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synced 2025-03-09 19:34:29 +00:00
Test coverage is automatically enabled when go test is running with coverage enabled. It can be disabled for any Executor by using relevant methods. Coverage is gathered by capturing VM OPs during test contract execution and mapping them to the contract source code using the DebugInfo information. Signed-off-by: Slava0135 <super.novalskiy_0135@inbox.ru>
211 lines
5.4 KiB
211 lines
5.4 KiB
package neotest
import (
const (
// goCoverProfileFlag specifies the name of `go test` flag that tells it where to save coverage data.
// Neotest coverage can be enabled only when this flag is set.
goCoverProfileFlag = "test.coverprofile"
// disableNeotestCover is name of the environmental variable used to explicitly disable neotest coverage.
disableNeotestCover = "DISABLE_NEOTEST_COVER"
var (
// coverageLock protects all vars below from concurrent modification when tests are run in parallel.
coverageLock sync.Mutex
// rawCoverage maps script hash to coverage data, collected during testing.
rawCoverage = make(map[util.Uint160]*scriptRawCoverage)
// flagChecked is true if `go test` coverage flag was checked at any point.
flagChecked bool
// coverageEnabled is true if coverage is being collected on test execution.
coverageEnabled bool
// coverProfile specifies the file all coverage data is written to, unless empty.
coverProfile = ""
type scriptRawCoverage struct {
debugInfo *compiler.DebugInfo
offsetsVisited []int
type coverBlock struct {
// Line number for block start.
startLine uint
// Column number for block start.
startCol uint
// Line number for block end.
endLine uint
// Column number for block end.
endCol uint
// Number of statements included in this block.
stmts uint
// Number of times this block was executed.
counts uint
// documentName makes it clear when a `string` maps path to the script file.
type documentName = string
func isCoverageEnabled() bool {
defer coverageLock.Unlock()
if flagChecked {
return coverageEnabled
defer func() { flagChecked = true }()
var disabledByEnvironment bool
if v, ok := os.LookupEnv(disableNeotestCover); ok {
disabled, err := strconv.ParseBool(v)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("coverage: error when parsing environment variable '%s', expected bool, but got '%s'", disableNeotestCover, v))
disabledByEnvironment = disabled
var goToolCoverageEnabled bool
flag.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if f.Name == goCoverProfileFlag && f.Value != nil && f.Value.String() != "" {
goToolCoverageEnabled = true
coverProfile = f.Value.String()
coverageEnabled = !disabledByEnvironment && goToolCoverageEnabled
if coverageEnabled {
// This is needed so go cover tool doesn't overwrite
// the file with our coverage when all tests are done.
err := flag.Set(goCoverProfileFlag, "")
if err != nil {
return coverageEnabled
var coverageHook vm.OnExecHook = func(scriptHash util.Uint160, offset int, opcode opcode.Opcode) {
defer coverageLock.Unlock()
if cov, ok := rawCoverage[scriptHash]; ok {
cov.offsetsVisited = append(cov.offsetsVisited, offset)
func reportCoverage(t testing.TB) {
defer coverageLock.Unlock()
f, err := os.Create(coverProfile)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("coverage: can't create file '%s' to write coverage report", coverProfile)
defer f.Close()
func writeCoverageReport(w io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "mode: set\n")
cover := processCover()
for name, blocks := range cover {
for _, b := range blocks {
c := 0
if b.counts > 0 {
c = 1
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s:%d.%d,%d.%d %d %d\n", name,
b.startLine, b.startCol,
b.endLine, b.endCol,
func processCover() map[documentName][]coverBlock {
documents := make(map[documentName]struct{})
for _, scriptRawCoverage := range rawCoverage {
for _, documentName := range scriptRawCoverage.debugInfo.Documents {
documents[documentName] = struct{}{}
cover := make(map[documentName][]coverBlock)
for documentName := range documents {
mappedBlocks := make(map[int]*coverBlock)
for _, scriptRawCoverage := range rawCoverage {
di := scriptRawCoverage.debugInfo
documentSeqPoints := documentSeqPoints(di, documentName)
for _, point := range documentSeqPoints {
b := coverBlock{
startLine: uint(point.StartLine),
startCol: uint(point.StartCol),
endLine: uint(point.EndLine),
endCol: uint(point.EndCol),
stmts: 1 + uint(point.EndLine) - uint(point.StartLine),
counts: 0,
mappedBlocks[point.Opcode] = &b
for _, scriptRawCoverage := range rawCoverage {
di := scriptRawCoverage.debugInfo
documentSeqPoints := documentSeqPoints(di, documentName)
for _, offset := range scriptRawCoverage.offsetsVisited {
for _, point := range documentSeqPoints {
if point.Opcode == offset {
var blocks []coverBlock
for _, b := range mappedBlocks {
blocks = append(blocks, *b)
cover[documentName] = blocks
return cover
func documentSeqPoints(di *compiler.DebugInfo, doc documentName) []compiler.DebugSeqPoint {
var res []compiler.DebugSeqPoint
for _, methodDebugInfo := range di.Methods {
for _, p := range methodDebugInfo.SeqPoints {
if di.Documents[p.Document] == doc {
res = append(res, p)
return res
func addScriptToCoverage(c *Contract) {
defer coverageLock.Unlock()
if _, ok := rawCoverage[c.Hash]; !ok {
rawCoverage[c.Hash] = &scriptRawCoverage{debugInfo: c.DebugInfo}