2023-11-13 20:29:13 +03:00

339 lines
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package neorpc
import (
// Error represents JSON-RPC 2.0 error type.
type Error struct {
Code int64 `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Data string `json:"data,omitempty"`
// Standard RPC error codes defined by the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification.
const (
// InternalServerErrorCode is returned for internal RPC server error.
InternalServerErrorCode = -32603
// BadRequestCode is returned on parse error.
BadRequestCode = -32700
// InvalidRequestCode is returned on invalid request.
InvalidRequestCode = -32600
// MethodNotFoundCode is returned on unknown method calling.
MethodNotFoundCode = -32601
// InvalidParamsCode is returned on request with invalid params.
InvalidParamsCode = -32602
// RPC error codes defined by the Neo JSON-RPC specification extension.
// Codes for missing items.
const (
// ErrUnknownBlockCode is returned from a call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a header or a block
// as a part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownBlockCode = -101
// ErrUnknownContractCode is returned from a call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a contract
// as a part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownContractCode = -102
// ErrUnknownTransactionCode is returned from a call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a transaction
// as a part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownTransactionCode = -103
// ErrUnknownStorageItemCode is returned from a call that looks for an item in the contract storage
// as part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownStorageItemCode = -104
// ErrUnknownScriptContainerCode is returned from a call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a script
// container (a block or transaction) as a part of its job can't find it
// (this error generalizes -101 and -103 in cases where it's needed).
ErrUnknownScriptContainerCode = -105
// ErrUnknownStateRootCode is returned from a call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a state root
// as a part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownStateRootCode = -106
// ErrUnknownSessionCode is returned from a call that accepts as a parameter or searches for an iterator session
// as a part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownSessionCode = -107
// ErrUnknownIteratorCode is returned from a call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a session iterator
// as a part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownIteratorCode = -108
// ErrUnknownHeightCode is returned if block or header height passed as parameter or calculated during call
// execution is not correct (out of the range known to the node).
ErrUnknownHeightCode = -109
// Codes for calls that use a wallet (-300...-304) can be returned by the C# RPC server only,
// see the
const (
// ErrInsufficientFundsWalletCode is returned if transaction that sends some assets can't be created
// because it fails. Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
ErrInsufficientFundsWalletCode = -300
// ErrWalletFeeLimitCode is returned if transaction requires more network fee to be paid
// than is allowed by settings. Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
ErrWalletFeeLimitCode = -301
// ErrNoOpenedWalletCode is returned if server doesn't have any opened wallet to operate with.
// Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
ErrNoOpenedWalletCode = -302
// ErrWalletNotFoundCode is returned if specified (or configured) wallet file path is invalid.
// Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
ErrWalletNotFoundCode = -303
// ErrWalletNotSupportedCode is returned if specified (or configured) file can't be opened as a wallet.
// Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
ErrWalletNotSupportedCode = -304
// Inventory verification or verification script errors.
const (
// ErrVerificationFailedCode is returned on anything that can't be expressed by other codes.
// It is an unclassified inventory verification error.
ErrVerificationFailedCode = -500
// ErrAlreadyExistsCode is returned if block or transaction is already accepted and processed on chain.
ErrAlreadyExistsCode = -501
// ErrMempoolCapReachedCode is returned if no more transactions can be accepted into the memory pool
// (unless they have a priority) as its full capacity is reached.
ErrMempoolCapReachedCode = -502
// ErrAlreadyInPoolCode is returned if transaction is already pooled, but not yet accepted into a block.
ErrAlreadyInPoolCode = -503
// ErrInsufficientNetworkFeeCode is returned if transaction has incorrect (too small per Policy setting)
// network fee value.
ErrInsufficientNetworkFeeCode = -504
// ErrPolicyFailedCode is returned from a call denied by the Policy contract (one of signers is blocked) or
// if one of the Policy filters failed.
ErrPolicyFailedCode = -505
// ErrInvalidScriptCode is returned if transaction contains incorrect executable script.
ErrInvalidScriptCode = -506
// ErrInvalidAttributeCode is returned if transaction contains an invalid attribute.
ErrInvalidAttributeCode = -507
// ErrInvalidSignatureCode is returned if one of the verification scripts failed.
ErrInvalidSignatureCode = -508
// ErrInvalidSizeCode is returned if transaction or its script is too big.
ErrInvalidSizeCode = -509
// ErrExpiredTransactionCode is returned if transaction's ValidUntilBlock value is already in the past.
ErrExpiredTransactionCode = -510
// ErrInsufficientFundsCode is returned if sender doesn't have enough GAS to pay for all currently pooled transactions.
ErrInsufficientFundsCode = -511
// ErrInvalidVerificationFunctionCode is returned if contract doesn't have a verify method or
// this method doesn't return proper value.
ErrInvalidVerificationFunctionCode = -512
// Errors related to node configuration and various services.
const (
// ErrSessionsDisabledCode is returned if iterator session support is not enabled on the server.
ErrSessionsDisabledCode = -601
// ErrOracleDisabledCode is returned if Oracle service is not enabled in the configuration (service is not running).
ErrOracleDisabledCode = -602
// ErrOracleRequestFinishedCode is returned if Oracle request submitted is already completely processed.
// Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
ErrOracleRequestFinishedCode = -603
// ErrOracleRequestNotFoundCode is returned if Oracle request submitted is not known to this node.
// Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
ErrOracleRequestNotFoundCode = -604
// ErrOracleNotDesignatedNodeCode is returned if Oracle service is enabled, but this node is not designated
// to provide this functionality. Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
ErrOracleNotDesignatedNodeCode = -605
// ErrUnsupportedStateCode is returned if this node can't answer requests for old state because it's configured
// to keep only the latest one.
ErrUnsupportedStateCode = -606
// ErrInvalidProofCode is returned if state proof verification failed.
ErrInvalidProofCode = -607
// ErrExecutionFailedCode is returned from a call made a VM execution, but it has failed.
ErrExecutionFailedCode = -608
var (
// ErrCompatGeneric is an error returned by nodes not compliant with the neo-project/proposals#156
// (NeoGo pre-0.102.0 and all known C# versions).
// It can be returned for any call and doesn't have any specific meaning.
// Deprecated: to be removed after all nodes adopt new error standard.
ErrCompatGeneric = NewErrorWithCode(-100, "RPC error")
// ErrCompatNoOpenedWallet is an error code returned by nodes not compliant with the neo-project/proposals#156
// (all known C# versions, NeoGo never used this code). It can be returned for wallet-related operations.
// Deprecated: to be removed after all nodes adopt new error standard.
ErrCompatNoOpenedWallet = NewErrorWithCode(-400, "No opened wallet")
var (
// ErrInvalidParams represents a generic "Invalid params" error.
ErrInvalidParams = NewInvalidParamsError("Invalid params")
// ErrUnknownBlock represents an error with code [ErrUnknownBlockCode].
// Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a header or a block as a part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownBlock = NewErrorWithCode(ErrUnknownBlockCode, "Unknown block")
// ErrUnknownContract represents an error with code [ErrUnknownContractCode].
// Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a contract as a part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownContract = NewErrorWithCode(ErrUnknownContractCode, "Unknown contract")
// ErrUnknownTransaction represents an error with code [ErrUnknownTransactionCode].
// Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a transaction as a part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownTransaction = NewErrorWithCode(ErrUnknownTransactionCode, "Unknown transaction")
// ErrUnknownStorageItem represents an error with code [ErrUnknownStorageItemCode].
// Call that looks for an item in the contract storage as part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownStorageItem = NewErrorWithCode(ErrUnknownStorageItemCode, "Unknown storage item")
// ErrUnknownScriptContainer represents an error with code [ErrUnknownScriptContainerCode].
// Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a script container (a block or transaction)
// as a part of its job can't find it (this error generalizes [ErrUnknownBlockCode] and [ErrUnknownTransactionCode]
// in cases where it's needed).
ErrUnknownScriptContainer = NewErrorWithCode(ErrUnknownScriptContainerCode, "Unknown script container")
// ErrUnknownStateRoot represents an error with code [ErrUnknownStateRootCode].
// Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a state root as a part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownStateRoot = NewErrorWithCode(ErrUnknownStateRootCode, "Unknown state root")
// ErrUnknownSession represents an error with code [ErrUnknownSessionCode].
// Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for an iterator session as a part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownSession = NewErrorWithCode(ErrUnknownSessionCode, "Unknown session")
// ErrUnknownIterator represents an error with code [ErrUnknownIteratorCode].
// Call that accepts as a parameter or searches for a session iterator as a part of its job can't find it.
ErrUnknownIterator = NewErrorWithCode(ErrUnknownIteratorCode, "Unknown iterator")
// ErrUnknownHeight represents an error with code [ErrUnknownHeightCode].
// Block or header height passed as parameter or calculated during call execution is not correct
// (out of the range known to the node).
ErrUnknownHeight = NewErrorWithCode(ErrUnknownHeightCode, "Unknown height")
// ErrInsufficientFundsWallet represents an error with code [ErrInsufficientFundsWalletCode]. Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
// Transaction that sends some assets can't be created because it fails.
ErrInsufficientFundsWallet = NewErrorWithCode(ErrInsufficientFundsWalletCode, "Insufficient funds")
// ErrWalletFeeLimit represents an error with code [ErrWalletFeeLimitCode]. Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
// Transaction requires more network fee to be paid than is allowed by settings.
ErrWalletFeeLimit = NewErrorWithCode(ErrWalletFeeLimitCode, "Fee limit exceeded")
// ErrNoOpenedWallet represents an error with code [ErrNoOpenedWalletCode]. Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
// Server doesn't have any opened wallet to operate with.
ErrNoOpenedWallet = NewErrorWithCode(ErrNoOpenedWalletCode, "No opened wallet")
// ErrWalletNotFound represents an error with code [ErrWalletNotFoundCode]. Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
// Specified (or configured) wallet file path is invalid.
ErrWalletNotFound = NewErrorWithCode(ErrWalletNotFoundCode, "Wallet not found")
// ErrWalletNotSupported represents an error with code [ErrWalletNotSupportedCode]. Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
// Specified (or configured) file can't be opened as a wallet.
ErrWalletNotSupported = NewErrorWithCode(ErrWalletNotSupportedCode, "Wallet not supported")
// ErrVerificationFailed represents an error with code [ErrVerificationFailedCode].
// Any verification error that can't be expressed by other codes.
ErrVerificationFailed = NewErrorWithCode(ErrVerificationFailedCode, "Unclassified inventory verification error")
// ErrAlreadyExists represents an error with code [ErrAlreadyExistsCode].
// Block or transaction is already accepted and processed on chain.
ErrAlreadyExists = NewErrorWithCode(ErrAlreadyExistsCode, "Inventory already exists on chain")
// ErrMempoolCapReached represents an error with code [ErrMempoolCapReachedCode].
// No more transactions can be accepted into the memory pool (unless they have a priority) as its full capacity is reached.
ErrMempoolCapReached = NewErrorWithCode(ErrMempoolCapReachedCode, "The memory pool is full and no more transactions can be sent")
// ErrAlreadyInPool represents an error with code [ErrAlreadyInPoolCode].
// Transaction is already pooled, but not yet accepted into a block.
ErrAlreadyInPool = NewErrorWithCode(ErrAlreadyInPoolCode, "Transaction already exists in the memory pool")
// ErrInsufficientNetworkFee represents an error with code [ErrInsufficientNetworkFeeCode].
// Transaction has incorrect (too small per Policy setting) network fee value.
ErrInsufficientNetworkFee = NewErrorWithCode(ErrInsufficientNetworkFeeCode, "Insufficient network fee")
// ErrPolicyFailed represents an error with code [ErrPolicyFailedCode].
// Denied by the Policy contract (one of signers is blocked).
ErrPolicyFailed = NewErrorWithCode(ErrPolicyFailedCode, "One of the Policy filters failed")
// ErrInvalidScript represents an error with code [ErrInvalidScriptCode].
// Transaction contains incorrect executable script.
ErrInvalidScript = NewErrorWithCode(ErrInvalidScriptCode, "Invalid script")
// ErrInvalidAttribute represents an error with code [ErrInvalidAttributeCode].
// Transaction contains an invalid attribute.
ErrInvalidAttribute = NewErrorWithCode(ErrInvalidAttributeCode, "Invalid transaction attribute")
// ErrInvalidSignature represents an error with code [ErrInvalidSignatureCode].
// One of the verification scripts failed.
ErrInvalidSignature = NewErrorWithCode(ErrInvalidSignatureCode, "Invalid signature")
// ErrInvalidSize represents an error with code [ErrInvalidSizeCode].
// Transaction or its script is too big.
ErrInvalidSize = NewErrorWithCode(ErrInvalidSizeCode, "Invalid inventory size")
// ErrExpiredTransaction represents an error with code [ErrExpiredTransactionCode].
// Transaction's ValidUntilBlock value is already in the past.
ErrExpiredTransaction = NewErrorWithCode(ErrExpiredTransactionCode, "Expired transaction")
// ErrInsufficientFunds represents an error with code [ErrInsufficientFundsCode].
// Sender doesn't have enough GAS to pay for all currently pooled transactions.
ErrInsufficientFunds = NewErrorWithCode(ErrInsufficientFundsCode, "Insufficient funds")
// ErrInvalidVerificationFunction represents an error with code [ErrInvalidVerificationFunctionCode].
// Contract doesn't have a verify method or this method doesn't return proper value.
ErrInvalidVerificationFunction = NewErrorWithCode(ErrInvalidVerificationFunctionCode, "Invalid verification function")
// ErrSessionsDisabled represents an error with code [ErrSessionsDisabledCode].
// Iterator session support is not enabled on the server.
ErrSessionsDisabled = NewErrorWithCode(ErrSessionsDisabledCode, "Sessions disabled")
// ErrOracleDisabled represents an error with code [ErrOracleDisabledCode].
// Service is not enabled in the configuration.
ErrOracleDisabled = NewErrorWithCode(ErrOracleDisabledCode, "Oracle service is not running")
// ErrOracleRequestFinished represents an error with code [ErrOracleRequestFinishedCode]. Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
// The oracle request submitted is already completely processed.
ErrOracleRequestFinished = NewErrorWithCode(ErrOracleRequestFinishedCode, "Oracle request has already been finished")
// ErrOracleRequestNotFound represents an error with code [ErrOracleRequestNotFoundCode]. Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
// The oracle request submitted is not known to this node.
ErrOracleRequestNotFound = NewErrorWithCode(ErrOracleRequestNotFoundCode, "Oracle request is not found")
// ErrOracleNotDesignatedNode represents an error with code [ErrOracleNotDesignatedNodeCode]. Can be returned only by the C# RPC server.
// Oracle service is enabled, but this node is not designated to provide this functionality.
ErrOracleNotDesignatedNode = NewErrorWithCode(ErrOracleNotDesignatedNodeCode, "Not a designated oracle node")
// ErrUnsupportedState represents an error with code [ErrUnsupportedStateCode].
// This node can't answer requests for old state because it's configured to keep only the latest one.
ErrUnsupportedState = NewErrorWithCode(ErrUnsupportedStateCode, "Old state requests are not supported")
// ErrInvalidProof represents an error with code [ErrInvalidProofCode].
// State proof verification failed.
ErrInvalidProof = NewErrorWithCode(ErrInvalidProofCode, "Invalid proof")
// ErrExecutionFailed represents an error with code [ErrExecutionFailedCode].
// Call made a VM execution, but it has failed.
ErrExecutionFailed = NewErrorWithCode(ErrExecutionFailedCode, "Execution failed")
// NewError is an Error constructor that takes Error contents from its parameters.
func NewError(code int64, message string, data string) *Error {
return &Error{
Code: code,
Message: message,
Data: data,
// NewParseError creates a new error with code
// -32700.
func NewParseError(data string) *Error {
return NewError(BadRequestCode, "Parse error", data)
// NewInvalidRequestError creates a new error with
// code -32600.
func NewInvalidRequestError(data string) *Error {
return NewError(InvalidRequestCode, "Invalid request", data)
// NewMethodNotFoundError creates a new error with
// code -32601.
func NewMethodNotFoundError(data string) *Error {
return NewError(MethodNotFoundCode, "Method not found", data)
// NewInvalidParamsError creates a new error with
// code -32602.
func NewInvalidParamsError(data string) *Error {
return NewError(InvalidParamsCode, "Invalid params", data)
// NewInternalServerError creates a new error with
// code -32603.
func NewInternalServerError(data string) *Error {
return NewError(InternalServerErrorCode, "Internal error", data)
// NewErrorWithCode creates a new error with
// specified error code and error message.
func NewErrorWithCode(code int64, message string) *Error {
return NewError(code, message, "")
// WrapErrorWithData returns copy of the given error with the specified data and cause.
// It does not modify the source error.
func WrapErrorWithData(e *Error, data string) *Error {
return NewError(e.Code, e.Message, data)
// Error implements the error interface.
func (e *Error) Error() string {
if len(e.Data) == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)", e.Message, e.Code)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d) - %s", e.Message, e.Code, e.Data)
// Is denotes whether the error matches the target one.
func (e *Error) Is(target error) bool {
var clTarget *Error
if errors.As(target, &clTarget) {
return e.Code == clTarget.Code
return false