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synced 2025-02-28 23:30:25 +00:00
Items were serialized several times if there were several successful transactions in a block, prevent that by using State field as a bitfield (as it almost was intended to) and adding one more bit. It also eliminates useless duplicate MPT traversions. Confirmed to not break storage changes up to 3.3M on testnet.
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package dao
import (
// Cached is a data access object that mimics DAO, but has a write cache
// for accounts and read cache for contracts. These are the most frequently used
// objects in the storeBlock().
type Cached struct {
accounts map[util.Uint160]*state.Account
contracts map[util.Uint160]*state.Contract
unspents map[util.Uint256]*state.UnspentCoin
balances map[util.Uint160]*state.NEP5Balances
transfers map[util.Uint160]map[uint32]*state.NEP5TransferLog
storage *itemCache
// NewCached returns new Cached wrapping around given backing store.
func NewCached(d DAO) *Cached {
accs := make(map[util.Uint160]*state.Account)
ctrs := make(map[util.Uint160]*state.Contract)
unspents := make(map[util.Uint256]*state.UnspentCoin)
balances := make(map[util.Uint160]*state.NEP5Balances)
transfers := make(map[util.Uint160]map[uint32]*state.NEP5TransferLog)
st := newItemCache()
dao := d.GetWrapped()
if cd, ok := dao.(*Cached); ok {
for h, m := range cd.storage.st {
for _, k := range cd.storage.keys[h] {
st.put(h, []byte(k), m[k].State, copyItem(&m[k].StorageItem))
return &Cached{dao, accs, ctrs, unspents, balances, transfers, st}
// GetAccountStateOrNew retrieves Account from cache or underlying store
// or creates a new one if it doesn't exist.
func (cd *Cached) GetAccountStateOrNew(hash util.Uint160) (*state.Account, error) {
if cd.accounts[hash] != nil {
return cd.accounts[hash], nil
return cd.DAO.GetAccountStateOrNew(hash)
// GetAccountState retrieves Account from cache or underlying store.
func (cd *Cached) GetAccountState(hash util.Uint160) (*state.Account, error) {
if cd.accounts[hash] != nil {
return cd.accounts[hash], nil
return cd.DAO.GetAccountState(hash)
// PutAccountState saves given Account in the cache.
func (cd *Cached) PutAccountState(as *state.Account) error {
cd.accounts[as.ScriptHash] = as
return nil
// GetContractState returns contract state from cache or underlying store.
func (cd *Cached) GetContractState(hash util.Uint160) (*state.Contract, error) {
if cd.contracts[hash] != nil {
return cd.contracts[hash], nil
cs, err := cd.DAO.GetContractState(hash)
if err == nil {
cd.contracts[hash] = cs
return cs, err
// PutContractState puts given contract state into the given store.
func (cd *Cached) PutContractState(cs *state.Contract) error {
cd.contracts[cs.ScriptHash()] = cs
return cd.DAO.PutContractState(cs)
// DeleteContractState deletes given contract state in cache and backing store.
func (cd *Cached) DeleteContractState(hash util.Uint160) error {
cd.contracts[hash] = nil
return cd.DAO.DeleteContractState(hash)
// GetUnspentCoinState retrieves UnspentCoin from cache or underlying store.
func (cd *Cached) GetUnspentCoinState(hash util.Uint256) (*state.UnspentCoin, error) {
if cd.unspents[hash] != nil {
return cd.unspents[hash], nil
return cd.DAO.GetUnspentCoinState(hash)
// PutUnspentCoinState saves given UnspentCoin in the cache.
func (cd *Cached) PutUnspentCoinState(hash util.Uint256, ucs *state.UnspentCoin) error {
cd.unspents[hash] = ucs
return nil
// GetNEP5Balances retrieves NEP5Balances for the acc.
func (cd *Cached) GetNEP5Balances(acc util.Uint160) (*state.NEP5Balances, error) {
if bs := cd.balances[acc]; bs != nil {
return bs, nil
return cd.DAO.GetNEP5Balances(acc)
// PutNEP5Balances saves NEP5Balances for the acc.
func (cd *Cached) PutNEP5Balances(acc util.Uint160, bs *state.NEP5Balances) error {
cd.balances[acc] = bs
return nil
// GetNEP5TransferLog retrieves NEP5TransferLog for the acc.
func (cd *Cached) GetNEP5TransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32) (*state.NEP5TransferLog, error) {
ts := cd.transfers[acc]
if ts != nil && ts[index] != nil {
return ts[index], nil
return cd.DAO.GetNEP5TransferLog(acc, index)
// PutNEP5TransferLog saves NEP5TransferLog for the acc.
func (cd *Cached) PutNEP5TransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, bs *state.NEP5TransferLog) error {
ts := cd.transfers[acc]
if ts == nil {
ts = make(map[uint32]*state.NEP5TransferLog, 2)
cd.transfers[acc] = ts
ts[index] = bs
return nil
// AppendNEP5Transfer appends new transfer to a transfer event log.
func (cd *Cached) AppendNEP5Transfer(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, tr *state.NEP5Transfer) (bool, error) {
lg, err := cd.GetNEP5TransferLog(acc, index)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if err := lg.Append(tr); err != nil {
return false, err
return lg.Size() >= nep5TransferBatchSize, cd.PutNEP5TransferLog(acc, index, lg)
// Persist flushes all the changes made into the (supposedly) persistent
// underlying store.
func (cd *Cached) Persist() (int, error) {
if err := cd.FlushStorage(); err != nil {
return 0, err
lowerCache, ok := cd.DAO.(*Cached)
// If the lower DAO is Cached, we only need to flush the MemCached DB.
// This actually breaks DAO interface incapsulation, but for our current
// usage scenario it should be good enough if cd doesn't modify object
// caches (accounts/contracts/etc) in any way.
if ok {
var simpleCache *Simple
for simpleCache == nil {
if err := lowerCache.FlushStorage(); err != nil {
return 0, err
simpleCache, ok = lowerCache.DAO.(*Simple)
if !ok {
lowerCache, ok = cd.DAO.(*Cached)
if !ok {
return 0, errors.New("unsupported lower DAO")
return simpleCache.Persist()
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
for sc := range cd.accounts {
err := cd.DAO.putAccountState(cd.accounts[sc], buf)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for hash := range cd.unspents {
err := cd.DAO.putUnspentCoinState(hash, cd.unspents[hash], buf)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for acc, bs := range cd.balances {
err := cd.DAO.putNEP5Balances(acc, bs, buf)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for acc, ts := range cd.transfers {
for ind, lg := range ts {
err := cd.DAO.PutNEP5TransferLog(acc, ind, lg)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return cd.DAO.Persist()
// GetWrapped implements DAO interface.
func (cd *Cached) GetWrapped() DAO {
return &Cached{cd.DAO.GetWrapped(),
// FlushStorage flushes storage changes to the underlying DAO.
func (cd *Cached) FlushStorage() error {
if d, ok := cd.DAO.(*Cached); ok {
d.storage.st = cd.storage.st
d.storage.keys = cd.storage.keys
return nil
for h, items := range cd.storage.st {
for _, k := range cd.storage.keys[h] {
ti := items[k]
switch ti.State {
case putOp, addOp:
err := cd.DAO.PutStorageItem(h, []byte(k), &ti.StorageItem)
if err != nil {
return err
case delOp:
err := cd.DAO.DeleteStorageItem(h, []byte(k))
if err != nil {
return err
ti.State |= flushedState
return nil
func copyItem(si *state.StorageItem) *state.StorageItem {
val := make([]byte, len(si.Value))
copy(val, si.Value)
return &state.StorageItem{
Value: val,
IsConst: si.IsConst,
// GetStorageItem returns StorageItem if it exists in the given store.
func (cd *Cached) GetStorageItem(scripthash util.Uint160, key []byte) *state.StorageItem {
return cd.getStorageItemInt(scripthash, key, true)
// getStorageItemNoCache is non-caching GetStorageItem version.
func (cd *Cached) getStorageItemNoCache(scripthash util.Uint160, key []byte) *state.StorageItem {
return cd.getStorageItemInt(scripthash, key, false)
// getStorageItemInt is an internal GetStorageItem that can either cache read
// (for upper Cached) or not do so (for lower Cached that should only be updated
// on persist).
func (cd *Cached) getStorageItemInt(scripthash util.Uint160, key []byte, putToCache bool) *state.StorageItem {
ti := cd.storage.getItem(scripthash, key)
if ti != nil {
if ti.State&delOp != 0 {
return nil
return copyItem(&ti.StorageItem)
// Gets shouldn't affect lower Cached.storage until Persist.
var si *state.StorageItem
if lowerCached, ok := cd.DAO.(*Cached); ok {
si = lowerCached.getStorageItemNoCache(scripthash, key)
} else {
si = cd.DAO.GetStorageItem(scripthash, key)
if si != nil {
if putToCache {
cd.storage.put(scripthash, key, getOp, si)
return copyItem(si)
return nil
// PutStorageItem puts given StorageItem for given script with given
// key into the given store.
func (cd *Cached) PutStorageItem(scripthash util.Uint160, key []byte, si *state.StorageItem) error {
item := copyItem(si)
ti := cd.storage.getItem(scripthash, key)
if ti != nil {
if ti.State&(delOp|getOp) != 0 {
ti.State = putOp
} else {
ti.State = addOp
ti.StorageItem = *item
return nil
op := addOp
if it := cd.DAO.GetStorageItem(scripthash, key); it != nil {
op = putOp
cd.storage.put(scripthash, key, op, item)
return nil
// DeleteStorageItem drops storage item for the given script with the
// given key from the store.
func (cd *Cached) DeleteStorageItem(scripthash util.Uint160, key []byte) error {
ti := cd.storage.getItem(scripthash, key)
if ti != nil {
ti.State = delOp
ti.Value = nil
return nil
it := cd.DAO.GetStorageItem(scripthash, key)
if it != nil {
cd.storage.put(scripthash, key, delOp, it)
return nil
// StorageIteratorFunc is a function returning key-value pair or error.
type StorageIteratorFunc func() ([]byte, []byte, error)
// GetStorageItemsIterator returns iterator over all storage items.
// Function returned can be called until first error.
func (cd *Cached) GetStorageItemsIterator(hash util.Uint160, prefix []byte) (StorageIteratorFunc, error) {
items, err := cd.DAO.GetStorageItems(hash, prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sort.Slice(items, func(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(items[i].Key, items[j].Key) == -1 })
cache := cd.storage.getItems(hash)
var getItemFromCache StorageIteratorFunc
keyIndex := -1
getItemFromCache = func() ([]byte, []byte, error) {
for ; keyIndex < len(cd.storage.keys[hash]); keyIndex++ {
k := cd.storage.keys[hash][keyIndex]
v := cache[k]
if v.State&delOp == 0 && bytes.HasPrefix([]byte(k), prefix) {
val := make([]byte, len(v.StorageItem.Value))
copy(val, v.StorageItem.Value)
return []byte(k), val, nil
return nil, nil, errors.New("no more items")
var f func() ([]byte, []byte, error)
index := -1
f = func() ([]byte, []byte, error) {
for ; index < len(items); index++ {
_, ok := cache[string(items[index].Key)]
if !ok {
return items[index].Key, items[index].Value, nil
return getItemFromCache()
return f, nil
// GetStorageItems returns all storage items for a given scripthash.
func (cd *Cached) GetStorageItems(hash util.Uint160, prefix []byte) ([]StorageItemWithKey, error) {
items, err := cd.DAO.GetStorageItems(hash, prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cache := cd.storage.getItems(hash)
if len(cache) == 0 {
return items, nil
result := make([]StorageItemWithKey, 0, len(items))
for i := range items {
_, ok := cache[string(items[i].Key)]
if !ok {
result = append(result, items[i])
sort.Slice(result, func(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(result[i].Key, result[j].Key) == -1 })
for _, k := range cd.storage.keys[hash] {
v := cache[k]
if v.State&delOp == 0 {
val := make([]byte, len(v.StorageItem.Value))
copy(val, v.StorageItem.Value)
result = append(result, StorageItemWithKey{
StorageItem: state.StorageItem{
Value: val,
IsConst: v.StorageItem.IsConst,
Key: []byte(k),
return result, nil