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package native
import (
// Oracle represents Oracle native contract.
type Oracle struct {
Desig *Designate
oracleScript []byte
// Module is an oracle module capable of talking with the external world.
Module atomic.Value
// newRequests contains new requests created during the current block.
newRequests map[uint64]*state.OracleRequest
type OracleCache struct {
requestPrice int64
// OracleService specifies oracle module interface.
type OracleService interface {
// AddRequests processes new requests.
// RemoveRequests removes already processed requests.
// UpdateOracleNodes updates oracle nodes.
// UpdateNativeContract updates oracle contract native script and hash.
UpdateNativeContract([]byte, []byte, util.Uint160, int)
// Start runs oracle module.
// Shutdown shutdowns oracle module.
const (
oracleContractID = -9
maxURLLength = 256
maxFilterLength = 128
maxCallbackLength = 32
maxUserDataLength = 512
// maxRequestsCount is the maximum number of requests per URL.
maxRequestsCount = 256
// DefaultOracleRequestPrice is the default amount GAS needed for an oracle request.
DefaultOracleRequestPrice = 5000_0000
// MinimumResponseGas is the minimum response fee permitted for a request.
MinimumResponseGas = 10_000_000
var (
prefixRequestPrice = []byte{5}
prefixIDList = []byte{6}
prefixRequest = []byte{7}
prefixRequestID = []byte{9}
// Various validation errors.
var (
ErrBigArgument = errors.New("some of the arguments are invalid")
ErrInvalidWitness = errors.New("witness check failed")
ErrLowResponseGas = errors.New("not enough gas for response")
ErrNotEnoughGas = errors.New("gas limit exceeded")
ErrRequestNotFound = errors.New("oracle request not found")
ErrResponseNotFound = errors.New("oracle response not found")
var (
_ interop.Contract = (*Oracle)(nil)
_ dao.NativeContractCache = (*OracleCache)(nil)
// Copy implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *OracleCache) Copy() dao.NativeContractCache {
cp := &OracleCache{}
copyOracleCache(c, cp)
return cp
func copyOracleCache(src, dst *OracleCache) {
*dst = *src
func newOracle() *Oracle {
o := &Oracle{
ContractMD: *interop.NewContractMD(nativenames.Oracle, oracleContractID),
newRequests: make(map[uint64]*state.OracleRequest),
defer o.BuildHFSpecificMD(o.ActiveIn())
o.oracleScript = CreateOracleResponseScript(o.Hash)
desc := newDescriptor("request", smartcontract.VoidType,
manifest.NewParameter("url", smartcontract.StringType),
manifest.NewParameter("filter", smartcontract.StringType),
manifest.NewParameter("callback", smartcontract.StringType),
manifest.NewParameter("userData", smartcontract.AnyType),
manifest.NewParameter("gasForResponse", smartcontract.IntegerType))
md := newMethodAndPrice(o.request, 0, callflag.States|callflag.AllowNotify)
o.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("finish", smartcontract.VoidType)
md = newMethodAndPrice(o.finish, 0, callflag.States|callflag.AllowCall|callflag.AllowNotify)
o.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("verify", smartcontract.BoolType)
md = newMethodAndPrice(o.verify, 1<<15, callflag.NoneFlag)
o.AddMethod(md, desc)
eDesc := newEventDescriptor("OracleRequest", manifest.NewParameter("Id", smartcontract.IntegerType),
manifest.NewParameter("RequestContract", smartcontract.Hash160Type),
manifest.NewParameter("Url", smartcontract.StringType),
manifest.NewParameter("Filter", smartcontract.StringType))
eMD := newEvent(eDesc)
eDesc = newEventDescriptor("OracleResponse", manifest.NewParameter("Id", smartcontract.IntegerType),
manifest.NewParameter("OriginalTx", smartcontract.Hash256Type))
eMD = newEvent(eDesc)
desc = newDescriptor("getPrice", smartcontract.IntegerType)
md = newMethodAndPrice(o.getPrice, 1<<15, callflag.ReadStates)
o.AddMethod(md, desc)
desc = newDescriptor("setPrice", smartcontract.VoidType,
manifest.NewParameter("price", smartcontract.IntegerType))
md = newMethodAndPrice(o.setPrice, 1<<15, callflag.States)
o.AddMethod(md, desc)
return o
// GetOracleResponseScript returns a script for the transaction with an oracle response.
func (o *Oracle) GetOracleResponseScript() []byte {
return bytes.Clone(o.oracleScript)
// OnPersist implements the Contract interface.
func (o *Oracle) OnPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
return nil
// PostPersist represents `postPersist` method.
func (o *Oracle) PostPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
p := o.getPriceInternal(ic.DAO)
var nodes keys.PublicKeys
var reward []big.Int
single := big.NewInt(p)
var removedIDs []uint64
orc, _ := o.Module.Load().(*OracleService)
for _, tx := range ic.Block.Transactions {
resp := getResponse(tx)
if resp == nil {
reqKey := makeRequestKey(resp.ID)
req := new(state.OracleRequest)
if err := o.getConvertibleFromDAO(ic.DAO, reqKey, req); err != nil {
ic.DAO.DeleteStorageItem(o.ID, reqKey)
if orc != nil && *orc != nil {
removedIDs = append(removedIDs, resp.ID)
idKey := makeIDListKey(req.URL)
idList := new(IDList)
if err := o.getConvertibleFromDAO(ic.DAO, idKey, idList); err != nil {
return err
if !idList.Remove(resp.ID) {
return errors.New("response ID wasn't found")
var err error
if len(*idList) == 0 {
ic.DAO.DeleteStorageItem(o.ID, idKey)
} else {
err = putConvertibleToDAO(o.ID, ic.DAO, idKey, idList)
if err != nil {
return err
if nodes == nil {
nodes, err = o.GetOracleNodes(ic.DAO)
if err != nil {
return err
reward = make([]big.Int, len(nodes))
if len(reward) > 0 {
index := resp.ID % uint64(len(nodes))
reward[index].Add(&reward[index], single)
for i := range reward {
o.GAS.mint(ic, nodes[i].GetScriptHash(), &reward[i], false)
if len(removedIDs) != 0 {
return o.updateCache(ic.DAO)
// Metadata returns contract metadata.
func (o *Oracle) Metadata() *interop.ContractMD {
return &o.ContractMD
// Initialize initializes an Oracle contract.
func (o *Oracle) Initialize(ic *interop.Context, hf *config.Hardfork, newMD *interop.HFSpecificContractMD) error {
switch hf {
case o.ActiveIn():
setIntWithKey(o.ID, ic.DAO, prefixRequestID, 0)
setIntWithKey(o.ID, ic.DAO, prefixRequestPrice, DefaultOracleRequestPrice)
cache := &OracleCache{
requestPrice: int64(DefaultOracleRequestPrice),
ic.DAO.SetCache(o.ID, cache)
orc, _ := o.Module.Load().(*OracleService)
if orc != nil && *orc != nil {
md, ok := newMD.GetMethod(manifest.MethodVerify, -1)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s method not found", manifest.MethodVerify))
(*orc).UpdateNativeContract(newMD.NEF.Script, o.GetOracleResponseScript(),
o.Hash, md.MD.Offset)
return nil
func (o *Oracle) InitializeCache(blockHeight uint32, d *dao.Simple) error {
cache := &OracleCache{}
cache.requestPrice = getIntWithKey(o.ID, d, prefixRequestPrice)
d.SetCache(o.ID, cache)
return nil
// ActiveIn implements the Contract interface.
func (o *Oracle) ActiveIn() *config.Hardfork {
return nil
func getResponse(tx *transaction.Transaction) *transaction.OracleResponse {
for i := range tx.Attributes {
if tx.Attributes[i].Type == transaction.OracleResponseT {
return tx.Attributes[i].Value.(*transaction.OracleResponse)
return nil
func (o *Oracle) finish(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
err := o.FinishInternal(ic)
if err != nil {
return stackitem.Null{}
// FinishInternal processes an oracle response.
func (o *Oracle) FinishInternal(ic *interop.Context) error {
if len(ic.VM.Istack()) != 2 {
return errors.New("Oracle.finish called from non-entry script")
if ic.Invocations[o.Hash] != 1 {
return errors.New("Oracle.finish called multiple times")
resp := getResponse(ic.Tx)
if resp == nil {
return ErrResponseNotFound
req, err := o.GetRequestInternal(ic.DAO, resp.ID)
if err != nil {
return ErrRequestNotFound
ic.AddNotification(o.Hash, "OracleResponse", stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{
origTx, _, err := ic.DAO.GetTransaction(req.OriginalTxID)
if err != nil {
return ErrRequestNotFound
defer ic.UseSigners(nil)
userData, err := stackitem.Deserialize(req.UserData)
if err != nil {
return err
args := []stackitem.Item{
cs, err := ic.GetContract(req.CallbackContract)
if err != nil {
return err
return contract.CallFromNative(ic, o.Hash, cs, req.CallbackMethod, args, false)
func (o *Oracle) request(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
url, err := stackitem.ToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
var filter *string
_, ok := args[1].(stackitem.Null)
if !ok {
// Check UTF-8 validity.
str, err := stackitem.ToString(args[1])
if err != nil {
filter = &str
cb, err := stackitem.ToString(args[2])
if err != nil {
userData := args[3]
gas, err := args[4].TryInteger()
if err != nil {
if !ic.VM.AddGas(o.getPriceInternal(ic.DAO)) {
panic("insufficient gas")
if err := o.RequestInternal(ic, url, filter, cb, userData, gas); err != nil {
return stackitem.Null{}
// RequestInternal processes an oracle request.
func (o *Oracle) RequestInternal(ic *interop.Context, url string, filter *string, cb string, userData stackitem.Item, gas *big.Int) error {
if len(url) > maxURLLength || (filter != nil && len(*filter) > maxFilterLength) || len(cb) > maxCallbackLength || !gas.IsInt64() {
return ErrBigArgument
if gas.Int64() < MinimumResponseGas {
return ErrLowResponseGas
if strings.HasPrefix(cb, "_") {
return errors.New("disallowed callback method (starts with '_')")
if !ic.VM.AddGas(gas.Int64()) {
return ErrNotEnoughGas
callingHash := ic.VM.GetCallingScriptHash()
o.GAS.mint(ic, o.Hash, gas, false)
si := ic.DAO.GetStorageItem(o.ID, prefixRequestID)
itemID := bigint.FromBytes(si)
id := itemID.Uint64()
itemID.Add(itemID, intOne)
ic.DAO.PutBigInt(o.ID, prefixRequestID, itemID)
// Should be executed from the contract.
_, err := ic.GetContract(ic.VM.GetCallingScriptHash())
if err != nil {
return err
data, err := ic.DAO.GetItemCtx().Serialize(userData, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(data) > maxUserDataLength {
return ErrBigArgument
data = bytes.Clone(data) // Serialization context will be used in PutRequestInternal again.
var filterNotif stackitem.Item
if filter != nil {
filterNotif = stackitem.Make(*filter)
} else {
filterNotif = stackitem.Null{}
ic.AddNotification(o.Hash, "OracleRequest", stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{
req := &state.OracleRequest{
OriginalTxID: o.getOriginalTxID(ic.DAO, ic.Tx),
GasForResponse: gas.Uint64(),
URL: url,
Filter: filter,
CallbackContract: callingHash,
CallbackMethod: cb,
UserData: data,
return o.PutRequestInternal(id, req, ic.DAO)
// PutRequestInternal puts the oracle request with the specified id to d.
func (o *Oracle) PutRequestInternal(id uint64, req *state.OracleRequest, d *dao.Simple) error {
reqKey := makeRequestKey(id)
if err := putConvertibleToDAO(o.ID, d, reqKey, req); err != nil {
return err
orc, _ := o.Module.Load().(*OracleService)
if orc != nil && *orc != nil {
o.newRequests[id] = req
// Add request ID to the id list.
lst := new(IDList)
key := makeIDListKey(req.URL)
if err := o.getConvertibleFromDAO(d, key, lst); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, storage.ErrKeyNotFound) {
return err
if len(*lst) >= maxRequestsCount {
return fmt.Errorf("there are too many pending requests for %s url", req.URL)
*lst = append(*lst, id)
return putConvertibleToDAO(o.ID, d, key, lst)
// GetScriptHash returns script hash of oracle nodes.
func (o *Oracle) GetScriptHash(d *dao.Simple) (util.Uint160, error) {
return o.Desig.GetLastDesignatedHash(d, noderoles.Oracle)
// GetOracleNodes returns public keys of oracle nodes.
func (o *Oracle) GetOracleNodes(d *dao.Simple) (keys.PublicKeys, error) {
nodes, _, err := o.Desig.GetDesignatedByRole(d, noderoles.Oracle, math.MaxUint32)
return nodes, err
// GetRequestInternal returns the request by ID and key under which it is stored.
func (o *Oracle) GetRequestInternal(d *dao.Simple, id uint64) (*state.OracleRequest, error) {
key := makeRequestKey(id)
req := new(state.OracleRequest)
return req, o.getConvertibleFromDAO(d, key, req)
// GetIDListInternal returns the request by ID and key under which it is stored.
func (o *Oracle) GetIDListInternal(d *dao.Simple, url string) (*IDList, error) {
key := makeIDListKey(url)
idList := new(IDList)
return idList, o.getConvertibleFromDAO(d, key, idList)
func (o *Oracle) verify(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
return stackitem.NewBool(ic.Tx.HasAttribute(transaction.OracleResponseT))
func (o *Oracle) getPrice(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
return stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(o.getPriceInternal(ic.DAO)))
func (o *Oracle) getPriceInternal(d *dao.Simple) int64 {
cache := d.GetROCache(o.ID).(*OracleCache)
return cache.requestPrice
func (o *Oracle) setPrice(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
price := toBigInt(args[0])
if price.Sign() <= 0 || !price.IsInt64() {
panic("invalid register price")
if !o.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
panic("invalid committee signature")
setIntWithKey(o.ID, ic.DAO, prefixRequestPrice, price.Int64())
cache := ic.DAO.GetRWCache(o.ID).(*OracleCache)
cache.requestPrice = price.Int64()
return stackitem.Null{}
func (o *Oracle) getOriginalTxID(d *dao.Simple, tx *transaction.Transaction) util.Uint256 {
for i := range tx.Attributes {
if tx.Attributes[i].Type == transaction.OracleResponseT {
id := tx.Attributes[i].Value.(*transaction.OracleResponse).ID
req, _ := o.GetRequestInternal(d, id)
return req.OriginalTxID
return tx.Hash()
// GetRequests returns all requests which have not been finished yet.
func (o *Oracle) GetRequests(d *dao.Simple) (map[uint64]*state.OracleRequest, error) {
var reqs = make(map[uint64]*state.OracleRequest)
var err error
d.Seek(o.ID, storage.SeekRange{Prefix: prefixRequest}, func(k, v []byte) bool {
if len(k) != 8 {
err = errors.New("invalid request ID")
return false
req := new(state.OracleRequest)
err = stackitem.DeserializeConvertible(v, req)
if err != nil {
return false
id := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k)
reqs[id] = req
return true
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return reqs, nil
func makeRequestKey(id uint64) []byte {
k := make([]byte, 9)
k[0] = prefixRequest[0]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(k[1:], id)
return k
func makeIDListKey(url string) []byte {
return append(prefixIDList, hash.Hash160([]byte(url)).BytesBE()...)
func (o *Oracle) getConvertibleFromDAO(d *dao.Simple, key []byte, item stackitem.Convertible) error {
return getConvertibleFromDAO(o.ID, d, key, item)
// updateCache updates cached Oracle values if they've been changed.
func (o *Oracle) updateCache(d *dao.Simple) error {
orc, _ := o.Module.Load().(*OracleService)
if orc == nil || *orc == nil {
return nil
reqs := o.newRequests
o.newRequests = make(map[uint64]*state.OracleRequest)
for id := range reqs {
key := makeRequestKey(id)
if si := d.GetStorageItem(o.ID, key); si == nil { // tx has failed
delete(reqs, id)
return nil
// CreateOracleResponseScript returns a script that is used to create the native Oracle
// response.
func CreateOracleResponseScript(nativeOracleHash util.Uint160) []byte {
script, err := smartcontract.CreateCallScript(nativeOracleHash, "finish")
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to create Oracle response script: %w", err))
return script