rpcsrv: add getrawnotarypool, getrawnotarytransaction handlers
`getrawnotarytransaction` takes a transaction hash and attempts to find the corresponding transaction in the notary requests mempool. It searches through all the verified main and fallback transactions. `getrawnotarypool` returns hashes of all the verified transactions, including both main and fallback transactions. Additionally add struct result.RawNotaryPool. Close https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/issues/2951 Signed-off-by: Tatiana Nesterenko <tatiana@nspcc.io>
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 290 additions and 67 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package result
import (
// RawNotaryPool represents a result of `getrawnotarypool` RPC call.
// The structure consist of `Hashes`. `Hashes` field is a map, where key is
// the hash of the main transaction and value is a slice of related fallback
// transaction hashes.
type RawNotaryPool struct {
Hashes map[util.Uint256][]util.Uint256
// rawNotaryPoolAux is an auxiliary struct for RawNotaryPool JSON marshalling.
type rawNotaryPoolAux struct {
Hashes map[string][]util.Uint256 `json:"hashes,omitempty"`
// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.
func (p RawNotaryPool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
var aux rawNotaryPoolAux
aux.Hashes = make(map[string][]util.Uint256, len(p.Hashes))
for main, fallbacks := range p.Hashes {
aux.Hashes["0x"+main.StringLE()] = fallbacks
return json.Marshal(aux)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.
func (p *RawNotaryPool) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var aux rawNotaryPoolAux
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &aux); err != nil {
return err
p.Hashes = make(map[util.Uint256][]util.Uint256, len(aux.Hashes))
for main, fallbacks := range aux.Hashes {
hashMain, err := util.Uint256DecodeStringLE(strings.TrimPrefix(main, "0x"))
if err != nil {
return err
p.Hashes[hashMain] = fallbacks
return nil
@ -229,6 +229,8 @@ var rpcHandlers = map[string]func(*Server, params.Params) (any, *neorpc.Error){
"getpeers": (*Server).getPeers,
"getproof": (*Server).getProof,
"getrawmempool": (*Server).getRawMempool,
"getrawnotarypool": (*Server).getRawNotaryPool,
"getrawnotarytransaction": (*Server).getRawNotaryTransaction,
"getrawtransaction": (*Server).getrawtransaction,
"getstate": (*Server).getState,
"getstateheight": (*Server).getStateHeight,
@ -3090,3 +3092,54 @@ func (s *Server) Addresses() []string {
return res
func (s *Server) getRawNotaryPool(_ params.Params) (any, *neorpc.Error) {
if !s.chain.P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() {
return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError("P2PSignatureExtensions are disabled")
nrp := s.coreServer.GetNotaryPool()
res := &result.RawNotaryPool{Hashes: make(map[util.Uint256][]util.Uint256)}
nrp.IterateVerifiedTransactions(func(tx *transaction.Transaction, data any) bool {
if data != nil {
d := data.(*payload.P2PNotaryRequest)
mainHash := d.MainTransaction.Hash()
fallbackHash := d.FallbackTransaction.Hash()
res.Hashes[mainHash] = append(res.Hashes[mainHash], fallbackHash)
return true
return res, nil
func (s *Server) getRawNotaryTransaction(reqParams params.Params) (any, *neorpc.Error) {
if !s.chain.P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() {
return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError("P2PSignatureExtensions are disabled")
txHash, err := reqParams.Value(0).GetUint256()
if err != nil {
return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
nrp := s.coreServer.GetNotaryPool()
// Try to find fallback transaction.
tx, ok := nrp.TryGetValue(txHash)
if !ok {
// Try to find main transaction.
nrp.IterateVerifiedTransactions(func(t *transaction.Transaction, data any) bool {
if data != nil && data.(*payload.P2PNotaryRequest).MainTransaction.Hash().Equals(txHash) {
tx = data.(*payload.P2PNotaryRequest).MainTransaction
return false
return true
// The transaction was not found.
if tx == nil {
return nil, neorpc.ErrUnknownTransaction
if v, _ := reqParams.Value(1).GetBoolean(); v {
return tx, nil
return tx.Bytes(), nil
@ -2275,8 +2275,11 @@ func TestSubmitOracle(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Valid", runCase(t, false, 0, pubStr, `1`, txSigStr, msgSigStr))
func TestSubmitNotaryRequest(t *testing.T) {
rpc := `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "submitnotaryrequest", "params": %s}`
func TestNotaryRequestRPC(t *testing.T) {
var notaryRequest1, notaryRequest2 *payload.P2PNotaryRequest
rpcSubmit := `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "submitnotaryrequest", "params": %s}`
rpcPool := `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getrawnotarypool", "params": []}`
rpcTx := `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getrawnotarytransaction", "params": ["%s", %d]}`
t.Run("disabled P2PSigExtensions", func(t *testing.T) {
chain, rpcSrv, httpSrv := initClearServerWithCustomConfig(t, func(c *config.Config) {
@ -2284,87 +2287,206 @@ func TestSubmitNotaryRequest(t *testing.T) {
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
req := fmt.Sprintf(rpc, "[]")
body := doRPCCallOverHTTP(req, httpSrv.URL, t)
checkErrGetResult(t, body, true, neorpc.InternalServerErrorCode)
t.Run("submitnotaryrequest", func(t *testing.T) {
body := doRPCCallOverHTTP(fmt.Sprintf(rpcSubmit, "[]"), httpSrv.URL, t)
checkErrGetResult(t, body, true, neorpc.InternalServerErrorCode)
t.Run("getrawnotarypool", func(t *testing.T) {
body := doRPCCallOverHTTP(rpcPool, httpSrv.URL, t)
checkErrGetResult(t, body, true, neorpc.InternalServerErrorCode)
t.Run("getrawnotarytransaction", func(t *testing.T) {
body := doRPCCallOverHTTP(fmt.Sprintf(rpcTx, " ", 1), httpSrv.URL, t)
checkErrGetResult(t, body, true, neorpc.InternalServerErrorCode)
chain, rpcSrv, httpSrv := initServerWithInMemoryChainAndServices(t, false, true, false)
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
runCase := func(t *testing.T, fail bool, errCode int64, params ...string) func(t *testing.T) {
submitNotaryRequest := func(t *testing.T, fail bool, errCode int64, params ...string) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
ps := `[` + strings.Join(params, ",") + `]`
req := fmt.Sprintf(rpc, ps)
req := fmt.Sprintf(rpcSubmit, ps)
body := doRPCCallOverHTTP(req, httpSrv.URL, t)
checkErrGetResult(t, body, fail, errCode)
t.Run("missing request", runCase(t, true, neorpc.InvalidParamsCode))
t.Run("not a base64", runCase(t, true, neorpc.InvalidParamsCode, `"not-a-base64$"`))
t.Run("invalid request bytes", runCase(t, true, neorpc.InvalidParamsCode, `"not-a-request"`))
t.Run("invalid request", func(t *testing.T) {
mainTx := &transaction.Transaction{
t.Run("getrawnotarypool", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("empty pool", func(t *testing.T) {
body := doRPCCallOverHTTP(rpcPool, httpSrv.URL, t)
res := checkErrGetResult(t, body, false, 0)
actual := new(result.RawNotaryPool)
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(res, actual))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(actual.Hashes))
sender := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(0) // owner of the deposit in testchain
notaryRequest1 = createValidNotaryRequest(chain, sender, 1, 2_0000_0000, nil)
nrBytes, err := notaryRequest1.Bytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
str := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(nrBytes))
submitNotaryRequest(t, false, 0, str)(t)
t.Run("nonempty pool", func(t *testing.T) {
//get notary pool & check tx hashes
body := doRPCCallOverHTTP(rpcPool, httpSrv.URL, t)
res := checkErrGetResult(t, body, false, 0)
actual := new(result.RawNotaryPool)
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(res, actual))
require.Equal(t, 1, len(actual.Hashes))
for actMain, actFallbacks := range actual.Hashes {
require.Equal(t, notaryRequest1.MainTransaction.Hash(), actMain)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(actFallbacks))
require.Equal(t, notaryRequest1.FallbackTransaction.Hash(), actFallbacks[0])
notaryRequest2 = createValidNotaryRequest(chain, sender, 2, 3_0000_0000, notaryRequest1.MainTransaction)
nrBytes2, err := notaryRequest2.Bytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
str2 := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(nrBytes2))
submitNotaryRequest(t, false, 0, str2)(t)
t.Run("pool with 2", func(t *testing.T) {
//get notary pool & check tx hashes
body := doRPCCallOverHTTP(rpcPool, httpSrv.URL, t)
res := checkErrGetResult(t, body, false, 0)
actual := new(result.RawNotaryPool)
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(res, actual))
require.Equal(t, 1, len(actual.Hashes))
for actMain, actFallbacks := range actual.Hashes {
require.Equal(t, notaryRequest1.MainTransaction.Hash(), actMain)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(actFallbacks))
// The second fallback transaction has higher priority, so it's first in the slice.
require.Equal(t, notaryRequest1.FallbackTransaction.Hash(), actFallbacks[1])
require.Equal(t, notaryRequest2.FallbackTransaction.Hash(), actFallbacks[0])
t.Run("submitnotaryrequest", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("missing request", submitNotaryRequest(t, true, neorpc.InvalidParamsCode))
t.Run("not a base64", submitNotaryRequest(t, true, neorpc.InvalidParamsCode, `"not-a-base64$"`))
t.Run("invalid request bytes", submitNotaryRequest(t, true, neorpc.InvalidParamsCode, `"not-a-request"`))
t.Run("invalid request", func(t *testing.T) {
mainTx := &transaction.Transaction{
Attributes: []transaction.Attribute{{Type: transaction.NotaryAssistedT, Value: &transaction.NotaryAssisted{NKeys: 1}}},
Script: []byte{byte(opcode.RET)},
ValidUntilBlock: 123,
Signers: []transaction.Signer{{Account: util.Uint160{1, 5, 9}}},
Scripts: []transaction.Witness{{
InvocationScript: []byte{1, 4, 7},
VerificationScript: []byte{3, 6, 9},
fallbackTx := &transaction.Transaction{
Script: []byte{byte(opcode.RET)},
ValidUntilBlock: 123,
Attributes: []transaction.Attribute{
{Type: transaction.NotValidBeforeT, Value: &transaction.NotValidBefore{Height: 123}},
{Type: transaction.ConflictsT, Value: &transaction.Conflicts{Hash: mainTx.Hash()}},
{Type: transaction.NotaryAssistedT, Value: &transaction.NotaryAssisted{NKeys: 0}},
Signers: []transaction.Signer{{Account: util.Uint160{1, 4, 7}}, {Account: util.Uint160{9, 8, 7}}},
Scripts: []transaction.Witness{
{InvocationScript: append([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1), keys.SignatureLen}, make([]byte, keys.SignatureLen)...), VerificationScript: make([]byte, 0)},
{InvocationScript: []byte{1, 2, 3}, VerificationScript: []byte{1, 2, 3}}},
p := &payload.P2PNotaryRequest{
MainTransaction: mainTx,
FallbackTransaction: fallbackTx,
Witness: transaction.Witness{
InvocationScript: []byte{1, 2, 3},
VerificationScript: []byte{7, 8, 9},
nrBytes, err := p.Bytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
str := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(nrBytes))
submitNotaryRequest(t, true, neorpc.ErrVerificationFailedCode, str)(t)
t.Run("valid request", func(t *testing.T) {
sender := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(0) // owner of the deposit in testchain
notaryRequest1 = createValidNotaryRequest(chain, sender, 3, 2_0000_0000, nil)
nrBytes, err := notaryRequest1.Bytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
str := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(nrBytes))
submitNotaryRequest(t, false, 0, str)(t)
t.Run("getrawnotarytransaction", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("invalid param", func(t *testing.T) {
req := fmt.Sprintf(rpcTx, "invalid", 1)
body := doRPCCallOverHTTP(req, httpSrv.URL, t)
checkErrGetResult(t, body, true, neorpc.InvalidParamsCode)
t.Run("unknown transaction", func(t *testing.T) {
req := fmt.Sprintf(rpcTx, (util.Uint256{0, 0, 0}).StringLE(), 1)
body := doRPCCallOverHTTP(req, httpSrv.URL, t)
checkErrGetResult(t, body, true, neorpc.ErrUnknownTransactionCode)
checkGetTxVerbose := func(t *testing.T, tx *transaction.Transaction) {
req := fmt.Sprintf(rpcTx, tx.Hash().StringLE(), 1)
body := doRPCCallOverHTTP(req, httpSrv.URL, t)
res := checkErrGetResult(t, body, false, 0)
actual := new(transaction.Transaction)
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(res, actual))
_ = tx.Size()
require.Equal(t, tx, actual)
t.Run("mainTx verbose", func(t *testing.T) {
checkGetTxVerbose(t, notaryRequest1.MainTransaction)
t.Run("fallbackTx verbose", func(t *testing.T) {
checkGetTxVerbose(t, notaryRequest1.FallbackTransaction)
checkGetTxVerbose(t, notaryRequest2.FallbackTransaction)
checkGetTxBytes := func(t *testing.T, tx *transaction.Transaction) {
req := fmt.Sprintf(rpcTx, tx.Hash().StringLE(), 0)
body := doRPCCallOverHTTP(req, httpSrv.URL, t)
res := checkErrGetResult(t, body, false, 0)
var s string
err := json.Unmarshal(res, &s)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "could not parse response: %s", res)
txBin, err := testserdes.EncodeBinary(tx)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(txBin)
assert.Equal(t, expected, s)
t.Run("mainTx bytes", func(t *testing.T) {
checkGetTxBytes(t, notaryRequest1.MainTransaction)
t.Run("fallbackTx bytes", func(t *testing.T) {
checkGetTxBytes(t, notaryRequest1.FallbackTransaction)
checkGetTxBytes(t, notaryRequest2.FallbackTransaction)
// createValidNotaryRequest creates and signs P2PNotaryRequest payload which can
// pass verification. It uses the provided mainTx if it's a nonempty structure.
func createValidNotaryRequest(chain *core.Blockchain, sender *keys.PrivateKey, nonce uint32, networkFee int64, mainTx *transaction.Transaction) *payload.P2PNotaryRequest {
h := chain.BlockHeight()
// If mainTx is nil, then generate it.
if mainTx == nil {
mainTx = &transaction.Transaction{
Nonce: nonce,
Attributes: []transaction.Attribute{{Type: transaction.NotaryAssistedT, Value: &transaction.NotaryAssisted{NKeys: 1}}},
Script: []byte{byte(opcode.RET)},
ValidUntilBlock: 123,
Signers: []transaction.Signer{{Account: util.Uint160{1, 5, 9}}},
ValidUntilBlock: h + 100,
Signers: []transaction.Signer{{Account: sender.GetScriptHash()}},
Scripts: []transaction.Witness{{
InvocationScript: []byte{1, 4, 7},
VerificationScript: []byte{3, 6, 9},
fallbackTx := &transaction.Transaction{
Script: []byte{byte(opcode.RET)},
ValidUntilBlock: 123,
Attributes: []transaction.Attribute{
{Type: transaction.NotValidBeforeT, Value: &transaction.NotValidBefore{Height: 123}},
{Type: transaction.ConflictsT, Value: &transaction.Conflicts{Hash: mainTx.Hash()}},
{Type: transaction.NotaryAssistedT, Value: &transaction.NotaryAssisted{NKeys: 0}},
Signers: []transaction.Signer{{Account: util.Uint160{1, 4, 7}}, {Account: util.Uint160{9, 8, 7}}},
Scripts: []transaction.Witness{
{InvocationScript: append([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1), keys.SignatureLen}, make([]byte, keys.SignatureLen)...), VerificationScript: make([]byte, 0)},
{InvocationScript: []byte{1, 2, 3}, VerificationScript: []byte{1, 2, 3}}},
p := &payload.P2PNotaryRequest{
MainTransaction: mainTx,
FallbackTransaction: fallbackTx,
Witness: transaction.Witness{
InvocationScript: []byte{1, 2, 3},
VerificationScript: []byte{7, 8, 9},
bytes, err := p.Bytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
str := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bytes))
runCase(t, true, neorpc.ErrVerificationFailedCode, str)(t)
t.Run("valid request", func(t *testing.T) {
sender := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(0) // owner of the deposit in testchain
p := createValidNotaryRequest(chain, sender, 1)
bytes, err := p.Bytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
str := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bytes))
runCase(t, false, 0, str)(t)
// createValidNotaryRequest creates and signs P2PNotaryRequest payload which can
// pass verification.
func createValidNotaryRequest(chain *core.Blockchain, sender *keys.PrivateKey, nonce uint32) *payload.P2PNotaryRequest {
h := chain.BlockHeight()
mainTx := &transaction.Transaction{
Nonce: nonce,
Attributes: []transaction.Attribute{{Type: transaction.NotaryAssistedT, Value: &transaction.NotaryAssisted{NKeys: 1}}},
Script: []byte{byte(opcode.RET)},
ValidUntilBlock: h + 100,
Signers: []transaction.Signer{{Account: sender.GetScriptHash()}},
Scripts: []transaction.Witness{{
InvocationScript: []byte{1, 4, 7},
VerificationScript: []byte{3, 6, 9},
fallbackTx := &transaction.Transaction{
Script: []byte{byte(opcode.RET)},
@ -2378,7 +2500,7 @@ func createValidNotaryRequest(chain *core.Blockchain, sender *keys.PrivateKey, n
Scripts: []transaction.Witness{
{InvocationScript: append([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1), keys.SignatureLen}, make([]byte, keys.SignatureLen)...), VerificationScript: []byte{}},
NetworkFee: 2_0000_0000,
NetworkFee: networkFee,
fallbackTx.Scripts = append(fallbackTx.Scripts, transaction.Witness{
InvocationScript: append([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1), keys.SignatureLen}, sender.SignHashable(uint32(testchain.Network()), fallbackTx)...),
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ func TestSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
// We should manually add NotaryRequest to test notification.
sender := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(0)
err := rpcSrv.coreServer.RelayP2PNotaryRequest(createValidNotaryRequest(chain, sender, 1))
err := rpcSrv.coreServer.RelayP2PNotaryRequest(createValidNotaryRequest(chain, sender, 1, 2_0000_0000, nil))
require.NoError(t, err)
for {
resp := getNotification(t, respMsgs)
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ func TestFilteredNotaryRequestSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
subID := callSubscribe(t, c, respMsgs, this.params)
err := rpcSrv.coreServer.RelayP2PNotaryRequest(createValidNotaryRequest(chain, priv0, nonce))
err := rpcSrv.coreServer.RelayP2PNotaryRequest(createValidNotaryRequest(chain, priv0, nonce, 2_0000_0000, nil))
require.NoError(t, err)
Add table
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