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synced 2025-03-02 23:43:49 +00:00
But don't change the way we process/store transactions and blocks. Effectively it's just an interface for smart contracts that replaces old syscalls. Transaction definition is moved temporarily to runtime package and Block definition is removed (till we solve #1691 properly).
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package native
import (
// Designate represents designation contract.
type Designate struct {
rolesChangedFlag atomic.Value
oracles atomic.Value
stateVals atomic.Value
notaries atomic.Value
// p2pSigExtensionsEnabled defines whether the P2P signature extensions logic is relevant.
p2pSigExtensionsEnabled bool
OracleService atomic.Value
// NotaryService represents Notary node module.
NotaryService atomic.Value
type roleData struct {
nodes keys.PublicKeys
addr util.Uint160
height uint32
const (
designateContractID = -6
// maxNodeCount is the maximum number of nodes to set the role for.
maxNodeCount = 32
// Role represents type of participant.
type Role byte
// Role enumeration.
const (
RoleStateValidator Role = 4
RoleOracle Role = 8
RoleP2PNotary Role = 128
// Various errors.
var (
ErrAlreadyDesignated = errors.New("already designated given role at current block")
ErrEmptyNodeList = errors.New("node list is empty")
ErrInvalidIndex = errors.New("invalid index")
ErrInvalidRole = errors.New("invalid role")
ErrLargeNodeList = errors.New("node list is too large")
ErrNoBlock = errors.New("no persisting block in the context")
func (s *Designate) isValidRole(r Role) bool {
return r == RoleOracle || r == RoleStateValidator || (s.p2pSigExtensionsEnabled && r == RoleP2PNotary)
func newDesignate(p2pSigExtensionsEnabled bool) *Designate {
s := &Designate{ContractMD: *interop.NewContractMD(nativenames.Designation, designateContractID)}
s.p2pSigExtensionsEnabled = p2pSigExtensionsEnabled
desc := newDescriptor("getDesignatedByRole", smartcontract.ArrayType,
manifest.NewParameter("role", smartcontract.IntegerType),
manifest.NewParameter("index", smartcontract.IntegerType))
md := newMethodAndPrice(s.getDesignatedByRole, 1000000, callflag.ReadStates)
s.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("designateAsRole", smartcontract.VoidType,
manifest.NewParameter("role", smartcontract.IntegerType),
manifest.NewParameter("nodes", smartcontract.ArrayType))
md = newMethodAndPrice(s.designateAsRole, 0, callflag.WriteStates)
s.AddMethod(md, desc)
return s
// Initialize initializes Oracle contract.
func (s *Designate) Initialize(ic *interop.Context) error {
return nil
// OnPersist implements Contract interface.
func (s *Designate) OnPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
return nil
// PostPersist implements Contract interface.
func (s *Designate) PostPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
if !s.rolesChanged() {
return nil
if err := s.updateCachedRoleData(&s.oracles, ic.DAO, RoleOracle); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.updateCachedRoleData(&s.stateVals, ic.DAO, RoleStateValidator); err != nil {
return err
if s.p2pSigExtensionsEnabled {
if err := s.updateCachedRoleData(&s.notaries, ic.DAO, RoleP2PNotary); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Metadata returns contract metadata.
func (s *Designate) Metadata() *interop.ContractMD {
return &s.ContractMD
func (s *Designate) getDesignatedByRole(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
r, ok := s.getRole(args[0])
if !ok {
ind, err := args[1].TryInteger()
if err != nil || !ind.IsUint64() {
index := ind.Uint64()
if index > uint64(ic.Chain.BlockHeight()+1) {
pubs, _, err := s.GetDesignatedByRole(ic.DAO, r, uint32(index))
if err != nil {
return pubsToArray(pubs)
func (s *Designate) rolesChanged() bool {
rc := s.rolesChangedFlag.Load()
return rc == nil || rc.(bool)
func (s *Designate) hashFromNodes(r Role, nodes keys.PublicKeys) util.Uint160 {
if len(nodes) == 0 {
return util.Uint160{}
var script []byte
switch r {
case RoleOracle:
script, _ = smartcontract.CreateDefaultMultiSigRedeemScript(nodes.Copy())
case RoleP2PNotary:
script, _ = smartcontract.CreateMultiSigRedeemScript(1, nodes.Copy())
script, _ = smartcontract.CreateMajorityMultiSigRedeemScript(nodes.Copy())
return hash.Hash160(script)
func (s *Designate) updateCachedRoleData(v *atomic.Value, d dao.DAO, r Role) error {
nodeKeys, height, err := s.GetDesignatedByRole(d, r, math.MaxUint32)
if err != nil {
return err
nodes: nodeKeys,
addr: s.hashFromNodes(r, nodeKeys),
height: height,
switch r {
case RoleOracle:
if orc, _ := s.OracleService.Load().(services.Oracle); orc != nil {
case RoleP2PNotary:
if ntr, _ := s.NotaryService.Load().(services.Notary); ntr != nil {
return nil
func (s *Designate) getCachedRoleData(r Role) *roleData {
var val interface{}
switch r {
case RoleOracle:
val = s.oracles.Load()
case RoleStateValidator:
val = s.stateVals.Load()
case RoleP2PNotary:
val = s.notaries.Load()
if val != nil {
return val.(*roleData)
return nil
// GetLastDesignatedHash returns last designated hash of a given role.
func (s *Designate) GetLastDesignatedHash(d dao.DAO, r Role) (util.Uint160, error) {
if !s.isValidRole(r) {
return util.Uint160{}, ErrInvalidRole
if !s.rolesChanged() {
if val := s.getCachedRoleData(r); val != nil {
return val.addr, nil
nodes, _, err := s.GetDesignatedByRole(d, r, math.MaxUint32)
if err != nil {
return util.Uint160{}, err
// We only have hashing defined for oracles now.
return s.hashFromNodes(r, nodes), nil
// GetDesignatedByRole returns nodes for role r.
func (s *Designate) GetDesignatedByRole(d dao.DAO, r Role, index uint32) (keys.PublicKeys, uint32, error) {
if !s.isValidRole(r) {
return nil, 0, ErrInvalidRole
if !s.rolesChanged() {
if val := s.getCachedRoleData(r); val != nil && val.height <= index {
return val.nodes.Copy(), val.height, nil
kvs, err := d.GetStorageItemsWithPrefix(s.ContractID, []byte{byte(r)})
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
var ns NodeList
var bestIndex uint32
var resSi *state.StorageItem
for k, si := range kvs {
if len(k) < 4 {
siInd := binary.BigEndian.Uint32([]byte(k))
if (resSi == nil || siInd > bestIndex) && siInd <= index {
bestIndex = siInd
resSi = si
if resSi != nil {
reader := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(resSi.Value)
if reader.Err != nil {
return nil, 0, reader.Err
return keys.PublicKeys(ns), bestIndex, err
func (s *Designate) designateAsRole(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
r, ok := s.getRole(args[0])
if !ok {
var ns NodeList
if err := ns.fromStackItem(args[1]); err != nil {
err := s.DesignateAsRole(ic, r, keys.PublicKeys(ns))
if err != nil {
return pubsToArray(keys.PublicKeys(ns))
// DesignateAsRole sets nodes for role r.
func (s *Designate) DesignateAsRole(ic *interop.Context, r Role, pubs keys.PublicKeys) error {
length := len(pubs)
if length == 0 {
return ErrEmptyNodeList
if length > maxNodeCount {
return ErrLargeNodeList
if !s.isValidRole(r) {
return ErrInvalidRole
h := s.NEO.GetCommitteeAddress()
if ok, err := runtime.CheckHashedWitness(ic, h); err != nil || !ok {
return ErrInvalidWitness
if ic.Block == nil {
return ErrNoBlock
var key = make([]byte, 5)
key[0] = byte(r)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(key[1:], ic.Block.Index+1)
si := ic.DAO.GetStorageItem(s.ContractID, key)
if si != nil {
return ErrAlreadyDesignated
si = &state.StorageItem{Value: NodeList(pubs).Bytes()}
return ic.DAO.PutStorageItem(s.ContractID, key, si)
func (s *Designate) getRole(item stackitem.Item) (Role, bool) {
bi, err := item.TryInteger()
if err != nil {
return 0, false
if !bi.IsUint64() {
return 0, false
u := bi.Uint64()
return Role(u), u <= math.MaxUint8 && s.isValidRole(Role(u))