# RPC ## Client Client is provided as a Go package, so please refer to the [relevant godocs page](https://godoc.org/github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/rpcclient). ## Server The server is written to support as much of the [JSON-RPC 2.0 Spec](http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification) as possible. The server is run as part of the node currently. ### Example call An example would be viewing the version of the node: ```bash $ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "getversion", "params": [], "id": 1}' http://localhost:20332 ``` which would yield the response: ```json { "result" : { "useragent" : "/NEO-GO:0.97.2/", "tcpport" : 10333, "network" : 860833102, "nonce" : 105745208 }, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "id" : 1 } ``` ### Supported methods | Method | | ------- | | `calculatenetworkfee` | | `findstates` | | `findstorage` | | `getapplicationlog` | | `getbestblockhash` | | `getblock` | | `getblockcount` | | `getblockhash` | | `getblockheader` | | `getblockheadercount` | | `getcandidates` | | `getcommittee` | | `getconnectioncount` | | `getcontractstate` | | `getnativecontracts` | | `getnep11balances` | | `getnep11properties` | | `getnep11transfers` | | `getnep17balances` | | `getnep17transfers` | | `getnextblockvalidators` | | `getpeers` | | `getproof` | | `getrawmempool` | | `getrawtransaction` | | `getstate` | | `getstateheight` | | `getstateroot` | | `getstorage` | | `gettransactionheight` | | `getunclaimedgas` | | `getversion` | | `invokecontractverify` | | `invokefunction` | | `invokescript` | | `sendrawtransaction` | | `submitblock` | | `submitoracleresponse` | | `terminatesession` | | `traverseiterator` | | `validateaddress` | | `verifyproof` | #### Implementation notices ##### JSON representation of enumerations C# implementation contains a number of enumerations and while it outputs them into JSON as comma-separated strings (or just strings if only one value is allowed for this type) it accepts pure numbers for input (see #2563 for example). NeoGo currently doesn't support this behavior. This affects the following data types: * transaction attribute type * oracle response code * transaction witness scope * rule witness action * condition rule witness type * function call flag * function call parameter type * execution trigger type * stack item type Any call that takes any of these types for input in JSON format is affected. ##### Response error codes NeoGo currently uses a different set of error codes in comparison to C# implementation, see [proposal](https://github.com/neo-project/proposals/pull/156). NeoGo retains certain deprecated error codes, which will be removed once all nodes adopt the new error standard. ##### `calculatenetworkfee` NeoGo tries to cover more cases with its calculatenetworkfee implementation, whereas C# node support only standard signature contracts and deployed contracts that can execute `verify` successfully on incomplete (not yet signed properly) transaction, NeoGo also works with deployed contracts that fail at this stage and executes non-standard contracts (that can fail too). It's ignoring the result of any verification script (since the method calculates fee and doesn't care about transaction validity). Invocation script is used as is when provided, but absent it the system will try to infer one based on the `verify` method signature (pushing dummy signatures or hashes). If signature has some types which contents can't be adequately guessed (arrays, maps, interop, void) they're ignored. See neo-project/neo#2805 as well. ##### `invokefunction`, `invokescript` neo-go implementation of `invokefunction` does not return `tx` field in the answer because that requires signing the transaction with some key in the server, which doesn't fit the model of our node-client interactions. If this signature is lacking, the transaction is almost useless, so there is no point in returning it. It's possible to use `invokefunction` not only with a contract scripthash, but also with a contract name (for native contracts) or a contract ID (for all contracts). This feature is not supported by the C# node. If iterator is present on stack after function or script invocation then, depending on `SessionEnable` RPC-server setting, iterator either will be marshalled as iterator ID (corresponds to `SessionEnabled: true`) or as a set of traversed iterator values up to `DefaultMaxIteratorResultItems` packed into array (corresponds to `SessionEnabled: false`). ##### `getcontractstate` It's possible to get non-native contract state by its ID, unlike with C# node where it only works for native contracts. ##### `getrawtransaction` VM state is included into verbose response along with other transaction fields if the transaction is already on chain. ##### `getstateroot` This method is able to accept state root hash instead of index, unlike the C# node where only index is accepted. ##### `getstorage` This method doesn't work for the Ledger contract, you can get data via regular `getblock` and `getrawtransaction` calls. This method is able to get storage of a native contract by its name (case-insensitive), unlike the C# node where it only possible for index or hash. ##### `getnep11balances` and `getnep17balances` neo-go implementation of `getnep11balances` and `getnep17balances` does not perform tracking of NEP-11 and NEP-17 balances for each account as it is done in the C# node. Instead, a neo-go node maintains a list of standard-compliant contracts, i.e. those contracts that have `NEP-11` or `NEP-17` declared in the supported standards section of the manifest. Each time balances are queried, the neo-go node asks every NEP-11/NEP-17 contract for the account balance by invoking `balanceOf` method with the corresponding args. Invocation GAS limit is set to be 3 GAS. All non-zero balances are included in the RPC call result. Thus, if a token contract doesn't have proper standard declared in the list of supported standards but emits compliant NEP-11/NEP-17 `Transfer` notifications, the token balance won't be shown in the list of balances returned by the neo-go node (unlike the C# node behavior). However, transfer logs of such tokens are still available via respective `getnepXXtransfers` RPC calls. The behavior of the `LastUpdatedBlock` tracking for archival nodes as far as for governing token balances matches the C# node's one. For non-archival nodes and other NEP-11/NEP-17 tokens, if transfer's `LastUpdatedBlock` is lower than the latest state synchronization point P the node working against, `LastUpdatedBlock` equals P. For NEP-11 NFTs `LastUpdatedBlock` is equal for all tokens of the same asset. ##### `getversion` NeoGo can return additional fields in the `protocol` object depending on the extensions enabled. Specifically that's `p2psigextensions` and `staterootinheader` booleans and `committeehistory` and `validatorshistory` objects (that are effectively maps from stringified integers to other integers. These fields are only returned when corresponding settings are enabled in the server's protocol configuration. ##### `getnep11transfers` and `getnep17transfers` `transfernotifyindex` is not tracked by NeoGo, thus this field is always zero. ##### `traverseiterator` and `terminatesession` NeoGo returns an error when it is unable to find a session or iterator, unlike the error-free C# response that provides a default result. ##### `verifyProof` NeoGo can generate an error in response to an invalid proof, unlike the error-free C# implementation. ### Unsupported methods Methods listed below are not going to be supported for various reasons and we're not accepting issues related to them. | Method | Reason | | ------- | ------------| | `closewallet` | Doesn't fit neo-go wallet model | | `dumpprivkey` | Shouldn't exist for security reasons, see `closewallet` comment also | | `getnewaddress` | See `closewallet` comment, use CLI to do that | | `getwalletbalance` | See `closewallet` comment, use `getnep17balances` for that | | `getwalletunclaimedgas` | See `closewallet` comment, use `getunclaimedgas` for that | | `importprivkey` | Not applicable to neo-go, see `closewallet` comment | | `listaddress` | Not applicable to neo-go, see `closewallet` comment | | `listplugins` | neo-go doesn't have any plugins, so it makes no sense | | `openwallet` | Doesn't fit neo-go wallet model | | `sendfrom` | Not applicable to neo-go, see `openwallet` comment | | `sendmany` | Not applicable to neo-go, see `openwallet` comment | | `sendtoaddress` | Not applicable to neo-go, see `claimgas` comment | ### Extensions Some additional extensions are implemented as a part of this RPC server. #### `getblocksysfee` call This method returns cumulative system fee for all transactions included in a block. It can be removed in future versions, but at the moment you can use it to see how much GAS is burned with a particular block (because system fees are burned). #### Historic calls A set of `*historic` extension methods provide the ability of interacting with *historical* chain state including invoking contract methods, running scripts and retrieving contract storage items. It means that the contracts' storage state has all its values got from MPT with the specified stateroot from past (or, which is the same, with the stateroot of the block of the specified height). All operations related to the contract storage will be performed using this past contracts' storage state and using interop context (if required by the RPC handler) with a block which is next to the block with the specified height. Any historical RPC call needs the historical chain state to be presented in the node storage, thus if the node keeps only latest MPT state the historical call can not be handled properly and [neorpc.ErrUnsupportedState](https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/blob/87e4b6beaafa3c180184cbbe88ba143378c5024c/pkg/neorpc/errors.go#L134) is returned in this case. The historical calls only guaranteed to correctly work on archival node that stores all MPT data. If a node keeps the number of latest states and has the GC on (this setting corresponds to the `RemoveUntraceableBlocks` set to `true`), then the behaviour of historical RPC call is undefined. GC can always kick some data out of the storage while the historical call is executing, thus keep in mind that the call can be processed with `RemoveUntraceableBlocks` only with limitations on available data. ##### `invokecontractverifyhistoric`, `invokefunctionhistoric` and `invokescripthistoric` calls These methods provide the ability of *historical* calls and accept block hash or block index or stateroot hash as the first parameter and the list of parameters that is the same as of `invokecontractverify`, `invokefunction` and `invokescript` correspondingly. The historical call assumes that the contracts' storage state has all its values got from MPT with the specified stateroot (or, which is the same, with the stateroot of the block of the specified height) and the transaction will be invoked using interop context with block which is next to the block with the specified height. This allows to perform test invocation using the specified past chain state. These methods may be useful for debugging purposes. ##### `getstoragehistoric` and `findstoragehistoric` calls These methods provide the ability of retrieving *historical* contract storage items and accept stateroot hash as the first parameter and the list of parameters that is the same as of `getstorage` and `findstorage` correspondingly. The historical storage items retrieval process assume that the contracts' storage state has all its values got from MPT with the specified stateroot. This allows to track the contract storage scheme using the specified past chain state. These methods may be useful for debugging purposes. #### P2PNotary extensions The following P2PNotary extensions can be used on P2P Notary enabled networks only. ##### `getrawnotarypool` call `getrawnotarypool` method provides the ability to retrieve the content of the RPC node's notary pool (a map from main transaction hashes to the corresponding fallback transaction hashes for currently processing P2PNotaryRequest payloads). You can use the `getrawnotarytransaction` method to iterate through the results of `getrawnotarypool`, retrieve main/fallback transactions, check their contents and act accordingly. ##### `getrawnotarytransaction` call The `getrawnotarytransaction` method takes a transaction hash and aims to locate the corresponding transaction in the P2PNotaryRequest pool. It performs this search across all the verified main and fallback transactions. ##### `submitnotaryrequest` call This method can be used on P2P Notary enabled networks to submit new notary payloads to be relayed from RPC to P2P. #### Limits and paging for getnep11transfers and getnep17transfers `getnep11transfers` and `getnep17transfers` RPC calls never return more than 1000 results for one request (within the specified time frame). You can pass your own limit via an additional parameter and then use paging to request the next batch of transfers. An example of requesting 10 events for address NbTiM6h8r99kpRtb428XcsUk1TzKed2gTc within 0-1600094189000 timestamps: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 5, "method": "getnep17transfers", "params": ["NbTiM6h8r99kpRtb428XcsUk1TzKed2gTc", 0, 1600094189000, 10] } ``` Get the next 10 transfers for the same account within the same time frame: ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 5, "method": "getnep17transfers", "params": ["NbTiM6h8r99kpRtb428XcsUk1TzKed2gTc", 0, 1600094189000, 10, 1] } ``` #### Websocket server This server accepts websocket connections on `ws://$BASE_URL/ws` address. You can use it to perform regular RPC calls over websockets (it's supposed to be a little faster than going regular HTTP route) and you can also use it for additional functionality provided only via websockets (like notifications). #### Notification subsystem Notification subsystem consists of two additional RPC methods (`subscribe` and `unsubscribe` working only over websocket connection) that allow to subscribe to various blockchain events (with simple event filtering) and receive them on the client as JSON-RPC notifications. More details on that are written in the [notifications specification](notifications.md). ## Reference * [JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification](http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification) * [Neo JSON-RPC 2.0 docs](https://docs.neo.org/docs/en-us/reference/rpc/latest-version/api.html)