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And make manual corrections where needed. See the "Common mistakes and pitfalls" section of https://tip.golang.org/doc/comment.
441 lines
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441 lines
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package mpt
import (
func prepareMPTCompat() *Trie {
b := NewBranchNode()
r := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x0a, 0x0c}, b)
v1 := NewLeafNode([]byte{0xab, 0xcd}) //key=ac01
v2 := NewLeafNode([]byte{0x22, 0x22}) //key=ac
v3 := NewLeafNode([]byte("existing")) //key=acae
v4 := NewLeafNode([]byte("missing"))
h3 := NewHashNode(v3.Hash())
e1 := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x01}, v1)
e3 := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x0e}, h3)
e4 := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x01}, v4)
b.Children[0] = e1
b.Children[10] = e3
b.Children[16] = v2
b.Children[15] = NewHashNode(e4.Hash())
tr := NewTrie(r, ModeLatest, newTestStore())
return tr
// TestCompatibility contains tests present in C# implementation.
// https://github.com/neo-project/neo-modules/blob/master/tests/Neo.Plugins.StateService.Tests/MPT/UT_MPTTrie.cs
// There are some differences, though:
// 1. In our implementation, delete is silent, i.e. we do not return an error if the key is missing or empty.
// However, we do return an error when the contents of the hash node are missing from the store
// (corresponds to exception in C# implementation). However, if the key is too big, an error is returned
// (corresponds to exception in C# implementation).
// 2. In our implementation, put returns an error if something goes wrong, while C# implementation throws
// an exception and returns nothing.
// 3. In our implementation, get does not immediately return any error in case of an empty key. An error is returned
// only if the value is missing from the storage. C# implementation checks that the key is not empty and throws an error
// otherwise. However, if the key is too big, an error is returned (corresponds to exception in C# implementation).
func TestCompatibility(t *testing.T) {
mainTrie := prepareMPTCompat()
t.Run("TryGet", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := copyTrie(mainTrie)
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xac, 0x01}, []byte{0xab, 0xcd})
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xac}, []byte{0x22, 0x22})
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xab, 0x99}, nil)
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xac, 0x39}, nil)
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xac, 0x02}, nil)
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xac, 0x01, 0x00}, nil)
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xac, 0x99, 0x10}, nil)
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xac, 0xf1}, nil)
tr.testHas(t, make([]byte, MaxKeyLength), nil)
t.Run("TryGetResolve", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := copyTrie(mainTrie)
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xac, 0xae}, []byte("existing"))
t.Run("TryPut", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0xac, 0x01}, []byte{0xab, 0xcd},
[]byte{0xac}, []byte{0x22, 0x22},
[]byte{0xac, 0xae}, []byte("existing"),
[]byte{0xac, 0xf1}, []byte("missing"))
require.Equal(t, mainTrie.root.Hash(), tr.root.Hash())
require.Error(t, tr.Put(nil, []byte{0x01}))
require.Error(t, tr.Put([]byte{0x01}, nil))
require.Error(t, tr.Put(make([]byte, MaxKeyLength+1), nil))
require.Error(t, tr.Put([]byte{0x01}, make([]byte, MaxValueLength+1)))
require.Equal(t, mainTrie.root.Hash(), tr.root.Hash())
require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte{0x01}, []byte{}))
require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte{0xac, 0x01}, []byte{0xab}))
t.Run("PutCantResolve", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := copyTrie(mainTrie)
require.Error(t, tr.Put([]byte{0xac, 0xf1, 0x11}, []byte{1}))
t.Run("TryDelete", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := copyTrie(mainTrie)
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xac}, []byte{0x22, 0x22})
require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0x0c, 0x99}))
require.NoError(t, tr.Delete(nil))
require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0xac, 0x20}))
require.Error(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0xac, 0xf1})) // error for can't resolve
require.Error(t, tr.Delete(make([]byte, MaxKeyLength+1))) // error for too big key
// In our implementation missing keys are ignored.
require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0xac}))
require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0xac, 0xae, 0x01}))
require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0xac, 0xae}))
require.Equal(t, "cb06925428b7c727375c7fdd943a302fe2c818cf2e2eaf63a7932e3fd6cb3408",
t.Run("DeleteRemainCanResolve", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0xac, 0x00}, []byte{0xab, 0xcd},
[]byte{0xac, 0x10}, []byte{0xab, 0xcd})
tr2 := copyTrie(tr)
require.NoError(t, tr2.Delete([]byte{0xac, 0x00}))
require.NoError(t, tr2.Delete([]byte{0xac, 0x10}))
t.Run("DeleteRemainCantResolve", func(t *testing.T) {
b := NewBranchNode()
r := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x0a, 0x0c}, b)
v1 := NewLeafNode([]byte{0xab, 0xcd})
v4 := NewLeafNode([]byte("missing"))
e1 := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x01}, v1)
e4 := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x01}, v4)
b.Children[0] = e1
b.Children[15] = NewHashNode(e4.Hash())
tr := NewTrie(NewHashNode(r.Hash()), ModeAll, newTestStore())
require.Error(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0xac, 0x01}))
t.Run("DeleteSameValue", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0xac, 0x01}, []byte{0xab, 0xcd},
[]byte{0xac, 0x02}, []byte{0xab, 0xcd})
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xac, 0x01}, []byte{0xab, 0xcd})
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xac, 0x02}, []byte{0xab, 0xcd})
require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0xac, 0x01}))
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xac, 0x02}, []byte{0xab, 0xcd})
tr2 := NewTrie(NewHashNode(tr.root.Hash()), ModeAll, tr.Store)
tr2.testHas(t, []byte{0xac, 0x02}, []byte{0xab, 0xcd})
t.Run("BranchNodeRemainValue", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0xac, 0x11}, []byte{0xac, 0x11},
[]byte{0xac, 0x22}, []byte{0xac, 0x22},
[]byte{0xac}, []byte{0xac})
checkBatchSize(t, tr, 7)
require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0xac, 0x11}))
checkBatchSize(t, tr, 5)
require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0xac, 0x22}))
checkBatchSize(t, tr, 2)
t.Run("GetProof", func(t *testing.T) {
b := NewBranchNode()
r := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x0a, 0x0c}, b)
v1 := NewLeafNode([]byte{0xab, 0xcd}) //key=ac01
v2 := NewLeafNode([]byte{0x22, 0x22}) //key=ac
v3 := NewLeafNode([]byte("existing")) //key=acae
v4 := NewLeafNode([]byte("missing"))
h3 := NewHashNode(v3.Hash())
e1 := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x01}, v1)
e3 := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x0e}, h3)
e4 := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x01}, v4)
b.Children[0] = e1
b.Children[10] = e3
b.Children[16] = v2
b.Children[15] = NewHashNode(e4.Hash())
tr := NewTrie(NewHashNode(r.Hash()), ModeLatest, mainTrie.Store)
require.Equal(t, r.Hash(), tr.root.Hash())
proof := testGetProof(t, tr, []byte{0xac, 0x01}, 4)
require.Equal(t, r.Bytes(), proof[0])
require.Equal(t, b.Bytes(), proof[1])
require.Equal(t, e1.Bytes(), proof[2])
require.Equal(t, v1.Bytes(), proof[3])
testGetProof(t, tr, []byte{0xac}, 3)
testGetProof(t, tr, []byte{0xac, 0x10}, 0)
testGetProof(t, tr, []byte{0xac, 0xae}, 4)
testGetProof(t, tr, nil, 0)
testGetProof(t, tr, []byte{0xac, 0x01, 0x00}, 0)
testGetProof(t, tr, []byte{0xac, 0xf1}, 0)
testGetProof(t, tr, make([]byte, MaxKeyLength), 0)
t.Run("VerifyProof", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := copyTrie(mainTrie)
proof := testGetProof(t, tr, []byte{0xac, 0x01}, 4)
value, ok := VerifyProof(tr.root.Hash(), []byte{0xac, 0x01}, proof)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, []byte{0xab, 0xcd}, value)
t.Run("AddLongerKey", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0xab}, []byte{0x01},
[]byte{0xab, 0xcd}, []byte{0x02})
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xab}, []byte{0x01})
t.Run("SplitKey", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0xab, 0xcd}, []byte{0x01},
[]byte{0xab}, []byte{0x02})
testGetProof(t, tr, []byte{0xab, 0xcd}, 4)
tr2 := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0xab}, []byte{0x02},
[]byte{0xab, 0xcd}, []byte{0x01})
testGetProof(t, tr, []byte{0xab, 0xcd}, 4)
require.Equal(t, tr.root.Hash(), tr2.root.Hash())
t.Run("Reference", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0xa1, 0x01}, []byte{0x01},
[]byte{0xa2, 0x01}, []byte{0x01},
[]byte{0xa3, 0x01}, []byte{0x01})
tr2 := copyTrie(tr)
require.NoError(t, tr2.Delete([]byte{0xa3, 0x01}))
tr3 := copyTrie(tr2)
require.NoError(t, tr3.Delete([]byte{0xa2, 0x01}))
tr3.testHas(t, []byte{0xa1, 0x01}, []byte{0x01})
t.Run("Reference2", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0xa1, 0x01}, []byte{0x01},
[]byte{0xa2, 0x01}, []byte{0x01},
[]byte{0xa3, 0x01}, []byte{0x01})
checkBatchSize(t, tr, 4)
require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0xa3, 0x01}))
checkBatchSize(t, tr, 4)
require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0xa2, 0x01}))
checkBatchSize(t, tr, 2)
tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xa1, 0x01}, []byte{0x01})
t.Run("ExtensionDeleteDirty", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0xa1}, []byte{0x01},
[]byte{0xa2}, []byte{0x02})
checkBatchSize(t, tr, 4)
tr1 := copyTrie(tr)
require.NoError(t, tr1.Delete([]byte{0xa1}))
require.Equal(t, 2, len(tr1.Store.GetBatch().Put))
tr2 := copyTrie(tr1)
require.NoError(t, tr2.Delete([]byte{0xa2}))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(tr2.Store.GetBatch().Put))
t.Run("BranchDeleteDirty", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0x10}, []byte{0x01},
[]byte{0x20}, []byte{0x02},
[]byte{0x30}, []byte{0x03})
checkBatchSize(t, tr, 7)
tr1 := copyTrie(tr)
require.NoError(t, tr1.Delete([]byte{0x10}))
tr2 := copyTrie(tr1)
require.NoError(t, tr2.Delete([]byte{0x20}))
require.Equal(t, 2, len(tr2.Store.GetBatch().Put))
tr3 := copyTrie(tr2)
require.NoError(t, tr3.Delete([]byte{0x30}))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(tr3.Store.GetBatch().Put))
t.Run("ExtensionPutDirty", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0xa1}, []byte{0x01},
[]byte{0xa2}, []byte{0x02})
checkBatchSize(t, tr, 4)
tr1 := copyTrie(tr)
require.NoError(t, tr1.Put([]byte{0xa3}, []byte{0x03}))
require.Equal(t, 5, len(tr1.Store.GetBatch().Put))
t.Run("BranchPutDirty", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0x10}, []byte{0x01},
[]byte{0x20}, []byte{0x02})
checkBatchSize(t, tr, 5)
tr1 := copyTrie(tr)
require.NoError(t, tr1.Put([]byte{0x30}, []byte{0x03}))
checkBatchSize(t, tr1, 7)
t.Run("EmptyValueIssue633", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := newFilledTrie(t,
[]byte{0x01}, []byte{})
checkBatchSize(t, tr, 2)
proof := testGetProof(t, tr, []byte{0x01}, 2)
value, ok := VerifyProof(tr.root.Hash(), []byte{0x01}, proof)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, []byte{}, value)
func copyTrie(t *Trie) *Trie {
return NewTrie(NewHashNode(t.root.Hash()), t.mode, t.Store)
func checkBatchSize(t *testing.T, tr *Trie, n int) {
require.Equal(t, n, len(tr.Store.GetBatch().Put))
func testGetProof(t *testing.T, tr *Trie, key []byte, size int) [][]byte {
proof, err := tr.GetProof(key)
if size == 0 {
require.Error(t, err)
return proof
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, size, len(proof))
return proof
func newFilledTrie(t *testing.T, args ...[]byte) *Trie {
tr := NewTrie(nil, ModeLatest, newTestStore())
for i := 0; i < len(args); i += 2 {
require.NoError(t, tr.Put(args[i], args[i+1]))
return tr
func TestCompatibility_Find(t *testing.T) {
check := func(t *testing.T, from []byte, expectedResLen int) {
tr := NewTrie(nil, ModeAll, newTestStore())
require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte("aa"), []byte("02")))
require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte("aa10"), []byte("03")))
require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte("aa50"), []byte("04")))
res, err := tr.Find([]byte("aa"), from, 10)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expectedResLen, len(res))
t.Run("no from", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, nil, 3)
t.Run("from is not in tree", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("matching", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, []byte("30"), 1)
t.Run("non-matching", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, []byte("60"), 0)
t.Run("from is in tree", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, []byte("10"), 1) // without `from` key
t.Run("from matching start", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, []byte{}, 2) // without `from` key
t.Run("TestFindStatesIssue652", func(t *testing.T) {
tr := NewTrie(nil, ModeAll, newTestStore())
// root is an extension node with key=abc; next=branch
require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte("abc1"), []byte("01")))
require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte("abc3"), []byte("02")))
// find items with extension's key prefix
t.Run("from > start", func(t *testing.T) {
res, err := tr.Find([]byte("ab"), []byte("d2"), 100)
require.NoError(t, err)
// nothing should be found, because from[0]=`d` > key[2]=`c`
require.Equal(t, 0, len(res))
t.Run("from < start", func(t *testing.T) {
res, err := tr.Find([]byte("ab"), []byte("b2"), 100)
require.NoError(t, err)
// all items should be included into the result, because from[0]=`b` < key[2]=`c`
require.Equal(t, 2, len(res))
t.Run("from and start have common prefix", func(t *testing.T) {
res, err := tr.Find([]byte("ab"), []byte("c"), 100)
require.NoError(t, err)
// all items should be included into the result, because from[0] == key[2]
require.Equal(t, 2, len(res))
t.Run("from equals to item key", func(t *testing.T) {
res, err := tr.Find([]byte("ab"), []byte("c1"), 100)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(res))