SWAP,
opcode.ROT, opcode.ROLL, opcode.REVERSE3, opcode.REVERSE4, opcode
.REVERSEN, opcode.LDSFLD0, opcode.LDSFLD1, opcode.LDSFLD2, opcode
.LDSFLD3, opcode.LDSFLD4, opcode.LDSFLD5, opcode.LDSFLD6, opcode.LDSFLD,
 opcode.STSFLD0, opcode.STSFLD1, opcode.STSFLD2, opcode.STSFLD3, opcode
 .STSFLD4, opcode.STSFLD5, opcode.STSFLD6, opcode.STSFLD, opcode.LDLOC0,
  opcode.LDLOC1, opcode.LDLOC2, opcode.LDLOC3, opcode.LDLOC4, opcode
  .LDLOC5, opcode.LDLOC6, opcode.LDLOC, opcode.STLOC0, opcode.STLOC1,
  opcode.STLOC2, opcode.STLOC3, opcode.STLOC4, opcode.STLOC5, opcode
  .STLOC6, opcode.STLOC, opcode.LDARG0, opcode.LDARG1, opcode.LDARG2,
  opcode.LDARG3, opcode.LDARG4, opcode.LDARG5, opcode.LDARG6, opcode
  .LDARG, opcode.STARG0, opcode.STARG1, opcode.STARG2, opcode.STARG3,
  opcode.STARG4, opcode.STARG5, opcode.STARG6, opcode.STARG, opcode
  .NEWBUFFER, opcode.MEMCPY, opcode.CAT, opcode.SUBSTR, opcode.LEFT,
  opcode.RIGHT, opcode.INVERT, opcode.AND, opcode.OR, opcode.XOR, opcode
  .EQUAL, opcode.NOTEQUAL, opcode.SIGN, opcode.ABS, opcode.NEGATE,
  opcode.INC, opcode.DEC, opcode.ADD, opcode.SUB, opcode.MUL, opcode
  .DIV, opcode.MOD, opcode.POW, opcode.SQRT, opcode.MODMUL, opcode
  .MODPOW, opcode.SHL, opcode.SHR, opcode.NOT, opcode.BOOLAND, opcode
  .BOOLOR, opcode.NZ, opcode.NUMEQUAL, opcode.NUMNOTEQUAL, opcode.LT,
  opcode.LE, opcode.GT, opcode.GE, opcode.MIN, opcode.MAX, opcode
  .WITHIN, opcode.PACKMAP, opcode.PACKSTRUCT, opcode.PACK, opcode
  .UNPACK, opcode.NEWARRAY0, opcode.NEWARRAY, opcode.NEWARRAYT, opcode
  .NEWSTRUCT0, opcode.NEWSTRUCT, opcode.NEWMAP, opcode.SIZE, opcode
  .HASKEY, opcode.KEYS, opcode.VALUES, opcode.PICKITEM, opcode.APPEND,
  opcode.SETITEM, opcode.REVERSEITEMS, opcode.REMOVE, opcode.CLEARITEMS,
   opcode.POPITEM, opcode.ISNULL, opcode.ISTYPE, opcode.CONVERT, opcode

pkg/network/server.go:1395:3                       exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type network.CommandType: network.CMDNotFound,
network.CMDReject, network.CMDFilterLoad, network.CMDFilterAdd, network
.CMDFilterClear, network.CMDMerkleBlock, network.CMDAlert
pkg/network/server_test.go:532:3                   exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type network.CommandType: network.CMDVersion, network
.CMDVerack, network.CMDGetAddr, network.CMDAddr, network.CMDPing,
network.CMDPong, network.CMDGetHeaders, network.CMDHeaders, network
.CMDGetBlocks, network.CMDMempool, network.CMDInv, network.CMDGetData,
network.CMDGetBlockByIndex, network.CMDGetMPTData, network.CMDMPTData,
network.CMDReject, network.CMDFilterLoad, network.CMDFilterAdd, network
.CMDFilterClear, network.CMDMerkleBlock, network.CMDAlert
pkg/network/server_test.go:817:4                   exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type network.CommandType: network.CMDVersion, network
.CMDVerack, network.CMDGetAddr, network.CMDAddr, network.CMDPing,
network.CMDPong, network.CMDGetHeaders, network.CMDHeaders, network
.CMDGetBlocks, network.CMDMempool, network.CMDInv, network.CMDGetData,
network.CMDGetBlockByIndex, network.CMDNotFound, network.CMDTX, network
.CMDBlock, network.CMDExtensible, network.CMDP2PNotaryRequest, network
.CMDGetMPTData, network.CMDReject, network.CMDFilterLoad, network
.CMDFilterAdd, network.CMDFilterClear, network.CMDMerkleBlock, network

pkg/core/native/designate.go:262:2                 exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type noderoles.Role: noderoles.NeoFSAlphabet

pkg/neorpc/rpcevent/filter.go:36:2  exhaustive  missing cases in switch
of type neorpc.EventID: neorpc.InvalidEventID, neorpc.MissedEventID

pkg/consensus/recovery_message.go:145:2            exhaustive  missing
cases in switch of type dbft.MessageType: dbft.PreCommitType, dbft
.RecoveryRequestType, dbft.RecoveryMessageType

cli/cmdargs/parser.go:202:3  exhaustive  missing cases in switch of type
 transaction.WitnessScope: transaction.None, transaction.CalledByEntry,
 transaction.Rules, transaction.Global


Signed-off-by: Ekaterina Pavlova <>
2024-09-26 13:29:03 +03:00
Roman Khimov
565f8cfb7a *: fix copyloopvar warnings
Go 1.22+ allows to drop these:

  The copy of the 'for' variable "i" can be deleted (Go 1.22+) (copyloopvar)

Signed-off-by: Roman Khimov <>
2024-08-30 22:02:57 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
f84f072a29 network: take care of TestServerStartAndShutdown
We don't have a reliable way to know when transports are started since
their start is being performed in a separate goroutine:

927dbb6dc4/pkg/network/server.go (L297-L299)

And transports start is not connected with main server routine, thus,
just wait for some time for the transports goroutine to be started.

Also wait for the peer to be properly registered.

Close #3399.

Signed-off-by: Anna Shaleva <>
2024-04-04 13:29:47 +03:00
Ekaterina Pavlova
31548dc28f network: fix logging data race in the package
Nested goroutines could cause logging race.

Close #3316

Signed-off-by: Ekaterina Pavlova <>
2024-03-20 13:12:14 +03:00
Ekaterina Pavlova
775c56e87e network: ensure server is started and shut down only once
Use started atomic.Bool field to ensure that the node server shutdown
procedure is executed only once. Prevent the following panic caused by
server double-shutdown in testing code:
--- FAIL: TestServerRegisterPeer (0
 panic: closed twice
 goroutine 60 [running]:
 testing.tRunner.func1.2({0x104c40b20, 0x104d0ec90})
 	/opt/homebrew/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1545 +0x1c8
 	/opt/homebrew/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1548 +0x360
 panic({0x104c40b20?, 0x104d0ec90?})
 	/opt/homebrew/opt/go/libexec/src/runtime/panic.go:914 +0x218*fakeTransp).Close
 	/discovery_test.go:83 +0x54*Server).Shutdown
 	.go:408 +0x20
 	/opt/homebrew/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1169 +0x110
 testing.(*common).runCleanup(0x1400032c340, 0x14000159d80?)
 	/opt/homebrew/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1347 +0xd8
 	/opt/homebrew/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1589 +0x2c
 testing.tRunner(0x1400032c340, 0x104d0c5d0)
 	/opt/homebrew/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1601 +0x114
 created by testing.(*T).Run in goroutine 1
 	/opt/homebrew/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1648 +0x33c

Signed-off-by: Ekaterina Pavlova <>
2024-02-27 15:10:51 +03:00
Ekaterina Pavlova
f8dc5ec44f network: change server Start() behavior
Previously user should Start server in a separate goroutine. Now
separate goroutine is created inside the Start(). For normal server
operation, the caller should wait for Start to finish. Also, fixed
TestTryInitStateSync test which was exiting earlier than logs are

Close #3112

Signed-off-by: Ekaterina Pavlova <>
2024-02-27 15:10:51 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
dc3d1300dd *: replace with sync/atomic
Use sync/atomic everywhere and exclude from go.mod.
Close #2626.

Signed-off-by: Anna Shaleva <>
2023-10-12 17:59:34 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
f3c1283ac6 *: move NVB and Conflicts attributes out of extensions
They're a part of the regular protocol now.

Signed-off-by: Anna Shaleva <>
Signed-off-by: Roman Khimov <>
2023-09-04 16:39:44 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
966111f4a8 network: forbid Notary contract to be a sender of main transaction
This prevents the possible attack on notary request sender when
malicious partie is allowed to send notary request with main transaction
being someone else's fallback.

Signed-off-by: Anna Shaleva <>
2023-07-20 10:56:48 +03:00
Roman Khimov
433275265f *: use require.ErrorIs instead of require.True(t, error.Is())
This is just a much better way to do the same thing. Inspired by

Signed-off-by: Roman Khimov <>
2023-05-04 17:03:47 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
55ab38ed81 network: do not use error channel to start network srv
It's obsolete thing, we have looger and it perfectly suits our needs.

Signed-off-by: Anna Shaleva <>
2023-04-13 13:21:34 +03:00
Roman Khimov
7589733017 config: add a special Blockchain type to configure Blockchain
And include some node-specific configurations there with backwards
compatibility. Note that in the future we'll remove Ledger's
fields from the ProtocolConfiguration and it'll be possible to access them in
Blockchain directly (not via .Ledger).

The other option tried was using two configuration types separately, but that
incurs more changes to the codebase, single structure that behaves almost like
the old one is better for backwards compatibility.

Fixes #2676.
2022-12-07 17:35:53 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
9cf6cc61f4 network: allow multiple bind addresses for server
And replace Transporter.Address() with Transporter.HostPort() along the way.
2022-12-07 13:06:03 +03:00
Roman Khimov
23f118a1a9 network: rework discoverer/server interaction
* treat connected/handshaked peers separately in the discoverer, save
   "original" address for connected ones, it can be a name instead of IP and
   it's important to keep it to avoid reconnections
 * store name->IP mapping for seeds if and when they're connected to avoid
 * block seed if it's detected to be our own node (which is often the case for
   small private networks)
 * add an event for handshaked peers in the server, connected but
   non-handshaked ones are not really helpful for MinPeers or GetAddr logic

Fixes #2796.
2022-11-17 17:07:19 +03:00
Roman Khimov
c405092953 network: pre-filter transactions going into dbft
Drop some load from dbft loop during consensus process.
2022-11-11 15:32:51 +03:00
Roman Khimov
e1b5ac9b81 network: separate tx handling from msg handling
This allows to naturally scale transaction processing if we have some peer
that is sending a lot of them while others are mostly silent. It also can help
somewhat in the event we have 50 peers that all send transactions. 4+1
scenario benefits a lot from it, while 7+2 slows down a little. Delayed
scenarios don't care.

Surprisingly, this also makes disconnects (#2744) much more rare, 4-node
scenario almost never sees it now. Most probably this is the case where peers
affect each other a lot, single-threaded transaction receiver can be slow
enough to trigger some timeout in getdata handler of its peer (because it
tries to push a number of replies).
2022-10-21 12:11:24 +03:00
Roman Khimov
73ce898e27 network/consensus: use new dbft StopTxFlow callback
It makes sense in general (further narrowing down the time window when
transactions are processed by consensus thread) and it improves block times a
little too, especially in the 7+2 scenario.

Related to #2744.
2022-10-18 11:06:20 +03:00
Roman Khimov
bcf77c3c42 network: filter out not-yet-ready nodes when broadcasting
They can fail right in the getPeers or they can fail later when packet send
is attempted. Of course they can complete handshake in-between these events,
but most likely they won't and we'll waste more resources on this attempt. So
rule out bad peers immediately.
2022-10-12 16:51:01 +03:00
Roman Khimov
317dd42513 *: use uint*Size and SignatureLen constants where appropriate 2022-10-05 10:45:52 +03:00
Roman Khimov
155089f4e5 network: drop cleanup from TestVerifyNotaryRequest
It never runs the server, so 746644a4eb was a
bit wrong with this.
2022-08-19 20:54:06 +03:00
Roman Khimov
9b0ea2c21b network/consensus: always process dBFT messages as high priority
Move category definition from consensus to payload, consensus service is the
one of its kind (HP), so network.Server can be adjusted accordingly.
2022-08-02 13:07:18 +03:00
Roman Khimov
5a7fa2d3df cli: restart consensus service on USR2
Fix #1949. Also drop wallet from the ServerConfig since it's not used in any
meaningful way after this change.
2022-08-02 13:05:07 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
1ae601787d network: allow to handle GetMPTData with KeepOnlyLatestState on
And adjust documentation along the way.
2022-07-14 14:33:20 +03:00
Roman Khimov
2593bb0535 network: extend Service with Name, use it to distinguish services 2022-04-26 00:31:48 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
9bbd94d0fa network: tune waiting limits in tests
Some tests are failing on Windows due to slow runners with errors like the following:
2022-02-09T17:11:20.3127016Z     --- FAIL: TestGetData/transaction (1.82s)
2022-02-09T17:11:20.3127385Z         server_test.go:500:
2022-02-09T17:11:20.3127878Z             	Error Trace:	server_test.go:500
2022-02-09T17:11:20.3128533Z             	            				server_test.go:520
2022-02-09T17:11:20.3128978Z             	Error:      	Condition never satisfied
2022-02-09T17:11:20.3129479Z             	Test:       	TestGetData/transaction
2022-02-10 18:58:50 +03:00
Roman Khimov
60d6fa1125 network: keep a copy of the config inside of Server
Avoid copying the configuration again and again, make things a bit more
2022-01-24 18:43:01 +03:00
Roman Khimov
bc6d6e58bc network: always pass transactions to consensus process
Consensus can require conflicting transactions and it can require more
transactions than mempool can fit, all of this should work. Transactions will
be checked anyway using its secondary mempool. See the scenario from #668.
2022-01-14 20:08:40 +03:00
Roman Khimov
746644a4eb network: decouple it from blockchainer.Blockchainer
We don't need all of it.
2022-01-14 19:57:16 +03:00
Roman Khimov
bf1604454c blockchainer/network: move StateSync interface to the user
Only network package cares about it.
2022-01-14 19:57:14 +03:00
Roman Khimov
508d36f698 network: drop consensus dependency 2022-01-14 19:55:53 +03:00
Roman Khimov
66aafd868b network: unplug stateroot service from the Server
Notice that it makes the node accept Extensible payloads with any category
which is the same way C# node works. We're trusting Extensible senders,
improper payloads are harmless until they DoS the network, but we have some
protections against that too (and spamming with proper category doesn't differ
a lot).
2022-01-14 19:55:50 +03:00
Roman Khimov
5dd4db2c02 network/services: unify service lifecycle management
Run with Start, Stop with Shutdown, make behavior uniform.
2022-01-14 19:53:45 +03:00
Roman Khimov
48de82d902 network: fix data race in TestHandleMPTData, fix #2241 2021-11-15 12:37:01 +03:00
2d196b3f35 rpc: refactor calculatenetworkfee handler
Use (Blockchainer).VerifyWitness() to calculate network fee for
contract-based witnesses.
2021-10-25 19:07:25 +03:00
Evgeniy Stratonikov
4dd3a0d503 network: request headers in parallel, fix #2158
Do this similarly to how blocks are requested.
See also 4aa1a37.

Signed-off-by: Evgeniy Stratonikov <>
2021-10-06 15:25:54 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
6357af0bb0 network: fix race in TestHandleGetMPTData
Init server config before server start. Fixes the following data race:

Write at 0x00c00032ef20 by goroutine 26:
      /go/src/ +0x10a
      /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1193 +0x202

Previous read at 0x00c00032ef20 by goroutine 24:*FakeChain).GetConfig()
      /go/src/ +0x6f*Server).initStaleMemPools()
      /go/src/ +0x89*Server).Start()
      /go/src/ +0x288
      /go/src/ +0x44

Goroutine 26 (running) created at:
      /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1238 +0x5d7
      /go/src/ +0x8c
      /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1193 +0x202

Goroutine 24 (running) created at:
      /go/src/ +0x78
      /go/src/ +0xbd
      /go/src/ +0x55
      /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1193 +0x202
2021-09-13 11:45:48 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
29ef076f4b network: fix race in TestTryInitStateSync
Register peers properly. Fixes the following data race:
Read at 0x00c001184ac8 by goroutine 116:*localPeer).EnqueueHPPacket()
      /go/src/ +0x1f2*localPeer).EnqueuePacket()
      /go/src/ +0xac*localPeer).EnqueueMessage()
      /go/src/ +0xc1*localPeer).SendPing()
      /go/src/ +0x88*Server).runProto()
      /go/src/ +0x409

Previous write at 0x00c001184ac8 by goroutine 102:
      /go/src/ +0x476
      /go/src/ +0x40f
      /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1123 +0x202

Goroutine 116 (running) created at:*Server).run()
      /go/src/ +0x69*Server).Start()
      /go/src/ +0x488
      /go/src/ +0x44

Goroutine 102 (running) created at:
      /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1168 +0x5bb
      /go/src/ +0xbb
      /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1123 +0x202
2021-09-13 11:45:48 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
0fa48691f7 network: do not duplicate MPT nodes in GetMPTNodes response
Also tests are added.
2021-09-08 14:25:54 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
d67ff30704 core: implement statesync module
And support GetMPTData and MPTData P2P commands.
2021-09-07 19:43:27 +03:00
Roman Khimov
7fc153ed2a network: only ask mempool for intersections with received Inv
Most of the time on healthy network we see new transactions appearing that are
not present in the mempool. Once they get into mempool we don't ask for them
again when some other peer sends an Inv with them. Then these transactions are
usually added into block, removed from mempool and no one actually sends them
again to us. Some stale nodes can do that, but it's not very likely to

At the receiving end at the same time it's quite expensive to do full chain
HasTransaction() query, so if we can avoid doing that it's always good. Here
it technically allows resending old transaction that will be re-requested and
an attempt to add it to mempool will be made. But it'll inevitably fail
because the same HasTransaction() check is done there too. One can try to
maliciously flood the node with stale transactions but it doesn't differ from
flooding it with any other invalid transactions, so there is no new attack
vector added.

Baseline, 4 nodes with 10 workers:

RPS    6902.296 6465.662 6856.044 6785.515 6157.024 ≈ 6633   ± 4.26%
TPS    6468.431 6218.867 6610.565 6288.596 5790.556 ≈ 6275   ± 4.44%
CPU %    50.231   42.925   49.481   48.396   42.662 ≈   46.7 ± 7.01%
Mem MB 2856.841 2684.103 2756.195 2733.485 2422.787 ≈ 2691   ± 5.40%


RPS    7176.784 7014.511 6139.663 7191.280 7080.852 ≈ 6921   ± 5.72% ↑ 4.34%
TPS    6945.409 6562.756 5927.050 6681.187 6821.794 ≈ 6588   ± 5.38% ↑ 4.99%
CPU %    44.400   43.842   40.418   49.211   49.370 ≈   45.4 ± 7.53% ↓ 2.78%
Mem MB 2693.414 2640.602 2472.007 2731.482 2707.879 ≈ 2649   ± 3.53% ↓ 1.56%
2021-08-06 20:53:02 +03:00
Roman Khimov
c4e084b0d8 *: fix whitespace errors
leading/trailing newlines
2021-05-12 22:51:41 +03:00
Roman Khimov
0178594850 *: simpilfy make() invocations
gosimple: S1019: should use make([]byte, 64) instead
2021-05-12 18:36:45 +03:00
Roman Khimov
690a1db589 network: replace consensusStarted/canHandleExtens with syncReached flag
They're essentially the same.
2021-04-02 12:55:56 +03:00
Roman Khimov
0888cf9ed2 network: drop Network from Message
It's not used any more.
2021-03-26 13:45:18 +03:00
Roman Khimov
c789431402 payload: drop Network from P2PNotaryRequest
It's not needed now.
2021-03-26 13:45:18 +03:00
Roman Khimov
f91ff78918 payload: drop Network from Extensible
It's only used to sign/verify it and is not a part of the structure. It's
still neded in consensus.Payload though because that's the way dbft library
2021-03-26 13:45:18 +03:00
Roman Khimov
95c279325a block: drop Network from the Header
It's not network-tied any more, network is only needed to
sign/verify. Unfortunately we still have to keep network in consensus data
structures because of dbft library interface.
2021-03-26 13:45:18 +03:00
Roman Khimov
d314f82db3 transaction: drop Network from Transaction
We only need it when signing/verifying.
2021-03-26 13:45:18 +03:00
Evgeniy Stratonikov
f83b376181 block: replace Base with Header 2021-03-10 13:38:44 +03:00
Anna Shaleva
2c81fc8b8e *: upgrade tests to use T.Cleanup() 2021-03-01 17:08:00 +03:00