nativetest: migrate NEO contract tests to neotest

This commit is contained in:
Anna Shaleva 2021-12-09 20:23:58 +03:00
parent e0ca05f62c
commit 2f18b114f2
4 changed files with 482 additions and 460 deletions

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@ -1827,3 +1827,10 @@ func TestBlockchain_InitWithIncompleteStateJump(t *testing.T) {
func setSigner(tx *transaction.Transaction, h util.Uint160) {
tx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{
Account: h,
Scopes: transaction.Global,

View file

@ -739,6 +739,13 @@ func checkResult(t *testing.T, result *state.AppExecResult, expected stackitem.I
require.Equal(t, expected, result.Stack[0])
func checkTxHalt(t testing.TB, bc *Blockchain, h util.Uint256) {
aer, err := bc.GetAppExecResults(h, trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(aer))
require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, aer[0].VMState, aer[0].FaultException)
func checkFAULTState(t *testing.T, result *state.AppExecResult) {
require.Equal(t, vm.FaultState, result.VMState)

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@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
package native_test
import (
func newNeoCommitteeClient(t *testing.T, expectedGASBalance int) *neotest.ContractInvoker {
bc, validators, committee := chain.NewMulti(t)
e := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bc, validators, committee)
if expectedGASBalance > 0 {
e.ValidatorInvoker(e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Gas)).Invoke(t, true, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), e.CommitteeHash, 100_0000_0000, nil)
return e.CommitteeInvoker(e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Neo))
func newNeoValidatorsClient(t *testing.T) *neotest.ContractInvoker {
c := newNeoCommitteeClient(t, 100_0000_0000)
return c.ValidatorInvoker(c.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Neo))
func TestNEO_GasPerBlock(t *testing.T) {
testGetSet(t, newNeoCommitteeClient(t, 100_0000_0000), "GasPerBlock", 5*native.GASFactor, 0, 10*native.GASFactor)
func TestNEO_RegisterPrice(t *testing.T) {
testGetSet(t, newNeoCommitteeClient(t, 100_0000_0000), "RegisterPrice", native.DefaultRegisterPrice, 1, math.MaxInt64)
func TestNEO_Vote(t *testing.T) {
neoCommitteeInvoker := newNeoCommitteeClient(t, 100_0000_0000)
neoValidatorsInvoker := neoCommitteeInvoker.WithSigners(neoCommitteeInvoker.Validator)
e := neoCommitteeInvoker.Executor
committeeSize := len(neoValidatorsInvoker.Chain.GetConfig().StandbyCommittee)
validatorsCount := neoCommitteeInvoker.Chain.GetConfig().ValidatorsCount
freq := validatorsCount + committeeSize
advanceChain := func(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < freq; i++ {
standBySorted := e.Chain.GetStandByValidators()
pubs, err := e.Chain.GetValidators()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, standBySorted, keys.PublicKeys(pubs))
// voters vote for candidates. The aim of this test is to check that voting
// reward is proportional to the NEO balance.
voters := make([]neotest.Signer, committeeSize)
// referenceAccounts perform the same actions as voters except voting, i.e. we
// will transfer the same amount of NEO to referenceAccounts and see how much
// GAS they receive for NEO ownership. We need these values to be able to define
// how much GAS voters receive for NEO ownership.
referenceAccounts := make([]neotest.Signer, committeeSize)
candidates := make([]neotest.Signer, committeeSize)
for i := 0; i < committeeSize; i++ {
voters[i] = e.NewAccount(t, 10_0000_0000)
referenceAccounts[i] = e.NewAccount(t, 10_0000_0000)
candidates[i] = e.NewAccount(t, 2000_0000_0000) // enough for one registration
txes := make([]*transaction.Transaction, 0, committeeSize*4-2)
for i := 0; i < committeeSize; i++ {
transferTx := neoValidatorsInvoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), voters[i].(neotest.SingleSigner).Account().PrivateKey().GetScriptHash(), int64(committeeSize-i)*1000000, nil)
txes = append(txes, transferTx)
transferTx = neoValidatorsInvoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), referenceAccounts[i].(neotest.SingleSigner).Account().PrivateKey().GetScriptHash(), int64(committeeSize-i)*1000000, nil)
txes = append(txes, transferTx)
if i > 0 {
registerTx := neoValidatorsInvoker.WithSigners(candidates[i]).PrepareInvoke(t, "registerCandidate", candidates[i].(neotest.SingleSigner).Account().PrivateKey().PublicKey().Bytes())
txes = append(txes, registerTx)
voteTx := neoValidatorsInvoker.WithSigners(voters[i]).PrepareInvoke(t, "vote", voters[i].(neotest.SingleSigner).Account().PrivateKey().GetScriptHash(), candidates[i].(neotest.SingleSigner).Account().PrivateKey().PublicKey().Bytes())
txes = append(txes, voteTx)
neoValidatorsInvoker.AddNewBlock(t, txes...)
for _, tx := range txes {
e.CheckHalt(t, tx.Hash(), stackitem.Make(true)) // luckily, both `transfer`, `registerCandidate` and `vote` return boolean values
// We still haven't voted enough validators in.
pubs, err = e.Chain.GetValidators()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, standBySorted, keys.PublicKeys(pubs))
pubs, err = e.Chain.GetNextBlockValidators()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, standBySorted, keys.PublicKeys(pubs))
// Register and give some value to the last validator.
txes = txes[:0]
registerTx := neoValidatorsInvoker.WithSigners(candidates[0]).PrepareInvoke(t, "registerCandidate", candidates[0].(neotest.SingleSigner).Account().PrivateKey().PublicKey().Bytes())
txes = append(txes, registerTx)
voteTx := neoValidatorsInvoker.WithSigners(voters[0]).PrepareInvoke(t, "vote", voters[0].(neotest.SingleSigner).Account().PrivateKey().GetScriptHash(), candidates[0].(neotest.SingleSigner).Account().PrivateKey().PublicKey().Bytes())
txes = append(txes, voteTx)
neoValidatorsInvoker.AddNewBlock(t, txes...)
for _, tx := range txes {
e.CheckHalt(t, tx.Hash(), stackitem.Make(true)) // luckily, both `transfer`, `registerCandidate` and `vote` return boolean values
pubs, err = neoCommitteeInvoker.Chain.GetNextBlockValidators()
require.NoError(t, err)
sortedCandidates := make(keys.PublicKeys, validatorsCount)
for i := range candidates[:validatorsCount] {
sortedCandidates[i] = candidates[i].(neotest.SingleSigner).Account().PrivateKey().PublicKey()
require.EqualValues(t, sortedCandidates, keys.PublicKeys(pubs))
pubs, err = neoCommitteeInvoker.Chain.GetNextBlockValidators()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, sortedCandidates, pubs)
t.Run("check voter rewards", func(t *testing.T) {
gasBalance := make([]*big.Int, len(voters))
referenceGASBalance := make([]*big.Int, len(referenceAccounts))
neoBalance := make([]*big.Int, len(voters))
txes = make([]*transaction.Transaction, 0, len(voters))
var refTxFee int64
for i := range voters {
h := voters[i].ScriptHash()
refH := referenceAccounts[i].ScriptHash()
gasBalance[i] = e.Chain.GetUtilityTokenBalance(h)
neoBalance[i], _ = e.Chain.GetGoverningTokenBalance(h)
referenceGASBalance[i] = e.Chain.GetUtilityTokenBalance(refH)
tx := neoCommitteeInvoker.WithSigners(voters[i]).PrepareInvoke(t, "transfer", h.BytesBE(), h.BytesBE(), int64(1), nil)
txes = append(txes, tx)
tx = neoCommitteeInvoker.WithSigners(referenceAccounts[i]).PrepareInvoke(t, "transfer", refH.BytesBE(), refH.BytesBE(), int64(1), nil)
txes = append(txes, tx)
refTxFee = tx.SystemFee + tx.NetworkFee
neoCommitteeInvoker.AddNewBlock(t, txes...)
for _, tx := range txes {
e.CheckHalt(t, tx.Hash(), stackitem.Make(true))
// Define reference reward for NEO holding for each voter account.
for i := range referenceGASBalance {
newBalance := e.Chain.GetUtilityTokenBalance(referenceAccounts[i].ScriptHash())
referenceGASBalance[i].Sub(newBalance, referenceGASBalance[i])
referenceGASBalance[i].Add(referenceGASBalance[i], big.NewInt(refTxFee))
// GAS increase consists of 2 parts: NEO holding + voting for committee nodes.
// Here we check that 2-nd part exists and is proportional to the amount of NEO given.
for i := range voters {
newGAS := e.Chain.GetUtilityTokenBalance(voters[i].ScriptHash())
newGAS.Sub(newGAS, gasBalance[i])
gasForHold := referenceGASBalance[i]
newGAS.Sub(newGAS, gasForHold)
require.True(t, newGAS.Sign() > 0)
gasBalance[i] = newGAS
// First account voted later than the others.
require.Equal(t, -1, gasBalance[0].Cmp(gasBalance[1]))
for i := 2; i < validatorsCount; i++ {
require.Equal(t, 0, gasBalance[i].Cmp(gasBalance[1]))
require.Equal(t, 1, gasBalance[1].Cmp(gasBalance[validatorsCount]))
for i := validatorsCount; i < committeeSize; i++ {
require.Equal(t, 0, gasBalance[i].Cmp(gasBalance[validatorsCount]))
neoCommitteeInvoker.WithSigners(candidates[0]).Invoke(t, true, "unregisterCandidate", candidates[0].(neotest.SingleSigner).Account().PrivateKey().PublicKey().Bytes())
neoCommitteeInvoker.WithSigners(voters[0]).Invoke(t, false, "vote", voters[0].(neotest.SingleSigner).Account().PrivateKey().GetScriptHash(), candidates[0].(neotest.SingleSigner).Account().PrivateKey().PublicKey().Bytes())
pubs, err = e.Chain.GetValidators()
require.NoError(t, err)
for i := range pubs {
require.NotEqual(t, candidates[0], pubs[i])
// TestNEO_RecursiveDistribution is a test for
func TestNEO_RecursiveGASMint(t *testing.T) {
neoCommitteeInvoker := newNeoCommitteeClient(t, 100_0000_0000)
neoValidatorInvoker := neoCommitteeInvoker.WithSigners(neoCommitteeInvoker.Validator)
e := neoCommitteeInvoker.Executor
gasValidatorInvoker := e.ValidatorInvoker(e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Gas))
c := neotest.CompileFile(t, e.Validator.ScriptHash(), "../../../rpc/server/testdata/test_contract.go", "../../../rpc/server/testdata/test_contract.yml")
e.DeployContract(t, c, nil)
gasValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), c.Hash, int64(2_0000_0000), nil)
// Transfer 10 NEO to test contract, the contract should earn some GAS by owning this NEO.
neoValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), c.Hash, int64(10), nil)
// Add blocks to be able to trigger NEO transfer from contract address to owner
// address inside onNEP17Payment (the contract starts NEO transfers from chain height = 100).
for i := e.Chain.BlockHeight(); i < 100; i++ {
// Transfer 1 more NEO to the contract. Transfer will trigger onNEP17Payment. OnNEP17Payment will
// trigger transfer of 11 NEO to the contract owner (based on the contract code). 11 NEO Transfer will
// trigger GAS distribution. GAS transfer will trigger OnNEP17Payment one more time. The recursion
// shouldn't occur here, because contract's balance LastUpdated height has already been updated in
// this block.
neoValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), c.Hash, int64(1), nil)
func TestNEO_GetAccountState(t *testing.T) {
neoValidatorInvoker := newNeoValidatorsClient(t)
e := neoValidatorInvoker.Executor
t.Run("empty", func(t *testing.T) {
neoValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "getAccountState", util.Uint160{})
t.Run("with funds", func(t *testing.T) {
amount := int64(1)
acc := e.NewAccount(t)
neoValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), acc.ScriptHash(), amount, nil)
lub := e.Chain.BlockHeight()
neoValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, stackitem.NewStruct([]stackitem.Item{
}), "getAccountState", acc.ScriptHash())
func TestNEO_CommitteeBountyOnPersist(t *testing.T) {
neoCommitteeInvoker := newNeoCommitteeClient(t, 0)
e := neoCommitteeInvoker.Executor
hs := e.Chain.GetStandByCommittee()
committeeSize := len(hs)
const singleBounty = 50000000
bs := map[int]int64{0: singleBounty}
checkBalances := func() {
for i := 0; i < committeeSize; i++ {
require.EqualValues(t, bs[i], e.Chain.GetUtilityTokenBalance(hs[i].GetScriptHash()).Int64(), i)
for i := 0; i < committeeSize*2; i++ {
bs[(i+1)%committeeSize] += singleBounty
func TestNEO_TransferOnPayment(t *testing.T) {
neoValidatorsInvoker := newNeoValidatorsClient(t)
e := neoValidatorsInvoker.Executor
managementValidatorsInvoker := e.ValidatorInvoker(e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Management))
cs, _ := getTestContractState(t, 1, 2, e.CommitteeHash)
cs.Hash = state.CreateContractHash(e.Validator.ScriptHash(), cs.NEF.Checksum, cs.Manifest.Name) // set proper hash
manifB, err := json.Marshal(cs.Manifest)
require.NoError(t, err)
nefB, err := cs.NEF.Bytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
si, err := cs.ToStackItem()
require.NoError(t, err)
managementValidatorsInvoker.Invoke(t, si, "deploy", nefB, manifB)
const amount int64 = 2
h := neoValidatorsInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), cs.Hash, amount, nil)
aer := e.GetTxExecResult(t, h)
require.Equal(t, 3, len(aer.Events)) // transfer + GAS claim for sender + onPayment
e.CheckTxNotificationEvent(t, h, 2, state.NotificationEvent{
ScriptHash: cs.Hash,
Name: "LastPayment",
Item: stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{
h = neoValidatorsInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), cs.Hash, amount, nil)
aer = e.GetTxExecResult(t, h)
require.Equal(t, 5, len(aer.Events)) // Now we must also have GAS claim for contract and corresponding `onPayment`.
e.CheckTxNotificationEvent(t, h, 2, state.NotificationEvent{ // onPayment for GAS claim
ScriptHash: cs.Hash,
Name: "LastPayment",
Item: stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{
stackitem.NewByteArray(e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Gas).BytesBE()),
e.CheckTxNotificationEvent(t, h, 4, state.NotificationEvent{ // onPayment for NEO transfer
ScriptHash: cs.Hash,
Name: "LastPayment",
Item: stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{
stackitem.NewByteArray(e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Neo).BytesBE()),
func TestNEO_Roundtrip(t *testing.T) {
neoValidatorsInvoker := newNeoValidatorsClient(t)
e := neoValidatorsInvoker.Executor
validatorH := neoValidatorsInvoker.Validator.ScriptHash()
initialBalance, initialHeight := e.Chain.GetGoverningTokenBalance(validatorH)
require.NotNil(t, initialBalance)
t.Run("bad: amount > initial balance", func(t *testing.T) {
h := neoValidatorsInvoker.Invoke(t, false, "transfer", validatorH, validatorH, initialBalance.Int64()+1, nil)
aer, err := e.Chain.GetAppExecResults(h, trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(aer[0].Events)) // failed transfer => no events
// check balance and height were not changed
updatedBalance, updatedHeight := e.Chain.GetGoverningTokenBalance(validatorH)
require.Equal(t, initialBalance, updatedBalance)
require.Equal(t, initialHeight, updatedHeight)
t.Run("good: amount == initial balance", func(t *testing.T) {
h := neoValidatorsInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", validatorH, validatorH, initialBalance.Int64(), nil)
aer, err := e.Chain.GetAppExecResults(h, trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(aer[0].Events)) // roundtrip + GAS claim
// check balance wasn't changed and height was updated
updatedBalance, updatedHeight := e.Chain.GetGoverningTokenBalance(validatorH)
require.Equal(t, initialBalance, updatedBalance)
require.Equal(t, e.Chain.BlockHeight(), updatedHeight)
func TestNEO_TransferZeroWithZeroBalance(t *testing.T) {
neoValidatorsInvoker := newNeoValidatorsClient(t)
e := neoValidatorsInvoker.Executor
check := func(t *testing.T, roundtrip bool) {
acc := neoValidatorsInvoker.WithSigners(e.NewAccount(t))
accH := acc.Signers[0].ScriptHash()
to := accH
if !roundtrip {
to = random.Uint160()
h := acc.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", accH, to, int64(0), nil)
aer, err := e.Chain.GetAppExecResults(h, trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(aer[0].Events)) // roundtrip/transfer only, no GAS claim
require.Equal(t, stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(0)), aer[0].Events[0].Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)[2]) // amount is 0
// check balance wasn't changed and height was updated
updatedBalance, updatedHeight := e.Chain.GetGoverningTokenBalance(accH)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), updatedBalance.Int64())
require.Equal(t, uint32(0), updatedHeight)
t.Run("roundtrip: amount == initial balance == 0", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, true)
t.Run("non-roundtrip: amount == initial balance == 0", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, false)
func TestNEO_TransferZeroWithNonZeroBalance(t *testing.T) {
neoValidatorsInvoker := newNeoValidatorsClient(t)
e := neoValidatorsInvoker.Executor
check := func(t *testing.T, roundtrip bool) {
acc := e.NewAccount(t)
neoValidatorsInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", neoValidatorsInvoker.Validator.ScriptHash(), acc.ScriptHash(), int64(100), nil)
neoAccInvoker := neoValidatorsInvoker.WithSigners(acc)
initialBalance, _ := e.Chain.GetGoverningTokenBalance(acc.ScriptHash())
require.True(t, initialBalance.Sign() > 0)
to := acc.ScriptHash()
if !roundtrip {
to = random.Uint160()
h := neoAccInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", acc.ScriptHash(), to, int64(0), nil)
aer, err := e.Chain.GetAppExecResults(h, trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(aer[0].Events)) // roundtrip + GAS claim
require.Equal(t, stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(0)), aer[0].Events[1].Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)[2]) // amount is 0
// check balance wasn't changed and height was updated
updatedBalance, updatedHeight := e.Chain.GetGoverningTokenBalance(acc.ScriptHash())
require.Equal(t, initialBalance, updatedBalance)
require.Equal(t, e.Chain.BlockHeight(), updatedHeight)
t.Run("roundtrip", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, true)
t.Run("non-roundtrip", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, false)
func TestNEO_CalculateBonus(t *testing.T) {
neoCommitteeInvoker := newNeoCommitteeClient(t, 10_0000_0000)
e := neoCommitteeInvoker.Executor
neoValidatorsInvoker := neoCommitteeInvoker.WithSigners(e.Validator)
acc := neoValidatorsInvoker.WithSigners(e.NewAccount(t))
accH := acc.Signers[0].ScriptHash()
rewardDistance := 10
t.Run("Zero", func(t *testing.T) {
initialGASBalance := e.Chain.GetUtilityTokenBalance(accH)
for i := 0; i < rewardDistance; i++ {
// Claim GAS, but there's no NEO on the account, so no GAS should be earned.
h := acc.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", accH, accH, 0, nil)
claimTx, _ := e.GetTransaction(t, h)
e.CheckGASBalance(t, accH, big.NewInt(initialGASBalance.Int64()-claimTx.SystemFee-claimTx.NetworkFee))
t.Run("Many blocks", func(t *testing.T) {
amount := 100
defaultGASParBlock := 5
newGASPerBlock := 1
initialGASBalance := e.Chain.GetUtilityTokenBalance(accH)
// Five blocks of NEO owning with default GasPerBlockValue.
neoValidatorsInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), accH, amount, nil)
for i := 0; i < rewardDistance/2-2; i++ {
neoCommitteeInvoker.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "setGasPerBlock", newGASPerBlock*native.GASFactor)
// Five blocks more with modified GasPerBlock value.
for i := 0; i < rewardDistance/2; i++ {
// GAS claim for the last 10 blocks of NEO owning.
h := acc.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", accH, accH, amount, nil)
claimTx, _ := e.GetTransaction(t, h)
firstPart := int64(amount*rewardDistance/2*defaultGASParBlock) / int64(rewardDistance)
secondPart := int64(amount*rewardDistance/2*newGASPerBlock) / int64(rewardDistance)
e.CheckGASBalance(t, accH, big.NewInt(initialGASBalance.Int64()-
claimTx.SystemFee-claimTx.NetworkFee + +firstPart + secondPart))

View file

@ -2,483 +2,23 @@ package core
import (
func setSigner(tx *transaction.Transaction, h util.Uint160) {
tx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{
Account: h,
Scopes: transaction.Global,
func checkTxHalt(t testing.TB, bc *Blockchain, h util.Uint256) {
aer, err := bc.GetAppExecResults(h, trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(aer))
require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, aer[0].VMState, aer[0].FaultException)
func TestNEO_Vote(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
neo := bc.contracts.NEO
tx := transaction.New([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSH1)}, 0)
ic := bc.newInteropContext(trigger.Application, bc.dao, nil, tx)
ic.Block = bc.newBlock(tx)
freq := testchain.ValidatorsCount + testchain.CommitteeSize()
advanceChain := func(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < freq; i++ {
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(bc.newBlock()))
standBySorted := bc.GetStandByValidators()
pubs, err := neo.ComputeNextBlockValidators(bc, ic.DAO)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, standBySorted, pubs)
sz := testchain.CommitteeSize()
accs := make([]*wallet.Account, sz)
candidates := make(keys.PublicKeys, sz)
txs := make([]*transaction.Transaction, 0, len(accs))
for i := 0; i < sz; i++ {
priv, err := keys.NewPrivateKey()
require.NoError(t, err)
candidates[i] = priv.PublicKey()
accs[i], err = wallet.NewAccount()
require.NoError(t, err)
if i > 0 {
require.NoError(t, neo.RegisterCandidateInternal(ic, candidates[i]))
to := accs[i].Contract.ScriptHash()
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.AppCall(w.BinWriter, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, "transfer", callflag.All,
neoOwner.BytesBE(), to.BytesBE(),
big.NewInt(int64(sz-i)*1000000).Int64(), nil)
emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.ASSERT)
emit.AppCall(w.BinWriter, bc.contracts.GAS.Hash, "transfer", callflag.All,
neoOwner.BytesBE(), to.BytesBE(),
int64(1_000_000_000), nil)
emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.ASSERT)
require.NoError(t, w.Err)
tx := transaction.New(w.Bytes(), 1000_000_000)
tx.ValidUntilBlock = bc.BlockHeight() + 1
setSigner(tx, testchain.MultisigScriptHash())
require.NoError(t, testchain.SignTx(bc, tx))
txs = append(txs, tx)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(bc.newBlock(txs...)))
for _, tx := range txs {
checkTxHalt(t, bc, tx.Hash())
transferBlock := bc.BlockHeight()
for i := 1; i < sz; i++ {
priv := accs[i].PrivateKey()
h := priv.GetScriptHash()
setSigner(tx, h)
require.NoError(t, neo.VoteInternal(ic, h, candidates[i]))
// We still haven't voted enough validators in.
pubs, err = neo.ComputeNextBlockValidators(bc, ic.DAO)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, standBySorted, pubs)
pubs = neo.GetNextBlockValidatorsInternal()
require.EqualValues(t, standBySorted, pubs)
// Register and give some value to the last validator.
require.NoError(t, neo.RegisterCandidateInternal(ic, candidates[0]))
priv := accs[0].PrivateKey()
h := priv.GetScriptHash()
setSigner(tx, h)
require.NoError(t, neo.VoteInternal(ic, h, candidates[0]))
_, err = ic.DAO.Persist()
require.NoError(t, err)
pubs, err = neo.ComputeNextBlockValidators(bc, ic.DAO)
require.NoError(t, err)
sortedCandidates := candidates.Copy()[:testchain.Size()]
require.EqualValues(t, sortedCandidates, pubs)
pubs = neo.GetNextBlockValidatorsInternal()
require.EqualValues(t, sortedCandidates, pubs)
t.Run("check voter rewards", func(t *testing.T) {
gasBalance := make([]*big.Int, len(accs))
neoBalance := make([]*big.Int, len(accs))
txs := make([]*transaction.Transaction, 0, len(accs))
for i := range accs {
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
h := accs[i].PrivateKey().GetScriptHash()
gasBalance[i] = bc.GetUtilityTokenBalance(h)
neoBalance[i], _ = bc.GetGoverningTokenBalance(h)
emit.AppCall(w.BinWriter, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, "transfer", callflag.All,
h.BytesBE(), h.BytesBE(), int64(1), nil)
emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.ASSERT)
require.NoError(t, w.Err)
tx := transaction.New(w.Bytes(), 0)
tx.ValidUntilBlock = bc.BlockHeight() + 1
tx.NetworkFee = 2_000_000
tx.SystemFee = 11_000_000
setSigner(tx, h)
require.NoError(t, accs[i].SignTx(netmode.UnitTestNet, tx))
txs = append(txs, tx)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(bc.newBlock(txs...)))
for _, tx := range txs {
checkTxHalt(t, bc, tx.Hash())
// GAS increase consists of 2 parts: NEO holding + voting for committee nodes.
// Here we check that 2-nd part exists and is proportional to the amount of NEO given.
for i := range accs {
newGAS := bc.GetUtilityTokenBalance(accs[i].Contract.ScriptHash())
newGAS.Sub(newGAS, gasBalance[i])
gasForHold, err := bc.contracts.NEO.CalculateNEOHolderReward(bc.dao, neoBalance[i], transferBlock, bc.BlockHeight())
require.NoError(t, err)
newGAS.Sub(newGAS, gasForHold)
require.True(t, newGAS.Sign() > 0)
gasBalance[i] = newGAS
// First account voted later than the others.
require.Equal(t, -1, gasBalance[0].Cmp(gasBalance[1]))
for i := 2; i < testchain.ValidatorsCount; i++ {
require.Equal(t, 0, gasBalance[i].Cmp(gasBalance[1]))
require.Equal(t, 1, gasBalance[1].Cmp(gasBalance[testchain.ValidatorsCount]))
for i := testchain.ValidatorsCount; i < testchain.CommitteeSize(); i++ {
require.Equal(t, 0, gasBalance[i].Cmp(gasBalance[testchain.ValidatorsCount]))
require.NoError(t, neo.UnregisterCandidateInternal(ic, candidates[0]))
require.Error(t, neo.VoteInternal(ic, h, candidates[0]))
pubs, err = neo.ComputeNextBlockValidators(bc, ic.DAO)
require.NoError(t, err)
for i := range pubs {
require.NotEqual(t, candidates[0], pubs[i])
// TestNEO_RecursiveDistribution is a test for
func TestNEO_RecursiveGASMint(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
initBasicChain(t, bc)
contractHash, err := bc.GetContractScriptHash(1) // deployed rpc/server/testdata/test_contract.go contract
require.NoError(t, err)
tx := transferTokenFromMultisigAccount(t, bc, contractHash, bc.contracts.GAS.Hash, 2_0000_0000)
checkTxHalt(t, bc, tx.Hash())
// Transfer 10 NEO to test contract, the contract should earn some GAS by owning this NEO.
tx = transferTokenFromMultisigAccount(t, bc, contractHash, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, 10)
res, err := bc.GetAppExecResults(tx.Hash(), trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, res[0].VMState)
// Add blocks to be able to trigger NEO transfer from contract address to owner
// address inside onNEP17Payment (the contract starts NEO transfers from chain height = 100).
for i := bc.BlockHeight(); i < 100; i++ {
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(bc.newBlock()))
// Transfer 1 more NEO to the contract. Transfer will trigger onNEP17Payment. OnNEP17Payment will
// trigger transfer of 11 NEO to the contract owner (based on the contract code). 11 NEO Transfer will
// trigger GAS distribution. GAS transfer will trigger OnNEP17Payment one more time. The recursion
// shouldn't occur here, because contract's balance LastUpdated height has already been updated in
// this block.
tx = transferTokenFromMultisigAccount(t, bc, contractHash, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, 1)
res, err = bc.GetAppExecResults(tx.Hash(), trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, res[0].VMState, res[0].FaultException)
func TestNEO_SetGasPerBlock(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
testGetSet(t, bc, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, "GasPerBlock",
5*native.GASFactor, 0, 10*native.GASFactor)
func TestNEO_CalculateBonus(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
neo := bc.contracts.NEO
tx := transaction.New([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSH1)}, 0)
ic := bc.newInteropContext(trigger.Application, bc.dao, nil, tx)
t.Run("Invalid", func(t *testing.T) {
_, err := neo.CalculateNEOHolderReward(ic.DAO, new(big.Int).SetInt64(-1), 0, 1)
require.Error(t, err)
t.Run("Zero", func(t *testing.T) {
res, err := neo.CalculateNEOHolderReward(ic.DAO, big.NewInt(0), 0, 100)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, 0, res.Int64())
t.Run("ManyBlocks", func(t *testing.T) {
setSigner(tx, neo.GetCommitteeAddress())
err := neo.SetGASPerBlock(ic, 10, big.NewInt(1*native.GASFactor))
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err := neo.CalculateNEOHolderReward(ic.DAO, big.NewInt(100), 5, 15)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, (100*5*5/10)+(100*5*1/10), res.Int64())
func TestNEO_GetAccountState(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
acc, err := wallet.NewAccount()
require.NoError(t, err)
h := acc.Contract.ScriptHash()
t.Run("empty", func(t *testing.T) {
res, err := invokeContractMethod(bc, 1_0000000, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, "getAccountState", h)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkResult(t, res, stackitem.Null{})
const amount = 123
transferTokenFromMultisigAccountCheckOK(t, bc, h, bc.GoverningTokenHash(), int64(amount))
t.Run("with funds", func(t *testing.T) {
bs := stackitem.NewStruct([]stackitem.Item{
res, err := invokeContractMethod(bc, 1_0000000, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, "getAccountState", h)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkResult(t, res, bs)
func TestNEO_CommitteeBountyOnPersist(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
hs := make([]util.Uint160, testchain.CommitteeSize())
for i := range hs {
hs[i] = testchain.PrivateKeyByID(i).GetScriptHash()
const singleBounty = 50000000
bs := map[int]int64{0: singleBounty}
checkBalances := func() {
for i := 0; i < testchain.CommitteeSize(); i++ {
require.EqualValues(t, bs[i], bc.GetUtilityTokenBalance(hs[i]).Int64(), i)
for i := 0; i < testchain.CommitteeSize()*2; i++ {
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(bc.newBlock()))
bs[(i+1)%testchain.CommitteeSize()] += singleBounty
func TestNEO_TransferOnPayment(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
cs, _ := getTestContractState(t, 4, 5, random.Uint160()) // sender and IDs are not important for the test
require.NoError(t, bc.contracts.Management.PutContractState(bc.dao, cs))
const amount = 2
tx := transferTokenFromMultisigAccount(t, bc, cs.Hash, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, amount)
aer, err := bc.GetAppExecResults(tx.Hash(), trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, aer[0].VMState)
require.Len(t, aer[0].Events, 3) // transfer + GAS claim for sender + onPayment
e := aer[0].Events[2]
require.Equal(t, "LastPayment", e.Name)
arr := e.Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
require.Equal(t, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash.BytesBE(), arr[0].Value())
require.Equal(t, neoOwner.BytesBE(), arr[1].Value())
require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(amount), arr[2].Value())
tx = transferTokenFromMultisigAccount(t, bc, cs.Hash, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, amount)
aer, err = bc.GetAppExecResults(tx.Hash(), trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, aer[0].VMState)
// Now we must also have GAS claim for contract and corresponding `onPayment`.
require.Len(t, aer[0].Events, 5)
e = aer[0].Events[2] // onPayment for GAS claim
require.Equal(t, "LastPayment", e.Name)
arr = e.Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
require.Equal(t, stackitem.Null{}, arr[1])
require.Equal(t, bc.contracts.GAS.Hash.BytesBE(), arr[0].Value())
e = aer[0].Events[4] // onPayment for NEO transfer
require.Equal(t, "LastPayment", e.Name)
arr = e.Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
require.Equal(t, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash.BytesBE(), arr[0].Value())
require.Equal(t, neoOwner.BytesBE(), arr[1].Value())
require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(amount), arr[2].Value())
func TestRegisterPrice(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
testGetSet(t, bc, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, "RegisterPrice",
native.DefaultRegisterPrice, 1, math.MaxInt64)
func TestNEO_Roundtrip(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
initialBalance, initialHeight := bc.GetGoverningTokenBalance(neoOwner)
require.NotNil(t, initialBalance)
t.Run("bad: amount > initial balance", func(t *testing.T) {
tx := transferTokenFromMultisigAccountWithAssert(t, bc, neoOwner, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, initialBalance.Int64()+1, false)
aer, err := bc.GetAppExecResults(tx.Hash(), trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, aer[0].VMState, aer[0].FaultException) // transfer without assert => HALT state
checkResult(t, &aer[0], stackitem.NewBool(false))
require.Len(t, aer[0].Events, 0) // failed transfer => no events
// check balance and height were not changed
updatedBalance, updatedHeight := bc.GetGoverningTokenBalance(neoOwner)
require.Equal(t, initialBalance, updatedBalance)
require.Equal(t, initialHeight, updatedHeight)
t.Run("good: amount == initial balance", func(t *testing.T) {
tx := transferTokenFromMultisigAccountWithAssert(t, bc, neoOwner, bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, initialBalance.Int64(), false)
aer, err := bc.GetAppExecResults(tx.Hash(), trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, aer[0].VMState, aer[0].FaultException)
checkResult(t, &aer[0], stackitem.NewBool(true))
require.Len(t, aer[0].Events, 2) // roundtrip + GAS claim
// check balance wasn't changed and height was updated
updatedBalance, updatedHeight := bc.GetGoverningTokenBalance(neoOwner)
require.Equal(t, initialBalance, updatedBalance)
require.Equal(t, bc.BlockHeight(), updatedHeight)
func TestNEO_TransferZeroWithZeroBalance(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
check := func(t *testing.T, roundtrip bool) {
acc := newAccountWithGAS(t, bc)
from := acc.PrivateKey().GetScriptHash()
to := from
if !roundtrip {
to = random.Uint160()
transferTx := newNEP17TransferWithAssert(bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, acc.PrivateKey().GetScriptHash(), to, 0, true)
transferTx.SystemFee = 100000000
transferTx.NetworkFee = 10000000
transferTx.ValidUntilBlock = bc.BlockHeight() + 1
addSigners(acc.PrivateKey().GetScriptHash(), transferTx)
require.NoError(t, acc.SignTx(bc.config.Magic, transferTx))
b := bc.newBlock(transferTx)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
aer, err := bc.GetAppExecResults(transferTx.Hash(), trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, aer[0].VMState, aer[0].FaultException)
require.Len(t, aer[0].Events, 1) // roundtrip only, no GAS claim
require.Equal(t, stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(0)), aer[0].Events[0].Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)[2]) // amount is 0
// check balance wasn't changed and height wasn't updated
updatedBalance, updatedHeight := bc.GetGoverningTokenBalance(acc.PrivateKey().GetScriptHash())
require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(0), updatedBalance)
require.Equal(t, uint32(0), updatedHeight)
t.Run("roundtrip: amount == initial balance == 0", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, true)
t.Run("non-roundtrip: amount == initial balance == 0", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, false)
func TestNEO_TransferZeroWithNonZeroBalance(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
check := func(t *testing.T, roundtrip bool) {
acc := newAccountWithGAS(t, bc)
transferTokenFromMultisigAccount(t, bc, acc.PrivateKey().GetScriptHash(), bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, 100)
initialBalance, _ := bc.GetGoverningTokenBalance(acc.PrivateKey().GetScriptHash())
require.True(t, initialBalance.Sign() > 0)
from := acc.PrivateKey().GetScriptHash()
to := from
if !roundtrip {
to = random.Uint160()
transferTx := newNEP17TransferWithAssert(bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, acc.PrivateKey().GetScriptHash(), to, 0, true)
transferTx.SystemFee = 100000000
transferTx.NetworkFee = 10000000
transferTx.ValidUntilBlock = bc.BlockHeight() + 1
addSigners(acc.PrivateKey().GetScriptHash(), transferTx)
require.NoError(t, acc.SignTx(bc.config.Magic, transferTx))
b := bc.newBlock(transferTx)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
aer, err := bc.GetAppExecResults(transferTx.Hash(), trigger.Application)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, vm.HaltState, aer[0].VMState, aer[0].FaultException)
require.Len(t, aer[0].Events, 2) // roundtrip + GAS claim
require.Equal(t, stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(0)), aer[0].Events[1].Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)[2]) // amount is 0
// check balance wasn't changed and height was updated
updatedBalance, updatedHeight := bc.GetGoverningTokenBalance(acc.PrivateKey().GetScriptHash())
require.Equal(t, initialBalance, updatedBalance)
require.Equal(t, bc.BlockHeight(), updatedHeight)
t.Run("roundtrip", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, true)
t.Run("non-roundtrip", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, false)
func newAccountWithGAS(t *testing.T, bc *Blockchain) *wallet.Account {
acc, err := wallet.NewAccount()
require.NoError(t, err)
transferTokenFromMultisigAccount(t, bc, acc.PrivateKey().GetScriptHash(), bc.contracts.GAS.Hash, 1000_00000000)
return acc
func BenchmarkNEO_GetGASPerVote(t *testing.B) {
var stores = map[string]func(testing.TB) storage.Store{
"MemPS": func(t testing.TB) storage.Store {