mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 09:34:26 +00:00
And include some node-specific configurations there with backwards compatibility. Note that in the future we'll remove Ledger's fields from the ProtocolConfiguration and it'll be possible to access them in Blockchain directly (not via .Ledger). The other option tried was using two configuration types separately, but that incurs more changes to the codebase, single structure that behaves almost like the old one is better for backwards compatibility. Fixes #2676.
737 lines
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737 lines
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package consensus
import (
coreb "github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/core/block"
npayload "github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/network/payload"
// cacheMaxCapacity is the default cache capacity taken
// from C# implementation https://github.com/neo-project/neo/blob/master/neo/Ledger/Blockchain.cs#L64
const cacheMaxCapacity = 100
// defaultTimePerBlock is a period between blocks which is used in Neo.
const defaultTimePerBlock = 15 * time.Second
// Number of nanoseconds in millisecond.
const nsInMs = 1000000
// Ledger is the interface to Blockchain sufficient for Service.
type Ledger interface {
AddBlock(block *coreb.Block) error
ApplyPolicyToTxSet([]*transaction.Transaction) []*transaction.Transaction
GetConfig() config.Blockchain
GetMemPool() *mempool.Pool
GetNextBlockValidators() ([]*keys.PublicKey, error)
GetStateRoot(height uint32) (*state.MPTRoot, error)
GetTransaction(util.Uint256) (*transaction.Transaction, uint32, error)
GetValidators() ([]*keys.PublicKey, error)
PoolTx(t *transaction.Transaction, pools ...*mempool.Pool) error
SubscribeForBlocks(ch chan *coreb.Block)
UnsubscribeFromBlocks(ch chan *coreb.Block)
GetBaseExecFee() int64
// Service represents a consensus instance.
type Service interface {
// Name returns service name.
Name() string
// Start initializes dBFT and starts event loop for consensus service.
// It must be called only when the sufficient amount of peers are connected.
// The service only starts once, subsequent calls to Start are no-op.
// Shutdown stops dBFT event loop. It can only be called once, subsequent calls
// to Shutdown on the same instance are no-op. The instance that was stopped can
// not be started again by calling Start (use a new instance if needed).
// OnPayload is a callback to notify the Service about a newly received payload.
OnPayload(p *npayload.Extensible) error
// OnTransaction is a callback to notify the Service about a newly received transaction.
OnTransaction(tx *transaction.Transaction)
type service struct {
log *zap.Logger
// txx is a fifo cache which stores miner transactions.
txx *relayCache
dbft *dbft.DBFT
// messages and transactions are channels needed to process
// everything in single thread.
messages chan Payload
transactions chan *transaction.Transaction
// blockEvents is used to pass a new block event to the consensus
// process.
blockEvents chan *coreb.Block
lastProposal []util.Uint256
wallet *wallet.Wallet
// started is a flag set with Start method that runs an event handling
// goroutine.
started *atomic.Bool
quit chan struct{}
finished chan struct{}
// lastTimestamp contains timestamp for the last processed block.
// We can't rely on timestamp from dbft context because it is changed
// before the block is accepted. So, in case of change view, it will contain
// an updated value.
lastTimestamp uint64
// Config is a configuration for consensus services.
type Config struct {
// Logger is a logger instance.
Logger *zap.Logger
// Broadcast is a callback which is called to notify the server
// about a new consensus payload to be sent.
Broadcast func(p *npayload.Extensible)
// Chain is a Ledger instance.
Chain Ledger
// ProtocolConfiguration contains protocol settings.
ProtocolConfiguration config.ProtocolConfiguration
// RequestTx is a callback to which will be called
// when a node lacks transactions present in the block.
RequestTx func(h ...util.Uint256)
// StopTxFlow is a callback that is called after the consensus
// process stops accepting incoming transactions.
StopTxFlow func()
// TimePerBlock is minimal time that should pass before the next block is accepted.
TimePerBlock time.Duration
// Wallet is a local-node wallet configuration. If the path is empty, then
// no wallet will be initialized and the service will be in watch-only mode.
Wallet config.Wallet
// NewService returns a new consensus.Service instance.
func NewService(cfg Config) (Service, error) {
if cfg.TimePerBlock <= 0 {
cfg.TimePerBlock = defaultTimePerBlock
if cfg.Logger == nil {
return nil, errors.New("empty logger")
srv := &service{
Config: cfg,
log: cfg.Logger,
txx: newFIFOCache(cacheMaxCapacity),
messages: make(chan Payload, 100),
transactions: make(chan *transaction.Transaction, 100),
blockEvents: make(chan *coreb.Block, 1),
started: atomic.NewBool(false),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
finished: make(chan struct{}),
var err error
if len(cfg.Wallet.Path) > 0 {
if srv.wallet, err = wallet.NewWalletFromFile(cfg.Wallet.Path); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check that the wallet password is correct for at least one account.
var ok bool
for _, acc := range srv.wallet.Accounts {
err := acc.Decrypt(srv.Config.Wallet.Password, srv.wallet.Scrypt)
if err == nil {
ok = true
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("no account with provided password was found")
srv.dbft = dbft.New(
dbft.WithWatchOnly(func() bool { return false }),
dbft.WithNewPrepareResponse(func() payload.PrepareResponse { return new(prepareResponse) }),
dbft.WithNewChangeView(func() payload.ChangeView { return new(changeView) }),
dbft.WithNewCommit(func() payload.Commit { return new(commit) }),
dbft.WithNewRecoveryRequest(func() payload.RecoveryRequest { return new(recoveryRequest) }),
dbft.WithNewRecoveryMessage(func() payload.RecoveryMessage {
return &recoveryMessage{stateRootEnabled: srv.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader}
dbft.WithVerifyPrepareResponse(func(_ payload.ConsensusPayload) error { return nil }),
if srv.dbft == nil {
return nil, errors.New("can't initialize dBFT")
return srv, nil
var (
_ block.Transaction = (*transaction.Transaction)(nil)
_ block.Block = (*neoBlock)(nil)
// NewPayload creates a new consensus payload for the provided network.
func NewPayload(m netmode.Magic, stateRootEnabled bool) *Payload {
return &Payload{
Extensible: npayload.Extensible{
Category: npayload.ConsensusCategory,
message: message{
stateRootEnabled: stateRootEnabled,
network: m,
func (s *service) newPayload(c *dbft.Context, t payload.MessageType, msg interface{}) payload.ConsensusPayload {
cp := NewPayload(s.ProtocolConfiguration.Magic, s.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader)
if pr, ok := msg.(*prepareRequest); ok {
cp.Extensible.ValidBlockStart = 0
cp.Extensible.ValidBlockEnd = c.BlockIndex
cp.Extensible.Sender = c.Validators[c.MyIndex].(*publicKey).GetScriptHash()
return cp
func (s *service) newPrepareRequest() payload.PrepareRequest {
r := new(prepareRequest)
if s.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader {
r.stateRootEnabled = true
if sr, err := s.Chain.GetStateRoot(s.dbft.BlockIndex - 1); err == nil {
r.stateRoot = sr.Root
} else {
return r
// Name returns service name.
func (s *service) Name() string {
return "consensus"
func (s *service) Start() {
if s.started.CAS(false, true) {
s.log.Info("starting consensus service")
b, _ := s.Chain.GetBlock(s.Chain.CurrentBlockHash()) // Can't fail, we have some current block!
s.lastTimestamp = b.Timestamp
s.dbft.Start(s.lastTimestamp * nsInMs)
go s.eventLoop()
// Shutdown implements the Service interface.
func (s *service) Shutdown() {
if s.started.CAS(true, false) {
s.log.Info("stopping consensus service")
if s.wallet != nil {
func (s *service) eventLoop() {
for {
select {
case <-s.quit:
break events
case <-s.dbft.Timer.C():
hv := s.dbft.Timer.HV()
s.log.Debug("timer fired",
zap.Uint32("height", hv.Height),
zap.Uint("view", uint(hv.View)))
case msg := <-s.messages:
fields := []zap.Field{
zap.Uint8("from", msg.message.ValidatorIndex),
zap.Stringer("type", msg.Type()),
if msg.Type() == payload.RecoveryMessageType {
rec := msg.GetRecoveryMessage().(*recoveryMessage)
if rec.preparationHash == nil {
req := rec.GetPrepareRequest(&msg, s.dbft.Validators, uint16(s.dbft.PrimaryIndex))
if req != nil {
h := req.Hash()
rec.preparationHash = &h
fields = append(fields,
zap.Int("#preparation", len(rec.preparationPayloads)),
zap.Int("#commit", len(rec.commitPayloads)),
zap.Int("#changeview", len(rec.changeViewPayloads)),
zap.Bool("#request", rec.prepareRequest != nil),
zap.Bool("#hash", rec.preparationHash != nil))
s.log.Debug("received message", fields...)
case tx := <-s.transactions:
case b := <-s.blockEvents:
// Always process block event if there is any, we can add one above.
select {
case b := <-s.blockEvents:
for {
select {
case <-s.messages:
case <-s.transactions:
case <-s.blockEvents:
break drainLoop
func (s *service) handleChainBlock(b *coreb.Block) {
// We can get our own block here, so check for index.
if b.Index >= s.dbft.BlockIndex {
s.log.Debug("new block in the chain",
zap.Uint32("dbft index", s.dbft.BlockIndex),
zap.Uint32("chain index", s.Chain.BlockHeight()))
s.dbft.InitializeConsensus(0, b.Timestamp*nsInMs)
func (s *service) validatePayload(p *Payload) bool {
validators := s.getValidators()
if int(p.message.ValidatorIndex) >= len(validators) {
return false
pub := validators[p.message.ValidatorIndex]
h := pub.(*publicKey).GetScriptHash()
return p.Sender == h
func (s *service) getKeyPair(pubs []crypto.PublicKey) (int, crypto.PrivateKey, crypto.PublicKey) {
if s.wallet != nil {
for i := range pubs {
sh := pubs[i].(*publicKey).GetScriptHash()
acc := s.wallet.GetAccount(sh)
if acc == nil {
if !acc.CanSign() {
err := acc.Decrypt(s.Config.Wallet.Password, s.wallet.Scrypt)
if err != nil {
s.log.Fatal("can't unlock account", zap.String("address", address.Uint160ToString(sh)))
return i, &privateKey{PrivateKey: acc.PrivateKey()}, &publicKey{PublicKey: acc.PublicKey()}
return -1, nil, nil
func (s *service) payloadFromExtensible(ep *npayload.Extensible) *Payload {
return &Payload{
Extensible: *ep,
message: message{
stateRootEnabled: s.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader,
// OnPayload handles Payload receive.
func (s *service) OnPayload(cp *npayload.Extensible) error {
log := s.log.With(zap.Stringer("hash", cp.Hash()))
p := s.payloadFromExtensible(cp)
// decode payload data into message
if err := p.decodeData(); err != nil {
log.Info("can't decode payload data", zap.Error(err))
return nil
if !s.validatePayload(p) {
log.Info("can't validate payload")
return nil
if s.dbft == nil || !s.started.Load() {
log.Debug("dbft is inactive or not started yet")
return nil
s.messages <- *p
return nil
func (s *service) OnTransaction(tx *transaction.Transaction) {
if s.dbft != nil && s.started.Load() {
s.transactions <- tx
func (s *service) broadcast(p payload.ConsensusPayload) {
if err := p.(*Payload).Sign(s.dbft.Priv.(*privateKey)); err != nil {
s.log.Warn("can't sign consensus payload", zap.Error(err))
ep := &p.(*Payload).Extensible
func (s *service) getTx(h util.Uint256) block.Transaction {
if tx := s.txx.Get(h); tx != nil {
return tx.(*transaction.Transaction)
tx, _, _ := s.Config.Chain.GetTransaction(h)
// this is needed because in case of absent tx dBFT expects to
// get nil interface, not a nil pointer to any concrete type
if tx != nil {
return tx
return nil
func (s *service) verifyBlock(b block.Block) bool {
coreb := &b.(*neoBlock).Block
if s.Chain.BlockHeight() >= coreb.Index {
s.log.Warn("proposed block has already outdated")
return false
if s.lastTimestamp >= coreb.Timestamp {
s.log.Warn("proposed block has small timestamp",
zap.Uint64("ts", coreb.Timestamp),
zap.Uint64("last", s.lastTimestamp))
return false
size := coreb.GetExpectedBlockSize()
if size > int(s.ProtocolConfiguration.MaxBlockSize) {
s.log.Warn("proposed block size exceeds config MaxBlockSize",
zap.Uint32("max size allowed", s.ProtocolConfiguration.MaxBlockSize),
zap.Int("block size", size))
return false
var fee int64
var pool = mempool.New(len(coreb.Transactions), 0, false)
var mainPool = s.Chain.GetMemPool()
for _, tx := range coreb.Transactions {
var err error
fee += tx.SystemFee
if mainPool.ContainsKey(tx.Hash()) {
err = pool.Add(tx, s.Chain)
if err == nil {
} else {
err = s.Chain.PoolTx(tx, pool)
if err != nil {
s.log.Warn("invalid transaction in proposed block",
zap.Stringer("hash", tx.Hash()),
return false
if s.Chain.BlockHeight() >= coreb.Index {
s.log.Warn("proposed block has already outdated")
return false
maxBlockSysFee := s.ProtocolConfiguration.MaxBlockSystemFee
if fee > maxBlockSysFee {
s.log.Warn("proposed block system fee exceeds config MaxBlockSystemFee",
zap.Int("max system fee allowed", int(maxBlockSysFee)),
zap.Int("block system fee", int(fee)))
return false
return true
var (
errInvalidPrevHash = errors.New("invalid PrevHash")
errInvalidVersion = errors.New("invalid Version")
errInvalidStateRoot = errors.New("state root mismatch")
errInvalidTransactionsCount = errors.New("invalid transactions count")
func (s *service) verifyRequest(p payload.ConsensusPayload) error {
req := p.GetPrepareRequest().(*prepareRequest)
if req.prevHash != s.dbft.PrevHash {
return errInvalidPrevHash
if req.version != s.dbft.Version {
return errInvalidVersion
if s.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader {
sr, err := s.Chain.GetStateRoot(s.dbft.BlockIndex - 1)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if sr.Root != req.stateRoot {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s != %s", errInvalidStateRoot, sr.Root, req.stateRoot)
if len(req.TransactionHashes()) > int(s.ProtocolConfiguration.MaxTransactionsPerBlock) {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: max = %d, got %d", errInvalidTransactionsCount, s.ProtocolConfiguration.MaxTransactionsPerBlock, len(req.TransactionHashes()))
// Save lastProposal for getVerified().
s.lastProposal = req.transactionHashes
return nil
func (s *service) processBlock(b block.Block) {
bb := &b.(*neoBlock).Block
bb.Script = *(s.getBlockWitness(bb))
if err := s.Chain.AddBlock(bb); err != nil {
// The block might already be added via the regular network
// interaction.
if _, errget := s.Chain.GetBlock(bb.Hash()); errget != nil {
s.log.Warn("error on add block", zap.Error(err))
func (s *service) postBlock(b *coreb.Block) {
if s.lastTimestamp < b.Timestamp {
s.lastTimestamp = b.Timestamp
s.lastProposal = nil
func (s *service) getBlockWitness(b *coreb.Block) *transaction.Witness {
dctx := s.dbft.Context
pubs := convertKeys(dctx.Validators)
sigs := make(map[*keys.PublicKey][]byte)
for i := range pubs {
if p := dctx.CommitPayloads[i]; p != nil && p.ViewNumber() == dctx.ViewNumber {
sigs[pubs[i]] = p.GetCommit().Signature()
m := s.dbft.Context.M()
verif, err := smartcontract.CreateMultiSigRedeemScript(m, pubs)
if err != nil {
s.log.Warn("can't create multisig redeem script", zap.Error(err))
return nil
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
for i, j := 0, 0; i < len(pubs) && j < m; i++ {
if sig, ok := sigs[pubs[i]]; ok {
emit.Bytes(buf.BinWriter, sig)
return &transaction.Witness{
InvocationScript: buf.Bytes(),
VerificationScript: verif,
func (s *service) getBlock(h util.Uint256) block.Block {
b, err := s.Chain.GetBlock(h)
if err != nil {
return nil
return &neoBlock{network: s.ProtocolConfiguration.Magic, Block: *b}
func (s *service) getVerifiedTx() []block.Transaction {
pool := s.Config.Chain.GetMemPool()
var txx []*transaction.Transaction
if s.dbft.ViewNumber > 0 && len(s.lastProposal) > 0 {
txx = make([]*transaction.Transaction, 0, len(s.lastProposal))
for i := range s.lastProposal {
if tx, ok := pool.TryGetValue(s.lastProposal[i]); ok {
txx = append(txx, tx)
if len(txx) < len(s.lastProposal)/2 {
txx = pool.GetVerifiedTransactions()
} else {
txx = pool.GetVerifiedTransactions()
if len(txx) > 0 {
txx = s.Config.Chain.ApplyPolicyToTxSet(txx)
res := make([]block.Transaction, len(txx))
for i := range txx {
res[i] = txx[i]
return res
func (s *service) getValidators(txes ...block.Transaction) []crypto.PublicKey {
var (
pKeys []*keys.PublicKey
err error
if txes == nil {
pKeys, err = s.Chain.GetNextBlockValidators()
} else {
pKeys, err = s.Chain.GetValidators()
if err != nil {
s.log.Error("error while trying to get validators", zap.Error(err))
pubs := make([]crypto.PublicKey, len(pKeys))
for i := range pKeys {
pubs[i] = &publicKey{PublicKey: pKeys[i]}
return pubs
func (s *service) getConsensusAddress(validators ...crypto.PublicKey) util.Uint160 {
return util.Uint160{}
func convertKeys(validators []crypto.PublicKey) (pubs []*keys.PublicKey) {
pubs = make([]*keys.PublicKey, len(validators))
for i, k := range validators {
pubs[i] = k.(*publicKey).PublicKey
func (s *service) newBlockFromContext(ctx *dbft.Context) block.Block {
block := &neoBlock{network: s.ProtocolConfiguration.Magic}
block.Block.Timestamp = ctx.Timestamp / nsInMs
block.Block.Nonce = ctx.Nonce
block.Block.Index = ctx.BlockIndex
if s.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader {
sr, err := s.Chain.GetStateRoot(ctx.BlockIndex - 1)
if err != nil {
s.log.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get state root: %s", err.Error()))
block.StateRootEnabled = true
block.PrevStateRoot = sr.Root
var validators keys.PublicKeys
var err error
cfg := s.Chain.GetConfig().ProtocolConfiguration
if cfg.ShouldUpdateCommitteeAt(ctx.BlockIndex) {
validators, err = s.Chain.GetValidators()
} else {
validators, err = s.Chain.GetNextBlockValidators()
if err != nil {
s.log.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get validators: %s", err.Error()))
script, err := smartcontract.CreateDefaultMultiSigRedeemScript(validators)
if err != nil {
s.log.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("failed to create multisignature script: %s", err.Error()))
block.Block.NextConsensus = crypto.Hash160(script)
block.Block.PrevHash = ctx.PrevHash
block.Block.Version = ctx.Version
primaryIndex := byte(ctx.PrimaryIndex)
block.Block.PrimaryIndex = primaryIndex
// it's OK to have ctx.TransactionsHashes == nil here
hashes := make([]util.Uint256, len(ctx.TransactionHashes))
copy(hashes, ctx.TransactionHashes)
block.Block.MerkleRoot = hash.CalcMerkleRoot(hashes)
return block