ProtocolConfiguration: Magic: 56753 AddressVersion: 23 SecondsPerBlock: 1 LowPriorityThreshold: 0.001 MemPoolSize: 50000 StandbyValidators: - 02b3622bf4017bdfe317c58aed5f4c753f206b7db896046fa7d774bbc4bf7f8dc2 SeedList: - SystemFee: EnrollmentTransaction: 1000 IssueTransaction: 500 PublishTransaction: 500 RegisterTransaction: 10000 VerifyBlocks: true VerifyTransactions: true ApplicationConfiguration: # LogPath could be set up in case you need stdout logs to some proper file. # LogPath: "./log/neogo.log" DBConfiguration: Type: "leveldb" #other options: 'inmemory','redis','boltdb'. # DB type options. Uncomment those you need in case you want to switch DB type. LevelDBOptions: DataDirectoryPath: "/chains/single" # RedisDBOptions: # Addr: "localhost:6379" # Password: "" # DB: 0 # BoltDBOptions: # FilePath: "./chains/privnet.bolt" # Uncomment in order to set up custom address for node. # Address: NodePort: 20333 Relay: true DialTimeout: 3 ProtoTickInterval: 2 PingInterval: 30 PingTimeout: 90 MaxPeers: 10 AttemptConnPeers: 5 MinPeers: 0 RPC: Enabled: true EnableCORSWorkaround: false Port: 30333 Prometheus: Enabled: true Port: 20001 Pprof: Enabled: false Port: 20011 UnlockWallet: Path: "/wallet1.json" Password: "one"