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synced 2025-03-09 19:34:29 +00:00
Make the behaviour similar to the `go test` output. It's not a problem for the `go cover` tool, but the sorted file is easier to debug and analize. Signed-off-by: Anna Shaleva <shaleva.ann@nspcc.ru>
244 lines
6.7 KiB
244 lines
6.7 KiB
package neotest
import (
const (
// goCoverProfileFlag specifies the name of `go test` command flag `coverprofile`
// that tells it where to save coverage data. Neotest coverage can be enabled
// only when this flag is set.
goCoverProfileFlag = "test.coverprofile"
// goCoverModeFlag specifies the name of `go test` command flag `covermode` that
// specifies the coverage calculation mode.
goCoverModeFlag = "test.covermode"
// disableNeotestCover is name of the environmental variable used to explicitly disable neotest coverage.
disableNeotestCover = "DISABLE_NEOTEST_COVER"
const (
// goCoverModeSet is the name of "set" go test coverage mode.
goCoverModeSet = "set"
var (
// coverageLock protects all vars below from concurrent modification when tests are run in parallel.
coverageLock sync.Mutex
// rawCoverage maps script hash to coverage data, collected during testing.
rawCoverage = make(map[util.Uint160]*scriptRawCoverage)
// flagChecked is true if `go test` coverage flag was checked at any point.
flagChecked bool
// coverageEnabled is true if coverage is being collected on test execution.
coverageEnabled bool
// coverProfile specifies the file all coverage data is written to, unless empty.
coverProfile = ""
// coverMode is the mode of go coverage collection.
coverMode = goCoverModeSet
type scriptRawCoverage struct {
debugInfo *compiler.DebugInfo
offsetsVisited []int
type coverBlock struct {
// Line number for block start.
startLine uint
// Column number for block start.
startCol uint
// Line number for block end.
endLine uint
// Column number for block end.
endCol uint
// Number of statements included in this block.
stmts uint
// Number of times this block was executed.
counts uint
// documentName makes it clear when a `string` maps path to the script file.
type documentName = string
func isCoverageEnabled(t testing.TB) bool {
defer coverageLock.Unlock()
if flagChecked {
return coverageEnabled
defer func() { flagChecked = true }()
var disabledByEnvironment bool
if v, ok := os.LookupEnv(disableNeotestCover); ok {
disabled, err := strconv.ParseBool(v)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("coverage: error when parsing environment variable '%s', expected bool, but got '%s'", disableNeotestCover, v)
disabledByEnvironment = disabled
var goToolCoverageEnabled bool
flag.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if f.Name == goCoverProfileFlag && f.Value != nil && f.Value.String() != "" {
goToolCoverageEnabled = true
coverProfile = f.Value.String()
if f.Name == goCoverModeFlag && f.Value != nil && f.Value.String() != "" {
coverMode = f.Value.String()
coverageEnabled = !disabledByEnvironment && goToolCoverageEnabled
if coverageEnabled {
if coverMode != goCoverModeSet {
t.Fatalf("coverage: only '%s' cover mode is currently supported (#3587), got '%s'", goCoverModeSet, coverMode)
// This is needed so go cover tool doesn't overwrite
// the file with our coverage when all tests are done.
err := flag.Set(goCoverProfileFlag, "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("coverage: failed to overwrite coverprofile flag: %v", err)
return coverageEnabled
var coverageHook vm.OnExecHook = func(scriptHash util.Uint160, offset int, opcode opcode.Opcode) {
defer coverageLock.Unlock()
if cov, ok := rawCoverage[scriptHash]; ok {
cov.offsetsVisited = append(cov.offsetsVisited, offset)
func reportCoverage(t testing.TB) {
defer coverageLock.Unlock()
f, err := os.Create(coverProfile)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("coverage: can't create file '%s' to write coverage report", coverProfile)
defer f.Close()
func writeCoverageReport(w io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "mode: %s\n", coverMode)
cover := processCover()
for name, blocks := range cover {
for _, b := range blocks {
var counts = b.counts
if coverMode == goCoverModeSet && counts > 0 {
counts = 1
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s:%d.%d,%d.%d %d %d\n", name,
b.startLine, b.startCol,
b.endLine, b.endCol,
func processCover() map[documentName][]*coverBlock {
documents := make(map[documentName]struct{})
for _, scriptRawCoverage := range rawCoverage {
for _, documentName := range scriptRawCoverage.debugInfo.Documents {
documents[documentName] = struct{}{}
cover := make(map[documentName][]*coverBlock)
for documentName := range documents {
mappedBlocks := make(map[int]*coverBlock)
for _, scriptRawCoverage := range rawCoverage {
di := scriptRawCoverage.debugInfo
documentSeqPoints := documentSeqPoints(di, documentName)
for _, point := range documentSeqPoints {
b := coverBlock{
startLine: uint(point.StartLine),
startCol: uint(point.StartCol),
endLine: uint(point.EndLine),
endCol: uint(point.EndCol),
stmts: 1 + uint(point.EndLine) - uint(point.StartLine),
counts: 0,
mappedBlocks[point.Opcode] = &b
for _, scriptRawCoverage := range rawCoverage {
di := scriptRawCoverage.debugInfo
documentSeqPoints := documentSeqPoints(di, documentName)
for _, offset := range scriptRawCoverage.offsetsVisited {
for _, point := range documentSeqPoints {
if point.Opcode == offset {
var blocks = make([]*coverBlock, 0, len(mappedBlocks))
for _, b := range mappedBlocks {
blocks = append(blocks, b)
slices.SortFunc(blocks, func(a, b *coverBlock) int {
return cmp.Or(
cmp.Compare(a.startLine, b.startLine),
cmp.Compare(a.endLine, b.endLine),
cmp.Compare(a.startCol, b.startCol),
cmp.Compare(a.endCol, b.endCol),
cmp.Compare(a.stmts, b.stmts),
cmp.Compare(a.counts, b.counts))
cover[documentName] = blocks
return cover
func documentSeqPoints(di *compiler.DebugInfo, doc documentName) []compiler.DebugSeqPoint {
var res []compiler.DebugSeqPoint
for _, methodDebugInfo := range di.Methods {
for _, p := range methodDebugInfo.SeqPoints {
if di.Documents[p.Document] == doc {
res = append(res, p)
return res
func addScriptToCoverage(c *Contract) {
// Any garbage may be passed to deployment methods, filter out useless contracts
// to avoid misleading behaviour during coverage collection.
if c.DebugInfo == nil || c.Hash.Equals(util.Uint160{}) {
defer coverageLock.Unlock()
if _, ok := rawCoverage[c.Hash]; !ok {
rawCoverage[c.Hash] = &scriptRawCoverage{debugInfo: c.DebugInfo}