package compiler

import (


// inlineCall inlines call of n for function represented by f.
// Call `f(a,b)` for definition `func f(x,y int)` is translated to block:
//	{
//	   x := a
//	   y := b
//	   <inline body of f directly>
//	}
func (c *codegen) inlineCall(f *funcScope, n *ast.CallExpr) {
	offSz := len(c.inlineContext)
	c.inlineContext = append(c.inlineContext, inlineContextSingle{
		labelOffset: len(c.labelList),
		returnLabel: c.newLabel(),

	defer func() {
		c.labelList = c.labelList[:c.inlineContext[offSz].labelOffset]
		c.inlineContext = c.inlineContext[:offSz]

	pkg := c.packageCache[f.pkg.Path()]
	sig := c.typeOf(n.Fun).(*types.Signature)

	c.processStdlibCall(f, n.Args)

	// When inlined call is used during global initialization
	// there is no func scope, thus this if.
	if c.scope == nil {
		c.scope = &funcScope{}
		defer func() {
			if cnt := c.scope.vars.localsCnt; cnt > c.globalInlineCount {
				c.globalInlineCount = cnt
			c.scope = nil

	// Arguments need to be walked with the current scope,
	// while stored in the new.
	oldScope := c.scope.vars.locals
	newScope := make([]map[string]varInfo, len(c.scope.vars.locals))
	copy(newScope, c.scope.vars.locals)
	defer c.scope.vars.dropScope()

	if f.decl.Recv != nil {
		c.scope.vars.locals = newScope
		name := f.decl.Recv.List[0].Names[0].Name
		c.scope.vars.addAlias(name, -1, unspecifiedVarIndex, &varContext{
			importMap: c.importMap,
			expr:      f.selector,
			scope:     oldScope,
	hasVarArgs := !n.Ellipsis.IsValid()
	needPack := sig.Variadic() && hasVarArgs
	for i := range n.Args {
		c.scope.vars.locals = oldScope
		// true if normal arg or var arg is `slice...`
		needStore := i < sig.Params().Len()-1 || !sig.Variadic() || !hasVarArgs
		if !needStore {
		name := sig.Params().At(i).Name()
		if !c.hasCalls(n.Args[i]) {
			// If argument contains no calls, we save context and traverse the expression
			// when argument is emitted.
			c.scope.vars.locals = newScope
			c.scope.vars.addAlias(name, -1, unspecifiedVarIndex, &varContext{
				importMap: c.importMap,
				expr:      n.Args[i],
				scope:     oldScope,

		ast.Walk(c, n.Args[i])
		c.scope.vars.locals = newScope
		c.emitStoreVar("", name)

	if needPack {
		// traverse variadic args and pack them
		// if they are provided directly i.e. without `...`
		c.scope.vars.locals = oldScope
		for i := sig.Params().Len() - 1; i < len(n.Args); i++ {
			ast.Walk(c, n.Args[i])
		c.scope.vars.locals = newScope
		c.packVarArgs(n, sig)
		name := sig.Params().At(sig.Params().Len() - 1).Name()
		c.emitStoreVar("", name)

	c.pkgInfoInline = append(c.pkgInfoInline, pkg)
	oldMap := c.importMap
	oldDefers := c.scope.deferStack
	c.scope.deferStack = nil
	c.fillImportMap(f.file, pkg)
	ast.Inspect(f.decl, c.scope.analyzeVoidCalls)
	ast.Walk(c, f.decl.Body)
	if c.scope.voidCalls[n] {
		for i := 0; i < f.decl.Type.Results.NumFields(); i++ {
			emit.Opcodes(c.prog.BinWriter, opcode.DROP)
	c.scope.deferStack = oldDefers
	c.importMap = oldMap
	c.pkgInfoInline = c.pkgInfoInline[:len(c.pkgInfoInline)-1]

func (c *codegen) processStdlibCall(f *funcScope, args []ast.Expr) {
	if f == nil {

	if f.pkg.Path() == interopPrefix+"/runtime" && ( == "Notify" || == "Log") {
		c.processNotify(f, args)

	if f.pkg.Path() == interopPrefix+"/contract" && == "Call" {
		c.processContractCall(f, args)

func (c *codegen) processNotify(f *funcScope, args []ast.Expr) {
	if c.scope != nil && c.isVerifyFunc(c.scope.decl) &&
		c.scope.pkg == c.mainPkg.Types && (c.buildInfo.options == nil || !c.buildInfo.options.NoEventsCheck) {
		c.prog.Err = fmt.Errorf("runtime.%s is not allowed in `Verify`",

	if == "Log" {

	// Sometimes event name is stored in a var.
	// Skip in this case.
	tv := c.typeAndValueOf(args[0])
	if tv.Value == nil {

	params := make([]string, 0, len(args[1:]))
	for _, p := range args[1:] {
		st, _, _ := c.scAndVMTypeFromExpr(p)
		params = append(params, st.String())

	name := constant.StringVal(tv.Value)
	if len(name) > runtime.MaxEventNameLen {
		c.prog.Err = fmt.Errorf("event name '%s' should be less than %d",
			name, runtime.MaxEventNameLen)
	c.emittedEvents[name] = append(c.emittedEvents[name], params)

func (c *codegen) processContractCall(f *funcScope, args []ast.Expr) {
	var u util.Uint160

	// For stdlib calls it is `interop.Hash160(constHash)`
	// so we can determine hash at compile-time.
	ce, ok := args[0].(*ast.CallExpr)
	if ok && len(ce.Args) == 1 {
		// Ensure this is a type conversion, not a simple invoke.
		se, ok := ce.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
		if ok {
			name, _ := c.getFuncNameFromSelector(se)
			if _, ok := c.funcs[name]; !ok {
				value := c.typeAndValueOf(ce.Args[0]).Value
				if value != nil {
					s := constant.StringVal(value)
					copy(u[:], s) // constant must be big-endian

	value := c.typeAndValueOf(args[1]).Value
	if value == nil {

	method := constant.StringVal(value)

	value = c.typeAndValueOf(args[2]).Value
	if value == nil {

	flag, _ := constant.Uint64Val(value)
	c.appendInvokedContract(u, method, flag)

func (c *codegen) appendInvokedContract(u util.Uint160, method string, flag uint64) {
	currLst := c.invokedContracts[u]
	for _, m := range currLst {
		if m == method {

	if flag&uint64(callflag.WriteStates|callflag.AllowNotify) != 0 {
		c.invokedContracts[u] = append(currLst, method)

// hasCalls returns true if expression contains any calls.
// We uses this as a rough heuristic to determine if expression calculation
// has any side-effects.
func (c *codegen) hasCalls(expr ast.Expr) bool {
	var has bool
	ast.Inspect(expr, func(n ast.Node) bool {
		ce, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
		if !has && ok {
			isFunc := true
			fun, ok := ce.Fun.(*ast.Ident)
			if ok {
				_, isFunc = c.getFuncFromIdent(fun)
			} else {
				var sel *ast.SelectorExpr
				sel, ok = ce.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
				if ok {
					name, _ := c.getFuncNameFromSelector(sel)
					_, isFunc = c.funcs[name]
					fun = sel.Sel
			has = isFunc || fun.Obj != nil && (fun.Obj.Kind == ast.Var || fun.Obj.Kind == ast.Fun)
		return !has
	return has