BRANCH = "master" REPONAME = "neo-go" NETMODE ?= "privnet" BINARY=./bin/neo-go$(shell go env GOEXE) DESTDIR = "" SYSCONFIGDIR = "/etc" BINDIR = "/usr/bin" SYSTEMDUNIT_DIR = "/lib/systemd/system" UNITWORKDIR = "/var/lib/neo-go" IMAGE_SUFFIX="$(shell if [ "$(OS)" = Windows_NT ]; then echo "_WindowsServerCore"; fi)" D_FILE ?= "$(shell if [ "$(OS)" = Windows_NT ]; then echo "Dockerfile.wsc"; else echo "Dockerfile"; fi)" DC_FILE ?= ".docker/docker-compose.yml" # Single docker-compose for Ubuntu/WSC, should be kept in sync with ENV_IMAGE_TAG. ENV_IMAGE_TAG="env_neo_go_image" REPO ?= "$(shell go list -m)" VERSION ?= "$(shell git describe --tags 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^v//')" MODVERSION ?= "$(shell cat go.mod | cat go.mod | sed -r -n -e 's|.*pkg/interop (.*)|\1|p')" BUILD_FLAGS = "-X '$(REPO)/pkg/config.Version=$(VERSION)' -X '$(REPO)/cli/smartcontract.ModVersion=$(MODVERSION)'" IMAGE_REPO=nspccdev/neo-go # All of the targets are phony here because we don't really use make dependency # tracking for files .PHONY: build deps image image-latest image-push image-push-latest check-version clean-cluster push-tag \ test vet lint fmt cover build: deps @echo "=> Building binary" @set -x \ && export GOGC=off \ && export CGO_ENABLED=0 \ && go build -trimpath -v -ldflags $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o ${BINARY} ./cli/main.go neo-go.service: neo-go.service.template @sed -r -e 's_BINDIR_$(BINDIR)_' -e 's_UNITWORKDIR_$(UNITWORKDIR)_' -e 's_SYSCONFIGDIR_$(SYSCONFIGDIR)_' $< >$@ install: build neo-go.service @echo "=> Installing systemd service" @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFIGDIR)/neo-go \ && mkdir -p $(SYSTEMDUNIT_DIR) \ && cp ./neo-go.service $(SYSTEMDUNIT_DIR) \ && cp ./config/protocol.mainnet.yml $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFIGDIR)/neo-go \ && cp ./config/protocol.privnet.yml $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFIGDIR)/neo-go \ && cp ./config/protocol.testnet.yml $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFIGDIR)/neo-go \ && install -m 0755 -t $(BINDIR) $(BINARY) \ postinst: install @echo "=> Preparing directories and configs" @id neo-go || useradd -s /usr/sbin/nologin -d $(UNITWORKDIR) neo-go \ && mkdir -p $(UNITWORKDIR) \ && chown -R neo-go:neo-go $(UNITWORKDIR) $(BINDIR)/neo-go \ && systemctl enable neo-go.service image: deps @echo "=> Building image" @echo " Dockerfile: $(D_FILE)" @echo " Tag: $(IMAGE_REPO):$(VERSION)$(IMAGE_SUFFIX)" @docker build -f $(D_FILE) -t $(IMAGE_REPO):$(VERSION)$(IMAGE_SUFFIX) --build-arg REPO=$(REPO) --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) . image-latest: deps @echo "=> Building image with 'latest' tag" @echo " Dockerfile: Dockerfile" # Always use default Dockerfile for Ubuntu as `latest`. @echo " Tag: $(IMAGE_REPO):latest" @docker build -t $(IMAGE_REPO):latest --build-arg REPO=$(REPO) --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) . image-push: @echo "=> Publish image" @echo " Tag: $(IMAGE_REPO):$(VERSION)$(IMAGE_SUFFIX)" @docker push $(IMAGE_REPO):$(VERSION)$(IMAGE_SUFFIX) image-push-latest: @echo "=> Publish image for Ubuntu with 'latest' tag" @docker push $(IMAGE_REPO):latest check-version: git fetch && (! git rev-list ${VERSION}) deps: @CGO_ENABLED=0 \ go mod download @CGO_ENABLED=0 \ go mod tidy -v push-tag: git checkout ${BRANCH} git pull origin ${BRANCH} git tag ${VERSION} git push origin ${VERSION} test: @go test ./... -cover vet: @go vet ./... lint: @golangci-lint run fmt: @gofmt -l -w -s $$(find . -type f -name '*.go'| grep -v "/vendor/") cover: @go test -v -race ./... -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic -coverpkg=./pkg/...,./cli/... @go tool cover -html=coverage.txt -o coverage.html # --- Ubuntu/Windows environment --- env_image: @echo "=> Building env image" @echo " Dockerfile: $(D_FILE)" @echo " Tag: $(ENV_IMAGE_TAG)" @docker build \ -f $(D_FILE) \ -t $(ENV_IMAGE_TAG) \ --build-arg REPO=$(REPO) \ --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) . env_up: @echo "=> Bootup environment" @echo " Docker-compose file: $(DC_FILE)" @docker-compose -f $(DC_FILE) up -d node_one node_two node_three node_four env_single: @echo "=> Bootup environment" @docker-compose -f $(DC_FILE) up -d node_single env_down: @echo "=> Stop environment" @docker-compose -f $(DC_FILE) down env_restart: @echo "=> Stop and start environment" @docker-compose -f $(DC_FILE) restart env_clean: env_down @echo "=> Cleanup environment" @docker volume rm docker_volume_chain