/* Package interop contains smart contract API functions and type synonyms. Its subpackages can be imported into smart contracts written in Go to provide various functionality. Upon compilation, functions from these packages will be substituted with appropriate NeoVM system calls implemented by Neo. Usually these system calls have additional price in NeoVM, so they're explicitly written in the documentation of respective functions. Types defined here are used for proper manifest generation. Here is how Go types correspond to smartcontract and VM types: int-like - Integer bool - Boolean []byte - ByteArray (Buffer in VM) string - String (ByteString in VM) (interface{})(nil) - Any (any)(nil) - Any non-byte slice - Array map[K]V - map Other types are defined explicitly in this pkg: [Hash160], [Hash256], [Interface], [PublicKey], [Signature]. Note that unless written otherwise structures defined in this packages can't be correctly created by new() or composite literals, they should be received from some interop functions (and then used as parameters for some other interop functions). */ package interop