compiler: emit bindings configuration
Signed-off-by: Evgeniy Stratonikov <>
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 273 additions and 58 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package main
import (
@ -91,6 +92,116 @@ func TestCalcHash(t *testing.T) {
func TestContractBindings(t *testing.T) {
// For proper nef generation.
config.Version = "v0.98.1-test"
// For proper contract init. The actual version as it will be replaced.
smartcontract.ModVersion = "v0.0.0"
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
e := newExecutor(t, false)
ctrPath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "testcontract")
e.Run(t, "neo-go", "contract", "init", "--name", ctrPath)
srcPath := filepath.Join(ctrPath, "main.go")
require.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(srcPath, []byte(`package testcontract
alias ""
type MyPair struct {
Key int
Value string
func ToMap(a []MyPair) map[int]string {
return nil
func ToArray(m map[int]string) []MyPair {
return nil
func Block() *alias.Block{
return alias.GetBlock(1)
func Blocks() []*alias.Block {
return []*alias.Block{
`), os.ModePerm))
cfgPath := filepath.Join(ctrPath, "neo-go.yml")
manifestPath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "manifest.json")
bindingsPath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "bindings.yml")
cmd := []string{"neo-go", "contract", "compile"}
cmd = append(cmd, "--in", ctrPath, "--bindings", bindingsPath)
// Replace `pkg/interop` in go.mod to avoid getting an actual module version.
goMod := filepath.Join(ctrPath, "go.mod")
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(goMod)
require.NoError(t, err)
i := bytes.IndexByte(data, '\n')
data = append([]byte("module"), data[i:]...)
wd, err := os.Getwd()
require.NoError(t, err)
data = append(data, "\nreplace => "...)
data = append(data, filepath.Join(wd, "../pkg/interop")...)
require.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(goMod, data, os.ModePerm))
cmd = append(cmd, "--config", cfgPath,
"--out", filepath.Join(tmpDir, "out.nef"),
"--manifest", manifestPath,
"--bindings", bindingsPath)
e.Run(t, cmd...)
require.FileExists(t, bindingsPath)
outPath := filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), "binding.go")
e.Run(t, "neo-go", "contract", "generate-wrapper",
"--config", bindingsPath, "--manifest", manifestPath,
"--out", outPath, "--hash", "0x0123456789987654321001234567899876543210")
bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(outPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, `// Package testcontract contains wrappers for testcontract contract.
package testcontract
import (
// Hash contains contract hash in big-endian form.
const Hash = "\x10\x32\x54\x76\x98\x89\x67\x45\x23\x01\x10\x32\x54\x76\x98\x89\x67\x45\x23\x01"
// Block invokes `+"`block`"+` method of contract.
func Block() *ledger.Block {
return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "block", int(contract.All)).(*ledger.Block)
// Blocks invokes `+"`blocks`"+` method of contract.
func Blocks() []*ledger.Block {
return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "blocks", int(contract.All)).([]*ledger.Block)
// ToArray invokes `+"`toArray`"+` method of contract.
func ToArray(m map[int]string) []testcontract.MyPair {
return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "toArray", int(contract.All), m).([]testcontract.MyPair)
// ToMap invokes `+"`toMap`"+` method of contract.
func ToMap(a []testcontract.MyPair) map[int]string {
return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "toMap", int(contract.All), a).(map[int]string)
`, string(bs))
func TestContractInitAndCompile(t *testing.T) {
// For proper nef generation.
config.Version = "v0.98.1-test"
@ -166,6 +166,10 @@ func NewCommands() []cli.Command {
Name: "no-permissions",
Usage: "do not check if invoked contracts are allowed in manifest",
Name: "bindings",
Usage: "output file for smart-contract bindings configuration",
@ -495,6 +499,7 @@ func contractCompile(ctx *cli.Context) error {
DebugInfo: debugFile,
ManifestFile: manifestFile,
BindingsFile: ctx.String("bindings"),
NoStandardCheck: ctx.Bool("no-standards"),
NoEventsCheck: ctx.Bool("no-events"),
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ func (c *codegen) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
if tn, ok := t.(*types.Named); ok && isInteropPath(tn.String()) {
st, _ := scAndVMInteropTypeFromExpr(tn)
st, _, _ := scAndVMInteropTypeFromExpr(tn, false)
expectedLen := -1
switch st {
case smartcontract.Hash160Type:
@ -15,11 +15,13 @@ import (
const fileExt = "nef"
@ -72,6 +74,9 @@ type Options struct {
// Permissions is a list of permissions for every contract method.
Permissions []manifest.Permission
// BindingsFile contains configuration for smart-contract bindings generator.
BindingsFile string
type buildInfo struct {
@ -258,7 +263,7 @@ func CompileAndSave(src string, o *Options) ([]byte, error) {
if err != nil {
return f.Script, err
if o.DebugInfo == "" && o.ManifestFile == "" {
if o.DebugInfo == "" && o.ManifestFile == "" && o.BindingsFile == "" {
return f.Script, nil
@ -289,6 +294,29 @@ func CompileAndSave(src string, o *Options) ([]byte, error) {
if o.BindingsFile != "" {
cfg := binding.NewConfig()
cfg.Package = di.MainPkg
for _, m := range di.Methods {
for _, p := range m.Parameters {
if p.RealType.TypeName != "" {
cfg.Overrides[m.Name.Name+"."+p.Name] = p.RealType
if m.ReturnTypeReal.TypeName != "" {
cfg.Overrides[m.Name.Name] = m.ReturnTypeReal
data, err := yaml.Marshal(&cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't marshal bindings configuration: %w", err)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(o.BindingsFile, data, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't write bindings configuration: %w", err)
if o.ManifestFile != "" {
m, err := CreateManifest(di, o)
if err != nil {
@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ import (
@ -49,6 +51,8 @@ type MethodDebugInfo struct {
Parameters []DebugParam `json:"params"`
// ReturnType is method's return type.
ReturnType string `json:"return"`
// ReturnTypeReal is method's return type as specified in Go code.
ReturnTypeReal binding.Override `json:"-"`
// ReturnTypeSC is return type to use in manifest.
ReturnTypeSC smartcontract.ParamType `json:"-"`
Variables []string `json:"variables"`
@ -94,9 +98,10 @@ type DebugRange struct {
// DebugParam represents variables's name and type.
type DebugParam struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
TypeSC smartcontract.ParamType `json:"-"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
RealType binding.Override `json:"-"`
TypeSC smartcontract.ParamType `json:"-"`
func (c *codegen) saveSequencePoint(n ast.Node) {
@ -175,6 +180,8 @@ func (c *codegen) emitDebugInfo(contract []byte) *DebugInfo {
Variables: c.deployVariables,
start := len(d.Methods)
for name, scope := range c.funcs {
m := c.methodInfoFromScope(name, scope)
if m.Range.Start == m.Range.End {
@ -182,13 +189,16 @@ func (c *codegen) emitDebugInfo(contract []byte) *DebugInfo {
d.Methods = append(d.Methods, *m)
sort.Slice(d.Methods[start:], func(i, j int) bool {
return d.Methods[start+i].Name.Name < d.Methods[start+j].Name.Name
d.EmittedEvents = c.emittedEvents
d.InvokedContracts = c.invokedContracts
return d
func (c *codegen) registerDebugVariable(name string, expr ast.Expr) {
_, vt := c.scAndVMTypeFromExpr(expr)
_, vt, _ := c.scAndVMTypeFromExpr(expr)
if c.scope == nil {
c.staticVariables = append(c.staticVariables, name+","+vt.String())
@ -201,106 +211,151 @@ func (c *codegen) methodInfoFromScope(name string, scope *funcScope) *MethodDebu
params := make([]DebugParam, 0, ps.NumFields())
for i := range ps.List {
for j := range ps.List[i].Names {
st, vt := c.scAndVMTypeFromExpr(ps.List[i].Type)
st, vt, rt := c.scAndVMTypeFromExpr(ps.List[i].Type)
params = append(params, DebugParam{
Name: ps.List[i].Names[j].Name,
Type: vt.String(),
TypeSC: st,
Name: ps.List[i].Names[j].Name,
Type: vt.String(),
RealType: rt,
TypeSC: st,
ss := strings.Split(name, ".")
name = ss[len(ss)-1]
r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name)
st, vt := c.scAndVMReturnTypeFromScope(scope)
st, vt, rt := c.scAndVMReturnTypeFromScope(scope)
return &MethodDebugInfo{
ID: name,
Name: DebugMethodName{
Name: string(unicode.ToLower(r)) + name[n:],
Namespace: scope.pkg.Name(),
IsExported: scope.decl.Name.IsExported(),
IsFunction: scope.decl.Recv == nil,
Range: scope.rng,
Parameters: params,
ReturnType: vt,
ReturnTypeSC: st,
SeqPoints: c.sequencePoints[name],
Variables: scope.variables,
IsExported: scope.decl.Name.IsExported(),
IsFunction: scope.decl.Recv == nil,
Range: scope.rng,
Parameters: params,
ReturnType: vt,
ReturnTypeReal: rt,
ReturnTypeSC: st,
SeqPoints: c.sequencePoints[name],
Variables: scope.variables,
func (c *codegen) scAndVMReturnTypeFromScope(scope *funcScope) (smartcontract.ParamType, string) {
func (c *codegen) scAndVMReturnTypeFromScope(scope *funcScope) (smartcontract.ParamType, string, binding.Override) {
results := scope.decl.Type.Results
switch results.NumFields() {
case 0:
return smartcontract.VoidType, "Void"
return smartcontract.VoidType, "Void", binding.Override{}
case 1:
st, vt := c.scAndVMTypeFromExpr(results.List[0].Type)
return st, vt.String()
st, vt, s := c.scAndVMTypeFromExpr(results.List[0].Type)
return st, vt.String(), s
// multiple return values are not supported in debugger
return smartcontract.AnyType, "Any"
return smartcontract.AnyType, "Any", binding.Override{}
func scAndVMInteropTypeFromExpr(named *types.Named) (smartcontract.ParamType, stackitem.Type) {
func scAndVMInteropTypeFromExpr(named *types.Named, isPointer bool) (smartcontract.ParamType, stackitem.Type, binding.Override) {
name := named.Obj().Name()
pkg := named.Obj().Pkg().Name()
switch pkg {
case "ledger", "contract":
return smartcontract.ArrayType, stackitem.ArrayT // Block, Transaction, Contract
typeName := pkg + "." + name
if isPointer {
typeName = "*" + typeName
return smartcontract.ArrayType, stackitem.ArrayT, binding.Override{
Package: named.Obj().Pkg().Path(),
TypeName: typeName,
} // Block, Transaction, Contract
case "interop":
if name != "Interface" {
over := binding.Override{
Package: interopPrefix,
TypeName: "interop." + name,
switch name {
case "Hash160":
return smartcontract.Hash160Type, stackitem.ByteArrayT
return smartcontract.Hash160Type, stackitem.ByteArrayT, over
case "Hash256":
return smartcontract.Hash256Type, stackitem.ByteArrayT
return smartcontract.Hash256Type, stackitem.ByteArrayT, over
case "PublicKey":
return smartcontract.PublicKeyType, stackitem.ByteArrayT
return smartcontract.PublicKeyType, stackitem.ByteArrayT, over
case "Signature":
return smartcontract.SignatureType, stackitem.ByteArrayT
return smartcontract.SignatureType, stackitem.ByteArrayT, over
return smartcontract.InteropInterfaceType, stackitem.InteropT
return smartcontract.InteropInterfaceType, stackitem.InteropT, binding.Override{TypeName: "interface{}"}
func (c *codegen) scAndVMTypeFromExpr(typ ast.Expr) (smartcontract.ParamType, stackitem.Type) {
t := c.typeOf(typ)
if c.typeOf(typ) == nil {
return smartcontract.AnyType, stackitem.AnyT
func (c *codegen) scAndVMTypeFromExpr(typ ast.Expr) (smartcontract.ParamType, stackitem.Type, binding.Override) {
return c.scAndVMTypeFromType(c.typeOf(typ))
func (c *codegen) scAndVMTypeFromType(t types.Type) (smartcontract.ParamType, stackitem.Type, binding.Override) {
if t == nil {
return smartcontract.AnyType, stackitem.AnyT, binding.Override{TypeName: "interface{}"}
if named, ok := t.(*types.Named); ok {
if isInteropPath(named.String()) {
return scAndVMInteropTypeFromExpr(named)
var isPtr bool
named, isNamed := t.(*types.Named)
if !isNamed {
var ptr *types.Pointer
if ptr, isPtr = t.(*types.Pointer); isPtr {
named, isNamed = ptr.Elem().(*types.Named)
if isNamed {
if isInteropPath(named.String()) {
return scAndVMInteropTypeFromExpr(named, isPtr)
var over binding.Override
switch t := t.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Basic:
info := t.Info()
switch {
case info&types.IsInteger != 0:
return smartcontract.IntegerType, stackitem.IntegerT
over.TypeName = "int"
return smartcontract.IntegerType, stackitem.IntegerT, over
case info&types.IsBoolean != 0:
return smartcontract.BoolType, stackitem.BooleanT
over.TypeName = "bool"
return smartcontract.BoolType, stackitem.BooleanT, over
case info&types.IsString != 0:
return smartcontract.StringType, stackitem.ByteArrayT
over.TypeName = "string"
return smartcontract.StringType, stackitem.ByteArrayT, over
return smartcontract.AnyType, stackitem.AnyT
over.TypeName = "interface{}"
return smartcontract.AnyType, stackitem.AnyT, over
case *types.Map:
return smartcontract.MapType, stackitem.MapT
_, _, over := c.scAndVMTypeFromType(t.Elem())
over.TypeName = "map[" + t.Key().String() + "]" + over.TypeName
return smartcontract.MapType, stackitem.MapT, over
case *types.Struct:
return smartcontract.ArrayType, stackitem.StructT
if isNamed {
over.Package = named.Obj().Pkg().Path()
over.TypeName = named.Obj().Pkg().Name() + "." + named.Obj().Name()
return smartcontract.ArrayType, stackitem.StructT, over
case *types.Slice:
if isByte(t.Elem()) {
return smartcontract.ByteArrayType, stackitem.ByteArrayT
over.TypeName = "[]byte"
return smartcontract.ByteArrayType, stackitem.ByteArrayT, over
return smartcontract.ArrayType, stackitem.ArrayT
_, _, over := c.scAndVMTypeFromType(t.Elem())
if over.TypeName != "" {
over.TypeName = "[]" + over.TypeName
return smartcontract.ArrayType, stackitem.ArrayT, over
return smartcontract.AnyType, stackitem.AnyT
over.TypeName = "interface{}"
return smartcontract.AnyType, stackitem.AnyT, over
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -124,30 +125,45 @@ func _deploy(data interface{}, isUpdate bool) { x := 1; _ = x }
"MethodInt": {{
Name: "a",
Type: "ByteString",
Name: "a",
Type: "ByteString",
RealType: binding.Override{
TypeName: "string",
TypeSC: smartcontract.StringType,
"MethodConcat": {
Name: "a",
Type: "ByteString",
Name: "a",
Type: "ByteString",
RealType: binding.Override{
TypeName: "string",
TypeSC: smartcontract.StringType,
Name: "b",
Type: "ByteString",
Name: "b",
Type: "ByteString",
RealType: binding.Override{
TypeName: "string",
TypeSC: smartcontract.StringType,
Name: "c",
Type: "ByteString",
Name: "c",
Type: "ByteString",
RealType: binding.Override{
TypeName: "string",
TypeSC: smartcontract.StringType,
"Main": {{
Name: "op",
Type: "ByteString",
Name: "op",
Type: "ByteString",
RealType: binding.Override{
TypeName: "string",
TypeSC: smartcontract.StringType,
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ func (c *codegen) processNotify(f *funcScope, args []ast.Expr) {
params := make([]string, 0, len(args[1:]))
for _, p := range args[1:] {
st, _ := c.scAndVMTypeFromExpr(p)
st, _, _ := c.scAndVMTypeFromExpr(p)
params = append(params, st.String())
Add table
Reference in a new issue