Ekaterina Pavlova f8dc5ec44f network: change server Start() behavior
Previously user should Start server in a separate goroutine. Now
separate goroutine is created inside the Start(). For normal server
operation, the caller should wait for Start to finish. Also, fixed
TestTryInitStateSync test which was exiting earlier than logs are

Close #3112

Signed-off-by: Ekaterina Pavlova <>
2024-02-27 15:10:51 +03:00

705 lines
24 KiB

package rpcsrv
import (
const testOverflow = false
func wsReader(t *testing.T, ws *websocket.Conn, msgCh chan<- []byte, isFinished *atomic.Bool) {
for {
err := ws.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second))
if isFinished.Load() {
require.Error(t, err)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, body, err := ws.ReadMessage()
if isFinished.Load() {
require.Error(t, err)
require.NoError(t, err)
msgCh <- body
func callWSGetRaw(t *testing.T, ws *websocket.Conn, msg string, respCh <-chan []byte) *neorpc.Response {
var resp = new(neorpc.Response)
require.NoError(t, ws.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second)))
require.NoError(t, ws.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(msg)))
body := <-respCh
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(body, resp))
return resp
func getNotification(t *testing.T, respCh <-chan []byte) *neorpc.Notification {
var resp = new(neorpc.Notification)
body := <-respCh
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(body, resp))
return resp
func initCleanServerAndWSClient(t *testing.T) (*core.Blockchain, *Server, *websocket.Conn, chan []byte, *atomic.Bool) {
chain, rpcSrv, httpSrv := initClearServerWithInMemoryChain(t)
dialer := websocket.Dialer{HandshakeTimeout: time.Second}
url := "ws" + strings.TrimPrefix(httpSrv.URL, "http") + "/ws"
ws, r, err := dialer.Dial(url, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer r.Body.Close()
// Use buffered channel to read server's messages and then read expected
// responses from it.
respMsgs := make(chan []byte, 16)
finishedFlag := &atomic.Bool{}
go wsReader(t, ws, respMsgs, finishedFlag)
return chain, rpcSrv, ws, respMsgs, finishedFlag
func callSubscribe(t *testing.T, ws *websocket.Conn, msgs <-chan []byte, params string) string {
var s string
resp := callWSGetRaw(t, ws, fmt.Sprintf(`{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method": "subscribe","params": %s,"id": 1}`, params), msgs)
require.Nil(t, resp.Error)
require.NotNil(t, resp.Result)
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &s))
return s
func callUnsubscribe(t *testing.T, ws *websocket.Conn, msgs <-chan []byte, id string) {
var b bool
resp := callWSGetRaw(t, ws, fmt.Sprintf(`{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method": "unsubscribe","params": ["%s"],"id": 1}`, id), msgs)
require.Nil(t, resp.Error)
require.NotNil(t, resp.Result)
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &b))
require.Equal(t, true, b)
func TestSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
var subIDs = make([]string, 0)
var subFeeds = []string{"block_added", "transaction_added", "notification_from_execution", "transaction_executed", "notary_request_event", "header_of_added_block"}
chain, rpcSrv, c, respMsgs, finishedFlag := initCleanServerAndWSClient(t)
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
defer rpcSrv.coreServer.Shutdown()
for _, feed := range subFeeds {
s := callSubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, fmt.Sprintf(`["%s"]`, feed))
subIDs = append(subIDs, s)
for _, b := range getTestBlocks(t) {
require.NoError(t, chain.AddBlock(b))
resp := getNotification(t, respMsgs)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.ExecutionEventID, resp.Event)
for {
resp = getNotification(t, respMsgs)
if resp.Event != neorpc.NotificationEventID {
for i := 0; i < len(b.Transactions); i++ {
if i > 0 {
resp = getNotification(t, respMsgs)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.ExecutionEventID, resp.Event)
for {
resp := getNotification(t, respMsgs)
if resp.Event == neorpc.NotificationEventID {
require.Equal(t, neorpc.TransactionEventID, resp.Event)
resp = getNotification(t, respMsgs)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.ExecutionEventID, resp.Event)
for {
resp = getNotification(t, respMsgs)
if resp.Event != neorpc.NotificationEventID {
require.Equal(t, neorpc.HeaderOfAddedBlockEventID, resp.Event)
resp = getNotification(t, respMsgs)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.BlockEventID, resp.Event)
// We should manually add NotaryRequest to test notification.
sender := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(0)
err := rpcSrv.coreServer.RelayP2PNotaryRequest(createValidNotaryRequest(chain, sender, 1, 2_0000_0000, nil))
require.NoError(t, err)
for {
resp := getNotification(t, respMsgs)
if resp.Event == neorpc.NotaryRequestEventID {
for _, id := range subIDs {
callUnsubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, id)
finishedFlag.CompareAndSwap(false, true)
func TestFilteredSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
priv0 := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(0)
var goodSender = priv0.GetScriptHash()
var cases = map[string]struct {
params string
check func(*testing.T, *neorpc.Notification)
"tx matching sender": {
params: `["transaction_added", {"sender":"` + goodSender.StringLE() + `"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.TransactionEventID, resp.Event)
sender := rmap["sender"].(string)
require.Equal(t, address.Uint160ToString(goodSender), sender)
"tx matching signer": {
params: `["transaction_added", {"signer":"` + goodSender.StringLE() + `"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.TransactionEventID, resp.Event)
signers := rmap["signers"].([]any)
signer0 := signers[0].(map[string]any)
signer0acc := signer0["account"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "0x"+goodSender.StringLE(), signer0acc)
"tx matching sender and signer": {
params: `["transaction_added", {"sender":"` + goodSender.StringLE() + `", "signer":"` + goodSender.StringLE() + `"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.TransactionEventID, resp.Event)
sender := rmap["sender"].(string)
require.Equal(t, address.Uint160ToString(goodSender), sender)
signers := rmap["signers"].([]any)
signer0 := signers[0].(map[string]any)
signer0acc := signer0["account"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "0x"+goodSender.StringLE(), signer0acc)
"notification matching contract hash": {
params: `["notification_from_execution", {"contract":"` + testContractHash + `"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.NotificationEventID, resp.Event)
c := rmap["contract"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "0x"+testContractHash, c)
"notification matching name": {
params: `["notification_from_execution", {"name":"my_pretty_notification"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.NotificationEventID, resp.Event)
n := rmap["name"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "my_pretty_notification", n)
"notification matching contract hash and name": {
params: `["notification_from_execution", {"contract":"` + testContractHash + `", "name":"my_pretty_notification"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.NotificationEventID, resp.Event)
c := rmap["contract"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "0x"+testContractHash, c)
n := rmap["name"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "my_pretty_notification", n)
"execution matching state": {
params: `["transaction_executed", {"state":"HALT"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.ExecutionEventID, resp.Event)
st := rmap["vmstate"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "HALT", st)
"execution matching container": {
params: `["transaction_executed", {"container":"` + deploymentTxHash + `"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.ExecutionEventID, resp.Event)
tx := rmap["container"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "0x"+deploymentTxHash, tx)
"execution matching state and container": {
params: `["transaction_executed", {"state":"HALT", "container":"` + deploymentTxHash + `"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.ExecutionEventID, resp.Event)
tx := rmap["container"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "0x"+deploymentTxHash, tx)
st := rmap["vmstate"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "HALT", st)
"tx non-matching": {
params: `["transaction_added", {"sender":"00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, _ *neorpc.Notification) {
t.Fatal("unexpected match for EnrollmentTransaction")
"notification non-matching": {
params: `["notification_from_execution", {"contract":"00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, _ *neorpc.Notification) {
t.Fatal("unexpected match for contract 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233")
"execution non-matching": {
// We have single FAULTed transaction in chain, this, use the wrong hash for this test instead of FAULT state.
params: `["transaction_executed", {"container":"0x` + util.Uint256{}.StringLE() + `"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, n *neorpc.Notification) {
t.Fatal("unexpected match for faulted execution")
"header of added block": {
params: `["header_of_added_block", {"primary": 0, "since": 5}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.HeaderOfAddedBlockEventID, resp.Event)
primary := rmap["primary"].(float64)
require.Equal(t, 0, int(primary))
index := rmap["index"].(float64)
require.Less(t, 4, int(index))
for name, this := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
chain, rpcSrv, c, respMsgs, finishedFlag := initCleanServerAndWSClient(t)
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
// It's used as an end-of-event-stream, so it's always present.
blockSubID := callSubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, `["block_added"]`)
subID := callSubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, this.params)
var lastBlock uint32
for _, b := range getTestBlocks(t) {
require.NoError(t, chain.AddBlock(b))
lastBlock = b.Index
for {
resp := getNotification(t, respMsgs)
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
if resp.Event == neorpc.BlockEventID {
index := rmap["index"].(float64)
if uint32(index) == lastBlock {
this.check(t, resp)
callUnsubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, subID)
callUnsubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, blockSubID)
finishedFlag.CompareAndSwap(false, true)
func TestFilteredNotaryRequestSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
// We can't fit this into TestFilteredSubscriptions, because notary requests
// event doesn't depend on blocks events.
priv0 := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(0)
var goodSender = priv0.GetScriptHash()
var cases = map[string]struct {
params string
check func(*testing.T, *neorpc.Notification)
"matching sender": {
params: `["notary_request_event", {"sender":"` + goodSender.StringLE() + `"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.NotaryRequestEventID, resp.Event)
require.Equal(t, "added", rmap["type"].(string))
req := rmap["notaryrequest"].(map[string]any)
fbTx := req["fallbacktx"].(map[string]any)
sender := fbTx["signers"].([]any)[1].(map[string]any)["account"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "0x"+goodSender.StringLE(), sender)
"matching signer": {
params: `["notary_request_event", {"signer":"` + goodSender.StringLE() + `"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.NotaryRequestEventID, resp.Event)
require.Equal(t, "added", rmap["type"].(string))
req := rmap["notaryrequest"].(map[string]any)
mainTx := req["maintx"].(map[string]any)
signers := mainTx["signers"].([]any)
signer0 := signers[0].(map[string]any)
signer0acc := signer0["account"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "0x"+goodSender.StringLE(), signer0acc)
"matching type": {
params: `["notary_request_event", {"type":"added"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
require.Equal(t, neorpc.NotaryRequestEventID, resp.Event)
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, "added", rmap["type"].(string))
"matching sender, signer and type": {
params: `["notary_request_event", {"sender":"` + goodSender.StringLE() + `", "signer":"` + goodSender.StringLE() + `","type":"added"}]`,
check: func(t *testing.T, resp *neorpc.Notification) {
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
require.Equal(t, neorpc.NotaryRequestEventID, resp.Event)
require.Equal(t, "added", rmap["type"].(string))
req := rmap["notaryrequest"].(map[string]any)
mainTx := req["maintx"].(map[string]any)
fbTx := req["fallbacktx"].(map[string]any)
sender := fbTx["signers"].([]any)[1].(map[string]any)["account"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "0x"+goodSender.StringLE(), sender)
signers := mainTx["signers"].([]any)
signer0 := signers[0].(map[string]any)
signer0acc := signer0["account"].(string)
require.Equal(t, "0x"+goodSender.StringLE(), signer0acc)
chain, rpcSrv, c, respMsgs, finishedFlag := initCleanServerAndWSClient(t)
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
// blocks are needed to make GAS deposit for priv0
blocks := getTestBlocks(t)
for _, b := range blocks {
require.NoError(t, chain.AddBlock(b))
var nonce uint32 = 100
for name, this := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
subID := callSubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, this.params)
err := rpcSrv.coreServer.RelayP2PNotaryRequest(createValidNotaryRequest(chain, priv0, nonce, 2_0000_0000, nil))
require.NoError(t, err)
var resp = new(neorpc.Notification)
select {
case body := <-respMsgs:
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(body, resp))
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for event")
require.Equal(t, neorpc.NotaryRequestEventID, resp.Event)
this.check(t, resp)
callUnsubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, subID)
finishedFlag.CompareAndSwap(false, true)
func TestFilteredBlockSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
// We can't fit this into TestFilteredSubscriptions, because it uses
// blocks as EOF events to wait for.
const numBlocks = 10
chain, rpcSrv, c, respMsgs, finishedFlag := initCleanServerAndWSClient(t)
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
blockSubID := callSubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, `["block_added", {"primary":3}]`)
var expectedCnt int
for i := 0; i < numBlocks; i++ {
primary := uint32(i % 4)
if primary == 3 {
b := testchain.NewBlock(t, chain, 1, primary)
require.NoError(t, chain.AddBlock(b))
for i := 0; i < expectedCnt; i++ {
var resp = new(neorpc.Notification)
select {
case body := <-respMsgs:
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(body, resp))
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for event")
require.Equal(t, neorpc.BlockEventID, resp.Event)
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
primary := rmap["primary"].(float64)
require.Equal(t, 3, int(primary))
callUnsubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, blockSubID)
finishedFlag.CompareAndSwap(false, true)
func TestHeaderOfAddedBlockSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
const numBlocks = 10
chain, rpcSrv, c, respMsgs, finishedFlag := initCleanServerAndWSClient(t)
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
headerSubID := callSubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, `["header_of_added_block", {"primary":3}]`)
var expectedCnt int
for i := 0; i < numBlocks; i++ {
primary := uint32(i % 4)
if primary == 3 {
b := testchain.NewBlock(t, chain, 1, primary)
require.NoError(t, chain.AddBlock(b))
for i := 0; i < expectedCnt; i++ {
var resp = new(neorpc.Notification)
select {
case body := <-respMsgs:
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(body, resp))
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for event")
require.Equal(t, neorpc.HeaderOfAddedBlockEventID, resp.Event)
rmap := resp.Payload[0].(map[string]any)
primary := rmap["primary"].(float64)
require.Equal(t, 3, int(primary))
callUnsubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, headerSubID)
finishedFlag.CompareAndSwap(false, true)
func TestMaxSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
var subIDs = make([]string, 0)
chain, rpcSrv, c, respMsgs, finishedFlag := initCleanServerAndWSClient(t)
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
for i := 0; i < maxFeeds+1; i++ {
var s string
resp := callWSGetRaw(t, c, `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["block_added"], "id": 1}`, respMsgs)
if i < maxFeeds {
require.Nil(t, resp.Error)
require.NotNil(t, resp.Result)
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &s))
// Each ID must be unique.
for _, id := range subIDs {
require.NotEqual(t, id, s)
subIDs = append(subIDs, s)
} else {
require.NotNil(t, resp.Error)
require.Nil(t, resp.Result)
finishedFlag.CompareAndSwap(false, true)
func TestBadSubUnsub(t *testing.T) {
var subCases = map[string]string{
"no params": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": [], "id": 1}`,
"bad (non-string) event": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": [1], "id": 1}`,
"bad (wrong) event": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["block_removed"], "id": 1}`,
"missed event": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["event_missed"], "id": 1}`,
"block invalid filter": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["block_added", 1], "id": 1}`,
"tx filter 1": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["transaction_added", 1], "id": 1}`,
"tx filter 2": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["transaction_added", {"state": "HALT"}], "id": 1}`,
"notification filter 1": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["notification_from_execution", "contract"], "id": 1}`,
"notification filter 2": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["notification_from_execution", "name"], "id": 1}`,
"execution filter 1": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["transaction_executed", "FAULT"], "id": 1}`,
"execution filter 2": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["transaction_executed", {"state": "STOP"}], "id": 1}`,
var unsubCases = map[string]string{
"no params": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "unsubscribe", "params": [], "id": 1}`,
"bad id": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "unsubscribe", "params": ["vasiliy"], "id": 1}`,
"not subscribed id": `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "unsubscribe", "params": ["7"], "id": 1}`,
chain, rpcSrv, c, respMsgs, finishedFlag := initCleanServerAndWSClient(t)
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
testF := func(t *testing.T, cases map[string]string) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
for n, s := range cases {
t.Run(n, func(t *testing.T) {
resp := callWSGetRaw(t, c, s, respMsgs)
require.NotNil(t, resp.Error)
require.Nil(t, resp.Result)
t.Run("subscribe", testF(t, subCases))
t.Run("unsubscribe", testF(t, unsubCases))
finishedFlag.CompareAndSwap(false, true)
func doSomeWSRequest(t *testing.T, ws *websocket.Conn) {
require.NoError(t, ws.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second)))
// It could be just about anything including invalid request,
// we only care about server handling being active.
require.NoError(t, ws.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(`{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "getversion", "params": [], "id": 1}`)))
err := ws.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second))
require.NoError(t, err)
_, _, err = ws.ReadMessage()
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestWSClientsLimit(t *testing.T) {
for tname, limit := range map[string]int{"default": 0, "8": 8, "disabled": -1} {
effectiveClients := limit
if limit == 0 {
effectiveClients = defaultMaxWebSocketClients
} else if limit < 0 {
effectiveClients = 0
t.Run(tname, func(t *testing.T) {
chain, rpcSrv, httpSrv := initClearServerWithCustomConfig(t, func(cfg *config.Config) {
cfg.ApplicationConfiguration.RPC.MaxWebSocketClients = limit
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
dialer := websocket.Dialer{HandshakeTimeout: time.Second}
url := "ws" + strings.TrimPrefix(httpSrv.URL, "http") + "/ws"
wss := make([]*websocket.Conn, effectiveClients)
for i := 0; i < len(wss)+1; i++ {
ws, r, err := dialer.Dial(url, nil)
if r != nil && r.Body != nil {
defer r.Body.Close()
if i < effectiveClients {
require.NoError(t, err)
wss[i] = ws
// Check that it's completely ready.
doSomeWSRequest(t, ws)
} else {
require.Error(t, err)
// Check connections are still alive (it actually is necessary to add
// some use of wss to keep connections alive).
for i := 0; i < len(wss); i++ {
doSomeWSRequest(t, wss[i])
// The purpose of this test is to overflow buffers on server side to
// receive a 'missed' event. But it's actually hard to tell when exactly
// that's going to happen because of network-level buffering, typical
// number seen in tests is around ~3500 events, but it's not reliable enough,
// thus this test is disabled.
func TestSubscriptionOverflow(t *testing.T) {
if !testOverflow {
const blockCnt = notificationBufSize * 5
var receivedMiss bool
chain, rpcSrv, c, respMsgs, finishedFlag := initCleanServerAndWSClient(t)
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
resp := callWSGetRaw(t, c, `{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method": "subscribe","params": ["block_added"],"id": 1}`, respMsgs)
require.Nil(t, resp.Error)
require.NotNil(t, resp.Result)
// Push a lot of new blocks, but don't read events for them.
for i := 0; i < blockCnt; i++ {
b := testchain.NewBlock(t, chain, 1, 0)
require.NoError(t, chain.AddBlock(b))
for i := 0; i < blockCnt; i++ {
resp := getNotification(t, respMsgs)
if resp.Event != neorpc.BlockEventID {
require.Equal(t, neorpc.MissedEventID, resp.Event)
receivedMiss = true
require.Equal(t, true, receivedMiss)
// `Missed` is the last event and there is nothing afterwards.
require.Equal(t, 0, len(respMsgs))
finishedFlag.CompareAndSwap(false, true)
func TestFilteredSubscriptions_InvalidFilter(t *testing.T) {
var cases = map[string]struct {
params string
"notification with long name": {
params: `["notification_from_execution", {"name":"notification_from_execution_with_long_name"}]`,
"execution with invalid vm state": {
params: `["transaction_executed", {"state":"NOTHALT"}]`,
chain, rpcSrv, c, respMsgs, finishedFlag := initCleanServerAndWSClient(t)
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
for name, this := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
resp := callWSGetRaw(t, c, fmt.Sprintf(`{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method": "subscribe","params": %s,"id": 1}`, this.params), respMsgs)
require.NotNil(t, resp.Error)
require.Nil(t, resp.Result)
require.Contains(t, resp.Error.Error(), neorpc.ErrInvalidSubscriptionFilter.Error())
finishedFlag.CompareAndSwap(false, true)