rpcclient: introduce NEO wrapper
Notice that int64 types are used for gas per block or registration price because the price has to fit into the system fee limitation and gas per block value can't be more than 10 GAS. We use int64 for votes as well in other types since NEO is limited to 100M.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 1201 additions and 156 deletions
@ -13,18 +13,15 @@ import (
@ -287,23 +284,14 @@ func queryVoter(ctx *cli.Context) error {
return exitErr
neoHash, err := c.GetNativeContractHash(nativenames.Neo)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Errorf("failed to get NEO contract hash: %w", err), 1)
inv := invoker.New(c, nil)
neoToken := nep17.NewReader(inv, neoHash)
neoToken := neo.NewReader(invoker.New(c, nil))
itm, err := unwrap.Item(inv.Call(neoHash, "getAccountState", addr))
st, err := neoToken.GetAccountState(addr)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
st := new(state.NEOBalance)
if _, ok := itm.(stackitem.Null); !ok {
err = st.FromStackItem(itm)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Errorf("failed to convert account state from stackitem: %w", err), 1)
if st == nil {
st = new(state.NEOBalance)
dec, err := neoToken.Decimals()
if err != nil {
@ -12,14 +12,13 @@ import (
@ -248,12 +247,15 @@ func getNEP17Balance(ctx *cli.Context) error {
if gasSymbol != name {
neoSymbol, h, err = getNativeNEP17Symbol(c, nativenames.Neo)
n := neo.NewReader(invoker.New(c, nil))
neoSymbol, err = n.Symbol()
if err != nil {
if neoSymbol != name {
} else {
h = neo.Hash
} else {
h = gas.Hash
@ -287,19 +289,6 @@ func printAssetBalance(ctx *cli.Context, asset util.Uint160, tokenName, tokenSym
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.App.Writer, "\tUpdated: %d\n", balance.LastUpdated)
func getNativeNEP17Symbol(c *rpcclient.Client, name string) (string, util.Uint160, error) {
h, err := c.GetNativeContractHash(name)
if err != nil {
return "", util.Uint160{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get native %s hash: %w", name, err)
nepTok := nep17.NewReader(invoker.New(c, nil), h)
symbol, err := nepTok.Symbol()
if err != nil {
return "", util.Uint160{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get native %s symbol: %w", name, err)
return symbol, h, nil
func getMatchingToken(ctx *cli.Context, w *wallet.Wallet, name string, standard string) (*wallet.Token, error) {
return getMatchingTokenAux(ctx, func(i int) *wallet.Token {
return w.Extra.Tokens[i]
@ -7,15 +7,12 @@ import (
@ -78,24 +75,18 @@ func newValidatorCommands() []cli.Command {
func handleRegister(ctx *cli.Context) error {
return handleCandidate(ctx, true)
return handleNeoAction(ctx, func(contract *neo.Contract, _ util.Uint160, acc *wallet.Account) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return contract.RegisterCandidateUnsigned(acc.PrivateKey().PublicKey())
func handleUnregister(ctx *cli.Context) error {
return handleCandidate(ctx, false)
return handleNeoAction(ctx, func(contract *neo.Contract, _ util.Uint160, acc *wallet.Account) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return contract.UnregisterCandidateUnsigned(acc.PrivateKey().PublicKey())
func handleCandidate(ctx *cli.Context, register bool) error {
const (
regMethod = "registerCandidate"
unregMethod = "unregisterCandidate"
var (
err error
script []byte
sysGas int64
func handleNeoAction(ctx *cli.Context, mkTx func(*neo.Contract, util.Uint160, *wallet.Account) (*transaction.Transaction, error)) error {
if err := cmdargs.EnsureNone(ctx); err != nil {
return err
@ -121,124 +112,42 @@ func handleCandidate(ctx *cli.Context, register bool) error {
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
act, err := actor.NewSimple(c, acc)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Errorf("RPC actor issue: %w", err), 1)
gas := flags.Fixed8FromContext(ctx, "gas")
neoContractHash, err := c.GetNativeContractHash(nativenames.Neo)
if err != nil {
return err
unregScript, err := smartcontract.CreateCallWithAssertScript(neoContractHash, unregMethod, acc.PrivateKey().PublicKey().Bytes())
contract := neo.New(act)
tx, err := mkTx(contract, addr, acc)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
if !register {
script = unregScript
} else {
script, err = smartcontract.CreateCallWithAssertScript(neoContractHash, regMethod, acc.PrivateKey().PublicKey().Bytes())
tx.NetworkFee += int64(gas)
res, _, err := act.SignAndSend(tx)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
// Registration price is normally much bigger than MaxGasInvoke, so to
// determine proper amount of GAS we _always_ run unreg script and then
// add registration price to it if needed.
r, err := act.Run(unregScript)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Errorf("Run failure: %w", err), 1)
sysGas = r.GasConsumed
if register {
// Deregistration will fail, so there is no point in checking State.
regPrice, err := c.GetCandidateRegisterPrice()
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
sysGas += regPrice
} else if r.State != vmstate.Halt.String() {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Errorf("unregister transaction failed: %s", r.FaultException), 1)
res, _, err := act.SendUncheckedRun(script, sysGas, nil, func(t *transaction.Transaction) error {
t.NetworkFee += int64(gas)
return nil
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Errorf("failed to push transaction: %w", err), 1)
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Errorf("failed to sign/send transaction: %w", err), 1)
fmt.Fprintln(ctx.App.Writer, res.StringLE())
return nil
func handleVote(ctx *cli.Context) error {
if err := cmdargs.EnsureNone(ctx); err != nil {
return err
wall, pass, err := readWallet(ctx)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
addrFlag := ctx.Generic("address").(*flags.Address)
if !addrFlag.IsSet {
return cli.NewExitError("address was not provided", 1)
addr := addrFlag.Uint160()
acc, err := getDecryptedAccount(wall, addr, pass)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
var pub *keys.PublicKey
return handleNeoAction(ctx, func(contract *neo.Contract, addr util.Uint160, acc *wallet.Account) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
var (
err error
pub *keys.PublicKey
pubStr := ctx.String("candidate")
if pubStr != "" {
pub, err = keys.NewPublicKeyFromString(pubStr)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Errorf("invalid public key: '%s'", pubStr), 1)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid public key: '%s'", pubStr)
gctx, cancel := options.GetTimeoutContext(ctx)
defer cancel()
c, err := options.GetRPCClient(gctx, ctx)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
act, err := actor.NewSimple(c, acc)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Errorf("RPC actor issue: %w", err), 1)
var pubArg interface{}
if pub != nil {
pubArg = pub.Bytes()
gas := flags.Fixed8FromContext(ctx, "gas")
neoContractHash, err := c.GetNativeContractHash(nativenames.Neo)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
script, err := smartcontract.CreateCallWithAssertScript(neoContractHash, "vote", addr.BytesBE(), pubArg)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
res, _, err := act.SendTunedRun(script, nil, func(r *result.Invoke, t *transaction.Transaction) error {
if r.State != vmstate.Halt.String() {
return fmt.Errorf("invocation failed: %s", r.FaultException)
t.NetworkFee += int64(gas)
return nil
return contract.VoteUnsigned(addr, pub)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Errorf("failed to push invocation transaction: %w", err), 1)
fmt.Fprintln(ctx.App.Writer, res.StringLE())
return nil
// getDecryptedAccount tries to unlock the specified account. If password is nil, it will be requested via terminal.
@ -15,11 +15,10 @@ import (
@ -336,11 +335,7 @@ func claimGas(ctx *cli.Context) error {
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
neoContractHash, err := c.GetNativeContractHash(nativenames.Neo)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
neoToken := nep17.New(act, neoContractHash)
neoToken := neo.New(act)
hash, _, err := neoToken.Transfer(scriptHash, scriptHash, big.NewInt(0), nil)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
@ -36,11 +36,15 @@ func (c *Client) GetNNSPrice(nnsHash util.Uint160) (int64, error) {
// GetGasPerBlock invokes `getGasPerBlock` method on a native NEO contract.
// Deprecated: please use neo subpackage. This method will be removed in future releases.
func (c *Client) GetGasPerBlock() (int64, error) {
return c.getFromNEO("getGasPerBlock")
// GetCandidateRegisterPrice invokes `getRegisterPrice` method on native NEO contract.
// Deprecated: please use neo subpackage. This method will be removed in future releases.
func (c *Client) GetCandidateRegisterPrice() (int64, error) {
return c.getFromNEO("getRegisterPrice")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
Package neo provides an RPC-based wrapper for the NEOToken contract.
Safe methods are encapsulated into ContractReader structure while Contract provides
various methods to perform state-changing calls.
package neo
import (
const (
setGasMethod = "setGasPerBlock"
setRegMethod = "setRegisterPrice"
// Invoker is used by ContractReader to perform read-only calls.
type Invoker interface {
CallAndExpandIterator(contract util.Uint160, method string, maxItems int, params ...interface{}) (*result.Invoke, error)
TerminateSession(sessionID uuid.UUID) error
TraverseIterator(sessionID uuid.UUID, iterator *result.Iterator, num int) ([]stackitem.Item, error)
// Actor is used by Contract to create and send transactions.
type Actor interface {
Run(script []byte) (*result.Invoke, error)
MakeCall(contract util.Uint160, method string, params ...interface{}) (*transaction.Transaction, error)
MakeUnsignedCall(contract util.Uint160, method string, attrs []transaction.Attribute, params ...interface{}) (*transaction.Transaction, error)
MakeUnsignedUncheckedRun(script []byte, sysFee int64, attrs []transaction.Attribute) (*transaction.Transaction, error)
SendCall(contract util.Uint160, method string, params ...interface{}) (util.Uint256, uint32, error)
Sign(tx *transaction.Transaction) error
SignAndSend(tx *transaction.Transaction) (util.Uint256, uint32, error)
// ContractReader represents safe (read-only) methods of NEO. It can be
// used to query various data.
type ContractReader struct {
invoker Invoker
// Contract provides full NEO interface, both safe and state-changing methods.
type Contract struct {
actor Actor
// CandidateStateEvent represents a CandidateStateChanged NEO event.
type CandidateStateEvent struct {
Key *keys.PublicKey
Registered bool
Votes *big.Int
// VoteEvent represents a Vote NEO event.
type VoteEvent struct {
Account util.Uint160
From *keys.PublicKey
To *keys.PublicKey
Amount *big.Int
// ValidatorIterator is used for iterating over GetAllCandidates results.
type ValidatorIterator struct {
client Invoker
session uuid.UUID
iterator result.Iterator
// Hash stores the hash of the native NEOToken contract.
var Hash = state.CreateNativeContractHash(nativenames.Neo)
// NewReader creates an instance of ContractReader to get data from the NEO
// contract.
func NewReader(invoker Invoker) *ContractReader {
return &ContractReader{*nep17.NewReader(invoker, Hash), invoker}
// New creates an instance of Contract to perform state-changing actions in the
// NEO contract.
func New(actor Actor) *Contract {
return &Contract{*NewReader(actor), *nep17.New(actor, Hash), actor}
// GetAccountState returns current NEO balance state for the account which
// includes balance and voting data. It can return nil balance with no error
// if the account given has no NEO.
func (c *ContractReader) GetAccountState(account util.Uint160) (*state.NEOBalance, error) {
itm, err := unwrap.Item(c.invoker.Call(Hash, "getAccountState", account))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, ok := itm.(stackitem.Null); ok {
return nil, nil
res := new(state.NEOBalance)
err = res.FromStackItem(itm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// GetAllCandidates returns an iterator that allows to retrieve all registered
// validators from it. It depends on the server to provide proper session-based
// iterator, but can also work with expanded one.
func (c *ContractReader) GetAllCandidates() (*ValidatorIterator, error) {
sess, iter, err := unwrap.SessionIterator(c.invoker.Call(Hash, "getAllCandidates"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ValidatorIterator{
client: c.invoker,
iterator: iter,
session: sess,
}, nil
// GetAllCandidatesExpanded is similar to GetAllCandidates (uses the same NEO
// method), but can be useful if the server used doesn't support sessions and
// doesn't expand iterators. It creates a script that will get num of result
// items from the iterator right in the VM and return them to you. It's only
// limited by VM stack and GAS available for RPC invocations.
func (c *ContractReader) GetAllCandidatesExpanded(num int) ([]result.Validator, error) {
arr, err := unwrap.Array(c.invoker.CallAndExpandIterator(Hash, "getAllCandidates", num))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return itemsToValidators(arr)
// Next returns the next set of elements from the iterator (up to num of them).
// It can return less than num elements in case iterator doesn't have that many
// or zero elements if the iterator has no more elements or the session is
// expired.
func (v *ValidatorIterator) Next(num int) ([]result.Validator, error) {
items, err := v.client.TraverseIterator(v.session, &v.iterator, num)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return itemsToValidators(items)
// Terminate closes the iterator session used by ValidatorIterator (if it's
// session-based).
func (v *ValidatorIterator) Terminate() error {
if v.iterator.ID == nil {
return nil
return v.client.TerminateSession(v.session)
// GetCandidates returns the list of validators with their vote count. This
// method is mostly useful for historic invocations because the RPC protocol
// provides direct getcandidates call that returns more data and works faster.
// The contract only returns up to 256 candidates in response to this method, so
// if there are more of them on the network you will get a truncated result, use
// GetAllCandidates to solve this problem.
func (c *ContractReader) GetCandidates() ([]result.Validator, error) {
arr, err := unwrap.Array(c.invoker.Call(Hash, "getCandidates"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return itemsToValidators(arr)
func itemsToValidators(arr []stackitem.Item) ([]result.Validator, error) {
res := make([]result.Validator, len(arr))
for i, itm := range arr {
str, ok := itm.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("item #%d is not a structure", i)
if len(str) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("item #%d has wrong length", i)
b, err := str[0].TryBytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("item #%d has wrong key: %w", i, err)
k, err := keys.NewPublicKeyFromBytes(b, elliptic.P256())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("item #%d has wrong key: %w", i, err)
votes, err := str[1].TryInteger()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("item #%d has wrong votes: %w", i, err)
if !votes.IsInt64() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("item #%d has too big number of votes", i)
res[i].PublicKey = *k
res[i].Votes = votes.Int64()
return res, nil
// GetCommittee returns the list of committee member public keys. This
// method is mostly useful for historic invocations because the RPC protocol
// provides direct getcommittee call that works faster.
func (c *ContractReader) GetCommittee() (keys.PublicKeys, error) {
return unwrap.ArrayOfPublicKeys(c.invoker.Call(Hash, "getCommittee"))
// GetNextBlockValidators returns the list of validator keys that will sign the
// next block. This method is mostly useful for historic invocations because the
// RPC protocol provides direct getnextblockvalidators call that provides more
// data and works faster.
func (c *ContractReader) GetNextBlockValidators() (keys.PublicKeys, error) {
return unwrap.ArrayOfPublicKeys(c.invoker.Call(Hash, "getNextBlockValidators"))
// GetGasPerBlock returns the amount of GAS generated in each block.
func (c *ContractReader) GetGasPerBlock() (int64, error) {
return unwrap.Int64(c.invoker.Call(Hash, "getGasPerBlock"))
// GetRegisterPrice returns the price of candidate key registration.
func (c *ContractReader) GetRegisterPrice() (int64, error) {
return unwrap.Int64(c.invoker.Call(Hash, "getRegisterPrice"))
// UnclaimedGas allows to calculate the amount of GAS that will be generated if
// any NEO state change ("claim") is to happen for the given account at the given
// block number. This method is mostly useful for historic invocations because
// the RPC protocol provides direct getunclaimedgas method that works faster.
func (c *ContractReader) UnclaimedGas(account util.Uint160, end uint32) (*big.Int, error) {
return unwrap.BigInt(c.invoker.Call(Hash, "unclaimedGas", account, end))
// RegisterCandidate creates and sends a transaction that adds the given key to
// the list of candidates that can be voted for. The return result from the
// "registerCandidate" method is checked to be true, so transaction fails (with
// FAULT state) if not successful. Notice that for this call to work it must be
// witnessed by the simple account derived from the given key, so use an
// appropriate Actor. The returned values are transaction hash, its
// ValidUntilBlock value and an error if any.
// Notice that unlike for all other methods the script for this one is not
// test-executed in its final form because most networks have registration price
// set to be much higher than typical RPC server allows to spend during
// test-execution. This adds some risk that it might fail on-chain, but in
// practice it's not likely to happen if signers are set up correctly.
func (c *Contract) RegisterCandidate(k *keys.PublicKey) (util.Uint256, uint32, error) {
tx, err := c.RegisterCandidateUnsigned(k)
if err != nil {
return util.Uint256{}, 0, err
return c.actor.SignAndSend(tx)
// RegisterCandidateTransaction creates a transaction that adds the given key to
// the list of candidates that can be voted for. The return result from the
// "registerCandidate" method is checked to be true, so transaction fails (with
// FAULT state) if not successful. Notice that for this call to work it must be
// witnessed by the simple account derived from the given key, so use an
// appropriate Actor. The transaction is signed, but not sent to the network,
// instead it's returned to the caller.
// Notice that unlike for all other methods the script for this one is not
// test-executed in its final form because most networks have registration price
// set to be much higher than typical RPC server allows to spend during
// test-execution. This adds some risk that it might fail on-chain, but in
// practice it's not likely to happen if signers are set up correctly.
func (c *Contract) RegisterCandidateTransaction(k *keys.PublicKey) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
tx, err := c.RegisterCandidateUnsigned(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = c.actor.Sign(tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tx, nil
// RegisterCandidateUnsigned creates a transaction that adds the given key to
// the list of candidates that can be voted for. The return result from the
// "registerCandidate" method is checked to be true, so transaction fails (with
// FAULT state) if not successful. Notice that for this call to work it must be
// witnessed by the simple account derived from the given key, so use an
// appropriate Actor. The transaction is not signed and just returned to the
// caller.
// Notice that unlike for all other methods the script for this one is not
// test-executed in its final form because most networks have registration price
// set to be much higher than typical RPC server allows to spend during
// test-execution. This adds some risk that it might fail on-chain, but in
// practice it's not likely to happen if signers are set up correctly.
func (c *Contract) RegisterCandidateUnsigned(k *keys.PublicKey) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
// It's an unregister script intentionally.
r, err := c.actor.Run(regScript(true, k))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
regPrice, err := c.GetRegisterPrice()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.actor.MakeUnsignedUncheckedRun(regScript(false, k), r.GasConsumed+regPrice, nil)
// UnregisterCandidate creates and sends a transaction that removes the key from
// the list of candidates that can be voted for. The return result from the
// "unregisterCandidate" method is checked to be true, so transaction fails (with
// FAULT state) if not successful. Notice that for this call to work it must be
// witnessed by the simple account derived from the given key, so use an
// appropriate Actor. The returned values are transaction hash, its
// ValidUntilBlock value and an error if any.
func (c *Contract) UnregisterCandidate(k *keys.PublicKey) (util.Uint256, uint32, error) {
return c.actor.SendRun(regScript(true, k))
// UnregisterCandidateTransaction creates a transaction that removes the key from
// the list of candidates that can be voted for. The return result from the
// "unregisterCandidate" method is checked to be true, so transaction fails (with
// FAULT state) if not successful. Notice that for this call to work it must be
// witnessed by the simple account derived from the given key, so use an
// appropriate Actor. The transaction is signed, but not sent to the network,
// instead it's returned to the caller.
func (c *Contract) UnregisterCandidateTransaction(k *keys.PublicKey) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return c.actor.MakeRun(regScript(true, k))
// UnregisterCandidateUnsigned creates a transaction that removes the key from
// the list of candidates that can be voted for. The return result from the
// "unregisterCandidate" method is checked to be true, so transaction fails (with
// FAULT state) if not successful. Notice that for this call to work it must be
// witnessed by the simple account derived from the given key, so use an
// appropriate Actor. The transaction is not signed and just returned to the
// caller.
func (c *Contract) UnregisterCandidateUnsigned(k *keys.PublicKey) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return c.actor.MakeUnsignedRun(regScript(true, k), nil)
func regScript(unreg bool, k *keys.PublicKey) []byte {
var method = "registerCandidate"
if unreg {
method = "unregisterCandidate"
// We know parameters exactly (unlike with nep17.Transfer), so this can't fail.
script, _ := smartcontract.CreateCallWithAssertScript(Hash, method, k.Bytes())
return script
// Vote creates and sends a transaction that casts a vote from the given account
// to the given key which can be nil (in which case any previous vote is removed).
// The return result from the "vote" method is checked to be true, so transaction
// fails (with FAULT state) if voting is not successful. The returned values are
// transaction hash, its ValidUntilBlock value and an error if any.
func (c *Contract) Vote(account util.Uint160, voteTo *keys.PublicKey) (util.Uint256, uint32, error) {
return c.actor.SendRun(voteScript(account, voteTo))
// VoteTransaction creates a transaction that casts a vote from the given account
// to the given key which can be nil (in which case any previous vote is removed).
// The return result from the "vote" method is checked to be true, so transaction
// fails (with FAULT state) if voting is not successful. The transaction is signed,
// but not sent to the network, instead it's returned to the caller.
func (c *Contract) VoteTransaction(account util.Uint160, voteTo *keys.PublicKey) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return c.actor.MakeRun(voteScript(account, voteTo))
// VoteUnsigned creates a transaction that casts a vote from the given account
// to the given key which can be nil (in which case any previous vote is removed).
// The return result from the "vote" method is checked to be true, so transaction
// fails (with FAULT state) if voting is not successful. The transaction is not
// signed and just returned to the caller.
func (c *Contract) VoteUnsigned(account util.Uint160, voteTo *keys.PublicKey) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return c.actor.MakeUnsignedRun(voteScript(account, voteTo), nil)
func voteScript(account util.Uint160, voteTo *keys.PublicKey) []byte {
var param interface{}
if voteTo != nil {
param = voteTo.Bytes()
// We know parameters exactly (unlike with nep17.Transfer), so this can't fail.
script, _ := smartcontract.CreateCallWithAssertScript(Hash, "vote", account, param)
return script
// SetGasPerBlock creates and sends a transaction that sets the new amount of
// GAS to be generated in each block. The action is successful when transaction
// ends in HALT state. Notice that this setting can be changed only by the
// network's committee, so use an appropriate Actor. The returned values are
// transaction hash, its ValidUntilBlock value and an error if any.
func (c *Contract) SetGasPerBlock(gas int64) (util.Uint256, uint32, error) {
return c.actor.SendCall(Hash, setGasMethod, gas)
// SetGasPerBlockTransaction creates a transaction that sets the new amount of
// GAS to be generated in each block. The action is successful when transaction
// ends in HALT state. Notice that this setting can be changed only by the
// network's committee, so use an appropriate Actor. The transaction is signed,
// but not sent to the network, instead it's returned to the caller.
func (c *Contract) SetGasPerBlockTransaction(gas int64) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return c.actor.MakeCall(Hash, setGasMethod, gas)
// SetGasPerBlockUnsigned creates a transaction that sets the new amount of
// GAS to be generated in each block. The action is successful when transaction
// ends in HALT state. Notice that this setting can be changed only by the
// network's committee, so use an appropriate Actor. The transaction is not
// signed and just returned to the caller.
func (c *Contract) SetGasPerBlockUnsigned(gas int64) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return c.actor.MakeUnsignedCall(Hash, setGasMethod, nil, gas)
// SetRegisterPrice creates and sends a transaction that sets the new candidate
// registration price (in GAS). The action is successful when transaction
// ends in HALT state. Notice that this setting can be changed only by the
// network's committee, so use an appropriate Actor. The returned values are
// transaction hash, its ValidUntilBlock value and an error if any.
func (c *Contract) SetRegisterPrice(price int64) (util.Uint256, uint32, error) {
return c.actor.SendCall(Hash, setRegMethod, price)
// SetRegisterPriceTransaction creates a transaction that sets the new candidate
// registration price (in GAS). The action is successful when transaction
// ends in HALT state. Notice that this setting can be changed only by the
// network's committee, so use an appropriate Actor. The transaction is signed,
// but not sent to the network, instead it's returned to the caller.
func (c *Contract) SetRegisterPriceTransaction(price int64) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return c.actor.MakeCall(Hash, setRegMethod, price)
// SetRegisterPriceUnsigned creates a transaction that sets the new candidate
// registration price (in GAS). The action is successful when transaction
// ends in HALT state. Notice that this setting can be changed only by the
// network's committee, so use an appropriate Actor. The transaction is not
// signed and just returned to the caller.
func (c *Contract) SetRegisterPriceUnsigned(price int64) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return c.actor.MakeUnsignedCall(Hash, setRegMethod, nil, price)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
package neo
import (
type testAct struct {
err error
ser error
res *result.Invoke
rre *result.Invoke
rer error
tx *transaction.Transaction
txh util.Uint256
vub uint32
inv *result.Invoke
func (t *testAct) Call(contract util.Uint160, operation string, params ...interface{}) (*result.Invoke, error) {
return t.res, t.err
func (t *testAct) MakeRun(script []byte) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return t.tx, t.err
func (t *testAct) MakeUnsignedRun(script []byte, attrs []transaction.Attribute) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return t.tx, t.err
func (t *testAct) SendRun(script []byte) (util.Uint256, uint32, error) {
return t.txh, t.vub, t.err
func (t *testAct) MakeCall(contract util.Uint160, method string, params ...interface{}) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return t.tx, t.err
func (t *testAct) MakeUnsignedCall(contract util.Uint160, method string, attrs []transaction.Attribute, params ...interface{}) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return t.tx, t.err
func (t *testAct) SendCall(contract util.Uint160, method string, params ...interface{}) (util.Uint256, uint32, error) {
return t.txh, t.vub, t.err
func (t *testAct) Run(script []byte) (*result.Invoke, error) {
return t.rre, t.rer
func (t *testAct) MakeUnsignedUncheckedRun(script []byte, sysFee int64, attrs []transaction.Attribute) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
return t.tx, t.err
func (t *testAct) Sign(tx *transaction.Transaction) error {
return t.ser
func (t *testAct) SignAndSend(tx *transaction.Transaction) (util.Uint256, uint32, error) {
return t.txh, t.vub, t.err
func (t *testAct) CallAndExpandIterator(contract util.Uint160, method string, maxItems int, params ...interface{}) (*result.Invoke, error) {
return t.inv, t.err
func (t *testAct) TerminateSession(sessionID uuid.UUID) error {
return t.err
func (t *testAct) TraverseIterator(sessionID uuid.UUID, iterator *result.Iterator, num int) ([]stackitem.Item, error) {
return t.res.Stack, t.err
func TestGetAccountState(t *testing.T) {
ta := &testAct{}
neo := NewReader(ta)
ta.err = errors.New("")
_, err := neo.GetAccountState(util.Uint160{})
require.Error(t, err)
ta.err = nil
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
_, err = neo.GetAccountState(util.Uint160{})
require.Error(t, err)
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
st, err := neo.GetAccountState(util.Uint160{})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Nil(t, st)
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
st, err = neo.GetAccountState(util.Uint160{})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, &state.NEOBalance{
NEP17Balance: state.NEP17Balance{
Balance: *big.NewInt(100500),
BalanceHeight: 42,
}, st)
func TestGetAllCandidates(t *testing.T) {
ta := &testAct{}
neo := NewReader(ta)
ta.err = errors.New("")
_, err := neo.GetAllCandidates()
require.Error(t, err)
ta.err = nil
iid := uuid.New()
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
ID: &iid,
_, err = neo.GetAllCandidates()
require.Error(t, err)
// Session-based iterator.
sid := uuid.New()
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
Session: sid,
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
ID: &iid,
iter, err := neo.GetAllCandidates()
require.NoError(t, err)
k, err := keys.NewPrivateKey()
require.NoError(t, err)
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
vals, err := iter.Next(10)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(vals))
require.Equal(t, result.Validator{
PublicKey: *k.PublicKey(),
Votes: 100500,
}, vals[0])
ta.err = errors.New("")
_, err = iter.Next(1)
require.Error(t, err)
err = iter.Terminate()
require.Error(t, err)
// Value-based iterator.
ta.err = nil
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
Values: []stackitem.Item{
iter, err = neo.GetAllCandidates()
require.NoError(t, err)
ta.err = errors.New("")
err = iter.Terminate()
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestGetCandidates(t *testing.T) {
ta := &testAct{}
neo := NewReader(ta)
ta.err = errors.New("")
_, err := neo.GetCandidates()
require.Error(t, err)
ta.err = nil
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
cands, err := neo.GetCandidates()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(cands))
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{stackitem.Make(42)},
_, err = neo.GetCandidates()
require.Error(t, err)
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
_, err = neo.GetCandidates()
require.Error(t, err)
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
_, err = neo.GetCandidates()
require.Error(t, err)
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
_, err = neo.GetCandidates()
require.Error(t, err)
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
_, err = neo.GetCandidates()
require.Error(t, err)
k, err := keys.NewPrivateKey()
require.NoError(t, err)
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
_, err = neo.GetCandidates()
require.Error(t, err)
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
_, err = neo.GetCandidates()
require.Error(t, err)
func TestGetKeys(t *testing.T) {
ta := &testAct{}
neo := NewReader(ta)
k, err := keys.NewPrivateKey()
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, m := range []func() (keys.PublicKeys, error){neo.GetCommittee, neo.GetNextBlockValidators} {
ta.err = errors.New("")
_, err := m()
require.Error(t, err)
ta.err = nil
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
ks, err := m()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, ks)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(ks))
require.Equal(t, k.PublicKey(), ks[0])
func TestGetInts(t *testing.T) {
ta := &testAct{}
neo := NewReader(ta)
meth := []func() (int64, error){
ta.err = errors.New("")
for _, m := range meth {
_, err := m()
require.Error(t, err)
ta.err = nil
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
for _, m := range meth {
val, err := m()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(42), val)
func TestUnclaimedGas(t *testing.T) {
ta := &testAct{}
neo := NewReader(ta)
ta.err = errors.New("")
_, err := neo.UnclaimedGas(util.Uint160{}, 100500)
require.Error(t, err)
ta.err = nil
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
_, err = neo.UnclaimedGas(util.Uint160{}, 100500)
require.Error(t, err)
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
val, err := neo.UnclaimedGas(util.Uint160{}, 100500)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(42), val)
func TestIntSetters(t *testing.T) {
ta := new(testAct)
neo := New(ta)
meth := []func(int64) (util.Uint256, uint32, error){
ta.err = errors.New("")
for _, m := range meth {
_, _, err := m(42)
require.Error(t, err)
ta.err = nil
ta.txh = util.Uint256{1, 2, 3}
ta.vub = 42
for _, m := range meth {
h, vub, err := m(100)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, ta.txh, h)
require.Equal(t, ta.vub, vub)
func TestIntTransactions(t *testing.T) {
ta := new(testAct)
neo := New(ta)
for _, fun := range []func(int64) (*transaction.Transaction, error){
} {
ta.err = errors.New("")
_, err := fun(1)
require.Error(t, err)
ta.err = nil
ta.tx = &transaction.Transaction{Nonce: 100500, ValidUntilBlock: 42}
tx, err := fun(1)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, ta.tx, tx)
func TestVote(t *testing.T) {
ta := new(testAct)
neo := New(ta)
k, err := keys.NewPrivateKey()
require.NoError(t, err)
ta.err = errors.New("")
_, _, err = neo.Vote(util.Uint160{}, nil)
require.Error(t, err)
_, _, err = neo.Vote(util.Uint160{}, k.PublicKey())
require.Error(t, err)
_, err = neo.VoteTransaction(util.Uint160{}, nil)
require.Error(t, err)
_, err = neo.VoteTransaction(util.Uint160{}, k.PublicKey())
require.Error(t, err)
_, err = neo.VoteUnsigned(util.Uint160{}, nil)
require.Error(t, err)
_, err = neo.VoteUnsigned(util.Uint160{}, k.PublicKey())
require.Error(t, err)
ta.err = nil
ta.txh = util.Uint256{1, 2, 3}
ta.vub = 42
h, vub, err := neo.Vote(util.Uint160{}, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, ta.txh, h)
require.Equal(t, ta.vub, vub)
h, vub, err = neo.Vote(util.Uint160{}, k.PublicKey())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, ta.txh, h)
require.Equal(t, ta.vub, vub)
ta.tx = &transaction.Transaction{Nonce: 100500, ValidUntilBlock: 42}
tx, err := neo.VoteTransaction(util.Uint160{}, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, ta.tx, tx)
tx, err = neo.VoteUnsigned(util.Uint160{}, k.PublicKey())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, ta.tx, tx)
func TestRegisterCandidate(t *testing.T) {
ta := new(testAct)
neo := New(ta)
k, err := keys.NewPrivateKey()
require.NoError(t, err)
pk := k.PublicKey()
ta.rer = errors.New("")
_, _, err = neo.RegisterCandidate(pk)
require.Error(t, err)
_, err = neo.RegisterCandidateTransaction(pk)
require.Error(t, err)
_, err = neo.RegisterCandidateUnsigned(pk)
require.Error(t, err)
ta.rer = nil
ta.txh = util.Uint256{1, 2, 3}
ta.vub = 42
ta.rre = &result.Invoke{
GasConsumed: 100500,
ta.res = &result.Invoke{
State: "HALT",
Stack: []stackitem.Item{
h, vub, err := neo.RegisterCandidate(pk)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, ta.txh, h)
require.Equal(t, ta.vub, vub)
ta.tx = &transaction.Transaction{Nonce: 100500, ValidUntilBlock: 42}
tx, err := neo.RegisterCandidateTransaction(pk)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, ta.tx, tx)
tx, err = neo.RegisterCandidateUnsigned(pk)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, ta.tx, tx)
ta.ser = errors.New("")
_, err = neo.RegisterCandidateTransaction(pk)
require.Error(t, err)
ta.err = errors.New("")
_, err = neo.RegisterCandidateUnsigned(pk)
require.Error(t, err)
func TestUnregisterCandidate(t *testing.T) {
ta := new(testAct)
neo := New(ta)
k, err := keys.NewPrivateKey()
require.NoError(t, err)
pk := k.PublicKey()
ta.err = errors.New("")
_, _, err = neo.UnregisterCandidate(pk)
require.Error(t, err)
_, err = neo.UnregisterCandidateTransaction(pk)
require.Error(t, err)
_, err = neo.UnregisterCandidateUnsigned(pk)
require.Error(t, err)
ta.err = nil
ta.txh = util.Uint256{1, 2, 3}
ta.vub = 42
h, vub, err := neo.UnregisterCandidate(pk)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, ta.txh, h)
require.Equal(t, ta.vub, vub)
ta.tx = &transaction.Transaction{Nonce: 100500, ValidUntilBlock: 42}
tx, err := neo.UnregisterCandidateTransaction(pk)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, ta.tx, tx)
tx, err = neo.UnregisterCandidateUnsigned(pk)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, ta.tx, tx)
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import (
@ -291,6 +292,135 @@ func TestClientManagementContract(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, 1, len(appLog.Executions[0].Events))
func TestClientNEOContract(t *testing.T) {
chain, rpcSrv, httpSrv := initServerWithInMemoryChain(t)
defer chain.Close()
defer rpcSrv.Shutdown()
c, err := rpcclient.New(context.Background(), httpSrv.URL, rpcclient.Options{})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, c.Init())
neoR := neo.NewReader(invoker.New(c, nil))
sym, err := neoR.Symbol()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "NEO", sym)
dec, err := neoR.Decimals()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, dec)
ts, err := neoR.TotalSupply()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(1_0000_0000), ts)
comm, err := neoR.GetCommittee()
require.NoError(t, err)
commScript, err := smartcontract.CreateMajorityMultiSigRedeemScript(comm)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, testchain.CommitteeScriptHash(), hash.Hash160(commScript))
vals, err := neoR.GetNextBlockValidators()
require.NoError(t, err)
valsScript, err := smartcontract.CreateDefaultMultiSigRedeemScript(vals)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, testchain.MultisigScriptHash(), hash.Hash160(valsScript))
gpb, err := neoR.GetGasPerBlock()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(5_0000_0000), gpb)
regP, err := neoR.GetRegisterPrice()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(1000_0000_0000), regP)
acc0 := testchain.PrivateKey(0).PublicKey().GetScriptHash()
uncl, err := neoR.UnclaimedGas(acc0, 100)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(48000), uncl)
accState, err := neoR.GetAccountState(acc0)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(1000), &accState.Balance)
require.Equal(t, uint32(4), accState.BalanceHeight)
cands, err := neoR.GetCandidates()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(cands)) // No registrations.
cands, err = neoR.GetAllCandidatesExpanded(100)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(cands)) // No registrations.
iter, err := neoR.GetAllCandidates()
require.NoError(t, err)
cands, err = iter.Next(10)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(cands)) // No registrations.
require.NoError(t, iter.Terminate())
act, err := actor.New(c, []actor.SignerAccount{{
Signer: transaction.Signer{
Account: testchain.CommitteeScriptHash(),
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
Account: &wallet.Account{
Address: testchain.CommitteeAddress(),
Contract: &wallet.Contract{
Script: testchain.CommitteeVerificationScript(),
require.NoError(t, err)
neoC := neo.New(act)
txgpb, err := neoC.SetGasPerBlockUnsigned(10 * 1_0000_0000)
require.NoError(t, err)
txregp, err := neoC.SetRegisterPriceUnsigned(1_0000)
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, tx := range []*transaction.Transaction{txgpb, txregp} {
tx.Scripts[0].InvocationScript = testchain.SignCommittee(tx)
bl := testchain.NewBlock(t, chain, 1, 0, txgpb, txregp)
_, err = c.SubmitBlock(*bl)
require.NoError(t, err)
gpb, err = neoR.GetGasPerBlock()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(10_0000_0000), gpb)
regP, err = neoR.GetRegisterPrice()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(10000), regP)
act0, err := actor.NewSimple(c, wallet.NewAccountFromPrivateKey(testchain.PrivateKey(0)))
require.NoError(t, err)
neo0 := neo.New(act0)
txreg, err := neo0.RegisterCandidateTransaction(testchain.PrivateKey(0).PublicKey())
require.NoError(t, err)
bl = testchain.NewBlock(t, chain, 1, 0, txreg)
_, err = c.SubmitBlock(*bl)
require.NoError(t, err)
txvote, err := neo0.VoteTransaction(acc0, testchain.PrivateKey(0).PublicKey())
require.NoError(t, err)
bl = testchain.NewBlock(t, chain, 1, 0, txvote)
_, err = c.SubmitBlock(*bl)
require.NoError(t, err)
txunreg, err := neo0.UnregisterCandidateTransaction(testchain.PrivateKey(0).PublicKey())
require.NoError(t, err)
bl = testchain.NewBlock(t, chain, 1, 0, txunreg)
_, err = c.SubmitBlock(*bl)
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestAddNetworkFeeCalculateNetworkFee(t *testing.T) {
chain, rpcSrv, httpSrv := initServerWithInMemoryChain(t)
defer chain.Close()
Add table
Reference in a new issue