*: refactor TestCreateBasicChain and its dependencies

Close #2355
This commit is contained in:
Anna Shaleva 2022-03-10 17:12:04 +03:00
parent 3b45325319
commit 4a74c117ee
12 changed files with 752 additions and 815 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
package core_test
import (
const (
// examplesPrefix is a prefix of the example smart-contracts.
examplesPrefix = "../../examples/"
// basicChainPrefix is a prefix used to store Basic chain .acc file for tests.
// It is also used to retrieve smart contracts that should be deployed to
// Basic chain.
basicChainPrefix = "../rpc/server/testdata/"
var notaryModulePath = filepath.Join("..", "services", "notary")
// TestCreateBasicChain generates "../rpc/testdata/testblocks.acc" file which
// contains data for RPC unit tests. It also is a nice integration test.
// To generate new "../rpc/testdata/testblocks.acc", follow the steps:
// 1. Set saveChain down below to true
// 2. Run tests with `$ make test`
func TestCreateBasicChain(t *testing.T) {
const saveChain = false
bc, validators, committee := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, func(cfg *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
cfg.P2PSigExtensions = true
e := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bc, validators, committee)
initBasicChain(t, e)
if saveChain {
outStream, err := os.Create(basicChainPrefix + "testblocks.acc")
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
writer := io.NewBinWriterFromIO(outStream)
err = chaindump.Dump(bc, writer, 1, bc.BlockHeight())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, saveChain)
func initBasicChain(t *testing.T, e *neotest.Executor) {
if !e.Chain.GetConfig().P2PSigExtensions {
t.Fatal("P2PSitExtensions should be enabled to init basic chain")
const neoAmount = 99999000
gasHash := e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Gas)
neoHash := e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Neo)
policyHash := e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Policy)
notaryHash := e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Notary)
designationHash := e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Designation)
t.Logf("native GAS hash: %v", gasHash)
t.Logf("native NEO hash: %v", neoHash)
t.Logf("native Policy hash: %v", policyHash)
t.Logf("native Notary hash: %v", notaryHash)
t.Logf("Block0 hash: %s", e.Chain.GetHeaderHash(0).StringLE())
acc0 := e.Validator.(neotest.MultiSigner).Single(2) // priv0 index->order and order->index conversion
priv0ScriptHash := acc0.ScriptHash()
acc1 := e.Validator.(neotest.MultiSigner).Single(0) // priv1 index->order and order->index conversion
priv1ScriptHash := acc1.ScriptHash()
neoValidatorInvoker := e.ValidatorInvoker(neoHash)
gasValidatorInvoker := e.ValidatorInvoker(gasHash)
neoPriv0Invoker := e.NewInvoker(neoHash, acc0)
gasPriv0Invoker := e.NewInvoker(gasHash, acc0)
designateSuperInvoker := e.NewInvoker(designationHash, e.Validator, e.Committee)
deployContractFromPriv0 := func(t *testing.T, path, contractName string, configPath string, expectedID int32) (util.Uint256, util.Uint256, util.Uint160) {
txDeployHash, cH := newDeployTx(t, e, acc0, path, configPath, true)
b := e.TopBlock(t)
return b.Hash(), txDeployHash, cH
e.CheckGASBalance(t, priv0ScriptHash, big.NewInt(5000_0000)) // gas bounty
// Block #1: move 1000 GAS and neoAmount NEO to priv0.
txMoveNeo := neoValidatorInvoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), priv0ScriptHash, neoAmount, nil)
txMoveGas := gasValidatorInvoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), priv0ScriptHash, int64(fixedn.Fixed8FromInt64(1000)), nil)
b := e.AddNewBlock(t, txMoveNeo, txMoveGas)
e.CheckHalt(t, txMoveNeo.Hash(), stackitem.Make(true))
e.CheckHalt(t, txMoveGas.Hash(), stackitem.Make(true))
t.Logf("Block1 hash: %s", b.Hash().StringLE())
bw := io.NewBufBinWriter()
require.NoError(t, bw.Err)
jsonB, err := b.MarshalJSON()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("Block1 base64: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bw.Bytes()))
t.Logf("Block1 JSON: %s", string(jsonB))
require.NoError(t, bw.Err)
jsonH, err := b.Header.MarshalJSON()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("Header1 base64: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bw.Bytes()))
t.Logf("Header1 JSON: %s", string(jsonH))
jsonTxMoveNeo, err := txMoveNeo.MarshalJSON()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("txMoveNeo hash: %s", txMoveNeo.Hash().StringLE())
t.Logf("txMoveNeo JSON: %s", string(jsonTxMoveNeo))
t.Logf("txMoveNeo base64: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(txMoveNeo.Bytes()))
t.Logf("txMoveGas hash: %s", txMoveGas.Hash().StringLE())
e.EnsureGASBalance(t, priv0ScriptHash, func(balance *big.Int) bool { return balance.Cmp(big.NewInt(1000*native.GASFactor)) >= 0 })
// info for getblockheader rpc tests
t.Logf("header hash: %s", b.Hash().StringLE())
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
t.Logf("header: %s", hex.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()))
// Block #2: deploy test_contract (Rubles contract).
cfgPath := basicChainPrefix + "test_contract.yml"
block2H, txDeployH, cHash := deployContractFromPriv0(t, basicChainPrefix+"test_contract.go", "Rubl", cfgPath, 1)
t.Logf("txDeploy: %s", txDeployH.StringLE())
t.Logf("Block2 hash: %s", block2H.StringLE())
// Block #3: invoke `putValue` method on the test_contract.
rublPriv0Invoker := e.NewInvoker(cHash, acc0)
txInvH := rublPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "putValue", "testkey", "testvalue")
t.Logf("txInv: %s", txInvH.StringLE())
// Block #4: transfer 1000 NEO from priv0 to priv1.
neoPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", priv0ScriptHash, priv1ScriptHash, 1000, nil)
// Block #5: initialize rubles contract and transfer 1000 rubles from the contract to priv0.
initTx := rublPriv0Invoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "init")
transferTx := e.NewUnsignedTx(t, rublPriv0Invoker.Hash, "transfer", cHash, priv0ScriptHash, 1000, nil)
e.SignTx(t, transferTx, 1500_0000, acc0) // Set system fee manually to avoid verification failure.
e.AddNewBlock(t, initTx, transferTx)
e.CheckHalt(t, initTx.Hash(), stackitem.NewBool(true))
e.CheckHalt(t, transferTx.Hash(), stackitem.Make(true))
t.Logf("receiveRublesTx: %v", transferTx.Hash().StringLE())
// Block #6: transfer 123 rubles from priv0 to priv1
transferTxH := rublPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", priv0ScriptHash, priv1ScriptHash, 123, nil)
t.Logf("sendRublesTx: %v", transferTxH.StringLE())
// Block #7: push verification contract into the chain.
verifyPath := filepath.Join(basicChainPrefix, "verify", "verification_contract.go")
verifyCfg := filepath.Join(basicChainPrefix, "verify", "verification_contract.yml")
_, _, _ = deployContractFromPriv0(t, verifyPath, "Verify", verifyCfg, 2)
// Block #8: deposit some GAS to notary contract for priv0.
transferTxH = gasPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", priv0ScriptHash, notaryHash, 10_0000_0000, []interface{}{priv0ScriptHash, int64(e.Chain.BlockHeight() + 1000)})
t.Logf("notaryDepositTxPriv0: %v", transferTxH.StringLE())
// Block #9: designate new Notary node.
ntr, err := wallet.NewWalletFromFile(path.Join(notaryModulePath, "./testdata/notary1.json"))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, ntr.Accounts[0].Decrypt("one", ntr.Scrypt))
designateSuperInvoker.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "designateAsRole",
int64(roles.P2PNotary), []interface{}{ntr.Accounts[0].PrivateKey().PublicKey().Bytes()})
t.Logf("Designated Notary node: %s", hex.EncodeToString(ntr.Accounts[0].PrivateKey().PublicKey().Bytes()))
// Block #10: push verification contract with arguments into the chain.
verifyPath = filepath.Join(basicChainPrefix, "verify_args", "verification_with_args_contract.go")
verifyCfg = filepath.Join(basicChainPrefix, "verify_args", "verification_with_args_contract.yml")
_, _, _ = deployContractFromPriv0(t, verifyPath, "VerifyWithArgs", verifyCfg, 3) // block #10
// Block #11: push NameService contract into the chain.
nsPath := examplesPrefix + "nft-nd-nns/"
nsConfigPath := nsPath + "nns.yml"
_, _, nsHash := deployContractFromPriv0(t, nsPath, nsPath, nsConfigPath, 4) // block #11
nsCommitteeInvoker := e.CommitteeInvoker(nsHash)
nsPriv0Invoker := e.NewInvoker(nsHash, acc0)
// Block #12: transfer funds to committee for further NS record registration.
gasValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer",
e.Validator.ScriptHash(), e.Committee.ScriptHash(), 1000_00000000, nil) // block #12
// Block #13: add `.com` root to NNS.
nsCommitteeInvoker.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "addRoot", "com") // block #13
// Block #14: register `neo.com` via NNS.
registerTxH := nsPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "register",
"neo.com", priv0ScriptHash) // block #14
res := e.GetTxExecResult(t, registerTxH)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(res.Events)) // transfer
tokenID, err := res.Events[0].Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)[3].TryBytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("NNS token #1 ID (hex): %s", hex.EncodeToString(tokenID))
// Block #15: set A record type with priv0 owner via NNS.
nsPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "setRecord", "neo.com", int64(nns.A), "") // block #15
// Block #16: invoke `test_contract.go`: put new value with the same key to check `getstate` RPC call
txPutNewValue := rublPriv0Invoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "putValue", "testkey", "newtestvalue")
// Invoke `test_contract.go`: put values to check `findstates` RPC call.
txPut1 := rublPriv0Invoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "putValue", "aa", "v1")
txPut2 := rublPriv0Invoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "putValue", "aa10", "v2")
txPut3 := rublPriv0Invoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "putValue", "aa50", "v3")
e.AddNewBlock(t, txPutNewValue, txPut1, txPut2, txPut3) // block #16
e.CheckHalt(t, txPutNewValue.Hash(), stackitem.NewBool(true))
e.CheckHalt(t, txPut1.Hash(), stackitem.NewBool(true))
e.CheckHalt(t, txPut2.Hash(), stackitem.NewBool(true))
e.CheckHalt(t, txPut3.Hash(), stackitem.NewBool(true))
// Block #17: deploy NeoFS Object contract (NEP11-Divisible).
nfsPath := examplesPrefix + "nft-d/"
nfsConfigPath := nfsPath + "nft.yml"
_, _, nfsHash := deployContractFromPriv0(t, nfsPath, nfsPath, nfsConfigPath, 5) // block #17
nfsPriv0Invoker := e.NewInvoker(nfsHash, acc0)
nfsPriv1Invoker := e.NewInvoker(nfsHash, acc1)
// Block #18: mint 1.00 NFSO token by transferring 10 GAS to NFSO contract.
containerID := util.Uint256{1, 2, 3}
objectID := util.Uint256{4, 5, 6}
txGas0toNFSH := gasPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer",
priv0ScriptHash, nfsHash, 10_0000_0000, []interface{}{containerID.BytesBE(), objectID.BytesBE()}) // block #18
res = e.GetTxExecResult(t, txGas0toNFSH)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(res.Events)) // GAS transfer + NFSO transfer
tokenID, err = res.Events[1].Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)[3].TryBytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("NFSO token #1 ID (hex): %s", hex.EncodeToString(tokenID))
// Block #19: transfer 0.25 NFSO from priv0 to priv1.
nfsPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", priv0ScriptHash, priv1ScriptHash, 25, tokenID, nil) // block #19
// Block #20: transfer 1000 GAS to priv1.
gasValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(),
priv1ScriptHash, int64(fixedn.Fixed8FromInt64(1000)), nil) // block #20
// Block #21: transfer 0.05 NFSO from priv1 back to priv0.
nfsPriv1Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", priv1ScriptHash, priv0ScriptHash, 5, tokenID, nil) // block #21
// Compile contract to test `invokescript` RPC call
invokePath := filepath.Join(basicChainPrefix, "invoke", "invokescript_contract.go")
invokeCfg := filepath.Join(basicChainPrefix, "invoke", "invoke.yml")
_, _ = newDeployTx(t, e, acc0, invokePath, invokeCfg, false)
// Prepare some transaction for future submission.
txSendRaw := neoPriv0Invoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "transfer", priv0ScriptHash, priv1ScriptHash, int64(fixedn.Fixed8FromInt64(1000)), nil)
t.Logf("sendrawtransaction: \n\tbase64: %s\n\tHash LE: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bw.Bytes()), txSendRaw.Hash().StringLE())
func newDeployTx(t *testing.T, e *neotest.Executor, sender neotest.Signer, sourcePath, configPath string, deploy bool) (util.Uint256, util.Uint160) {
c := neotest.CompileFile(t, sender.ScriptHash(), sourcePath, configPath)
t.Logf("contract (%s): \n\tHash: %s\n\tAVM: %s", sourcePath, c.Hash.StringLE(), base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(c.NEF.Script))
if deploy {
return e.DeployContractBy(t, sender, c, nil), c.Hash
return util.Uint256{}, c.Hash

View file

@ -16,13 +16,10 @@ import (
@ -1523,77 +1520,6 @@ func TestSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
func testDumpAndRestore(t *testing.T, dumpF, restoreF func(c *config.Config)) {
if restoreF == nil {
restoreF = dumpF
bc := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, dumpF)
initBasicChain(t, bc)
require.True(t, bc.BlockHeight() > 5) // ensure that test is valid
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
require.NoError(t, chaindump.Dump(bc, w.BinWriter, 0, bc.BlockHeight()+1))
require.NoError(t, w.Err)
buf := w.Bytes()
t.Run("invalid start", func(t *testing.T) {
bc2 := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, restoreF)
r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(buf)
require.Error(t, chaindump.Restore(bc2, r, 2, 1, nil))
t.Run("good", func(t *testing.T) {
bc2 := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, restoreF)
r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(buf)
require.NoError(t, chaindump.Restore(bc2, r, 0, 2, nil))
require.Equal(t, uint32(1), bc2.BlockHeight())
r = io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(buf) // new reader because start is relative to dump
require.NoError(t, chaindump.Restore(bc2, r, 2, 1, nil))
t.Run("check handler", func(t *testing.T) {
lastIndex := uint32(0)
errStopped := errors.New("stopped")
f := func(b *block.Block) error {
lastIndex = b.Index
if b.Index >= bc.BlockHeight()-1 {
return errStopped
return nil
require.NoError(t, chaindump.Restore(bc2, r, 0, 1, f))
require.Equal(t, bc2.BlockHeight(), lastIndex)
r = io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(buf)
err := chaindump.Restore(bc2, r, 4, bc.BlockHeight()-bc2.BlockHeight(), f)
require.True(t, errors.Is(err, errStopped))
require.Equal(t, bc.BlockHeight()-1, lastIndex)
func TestDumpAndRestore(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("no state root", func(t *testing.T) {
testDumpAndRestore(t, func(c *config.Config) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader = false
}, nil)
t.Run("with state root", func(t *testing.T) {
testDumpAndRestore(t, func(c *config.Config) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader = true
}, nil)
t.Run("remove untraceable", func(t *testing.T) {
// Dump can only be created if all blocks and transactions are present.
testDumpAndRestore(t, nil, func(c *config.Config) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.MaxTraceableBlocks = 2
c.ProtocolConfiguration.RemoveUntraceableBlocks = true
func TestRemoveOldTransfers(t *testing.T) {
// Creating proper number of transfers/blocks takes unneccessary time, so emulate
// some DB with stale entries.
@ -1841,7 +1767,11 @@ func TestBlockchain_InitWithIncompleteStateJump(t *testing.T) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.KeepOnlyLatestState = true
bcSpout := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, spountCfg)
initBasicChain(t, bcSpout)
// Generate some content.
for i := 0; i < len(bcSpout.GetConfig().StandbyCommittee); i++ {
require.NoError(t, bcSpout.AddBlock(bcSpout.newBlock()))
// reach next to the latest state sync point and pretend that we've just restored
stateSyncPoint := (int(bcSpout.BlockHeight())/stateSyncInterval + 1) * stateSyncInterval
@ -2007,227 +1937,3 @@ func setSigner(tx *transaction.Transaction, h util.Uint160) {
Scopes: transaction.Global,
func TestBlockchain_StartFromExistingDB(t *testing.T) {
ps, path := newLevelDBForTestingWithPath(t, "")
customConfig := func(c *config.Config) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader = true // Need for P2PStateExchangeExtensions check.
bc := initTestChain(t, ps, customConfig)
go bc.Run()
initBasicChain(t, bc)
require.True(t, bc.BlockHeight() > 5, "ensure that basic chain is correctly initialised")
// Information for further tests.
h := bc.BlockHeight()
cryptoLibHash, err := bc.GetNativeContractScriptHash(nativenames.CryptoLib)
require.NoError(t, err)
cryptoLibState := bc.GetContractState(cryptoLibHash)
require.NotNil(t, cryptoLibState)
var (
managementID = -1
managementContractPrefix = 8
bc.Close() // Ensure persist is done and persistent store is properly closed.
newPS := func(t *testing.T) storage.Store {
ps, _ = newLevelDBForTestingWithPath(t, path)
t.Cleanup(func() { require.NoError(t, ps.Close()) })
return ps
t.Run("mismatch storage version", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
d := dao.NewSimple(cache, bc.config.StateRootInHeader, bc.config.P2PStateExchangeExtensions)
Value: "0.0.0",
_, err := d.Persist() // Persist to `cache` wrapper.
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = initTestChainNoCheck(t, cache, customConfig)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "storage version mismatch"))
t.Run("mismatch StateRootInHeader", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
_, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, ps, func(c *config.Config) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader = false
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "StateRootInHeader setting mismatch"))
t.Run("mismatch P2PSigExtensions", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
_, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, ps, func(c *config.Config) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.P2PSigExtensions = false
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "P2PSigExtensions setting mismatch"))
t.Run("mismatch P2PStateExchangeExtensions", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
_, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, ps, func(c *config.Config) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader = true
c.ProtocolConfiguration.P2PStateExchangeExtensions = true
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "P2PStateExchangeExtensions setting mismatch"))
t.Run("mismatch KeepOnlyLatestState", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
_, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, ps, func(c *config.Config) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.KeepOnlyLatestState = true
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "KeepOnlyLatestState setting mismatch"))
t.Run("corrupted headers", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Corrupt headers hashes batch.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
key := make([]byte, 5)
key[0] = byte(storage.IXHeaderHashList)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(key[1:], 1)
cache.Put(key, []byte{1, 2, 3})
_, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, cache, customConfig)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "failed to read batch of 2000"))
t.Run("corrupted current header height", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Remove current header.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
_, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, cache, customConfig)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "failed to retrieve current header"))
t.Run("missing last batch of 2000 headers and missing last header", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Remove latest headers hashes batch and current header.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
currHeaderInfo, err := cache.Get([]byte{byte(storage.SYSCurrentHeader)})
require.NoError(t, err)
currHeaderHash, err := util.Uint256DecodeBytesLE(currHeaderInfo[:32])
require.NoError(t, err)
cache.Delete(append([]byte{byte(storage.DataExecutable)}, currHeaderHash.BytesBE()...))
_, err = initTestChainNoCheck(t, cache, customConfig)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "could not get header"))
t.Run("missing last block", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Remove current block from storage.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
_, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, cache, customConfig)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "failed to retrieve current block height"))
t.Run("missing last stateroot", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Remove latest stateroot from storage.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
key := make([]byte, 5)
key[0] = byte(storage.DataMPTAux)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(key, h)
_, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, cache, customConfig)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "can't init MPT at height"))
t.Run("failed native Management initialisation", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Corrupt serialised CryptoLib state.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
key := make([]byte, 1+4+1+20)
key[0] = byte(storage.STStorage)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(key[1:], uint32(managementID))
key[5] = byte(managementContractPrefix)
copy(key[6:], cryptoLibHash.BytesBE())
cache.Put(key, []byte{1, 2, 3})
_, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, cache, customConfig)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "can't init cache for Management native contract"))
t.Run("invalid native contract deactivation", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
_, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, ps, func(c *config.Config) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.NativeUpdateHistories = map[string][]uint32{
nativenames.Policy: {0},
nativenames.Neo: {0},
nativenames.Gas: {0},
nativenames.Designation: {0},
nativenames.StdLib: {0},
nativenames.Management: {0},
nativenames.Oracle: {0},
nativenames.Ledger: {0},
nativenames.Notary: {0},
nativenames.CryptoLib: {h + 10},
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), fmt.Sprintf("native contract %s is already stored, but marked as inactive for height %d in config", nativenames.CryptoLib, h)))
t.Run("invalid native contract activation", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Remove CryptoLib from storage.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
key := make([]byte, 1+4+1+20)
key[0] = byte(storage.STStorage)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(key[1:], uint32(managementID))
key[5] = byte(managementContractPrefix)
copy(key[6:], cryptoLibHash.BytesBE())
_, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, cache, customConfig)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), fmt.Sprintf("native contract %s is not stored, but should be active at height %d according to config", nativenames.CryptoLib, h)))
t.Run("stored and autogenerated native contract's states mismatch", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Change stored CryptoLib state.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
key := make([]byte, 1+4+1+20)
key[0] = byte(storage.STStorage)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(key[1:], uint32(managementID))
key[5] = byte(managementContractPrefix)
copy(key[6:], cryptoLibHash.BytesBE())
cs := *cryptoLibState
cs.ID = -123
csBytes, err := stackitem.SerializeConvertible(&cs)
require.NoError(t, err)
cache.Put(key, csBytes)
_, err = initTestChainNoCheck(t, cache, customConfig)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), fmt.Sprintf("native %s: version mismatch (stored contract state differs from autogenerated one)", nativenames.CryptoLib)))
t.Run("good", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
_, err := initTestChainNoCheck(t, ps, customConfig)
require.NoError(t, err)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
package core_test
import (
func TestBlockchain_DumpAndRestore(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("no state root", func(t *testing.T) {
testDumpAndRestore(t, func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.StateRootInHeader = false
c.P2PSigExtensions = true
}, nil)
t.Run("with state root", func(t *testing.T) {
testDumpAndRestore(t, func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.StateRootInHeader = true
c.P2PSigExtensions = true
}, nil)
t.Run("remove untraceable", func(t *testing.T) {
// Dump can only be created if all blocks and transactions are present.
testDumpAndRestore(t, func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.P2PSigExtensions = true
}, func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.MaxTraceableBlocks = 2
c.RemoveUntraceableBlocks = true
c.P2PSigExtensions = true
func testDumpAndRestore(t *testing.T, dumpF, restoreF func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration)) {
if restoreF == nil {
restoreF = dumpF
bc, validators, committee := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, dumpF)
e := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bc, validators, committee)
initBasicChain(t, e)
require.True(t, bc.BlockHeight() > 5) // ensure that test is valid
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
require.NoError(t, chaindump.Dump(bc, w.BinWriter, 0, bc.BlockHeight()+1))
require.NoError(t, w.Err)
buf := w.Bytes()
t.Run("invalid start", func(t *testing.T) {
bc2, _, _ := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, restoreF)
r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(buf)
require.Error(t, chaindump.Restore(bc2, r, 2, 1, nil))
t.Run("good", func(t *testing.T) {
bc2, _, _ := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, dumpF)
r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(buf)
require.NoError(t, chaindump.Restore(bc2, r, 0, 2, nil))
require.Equal(t, uint32(1), bc2.BlockHeight())
r = io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(buf) // new reader because start is relative to dump
require.NoError(t, chaindump.Restore(bc2, r, 2, 1, nil))
t.Run("check handler", func(t *testing.T) {
lastIndex := uint32(0)
errStopped := errors.New("stopped")
f := func(b *block.Block) error {
lastIndex = b.Index
if b.Index >= bc.BlockHeight()-1 {
return errStopped
return nil
require.NoError(t, chaindump.Restore(bc2, r, 0, 1, f))
require.Equal(t, bc2.BlockHeight(), lastIndex)
r = io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(buf)
err := chaindump.Restore(bc2, r, 4, bc.BlockHeight()-bc2.BlockHeight(), f)
require.True(t, errors.Is(err, errStopped))
require.Equal(t, bc.BlockHeight()-1, lastIndex)
func newLevelDBForTestingWithPath(t testing.TB, dbPath string) (storage.Store, string) {
if dbPath == "" {
dbPath = t.TempDir()
dbOptions := storage.LevelDBOptions{
DataDirectoryPath: dbPath,
newLevelStore, err := storage.NewLevelDBStore(dbOptions)
require.Nil(t, err, "NewLevelDBStore error")
return newLevelStore, dbPath
func TestBlockchain_StartFromExistingDB(t *testing.T) {
ps, path := newLevelDBForTestingWithPath(t, "")
customConfig := func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.StateRootInHeader = true // Need for P2PStateExchangeExtensions check.
c.P2PSigExtensions = true // Need for basic chain initializer.
bc, validators, committee, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, ps)
require.NoError(t, err)
go bc.Run()
e := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bc, validators, committee)
initBasicChain(t, e)
require.True(t, bc.BlockHeight() > 5, "ensure that basic chain is correctly initialised")
// Information for further tests.
h := bc.BlockHeight()
cryptoLibHash, err := bc.GetNativeContractScriptHash(nativenames.CryptoLib)
require.NoError(t, err)
cryptoLibState := bc.GetContractState(cryptoLibHash)
require.NotNil(t, cryptoLibState)
var (
managementID = -1
managementContractPrefix = 8
bc.Close() // Ensure persist is done and persistent store is properly closed.
newPS := func(t *testing.T) storage.Store {
ps, _ = newLevelDBForTestingWithPath(t, path)
t.Cleanup(func() { require.NoError(t, ps.Close()) })
return ps
t.Run("mismatch storage version", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
d := dao.NewSimple(cache, bc.GetConfig().StateRootInHeader, bc.GetConfig().P2PStateExchangeExtensions)
Value: "0.0.0",
_, err := d.Persist() // Persist to `cache` wrapper.
require.NoError(t, err)
_, _, _, err = chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, cache)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "storage version mismatch"), err)
t.Run("mismatch StateRootInHeader", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
_, _, _, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.StateRootInHeader = false
}, ps)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "StateRootInHeader setting mismatch"), err)
t.Run("mismatch P2PSigExtensions", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
_, _, _, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.P2PSigExtensions = false
}, ps)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "P2PSigExtensions setting mismatch"), err)
t.Run("mismatch P2PStateExchangeExtensions", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
_, _, _, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.StateRootInHeader = true
c.P2PStateExchangeExtensions = true
}, ps)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "P2PStateExchangeExtensions setting mismatch"), err)
t.Run("mismatch KeepOnlyLatestState", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
_, _, _, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.KeepOnlyLatestState = true
}, ps)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "KeepOnlyLatestState setting mismatch"), err)
t.Run("corrupted headers", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Corrupt headers hashes batch.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
key := make([]byte, 5)
key[0] = byte(storage.IXHeaderHashList)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(key[1:], 1)
cache.Put(key, []byte{1, 2, 3})
_, _, _, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, cache)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "failed to read batch of 2000"), err)
t.Run("corrupted current header height", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Remove current header.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
_, _, _, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, cache)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "failed to retrieve current header"), err)
t.Run("missing last batch of 2000 headers and missing last header", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Remove latest headers hashes batch and current header.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
currHeaderInfo, err := cache.Get([]byte{byte(storage.SYSCurrentHeader)})
require.NoError(t, err)
currHeaderHash, err := util.Uint256DecodeBytesLE(currHeaderInfo[:32])
require.NoError(t, err)
cache.Delete(append([]byte{byte(storage.DataExecutable)}, currHeaderHash.BytesBE()...))
_, _, _, err = chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, cache)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "could not get header"), err)
t.Run("missing last block", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Remove current block from storage.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
_, _, _, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, cache)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "failed to retrieve current block height"), err)
t.Run("missing last stateroot", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Remove latest stateroot from storage.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
key := make([]byte, 5)
key[0] = byte(storage.DataMPTAux)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(key, h)
_, _, _, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, cache)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "can't init MPT at height"), err)
t.Run("failed native Management initialisation", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Corrupt serialised CryptoLib state.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
key := make([]byte, 1+4+1+20)
key[0] = byte(storage.STStorage)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(key[1:], uint32(managementID))
key[5] = byte(managementContractPrefix)
copy(key[6:], cryptoLibHash.BytesBE())
cache.Put(key, []byte{1, 2, 3})
_, _, _, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, cache)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "can't init cache for Management native contract"), err)
t.Run("invalid native contract deactivation", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
_, _, _, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.NativeUpdateHistories = map[string][]uint32{
nativenames.Policy: {0},
nativenames.Neo: {0},
nativenames.Gas: {0},
nativenames.Designation: {0},
nativenames.StdLib: {0},
nativenames.Management: {0},
nativenames.Oracle: {0},
nativenames.Ledger: {0},
nativenames.Notary: {0},
nativenames.CryptoLib: {h + 10},
}, ps)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), fmt.Sprintf("native contract %s is already stored, but marked as inactive for height %d in config", nativenames.CryptoLib, h)), err)
t.Run("invalid native contract activation", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Remove CryptoLib from storage.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
key := make([]byte, 1+4+1+20)
key[0] = byte(storage.STStorage)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(key[1:], uint32(managementID))
key[5] = byte(managementContractPrefix)
copy(key[6:], cryptoLibHash.BytesBE())
_, _, _, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, cache)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), fmt.Sprintf("native contract %s is not stored, but should be active at height %d according to config", nativenames.CryptoLib, h)), err)
t.Run("stored and autogenerated native contract's states mismatch", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
// Change stored CryptoLib state.
cache := storage.NewMemCachedStore(ps) // Extra wrapper to avoid good DB corruption.
key := make([]byte, 1+4+1+20)
key[0] = byte(storage.STStorage)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(key[1:], uint32(managementID))
key[5] = byte(managementContractPrefix)
copy(key[6:], cryptoLibHash.BytesBE())
cs := *cryptoLibState
cs.ID = -123
csBytes, err := stackitem.SerializeConvertible(&cs)
require.NoError(t, err)
cache.Put(key, csBytes)
_, _, _, err = chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, cache)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), fmt.Sprintf("native %s: version mismatch (stored contract state differs from autogenerated one)", nativenames.CryptoLib)), err)
t.Run("good", func(t *testing.T) {
ps = newPS(t)
_, _, _, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, ps)
require.NoError(t, err)

View file

@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
package core
import (
@ -18,18 +14,12 @@ import (
@ -47,9 +37,6 @@ import (
// multisig address which possess all NEO.
var neoOwner = testchain.MultisigScriptHash()
// examplesPrefix is a prefix of the example smart-contracts.
const examplesPrefix = "../../examples/"
// newTestChain should be called before newBlock invocation to properly setup
// global state.
func newTestChain(t testing.TB) *Blockchain {
@ -68,35 +55,21 @@ func newTestChainWithCustomCfgAndStore(t testing.TB, st storage.Store, f func(*c
func newLevelDBForTesting(t testing.TB) storage.Store {
newLevelStore, _ := newLevelDBForTestingWithPath(t, "")
return newLevelStore
func newLevelDBForTestingWithPath(t testing.TB, dbPath string) (storage.Store, string) {
if dbPath == "" {
dbPath = t.TempDir()
dbPath := t.TempDir()
dbOptions := storage.LevelDBOptions{
DataDirectoryPath: dbPath,
newLevelStore, err := storage.NewLevelDBStore(dbOptions)
require.Nil(t, err, "NewLevelDBStore error")
return newLevelStore, dbPath
return newLevelStore
func newBoltStoreForTesting(t testing.TB) storage.Store {
boltDBStore, _ := newBoltStoreForTestingWithPath(t, "")
return boltDBStore
func newBoltStoreForTestingWithPath(t testing.TB, dbPath string) (storage.Store, string) {
if dbPath == "" {
d := t.TempDir()
dbPath = filepath.Join(d, "test_bolt_db")
d := t.TempDir()
dbPath := filepath.Join(d, "test_bolt_db")
boltDBStore, err := storage.NewBoltDBStore(storage.BoltDBOptions{FilePath: dbPath})
require.NoError(t, err)
return boltDBStore, dbPath
return boltDBStore
func initTestChain(t testing.TB, st storage.Store, f func(*config.Config)) *Blockchain {
@ -218,382 +191,6 @@ func TestBug1728(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, aer.VMState, vm.HaltState)
// This function generates "../rpc/testdata/testblocks.acc" file which contains data
// for RPC unit tests. It also is a nice integration test.
// To generate new "../rpc/testdata/testblocks.acc", follow the steps:
// 1. Set saveChain down below to true
// 2. Run tests with `$ make test`
func TestCreateBasicChain(t *testing.T) {
const saveChain = false
const prefix = "../rpc/server/testdata/"
bc := newTestChain(t)
initBasicChain(t, bc)
if saveChain {
outStream, err := os.Create(prefix + "testblocks.acc")
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
writer := io.NewBinWriterFromIO(outStream)
err = chaindump.Dump(bc, writer, 1, bc.BlockHeight())
require.NoError(t, err)
priv0 := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(0)
priv1 := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(1)
priv0ScriptHash := priv0.GetScriptHash()
acc0 := wallet.NewAccountFromPrivateKey(priv0)
// Prepare some transaction for future submission.
txSendRaw := newNEP17Transfer(bc.contracts.NEO.Hash, priv0ScriptHash, priv1.GetScriptHash(), int64(fixedn.Fixed8FromInt64(1000)))
txSendRaw.ValidUntilBlock = bc.config.MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement
txSendRaw.Nonce = 0x1234
txSendRaw.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{
Account: priv0ScriptHash,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
AllowedContracts: nil,
AllowedGroups: nil,
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txSendRaw, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(testchain.Network(), txSendRaw))
bw := io.NewBufBinWriter()
t.Logf("sendrawtransaction: \n\tbase64: %s\n\tHash LE: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bw.Bytes()), txSendRaw.Hash().StringLE())
require.False(t, saveChain)
func initBasicChain(t *testing.T, bc *Blockchain) {
const prefix = "../rpc/server/testdata/"
// Increase in case if you need more blocks
const validUntilBlock = 1200
// To be incremented after each created transaction to keep chain constant.
var testNonce uint32 = 1
// Use as nonce when new transaction is created to avoid random data in tests.
getNextNonce := func() uint32 {
return testNonce
const neoAmount = 99999000
gasHash := bc.contracts.GAS.Hash
neoHash := bc.contracts.NEO.Hash
policyHash := bc.contracts.Policy.Hash
notaryHash := bc.contracts.Notary.Hash
t.Logf("native GAS hash: %v", gasHash)
t.Logf("native NEO hash: %v", neoHash)
t.Logf("native Policy hash: %v", policyHash)
t.Logf("native Notary hash: %v", notaryHash)
t.Logf("Block0 hash: %s", bc.GetHeaderHash(0).StringLE())
priv0 := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(0)
priv0ScriptHash := priv0.GetScriptHash()
priv1 := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(1)
priv1ScriptHash := priv1.GetScriptHash()
acc0 := wallet.NewAccountFromPrivateKey(priv0)
acc1 := wallet.NewAccountFromPrivateKey(priv1)
deployContractFromPriv0 := func(t *testing.T, path, contractName string, configPath *string, expectedID int32) (util.Uint256, util.Uint256, util.Uint160) {
txDeploy, _ := newDeployTx(t, bc, priv0ScriptHash, path, contractName, configPath)
txDeploy.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txDeploy.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txDeploy, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(testchain.Network(), txDeploy))
b := bc.newBlock(txDeploy)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b)) // block #11
checkTxHalt(t, bc, txDeploy.Hash())
sh, err := bc.GetContractScriptHash(expectedID)
require.NoError(t, err)
return b.Hash(), txDeploy.Hash(), sh
require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(5000_0000), bc.GetUtilityTokenBalance(priv0ScriptHash)) // gas bounty
// Block #1: move 1000 GAS and neoAmount NEO to priv0.
txMoveNeo, err := testchain.NewTransferFromOwner(bc, neoHash, priv0ScriptHash, neoAmount, getNextNonce(), validUntilBlock)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Move some GAS to one simple account.
txMoveGas, err := testchain.NewTransferFromOwner(bc, gasHash, priv0ScriptHash, int64(fixedn.Fixed8FromInt64(1000)),
getNextNonce(), validUntilBlock)
require.NoError(t, err)
b := bc.newBlock(txMoveNeo, txMoveGas)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
checkTxHalt(t, bc, txMoveGas.Hash())
checkTxHalt(t, bc, txMoveNeo.Hash())
t.Logf("Block1 hash: %s", b.Hash().StringLE())
bw := io.NewBufBinWriter()
require.NoError(t, bw.Err)
jsonB, err := b.MarshalJSON()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("Block1 base64: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bw.Bytes()))
t.Logf("Block1 JSON: %s", string(jsonB))
require.NoError(t, bw.Err)
jsonH, err := b.Header.MarshalJSON()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("Header1 base64: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bw.Bytes()))
t.Logf("Header1 JSON: %s", string(jsonH))
jsonTxMoveNeo, err := txMoveNeo.MarshalJSON()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("txMoveNeo hash: %s", txMoveNeo.Hash().StringLE())
t.Logf("txMoveNeo JSON: %s", string(jsonTxMoveNeo))
t.Logf("txMoveNeo base64: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(txMoveNeo.Bytes()))
t.Logf("txMoveGas hash: %s", txMoveGas.Hash().StringLE())
require.True(t, bc.GetUtilityTokenBalance(priv0ScriptHash).Cmp(big.NewInt(1000*native.GASFactor)) >= 0)
// info for getblockheader rpc tests
t.Logf("header hash: %s", b.Hash().StringLE())
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
t.Logf("header: %s", hex.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()))
// Block #2: deploy test_contract.
cfgPath := prefix + "test_contract.yml"
block2H, txDeployH, cHash := deployContractFromPriv0(t, prefix+"test_contract.go", "Rubl", &cfgPath, 1)
t.Logf("txDeploy: %s", txDeployH.StringLE())
t.Logf("Block2 hash: %s", block2H.StringLE())
// Block #3: invoke `putValue` method on the test_contract.
script := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, cHash, "putValue", callflag.All, "testkey", "testvalue")
txInv := transaction.New(script.Bytes(), 1*native.GASFactor)
txInv.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txInv.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
txInv.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{Account: priv0ScriptHash}}
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txInv, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(testchain.Network(), txInv))
b = bc.newBlock(txInv)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
checkTxHalt(t, bc, txInv.Hash())
t.Logf("txInv: %s", txInv.Hash().StringLE())
// Block #4: transfer 0.0000_1 NEO from priv0 to priv1.
txNeo0to1 := newNEP17Transfer(neoHash, priv0ScriptHash, priv1ScriptHash, 1000)
txNeo0to1.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txNeo0to1.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
txNeo0to1.Signers = []transaction.Signer{
Account: priv0ScriptHash,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
AllowedContracts: nil,
AllowedGroups: nil,
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txNeo0to1, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(testchain.Network(), txNeo0to1))
b = bc.newBlock(txNeo0to1)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
checkTxHalt(t, bc, txNeo0to1.Hash())
// Block #5: initialize rubles contract and transfer 1000 rubles from the contract to priv0.
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.AppCall(w.BinWriter, cHash, "init", callflag.All)
initTx := transaction.New(w.Bytes(), 1*native.GASFactor)
initTx.Nonce = getNextNonce()
initTx.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
initTx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{Account: priv0ScriptHash}}
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, initTx, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(testchain.Network(), initTx))
transferTx := newNEP17Transfer(cHash, cHash, priv0ScriptHash, 1000)
transferTx.Nonce = getNextNonce()
transferTx.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
transferTx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{
Account: priv0ScriptHash,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
AllowedContracts: nil,
AllowedGroups: nil,
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, transferTx, acc0))
transferTx.SystemFee += 1000000
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(testchain.Network(), transferTx))
b = bc.newBlock(initTx, transferTx)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
checkTxHalt(t, bc, initTx.Hash())
checkTxHalt(t, bc, transferTx.Hash())
t.Logf("recieveRublesTx: %v", transferTx.Hash().StringLE())
// Block #6: transfer 123 rubles from priv0 to priv1
transferTx = newNEP17Transfer(cHash, priv0.GetScriptHash(), priv1ScriptHash, 123)
transferTx.Nonce = getNextNonce()
transferTx.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
transferTx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{
Account: priv0ScriptHash,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
AllowedContracts: nil,
AllowedGroups: nil,
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, transferTx, acc0))
transferTx.SystemFee += 1000000
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(testchain.Network(), transferTx))
b = bc.newBlock(transferTx)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
checkTxHalt(t, bc, transferTx.Hash())
t.Logf("sendRublesTx: %v", transferTx.Hash().StringLE())
// Block #7: push verification contract into the chain.
verifyPath := filepath.Join(prefix, "verify", "verification_contract.go")
_, _, _ = deployContractFromPriv0(t, verifyPath, "Verify", nil, 2)
// Block #8: deposit some GAS to notary contract for priv0.
transferTx = newNEP17Transfer(gasHash, priv0.GetScriptHash(), notaryHash, 10_0000_0000, priv0.GetScriptHash(), int64(bc.BlockHeight()+1000))
transferTx.Nonce = getNextNonce()
transferTx.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
transferTx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{
Account: priv0ScriptHash,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, transferTx, acc0))
transferTx.SystemFee += 10_0000
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(testchain.Network(), transferTx))
b = bc.newBlock(transferTx)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
checkTxHalt(t, bc, transferTx.Hash())
t.Logf("notaryDepositTxPriv0: %v", transferTx.Hash().StringLE())
// Block #9: designate new Notary node.
ntr, err := wallet.NewWalletFromFile(path.Join(notaryModulePath, "./testdata/notary1.json"))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, ntr.Accounts[0].Decrypt("one", ntr.Scrypt))
bc.setNodesByRole(t, true, noderoles.P2PNotary, keys.PublicKeys{ntr.Accounts[0].PrivateKey().PublicKey()})
t.Logf("Designated Notary node: %s", hex.EncodeToString(ntr.Accounts[0].PrivateKey().PublicKey().Bytes()))
// Block #10: push verification contract with arguments into the chain.
verifyPath = filepath.Join(prefix, "verify_args", "verification_with_args_contract.go")
_, _, _ = deployContractFromPriv0(t, verifyPath, "VerifyWithArgs", nil, 3) // block #10
// Block #11: push NameService contract into the chain.
nsPath := examplesPrefix + "nft-nd-nns/"
nsConfigPath := nsPath + "nns.yml"
_, _, nsHash := deployContractFromPriv0(t, nsPath, nsPath, &nsConfigPath, 4) // block #11
// Block #12: transfer funds to committee for futher NS record registration.
transferFundsToCommittee(t, bc) // block #12
// Block #13: add `.com` root to NNS.
res, err := invokeContractMethodGeneric(bc, -1,
nsHash, "addRoot", true, "com") // block #13
require.NoError(t, err)
checkResult(t, res, stackitem.Null{})
// Block #14: register `neo.com` via NNS.
res, err = invokeContractMethodGeneric(bc, -1,
nsHash, "register", acc0, "neo.com", priv0ScriptHash) // block #14
require.NoError(t, err)
checkResult(t, res, stackitem.NewBool(true))
require.Equal(t, 1, len(res.Events)) // transfer
tokenID, err := res.Events[0].Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)[3].TryBytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("NNS token #1 ID (hex): %s", hex.EncodeToString(tokenID))
// Block #15: set A record type with priv0 owner via NNS.
res, err = invokeContractMethodGeneric(bc, -1, nsHash,
"setRecord", acc0, "neo.com", int64(nns.A), "") // block #15
require.NoError(t, err)
checkResult(t, res, stackitem.Null{})
// Block #16: invoke `test_contract.go`: put new value with the same key to check `getstate` RPC call
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, cHash, "putValue", callflag.All, "testkey", "newtestvalue")
// Invoke `test_contract.go`: put values to check `findstates` RPC call
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, cHash, "putValue", callflag.All, "aa", "v1")
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, cHash, "putValue", callflag.All, "aa10", "v2")
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, cHash, "putValue", callflag.All, "aa50", "v3")
txInv = transaction.New(script.Bytes(), 1*native.GASFactor)
txInv.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txInv.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
txInv.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{Account: priv0ScriptHash}}
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txInv, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(testchain.Network(), txInv))
b = bc.newBlock(txInv)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b)) // block #16
checkTxHalt(t, bc, txInv.Hash())
// Block #17: deploy NeoFS Object contract (NEP11-Divisible).
nfsPath := examplesPrefix + "nft-d/"
nfsConfigPath := nfsPath + "nft.yml"
_, _, nfsHash := deployContractFromPriv0(t, nfsPath, nfsPath, &nfsConfigPath, 5) // block #17
// Block #18: mint 1.00 NFSO token by transferring 10 GAS to NFSO contract.
containerID := util.Uint256{1, 2, 3}
objectID := util.Uint256{4, 5, 6}
txGas0toNFS := newNEP17Transfer(gasHash, priv0ScriptHash, nfsHash, 10_0000_0000, containerID.BytesBE(), objectID.BytesBE())
txGas0toNFS.SystemFee += 4000_0000
txGas0toNFS.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txGas0toNFS.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
txGas0toNFS.Signers = []transaction.Signer{
Account: priv0ScriptHash,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txGas0toNFS, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(testchain.Network(), txGas0toNFS))
b = bc.newBlock(txGas0toNFS)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b)) // block #18
checkTxHalt(t, bc, txGas0toNFS.Hash())
aer, _ := bc.GetAppExecResults(txGas0toNFS.Hash(), trigger.Application)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(aer[0].Events)) // GAS transfer + NFSO transfer
tokenID, err = aer[0].Events[1].Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)[3].TryBytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("NFSO token #1 ID (hex): %s", hex.EncodeToString(tokenID))
// Block #19: transfer 0.25 NFSO from priv0 to priv1.
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, nfsHash, "transfer", callflag.All, priv0ScriptHash, priv1ScriptHash, 25, tokenID, nil)
emit.Opcodes(script.BinWriter, opcode.ASSERT)
require.NoError(t, script.Err)
txNFS0to1 := transaction.New(script.Bytes(), 1*native.GASFactor)
txNFS0to1.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txNFS0to1.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
txNFS0to1.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{Account: priv0ScriptHash, Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry}}
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txNFS0to1, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(testchain.Network(), txNFS0to1))
b = bc.newBlock(txNFS0to1)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b)) // block #19
checkTxHalt(t, bc, txNFS0to1.Hash())
// Block #20: transfer 1000 GAS to priv1.
txMoveGas, err = testchain.NewTransferFromOwner(bc, gasHash, priv1ScriptHash, int64(fixedn.Fixed8FromInt64(1000)),
getNextNonce(), validUntilBlock)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(bc.newBlock(txMoveGas)))
checkTxHalt(t, bc, txMoveGas.Hash()) // block #20
// Block #21: transfer 0.05 NFSO from priv1 back to priv0.
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, nfsHash, "transfer", callflag.All, priv1ScriptHash, priv0.GetScriptHash(), 5, tokenID, nil)
emit.Opcodes(script.BinWriter, opcode.ASSERT)
require.NoError(t, script.Err)
txNFS1to0 := transaction.New(script.Bytes(), 1*native.GASFactor)
txNFS1to0.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txNFS1to0.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
txNFS1to0.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{Account: priv1ScriptHash, Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry}}
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txNFS1to0, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc1.SignTx(testchain.Network(), txNFS1to0))
b = bc.newBlock(txNFS1to0)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b)) // block #21
checkTxHalt(t, bc, txNFS1to0.Hash())
// Compile contract to test `invokescript` RPC call
invokePath := filepath.Join(prefix, "invoke", "invokescript_contract.go")
invokeCfg := filepath.Join(prefix, "invoke", "invoke.yml")
_, _ = newDeployTx(t, bc, priv0ScriptHash, invokePath, "ContractForInvokescriptTest", &invokeCfg)
func newNEP17Transfer(sc, from, to util.Uint160, amount int64, additionalArgs ...interface{}) *transaction.Transaction {
return newNEP17TransferWithAssert(sc, from, to, amount, true, additionalArgs...)
@ -612,13 +209,6 @@ func newNEP17TransferWithAssert(sc, from, to util.Uint160, amount int64, needAss
return transaction.New(script, 11000000)
func newDeployTx(t *testing.T, bc *Blockchain, sender util.Uint160, name, ctrName string, cfgName *string) (*transaction.Transaction, util.Uint160) {
tx, h, avm, err := testchain.NewDeployTx(bc, name, sender, nil, cfgName)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("contract (%s): \n\tHash: %s\n\tAVM: %s", name, h.StringLE(), base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(avm))
return tx, h
func addSigners(sender util.Uint160, txs ...*transaction.Transaction) {
for _, tx := range txs {
tx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{
@ -630,23 +220,6 @@ func addSigners(sender util.Uint160, txs ...*transaction.Transaction) {
func addNetworkFee(bc *Blockchain, tx *transaction.Transaction, sender *wallet.Account) error {
size := io.GetVarSize(tx)
netFee, sizeDelta := fee.Calculate(bc.GetBaseExecFee(), sender.Contract.Script)
tx.NetworkFee += netFee
size += sizeDelta
for _, cosigner := range tx.Signers {
contract := bc.GetContractState(cosigner.Account)
if contract != nil {
netFee, sizeDelta = fee.Calculate(bc.GetBaseExecFee(), contract.NEF.Script)
tx.NetworkFee += netFee
size += sizeDelta
tx.NetworkFee += int64(size) * bc.FeePerByte()
return nil
// Signer can be either bool or *wallet.Account.
// In the first case `true` means sign by committee, `false` means sign by validators.
func prepareContractMethodInvokeGeneric(chain *Blockchain, sysfee int64,

View file

@ -1,30 +1,33 @@
package core
package core_test
import (
type memoryStore struct {
func (memoryStore) Close() error { return nil }
func TestManagement_GetNEP17Contracts(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("empty chain", func(t *testing.T) {
chain := newTestChain(t)
require.ElementsMatch(t, []util.Uint160{chain.contracts.NEO.Hash, chain.contracts.GAS.Hash}, chain.contracts.Management.GetNEP17Contracts())
bc, validators, committee := chain.NewMulti(t)
e := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bc, validators, committee)
require.ElementsMatch(t, []util.Uint160{e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Neo),
e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Gas)}, bc.GetNEP17Contracts())
t.Run("test chain", func(t *testing.T) {
chain := newTestChain(t)
initBasicChain(t, chain)
rublesHash, err := chain.GetContractScriptHash(1)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.ElementsMatch(t, []util.Uint160{chain.contracts.NEO.Hash, chain.contracts.GAS.Hash, rublesHash}, chain.contracts.Management.GetNEP17Contracts())
t.Run("basic chain", func(t *testing.T) {
bc, validators, committee := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.P2PSigExtensions = true // `initBasicChain` requires Notary enabled
e := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bc, validators, committee)
initBasicChain(t, e)
require.ElementsMatch(t, []util.Uint160{e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Neo),
e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Gas), e.ContractHash(t, 1)}, bc.GetNEP17Contracts())

View file

@ -10,11 +10,6 @@ import (
func transferFundsToCommittee(t *testing.T, chain *Blockchain) {
transferTokenFromMultisigAccount(t, chain, testchain.CommitteeScriptHash(),
chain.contracts.GAS.Hash, 1000_00000000)
func TestFeePerByte(t *testing.T) {
chain := newTestChain(t)

View file

@ -133,6 +133,12 @@ func TestStateRoot(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, h, r.Witness[0].ScriptHash())
type memoryStore struct {
func (memoryStore) Close() error { return nil }
func TestStateRootInitNonZeroHeight(t *testing.T) {
st := memoryStore{storage.NewMemoryStore()}
h, pubs, accs := newMajorityMultisigWithGAS(t, 2)

View file

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
package core
package core_test
import (
@ -18,40 +19,41 @@ func TestStateSyncModule_Init(t *testing.T) {
stateSyncInterval = 2
maxTraceable uint32 = 3
spoutCfg := func(c *config.Config) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader = true
c.ProtocolConfiguration.P2PStateExchangeExtensions = true
c.ProtocolConfiguration.StateSyncInterval = stateSyncInterval
c.ProtocolConfiguration.MaxTraceableBlocks = maxTraceable
spoutCfg := func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.StateRootInHeader = true
c.P2PStateExchangeExtensions = true
c.StateSyncInterval = stateSyncInterval
c.MaxTraceableBlocks = maxTraceable
bcSpout := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, spoutCfg)
bcSpout, validators, committee := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, spoutCfg)
e := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bcSpout, validators, committee)
for i := 0; i <= 2*stateSyncInterval+int(maxTraceable)+1; i++ {
require.NoError(t, bcSpout.AddBlock(bcSpout.newBlock()))
boltCfg := func(c *config.Config) {
boltCfg := func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.KeepOnlyLatestState = true
c.ProtocolConfiguration.RemoveUntraceableBlocks = true
c.KeepOnlyLatestState = true
c.RemoveUntraceableBlocks = true
t.Run("error: module disabled by config", func(t *testing.T) {
bcBolt := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, func(c *config.Config) {
bcBolt, _, _ := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.RemoveUntraceableBlocks = false
c.RemoveUntraceableBlocks = false
module := bcBolt.GetStateSyncModule()
require.Error(t, module.Init(bcSpout.BlockHeight())) // module inactive (non-archival node)
t.Run("inactive: spout chain is too low to start state sync process", func(t *testing.T) {
bcBolt := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, boltCfg)
bcBolt, _, _ := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, boltCfg)
module := bcBolt.GetStateSyncModule()
require.NoError(t, module.Init(uint32(2*stateSyncInterval-1)))
require.False(t, module.IsActive())
t.Run("inactive: bolt chain height is close enough to spout chain height", func(t *testing.T) {
bcBolt := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, boltCfg)
bcBolt, _, _ := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, boltCfg)
for i := 1; i < int(bcSpout.BlockHeight())-stateSyncInterval; i++ {
b, err := bcSpout.GetBlock(bcSpout.GetHeaderHash(i))
require.NoError(t, err)
@ -63,15 +65,16 @@ func TestStateSyncModule_Init(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("error: bolt chain is too low to start state sync process", func(t *testing.T) {
bcBolt := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, boltCfg)
require.NoError(t, bcBolt.AddBlock(bcBolt.newBlock()))
bcBolt, validatorsBolt, committeeBolt := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, boltCfg)
eBolt := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bcBolt, validatorsBolt, committeeBolt)
module := bcBolt.GetStateSyncModule()
require.Error(t, module.Init(uint32(3*stateSyncInterval)))
t.Run("initialized: no previous state sync point", func(t *testing.T) {
bcBolt := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, boltCfg)
bcBolt, _, _ := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, boltCfg)
module := bcBolt.GetStateSyncModule()
require.NoError(t, module.Init(bcSpout.BlockHeight()))
@ -82,7 +85,7 @@ func TestStateSyncModule_Init(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("error: outdated state sync point in the storage", func(t *testing.T) {
bcBolt := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, boltCfg)
bcBolt, _, _ := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, boltCfg)
module := bcBolt.GetStateSyncModule()
require.NoError(t, module.Init(bcSpout.BlockHeight()))
@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ func TestStateSyncModule_Init(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("initialized: valid previous state sync point in the storage", func(t *testing.T) {
bcBolt := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, boltCfg)
bcBolt, _, _ := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, boltCfg)
module := bcBolt.GetStateSyncModule()
require.NoError(t, module.Init(bcSpout.BlockHeight()))
@ -104,7 +107,8 @@ func TestStateSyncModule_Init(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("initialization from headers/blocks/mpt synced stages", func(t *testing.T) {
bcBolt := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, boltCfg)
bcBolt, validatorsBolt, committeeBolt := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfig(t, boltCfg)
eBolt := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bcBolt, validatorsBolt, committeeBolt)
module := bcBolt.GetStateSyncModule()
require.NoError(t, module.Init(bcSpout.BlockHeight()))
@ -263,7 +267,7 @@ func TestStateSyncModule_Init(t *testing.T) {
// add one more block to the restored chain and start new module: the module should recognise state sync is completed
// and regular blocks processing was started
require.NoError(t, bcBolt.AddBlock(bcBolt.newBlock()))
module = bcBolt.GetStateSyncModule()
require.NoError(t, module.Init(bcSpout.BlockHeight()))
require.False(t, module.IsActive())
@ -282,27 +286,31 @@ func TestStateSyncModule_RestoreBasicChain(t *testing.T) {
maxTraceable uint32 = 6
stateSyncPoint = 20
spoutCfg := func(c *config.Config) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader = true
c.ProtocolConfiguration.P2PStateExchangeExtensions = true
c.ProtocolConfiguration.StateSyncInterval = stateSyncInterval
c.ProtocolConfiguration.MaxTraceableBlocks = maxTraceable
spoutCfg := func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.StateRootInHeader = true
c.P2PStateExchangeExtensions = true
c.StateSyncInterval = stateSyncInterval
c.MaxTraceableBlocks = maxTraceable
c.P2PSigExtensions = true // `initBasicChain` assumes Notary is enabled.
bcSpout := newTestChainWithCustomCfg(t, spoutCfg)
initBasicChain(t, bcSpout)
bcSpoutStore := storage.NewMemoryStore()
bcSpout, validators, committee := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStore(t, spoutCfg, bcSpoutStore, false)
go bcSpout.Run() // Will close it manually at the end.
e := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bcSpout, validators, committee)
initBasicChain(t, e)
// make spout chain higher that latest state sync point (add several blocks up to stateSyncPoint+2)
require.NoError(t, bcSpout.AddBlock(bcSpout.newBlock()))
require.Equal(t, stateSyncPoint+2, int(bcSpout.BlockHeight()))
boltCfg := func(c *config.Config) {
boltCfg := func(c *config.ProtocolConfiguration) {
c.ProtocolConfiguration.KeepOnlyLatestState = true
c.ProtocolConfiguration.RemoveUntraceableBlocks = true
c.KeepOnlyLatestState = true
c.RemoveUntraceableBlocks = true
bcBoltStore := memoryStore{storage.NewMemoryStore()}
bcBolt := initTestChain(t, bcBoltStore, boltCfg)
go bcBolt.Run()
bcBoltStore := storage.NewMemoryStore()
bcBolt, _, _ := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStore(t, boltCfg, bcBoltStore, false)
go bcBolt.Run() // Will close it manually at the end.
module := bcBolt.GetStateSyncModule()
t.Run("error: add headers before initialisation", func(t *testing.T) {
@ -421,9 +429,9 @@ func TestStateSyncModule_RestoreBasicChain(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, bcSpout.BlockHeight(), bcBolt.BlockHeight())
// compare storage states
fetchStorage := func(bc *Blockchain) []storage.KeyValue {
fetchStorage := func(ps storage.Store, storagePrefix byte) []storage.KeyValue {
var kv []storage.KeyValue
bc.dao.Store.Seek(storage.SeekRange{Prefix: []byte{byte(bc.dao.Version.StoragePrefix)}}, func(k, v []byte) bool {
ps.Seek(storage.SeekRange{Prefix: []byte{storagePrefix}}, func(k, v []byte) bool {
key := slice.Copy(k)
value := slice.Copy(v)
if key[0] == byte(storage.STTempStorage) {
@ -437,25 +445,19 @@ func TestStateSyncModule_RestoreBasicChain(t *testing.T) {
return kv
expected := fetchStorage(bcSpout)
actual := fetchStorage(bcBolt)
// Both blockchains are running, so we need to wait until recent changes will be persisted
// to the underlying backend store. Close blockchains to ensure persist was completed.
expected := fetchStorage(bcSpoutStore, byte(storage.STStorage))
actual := fetchStorage(bcBoltStore, byte(storage.STTempStorage))
require.ElementsMatch(t, expected, actual)
// no temp items should be left
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
var haveItems bool
bcBolt.dao.Store.Seek(storage.SeekRange{Prefix: []byte{byte(storage.STStorage)}}, func(_, _ []byte) bool {
haveItems = true
return false
return !haveItems
}, time.Second*5, time.Millisecond*100)
// Check restoring with new prefix.
bcBolt = initTestChain(t, bcBoltStore, boltCfg)
go bcBolt.Run()
defer bcBolt.Close()
require.Equal(t, storage.STTempStorage, bcBolt.dao.Version.StoragePrefix)
require.Equal(t, storage.STTempStorage, bcBolt.persistent.Version.StoragePrefix)
var haveItems bool
bcBoltStore.Seek(storage.SeekRange{Prefix: []byte{byte(storage.STStorage)}}, func(_, _ []byte) bool {
haveItems = true
return false
require.False(t, haveItems)

View file

@ -63,6 +63,13 @@ func (e *Executor) NativeHash(t *testing.T, name string) util.Uint160 {
return h
// ContractHash returns contract hash by ID.
func (e *Executor) ContractHash(t *testing.T, id int32) util.Uint160 {
h, err := e.Chain.GetContractScriptHash(id)
require.NoError(t, err)
return h
// NativeID returns native contract ID by name.
func (e *Executor) NativeID(t *testing.T, name string) int32 {
h := e.NativeHash(t, name)
@ -132,7 +139,15 @@ func (e *Executor) NewAccount(t *testing.T, expectedGASBalance ...int64) Signer
// data is an optional argument to `_deploy`.
// Returns hash of the deploy transaction.
func (e *Executor) DeployContract(t *testing.T, c *Contract, data interface{}) util.Uint256 {
tx := e.NewDeployTx(t, e.Chain, c, data)
return e.DeployContractBy(t, e.Validator, c, data)
// DeployContractBy compiles and deploys contract to bc using provided signer.
// It also checks that precalculated contract hash matches the actual one.
// data is an optional argument to `_deploy`.
// Returns hash of the deploy transaction.
func (e *Executor) DeployContractBy(t *testing.T, signer Signer, c *Contract, data interface{}) util.Uint256 {
tx := NewDeployTxBy(t, e.Chain, signer, c, data)
e.AddNewBlock(t, tx)
e.CheckHalt(t, tx.Hash())
@ -148,8 +163,8 @@ func (e *Executor) DeployContract(t *testing.T, c *Contract, data interface{}) u
return tx.Hash()
// DeployContractCheckFAULT compiles and deploys contract to bc. It checks that deploy
// transaction FAULTed with the specified error.
// DeployContractCheckFAULT compiles and deploys contract to bc using validator
// account. It checks that deploy transaction FAULTed with the specified error.
func (e *Executor) DeployContractCheckFAULT(t *testing.T, c *Contract, data interface{}, errMessage string) {
tx := e.NewDeployTx(t, e.Chain, c, data)
e.AddNewBlock(t, tx)
@ -221,8 +236,19 @@ func (e *Executor) CheckGASBalance(t *testing.T, acc util.Uint160, expected *big
require.Equal(t, expected, actual, fmt.Errorf("invalid GAS balance: expected %s, got %s", expected.String(), actual.String()))
// EnsureGASBalance ensures that provided account owns amount of GAS that satisfies provided condition.
func (e *Executor) EnsureGASBalance(t *testing.T, acc util.Uint160, isOk func(balance *big.Int) bool) {
actual := e.Chain.GetUtilityTokenBalance(acc)
require.True(t, isOk(actual), fmt.Errorf("invalid GAS balance: got %s, condition is not satisfied", actual.String()))
// NewDeployTx returns new deployment tx for contract signed by committee.
func (e *Executor) NewDeployTx(t *testing.T, bc blockchainer.Blockchainer, c *Contract, data interface{}) *transaction.Transaction {
return NewDeployTxBy(t, bc, e.Validator, c, data)
// NewDeployTxBy returns new deployment tx for contract signed by the specified signer.
func NewDeployTxBy(t *testing.T, bc blockchainer.Blockchainer, signer Signer, c *Contract, data interface{}) *transaction.Transaction {
rawManifest, err := json.Marshal(c.Manifest)
require.NoError(t, err)
@ -237,11 +263,11 @@ func (e *Executor) NewDeployTx(t *testing.T, bc blockchainer.Blockchainer, c *Co
tx.Nonce = Nonce()
tx.ValidUntilBlock = bc.BlockHeight() + 1
tx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{
Account: e.Validator.ScriptHash(),
Account: signer.ScriptHash(),
Scopes: transaction.Global,
addNetworkFee(bc, tx, e.Validator)
require.NoError(t, e.Validator.SignTx(netmode.UnitTestNet, tx))
addNetworkFee(bc, tx, signer)
require.NoError(t, signer.SignTx(netmode.UnitTestNet, tx))
return tx

View file

@ -19,6 +19,15 @@ type ContractInvoker struct {
Signers []Signer
// NewInvoker creates new ContractInvoker for contract with hash h and specified signers.
func (e *Executor) NewInvoker(h util.Uint160, signers ...Signer) *ContractInvoker {
return &ContractInvoker{
Executor: e,
Hash: h,
Signers: signers,
// CommitteeInvoker creates new ContractInvoker for contract with hash h and committee multisignature signer.
func (e *Executor) CommitteeInvoker(h util.Uint160) *ContractInvoker {
return &ContractInvoker{

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
name: "Verify"
sourceurl: https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
name: "Verify with args"
sourceurl: https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/