package vm import ( "bytes" "encoding/base64" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" gio "io" "math/big" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type readCloser struct { sync.Mutex bytes.Buffer } func (r *readCloser) Close() error { return nil } func (r *readCloser) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() return r.Buffer.Read(p) } func (r *readCloser) WriteString(s string) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Buffer.WriteString(s) } type executor struct { in *readCloser out *bytes.Buffer cli *CLI ch chan struct{} exit atomic.Bool } func newTestVMCLI(t *testing.T) *executor { return newTestVMCLIWithLogo(t, false) } func newTestVMCLIWithLogo(t *testing.T, printLogo bool) *executor { return newTestVMCLIWithLogoAndCustomConfig(t, printLogo, nil) } func newTestVMCLIWithLogoAndCustomConfig(t *testing.T, printLogo bool, cfg *config.Config) *executor { e := &executor{ in: &readCloser{Buffer: *bytes.NewBuffer(nil)}, out: bytes.NewBuffer(nil), ch: make(chan struct{}), } var c config.Config if cfg == nil { configPath := "../../config/protocol.unit_testnet.single.yml" var err error c, err = config.LoadFile(configPath) require.NoError(t, err, "could not load chain config") c.ApplicationConfiguration.DBConfiguration.Type = dbconfig.InMemoryDB } else { c = *cfg } var err error e.cli, err = NewWithConfig(printLogo, func(int) { e.exit.Store(true) }, &readline.Config{ Prompt: "", Stdin:, Stderr: e.out, Stdout: e.out, FuncIsTerminal: func() bool { return false }, }, c) require.NoError(t, err) return e } // newTestVMClIWithState creates executor backed by level DB filled by simple chain. // LevelDB-backed CLI must be exited on cleanup. func newTestVMClIWithState(t *testing.T) *executor { // Firstly create a DB with chain, save and close it. path := t.TempDir() opts := dbconfig.LevelDBOptions{ DataDirectoryPath: path, } store, err := storage.NewLevelDBStore(opts) require.NoError(t, err) customConfig := func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) { c.StateRootInHeader = true // Need for P2PStateExchangeExtensions check. c.P2PSigExtensions = true // Need for basic chain initializer. } bc, validators, committee, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, store) require.NoError(t, err) go bc.Run() e := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bc, validators, committee) basicchain.InitSimple(t, "../../", e) bc.Close() // After that create CLI backed by created chain. configPath := "../../config/protocol.unit_testnet.yml" cfg, err := config.LoadFile(configPath) require.NoError(t, err) cfg.ApplicationConfiguration.DBConfiguration.Type = dbconfig.LevelDB cfg.ApplicationConfiguration.DBConfiguration.LevelDBOptions = opts cfg.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader = true return newTestVMCLIWithLogoAndCustomConfig(t, false, &cfg) } func (e *executor) runProg(t *testing.T, commands ...string) { e.runProgWithTimeout(t, 4*time.Second, commands...) } func (e *executor) runProgWithTimeout(t *testing.T, timeout time.Duration, commands ...string) { cmd := strings.Join(commands, "\n") + "\n" + "\n") go func() { require.NoError(t, e.cli.Run()) close( }() select { case < case <-time.After(timeout): require.Fail(t, "command took too long time") } } func (e *executor) checkNextLine(t *testing.T, expected string) { line, err := e.out.ReadString('\n') require.NoError(t, err) require.Regexp(t, expected, line) } func (e *executor) checkNextLineExact(t *testing.T, expected string) { line, err := e.out.ReadString('\n') require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, expected, line) } func (e *executor) checkError(t *testing.T, expectedErr error) { line, err := e.out.ReadString('\n') require.NoError(t, err) expected := "Error: " + expectedErr.Error() require.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(line, expected), fmt.Errorf("expected `%s`, got `%s`", expected, line)) } func (e *executor) checkStack(t *testing.T, items ...interface{}) { d := json.NewDecoder(e.out) var actual interface{} require.NoError(t, d.Decode(&actual)) rawActual, err := json.Marshal(actual) require.NoError(t, err) expected := vm.NewStack("") for i := range items { expected.PushVal(items[i]) } rawExpected, err := json.Marshal(expected) require.NoError(t, err) require.JSONEq(t, string(rawExpected), string(rawActual)) // Decoder has it's own buffer, we need to return unread part to the output. outRemain := e.out.String() e.out.Reset() _, err = gio.Copy(e.out, d.Buffered()) require.NoError(t, err) e.out.WriteString(outRemain) _, err = e.out.ReadString('\n') require.NoError(t, err) } func (e *executor) checkEvents(t *testing.T, isKeywordExpected bool, events ...state.NotificationEvent) { if isKeywordExpected { e.checkNextLine(t, "Events:") } d := json.NewDecoder(e.out) var actual interface{} require.NoError(t, d.Decode(&actual)) rawActual, err := json.Marshal(actual) require.NoError(t, err) rawExpected, err := json.Marshal(events) require.NoError(t, err) require.JSONEq(t, string(rawExpected), string(rawActual)) // Decoder has it's own buffer, we need to return unread part to the output. outRemain := e.out.String() e.out.Reset() _, err = gio.Copy(e.out, d.Buffered()) require.NoError(t, err) e.out.WriteString(outRemain) _, err = e.out.ReadString('\n') require.NoError(t, err) } func (e *executor) checkStorage(t *testing.T, kvs { for _, kv := range kvs { e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", hex.EncodeToString(kv.Key), hex.EncodeToString(kv.Value))) } } type storageChange struct { ContractID int32 dboper.Operation } func (e *executor) checkChange(t *testing.T, c storageChange) { e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("Contract ID: %d", c.ContractID)) e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("State: %s", c.State)) e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("Key: %s", hex.EncodeToString(c.Key))) if c.Value != nil { e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("Value: %s", hex.EncodeToString(c.Value))) } } func (e *executor) checkSlot(t *testing.T, items ...interface{}) { d := json.NewDecoder(e.out) var actual interface{} require.NoError(t, d.Decode(&actual)) rawActual, err := json.Marshal(actual) require.NoError(t, err) expected := make([]json.RawMessage, len(items)) for i := range items { if items[i] == nil { expected[i] = []byte("null") continue } data, err := stackitem.ToJSONWithTypes(stackitem.Make(items[i])) require.NoError(t, err) expected[i] = data } rawExpected, err := json.MarshalIndent(expected, "", " ") require.NoError(t, err) require.JSONEq(t, string(rawExpected), string(rawActual)) // Decoder has it's own buffer, we need to return unread part to the output. outRemain := e.out.String() e.out.Reset() _, err = gio.Copy(e.out, d.Buffered()) require.NoError(t, err) e.out.WriteString(outRemain) _, err = e.out.ReadString('\n') require.NoError(t, err) } func TestLoad(t *testing.T) { script := []byte{byte(opcode.PUSH3), byte(opcode.PUSH4), byte(opcode.ADD)} ownerAddress := "NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB" ownerAcc, err := address.StringToUint160(ownerAddress) require.NoError(t, err) sideAcc := util.Uint160{1, 2, 3} buff := io.NewBufBinWriter() emit.Bytes(buff.BinWriter, ownerAcc.BytesBE()) emit.Syscall(buff.BinWriter, interopnames.SystemRuntimeCheckWitness) checkWitnessScript := buff.Bytes() t.Run("loadhex", func(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "loadhex", "loadhex notahex", "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script), "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+ownerAddress, // owner:DefaultScope => true "run", "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+ownerAddress+":None", // owner:None => false "run", "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+ownerAcc.StringLE(), // ownerLE:DefaultScope => true "run", "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" 0x"+ownerAcc.StringLE(), // owner0xLE:DefaultScope => true "run", "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+sideAcc.StringLE(), // sideLE:DefaultScope => false "run", ) e.checkError(t, ErrMissingParameter) e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 3 instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, false) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, false) }) t.Run("loadbase64", func(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "loadbase64", "loadbase64 not_a_base64", "loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(script), "loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+ownerAddress, // owner:DefaultScope => true "run", "loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+ownerAddress+":None", // owner:None => false "run", "loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+ownerAcc.StringLE(), // ownerLE:DefaultScope => true "run", "loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" 0x"+ownerAcc.StringLE(), // owner0xLE:DefaultScope => true "run", "loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+sideAcc.StringLE(), // sideLE:DefaultScope => false "run", ) e.checkError(t, ErrMissingParameter) e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 3 instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, false) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, false) }) src := `package kek func Main(op string, a, b int) int { if op == "add" { return a + b } else { return a * b } }` tmpDir := t.TempDir() checkLoadgo := func(t *testing.T, tName, cName, cErrName string) { t.Run("loadgo "+tName, func(t *testing.T) { filename := filepath.Join(tmpDir, cName) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filename, []byte(src), os.ModePerm)) filename = "'" + filename + "'" filenameErr := filepath.Join(tmpDir, cErrName) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filenameErr, []byte(src+"invalid_token"), os.ModePerm)) filenameErr = "'" + filenameErr + "'" goMod := []byte(`module test.example/vmcli go 1.17`) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "go.mod"), goMod, os.ModePerm)) e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProgWithTimeout(t, 10*time.Second, "loadgo", "loadgo "+filenameErr, "loadgo "+filename, "run main add 3 5") e.checkError(t, ErrMissingParameter) e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions") e.checkStack(t, 8) }) } checkLoadgo(t, "simple", "vmtestcontract.go", "vmtestcontract_err.go") checkLoadgo(t, "utf-8 with spaces", "тестовый контракт.go", "тестовый контракт с ошибкой.go") prepareLoadgoSrc := func(t *testing.T, srcAllowNotify string) string { filename := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "vmtestcontract.go") require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filename, []byte(srcAllowNotify), os.ModePerm)) filename = "'" + filename + "'" wd, err := os.Getwd() require.NoError(t, err) goMod := []byte(`module test.example/kek require ( v0.0.0 ) replace => ` + filepath.Join(wd, "../../pkg/interop") + ` go 1.17`) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "go.mod"), goMod, os.ModePerm)) return filename } t.Run("loadgo, check calling flags", func(t *testing.T) { srcAllowNotify := `package kek import "" func Main() int { runtime.Log("Hello, world!") return 1 } ` filename := prepareLoadgoSrc(t, srcAllowNotify) e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "loadgo "+filename, "run main") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions") e.checkStack(t, 1) }) t.Run("loadgo, check signers", func(t *testing.T) { srcCheckWitness := `package kek import ( "" "" ) func Main() bool { var owner = util.FromAddress("` + ownerAddress + `") return runtime.CheckWitness(owner) } ` filename := prepareLoadgoSrc(t, srcCheckWitness) e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "loadgo "+filename+" "+ownerAddress, // owner:DefaultScope => true "run main", "loadgo "+filename+" "+ownerAddress+":None", // owner:None => false "run main", "loadgo "+filename+" "+ownerAcc.StringLE(), // ownerLE:DefaultScope => true "run main", "loadgo "+filename+" 0x"+ownerAcc.StringLE(), // owner0xLE:DefaultScope => true "run main", "loadgo "+filename+" "+sideAcc.StringLE(), // sideLE:DefaultScope => false "run main") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, false) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, false) }) t.Run("loadnef", func(t *testing.T) { config.Version = "0.92.0-test" nefFile, di, err := compiler.CompileWithOptions("test.go", strings.NewReader(src), nil) require.NoError(t, err) filename := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "vmtestcontract.nef") rawNef, err := nefFile.Bytes() require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filename, rawNef, os.ModePerm)) m, err := di.ConvertToManifest(&compiler.Options{}) require.NoError(t, err) manifestFile := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "vmtestcontract.manifest.json") rawManifest, err := json.Marshal(m) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(manifestFile, rawManifest, os.ModePerm)) filenameErr := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "vmtestcontract_err.nef") require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filenameErr, append([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4}, rawNef...), os.ModePerm)) notExists := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "notexists.json") manifestFile = "'" + manifestFile + "'" filename = "'" + filename + "'" filenameErr = "'" + filenameErr + "'" e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "loadnef", "loadnef "+filenameErr+" "+manifestFile, "loadnef "+filename+" "+notExists, "loadnef "+filename+" "+filename, "loadnef "+filename+" "+manifestFile, "run main add 3 5") e.checkError(t, ErrMissingParameter) e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:") e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:") e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions") e.checkStack(t, 8) }) } func TestRunWithDifferentArguments(t *testing.T) { src := `package kek var a = 1 func init() { a += 1 } func InitHasRun() bool { return a == 2 } func Negate(arg bool) bool { return !arg } func GetInt(arg int) int { return arg } func GetString(arg string) string { return arg } func GetArr(arg []interface{}) []interface{}{ return arg }` tmpDir := t.TempDir() filename := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "run_vmtestcontract.go") require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filename, []byte(src), os.ModePerm)) filename = "'" + filename + "'" e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProgWithTimeout(t, 30*time.Second, "loadgo "+filename, "run notexists", "loadgo "+filename, "run negate false", "loadgo "+filename, "run negate true", "loadgo "+filename, "run negate bool:invalid", "loadgo "+filename, "run getInt 123", "loadgo "+filename, "run getInt int:invalid", "loadgo "+filename, "run getString validstring", "loadgo "+filename, "run initHasRun", "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString([]byte{byte(opcode.ADD)}), "run _ 1 2", "loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte{byte(opcode.MUL)}), "run _ 21 2", "loadgo "+filename, "run getArr [ 1 2 3 ]", ) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions") e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions") e.checkStack(t, false) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions") e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions") e.checkStack(t, 123) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions") e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions") e.checkStack(t, "validstring") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions") e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions") e.checkStack(t, 3) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions") e.checkStack(t, 42) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions") e.checkStack(t, []stackitem.Item{ stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(1)), stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(2)), stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(3)), }) } func TestPrintOps(t *testing.T) { w := io.NewBufBinWriter() emit.String(w.BinWriter, "log") emit.Syscall(w.BinWriter, interopnames.SystemRuntimeLog) emit.Instruction(w.BinWriter, opcode.PUSHDATA1, []byte{3, 1, 2, 3}) script := w.Bytes() e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "ops", "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script), "ops") e.checkNextLine(t, ".*no program loaded") e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("READY: loaded %d instructions", len(script))) e.checkNextLine(t, "INDEX.*OPCODE.*PARAMETER") e.checkNextLine(t, "0.*PUSHDATA1.*6c6f67") e.checkNextLine(t, "5.*SYSCALL.*System\\.Runtime\\.Log") e.checkNextLine(t, "10.*PUSHDATA1.*010203") } func TestLoadAbort(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSH1), byte(opcode.ABORT)}), "run", ) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 2 instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:.*at instruction 1.*ABORT") } func TestBreakpoint(t *testing.T) { w := io.NewBufBinWriter() emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.ADD, opcode.PUSH6, opcode.ADD) e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "break 3", "cont", "ip", "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(w.Bytes()), "break", "break second", "break 2", "break 4", "cont", "estack", "run", "estack", "cont", ) e.checkNextLine(t, "no program loaded") e.checkNextLine(t, "no program loaded") e.checkNextLine(t, "no program loaded") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 5 instructions") e.checkError(t, ErrMissingParameter) e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter) e.checkNextLine(t, "breakpoint added at instruction 2") e.checkNextLine(t, "breakpoint added at instruction 4") e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 2.*ADD") e.checkStack(t, 1, 2) e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 4.*ADD") e.checkStack(t, 3, 6) e.checkStack(t, 9) } func TestDumpSSlot(t *testing.T) { w := io.NewBufBinWriter() emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.INITSSLOT, 2, // init static slot with size=2 opcode.PUSH5, opcode.STSFLD, 1, // put `int(5)` to sslot[1]; sslot[0] is nil opcode.LDSFLD1) // put sslot[1] to the top of estack e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(w.Bytes()), "break 5", "step", "sslot", "cont", "estack", ) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 6 instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, "breakpoint added at instruction 5") e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 5.*LDSFLD1") e.checkSlot(t, nil, 5) e.checkStack(t, 5) } func TestDumpLSlot_DumpASlot(t *testing.T) { w := io.NewBufBinWriter() emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.PUSH4, opcode.PUSH5, opcode.PUSH6, // items for args slot opcode.INITSLOT, 2, 3, // init local slot with size=2 and args slot with size 3 opcode.PUSH7, opcode.STLOC1, // put `int(7)` to lslot[1]; lslot[0] is nil opcode.LDLOC, 1) // put lslot[1] to the top of estack e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(w.Bytes()), "break 6", "break 8", "cont", "aslot", "cont", "lslot", "cont", "estack", ) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 10 instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, "breakpoint added at instruction 6") e.checkNextLine(t, "breakpoint added at instruction 8") e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 6.*PUSH7") e.checkSlot(t, 6, 5, 4) // args slot e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 8.*LDLOC") e.checkSlot(t, nil, 7) // local slot e.checkStack(t, 7) } func TestStep(t *testing.T) { script := hex.EncodeToString([]byte{ byte(opcode.PUSH0), byte(opcode.PUSH1), byte(opcode.PUSH2), byte(opcode.PUSH3), }) e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "step", "loadhex "+script, "step invalid", "step", "step 2", "ip", "step", "ip") e.checkNextLine(t, "no program loaded") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter) e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 1.*PUSH1") e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 3.*PUSH3") e.checkNextLine(t, "instruction pointer at 3.*PUSH3") e.checkNextLine(t, "execution has finished") e.checkNextLine(t, "execution has finished") } func TestErrorOnStepInto(t *testing.T) { script := hex.EncodeToString([]byte{byte(opcode.ADD)}) e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "stepover", "loadhex "+script, "stepover") e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:.*no program loaded") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 1 instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:") } func TestStepIntoOverOut(t *testing.T) { script := hex.EncodeToString([]byte{ byte(opcode.PUSH2), byte(opcode.CALL), 4, byte(opcode.NOP), byte(opcode.RET), byte(opcode.PUSH3), byte(opcode.ADD), byte(opcode.RET), }) e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "loadhex "+script, "step", "stepover", "run", "loadhex "+script, "step", "stepinto", "step", "estack", "run", "loadhex "+script, "step", "stepinto", "stepout", "run") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 8 instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 1.*CALL") e.checkNextLine(t, "instruction pointer at.*NOP") e.checkStack(t, 5) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 8 instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint.*CALL") e.checkNextLine(t, "instruction pointer at.*PUSH3") e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint.*ADD") e.checkStack(t, 2, 3) e.checkStack(t, 5) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 8 instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 1.*CALL") e.checkNextLine(t, "instruction pointer at.*PUSH3") e.checkNextLine(t, "instruction pointer at.*NOP") e.checkStack(t, 5) } // `Parse` output is written via `tabwriter` so if any problems // are encountered in this test, try to replace ' ' with '\\s+'. func TestParse(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Integer", func(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "parse", "parse 6667") e.checkError(t, ErrMissingParameter) e.checkNextLine(t, "Integer to Hex.*0b1a") e.checkNextLine(t, "Integer to Base64.*Cxo=") e.checkNextLine(t, "Hex to String.*\"fg\"") e.checkNextLine(t, "Hex to Integer.*26470") e.checkNextLine(t, "Swap Endianness.*6766") e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to String.*\"뮻\"") e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to BigInteger.*-4477205") e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Hex.*36363637") e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Base64.*NjY2Nw==") }) t.Run("Address", func(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "parse "+"NbTiM6h8r99kpRtb428XcsUk1TzKed2gTc") e.checkNextLine(t, "Address to BE ScriptHash.*aa8acf859d4fe402b34e673f2156821796a488eb") e.checkNextLine(t, "Address to LE ScriptHash.*eb88a496178256213f674eb302e44f9d85cf8aaa") e.checkNextLine(t, "Address to Base64.*(BE).*qorPhZ1P5AKzTmc/IVaCF5akiOs=") e.checkNextLine(t, "Address to Base64.*(LE).*64iklheCViE/Z06zAuRPnYXPiqo=") e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Hex.*4e6254694d3668387239396b70527462343238586373556b31547a4b656432675463") e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Base64.*TmJUaU02aDhyOTlrcFJ0YjQyOFhjc1VrMVR6S2VkMmdUYw==") }) t.Run("Uint160", func(t *testing.T) { u := util.Uint160{66, 67, 68} e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "parse "+u.StringLE()) e.checkNextLine(t, "Integer to Hex.*b6c706") e.checkNextLine(t, "Integer to Base64.*tscG") e.checkNextLine(t, "BE ScriptHash to Address.*NKuyBkoGdZZSLyPbJEetheRhQKhATAzN2A") e.checkNextLine(t, "LE ScriptHash to Address.*NRxLN7apYwKJihzMt4eSSnU9BJ77dp2TNj") e.checkNextLine(t, "Hex to String") e.checkNextLine(t, "Hex to Integer.*378293464438118320046642359484100328446970822656") e.checkNextLine(t, "Swap Endianness.*4243440000000000000000000000000000000000") e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to String.*") e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to BigInteger.*376115185060690908522683414825349447309891933036899526770189324554358227") e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Hex.*30303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030343434333432") e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Base64.*MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDQ0NDM0Mg==") }) t.Run("public key", func(t *testing.T) { pub := "02b3622bf4017bdfe317c58aed5f4c753f206b7db896046fa7d774bbc4bf7f8dc2" e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "parse "+pub) e.checkNextLine(t, "Public key to BE ScriptHash.*ee9ea22c27e34bd0148fc4108e08f74e8f5048b2") e.checkNextLine(t, "Public key to LE ScriptHash.*b248508f4ef7088e10c48f14d04be3272ca29eee") e.checkNextLine(t, "Public key to Address.*Nhfg3TbpwogLvDGVvAvqyThbsHgoSUKwtn") e.checkNextLine(t, "Hex to String") e.checkNextLine(t, "Hex to Integer.*-7115107707948693452214836319400158580475150561081357074343221218306172781415678") e.checkNextLine(t, "Swap Endianness.*c28d7fbfc4bb74d7a76f0496b87d6b203f754c5fed8ac517e3df7b01f42b62b302") e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Hex.*303262333632326266343031376264666533313763353861656435663463373533663230366237646238393630343666613764373734626263346266376638646332") e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Base64.*MDJiMzYyMmJmNDAxN2JkZmUzMTdjNThhZWQ1ZjRjNzUzZjIwNmI3ZGI4OTYwNDZmYTdkNzc0YmJjNGJmN2Y4ZGMy") }) t.Run("base64", func(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMCLI(t) u := random.Uint160() e.runProg(t, "parse "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(u.BytesBE())) e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to String\\s+") e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to BigInteger\\s+") e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to BE ScriptHash\\s+"+u.StringBE()) e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to LE ScriptHash\\s+"+u.StringLE()) e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to Address \\(BE\\)\\s+"+address.Uint160ToString(u)) e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to Address \\(LE\\)\\s+"+address.Uint160ToString(u.Reverse())) e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Hex\\s+") e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Base64\\s+") }) } func TestPrintLogo(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMCLIWithLogo(t, true) e.runProg(t) require.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(e.out.String(), logo)) require.False(t, e.exit.Load()) } func TestExit(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "exit") require.True(t, e.exit.Load()) } func TestReset(t *testing.T) { script := []byte{byte(opcode.PUSH1)} e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script), "ops", "reset", "ops") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 1 instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, "INDEX.*OPCODE.*PARAMETER") e.checkNextLine(t, "0.*PUSH1.*") e.checkNextLine(t, "") e.checkError(t, fmt.Errorf("VM is not ready: no program loaded")) } func TestRunWithState(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMClIWithState(t) // Ensure that state is properly loaded and on-chain contract can be called. script := io.NewBufBinWriter() h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(1) // examples/storage/storage.go require.NoError(t, err) emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "put", callflag.All, 3, 3) e.runProg(t, "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script.Bytes()), "run", "exit") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 37 instructions") e.checkStack(t, 3) } func TestRunWithHistoricState(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMClIWithState(t) script := io.NewBufBinWriter() h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(1) // examples/storage/storage.go require.NoError(t, err) emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "get", callflag.All, 1) b := script.Bytes() e.runProg(t, "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(b), // normal invocation "run", "loadhex --historic 3 "+hex.EncodeToString(b), // historic invocation, old value should be retrieved "run", "loadhex --historic 0 "+hex.EncodeToString(b), // historic invocation, contract is not deployed yet "run", "exit", ) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 36 instructions") e.checkStack(t, []byte{2}) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 36 instructions") e.checkStack(t, []byte{1}) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 36 instructions") e.checkNextLineExact(t, "Error: at instruction 31 (SYSCALL): failed to invoke syscall 1381727586: called contract a00e3c2643a08a452d8b0bdd31849ae11a17c445 not found: key not found\n") } func TestEvents(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMClIWithState(t) script := io.NewBufBinWriter() h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(2) // examples/runtime/runtime.go require.NoError(t, err) emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "notify", callflag.All, []interface{}{true, 5}) e.runProg(t, "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script.Bytes()), "run", "events", "exit") expectedEvent := state.NotificationEvent{ ScriptHash: h, Name: "Event", Item: stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{ stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{ stackitem.Make(true), stackitem.Make(5), }), }), } e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 44 instructions") e.checkStack(t, stackitem.Null{}) e.checkEvents(t, true, expectedEvent) // automatically printed after `run` command e.checkEvents(t, false, expectedEvent) // printed after `events` command } func TestEnv(t *testing.T) { t.Run("default setup", func(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "env") e.checkNextLine(t, "Chain height: 0") e.checkNextLineExact(t, "VM height (may differ from chain height in case of historic call): 0\n") e.checkNextLine(t, "Network magic: 42") e.checkNextLine(t, "DB type: inmemory") }) t.Run("setup with state", func(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMClIWithState(t) e.runProg(t, "env", "exit") e.checkNextLine(t, "Chain height: 5") e.checkNextLineExact(t, "VM height (may differ from chain height in case of historic call): 5\n") e.checkNextLine(t, "Network magic: 42") e.checkNextLine(t, "DB type: leveldb") }) t.Run("setup with historic state", func(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMClIWithState(t) e.runProg(t, "loadbase64 --historic 3 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSH1)}), "env", "exit") e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 1 instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, "Chain height: 5") e.checkNextLineExact(t, "VM height (may differ from chain height in case of historic call): 3\n") e.checkNextLine(t, "Network magic: 42") e.checkNextLine(t, "DB type: leveldb") }) t.Run("verbose", func(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMClIWithState(t) e.runProg(t, "env -v", "exit") e.checkNextLine(t, "Chain height: 5") e.checkNextLineExact(t, "VM height (may differ from chain height in case of historic call): 5\n") e.checkNextLine(t, "Network magic: 42") e.checkNextLine(t, "DB type: leveldb") e.checkNextLine(t, "Node config:") // Do not check exact node config. }) } func TestDumpStorage(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMClIWithState(t) h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(1) // examples/storage/storage.go require.NoError(t, err) expected := []storage.KeyValue{ {Key: []byte{1}, Value: []byte{2}}, {Key: []byte{2}, Value: []byte{2}}, } e.runProg(t, "storage "+h.StringLE(), "storage 0x"+h.StringLE(), "storage "+address.Uint160ToString(h), "storage 1", "storage 1 "+hex.EncodeToString(expected[0].Key), "storage 1 --backwards", "exit", ) e.checkStorage(t, expected...) e.checkStorage(t, expected...) e.checkStorage(t, expected...) e.checkStorage(t, expected...) e.checkStorage(t, storage.KeyValue{Key: nil, Value: []byte{2}}) // empty key because search prefix is trimmed e.checkStorage(t, expected[1], expected[0]) } func TestDumpStorageDiff(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMClIWithState(t) script := io.NewBufBinWriter() h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(1) // examples/storage/storage.go require.NoError(t, err) emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "put", callflag.All, 3, 3) expected := []storage.KeyValue{ {Key: []byte{1}, Value: []byte{2}}, {Key: []byte{2}, Value: []byte{2}}, } diff := storage.KeyValue{Key: []byte{3}, Value: []byte{3}} e.runProg(t, "storage 1", "storage 1 --diff", "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script.Bytes()), "run", "storage 1", "storage 1 --diff", "exit", ) e.checkStorage(t, expected...) // no script is executed => no diff e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 37 instructions") e.checkStack(t, 3) e.checkStorage(t, append(expected, diff)...) e.checkStorage(t, diff) } func TestDumpChanges(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMClIWithState(t) script := io.NewBufBinWriter() h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(1) // examples/storage/storage.go require.NoError(t, err) emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "put", callflag.All, 3, 4) // add emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "delete", callflag.All, 1) // remove emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "put", callflag.All, 2, 5) // update expected := []storageChange{ { ContractID: 1, Operation: dboper.Operation{ State: "Deleted", Key: []byte{1}, }, }, { ContractID: 1, Operation: dboper.Operation{ State: "Changed", Key: []byte{2}, Value: []byte{5}, }, }, { ContractID: 1, Operation: dboper.Operation{ State: "Added", Key: []byte{3}, Value: []byte{4}, }, }, } e.runProg(t, "changes", "changes 1", "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script.Bytes()), "run", "changes 1 "+hex.EncodeToString([]byte{1}), "changes 1 "+hex.EncodeToString([]byte{2}), "changes 1 "+hex.EncodeToString([]byte{3}), "exit", ) // no script is executed => no diff e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 113 instructions") e.checkStack(t, 3, true, 2) e.checkChange(t, expected[0]) e.checkChange(t, expected[1]) e.checkChange(t, expected[2]) } func TestLoadtx(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMClIWithState(t) b, err := e.cli.chain.GetBlock(e.cli.chain.GetHeaderHash(2)) // Block #2 contains transaction that puts (1,1) pair to storage contract. require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, 1, len(b.Transactions)) tx := b.Transactions[0] tmp := filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), "tx.json") require.NoError(t, paramcontext.InitAndSave(netmode.UnitTestNet, tx, nil, tmp)) e.runProg(t, "loadtx "+tx.Hash().StringLE(), // hash LE "run", "loadtx 0x"+tx.Hash().StringLE(), // hash LE with 0x prefix "run", "loadtx '"+tmp+"'", // Tx from parameter context file. "run", "loadtx", // missing argument "exit", ) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, 1) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, 1) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, 1) e.checkError(t, errors.New("missing argument: ")) } func TestLoaddeployed(t *testing.T) { e := newTestVMClIWithState(t) h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(1) // examples/storage/storage.go require.NoError(t, err) ownerAddress := "NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB" // owner of examples/runtime/runtime.go (taken from deployed contract with ID=2) ownerAcc, err := address.StringToUint160(ownerAddress) require.NoError(t, err) sideAcc := util.Uint160{1, 2, 3} e.runProg(t, "loaddeployed "+h.StringLE(), // hash LE "run get 1", "loaddeployed 0x"+h.StringLE(), // hash LE with 0x prefix "run get 1", "loaddeployed 1", // contract ID "run get 1", "loaddeployed --historic 2 1", // historic state, check that hash is properly set "run get 1", // Check signers parsing: "loaddeployed 2 "+ownerAddress, // check witness (owner:DefautScope => true) "run checkWitness", "loaddeployed 2 "+ownerAddress+":None", // check witness (owner:None => false) "run checkWitness", "loaddeployed 2 "+ownerAddress+":CalledByEntry", // check witness (owner:CalledByEntry => true) "run checkWitness", "loaddeployed 2 "+ownerAcc.StringLE()+":CalledByEntry", // check witness (ownerLE:CalledByEntry => true) "run checkWitness", "loaddeployed 2 0x"+ownerAcc.StringLE()+":CalledByEntry", // check witness (owner0xLE:CalledByEntry => true) "run checkWitness", "loaddeployed 2 "+sideAcc.StringLE()+":Global", // check witness (sideLE:Global => false) "run checkWitness", "loaddeployed", // missing argument "exit", ) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, []byte{2}) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, []byte{2}) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, []byte{2}) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") e.checkStack(t, []byte{1}) // Check signers parsing: e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") // check witness of owner:DefaultScope e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") // check witness of owner:None e.checkStack(t, false) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") // check witness of owner:CalledByEntry e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") // check witness of ownerLE:CalledByEntry e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") // check witness of owner0xLE:CalledByEntry e.checkStack(t, true) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") // check witness of owner0xLE:CalledByEntry e.checkStack(t, false) e.checkError(t, errors.New("contract hash, address or ID is mandatory argument")) } func TestJump(t *testing.T) { buf := io.NewBufBinWriter() emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.ABORT) // some garbage jmpTo := buf.Len() emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.PUSH4, opcode.PUSH5, opcode.ADD) // useful script e := newTestVMCLI(t) e.runProg(t, "loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()), "jump "+strconv.Itoa(jmpTo), "run", ) e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 6 instructions") e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("jumped to instruction %d", jmpTo)) e.checkStack(t, 9) }