pkg/rpc/neoScanBalanceGetter.go:54:56: method parameter assetIdUint should be assetIDUint
pkg/rpc/neoScanBalanceGetter.go:62:3: var assetId should be assetID
pkg/rpc/server_test.go:27:5: var testRpcCases should be testRPCCases
pkg/rpc/txTypes.go:19:3: struct field assetId should be assetID
pkg/rpc/txTypes.go:39:35: interface method parameter assetId should be assetID
pkg/rpc/types.go:115:2: struct field TxId should be TxID
Refs. #213.
Fixes things like:
* exported type/method/function X should have comment or be unexported
* comment on exported type/method/function X should be of the form "X ..."
(with optional leading article)
Refs. #213.
* implemented operation and param flags in the cli invoke cmd.
* reverted prev changes and added debug flag for compiling.
* change transactionType variable to Type, for package convention
* index support for arrays.
* implemented builtin (len) for the compiler.
* bumped version -> 0.35.0
* updated compiler README and changed invoke to testinvoke.
* Started RPC package to allow querying balances and sending raw transactions for sc's
* integrate invoke cmd in cli
* bumped version
* added sendrawtransaction to the rpc client.