Package neo provides interface to NeoToken native contract.
NEO token is special, it's not just a regular NEP-17 contract, it also
provides access to chain-specific settings and implements committee
voting system.
package neo

import (

// AccountState contains info about NEO holder.
type AccountState struct {
	Balance int
	Height  int
	VoteTo  interop.PublicKey

// Hash represents NEO contract hash.
const Hash = "\xf5\x63\xea\x40\xbc\x28\x3d\x4d\x0e\x05\xc4\x8e\xa3\x05\xb3\xf2\xa0\x73\x40\xef"

// Symbol represents `symbol` method of NEO native contract.
func Symbol() string {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "symbol", int(contract.NoneFlag)).(string)

// Decimals represents `decimals` method of NEO native contract.
func Decimals() int {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "decimals", int(contract.NoneFlag)).(int)

// TotalSupply represents `totalSupply` method of NEO native contract.
func TotalSupply() int {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "totalSupply", int(contract.ReadStates)).(int)

// BalanceOf represents `balanceOf` method of NEO native contract.
func BalanceOf(addr interop.Hash160) int {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "balanceOf", int(contract.ReadStates), addr).(int)

// Transfer represents `transfer` method of NEO native contract.
func Transfer(from, to interop.Hash160, amount int, data interface{}) bool {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "transfer",
		int(contract.All), from, to, amount, data).(bool)

// GetCommittee represents `getCommittee` method of NEO native contract.
func GetCommittee() []interop.PublicKey {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "getCommittee", int(contract.ReadStates)).([]interop.PublicKey)

// GetCandidates represents `getCandidates` method of NEO native contract.
func GetCandidates() []interop.PublicKey {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "getCandidates", int(contract.ReadStates)).([]interop.PublicKey)

// GetNextBlockValidators represents `getNextBlockValidators` method of NEO native contract.
func GetNextBlockValidators() []interop.PublicKey {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "getNextBlockValidators", int(contract.ReadStates)).([]interop.PublicKey)

// GetGASPerBlock represents `getGasPerBlock` method of NEO native contract.
func GetGASPerBlock() int {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "getGasPerBlock", int(contract.ReadStates)).(int)

// SetGASPerBlock represents `setGasPerBlock` method of NEO native contract.
func SetGASPerBlock(amount int) {
	neogointernal.CallWithTokenNoRet(Hash, "setGasPerBlock", int(contract.States), amount)

// GetRegisterPrice represents `getRegisterPrice` method of NEO native contract.
func GetRegisterPrice() int {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "getRegisterPrice", int(contract.ReadStates)).(int)

// SetRegisterPrice represents `setRegisterPrice` method of NEO native contract.
func SetRegisterPrice(amount int) {
	neogointernal.CallWithTokenNoRet(Hash, "setRegisterPrice", int(contract.States), amount)

// RegisterCandidate represents `registerCandidate` method of NEO native contract.
func RegisterCandidate(pub interop.PublicKey) bool {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "registerCandidate", int(contract.States), pub).(bool)

// UnregisterCandidate represents `unregisterCandidate` method of NEO native contract.
func UnregisterCandidate(pub interop.PublicKey) bool {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "unregisterCandidate", int(contract.States), pub).(bool)

// Vote represents `vote` method of NEO native contract.
func Vote(addr interop.Hash160, pub interop.PublicKey) bool {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "vote", int(contract.States), addr, pub).(bool)

// UnclaimedGAS represents `unclaimedGas` method of NEO native contract.
func UnclaimedGAS(addr interop.Hash160, end int) int {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "unclaimedGas", int(contract.ReadStates), addr, end).(int)

// GetAccountState represents `getAccountState` method of NEO native contract.
func GetAccountState(addr interop.Hash160) *AccountState {
	return neogointernal.CallWithToken(Hash, "getAccountState", int(contract.ReadStates), addr).(*AccountState)