/* Package client implements NEO-specific JSON-RPC 2.0 client. This package is currently in alpha and is subject to change. Client After creating a client instance with or without a ClientConfig you can interact with the NEO blockchain by its exposed methods. Some of the methods also allow to pass a verbose bool. This will return a more pretty printed response from the server instead of a raw hex string. TODO: Allow client to connect using client cert. More in-depth examples. Supported methods calculatenetworkfee findstates getapplicationlog getbestblockhash getblock getblockcount getblockhash getblockheader getblockheadercount getcommittee getconnectioncount getcontractstate getnativecontracts getnep11balances getnep11properties getnep11transfers getnep17balances getnep17transfers getpeers getrawmempool getrawtransaction getstate getstateheight getstateroot getstorage gettransactionheight getunclaimedgas getnextblockvalidators getversion invokefunction invokescript invokecontractverify sendrawtransaction submitblock submitoracleresponse terminatesession traverseiterator validateaddress Extensions: getblocksysfee submitnotaryrequest Unsupported methods claimgas dumpprivkey getbalance getmetricblocktimestamp getnewaddress getwalletheight importprivkey listaddress listplugins sendfrom sendmany sendtoaddress */ package client