Anna Shaleva 8162e9033d *: replace slice.Copy with bytes.Clone
And refactor some code a bit, don't use bytes.Clone where type-specific
helpers may be used instead.

Close #2907.

Signed-off-by: Anna Shaleva <>
2024-03-05 13:54:10 +03:00

358 lines
11 KiB

package mpt
import (
var (
// ErrRestoreFailed is returned when replacing HashNode by its "unhashed"
// candidate fails.
ErrRestoreFailed = errors.New("failed to restore MPT node")
errStop = errors.New("stop condition is met")
// Billet is a part of an MPT trie with missing hash nodes that need to be restored.
// Billet is based on the following assumptions:
// 1. Refcount can only be incremented (we don't change the MPT structure during restore,
// thus don't need to decrease refcount).
// 2. Each time a part of a Billet is completely restored, it is collapsed into
// HashNode.
// 3. Any pair (node, path) must be restored only once. It's a duty of an MPT pool to manage
// MPT paths in order to provide this assumption.
type Billet struct {
TempStoragePrefix storage.KeyPrefix
Store *storage.MemCachedStore
root Node
mode TrieMode
// NewBillet returns a new billet for MPT trie restoring. It accepts a MemCachedStore
// to decouple storage errors from logic errors so that all storage errors are
// processed during `store.Persist()` at the caller. Another benefit is
// that every `Put` can be considered an atomic operation.
func NewBillet(rootHash util.Uint256, mode TrieMode, prefix storage.KeyPrefix, store *storage.MemCachedStore) *Billet {
return &Billet{
TempStoragePrefix: prefix,
Store: store,
root: NewHashNode(rootHash),
mode: mode,
// RestoreHashNode replaces HashNode located at the provided path by the specified Node
// and stores it. It also maintains the MPT as small as possible by collapsing those parts
// of the MPT that have been completely restored.
func (b *Billet) RestoreHashNode(path []byte, node Node) error {
if _, ok := node.(*HashNode); ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: unable to restore node into HashNode", ErrRestoreFailed)
if _, ok := node.(EmptyNode); ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: unable to restore node into EmptyNode", ErrRestoreFailed)
r, err := b.putIntoNode(b.root, path, node)
if err != nil {
return err
b.root = r
// If it's a leaf, then put into temporary contract storage.
if leaf, ok := node.(*LeafNode); ok {
if b.TempStoragePrefix == 0 {
panic("invalid storage prefix")
k := append([]byte{byte(b.TempStoragePrefix)}, fromNibbles(path)...)
b.Store.Put(k, leaf.value)
return nil
// putIntoNode puts val with the provided path inside curr and returns an updated node.
// Reference counters are updated for both curr and returned value.
func (b *Billet) putIntoNode(curr Node, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
switch n := curr.(type) {
case *LeafNode:
return b.putIntoLeaf(n, path, val)
case *BranchNode:
return b.putIntoBranch(n, path, val)
case *ExtensionNode:
return b.putIntoExtension(n, path, val)
case *HashNode:
return b.putIntoHash(n, path, val)
case EmptyNode:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: can't modify EmptyNode during restore", ErrRestoreFailed)
panic("invalid MPT node type")
func (b *Billet) putIntoLeaf(curr *LeafNode, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
if len(path) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: can't modify LeafNode during restore", ErrRestoreFailed)
if curr.Hash() != val.Hash() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: bad Leaf node hash: expected %s, got %s", ErrRestoreFailed, curr.Hash().StringBE(), val.Hash().StringBE())
// Once Leaf node is restored, it will be collapsed into HashNode forever, so
// there shouldn't be such situation when we try to restore a Leaf node.
panic("bug: can't restore LeafNode")
func (b *Billet) putIntoBranch(curr *BranchNode, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
if len(path) == 0 && curr.Hash().Equals(val.Hash()) {
// This node has already been restored, so it's an MPT pool duty to avoid
// duplicating restore requests.
panic("bug: can't perform restoring of BranchNode twice")
i, path := splitPath(path)
r, err := b.putIntoNode(curr.Children[i], path, val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
curr.Children[i] = r
return b.tryCollapseBranch(curr), nil
func (b *Billet) putIntoExtension(curr *ExtensionNode, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
if len(path) == 0 {
if curr.Hash() != val.Hash() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: bad Extension node hash: expected %s, got %s", ErrRestoreFailed, curr.Hash().StringBE(), val.Hash().StringBE())
// This node has already been restored, so it's an MPT pool duty to avoid
// duplicating restore requests.
panic("bug: can't perform restoring of ExtensionNode twice")
if !bytes.HasPrefix(path, curr.key) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: can't modify ExtensionNode during restore", ErrRestoreFailed)
r, err := b.putIntoNode(, path[len(curr.key):], val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} = r
return b.tryCollapseExtension(curr), nil
func (b *Billet) putIntoHash(curr *HashNode, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
// Once a part of the MPT Billet is completely restored, it will be collapsed forever, so
// it's an MPT pool duty to avoid duplicating restore requests.
if len(path) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: node has already been collapsed", ErrRestoreFailed)
// `curr` hash node can be either of
// 1) saved in the storage (i.g. if we've already restored a node with the same hash from the
// other part of the MPT), so just add it to the local in-memory MPT.
// 2) missing from the storage. It's OK because we're syncing MPT state, and the purpose
// is to store missing hash nodes.
// both cases are OK, but we still need to validate `val` against `curr`.
if val.Hash() != curr.Hash() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: can't restore HashNode: expected and actual hashes mismatch (%s vs %s)", ErrRestoreFailed, curr.Hash().StringBE(), val.Hash().StringBE())
if curr.Collapsed {
// This node has already been restored and collapsed, so it's an MPT pool duty to avoid
// duplicating restore requests.
panic("bug: can't perform restoring of collapsed node")
// We also need to increment refcount in both cases. That's the only place where refcount
// is changed during restore process. Also flush right now, because sync process can be
// interrupted at any time.
b.incrementRefAndStore(val.Hash(), val.Bytes())
if val.Type() == LeafT {
return b.tryCollapseLeaf(val.(*LeafNode)), nil
return val, nil
func (b *Billet) incrementRefAndStore(h util.Uint256, bs []byte) {
key := makeStorageKey(h)
if b.mode.RC() {
var (
err error
data []byte
cnt int32
// An item may already be in store.
data, err = b.Store.Get(key)
if err == nil {
cnt = int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[len(data)-4:]))
if len(data) == 0 {
data = append(bs, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(data[len(data)-4:], uint32(cnt))
b.Store.Put(key, data)
} else {
b.Store.Put(key, bs)
// Traverse traverses MPT nodes (pre-order) starting from the billet root down
// to its children calling `process` for each serialised node until true is
// returned from `process` function. It also replaces all HashNodes to their
// "unhashed" counterparts until the stop condition is satisfied.
func (b *Billet) Traverse(process func(pathToNode []byte, node Node, nodeBytes []byte) bool, ignoreStorageErr bool) error {
r, err := b.traverse(b.root, []byte{}, []byte{}, process, ignoreStorageErr, false)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, errStop) {
return err
b.root = r
return nil
func (b *Billet) traverse(curr Node, path, from []byte, process func(pathToNode []byte, node Node, nodeBytes []byte) bool, ignoreStorageErr bool, backwards bool) (Node, error) {
if _, ok := curr.(EmptyNode); ok {
// We're not interested in EmptyNodes, and they do not affect the
// traversal process, thus remain them untouched.
return curr, nil
if hn, ok := curr.(*HashNode); ok {
r, err := b.GetFromStore(hn.Hash())
if err != nil {
if ignoreStorageErr && errors.Is(err, storage.ErrKeyNotFound) {
return hn, nil
return nil, err
return b.traverse(r, path, from, process, ignoreStorageErr, backwards)
if len(from) == 0 {
bytes := bytes.Clone(curr.Bytes())
if process(fromNibbles(path), curr, bytes) {
return curr, errStop
switch n := curr.(type) {
case *LeafNode:
return b.tryCollapseLeaf(n), nil
case *BranchNode:
var (
startIndex byte
endIndex byte = childrenCount
cmp = func(i int) bool {
return i < int(endIndex)
step = 1
if backwards {
startIndex, endIndex = lastChild, startIndex
cmp = func(i int) bool {
return i >= int(endIndex)
step = -1
if len(from) != 0 {
endIndex = lastChild
if backwards {
endIndex = 0
startIndex, from = splitPath(from)
for i := int(startIndex); cmp(i); i += step {
var newPath []byte
if i == lastChild {
newPath = path
} else {
newPath = append(path, byte(i))
if byte(i) != startIndex {
from = []byte{}
r, err := b.traverse(n.Children[i], newPath, from, process, ignoreStorageErr, backwards)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, errStop) {
return nil, err
n.Children[i] = r
return b.tryCollapseBranch(n), err
n.Children[i] = r
return b.tryCollapseBranch(n), nil
case *ExtensionNode:
if len(from) != 0 && bytes.HasPrefix(from, n.key) {
from = from[len(n.key):]
} else if len(from) == 0 || bytes.Compare(n.key, from) > 0 {
from = []byte{}
} else {
return b.tryCollapseExtension(n), nil
r, err := b.traverse(, append(path, n.key...), from, process, ignoreStorageErr, backwards)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, errStop) {
return nil, err
} = r
return b.tryCollapseExtension(n), err
return nil, ErrNotFound
func (b *Billet) tryCollapseLeaf(curr *LeafNode) Node {
// Leaf can always be collapsed.
res := NewHashNode(curr.Hash())
res.Collapsed = true
return res
func (b *Billet) tryCollapseExtension(curr *ExtensionNode) Node {
if !( == HashT &&*HashNode).Collapsed) {
return curr
res := NewHashNode(curr.Hash())
res.Collapsed = true
return res
func (b *Billet) tryCollapseBranch(curr *BranchNode) Node {
canCollapse := true
for i := 0; i < childrenCount; i++ {
if curr.Children[i].Type() == EmptyT {
if curr.Children[i].Type() == HashT && curr.Children[i].(*HashNode).Collapsed {
canCollapse = false
if !canCollapse {
return curr
res := NewHashNode(curr.Hash())
res.Collapsed = true
return res
// GetFromStore returns MPT node from the storage.
func (b *Billet) GetFromStore(h util.Uint256) (Node, error) {
data, err := b.Store.Get(makeStorageKey(h))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var n NodeObject
r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(data)
if r.Err != nil {
return nil, r.Err
if b.mode.RC() {
data = data[:len(data)-5]
n.Node.(flushedNode).setCache(data, h)
return n.Node, nil