package core import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "math/big" "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // multisig address which possess all NEO. var neoOwner = testchain.MultisigScriptHash() // newTestChain should be called before newBlock invocation to properly setup // global state. func newTestChain(t testing.TB) *Blockchain { return newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, nil) } func newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t testing.TB, f func(*config.Config)) *Blockchain { return newTestChainWithCustomCfgAndStore(t, nil, f) } func newTestChainWithCustomCfgAndStore(t testing.TB, st storage.Store, f func(*config.Config)) *Blockchain { chain := initTestChain(t, st, f) go chain.Run() t.Cleanup(chain.Close) return chain } func newLevelDBForTesting(t testing.TB) storage.Store { dbPath := t.TempDir() dbOptions := storage.LevelDBOptions{ DataDirectoryPath: dbPath, } newLevelStore, err := storage.NewLevelDBStore(dbOptions) require.Nil(t, err, "NewLevelDBStore error") return newLevelStore } func newBoltStoreForTesting(t testing.TB) storage.Store { d := t.TempDir() dbPath := filepath.Join(d, "test_bolt_db") boltDBStore, err := storage.NewBoltDBStore(storage.BoltDBOptions{FilePath: dbPath}) require.NoError(t, err) return boltDBStore } func initTestChain(t testing.TB, st storage.Store, f func(*config.Config)) *Blockchain { chain, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, st, f) require.NoError(t, err) return chain } func initTestChainNoCheck(t testing.TB, st storage.Store, f func(*config.Config)) (*Blockchain, error) { unitTestNetCfg, err := config.Load("../../config", testchain.Network()) require.NoError(t, err) if f != nil { f(&unitTestNetCfg) } if st == nil { st = storage.NewMemoryStore() } log := zaptest.NewLogger(t) if _, ok := t.(*testing.B); ok { log = zap.NewNop() } return NewBlockchain(st, unitTestNetCfg.ProtocolConfiguration, log) } func (bc *Blockchain) newBlock(txs ...*transaction.Transaction) *block.Block { lastBlock, ok := bc.topBlock.Load().(*block.Block) if !ok { var err error lastBlock, err = bc.GetBlock(bc.GetHeaderHash(int(bc.BlockHeight()))) if err != nil { panic(err) } } if bc.config.StateRootInHeader { sr, err := bc.GetStateModule().GetStateRoot(bc.BlockHeight()) if err != nil { panic(err) } return newBlockWithState(bc.config, lastBlock.Index+1, lastBlock.Hash(), &sr.Root, txs...) } return newBlock(bc.config, lastBlock.Index+1, lastBlock.Hash(), txs...) } func newBlock(cfg config.ProtocolConfiguration, index uint32, prev util.Uint256, txs ...*transaction.Transaction) *block.Block { return newBlockWithState(cfg, index, prev, nil, txs...) } func newBlockCustom(cfg config.ProtocolConfiguration, f func(b *block.Block), txs ...*transaction.Transaction) *block.Block { validators, _ := validatorsFromConfig(cfg) valScript, _ := smartcontract.CreateDefaultMultiSigRedeemScript(validators) witness := transaction.Witness{ VerificationScript: valScript, } b := &block.Block{ Header: block.Header{ NextConsensus: witness.ScriptHash(), Script: witness, }, Transactions: txs, } f(b) b.RebuildMerkleRoot() b.Script.InvocationScript = testchain.Sign(b) return b } func newBlockWithState(cfg config.ProtocolConfiguration, index uint32, prev util.Uint256, prevState *util.Uint256, txs ...*transaction.Transaction) *block.Block { return newBlockCustom(cfg, func(b *block.Block) { b.PrevHash = prev b.Timestamp = uint64(time.Now().UTC().Unix())*1000 + uint64(index) b.Index = index if prevState != nil { b.StateRootEnabled = true b.PrevStateRoot = *prevState } }, txs...) } func (bc *Blockchain) genBlocks(n int) ([]*block.Block, error) { blocks := make([]*block.Block, n) lastHash := bc.topBlock.Load().(*block.Block).Hash() lastIndex := bc.topBlock.Load().(*block.Block).Index for i := 0; i < n; i++ { blocks[i] = newBlock(bc.config, uint32(i)+lastIndex+1, lastHash) if err := bc.AddBlock(blocks[i]); err != nil { return blocks, err } lastHash = blocks[i].Hash() } return blocks, nil } func TestBug1728(t *testing.T) { src := `package example import "" func init() { if true { } else { } } func _deploy(_ interface{}, isUpdate bool) { runtime.Log("Deploy") }` nf, di, err := compiler.CompileWithOptions("foo.go", strings.NewReader(src), nil) require.NoError(t, err) m, err := di.ConvertToManifest(&compiler.Options{Name: "TestContract"}) require.NoError(t, err) rawManifest, err := json.Marshal(m) require.NoError(t, err) rawNef, err := nf.Bytes() require.NoError(t, err) bc := newTestChain(t) aer, err := invokeContractMethod(bc, 10000000000, bc.contracts.Management.Hash, "deploy", rawNef, rawManifest) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, aer.VMState, vm.HaltState) } func newNEP17Transfer(sc, from, to util.Uint160, amount int64, additionalArgs ...interface{}) *transaction.Transaction { return newNEP17TransferWithAssert(sc, from, to, amount, true, additionalArgs...) } func newNEP17TransferWithAssert(sc, from, to util.Uint160, amount int64, needAssert bool, additionalArgs ...interface{}) *transaction.Transaction { w := io.NewBufBinWriter() emit.AppCall(w.BinWriter, sc, "transfer", callflag.All, from, to, amount, additionalArgs) if needAssert { emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.ASSERT) } if w.Err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to create NEP-17 transfer transaction: %w", w.Err)) } script := w.Bytes() return transaction.New(script, 11000000) } func addSigners(sender util.Uint160, txs ...*transaction.Transaction) { for _, tx := range txs { tx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{ Account: sender, Scopes: transaction.Global, AllowedContracts: nil, AllowedGroups: nil, }} } } // Signer can be either bool or *wallet.Account. // In the first case `true` means sign by committee, `false` means sign by validators. func prepareContractMethodInvokeGeneric(chain *Blockchain, sysfee int64, hash util.Uint160, method string, signer interface{}, args ...interface{}) (*transaction.Transaction, error) { w := io.NewBufBinWriter() emit.AppCall(w.BinWriter, hash, method, callflag.All, args...) if w.Err != nil { return nil, w.Err } script := w.Bytes() tx := transaction.New(script, 0) tx.ValidUntilBlock = chain.blockHeight + 1 var err error switch s := signer.(type) { case bool: if s { addSigners(testchain.CommitteeScriptHash(), tx) setTxSystemFee(chain, sysfee, tx) err = testchain.SignTxCommittee(chain, tx) } else { addSigners(neoOwner, tx) setTxSystemFee(chain, sysfee, tx) err = testchain.SignTx(chain, tx) } case *wallet.Account: signTxWithAccounts(chain, sysfee, tx, s) case []*wallet.Account: signTxWithAccounts(chain, sysfee, tx, s...) default: panic("invalid signer") } if err != nil { return nil, err } return tx, nil } func setTxSystemFee(bc *Blockchain, sysFee int64, tx *transaction.Transaction) { if sysFee >= 0 { tx.SystemFee = sysFee return } lastBlock := bc.topBlock.Load().(*block.Block) b := &block.Block{ Header: block.Header{ Index: lastBlock.Index + 1, Timestamp: lastBlock.Timestamp + 1000, }, Transactions: []*transaction.Transaction{tx}, } ttx := *tx // prevent setting 'hash' field ic := bc.GetTestVM(trigger.Application, &ttx, b) defer ic.Finalize() ic.VM.LoadWithFlags(tx.Script, callflag.All) _ = ic.VM.Run() tx.SystemFee = ic.VM.GasConsumed() } func signTxWithAccounts(chain *Blockchain, sysFee int64, tx *transaction.Transaction, accs ...*wallet.Account) { scope := transaction.CalledByEntry for _, acc := range accs { accH, _ := address.StringToUint160(acc.Address) tx.Signers = append(tx.Signers, transaction.Signer{ Account: accH, Scopes: scope, }) scope = transaction.Global } setTxSystemFee(chain, sysFee, tx) size := io.GetVarSize(tx) for _, acc := range accs { if acc.Contract.Deployed { // don't need precise calculation for tests tx.NetworkFee += 1000_0000 continue } netFee, sizeDelta := fee.Calculate(chain.GetBaseExecFee(), acc.Contract.Script) size += sizeDelta tx.NetworkFee += netFee } tx.NetworkFee += int64(size) * chain.FeePerByte() for _, acc := range accs { if err := acc.SignTx(testchain.Network(), tx); err != nil { panic(err) } } } func persistBlock(chain *Blockchain, txs ...*transaction.Transaction) ([]*state.AppExecResult, error) { b := chain.newBlock(txs...) err := chain.AddBlock(b) if err != nil { return nil, err } aers := make([]*state.AppExecResult, len(txs)) for i, tx := range txs { res, err := chain.GetAppExecResults(tx.Hash(), trigger.Application) if err != nil { return nil, err } aers[i] = &res[0] } return aers, nil } func invokeContractMethod(chain *Blockchain, sysfee int64, hash util.Uint160, method string, args ...interface{}) (*state.AppExecResult, error) { return invokeContractMethodGeneric(chain, sysfee, hash, method, false, args...) } func invokeContractMethodGeneric(chain *Blockchain, sysfee int64, hash util.Uint160, method string, signer interface{}, args ...interface{}) (*state.AppExecResult, error) { tx, err := prepareContractMethodInvokeGeneric(chain, sysfee, hash, method, signer, args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } aers, err := persistBlock(chain, tx) if err != nil { return nil, err } return aers[0], nil } func transferTokenFromMultisigAccountCheckOK(t *testing.T, chain *Blockchain, to, tokenHash util.Uint160, amount int64, additionalArgs ...interface{}) { transferTx := transferTokenFromMultisigAccount(t, chain, to, tokenHash, amount, additionalArgs...) res, err := chain.GetAppExecResults(transferTx.Hash(), trigger.Application) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, res[0].VMState) require.Equal(t, 0, len(res[0].Stack)) } func transferTokenFromMultisigAccount(t *testing.T, chain *Blockchain, to, tokenHash util.Uint160, amount int64, additionalArgs ...interface{}) *transaction.Transaction { return transferTokenFromMultisigAccountWithAssert(t, chain, to, tokenHash, amount, true, additionalArgs...) } func transferTokenFromMultisigAccountWithAssert(t *testing.T, chain *Blockchain, to, tokenHash util.Uint160, amount int64, needAssert bool, additionalArgs ...interface{}) *transaction.Transaction { transferTx := newNEP17TransferWithAssert(tokenHash, testchain.MultisigScriptHash(), to, amount, needAssert, additionalArgs...) transferTx.SystemFee = 100000000 transferTx.ValidUntilBlock = chain.BlockHeight() + 1 addSigners(neoOwner, transferTx) require.NoError(t, testchain.SignTx(chain, transferTx)) b := chain.newBlock(transferTx) require.NoError(t, chain.AddBlock(b)) return transferTx } func checkResult(t *testing.T, result *state.AppExecResult, expected stackitem.Item) { require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, result.VMState, result.FaultException) require.Equal(t, 1, len(result.Stack)) require.Equal(t, expected, result.Stack[0]) } func checkTxHalt(t testing.TB, bc *Blockchain, h util.Uint256) { aer, err := bc.GetAppExecResults(h, trigger.Application) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, 1, len(aer)) require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, aer[0].VMState, aer[0].FaultException) } func checkFAULTState(t *testing.T, result *state.AppExecResult) { require.Equal(t, vm.FaultState, result.VMState) } func checkBalanceOf(t *testing.T, chain *Blockchain, addr util.Uint160, expected int) { balance := chain.GetUtilityTokenBalance(addr) require.Equal(t, int64(expected), balance.Int64()) } type NotaryFeerStub struct { bc blockchainer.Blockchainer } func (f NotaryFeerStub) FeePerByte() int64 { return f.bc.FeePerByte() } func (f NotaryFeerStub) GetUtilityTokenBalance(acc util.Uint160) *big.Int { return f.bc.GetNotaryBalance(acc) } func (f NotaryFeerStub) BlockHeight() uint32 { return f.bc.BlockHeight() } func (f NotaryFeerStub) P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() bool { return f.bc.P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() } func NewNotaryFeerStub(bc blockchainer.Blockchainer) NotaryFeerStub { return NotaryFeerStub{ bc: bc, } }