diff --git a/pkg/core/mpt/branch.go b/pkg/core/mpt/branch.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac3f2400f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/core/mpt/branch.go
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+package mpt
+import (
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/crypto/hash"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/io"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/util"
+const (
+	// childrenCount represents a number of children of a branch node.
+	childrenCount = 17
+	// lastChild is the index of the last child.
+	lastChild = childrenCount - 1
+// BranchNode represents MPT's branch node.
+type BranchNode struct {
+	hash  util.Uint256
+	valid bool
+	Children [childrenCount]Node
+var _ Node = (*BranchNode)(nil)
+// NewBranchNode returns new branch node.
+func NewBranchNode() *BranchNode {
+	b := new(BranchNode)
+	for i := 0; i < childrenCount; i++ {
+		b.Children[i] = new(HashNode)
+	}
+	return b
+// Type implements Node interface.
+func (b *BranchNode) Type() NodeType { return BranchT }
+// Hash implements Node interface.
+func (b *BranchNode) Hash() util.Uint256 {
+	if !b.valid {
+		b.hash = hash.DoubleSha256(toBytes(b))
+		b.valid = true
+	}
+	return b.hash
+// invalidateHash invalidates node hash.
+func (b *BranchNode) invalidateHash() {
+	b.valid = false
+// EncodeBinary implements io.Serializable.
+func (b *BranchNode) EncodeBinary(w *io.BinWriter) {
+	for i := 0; i < childrenCount; i++ {
+		if hn, ok := b.Children[i].(*HashNode); ok {
+			hn.EncodeBinary(w)
+			continue
+		}
+		n := NewHashNode(b.Children[i].Hash())
+		n.EncodeBinary(w)
+	}
+// DecodeBinary implements io.Serializable.
+func (b *BranchNode) DecodeBinary(r *io.BinReader) {
+	for i := 0; i < childrenCount; i++ {
+		b.Children[i] = new(HashNode)
+		b.Children[i].DecodeBinary(r)
+	}
+// splitPath splits path for a branch node.
+func splitPath(path []byte) (byte, []byte) {
+	if len(path) != 0 {
+		return path[0], path[1:]
+	}
+	return lastChild, path
diff --git a/pkg/core/mpt/doc.go b/pkg/core/mpt/doc.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c307665b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/core/mpt/doc.go
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Package mpt implements MPT (Merkle-Patricia Tree).
+MPT stores key-value pairs and is a trie over 16-symbol alphabet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trie
+Trie is a tree where values are stored in leafs and keys are paths from root to the leaf node.
+MPT consists of 4 type of nodes:
+- Leaf node contains only value.
+- Extension node contains both key and value.
+- Branch node contains 2 or more children.
+- Hash node is a compressed node and contains only actual node's hash.
+  The actual node must be retrieved from storage or over the network.
+As an example here is a trie containing 3 pairs:
+- 0x1201 -> val1
+- 0x1203 -> val2
+- 0x1224 -> val3
+- 0x12 -> val4
+ExtensionNode(0x0102), Next
+ _______________________|
+ |
+BranchNode [0, 1, 2, ...], Last -> Leaf(val4)
+            |     |
+            |     ExtensionNode [0x04], Next -> Leaf(val3)
+            |
+            BranchNode [0, 1, 2, 3, ...], Last -> HashNode(nil)
+                           |     |
+                           |     Leaf(val2)
+                           |
+                           Leaf(val1)
+There are 3 invariants that this implementation has:
+- Branch node cannot have <= 1 children
+- Extension node cannot have zero-length key
+- Extension node cannot have another Extension node in it's next field
+Thank to these restrictions, there is a single root hash for every set of key-value pairs
+irregardless of the order they were added/removed with.
+The actual trie structure can vary because of node -> HashNode compressing.
+There is also one optimization which cost us almost nothing in terms of complexity but is very beneficial:
+When we perform get/put/delete on a speficic path, every Hash node which was retreived from storage is
+replaced by its uncompressed form, so that subsequent hits of this not don't use storage.
+package mpt
diff --git a/pkg/core/mpt/extension.go b/pkg/core/mpt/extension.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..775078827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/core/mpt/extension.go
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package mpt
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/crypto/hash"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/io"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/util"
+// MaxKeyLength is the max length of the extension node key.
+const MaxKeyLength = 1125
+// ExtensionNode represents MPT's extension node.
+type ExtensionNode struct {
+	hash  util.Uint256
+	valid bool
+	key  []byte
+	next Node
+var _ Node = (*ExtensionNode)(nil)
+// NewExtensionNode returns hash node with the specified key and next node.
+// Note: because it is a part of Trie, key must be mangled, i.e. must contain only bytes with high half = 0.
+func NewExtensionNode(key []byte, next Node) *ExtensionNode {
+	return &ExtensionNode{
+		key:  key,
+		next: next,
+	}
+// Type implements Node interface.
+func (e ExtensionNode) Type() NodeType { return ExtensionT }
+// Hash implements Node interface.
+func (e *ExtensionNode) Hash() util.Uint256 {
+	if !e.valid {
+		e.hash = hash.DoubleSha256(toBytes(e))
+		e.valid = true
+	}
+	return e.hash
+// invalidateHash invalidates node hash.
+func (e *ExtensionNode) invalidateHash() {
+	e.valid = false
+// DecodeBinary implements io.Serializable.
+func (e *ExtensionNode) DecodeBinary(r *io.BinReader) {
+	sz := r.ReadVarUint()
+	if sz > MaxKeyLength {
+		r.Err = fmt.Errorf("extension node key is too big: %d", sz)
+		return
+	}
+	e.valid = false
+	e.key = make([]byte, sz)
+	r.ReadBytes(e.key)
+	e.next = new(HashNode)
+	e.next.DecodeBinary(r)
+// EncodeBinary implements io.Serializable.
+func (e ExtensionNode) EncodeBinary(w *io.BinWriter) {
+	w.WriteVarBytes(e.key)
+	n := NewHashNode(e.next.Hash())
+	n.EncodeBinary(w)
diff --git a/pkg/core/mpt/hash.go b/pkg/core/mpt/hash.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a14dec879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/core/mpt/hash.go
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+package mpt
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/io"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/util"
+// HashNode represents MPT's hash node.
+type HashNode struct {
+	hash  util.Uint256
+	valid bool
+var _ Node = (*HashNode)(nil)
+// NewHashNode returns hash node with the specified hash.
+func NewHashNode(h util.Uint256) *HashNode {
+	return &HashNode{
+		hash:  h,
+		valid: true,
+	}
+// Type implements Node interface.
+func (h *HashNode) Type() NodeType { return HashT }
+// Hash implements Node interface.
+func (h *HashNode) Hash() util.Uint256 {
+	if !h.valid {
+		panic("can't get hash of an empty HashNode")
+	}
+	return h.hash
+// IsEmpty returns true iff h is an empty node i.e. contains no hash.
+func (h *HashNode) IsEmpty() bool { return !h.valid }
+// DecodeBinary implements io.Serializable.
+func (h *HashNode) DecodeBinary(r *io.BinReader) {
+	sz := r.ReadVarUint()
+	switch sz {
+	case 0:
+		h.valid = false
+	case util.Uint256Size:
+		h.valid = true
+		r.ReadBytes(h.hash[:])
+	default:
+		r.Err = fmt.Errorf("invalid hash node size: %d", sz)
+	}
+// EncodeBinary implements io.Serializable.
+func (h HashNode) EncodeBinary(w *io.BinWriter) {
+	if !h.valid {
+		w.WriteVarUint(0)
+		return
+	}
+	w.WriteVarBytes(h.hash[:])
diff --git a/pkg/core/mpt/helpers.go b/pkg/core/mpt/helpers.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c67c6c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/core/mpt/helpers.go
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package mpt
+// lcp returns longest common prefix of a and b.
+// Note: it does no allocations.
+func lcp(a, b []byte) []byte {
+	if len(a) < len(b) {
+		return lcp(b, a)
+	}
+	var i int
+	for i = 0; i < len(b); i++ {
+		if a[i] != b[i] {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	return a[:i]
+// copySlice is a helper for copying slice if needed.
+func copySlice(a []byte) []byte {
+	b := make([]byte, len(a))
+	copy(b, a)
+	return b
+// toNibbles mangles path by splitting every byte into 2 containing low- and high- 4-byte part.
+func toNibbles(path []byte) []byte {
+	result := make([]byte, len(path)*2)
+	for i := range path {
+		result[i*2] = path[i] >> 4
+		result[i*2+1] = path[i] & 0x0F
+	}
+	return result
diff --git a/pkg/core/mpt/leaf.go b/pkg/core/mpt/leaf.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..455ae3feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/core/mpt/leaf.go
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package mpt
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/crypto/hash"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/io"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/util"
+// MaxValueLength is a max length of a leaf node value.
+const MaxValueLength = 1024 * 1024
+// LeafNode represents MPT's leaf node.
+type LeafNode struct {
+	hash  util.Uint256
+	valid bool
+	value []byte
+var _ Node = (*LeafNode)(nil)
+// NewLeafNode returns hash node with the specified value.
+func NewLeafNode(value []byte) *LeafNode {
+	return &LeafNode{value: value}
+// Type implements Node interface.
+func (n LeafNode) Type() NodeType { return LeafT }
+// Hash implements Node interface.
+func (n *LeafNode) Hash() util.Uint256 {
+	if !n.valid {
+		n.hash = hash.DoubleSha256(toBytes(n))
+		n.valid = true
+	}
+	return n.hash
+// DecodeBinary implements io.Serializable.
+func (n *LeafNode) DecodeBinary(r *io.BinReader) {
+	sz := r.ReadVarUint()
+	if sz > MaxValueLength {
+		r.Err = fmt.Errorf("leaf node value is too big: %d", sz)
+		return
+	}
+	n.valid = false
+	n.value = make([]byte, sz)
+	r.ReadBytes(n.value)
+// EncodeBinary implements io.Serializable.
+func (n LeafNode) EncodeBinary(w *io.BinWriter) {
+	w.WriteVarBytes(n.value)
diff --git a/pkg/core/mpt/node.go b/pkg/core/mpt/node.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83abb2e60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/core/mpt/node.go
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package mpt
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/io"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/util"
+// NodeType represents node type..
+type NodeType byte
+// Node types definitions.
+const (
+	BranchT    NodeType = 0x00
+	ExtensionT NodeType = 0x01
+	HashT      NodeType = 0x02
+	LeafT      NodeType = 0x03
+// NodeObject represents Node together with it's type.
+// It is used for serialization/deserialization where type info
+// is also expected.
+type NodeObject struct {
+	Node
+// Node represents common interface of all MPT nodes.
+type Node interface {
+	io.Serializable
+	Hash() util.Uint256
+	Type() NodeType
+// EncodeBinary implements io.Serializable.
+func (n NodeObject) EncodeBinary(w *io.BinWriter) {
+	encodeNodeWithType(n.Node, w)
+// DecodeBinary implements io.Serializable.
+func (n *NodeObject) DecodeBinary(r *io.BinReader) {
+	typ := NodeType(r.ReadB())
+	switch typ {
+	case BranchT:
+		n.Node = new(BranchNode)
+	case ExtensionT:
+		n.Node = new(ExtensionNode)
+	case HashT:
+		n.Node = new(HashNode)
+	case LeafT:
+		n.Node = new(LeafNode)
+	default:
+		r.Err = fmt.Errorf("invalid node type: %x", typ)
+		return
+	}
+	n.Node.DecodeBinary(r)
+// encodeNodeWithType encodes node together with it's type.
+func encodeNodeWithType(n Node, w *io.BinWriter) {
+	w.WriteB(byte(n.Type()))
+	n.EncodeBinary(w)
+// toBytes is a helper for serializing node.
+func toBytes(n Node) []byte {
+	buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
+	encodeNodeWithType(n, buf.BinWriter)
+	return buf.Bytes()
diff --git a/pkg/core/mpt/node_test.go b/pkg/core/mpt/node_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e2c17c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/core/mpt/node_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+package mpt
+import (
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/internal/random"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/internal/testserdes"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/io"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
+func getTestFuncEncode(ok bool, expected, actual Node) func(t *testing.T) {
+	return func(t *testing.T) {
+		bs, err := testserdes.EncodeBinary(expected)
+		require.NoError(t, err)
+		err = testserdes.DecodeBinary(bs, actual)
+		if !ok {
+			require.Error(t, err)
+			return
+		}
+		require.NoError(t, err)
+		require.Equal(t, expected.Type(), actual.Type())
+		require.Equal(t, expected.Hash(), actual.Hash())
+	}
+func TestNode_Serializable(t *testing.T) {
+	t.Run("Leaf", func(t *testing.T) {
+		t.Run("Good", func(t *testing.T) {
+			l := NewLeafNode(random.Bytes(123))
+			t.Run("Raw", getTestFuncEncode(true, l, new(LeafNode)))
+			t.Run("WithType", getTestFuncEncode(true, &NodeObject{l}, new(NodeObject)))
+		})
+		t.Run("BigValue", getTestFuncEncode(false,
+			NewLeafNode(random.Bytes(MaxValueLength+1)), new(LeafNode)))
+	})
+	t.Run("Extension", func(t *testing.T) {
+		t.Run("Good", func(t *testing.T) {
+			e := NewExtensionNode(random.Bytes(42), NewLeafNode(random.Bytes(10)))
+			t.Run("Raw", getTestFuncEncode(true, e, new(ExtensionNode)))
+			t.Run("WithType", getTestFuncEncode(true, &NodeObject{e}, new(NodeObject)))
+		})
+		t.Run("BigKey", getTestFuncEncode(false,
+			NewExtensionNode(random.Bytes(MaxKeyLength+1), NewLeafNode(random.Bytes(10))), new(ExtensionNode)))
+	})
+	t.Run("Branch", func(t *testing.T) {
+		b := NewBranchNode()
+		b.Children[0] = NewLeafNode(random.Bytes(10))
+		b.Children[lastChild] = NewHashNode(random.Uint256())
+		t.Run("Raw", getTestFuncEncode(true, b, new(BranchNode)))
+		t.Run("WithType", getTestFuncEncode(true, &NodeObject{b}, new(NodeObject)))
+	})
+	t.Run("Hash", func(t *testing.T) {
+		t.Run("Good", func(t *testing.T) {
+			h := NewHashNode(random.Uint256())
+			t.Run("Raw", getTestFuncEncode(true, h, new(HashNode)))
+			t.Run("WithType", getTestFuncEncode(true, &NodeObject{h}, new(NodeObject)))
+		})
+		t.Run("Empty", func(t *testing.T) { // compare nodes, not hashes
+			testserdes.EncodeDecodeBinary(t, new(HashNode), new(HashNode))
+		})
+		t.Run("InvalidSize", func(t *testing.T) {
+			buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
+			buf.BinWriter.WriteVarBytes(make([]byte, 13))
+			require.Error(t, testserdes.DecodeBinary(buf.Bytes(), new(HashNode)))
+		})
+	})
+	t.Run("Invalid", func(t *testing.T) {
+		require.Error(t, testserdes.DecodeBinary([]byte{0xFF}, new(NodeObject)))
+	})
+// C# interoperability test
+// https://github.com/neo-project/neo/blob/neox-2.x/neo.UnitTests/UT_MPTTrie.cs#L135
+func TestRootHash(t *testing.T) {
+	b := NewBranchNode()
+	r := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x0A, 0x0C}, b)
+	v1 := NewLeafNode([]byte{0xAB, 0xCD})
+	l1 := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x01}, v1)
+	b.Children[0] = l1
+	v2 := NewLeafNode([]byte{0x22, 0x22})
+	l2 := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x09}, v2)
+	b.Children[9] = l2
+	r1 := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x0A, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x01}, v1)
+	require.Equal(t, "dea3ab46e9461e885ed7091c1e533e0a8030b248d39cbc638962394eaca0fbb3", r1.Hash().StringLE())
+	require.Equal(t, "93e8e1ffe2f83dd92fca67330e273bcc811bf64b8f8d9d1b25d5e7366b47d60d", r.Hash().StringLE())
diff --git a/pkg/core/mpt/trie.go b/pkg/core/mpt/trie.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9589fde3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/core/mpt/trie.go
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+package mpt
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"errors"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/core/storage"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/crypto/hash"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/io"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/util"
+// Trie is an MPT trie storing all key-value pairs.
+type Trie struct {
+	Store *storage.MemCachedStore
+	root Node
+// ErrNotFound is returned when requested trie item is missing.
+var ErrNotFound = errors.New("item not found")
+// NewTrie returns new MPT trie. It accepts a MemCachedStore to decouple storage errors from logic errors
+// so that all storage errors are processed during `store.Persist()` at the caller.
+// This also has the benefit, that every `Put` can be considered an atomic operation.
+func NewTrie(root Node, store *storage.MemCachedStore) *Trie {
+	if root == nil {
+		root = new(HashNode)
+	}
+	return &Trie{
+		Store: store,
+		root:  root,
+	}
+// Get returns value for the provided key in t.
+func (t *Trie) Get(key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+	path := toNibbles(key)
+	r, bs, err := t.getWithPath(t.root, path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	t.root = r
+	return bs, nil
+// getWithPath returns value the provided path in a subtrie rooting in curr.
+// It also returns a current node with all hash nodes along the path
+// replaced to their "unhashed" counterparts.
+func (t *Trie) getWithPath(curr Node, path []byte) (Node, []byte, error) {
+	switch n := curr.(type) {
+	case *LeafNode:
+		if len(path) == 0 {
+			return curr, copySlice(n.value), nil
+		}
+	case *BranchNode:
+		i, path := splitPath(path)
+		r, bs, err := t.getWithPath(n.Children[i], path)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, nil, err
+		}
+		n.Children[i] = r
+		return n, bs, nil
+	case *HashNode:
+		if !n.IsEmpty() {
+			if r, err := t.getFromStore(n.hash); err == nil {
+				return t.getWithPath(r, path)
+			}
+		}
+	case *ExtensionNode:
+		if bytes.HasPrefix(path, n.key) {
+			r, bs, err := t.getWithPath(n.next, path[len(n.key):])
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, nil, err
+			}
+			n.next = r
+			return curr, bs, err
+		}
+	default:
+		panic("invalid MPT node type")
+	}
+	return curr, nil, ErrNotFound
+// Put puts key-value pair in t.
+func (t *Trie) Put(key, value []byte) error {
+	if len(key) > MaxKeyLength {
+		return errors.New("key is too big")
+	} else if len(value) > MaxValueLength {
+		return errors.New("value is too big")
+	}
+	if len(value) == 0 {
+		return t.Delete(key)
+	}
+	path := toNibbles(key)
+	n := NewLeafNode(value)
+	r, err := t.putIntoNode(t.root, path, n)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	t.root = r
+	return nil
+// putIntoLeaf puts val to trie if current node is a Leaf.
+// It returns Node if curr needs to be replaced and error if any.
+func (t *Trie) putIntoLeaf(curr *LeafNode, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
+	v := val.(*LeafNode)
+	if len(path) == 0 {
+		return v, nil
+	}
+	b := NewBranchNode()
+	b.Children[path[0]] = newSubTrie(path[1:], v)
+	b.Children[lastChild] = curr
+	return b, nil
+// putIntoBranch puts val to trie if current node is a Branch.
+// It returns Node if curr needs to be replaced and error if any.
+func (t *Trie) putIntoBranch(curr *BranchNode, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
+	i, path := splitPath(path)
+	r, err := t.putIntoNode(curr.Children[i], path, val)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	curr.Children[i] = r
+	curr.invalidateHash()
+	return curr, nil
+// putIntoExtension puts val to trie if current node is an Extension.
+// It returns Node if curr needs to be replaced and error if any.
+func (t *Trie) putIntoExtension(curr *ExtensionNode, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
+	if bytes.HasPrefix(path, curr.key) {
+		r, err := t.putIntoNode(curr.next, path[len(curr.key):], val)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		curr.next = r
+		curr.invalidateHash()
+		return curr, nil
+	}
+	pref := lcp(curr.key, path)
+	lp := len(pref)
+	keyTail := curr.key[lp:]
+	pathTail := path[lp:]
+	s1 := newSubTrie(keyTail[1:], curr.next)
+	b := NewBranchNode()
+	b.Children[keyTail[0]] = s1
+	i, pathTail := splitPath(pathTail)
+	s2 := newSubTrie(pathTail, val)
+	b.Children[i] = s2
+	if lp > 0 {
+		return NewExtensionNode(copySlice(pref), b), nil
+	}
+	return b, nil
+// putIntoHash puts val to trie if current node is a HashNode.
+// It returns Node if curr needs to be replaced and error if any.
+func (t *Trie) putIntoHash(curr *HashNode, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
+	if curr.IsEmpty() {
+		return newSubTrie(path, val), nil
+	}
+	result, err := t.getFromStore(curr.hash)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return t.putIntoNode(result, path, val)
+// newSubTrie create new trie containing node at provided path.
+func newSubTrie(path []byte, val Node) Node {
+	if len(path) == 0 {
+		return val
+	}
+	return NewExtensionNode(path, val)
+func (t *Trie) putIntoNode(curr Node, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
+	switch n := curr.(type) {
+	case *LeafNode:
+		return t.putIntoLeaf(n, path, val)
+	case *BranchNode:
+		return t.putIntoBranch(n, path, val)
+	case *ExtensionNode:
+		return t.putIntoExtension(n, path, val)
+	case *HashNode:
+		return t.putIntoHash(n, path, val)
+	default:
+		panic("invalid MPT node type")
+	}
+// Delete removes key from trie.
+// It returns no error on missing key.
+func (t *Trie) Delete(key []byte) error {
+	path := toNibbles(key)
+	r, err := t.deleteFromNode(t.root, path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	t.root = r
+	return nil
+func (t *Trie) deleteFromBranch(b *BranchNode, path []byte) (Node, error) {
+	i, path := splitPath(path)
+	r, err := t.deleteFromNode(b.Children[i], path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	b.Children[i] = r
+	b.invalidateHash()
+	var count, index int
+	for i := range b.Children {
+		h, ok := b.Children[i].(*HashNode)
+		if !ok || !h.IsEmpty() {
+			index = i
+			count++
+		}
+	}
+	// count is >= 1 because branch node had at least 2 children before deletion.
+	if count > 1 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	c := b.Children[index]
+	if index == lastChild {
+		return c, nil
+	}
+	if h, ok := c.(*HashNode); ok {
+		c, err = t.getFromStore(h.Hash())
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+	}
+	if e, ok := c.(*ExtensionNode); ok {
+		e.key = append([]byte{byte(index)}, e.key...)
+		e.invalidateHash()
+		return e, nil
+	}
+	return NewExtensionNode([]byte{byte(index)}, c), nil
+func (t *Trie) deleteFromExtension(n *ExtensionNode, path []byte) (Node, error) {
+	if !bytes.HasPrefix(path, n.key) {
+		return nil, ErrNotFound
+	}
+	r, err := t.deleteFromNode(n.next, path[len(n.key):])
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	switch nxt := r.(type) {
+	case *ExtensionNode:
+		n.key = append(n.key, nxt.key...)
+		n.next = nxt.next
+		n.invalidateHash()
+	case *HashNode:
+		if nxt.IsEmpty() {
+			return nxt, nil
+		}
+	default:
+		n.next = r
+	}
+	return n, nil
+func (t *Trie) deleteFromNode(curr Node, path []byte) (Node, error) {
+	switch n := curr.(type) {
+	case *LeafNode:
+		if len(path) == 0 {
+			return new(HashNode), nil
+		}
+		return nil, ErrNotFound
+	case *BranchNode:
+		return t.deleteFromBranch(n, path)
+	case *ExtensionNode:
+		return t.deleteFromExtension(n, path)
+	case *HashNode:
+		if n.IsEmpty() {
+			return nil, ErrNotFound
+		}
+		newNode, err := t.getFromStore(n.Hash())
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		return t.deleteFromNode(newNode, path)
+	default:
+		panic("invalid MPT node type")
+	}
+// StateRoot returns root hash of t.
+func (t *Trie) StateRoot() util.Uint256 {
+	if hn, ok := t.root.(*HashNode); ok && hn.IsEmpty() {
+		return util.Uint256{}
+	}
+	return t.root.Hash()
+func makeStorageKey(mptKey []byte) []byte {
+	return append([]byte{byte(storage.DataMPT)}, mptKey...)
+// Flush puts every node in the trie except Hash ones to the storage.
+// Because we care only about block-level changes, there is no need to put every
+// new node to storage. Normally, flush should be called with every StateRoot persist, i.e.
+// after every block.
+func (t *Trie) Flush() {
+	t.flush(t.root)
+func (t *Trie) flush(node Node) {
+	switch n := node.(type) {
+	case *BranchNode:
+		for i := range n.Children {
+			t.flush(n.Children[i])
+		}
+	case *ExtensionNode:
+		t.flush(n.next)
+	case *HashNode:
+		return
+	}
+	t.putToStore(node)
+func (t *Trie) putToStore(n Node) {
+	if n.Type() == HashT {
+		panic("can't put hash node in trie")
+	}
+	bs := toBytes(n)
+	h := hash.DoubleSha256(bs)
+	_ = t.Store.Put(makeStorageKey(h.BytesBE()), bs) // put in MemCached returns no errors
+func (t *Trie) getFromStore(h util.Uint256) (Node, error) {
+	data, err := t.Store.Get(makeStorageKey(h.BytesBE()))
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	var n NodeObject
+	r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(data)
+	n.DecodeBinary(r)
+	if r.Err != nil {
+		return nil, r.Err
+	}
+	return n.Node, nil
diff --git a/pkg/core/mpt/trie_test.go b/pkg/core/mpt/trie_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..470e0c8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/core/mpt/trie_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+package mpt
+import (
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/core/storage"
+	"github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/internal/random"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
+func newTestStore() *storage.MemCachedStore {
+	return storage.NewMemCachedStore(storage.NewMemoryStore())
+func newTestTrie(t *testing.T) *Trie {
+	b := NewBranchNode()
+	l1 := NewLeafNode([]byte{0xAB, 0xCD})
+	b.Children[0] = NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x01}, l1)
+	l2 := NewLeafNode([]byte{0x22, 0x22})
+	b.Children[9] = NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x09}, l2)
+	v := NewLeafNode([]byte("hello"))
+	h := NewHashNode(v.Hash())
+	b.Children[10] = NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x0e}, h)
+	e := NewExtensionNode(toNibbles([]byte{0xAC}), b)
+	tr := NewTrie(e, newTestStore())
+	tr.putToStore(e)
+	tr.putToStore(b)
+	tr.putToStore(l1)
+	tr.putToStore(l2)
+	tr.putToStore(v)
+	tr.putToStore(b.Children[0])
+	tr.putToStore(b.Children[9])
+	tr.putToStore(b.Children[10])
+	return tr
+func TestTrie_PutIntoBranchNode(t *testing.T) {
+	b := NewBranchNode()
+	l := NewLeafNode([]byte{0x8})
+	b.Children[0x7] = NewHashNode(l.Hash())
+	b.Children[0x8] = NewHashNode(random.Uint256())
+	tr := NewTrie(b, newTestStore())
+	// next
+	require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte{}, []byte{0x12, 0x34}))
+	tr.testHas(t, []byte{}, []byte{0x12, 0x34})
+	// empty hash node child
+	require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte{0x66}, []byte{0x56}))
+	tr.testHas(t, []byte{0x66}, []byte{0x56})
+	require.True(t, isValid(tr.root))
+	// missing hash
+	require.Error(t, tr.Put([]byte{0x70}, []byte{0x42}))
+	require.True(t, isValid(tr.root))
+	// hash is in store
+	tr.putToStore(l)
+	require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte{0x70}, []byte{0x42}))
+	require.True(t, isValid(tr.root))
+func TestTrie_PutIntoExtensionNode(t *testing.T) {
+	l := NewLeafNode([]byte{0x11})
+	key := []byte{0x12}
+	e := NewExtensionNode(toNibbles(key), NewHashNode(l.Hash()))
+	tr := NewTrie(e, newTestStore())
+	// missing hash
+	require.Error(t, tr.Put(key, []byte{0x42}))
+	tr.putToStore(l)
+	require.NoError(t, tr.Put(key, []byte{0x42}))
+	tr.testHas(t, key, []byte{0x42})
+	require.True(t, isValid(tr.root))
+func TestTrie_PutIntoHashNode(t *testing.T) {
+	b := NewBranchNode()
+	l := NewLeafNode(random.Bytes(5))
+	e := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x02}, l)
+	b.Children[1] = NewHashNode(e.Hash())
+	b.Children[9] = NewHashNode(random.Uint256())
+	tr := NewTrie(b, newTestStore())
+	tr.putToStore(e)
+	t.Run("MissingLeafHash", func(t *testing.T) {
+		_, err := tr.Get([]byte{0x12})
+		require.Error(t, err)
+	})
+	tr.putToStore(l)
+	val := random.Bytes(3)
+	require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte{0x12, 0x34}, val))
+	tr.testHas(t, []byte{0x12, 0x34}, val)
+	tr.testHas(t, []byte{0x12}, l.value)
+	require.True(t, isValid(tr.root))
+func TestTrie_Put(t *testing.T) {
+	trExp := newTestTrie(t)
+	trAct := NewTrie(nil, newTestStore())
+	require.NoError(t, trAct.Put([]byte{0xAC, 0x01}, []byte{0xAB, 0xCD}))
+	require.NoError(t, trAct.Put([]byte{0xAC, 0x99}, []byte{0x22, 0x22}))
+	require.NoError(t, trAct.Put([]byte{0xAC, 0xAE}, []byte("hello")))
+	// Note: the exact tries differ because of ("acae":"hello") node is stored as Hash node in test trie.
+	require.Equal(t, trExp.root.Hash(), trAct.root.Hash())
+	require.True(t, isValid(trAct.root))
+func TestTrie_PutInvalid(t *testing.T) {
+	tr := NewTrie(nil, newTestStore())
+	key, value := []byte("key"), []byte("value")
+	// big key
+	require.Error(t, tr.Put(make([]byte, MaxKeyLength+1), value))
+	// big value
+	require.Error(t, tr.Put(key, make([]byte, MaxValueLength+1)))
+	// this is ok though
+	require.NoError(t, tr.Put(key, value))
+	tr.testHas(t, key, value)
+func TestTrie_BigPut(t *testing.T) {
+	tr := NewTrie(nil, newTestStore())
+	items := []struct{ k, v string }{
+		{"item with long key", "value1"},
+		{"item with matching prefix", "value2"},
+		{"another prefix", "value3"},
+		{"another prefix 2", "value4"},
+		{"another ", "value5"},
+	}
+	for i := range items {
+		require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte(items[i].k), []byte(items[i].v)))
+	}
+	for i := range items {
+		tr.testHas(t, []byte(items[i].k), []byte(items[i].v))
+	}
+	t.Run("Rewrite", func(t *testing.T) {
+		k, v := []byte(items[0].k), []byte{0x01, 0x23}
+		require.NoError(t, tr.Put(k, v))
+		tr.testHas(t, k, v)
+	})
+	t.Run("Remove", func(t *testing.T) {
+		k := []byte(items[1].k)
+		require.NoError(t, tr.Put(k, []byte{}))
+		tr.testHas(t, k, nil)
+	})
+func (tr *Trie) testHas(t *testing.T, key, value []byte) {
+	v, err := tr.Get(key)
+	if value == nil {
+		require.Error(t, err)
+		return
+	}
+	require.NoError(t, err)
+	require.Equal(t, value, v)
+// isValid checks for 3 invariants:
+// - BranchNode contains > 1 children
+// - ExtensionNode do not contain another extension node
+// - ExtensionNode do not have nil key
+// It is used only during testing to catch possible bugs.
+func isValid(curr Node) bool {
+	switch n := curr.(type) {
+	case *BranchNode:
+		var count int
+		for i := range n.Children {
+			if !isValid(n.Children[i]) {
+				return false
+			}
+			hn, ok := n.Children[i].(*HashNode)
+			if !ok || !hn.IsEmpty() {
+				count++
+			}
+		}
+		return count > 1
+	case *ExtensionNode:
+		_, ok := n.next.(*ExtensionNode)
+		return len(n.key) != 0 && !ok
+	default:
+		return true
+	}
+func TestTrie_Get(t *testing.T) {
+	t.Run("HashNode", func(t *testing.T) {
+		tr := newTestTrie(t)
+		tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xAC, 0xAE}, []byte("hello"))
+	})
+	t.Run("UnfoldRoot", func(t *testing.T) {
+		tr := newTestTrie(t)
+		single := NewTrie(NewHashNode(tr.root.Hash()), tr.Store)
+		single.testHas(t, []byte{0xAC}, nil)
+		single.testHas(t, []byte{0xAC, 0x01}, []byte{0xAB, 0xCD})
+		single.testHas(t, []byte{0xAC, 0x99}, []byte{0x22, 0x22})
+		single.testHas(t, []byte{0xAC, 0xAE}, []byte("hello"))
+	})
+func TestTrie_Flush(t *testing.T) {
+	pairs := map[string][]byte{
+		"":     []byte("value0"),
+		"key1": []byte("value1"),
+		"key2": []byte("value2"),
+	}
+	tr := NewTrie(nil, newTestStore())
+	for k, v := range pairs {
+		require.NoError(t, tr.Put([]byte(k), v))
+	}
+	tr.Flush()
+	tr = NewTrie(NewHashNode(tr.StateRoot()), tr.Store)
+	for k, v := range pairs {
+		actual, err := tr.Get([]byte(k))
+		require.NoError(t, err)
+		require.Equal(t, v, actual)
+	}
+func TestTrie_Delete(t *testing.T) {
+	t.Run("Hash", func(t *testing.T) {
+		t.Run("FromStore", func(t *testing.T) {
+			l := NewLeafNode([]byte{0x12})
+			tr := NewTrie(NewHashNode(l.Hash()), newTestStore())
+			t.Run("NotInStore", func(t *testing.T) {
+				require.Error(t, tr.Delete([]byte{}))
+			})
+			tr.putToStore(l)
+			tr.testHas(t, []byte{}, []byte{0x12})
+			require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{}))
+			tr.testHas(t, []byte{}, nil)
+		})
+		t.Run("Empty", func(t *testing.T) {
+			tr := NewTrie(nil, newTestStore())
+			require.Error(t, tr.Delete([]byte{}))
+		})
+	})
+	t.Run("Leaf", func(t *testing.T) {
+		l := NewLeafNode([]byte{0x12, 0x34})
+		tr := NewTrie(l, newTestStore())
+		t.Run("NonExistentKey", func(t *testing.T) {
+			require.Error(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0x12}))
+			tr.testHas(t, []byte{}, []byte{0x12, 0x34})
+		})
+		require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{}))
+		tr.testHas(t, []byte{}, nil)
+	})
+	t.Run("Extension", func(t *testing.T) {
+		t.Run("SingleKey", func(t *testing.T) {
+			l := NewLeafNode([]byte{0x12, 0x34})
+			e := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x0A, 0x0B}, l)
+			tr := NewTrie(e, newTestStore())
+			t.Run("NonExistentKey", func(t *testing.T) {
+				require.Error(t, tr.Delete([]byte{}))
+				tr.testHas(t, []byte{0xAB}, []byte{0x12, 0x34})
+			})
+			require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0xAB}))
+			require.True(t, tr.root.(*HashNode).IsEmpty())
+		})
+		t.Run("MultipleKeys", func(t *testing.T) {
+			b := NewBranchNode()
+			b.Children[0] = NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x01}, NewLeafNode([]byte{0x12, 0x34}))
+			b.Children[6] = NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x07}, NewLeafNode([]byte{0x56, 0x78}))
+			e := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x01, 0x02}, b)
+			tr := NewTrie(e, newTestStore())
+			h := e.Hash()
+			require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0x12, 0x01}))
+			tr.testHas(t, []byte{0x12, 0x01}, nil)
+			tr.testHas(t, []byte{0x12, 0x67}, []byte{0x56, 0x78})
+			require.NotEqual(t, h, tr.root.Hash())
+			require.Equal(t, toNibbles([]byte{0x12, 0x67}), e.key)
+			require.IsType(t, (*LeafNode)(nil), e.next)
+		})
+	})
+	t.Run("Branch", func(t *testing.T) {
+		t.Run("3 Children", func(t *testing.T) {
+			b := NewBranchNode()
+			b.Children[lastChild] = NewLeafNode([]byte{0x12})
+			b.Children[0] = NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x01}, NewLeafNode([]byte{0x34}))
+			b.Children[1] = NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x06}, NewLeafNode([]byte{0x56}))
+			tr := NewTrie(b, newTestStore())
+			require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0x16}))
+			tr.testHas(t, []byte{}, []byte{0x12})
+			tr.testHas(t, []byte{0x01}, []byte{0x34})
+			tr.testHas(t, []byte{0x16}, nil)
+		})
+		t.Run("2 Children", func(t *testing.T) {
+			newt := func(t *testing.T) *Trie {
+				b := NewBranchNode()
+				b.Children[lastChild] = NewLeafNode([]byte{0x12})
+				l := NewLeafNode([]byte{0x34})
+				e := NewExtensionNode([]byte{0x06}, l)
+				b.Children[5] = NewHashNode(e.Hash())
+				tr := NewTrie(b, newTestStore())
+				tr.putToStore(l)
+				tr.putToStore(e)
+				return tr
+			}
+			t.Run("DeleteLast", func(t *testing.T) {
+				t.Run("MergeExtension", func(t *testing.T) {
+					tr := newt(t)
+					require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{}))
+					tr.testHas(t, []byte{}, nil)
+					tr.testHas(t, []byte{0x56}, []byte{0x34})
+					require.IsType(t, (*ExtensionNode)(nil), tr.root)
+				})
+				t.Run("LeaveLeaf", func(t *testing.T) {
+					c := NewBranchNode()
+					c.Children[5] = NewLeafNode([]byte{0x05})
+					c.Children[6] = NewLeafNode([]byte{0x06})
+					b := NewBranchNode()
+					b.Children[lastChild] = NewLeafNode([]byte{0x12})
+					b.Children[5] = c
+					tr := NewTrie(b, newTestStore())
+					require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{}))
+					tr.testHas(t, []byte{}, nil)
+					tr.testHas(t, []byte{0x55}, []byte{0x05})
+					tr.testHas(t, []byte{0x56}, []byte{0x06})
+					require.IsType(t, (*ExtensionNode)(nil), tr.root)
+				})
+			})
+			t.Run("DeleteMiddle", func(t *testing.T) {
+				tr := newt(t)
+				require.NoError(t, tr.Delete([]byte{0x56}))
+				tr.testHas(t, []byte{}, []byte{0x12})
+				tr.testHas(t, []byte{0x56}, nil)
+				require.IsType(t, (*LeafNode)(nil), tr.root)
+			})
+		})
+	})
+func TestTrie_PanicInvalidRoot(t *testing.T) {
+	tr := &Trie{Store: newTestStore()}
+	require.Panics(t, func() { _ = tr.Put([]byte{1}, []byte{2}) })
+	require.Panics(t, func() { _, _ = tr.Get([]byte{1}) })
+	require.Panics(t, func() { _ = tr.Delete([]byte{1}) })
diff --git a/pkg/core/storage/store.go b/pkg/core/storage/store.go
index 5e70334ed..575c42ba3 100644
--- a/pkg/core/storage/store.go
+++ b/pkg/core/storage/store.go
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
 const (
 	DataBlock        KeyPrefix = 0x01
 	DataTransaction  KeyPrefix = 0x02
+	DataMPT          KeyPrefix = 0x03
 	STAccount        KeyPrefix = 0x40
 	STNotification   KeyPrefix = 0x4d
 	STContract       KeyPrefix = 0x50