
488 lines
17 KiB

package native
import (
// Notary represents Notary native contract.
type Notary struct {
Desig *Designate
type NotaryCache struct {
maxNotValidBeforeDelta uint32
notaryServiceFeePerKey int64
const (
notaryContractID = -10
// prefixDeposit is a prefix for storing Notary deposits.
prefixDeposit = 1
defaultDepositDeltaTill = 5760
defaultMaxNotValidBeforeDelta = 140 // 20 rounds for 7 validators, a little more than half an hour
defaultNotaryServiceFeePerKey = 1000_0000 // 0.1 GAS
maxNotaryServiceFeePerKey = 1_0000_0000 // 1 GAS
var (
maxNotValidBeforeDeltaKey = []byte{10}
notaryServiceFeeKey = []byte{5}
var (
_ interop.Contract = (*Notary)(nil)
_ dao.NativeContractCache = (*NotaryCache)(nil)
// Copy implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *NotaryCache) Copy() dao.NativeContractCache {
cp := &NotaryCache{}
copyNotaryCache(c, cp)
return cp
func copyNotaryCache(src, dst *NotaryCache) {
*dst = *src
// newNotary returns Notary native contract.
func newNotary() *Notary {
n := &Notary{ContractMD: *interop.NewContractMD(nativenames.Notary, notaryContractID)}
defer n.UpdateHash()
desc := newDescriptor("onNEP17Payment", smartcontract.VoidType,
manifest.NewParameter("from", smartcontract.Hash160Type),
manifest.NewParameter("amount", smartcontract.IntegerType),
manifest.NewParameter("data", smartcontract.AnyType))
md := newMethodAndPrice(n.onPayment, 1<<15, callflag.States)
n.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("lockDepositUntil", smartcontract.BoolType,
manifest.NewParameter("address", smartcontract.Hash160Type),
manifest.NewParameter("till", smartcontract.IntegerType))
md = newMethodAndPrice(n.lockDepositUntil, 1<<15, callflag.States)
n.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("withdraw", smartcontract.BoolType,
manifest.NewParameter("from", smartcontract.Hash160Type),
manifest.NewParameter("to", smartcontract.Hash160Type))
md = newMethodAndPrice(n.withdraw, 1<<15, callflag.All)
n.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("balanceOf", smartcontract.IntegerType,
manifest.NewParameter("addr", smartcontract.Hash160Type))
md = newMethodAndPrice(n.balanceOf, 1<<15, callflag.ReadStates)
n.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("expirationOf", smartcontract.IntegerType,
manifest.NewParameter("addr", smartcontract.Hash160Type))
md = newMethodAndPrice(n.expirationOf, 1<<15, callflag.ReadStates)
n.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("verify", smartcontract.BoolType,
manifest.NewParameter("signature", smartcontract.SignatureType))
md = newMethodAndPrice(n.verify, nativeprices.NotaryVerificationPrice, callflag.ReadStates)
n.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("getMaxNotValidBeforeDelta", smartcontract.IntegerType)
md = newMethodAndPrice(n.getMaxNotValidBeforeDelta, 1<<15, callflag.ReadStates)
n.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("setMaxNotValidBeforeDelta", smartcontract.VoidType,
manifest.NewParameter("value", smartcontract.IntegerType))
md = newMethodAndPrice(n.setMaxNotValidBeforeDelta, 1<<15, callflag.States)
n.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("getNotaryServiceFeePerKey", smartcontract.IntegerType)
md = newMethodAndPrice(n.getNotaryServiceFeePerKey, 1<<15, callflag.ReadStates)
n.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("setNotaryServiceFeePerKey", smartcontract.VoidType,
manifest.NewParameter("value", smartcontract.IntegerType))
md = newMethodAndPrice(n.setNotaryServiceFeePerKey, 1<<15, callflag.States)
n.AddMethod(md, desc)
return n
// Metadata implements the Contract interface.
func (n *Notary) Metadata() *interop.ContractMD {
return &n.ContractMD
// Initialize initializes Notary native contract and implements the Contract interface.
func (n *Notary) Initialize(ic *interop.Context) error {
setIntWithKey(n.ID, ic.DAO, maxNotValidBeforeDeltaKey, defaultMaxNotValidBeforeDelta)
setIntWithKey(n.ID, ic.DAO, notaryServiceFeeKey, defaultNotaryServiceFeePerKey)
cache := &NotaryCache{
maxNotValidBeforeDelta: defaultMaxNotValidBeforeDelta,
notaryServiceFeePerKey: defaultNotaryServiceFeePerKey,
ic.DAO.SetCache(n.ID, cache)
return nil
func (n *Notary) InitializeCache(d *dao.Simple) error {
cache := &NotaryCache{
maxNotValidBeforeDelta: uint32(getIntWithKey(n.ID, d, maxNotValidBeforeDeltaKey)),
notaryServiceFeePerKey: getIntWithKey(n.ID, d, notaryServiceFeeKey),
d.SetCache(n.ID, cache)
return nil
// OnPersist implements the Contract interface.
func (n *Notary) OnPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
var (
nFees int64
notaries keys.PublicKeys
err error
for _, tx := range ic.Block.Transactions {
if tx.HasAttribute(transaction.NotaryAssistedT) {
if notaries == nil {
notaries, err = n.GetNotaryNodes(ic.DAO)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get notary nodes: %w", err)
nKeys := tx.GetAttributes(transaction.NotaryAssistedT)[0].Value.(*transaction.NotaryAssisted).NKeys
nFees += int64(nKeys) + 1
if tx.Sender() == n.Hash {
payer := tx.Signers[1]
balance := n.GetDepositFor(ic.DAO, payer.Account)
balance.Amount.Sub(balance.Amount, big.NewInt(tx.SystemFee+tx.NetworkFee))
if balance.Amount.Sign() == 0 {
n.removeDepositFor(ic.DAO, payer.Account)
} else {
err := n.putDepositFor(ic.DAO, balance, payer.Account)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to update deposit for %s: %w", payer.Account.StringBE(), err)
if nFees == 0 {
return nil
feePerKey := n.GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey(ic.DAO)
singleReward := calculateNotaryReward(nFees, feePerKey, len(notaries))
for _, notary := range notaries {, notary.GetScriptHash(), singleReward, false)
return nil
// PostPersist implements the Contract interface.
func (n *Notary) PostPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
return nil
// onPayment records the deposited amount as belonging to "from" address with a lock
// till the specified chain's height.
func (n *Notary) onPayment(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
if h := ic.VM.GetCallingScriptHash(); h != n.GAS.Hash {
panic(fmt.Errorf("only GAS can be accepted for deposit, got %s", h.StringBE()))
from := toUint160(args[0])
to := from
amount := toBigInt(args[1])
data, ok := args[2].(*stackitem.Array)
if !ok || len(data.Value().([]stackitem.Item)) != 2 {
panic(errors.New("`data` parameter should be an array of 2 elements"))
additionalParams := data.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
if !additionalParams[0].Equals(stackitem.Null{}) {
to = toUint160(additionalParams[0])
allowedChangeTill := ic.Tx.Sender() == to
currentHeight := ic.BlockHeight()
deposit := n.GetDepositFor(ic.DAO, to)
till := toUint32(additionalParams[1])
if till < currentHeight {
panic(fmt.Errorf("`till` shouldn't be less then the chain's height %d", currentHeight))
if deposit != nil && till < deposit.Till {
panic(fmt.Errorf("`till` shouldn't be less then the previous value %d", deposit.Till))
feePerKey := n.GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey(ic.DAO)
if deposit == nil {
if amount.Cmp(big.NewInt(2*feePerKey)) < 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("first deposit can not be less then %d, got %d", 2*feePerKey, amount.Int64()))
deposit = &state.Deposit{
Amount: new(big.Int),
if !allowedChangeTill {
till = currentHeight + defaultDepositDeltaTill
} else if !allowedChangeTill { // only deposit's owner is allowed to set or update `till`
till = deposit.Till
deposit.Amount.Add(deposit.Amount, amount)
deposit.Till = till
if err := n.putDepositFor(ic.DAO, deposit, to); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to put deposit for %s into the storage: %w", from.StringBE(), err))
return stackitem.Null{}
// lockDepositUntil updates the chain's height until which the deposit is locked.
func (n *Notary) lockDepositUntil(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
addr := toUint160(args[0])
ok, err := runtime.CheckHashedWitness(ic, addr)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to check witness for %s: %w", addr.StringBE(), err))
if !ok {
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
till := toUint32(args[1])
if till < ic.BlockHeight() {
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
deposit := n.GetDepositFor(ic.DAO, addr)
if deposit == nil {
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
if till < deposit.Till {
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
deposit.Till = till
err = n.putDepositFor(ic.DAO, deposit, addr)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to put deposit for %s into the storage: %w", addr.StringBE(), err))
return stackitem.NewBool(true)
// withdraw sends all deposited GAS for "from" address to "to" address.
func (n *Notary) withdraw(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
from := toUint160(args[0])
ok, err := runtime.CheckHashedWitness(ic, from)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to check witness for %s: %w", from.StringBE(), err))
if !ok {
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
to := from
if !args[1].Equals(stackitem.Null{}) {
to = toUint160(args[1])
deposit := n.GetDepositFor(ic.DAO, from)
if deposit == nil {
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
if ic.BlockHeight() < deposit.Till {
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
cs, err := ic.GetContract(n.GAS.Hash)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to get GAS contract state: %w", err))
transferArgs := []stackitem.Item{stackitem.NewByteArray(n.Hash.BytesBE()), stackitem.NewByteArray(to.BytesBE()), stackitem.NewBigInteger(deposit.Amount), stackitem.Null{}}
err = contract.CallFromNative(ic, n.Hash, cs, "transfer", transferArgs, true)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to transfer GAS from Notary account: %w", err))
if !ic.VM.Estack().Pop().Bool() {
panic("failed to transfer GAS from Notary account: `transfer` returned false")
n.removeDepositFor(ic.DAO, from)
return stackitem.NewBool(true)
// balanceOf returns the deposited GAS amount for the specified address.
func (n *Notary) balanceOf(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
acc := toUint160(args[0])
return stackitem.NewBigInteger(n.BalanceOf(ic.DAO, acc))
// BalanceOf is an internal representation of `balanceOf` Notary method.
func (n *Notary) BalanceOf(dao *dao.Simple, acc util.Uint160) *big.Int {
deposit := n.GetDepositFor(dao, acc)
if deposit == nil {
return big.NewInt(0)
return deposit.Amount
// expirationOf returns the deposit lock height for the specified address.
func (n *Notary) expirationOf(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
acc := toUint160(args[0])
return stackitem.Make(n.ExpirationOf(ic.DAO, acc))
// ExpirationOf is an internal representation of `expirationOf` Notary method.
func (n *Notary) ExpirationOf(dao *dao.Simple, acc util.Uint160) uint32 {
deposit := n.GetDepositFor(dao, acc)
if deposit == nil {
return 0
return deposit.Till
// verify checks whether the transaction was signed by one of the notaries.
func (n *Notary) verify(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
sig, err := args[0].TryBytes()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to get signature bytes: %w", err))
tx := ic.Tx
if len(tx.GetAttributes(transaction.NotaryAssistedT)) == 0 {
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
for _, signer := range tx.Signers {
if signer.Account == n.Hash {
if signer.Scopes != transaction.None {
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
if tx.Sender() == n.Hash {
if len(tx.Signers) != 2 {
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
payer := tx.Signers[1].Account
balance := n.GetDepositFor(ic.DAO, payer)
if balance == nil || balance.Amount.Cmp(big.NewInt(tx.NetworkFee+tx.SystemFee)) < 0 {
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
notaries, err := n.GetNotaryNodes(ic.DAO)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to get notary nodes: %w", err))
shash := hash.NetSha256(uint32(ic.Network), tx)
var verified bool
for _, n := range notaries {
if n.Verify(sig, shash[:]) {
verified = true
return stackitem.NewBool(verified)
// GetNotaryNodes returns public keys of notary nodes.
func (n *Notary) GetNotaryNodes(d *dao.Simple) (keys.PublicKeys, error) {
nodes, _, err := n.Desig.GetDesignatedByRole(d, noderoles.P2PNotary, math.MaxUint32)
return nodes, err
// getMaxNotValidBeforeDelta is a Notary contract method and returns the maximum NotValidBefore delta.
func (n *Notary) getMaxNotValidBeforeDelta(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
return stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(int64(n.GetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta(ic.DAO))))
// GetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta is an internal representation of Notary getMaxNotValidBeforeDelta method.
func (n *Notary) GetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta(dao *dao.Simple) uint32 {
cache := dao.GetROCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
return cache.maxNotValidBeforeDelta
// setMaxNotValidBeforeDelta is a Notary contract method and sets the maximum NotValidBefore delta.
func (n *Notary) setMaxNotValidBeforeDelta(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
value := toUint32(args[0])
cfg := ic.Chain.GetConfig()
maxInc := cfg.MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement
if value > maxInc/2 || value < uint32(cfg.GetNumOfCNs(ic.BlockHeight())) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("MaxNotValidBeforeDelta cannot be more than %d or less than %d", maxInc/2, cfg.GetNumOfCNs(ic.BlockHeight())))
if !n.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
panic("invalid committee signature")
setIntWithKey(n.ID, ic.DAO, maxNotValidBeforeDeltaKey, int64(value))
cache := ic.DAO.GetRWCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
cache.maxNotValidBeforeDelta = value
return stackitem.Null{}
// getNotaryServiceFeePerKey is a Notary contract method and returns a reward per notary request key for notary nodes.
func (n *Notary) getNotaryServiceFeePerKey(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
return stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(int64(n.GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey(ic.DAO))))
// GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey is an internal representation of Notary getNotaryServiceFeePerKey method.
func (n *Notary) GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey(dao *dao.Simple) int64 {
cache := dao.GetROCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
return cache.notaryServiceFeePerKey
// setNotaryServiceFeePerKey is a Notary contract method and sets a reward per notary request key for notary nodes.
func (n *Notary) setNotaryServiceFeePerKey(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
value := toInt64(args[0])
if value < 0 || value > maxNotaryServiceFeePerKey {
panic("NotaryServiceFeePerKey value is out of range")
if !n.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
panic("invalid committee signature")
setIntWithKey(n.ID, ic.DAO, notaryServiceFeeKey, int64(value))
cache := ic.DAO.GetRWCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
cache.notaryServiceFeePerKey = value
return stackitem.Null{}
// GetDepositFor returns state.Deposit for the account specified. It returns nil in case
// the deposit is not found in the storage and panics in case of any other error.
func (n *Notary) GetDepositFor(dao *dao.Simple, acc util.Uint160) *state.Deposit {
key := append([]byte{prefixDeposit}, acc.BytesBE()...)
deposit := new(state.Deposit)
err := getConvertibleFromDAO(n.ID, dao, key, deposit)
if err == nil {
return deposit
if err == storage.ErrKeyNotFound {
return nil
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to get deposit for %s from storage: %w", acc.StringBE(), err))
// putDepositFor puts the deposit on the balance of the specified account in the storage.
func (n *Notary) putDepositFor(dao *dao.Simple, deposit *state.Deposit, acc util.Uint160) error {
key := append([]byte{prefixDeposit}, acc.BytesBE()...)
return putConvertibleToDAO(n.ID, dao, key, deposit)
// removeDepositFor removes the deposit from the storage.
func (n *Notary) removeDepositFor(dao *dao.Simple, acc util.Uint160) {
key := append([]byte{prefixDeposit}, acc.BytesBE()...)
dao.DeleteStorageItem(n.ID, key)
// calculateNotaryReward calculates the reward for a single notary node based on FEE's count and Notary nodes count.
func calculateNotaryReward(nFees int64, feePerKey int64, notariesCount int) *big.Int {
return big.NewInt(nFees * feePerKey / int64(notariesCount))