Fixes one more instruction being ran when VM FAULTs:
NEO-GO-VM > run
NEO-GO-VM > error encountered at instruction 6 (ROLL)
NEO-GO-VM > runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
NEO-GO-VM > error encountered at instruction 7 (SETITEM)
NEO-GO-VM > interface conversion: interface {} is []vm.StackItem, not []uint8
Refs. #96.
* support VM to pass method and arguments to a script.
* added support for type assertions in smartcontracts.
* added native vm support for print.
* moved VM API packages to vm -> API
* reverted the native Print opcode in favor of runtime.Log
* added support for registering custom interop hooks in the VM.
* Updated README
* Updated compiler with @OPTIMIZE tags
* Moved more tests to VM package.
* optimized and refactored compiler and vm API
* updated README with new smartcontract apis
* bumped version
* renamed test folders and fixed bug where wrong jump labels would be exectuted for rewrite.
* Added support for Osize (len(string)) and factored out the array tests
* Added current instruction number to VM prompt if program is loaded.
* added support for unary expressions.
* updated README of and sorted the help commands
* updated readme of the compiler
* bumped version -> 0.39.0
* changed vm commands to match more of the standard
* fixed Uint16 jmp bug in VM
* moved test to vm + fixed numnotequal bug
* fixed broken tests
* moved compiler tests to vm tests
* added basic for support + inc and dec stmts
* bumped version
* Virtual machine for the NEO blockhain.
* fixed big.Int numeric operation pointer issue.
* added appcall
* Added README for vm package.
* removed main.go
* started VM cli (prompt) integration
* added support for printing the stack.
* moved cli to vm package
* fixed vet errors
* updated readme
* added more test for VM and fixed some edge cases.
* bumped version -> 0.37.0