core: refactor natives cache
1. Use layered natives cache. With layered cache the storeblock process includes the following steps: create a wrapper over current nativeCache, put changes into upper nativeCache layer, persist (or discard) changes. 2. Split contract getters to read-only and read-and-change. Read-only ones doesn't require the copy of an existing nativeCache item. Read-and-change ones create a copy and after that change the copy.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 374 additions and 68 deletions
@ -75,6 +75,52 @@ var (
ErrNoBlock = errors.New("no persisting block in the context")
var (
_ interop.Contract = (*Designate)(nil)
_ storage.NativeContractCache = (*DesignationCache)(nil)
// Copy implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *DesignationCache) Copy() storage.NativeContractCache {
cp := &DesignationCache{}
copyDesignationCache(c, cp)
return cp
// Persist implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *DesignationCache) Persist(ps storage.NativeContractCache) (storage.NativeContractCache, error) {
if ps == nil {
ps = &DesignationCache{}
psCache, ok := ps.(*DesignationCache)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("not a Designation native cache")
copyDesignationCache(c, psCache)
return psCache, nil
func copyDesignationCache(src, dst *DesignationCache) {
for _, r := range []noderoles.Role{noderoles.StateValidator, noderoles.Oracle, noderoles.NeoFSAlphabet, noderoles.P2PNotary} {
data := getCachedRoleData(src, r)
if data != nil {
var v = &roleData{}
*v = *data
switch r {
case noderoles.StateValidator:
case noderoles.Oracle:
case noderoles.NeoFSAlphabet:
case noderoles.P2PNotary:
func (s *Designate) isValidRole(r noderoles.Role) bool {
return r == noderoles.Oracle || r == noderoles.StateValidator ||
r == noderoles.NeoFSAlphabet || (s.p2pSigExtensionsEnabled && r == noderoles.P2PNotary)
@ -119,7 +165,7 @@ func (s *Designate) OnPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
// PostPersist implements Contract interface.
func (s *Designate) PostPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(s.ID).(*DesignationCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(s.ID).(*DesignationCache)
if !rolesChanged(cache) {
return nil
@ -237,7 +283,7 @@ func (s *Designate) GetLastDesignatedHash(d *dao.Simple, r noderoles.Role) (util
if !s.isValidRole(r) {
return util.Uint160{}, ErrInvalidRole
cache := d.Store.GetCache(s.ID).(*DesignationCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(s.ID).(*DesignationCache)
if !rolesChanged(cache) {
if val := getCachedRoleData(cache, r); val != nil {
return val.addr, nil
@ -256,7 +302,7 @@ func (s *Designate) GetDesignatedByRole(d *dao.Simple, r noderoles.Role, index u
if !s.isValidRole(r) {
return nil, 0, ErrInvalidRole
cache := d.Store.GetCache(s.ID).(*DesignationCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(s.ID).(*DesignationCache)
if !rolesChanged(cache) {
if val := getCachedRoleData(cache, r); val != nil && val.height <= index {
return val.nodes.Copy(), val.height, nil
@ -335,7 +381,7 @@ func (s *Designate) DesignateAsRole(ic *interop.Context, r noderoles.Role, pubs
nl := NodeList(pubs)
err := putConvertibleToDAO(s.ID, ic.DAO, key, &nl)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -59,6 +59,48 @@ var (
keyMinimumDeploymentFee = []byte{20}
var (
_ interop.Contract = (*Management)(nil)
_ storage.NativeContractCache = (*ManagementCache)(nil)
// Copy implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *ManagementCache) Copy() storage.NativeContractCache {
cp := &ManagementCache{
contracts: make(map[util.Uint160]*state.Contract),
nep11: make(map[util.Uint160]struct{}),
nep17: make(map[util.Uint160]struct{}),
// Copy the whole set of contracts is too expensive. We will create a separate map
// holding the same set of pointers to contracts, and in case if some contract is
// supposed to be changed, Management will create the copy in-place.
for hash, ctr := range c.contracts {
cp.contracts[hash] = ctr
for hash := range c.nep17 {
cp.nep17[hash] = struct{}{}
for hash := range c.nep11 {
cp.nep11[hash] = struct{}{}
return cp
// Persist implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *ManagementCache) Persist(ps storage.NativeContractCache) (storage.NativeContractCache, error) {
if ps == nil {
ps = &ManagementCache{}
psCache, ok := ps.(*ManagementCache)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("not a Management native cache")
psCache.contracts = c.contracts
psCache.nep17 = c.nep17
psCache.nep11 = c.nep11
return psCache, nil
// MakeContractKey creates a key from account script hash.
func MakeContractKey(h util.Uint160) []byte {
return makeUint160Key(prefixContract, h)
@ -145,7 +187,7 @@ func (m *Management) getContract(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) sta
// GetContract returns contract with given hash from given DAO.
func (m *Management) GetContract(d *dao.Simple, hash util.Uint160) (*state.Contract, error) {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(m.ID).(*ManagementCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(m.ID).(*ManagementCache)
cs, ok := cache.contracts[hash]
@ -261,7 +303,7 @@ func (m *Management) deployWithData(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item)
func (m *Management) markUpdated(d *dao.Simple, h util.Uint160) {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(m.ID).(*ManagementCache)
cache := d.Store.GetRWCache(m.ID).(*ManagementCache)
// Just set it to nil, to refresh cache in `PostPersist`.
cache.contracts[h] = nil
@ -476,7 +518,7 @@ func (m *Management) OnPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
return err
if cache == nil {
cache = ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(m.ID).(*ManagementCache)
cache = ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(m.ID).(*ManagementCache)
updateContractCache(cache, cs)
@ -515,7 +557,7 @@ func (m *Management) InitializeCache(d *dao.Simple) error {
// PostPersist implements Contract interface.
func (m *Management) PostPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(m.ID).(*ManagementCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(m.ID).(*ManagementCache)
defer cache.mtx.Unlock()
for h, cs := range cache.contracts {
@ -539,7 +581,7 @@ func (m *Management) PostPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
// is updated every PostPersist, so until PostPersist is called, the result for the previous block
// is returned.
func (m *Management) GetNEP11Contracts(d *dao.Simple) []util.Uint160 {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(m.ID).(*ManagementCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(m.ID).(*ManagementCache)
result := make([]util.Uint160, 0, len(cache.nep11))
for h := range cache.nep11 {
@ -553,7 +595,7 @@ func (m *Management) GetNEP11Contracts(d *dao.Simple) []util.Uint160 {
// is updated every PostPersist, so until PostPersist is called, the result for the previous block
// is returned.
func (m *Management) GetNEP17Contracts(d *dao.Simple) []util.Uint160 {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(m.ID).(*ManagementCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(m.ID).(*ManagementCache)
result := make([]util.Uint160, 0, len(cache.nep17))
for h := range cache.nep17 {
@ -108,6 +108,59 @@ var (
big100 = big.NewInt(100)
var (
_ interop.Contract = (*NEO)(nil)
_ storage.NativeContractCache = (*NeoCache)(nil)
// Copy implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *NeoCache) Copy() storage.NativeContractCache {
cp := &NeoCache{}
copyNeoCache(c, cp)
return cp
// Persist implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *NeoCache) Persist(ps storage.NativeContractCache) (storage.NativeContractCache, error) {
if ps == nil {
ps = &NeoCache{}
psCache, ok := ps.(*NeoCache)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("not a NEO native cache")
copyNeoCache(c, psCache)
return psCache, nil
func copyNeoCache(src, dst *NeoCache) {
committeeSrc := src.committee.Load().(keysWithVotes)
committeeDst := make(keysWithVotes, len(committeeSrc))
copy(committeeDst, committeeSrc)
regPriceChanged := src.registerPriceChanged.Load().(bool)
if !regPriceChanged {
gasPerBlockChanged := src.gasPerBlockChanged.Load().(bool)
if !gasPerBlockChanged {
recordsSrc := src.gasPerBlock.Load().(gasRecord)
recordsDst := make(gasRecord, len(recordsSrc))
copy(recordsDst, recordsSrc)
dst.gasPerVoteCache = make(map[string]big.Int)
for k, v := range src.gasPerVoteCache {
dst.gasPerVoteCache[k] = v
// makeValidatorKey creates a key from account script hash.
func makeValidatorKey(key *keys.PublicKey) []byte {
b := key.Bytes()
@ -332,7 +385,7 @@ func (n *NEO) updateCommittee(cache *NeoCache, ic *interop.Context) error {
// OnPersist implements Contract interface.
func (n *NEO) OnPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
if n.cfg.ShouldUpdateCommitteeAt(ic.Block.Index) {
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
oldKeys := cache.nextValidators.Load().(keys.PublicKeys)
oldCom := cache.committee.Load().(keysWithVotes)
if n.cfg.GetNumOfCNs(ic.Block.Index) != len(oldKeys) ||
@ -349,7 +402,7 @@ func (n *NEO) OnPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
// PostPersist implements Contract interface.
func (n *NEO) PostPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
gas := n.GetGASPerBlock(ic.DAO, ic.Block.Index)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
pubs := getCommitteeMembers(cache)
committeeSize := n.cfg.GetCommitteeSize(ic.Block.Index)
index := int(ic.Block.Index) % committeeSize
@ -526,7 +579,7 @@ func (n *NEO) getSortedGASRecordFromDAO(d *dao.Simple) gasRecord {
// GetGASPerBlock returns gas generated for block with provided index.
func (n *NEO) GetGASPerBlock(d *dao.Simple, index uint32) *big.Int {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
var gr gasRecord
if cache.gasPerBlockChanged.Load().(bool) {
gr = n.getSortedGASRecordFromDAO(d)
@ -544,7 +597,7 @@ func (n *NEO) GetGASPerBlock(d *dao.Simple, index uint32) *big.Int {
// GetCommitteeAddress returns address of the committee.
func (n *NEO) GetCommitteeAddress(d *dao.Simple) util.Uint160 {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
return cache.committeeHash.Load().(util.Uint160)
@ -573,7 +626,7 @@ func (n *NEO) SetGASPerBlock(ic *interop.Context, index uint32, gas *big.Int) er
if !n.checkCommittee(ic) {
return errors.New("invalid committee signature")
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
n.putGASRecord(ic.DAO, index, gas)
return nil
@ -584,7 +637,7 @@ func (n *NEO) getRegisterPrice(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stackite
func (n *NEO) getRegisterPriceInternal(d *dao.Simple) int64 {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
if !cache.registerPriceChanged.Load().(bool) {
return cache.registerPrice.Load().(int64)
@ -601,7 +654,7 @@ func (n *NEO) setRegisterPrice(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stack
setIntWithKey(n.ID, ic.DAO, []byte{prefixRegisterPrice}, price.Int64())
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
return stackitem.Null{}
@ -672,7 +725,7 @@ func (n *NEO) CalculateNEOHolderReward(d *dao.Simple, value *big.Int, start, end
return nil, errors.New("negative value")
var gr gasRecord
cache := d.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
if !cache.gasPerBlockChanged.Load().(bool) {
gr = cache.gasPerBlock.Load().(gasRecord)
} else {
@ -747,7 +800,7 @@ func (n *NEO) UnregisterCandidateInternal(ic *interop.Context, pub *keys.PublicK
if si == nil {
return nil
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
c := new(candidate).FromBytes(si)
c.Registered = false
@ -827,7 +880,7 @@ func (n *NEO) VoteInternal(ic *interop.Context, h util.Uint160, pub *keys.Public
// ModifyAccountVotes modifies votes of the specified account by value (can be negative).
// typ specifies if this modify is occurring during transfer or vote (with old or new validator).
func (n *NEO) ModifyAccountVotes(acc *state.NEOBalance, d *dao.Simple, value *big.Int, isNewVote bool) error {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := d.Store.GetRWCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
if acc.VoteTo != nil {
key := makeValidatorKey(acc.VoteTo)
@ -938,7 +991,7 @@ func (n *NEO) getAccountState(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stacki
// ComputeNextBlockValidators returns an actual list of current validators.
func (n *NEO) ComputeNextBlockValidators(bc interop.Ledger, d *dao.Simple) (keys.PublicKeys, error) {
numOfCNs := n.cfg.GetNumOfCNs(bc.BlockHeight() + 1)
cache := d.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := d.Store.GetRWCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
if vals := cache.validators.Load().(keys.PublicKeys); vals != nil && numOfCNs == len(vals) {
return vals.Copy(), nil
@ -973,7 +1026,7 @@ func (n *NEO) modifyVoterTurnout(d *dao.Simple, amount *big.Int) error {
// GetCommitteeMembers returns public keys of nodes in committee using cached value.
func (n *NEO) GetCommitteeMembers(d *dao.Simple) keys.PublicKeys {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
return getCommitteeMembers(cache)
@ -1053,7 +1106,7 @@ func (n *NEO) getNextBlockValidators(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) st
// GetNextBlockValidatorsInternal returns next block validators.
func (n *NEO) GetNextBlockValidatorsInternal(d *dao.Simple) keys.PublicKeys {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(n.ID).(*NeoCache)
return cache.nextValidators.Load().(keys.PublicKeys).Copy()
@ -58,6 +58,37 @@ var (
notaryServiceFeeKey = []byte{5}
var (
_ interop.Contract = (*Notary)(nil)
_ storage.NativeContractCache = (*NotaryCache)(nil)
// Copy implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *NotaryCache) Copy() storage.NativeContractCache {
cp := &NotaryCache{}
copyNotaryCache(c, cp)
return cp
// Persist implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *NotaryCache) Persist(ps storage.NativeContractCache) (storage.NativeContractCache, error) {
if ps == nil {
ps = &NotaryCache{}
psCache, ok := ps.(*NotaryCache)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("not a Notary native cache")
copyNotaryCache(c, psCache)
return psCache, nil
func copyNotaryCache(src, dst *NotaryCache) {
dst.isValid = src.isValid
dst.maxNotValidBeforeDelta = src.maxNotValidBeforeDelta
dst.notaryServiceFeePerKey = src.notaryServiceFeePerKey
// newNotary returns Notary native contract.
func newNotary() *Notary {
n := &Notary{ContractMD: *interop.NewContractMD(nativenames.Notary, notaryContractID)}
@ -192,7 +223,7 @@ func (n *Notary) OnPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
// PostPersist implements Contract interface.
func (n *Notary) PostPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
defer cache.lock.Unlock()
if cache.isValid {
@ -408,7 +439,7 @@ func (n *Notary) getMaxNotValidBeforeDelta(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.It
// GetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta is an internal representation of Notary getMaxNotValidBeforeDelta method.
func (n *Notary) GetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta(dao *dao.Simple) uint32 {
cache := dao.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
cache := dao.Store.GetROCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
defer cache.lock.RUnlock()
if cache.isValid {
@ -428,7 +459,7 @@ func (n *Notary) setMaxNotValidBeforeDelta(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem
if !n.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
panic("invalid committee signature")
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
defer cache.lock.Unlock()
setIntWithKey(n.ID, ic.DAO, maxNotValidBeforeDeltaKey, int64(value))
@ -443,7 +474,7 @@ func (n *Notary) getNotaryServiceFeePerKey(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.It
// GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey is an internal representation of Notary getNotaryServiceFeePerKey method.
func (n *Notary) GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey(dao *dao.Simple) int64 {
cache := dao.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
cache := dao.Store.GetROCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
defer cache.lock.RUnlock()
if cache.isValid {
@ -461,7 +492,7 @@ func (n *Notary) setNotaryServiceFeePerKey(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem
if !n.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
panic("invalid committee signature")
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(n.ID).(*NotaryCache)
defer cache.lock.Unlock()
setIntWithKey(n.ID, ic.DAO, notaryServiceFeeKey, int64(value))
@ -84,6 +84,36 @@ var (
ErrResponseNotFound = errors.New("oracle response not found")
var (
_ interop.Contract = (*Oracle)(nil)
_ storage.NativeContractCache = (*OracleCache)(nil)
// Copy implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *OracleCache) Copy() storage.NativeContractCache {
cp := &OracleCache{}
copyOracleCache(c, cp)
return cp
// Persist implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *OracleCache) Persist(ps storage.NativeContractCache) (storage.NativeContractCache, error) {
if ps == nil {
ps = &OracleCache{}
psCache, ok := ps.(*OracleCache)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("not an Oracle native cache")
copyOracleCache(c, psCache)
return psCache, nil
func copyOracleCache(src, dst *OracleCache) {
func newOracle() *Oracle {
o := &Oracle{ContractMD: *interop.NewContractMD(nativenames.Oracle, oracleContractID)}
defer o.UpdateHash()
@ -143,7 +173,7 @@ func (o *Oracle) OnPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
// PostPersist represents `postPersist` method.
func (o *Oracle) PostPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
p := o.getPriceInternal(ic.DAO)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(o.ID).(*OracleCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(o.ID).(*OracleCache)
if cache.requestPriceChanged.Load().(bool) {
@ -450,7 +480,7 @@ func (o *Oracle) getPrice(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Ite
func (o *Oracle) getPriceInternal(d *dao.Simple) int64 {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(o.ID).(*OracleCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(o.ID).(*OracleCache)
if !cache.requestPriceChanged.Load().(bool) {
return cache.requestPrice.Load().(int64)
@ -466,7 +496,7 @@ func (o *Oracle) setPrice(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.
panic("invalid committee signature")
setIntWithKey(o.ID, ic.DAO, prefixRequestPrice, price.Int64())
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(o.ID).(*OracleCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(o.ID).(*OracleCache)
return stackitem.Null{}
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package native
import (
@ -68,7 +69,36 @@ type PolicyCache struct {
blockedAccounts []util.Uint160
var _ interop.Contract = (*Policy)(nil)
var (
_ interop.Contract = (*Policy)(nil)
_ storage.NativeContractCache = (*PolicyCache)(nil)
// Copy implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *PolicyCache) Copy() storage.NativeContractCache {
cp := &PolicyCache{}
copyPolicyCache(c, cp)
return cp
// Persist implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *PolicyCache) Persist(ps storage.NativeContractCache) (storage.NativeContractCache, error) {
if ps == nil {
ps = &PolicyCache{}
psCache, ok := ps.(*PolicyCache)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("not a Policy native cache")
copyPolicyCache(c, psCache)
return psCache, nil
func copyPolicyCache(src, dst *PolicyCache) {
*dst = *src
dst.blockedAccounts = make([]util.Uint160, len(src.blockedAccounts))
copy(dst.blockedAccounts, src.blockedAccounts)
// newPolicy returns Policy native contract.
func newPolicy() *Policy {
@ -184,7 +214,7 @@ func (p *Policy) OnPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
// PostPersist implements Contract interface.
func (p *Policy) PostPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
defer cache.lock.Unlock()
if cache.isValid {
@ -202,7 +232,7 @@ func (p *Policy) getFeePerByte(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stackite
// GetFeePerByteInternal returns required transaction's fee per byte.
func (p *Policy) GetFeePerByteInternal(dao *dao.Simple) int64 {
cache := dao.Store.GetCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
cache := dao.Store.GetROCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
defer cache.lock.RUnlock()
if cache.isValid {
@ -213,7 +243,7 @@ func (p *Policy) GetFeePerByteInternal(dao *dao.Simple) int64 {
// GetMaxVerificationGas returns maximum gas allowed to be burned during verificaion.
func (p *Policy) GetMaxVerificationGas(dao *dao.Simple) int64 {
cache := dao.Store.GetCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
cache := dao.Store.GetROCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
defer cache.lock.RUnlock()
if cache.isValid {
@ -228,7 +258,7 @@ func (p *Policy) getExecFeeFactor(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stack
// GetExecFeeFactorInternal returns current execution fee factor.
func (p *Policy) GetExecFeeFactorInternal(d *dao.Simple) int64 {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
defer cache.lock.RUnlock()
if cache.isValid {
@ -245,7 +275,7 @@ func (p *Policy) setExecFeeFactor(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) st
if !p.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
panic("invalid committee signature")
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
defer cache.lock.Unlock()
setIntWithKey(p.ID, ic.DAO, execFeeFactorKey, int64(value))
@ -261,7 +291,7 @@ func (p *Policy) isBlocked(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem
// IsBlockedInternal checks whether provided account is blocked.
func (p *Policy) IsBlockedInternal(dao *dao.Simple, hash util.Uint160) bool {
cache := dao.Store.GetCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
cache := dao.Store.GetROCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
defer cache.lock.RUnlock()
if cache.isValid {
@ -284,7 +314,7 @@ func (p *Policy) getStoragePrice(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stacki
// GetStoragePriceInternal returns current execution fee factor.
func (p *Policy) GetStoragePriceInternal(d *dao.Simple) int64 {
cache := d.Store.GetCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
cache := d.Store.GetROCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
defer cache.lock.RUnlock()
if cache.isValid {
@ -301,7 +331,7 @@ func (p *Policy) setStoragePrice(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) sta
if !p.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
panic("invalid committee signature")
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
defer cache.lock.Unlock()
setIntWithKey(p.ID, ic.DAO, storagePriceKey, int64(value))
@ -318,7 +348,7 @@ func (p *Policy) setFeePerByte(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stack
if !p.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
panic("invalid committee signature")
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
defer cache.lock.Unlock()
setIntWithKey(p.ID, ic.DAO, feePerByteKey, value)
@ -342,7 +372,7 @@ func (p *Policy) blockAccount(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stacki
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
key := append([]byte{blockedAccountPrefix}, hash.BytesBE()...)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
defer cache.lock.Unlock()
ic.DAO.PutStorageItem(p.ID, key, state.StorageItem{})
@ -361,7 +391,7 @@ func (p *Policy) unblockAccount(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stac
return stackitem.NewBool(false)
key := append([]byte{blockedAccountPrefix}, hash.BytesBE()...)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
cache := ic.DAO.Store.GetRWCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
defer cache.lock.Unlock()
ic.DAO.DeleteStorageItem(p.ID, key)
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package storage
import (
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ type MemCachedStore struct {
nativeCacheLock sync.RWMutex
nativeCache map[int32]*NativeCacheItem
nativeCache map[int32]NativeContractCache
private bool
// plock protects Persist from double entrance.
@ -25,8 +26,16 @@ type MemCachedStore struct {
ps Store
type NativeCacheItem struct {
Value interface{}
// NativeContractCache is an interface representing cache for a native contract.
// Cache can be copied to create a wrapper around current DAO layer. Wrapped cache
// can be persisted to the underlying DAO native cache.
type NativeContractCache interface {
// Copy returns a copy of native cache item that can safely be changed within
// the subsequent DAO operations.
Copy() NativeContractCache
// Persist persists changes from upper native cache wrapper to the underlying
// native cache `ps`. The resulting up-to-date cache and an error are returned.
Persist(ps NativeContractCache) (NativeContractCache, error)
type (
@ -53,12 +62,9 @@ type (
// NewMemCachedStore creates a new MemCachedStore object.
func NewMemCachedStore(lower Store) *MemCachedStore {
var cache map[int32]*NativeCacheItem
if cached, ok := lower.(*MemCachedStore); ok {
cache = cached.nativeCache
} else {
cache = make(map[int32]*NativeCacheItem)
// Do not copy cache from ps; instead should create clear map: GetRWCache and
// GetROCache will retrieve cache from the underlying nativeCache if requested.
cache := make(map[int32]NativeContractCache)
return &MemCachedStore{
MemoryStore: *NewMemoryStore(),
nativeCache: cache,
@ -69,12 +75,11 @@ func NewMemCachedStore(lower Store) *MemCachedStore {
// NewPrivateMemCachedStore creates a new private (unlocked) MemCachedStore object.
// Private cached stores are closed after Persist.
func NewPrivateMemCachedStore(lower Store) *MemCachedStore {
var cache map[int32]*NativeCacheItem
if cached, ok := lower.(*MemCachedStore); ok {
cache = cached.nativeCache
} else {
cache = make(map[int32]*NativeCacheItem)
// Do not copy cache from ps; instead should create clear map: GetRWCache and
// GetROCache will retrieve cache from the underlying nativeCache if requested.
// The lowest underlying store MUST have its native cache initialized, otherwise
// GetROCache and GetRWCache won't work properly.
cache := make(map[int32]NativeContractCache)
return &MemCachedStore{
MemoryStore: *NewMemoryStore(),
nativeCache: cache,
@ -362,15 +367,27 @@ func (s *MemCachedStore) persist(isSync bool) (int, error) {
s.mem = nil
s.stor = nil
if cached, ok :=*MemCachedStore); ok {
for id, nativeCache := range s.nativeCache {
updatedCache, err := nativeCache.Persist(cached.nativeCache[id])
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to persist native cache changes for private MemCachedStore: %w", err)
cached.nativeCache[id] = updatedCache
s.nativeCache = nil
return keys, nil
defer s.plock.Unlock()
keys = len(s.mem) + len(s.stor)
if keys == 0 {
return 0, nil
@ -379,18 +396,35 @@ func (s *MemCachedStore) persist(isSync bool) (int, error) {
// starts using fresh new maps. This tempstore is only known here and
// nothing ever changes it, therefore accesses to it (reads) can go
// unprotected while writes are handled by s proper.
var tempstore = &MemCachedStore{MemoryStore: MemoryStore{mem: s.mem, stor: s.stor}, ps:}
var tempstore = &MemCachedStore{MemoryStore: MemoryStore{mem: s.mem, stor: s.stor}, ps:, nativeCache: s.nativeCache}
|||| = tempstore
s.mem = make(map[string][]byte, len(s.mem))
s.stor = make(map[string][]byte, len(s.stor))
cached, isPSCached :=*MemCachedStore)
if isPSCached {
s.nativeCache = make(map[int32]NativeContractCache)
if !isSync {
if isPSCached {
for id, nativeCache := range tempstore.nativeCache {
updatedCache, err := nativeCache.Persist(cached.nativeCache[id])
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to persist native cache changes: %w", err)
cached.nativeCache[id] = updatedCache
err =, tempstore.stor)
if !isSync {
if err == nil {
// tempstore.mem and tempstore.del are completely flushed now
@ -406,31 +440,71 @@ func (s *MemCachedStore) persist(isSync bool) (int, error) {
for k := range s.stor {
put(tempstore.stor, k, s.stor[k])
if isPSCached {
for id, nativeCache := range s.nativeCache {
updatedCache, err := nativeCache.Persist(tempstore.nativeCache[id])
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to persist native cache changes: %w", err)
tempstore.nativeCache[id] = updatedCache
s.nativeCache = tempstore.nativeCache
|||| =
s.mem = tempstore.mem
s.stor = tempstore.stor
return keys, err
func (s *MemCachedStore) GetCache(k int32) interface{} {
// GetROCache returns native contact cache. The cache CAN NOT be modified by
// the caller. It's the caller's duty to keep it unmodified.
func (s *MemCachedStore) GetROCache(id int32) NativeContractCache {
defer s.nativeCacheLock.RUnlock()
if itm, ok := s.nativeCache[k]; ok {
return itm.Value
return nil
return s.getCache(id, true)
func (s *MemCachedStore) SetCache(k int32, v interface{}) {
// GetRWCache returns native contact cache. The cache CAN BE safely modified
// by the caller.
func (s *MemCachedStore) GetRWCache(k int32) NativeContractCache {
defer s.nativeCacheLock.Unlock()
s.nativeCache[k] = &NativeCacheItem{
Value: v,
return s.getCache(k, false)
func (s *MemCachedStore) getCache(k int32, ro bool) NativeContractCache {
if itm, ok := s.nativeCache[k]; ok {
// Don't need to create itm copy, because its value was already copied
// the first time it was retrieved from loser ps.
return itm
if cached, ok :=*MemCachedStore); ok {
if ro {
return cached.GetROCache(k)
v := cached.GetRWCache(k)
if v != nil {
// Create a copy here in order not to modify the existing cache.
cp := v.Copy()
s.nativeCache[k] = cp
return cp
return nil
func (s *MemCachedStore) SetCache(k int32, v NativeContractCache) {
defer s.nativeCacheLock.Unlock()
s.nativeCache[k] = v
// Close implements Store interface, clears up memory and closes the lower layer
Add table
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