Anna Shaleva 544f2c2cb2 core: use proper storage price within the whole interop context
We shouldn't use StoragePrice from Blockchain because its dao doesn't
contain the whole set of changes from previouse transactions in the
current block. Instead, we should use an updated storage price for
each transaction and retrieve the price from cached DAO.
2022-04-08 12:50:56 +03:00

342 lines
10 KiB

package interop
import (
const (
// DefaultBaseExecFee specifies default multiplier for opcode and syscall prices.
DefaultBaseExecFee = 30
// Ledger is the interface to Blockchain required for Context functionality.
type Ledger interface {
BlockHeight() uint32
CurrentBlockHash() util.Uint256
GetBaseExecFee() int64
GetBlock(hash util.Uint256) (*block.Block, error)
GetConfig() config.ProtocolConfiguration
GetHeaderHash(int) util.Uint256
// Context represents context in which interops are executed.
type Context struct {
Chain Ledger
Container hash.Hashable
Network uint32
Natives []Contract
Trigger trigger.Type
Block *block.Block
NonceData [16]byte
Tx *transaction.Transaction
DAO *dao.Simple
Notifications []state.NotificationEvent
Log *zap.Logger
VM *vm.VM
Functions []Function
Invocations map[util.Uint160]int
cancelFuncs []context.CancelFunc
getContract func(*dao.Simple, util.Uint160) (*state.Contract, error)
baseExecFee int64
baseStorageFee int64
signers []transaction.Signer
// NewContext returns new interop context.
func NewContext(trigger trigger.Type, bc Ledger, d *dao.Simple, baseExecFee, baseStorageFee int64,
getContract func(*dao.Simple, util.Uint160) (*state.Contract, error), natives []Contract,
block *block.Block, tx *transaction.Transaction, log *zap.Logger) *Context {
dao := d.GetPrivate()
return &Context{
Chain: bc,
Network: uint32(bc.GetConfig().Magic),
Natives: natives,
Trigger: trigger,
Block: block,
Tx: tx,
DAO: dao,
Log: log,
Invocations: make(map[util.Uint160]int),
getContract: getContract,
baseExecFee: baseExecFee,
baseStorageFee: baseStorageFee,
// InitNonceData initializes nonce to be used in `GetRandom` calculations.
func (ic *Context) InitNonceData() {
if tx, ok := ic.Container.(*transaction.Transaction); ok {
copy(ic.NonceData[:], tx.Hash().BytesBE())
if ic.Block != nil {
nonce := ic.Block.Nonce
nonce ^= binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(ic.NonceData[:])
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(ic.NonceData[:], nonce)
// UseSigners allows overriding signers used in this context.
func (ic *Context) UseSigners(s []transaction.Signer) {
ic.signers = s
// Signers returns signers witnessing current execution context.
func (ic *Context) Signers() []transaction.Signer {
if ic.signers != nil {
return ic.signers
if ic.Tx != nil {
return ic.Tx.Signers
return nil
// Function binds function name, id with the function itself and price,
// it's supposed to be inited once for all interopContexts, so it doesn't use
// vm.InteropFuncPrice directly.
type Function struct {
ID uint32
Name string
Func func(*Context) error
// ParamCount is a number of function parameters.
ParamCount int
Price int64
// RequiredFlags is a set of flags which must be set during script invocations.
// Default value is NoneFlag i.e. no flags are required.
RequiredFlags callflag.CallFlag
// Method is a signature for a native method.
type Method = func(ic *Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item
// MethodAndPrice is a native-contract method descriptor.
type MethodAndPrice struct {
Func Method
MD *manifest.Method
CPUFee int64
StorageFee int64
SyscallOffset int
RequiredFlags callflag.CallFlag
// Contract is an interface for all native contracts.
type Contract interface {
Initialize(*Context) error
Metadata() *ContractMD
OnPersist(*Context) error
PostPersist(*Context) error
// ContractMD represents native contract instance.
type ContractMD struct {
Name string
Methods []MethodAndPrice
// NewContractMD returns Contract with the specified list of methods.
func NewContractMD(name string, id int32) *ContractMD {
c := &ContractMD{Name: name}
c.ID = id
// NEF is now stored in contract state and affects state dump.
// Therefore values are taken from C# node.
c.NEF.Header.Compiler = "neo-core-v3.0"
c.NEF.Header.Magic = nef.Magic
c.NEF.Tokens = []nef.MethodToken{} // avoid `nil` result during JSON marshalling
c.Hash = state.CreateContractHash(util.Uint160{}, 0, c.Name)
c.Manifest = *manifest.DefaultManifest(name)
return c
// UpdateHash creates native contract script and updates hash.
func (c *ContractMD) UpdateHash() {
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
for i := range c.Methods {
offset := w.Len()
c.Methods[i].MD.Offset = offset
c.Manifest.ABI.Methods[i].Offset = offset
emit.Int(w.BinWriter, 0)
c.Methods[i].SyscallOffset = w.Len()
emit.Syscall(w.BinWriter, interopnames.SystemContractCallNative)
emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.RET)
if w.Err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("can't create native contract script: %w", w.Err))
c.NEF.Script = w.Bytes()
c.NEF.Checksum = c.NEF.CalculateChecksum()
// AddMethod adds new method to a native contract.
func (c *ContractMD) AddMethod(md *MethodAndPrice, desc *manifest.Method) {
md.MD = desc
desc.Safe = md.RequiredFlags&(callflag.All^callflag.ReadOnly) == 0
index := sort.Search(len(c.Manifest.ABI.Methods), func(i int) bool {
md := c.Manifest.ABI.Methods[i]
if md.Name != desc.Name {
return md.Name >= desc.Name
return len(md.Parameters) > len(desc.Parameters)
c.Manifest.ABI.Methods = append(c.Manifest.ABI.Methods, manifest.Method{})
copy(c.Manifest.ABI.Methods[index+1:], c.Manifest.ABI.Methods[index:])
c.Manifest.ABI.Methods[index] = *desc
// Cache follows the same order.
c.Methods = append(c.Methods, MethodAndPrice{})
copy(c.Methods[index+1:], c.Methods[index:])
c.Methods[index] = *md
// GetMethodByOffset returns with the provided offset.
// Offset is offset of `System.Contract.CallNative` syscall.
func (c *ContractMD) GetMethodByOffset(offset int) (MethodAndPrice, bool) {
for k := range c.Methods {
if c.Methods[k].SyscallOffset == offset {
return c.Methods[k], true
return MethodAndPrice{}, false
// GetMethod returns method `name` with specified number of parameters.
func (c *ContractMD) GetMethod(name string, paramCount int) (MethodAndPrice, bool) {
index := sort.Search(len(c.Methods), func(i int) bool {
md := c.Methods[i]
res := strings.Compare(name, md.MD.Name)
switch res {
case -1, 1:
return res == -1
return paramCount <= len(md.MD.Parameters)
if index < len(c.Methods) {
md := c.Methods[index]
if md.MD.Name == name && (paramCount == -1 || len(md.MD.Parameters) == paramCount) {
return md, true
return MethodAndPrice{}, false
// AddEvent adds new event to a native contract.
func (c *ContractMD) AddEvent(name string, ps ...manifest.Parameter) {
c.Manifest.ABI.Events = append(c.Manifest.ABI.Events, manifest.Event{
Name: name,
Parameters: ps,
// IsActive returns true iff the contract was deployed by the specified height.
func (c *ContractMD) IsActive(height uint32) bool {
history := c.UpdateHistory
return len(history) != 0 && history[0] <= height
// Sort sorts interop functions by id.
func Sort(fs []Function) {
sort.Slice(fs, func(i, j int) bool { return fs[i].ID < fs[j].ID })
// GetContract returns contract by its hash in current interop context.
func (ic *Context) GetContract(hash util.Uint160) (*state.Contract, error) {
return ic.getContract(ic.DAO, hash)
// GetFunction returns metadata for interop with the specified id.
func (ic *Context) GetFunction(id uint32) *Function {
n := sort.Search(len(ic.Functions), func(i int) bool {
return ic.Functions[i].ID >= id
if n < len(ic.Functions) && ic.Functions[n].ID == id {
return &ic.Functions[n]
return nil
// BaseExecFee represents factor to multiply syscall prices with.
func (ic *Context) BaseExecFee() int64 {
return ic.baseExecFee
// BaseStorageFee represents price for storing one byte of data in the contract storage.
func (ic *Context) BaseStorageFee() int64 {
return ic.baseStorageFee
// SyscallHandler handles syscall with id.
func (ic *Context) SyscallHandler(_ *vm.VM, id uint32) error {
f := ic.GetFunction(id)
if f == nil {
return errors.New("syscall not found")
cf := ic.VM.Context().GetCallFlags()
if !cf.Has(f.RequiredFlags) {
return fmt.Errorf("missing call flags: %05b vs %05b", cf, f.RequiredFlags)
if !ic.VM.AddGas(f.Price * ic.BaseExecFee()) {
return errors.New("insufficient amount of gas")
return f.Func(ic)
// SpawnVM spawns new VM with the specified gas limit and set context.VM field.
func (ic *Context) SpawnVM() *vm.VM {
v := vm.NewWithTrigger(ic.Trigger)
v.GasLimit = -1
v.SyscallHandler = ic.SyscallHandler
ic.VM = v
return v
// RegisterCancelFunc adds given function to the list of functions to be called after VM
// finishes script execution.
func (ic *Context) RegisterCancelFunc(f context.CancelFunc) {
if f != nil {
ic.cancelFuncs = append(ic.cancelFuncs, f)
// Finalize calls all registered cancel functions to release the occupied resources.
func (ic *Context) Finalize() {
for _, f := range ic.cancelFuncs {
ic.cancelFuncs = nil
// Exec executes loaded VM script and calls registered finalizers to release the occupied resources.
func (ic *Context) Exec() error {
defer ic.Finalize()
return ic.VM.Run()