mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 23:27:19 +00:00
651 lines
18 KiB
651 lines
18 KiB
package emit
import (
func TestEmitInt(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("minis one", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Int(buf.BinWriter, -1)
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.Len(t, result, 1)
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHM1, result[0])
t.Run("zero", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Int(buf.BinWriter, 0)
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.Len(t, result, 1)
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH0, result[0])
t.Run("1-byte int", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Int(buf.BinWriter, 10)
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH10, result[0])
t.Run("big 1-byte int", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Int(buf.BinWriter, 42)
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHINT8, result[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, 42, result[1])
t.Run("2-byte int", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Int(buf.BinWriter, 300)
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(result))
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHINT16, result[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, 300, bigint.FromBytes(result[1:]).Int64())
t.Run("3-byte int", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Int(buf.BinWriter, 1<<20)
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.Equal(t, 5, len(result))
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHINT32, result[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, 1<<20, bigint.FromBytes(result[1:]).Int64())
t.Run("4-byte int", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Int(buf.BinWriter, 1<<28)
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.Equal(t, 5, len(result))
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHINT32, result[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, 1<<28, bigint.FromBytes(result[1:]).Int64())
t.Run("negative 3-byte int with padding", func(t *testing.T) {
const num = -(1 << 23)
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Int(buf.BinWriter, num)
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.Equal(t, 5, len(result))
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHINT32, result[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, num, bigint.FromBytes(result[1:]).Int64())
func TestEmitBigInt(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("biggest positive number", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
bi := big.NewInt(1)
bi.Lsh(bi, 255)
bi.Sub(bi, big.NewInt(1))
// sanity check
require.NotPanics(t, func() { stackitem.NewBigInteger(bi) })
BigInt(buf.BinWriter, bi)
require.NoError(t, buf.Err)
expected := make([]byte, 33)
expected[0] = byte(opcode.PUSHINT256)
for i := 1; i < 32; i++ {
expected[i] = 0xFF
expected[32] = 0x7F
require.Equal(t, expected, buf.Bytes())
t.Run("smallest negative number", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
bi := big.NewInt(-1)
bi.Lsh(bi, 255)
// sanity check
require.NotPanics(t, func() { stackitem.NewBigInteger(bi) })
BigInt(buf.BinWriter, bi)
require.NoError(t, buf.Err)
expected := make([]byte, 33)
expected[0] = byte(opcode.PUSHINT256)
expected[32] = 0x80
require.Equal(t, expected, buf.Bytes())
t.Run("biggest positive number plus 1", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
bi := big.NewInt(1)
bi.Lsh(bi, 255)
// sanity check
require.Panics(t, func() { stackitem.NewBigInteger(bi) })
BigInt(buf.BinWriter, bi)
require.Error(t, buf.Err)
t.Run("do not clear previous error", func(t *testing.T) {
expected := errors.New("expected")
buf.Err = expected
BigInt(buf.BinWriter, bi)
require.Equal(t, expected, buf.Err)
t.Run("smallest negative number minus 1", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
bi := big.NewInt(-1)
bi.Lsh(bi, 255)
bi.Sub(bi, big.NewInt(1))
// sanity check
require.Panics(t, func() { stackitem.NewBigInteger(bi) })
BigInt(buf.BinWriter, bi)
require.Error(t, buf.Err)
func getSlice(n int) []byte {
data := make([]byte, n)
for i := range data {
data[i] = byte(i)
return data
func TestBytes(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("small slice", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Bytes(buf.BinWriter, []byte{0, 1, 2, 3})
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, result[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, 4, result[1])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte{0, 1, 2, 3}, result[2:])
t.Run("slice with len <= 255", func(t *testing.T) {
const size = 200
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Bytes(buf.BinWriter, getSlice(size))
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, result[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, size, result[1])
assert.Equal(t, getSlice(size), result[2:])
t.Run("slice with len <= 65535", func(t *testing.T) {
const size = 60000
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Bytes(buf.BinWriter, getSlice(size))
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA2, result[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, size, binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(result[1:3]))
assert.Equal(t, getSlice(size), result[3:])
t.Run("slice with len > 65535", func(t *testing.T) {
const size = 100000
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Bytes(buf.BinWriter, getSlice(size))
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA4, result[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, size, binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(result[1:5]))
assert.Equal(t, getSlice(size), result[5:])
func TestEmitArray(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("good", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
var p160 *util.Uint160
var p256 *util.Uint256
u160 := util.Uint160{1, 2, 3}
u256 := util.Uint256{1, 2, 3}
veryBig := new(big.Int).SetUint64(math.MaxUint64)
veryBig.Add(veryBig, big.NewInt(1))
uint(math.MaxUint32), // don't use MaxUint to keep test results the same throughout all platforms.
Key: stackitem.Make(1),
Value: stackitem.Make("str1"),
Key: stackitem.Make(2),
Value: stackitem.Make("str2"),
SomeInt: 5,
SomeString: "str",
p160, p256, &u160, &u256, u160, u256, big.NewInt(0), veryBig,
[]any{int64(1), int64(2)}, nil, int64(1), "str", false, true, []byte{0xCA, 0xFE})
require.NoError(t, buf.Err)
res := buf.Bytes()
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, 2, res[1])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte{0xCA, 0xFE}, res[2:4])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHT, res[4])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHF, res[5])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[6])
assert.EqualValues(t, 3, res[7])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte("str"), res[8:11])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH1, res[11])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHNULL, res[12])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH2, res[13])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH1, res[14])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH2, res[15])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PACK, res[16])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHINT128, res[17])
assert.EqualValues(t, veryBig, bigint.FromBytes(res[18:34]))
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH0, res[34])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[35])
assert.EqualValues(t, 32, res[36])
assert.EqualValues(t, u256.BytesBE(), res[37:69])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[69])
assert.EqualValues(t, 20, res[70])
assert.EqualValues(t, u160.BytesBE(), res[71:91])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[91])
assert.EqualValues(t, 32, res[92])
assert.EqualValues(t, u256.BytesBE(), res[93:125])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[125])
assert.EqualValues(t, 20, res[126])
assert.EqualValues(t, u160.BytesBE(), res[127:147])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHNULL, res[147])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHNULL, res[148])
// Array of two stackitems:
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[149])
assert.EqualValues(t, 3, res[150])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte("str"), res[151:154])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHT, res[154])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH2, res[155])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PACK, res[156])
// ByteString stackitem ("str"):
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[157])
assert.EqualValues(t, 3, res[158])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte("str"), res[159:162])
// Integer stackitem (5):
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH5, res[162])
// Convertible struct:
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[163])
assert.EqualValues(t, 3, res[164])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte("str"), res[165:168])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH5, res[168])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH2, res[169])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PACK, res[170])
// Struct stackitem (4, "str")
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[171])
assert.EqualValues(t, 3, res[172])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte("str"), res[173:176])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH4, res[176])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH2, res[177])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PACKSTRUCT, res[178])
// Map stackitem (1:"str1", 2:"str2")
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[179])
assert.EqualValues(t, 4, res[180])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte("str2"), res[181:185])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH2, res[185])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[186])
assert.EqualValues(t, 4, res[187])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte("str1"), res[188:192])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH1, res[192])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH2, res[193])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PACKMAP, res[194])
// uint (MaxUint32)
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHINT64, res[195])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte{
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0, 0, 0, 0,
}, res[196:204])
// uint64 (MaxUint64)
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHINT128, res[204])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte{
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0}, res[205:221])
// Values packing:
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHINT8, res[221])
assert.EqualValues(t, byte(23), res[222])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PACK, res[223])
// Overall script length:
assert.EqualValues(t, 224, len(res))
t.Run("empty", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
require.NoError(t, buf.Err)
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte{byte(opcode.NEWARRAY0)}, buf.Bytes())
t.Run("invalid type", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Array(buf.BinWriter, struct{}{})
require.Error(t, buf.Err)
func TestEmitBool(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Bool(buf.BinWriter, true)
Bool(buf.BinWriter, false)
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHT, result[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHF, result[1])
func TestEmitOpcode(t *testing.T) {
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.NEWMAP)
result := w.Bytes()
assert.Equal(t, result, []byte{byte(opcode.PUSH1), byte(opcode.NEWMAP)})
func TestEmitString(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
str := "City Of Zion"
String(buf.BinWriter, str)
assert.Equal(t, buf.Len(), len(str)+2)
assert.Equal(t, buf.Bytes()[2:], []byte(str))
func TestEmitSyscall(t *testing.T) {
syscalls := []string{
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
for _, syscall := range syscalls {
Syscall(buf.BinWriter, syscall)
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.Equal(t, 5, len(result))
assert.Equal(t, opcode.Opcode(result[0]), opcode.SYSCALL)
assert.Equal(t, binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(result[1:]), interopnames.ToID([]byte(syscall)))
t.Run("empty syscall", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Syscall(buf.BinWriter, "")
assert.Error(t, buf.Err)
t.Run("empty syscall after error", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
err := errors.New("first error")
buf.Err = err
Syscall(buf.BinWriter, "")
assert.Equal(t, err, buf.Err)
func TestJmp(t *testing.T) {
const label = 0x23
t.Run("correct", func(t *testing.T) {
ops := []opcode.Opcode{opcode.JMP, opcode.JMPIF, opcode.JMPIFNOT, opcode.CALL}
for i := range ops {
t.Run(ops[i].String(), func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Jmp(buf.BinWriter, ops[i], label)
assert.NoError(t, buf.Err)
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.EqualValues(t, ops[i], result[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, 0x23, binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(result[1:]))
t.Run("not a jump instruction", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Jmp(buf.BinWriter, opcode.ABS, label)
assert.Error(t, buf.Err)
t.Run("not a jump after error", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
err := errors.New("first error")
buf.Err = err
Jmp(buf.BinWriter, opcode.ABS, label)
assert.Error(t, buf.Err)
func TestEmitCall(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
Call(buf.BinWriter, opcode.JMP, 100)
result := buf.Bytes()
assert.Equal(t, opcode.Opcode(result[0]), opcode.JMP)
label := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(result[1:3])
assert.Equal(t, label, uint16(100))
func TestEmitStackitem(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("good", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
itms := []stackitem.Item{
Key: stackitem.Make(7),
Value: stackitem.Make("str1"),
Key: stackitem.Make(8),
Value: stackitem.Make("str2"),
for _, si := range itms {
StackItem(buf.BinWriter, si)
require.NoError(t, buf.Err)
res := buf.Bytes()
// Single values:
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHT, res[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHF, res[1])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH5, res[2])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[3])
assert.EqualValues(t, 3, res[4])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte("str"), res[5:8])
// Nested array:
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[8])
assert.EqualValues(t, 3, res[9])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte("str"), res[10:13])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH1, res[13])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH2, res[14])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PACK, res[15])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHT, res[16])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH2, res[17])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PACK, res[18])
// Struct (true, 7):
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH7, res[19])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHT, res[20])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH2, res[21])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PACKSTRUCT, res[22])
// Map (7:"str1", 8:"str2"):
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[23])
assert.EqualValues(t, 4, res[24])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte("str2"), res[25:29])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH8, res[29])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[30])
assert.EqualValues(t, 4, res[31])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte("str1"), res[32:36])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH7, res[36])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH2, res[37])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PACKMAP, res[38])
// Null:
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHNULL, res[39])
// Overall script length:
require.Equal(t, 40, len(res))
t.Run("unsupported", func(t *testing.T) {
itms := []stackitem.Item{
stackitem.NewPointer(123, []byte{123}),
for _, si := range itms {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
StackItem(buf.BinWriter, si)
require.Error(t, buf.Err)
t.Run("invalid any", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
StackItem(buf.BinWriter, StrangeStackItem{})
actualErr := buf.Err
require.Error(t, actualErr)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(actualErr.Error(), "only nil value supported"), actualErr.Error())
type StrangeStackItem struct{}
var _ = stackitem.Item(StrangeStackItem{})
func (StrangeStackItem) Value() any {
return struct{}{}
func (StrangeStackItem) Type() stackitem.Type {
return stackitem.AnyT
func (StrangeStackItem) String() string {
func (StrangeStackItem) Dup() stackitem.Item {
func (StrangeStackItem) TryBool() (bool, error) {
func (StrangeStackItem) TryBytes() ([]byte, error) {
func (StrangeStackItem) TryInteger() (*big.Int, error) {
func (StrangeStackItem) Equals(stackitem.Item) bool {
func (StrangeStackItem) Convert(stackitem.Type) (stackitem.Item, error) {
type ConvertibleStruct struct {
SomeInt int
SomeString string
err error
var _ = stackitem.Convertible(&ConvertibleStruct{})
func (s *ConvertibleStruct) ToStackItem() (stackitem.Item, error) {
if s.err != nil {
return nil, s.err
return stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{
}), nil
func (s *ConvertibleStruct) FromStackItem(si stackitem.Item) error {
func TestEmitConvertible(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("good", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
str := &ConvertibleStruct{
SomeInt: 5,
SomeString: "str",
Convertible(buf.BinWriter, str)
require.NoError(t, buf.Err)
res := buf.Bytes()
// The struct itself:
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSHDATA1, res[0])
assert.EqualValues(t, 3, res[1])
assert.EqualValues(t, []byte("str"), res[2:5])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH5, res[5])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PUSH2, res[6])
assert.EqualValues(t, opcode.PACK, res[7])
// Overall length:
assert.EqualValues(t, 8, len(res))
t.Run("error on conversion", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
expectedErr := errors.New("error on conversion")
str := &ConvertibleStruct{
err: expectedErr,
Convertible(buf.BinWriter, str)
actualErr := buf.Err
require.Error(t, actualErr)
require.ErrorIs(t, actualErr, expectedErr)