package rpcsrv

import (


type (
	// Ledger abstracts away the Blockchain as used by the RPC server.
	Ledger interface {
		AddBlock(block *block.Block) error
		BlockHeight() uint32
		CalculateClaimable(h util.Uint160, endHeight uint32) (*big.Int, error)
		CurrentBlockHash() util.Uint256
		FeePerByte() int64
		ForEachNEP11Transfer(acc util.Uint160, newestTimestamp uint64, f func(*state.NEP11Transfer) (bool, error)) error
		ForEachNEP17Transfer(acc util.Uint160, newestTimestamp uint64, f func(*state.NEP17Transfer) (bool, error)) error
		GetAppExecResults(util.Uint256, trigger.Type) ([]state.AppExecResult, error)
		GetBaseExecFee() int64
		GetBlock(hash util.Uint256) (*block.Block, error)
		GetCommittee() (keys.PublicKeys, error)
		GetConfig() config.ProtocolConfiguration
		GetContractScriptHash(id int32) (util.Uint160, error)
		GetContractState(hash util.Uint160) *state.Contract
		GetEnrollments() ([]state.Validator, error)
		GetGoverningTokenBalance(acc util.Uint160) (*big.Int, uint32)
		GetHeader(hash util.Uint256) (*block.Header, error)
		GetHeaderHash(int) util.Uint256
		GetMaxVerificationGAS() int64
		GetMemPool() *mempool.Pool
		GetNEP11Contracts() []util.Uint160
		GetNEP17Contracts() []util.Uint160
		GetNativeContractScriptHash(string) (util.Uint160, error)
		GetNatives() []state.NativeContract
		GetNextBlockValidators() ([]*keys.PublicKey, error)
		GetNotaryContractScriptHash() util.Uint160
		GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey() int64
		GetStateModule() core.StateRoot
		GetStorageItem(id int32, key []byte) state.StorageItem
		GetTestHistoricVM(t trigger.Type, tx *transaction.Transaction, b *block.Block) (*interop.Context, error)
		GetTestVM(t trigger.Type, tx *transaction.Transaction, b *block.Block) *interop.Context
		GetTokenLastUpdated(acc util.Uint160) (map[int32]uint32, error)
		GetTransaction(util.Uint256) (*transaction.Transaction, uint32, error)
		GetValidators() ([]*keys.PublicKey, error)
		HeaderHeight() uint32
		InitVerificationContext(ic *interop.Context, hash util.Uint160, witness *transaction.Witness) error
		SubscribeForBlocks(ch chan *block.Block)
		SubscribeForExecutions(ch chan *state.AppExecResult)
		SubscribeForNotifications(ch chan *state.ContainedNotificationEvent)
		SubscribeForTransactions(ch chan *transaction.Transaction)
		UnsubscribeFromBlocks(ch chan *block.Block)
		UnsubscribeFromExecutions(ch chan *state.AppExecResult)
		UnsubscribeFromNotifications(ch chan *state.ContainedNotificationEvent)
		UnsubscribeFromTransactions(ch chan *transaction.Transaction)
		VerifyTx(*transaction.Transaction) error
		VerifyWitness(util.Uint160, hash.Hashable, *transaction.Witness, int64) (int64, error)
		mempool.Feer // fee interface

	// OracleHandler is the interface oracle service needs to provide for the Server.
	OracleHandler interface {
		AddResponse(pub *keys.PublicKey, reqID uint64, txSig []byte)

	// Server represents the JSON-RPC 2.0 server.
	Server struct {
		chain  Ledger
		config config.RPC
		// wsReadLimit represents web-socket message limit for a receiving side.
		wsReadLimit      int64
		network          netmode.Magic
		stateRootEnabled bool
		coreServer       *network.Server
		oracle           *atomic.Value
		log              *zap.Logger
		https            *http.Server
		shutdown         chan struct{}
		started          *atomic.Bool
		errChan          chan error

		sessionsLock sync.Mutex
		sessions     map[string]*session

		subsLock          sync.RWMutex
		subscribers       map[*subscriber]bool
		blockSubs         int
		executionSubs     int
		notificationSubs  int
		transactionSubs   int
		notaryRequestSubs int
		blockCh           chan *block.Block
		executionCh       chan *state.AppExecResult
		notificationCh    chan *state.ContainedNotificationEvent
		transactionCh     chan *transaction.Transaction
		notaryRequestCh   chan mempoolevent.Event

	// session holds a set of iterators got after invoke* call with corresponding
	// finalizer and session expiration timer.
	session struct {
		// iteratorsLock protects iteratorIdentifiers of the current session.
		iteratorsLock sync.Mutex
		// iteratorIdentifiers stores the set of Iterator stackitems got either from original invocation
		// or from historic MPT-based invocation. In the second case, iteratorIdentifiers are supposed
		// to be filled during the first `traverseiterator` call using corresponding params.
		iteratorIdentifiers []*iteratorIdentifier
		timer               *time.Timer
		finalize            func()
	// iteratorIdentifier represents Iterator on the server side, holding iterator ID and Iterator stackitem.
	iteratorIdentifier struct {
		ID string
		// Item represents Iterator stackitem.
		Item stackitem.Item

const (
	// Disconnection timeout.
	wsPongLimit = 60 * time.Second

	// Ping period for connection liveness check.
	wsPingPeriod = wsPongLimit / 2

	// Write deadline.
	wsWriteLimit = wsPingPeriod / 2

	// Maximum number of subscribers per Server. Each websocket client is
	// treated like a subscriber, so technically it's a limit on websocket
	// connections.
	maxSubscribers = 64

	// Maximum number of elements for get*transfers requests.
	maxTransfersLimit = 1000

	// defaultSessionPoolSize is the number of concurrently running iterator sessions.
	defaultSessionPoolSize = 20

var rpcHandlers = map[string]func(*Server, params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error){
	"calculatenetworkfee":          (*Server).calculateNetworkFee,
	"findstates":                   (*Server).findStates,
	"getapplicationlog":            (*Server).getApplicationLog,
	"getbestblockhash":             (*Server).getBestBlockHash,
	"getblock":                     (*Server).getBlock,
	"getblockcount":                (*Server).getBlockCount,
	"getblockhash":                 (*Server).getBlockHash,
	"getblockheader":               (*Server).getBlockHeader,
	"getblockheadercount":          (*Server).getBlockHeaderCount,
	"getblocksysfee":               (*Server).getBlockSysFee,
	"getcandidates":                (*Server).getCandidates,
	"getcommittee":                 (*Server).getCommittee,
	"getconnectioncount":           (*Server).getConnectionCount,
	"getcontractstate":             (*Server).getContractState,
	"getnativecontracts":           (*Server).getNativeContracts,
	"getnep11balances":             (*Server).getNEP11Balances,
	"getnep11properties":           (*Server).getNEP11Properties,
	"getnep11transfers":            (*Server).getNEP11Transfers,
	"getnep17balances":             (*Server).getNEP17Balances,
	"getnep17transfers":            (*Server).getNEP17Transfers,
	"getpeers":                     (*Server).getPeers,
	"getproof":                     (*Server).getProof,
	"getrawmempool":                (*Server).getRawMempool,
	"getrawtransaction":            (*Server).getrawtransaction,
	"getstate":                     (*Server).getState,
	"getstateheight":               (*Server).getStateHeight,
	"getstateroot":                 (*Server).getStateRoot,
	"getstorage":                   (*Server).getStorage,
	"gettransactionheight":         (*Server).getTransactionHeight,
	"getunclaimedgas":              (*Server).getUnclaimedGas,
	"getnextblockvalidators":       (*Server).getNextBlockValidators,
	"getversion":                   (*Server).getVersion,
	"invokefunction":               (*Server).invokeFunction,
	"invokefunctionhistoric":       (*Server).invokeFunctionHistoric,
	"invokescript":                 (*Server).invokescript,
	"invokescripthistoric":         (*Server).invokescripthistoric,
	"invokecontractverify":         (*Server).invokeContractVerify,
	"invokecontractverifyhistoric": (*Server).invokeContractVerifyHistoric,
	"sendrawtransaction":           (*Server).sendrawtransaction,
	"submitblock":                  (*Server).submitBlock,
	"submitnotaryrequest":          (*Server).submitNotaryRequest,
	"submitoracleresponse":         (*Server).submitOracleResponse,
	"terminatesession":             (*Server).terminateSession,
	"traverseiterator":             (*Server).traverseIterator,
	"validateaddress":              (*Server).validateAddress,
	"verifyproof":                  (*Server).verifyProof,

var rpcWsHandlers = map[string]func(*Server, params.Params, *subscriber) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error){
	"subscribe":   (*Server).subscribe,
	"unsubscribe": (*Server).unsubscribe,

var invalidBlockHeightError = func(index int, height int) *neorpc.Error {
	return neorpc.NewRPCError("Invalid block height", fmt.Sprintf("param at index %d should be greater than or equal to 0 and less then or equal to current block height, got: %d", index, height))

// upgrader is a no-op websocket.Upgrader that reuses HTTP server buffers and
// doesn't set any Error function.
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{}

// New creates a new Server struct.
func New(chain Ledger, conf config.RPC, coreServer *network.Server,
	orc OracleHandler, log *zap.Logger, errChan chan error) Server {
	httpServer := &http.Server{
		Addr: conf.Address + ":" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(conf.Port), 10),

	var tlsServer *http.Server
	if cfg := conf.TLSConfig; cfg.Enabled {
		tlsServer = &http.Server{
			Addr: net.JoinHostPort(cfg.Address, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(cfg.Port), 10)),

	protoCfg := chain.GetConfig()
	if conf.SessionEnabled {
		if conf.SessionExpirationTime <= 0 {
			conf.SessionExpirationTime = protoCfg.SecondsPerBlock
			log.Info("SessionExpirationTime is not set or wrong, setting default value", zap.Int("SessionExpirationTime", protoCfg.SecondsPerBlock))
		if conf.SessionPoolSize <= 0 {
			conf.SessionPoolSize = defaultSessionPoolSize
			log.Info("SessionPoolSize is not set or wrong, setting default value", zap.Int("SessionPoolSize", defaultSessionPoolSize))
	var oracleWrapped = new(atomic.Value)
	if orc != nil {
	return Server{
		Server:           httpServer,
		chain:            chain,
		config:           conf,
		wsReadLimit:      int64(protoCfg.MaxBlockSize*4)/3 + 1024, // Enough for Base64-encoded content of `submitblock` and `submitp2pnotaryrequest`.
		network:          protoCfg.Magic,
		stateRootEnabled: protoCfg.StateRootInHeader,
		coreServer:       coreServer,
		log:              log,
		oracle:           oracleWrapped,
		https:            tlsServer,
		shutdown:         make(chan struct{}),
		started:          atomic.NewBool(false),
		errChan:          errChan,

		sessions: make(map[string]*session),

		subscribers: make(map[*subscriber]bool),
		// These are NOT buffered to preserve original order of events.
		blockCh:         make(chan *block.Block),
		executionCh:     make(chan *state.AppExecResult),
		notificationCh:  make(chan *state.ContainedNotificationEvent),
		transactionCh:   make(chan *transaction.Transaction),
		notaryRequestCh: make(chan mempoolevent.Event),

// Name returns service name.
func (s *Server) Name() string {
	return "rpc"

// Start creates a new JSON-RPC server listening on the configured port. It creates
// goroutines needed internally and it returns its errors via errChan passed to New().
// The Server only starts once, subsequent calls to Start are no-op.
func (s *Server) Start() {
	if !s.config.Enabled {
		s.log.Info("RPC server is not enabled")
	if !s.started.CAS(false, true) {
		s.log.Info("RPC server already started")
	s.Handler = http.HandlerFunc(s.handleHTTPRequest)
	s.log.Info("starting rpc-server", zap.String("endpoint", s.Addr))

	go s.handleSubEvents()
	if cfg := s.config.TLSConfig; cfg.Enabled {
		s.https.Handler = http.HandlerFunc(s.handleHTTPRequest)
		s.log.Info("starting rpc-server (https)", zap.String("endpoint", s.https.Addr))
		go func() {
			ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", s.https.Addr)
			if err != nil {
				s.errChan <- err
			s.https.Addr = ln.Addr().String()
			err = s.https.ServeTLS(ln, cfg.CertFile, cfg.KeyFile)
			if err != http.ErrServerClosed {
				s.log.Error("failed to start TLS RPC server", zap.Error(err))
				s.errChan <- err
	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", s.Addr)
	if err != nil {
		s.errChan <- err
	s.Addr = ln.Addr().String() // set Addr to the actual address
	go func() {
		err = s.Serve(ln)
		if err != http.ErrServerClosed {
			s.log.Error("failed to start RPC server", zap.Error(err))
			s.errChan <- err

// Shutdown stops the RPC server if it's running. It can only be called once,
// subsequent calls to Shutdown on the same instance are no-op. The instance
// that was stopped can not be started again by calling Start (use a new
// instance if needed).
func (s *Server) Shutdown() {
	if !s.started.CAS(true, false) {
	// Signal to websocket writer routines and handleSubEvents.

	if s.config.TLSConfig.Enabled {
		s.log.Info("shutting down RPC server (https)", zap.String("endpoint", s.https.Addr))
		err := s.https.Shutdown(context.Background())
		if err != nil {
			s.log.Warn("error during RPC (https) server shutdown", zap.Error(err))

	s.log.Info("shutting down RPC server", zap.String("endpoint", s.Addr))
	err := s.Server.Shutdown(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		s.log.Warn("error during RPC (http) server shutdown", zap.Error(err))

	// Perform sessions finalisation.
	if s.config.SessionEnabled {
		for _, session := range s.sessions {
			// Concurrent iterator traversal may still be in process, thus need to protect iteratorIdentifiers access.
			if !session.timer.Stop() {
		s.sessions = nil

	// Wait for handleSubEvents to finish.

// SetOracleHandler allows to update oracle handler used by the Server.
func (s *Server) SetOracleHandler(orc OracleHandler) {

func (s *Server) handleHTTPRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, httpRequest *http.Request) {
	req := params.NewRequest()

	if httpRequest.URL.Path == "/ws" && httpRequest.Method == "GET" {
		// Technically there is a race between this check and
		// s.subscribers modification 20 lines below, but it's tiny
		// and not really critical to bother with it. Some additional
		// clients may sneak in, no big deal.
		numOfSubs := len(s.subscribers)
		if numOfSubs >= maxSubscribers {
				neorpc.NewInternalServerError("websocket users limit reached"),
		ws, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, httpRequest, nil)
		if err != nil {
			s.log.Info("websocket connection upgrade failed", zap.Error(err))
		resChan := make(chan abstractResult) // response.abstract or response.abstractBatch
		subChan := make(chan *websocket.PreparedMessage, notificationBufSize)
		subscr := &subscriber{writer: subChan, ws: ws}
		s.subscribers[subscr] = true
		go s.handleWsWrites(ws, resChan, subChan)
		s.handleWsReads(ws, resChan, subscr)

	if httpRequest.Method != "POST" {
			neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid method '%s', please retry with 'POST'", httpRequest.Method)),

	err := req.DecodeData(httpRequest.Body)
	if err != nil {
		s.writeHTTPErrorResponse(params.NewIn(), w, neorpc.NewParseError(err.Error()))

	resp := s.handleRequest(req, nil)
	s.writeHTTPServerResponse(req, w, resp)

func (s *Server) handleRequest(req *params.Request, sub *subscriber) abstractResult {
	if req.In != nil {
		req.In.Method = escapeForLog(req.In.Method) // No valid method name will be changed by it.
		return s.handleIn(req.In, sub)
	resp := make(abstractBatch, len(req.Batch))
	for i, in := range req.Batch {
		in.Method = escapeForLog(in.Method) // No valid method name will be changed by it.
		resp[i] = s.handleIn(&in, sub)
	return resp

func (s *Server) handleIn(req *params.In, sub *subscriber) abstract {
	var res interface{}
	var resErr *neorpc.Error
	if req.JSONRPC != neorpc.JSONRPCVersion {
		return s.packResponse(req, nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("problem parsing JSON: invalid version, expected 2.0 got '%s'", req.JSONRPC)))

	reqParams := params.Params(req.RawParams)

	s.log.Debug("processing rpc request",
		zap.String("method", req.Method),
		zap.Stringer("params", reqParams))


	resErr = neorpc.NewMethodNotFoundError(fmt.Sprintf("method %q not supported", req.Method))
	handler, ok := rpcHandlers[req.Method]
	if ok {
		res, resErr = handler(s, reqParams)
	} else if sub != nil {
		handler, ok := rpcWsHandlers[req.Method]
		if ok {
			res, resErr = handler(s, reqParams, sub)
	return s.packResponse(req, res, resErr)

func (s *Server) handleWsWrites(ws *websocket.Conn, resChan <-chan abstractResult, subChan <-chan *websocket.PreparedMessage) {
	pingTicker := time.NewTicker(wsPingPeriod)
	for {
		select {
		case <-s.shutdown:
			break eventloop
		case event, ok := <-subChan:
			if !ok {
				break eventloop
			if err := ws.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(wsWriteLimit)); err != nil {
				break eventloop
			if err := ws.WritePreparedMessage(event); err != nil {
				break eventloop
		case res, ok := <-resChan:
			if !ok {
				break eventloop
			if err := ws.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(wsWriteLimit)); err != nil {
				break eventloop
			if err := ws.WriteJSON(res); err != nil {
				break eventloop
		case <-pingTicker.C:
			if err := ws.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(wsWriteLimit)); err != nil {
				break eventloop
			if err := ws.WriteMessage(websocket.PingMessage, []byte{}); err != nil {
				break eventloop
	// Drain notification channel as there might be some goroutines blocked
	// on it.
	for {
		select {
		case _, ok := <-subChan:
			if !ok {
				break drainloop
			break drainloop

func (s *Server) handleWsReads(ws *websocket.Conn, resChan chan<- abstractResult, subscr *subscriber) {
	err := ws.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(wsPongLimit))
	ws.SetPongHandler(func(string) error { return ws.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(wsPongLimit)) })
	for err == nil {
		req := params.NewRequest()
		err := ws.ReadJSON(req)
		if err != nil {
		res := s.handleRequest(req, subscr)
		res.RunForErrors(func(jsonErr *neorpc.Error) {
			s.logRequestError(req, jsonErr)
		select {
		case <-s.shutdown:
			break requestloop
		case resChan <- res:
	delete(s.subscribers, subscr)
	for _, e := range subscr.feeds {
		if e.event != neorpc.InvalidEventID {

func (s *Server) getBestBlockHash(_ params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	return "0x" + s.chain.CurrentBlockHash().StringLE(), nil

func (s *Server) getBlockCount(_ params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	return s.chain.BlockHeight() + 1, nil

func (s *Server) getBlockHeaderCount(_ params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	return s.chain.HeaderHeight() + 1, nil

func (s *Server) getConnectionCount(_ params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	return s.coreServer.PeerCount(), nil

func (s *Server) blockHashFromParam(param *params.Param) (util.Uint256, *neorpc.Error) {
	var (
		hash util.Uint256
		err  error
	if param == nil {
		return hash, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	if hash, err = param.GetUint256(); err != nil {
		num, respErr := s.blockHeightFromParam(param)
		if respErr != nil {
			return hash, respErr
		hash = s.chain.GetHeaderHash(num)
	return hash, nil

func (s *Server) fillBlockMetadata(obj io.Serializable, h *block.Header) result.BlockMetadata {
	res := result.BlockMetadata{
		Size:          io.GetVarSize(obj), // obj can be a Block or a Header.
		Confirmations: s.chain.BlockHeight() - h.Index + 1,

	hash := s.chain.GetHeaderHash(int(h.Index) + 1)
	if !hash.Equals(util.Uint256{}) {
		res.NextBlockHash = &hash
	return res

func (s *Server) getBlock(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	param := reqParams.Value(0)
	hash, respErr := s.blockHashFromParam(param)
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr

	block, err := s.chain.GetBlock(hash)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Failed to get block", err.Error())

	if v, _ := reqParams.Value(1).GetBoolean(); v {
		res := result.Block{
			Block:         *block,
			BlockMetadata: s.fillBlockMetadata(block, &block.Header),
		return res, nil
	writer := io.NewBufBinWriter()
	return writer.Bytes(), nil

func (s *Server) getBlockHash(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	num, err := s.blockHeightFromParam(reqParams.Value(0))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	return s.chain.GetHeaderHash(num), nil

func (s *Server) getVersion(_ params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	port, err := s.coreServer.Port()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("cannot fetch tcp port: %s", err))

	cfg := s.chain.GetConfig()
	return &result.Version{
		Magic:   ,
		TCPPort:           port,
		Nonce:             s.coreServer.ID(),
		UserAgent:         s.coreServer.UserAgent,
		StateRootInHeader: cfg.StateRootInHeader,
		Protocol: result.Protocol{
			AddressVersion:              address.NEO3Prefix,
			Network:                     cfg.Magic,
			MillisecondsPerBlock:        cfg.SecondsPerBlock * 1000,
			MaxTraceableBlocks:          cfg.MaxTraceableBlocks,
			MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement: cfg.MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement,
			MaxTransactionsPerBlock:     cfg.MaxTransactionsPerBlock,
			MemoryPoolMaxTransactions:   cfg.MemPoolSize,
			ValidatorsCount:             byte(cfg.GetNumOfCNs(s.chain.BlockHeight())),
			InitialGasDistribution:      cfg.InitialGASSupply,

			CommitteeHistory:  cfg.CommitteeHistory,
			P2PSigExtensions:  cfg.P2PSigExtensions,
			StateRootInHeader: cfg.StateRootInHeader,
			ValidatorsHistory: cfg.ValidatorsHistory,
	}, nil

func (s *Server) getPeers(_ params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	peers := result.NewGetPeers()
	return peers, nil

func (s *Server) getRawMempool(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	verbose, _ := reqParams.Value(0).GetBoolean()
	mp := s.chain.GetMemPool()
	hashList := make([]util.Uint256, 0)
	for _, item := range mp.GetVerifiedTransactions() {
		hashList = append(hashList, item.Hash())
	if !verbose {
		return hashList, nil
	return result.RawMempool{
		Height:     s.chain.BlockHeight(),
		Verified:   hashList,
		Unverified: []util.Uint256{}, // avoid `null` result
	}, nil

func (s *Server) validateAddress(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	param, err := reqParams.Value(0).GetString()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	return result.ValidateAddress{
		Address: reqParams.Value(0),
		IsValid: validateAddress(param),
	}, nil

// calculateNetworkFee calculates network fee for the transaction.
func (s *Server) calculateNetworkFee(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	if len(reqParams) < 1 {
		return 0, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	byteTx, err := reqParams[0].GetBytesBase64()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, err.Error())
	tx, err := transaction.NewTransactionFromBytes(byteTx)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, err.Error())
	hashablePart, err := tx.EncodeHashableFields()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, fmt.Sprintf("failed to compute tx size: %s", err))
	size := len(hashablePart) + io.GetVarSize(len(tx.Signers))
	var netFee int64
	for i, signer := range tx.Signers {
		w := tx.Scripts[i]
		if len(w.InvocationScript) == 0 { // No invocation provided, try to infer one.
			var paramz []manifest.Parameter
			if len(w.VerificationScript) == 0 { // Contract-based verification
				cs := s.chain.GetContractState(signer.Account)
				if cs == nil {
					return 0, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, fmt.Sprintf("signer %d has no verification script and no deployed contract", i))
				md := cs.Manifest.ABI.GetMethod(manifest.MethodVerify, -1)
				if md == nil || md.ReturnType != smartcontract.BoolType {
					return 0, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, fmt.Sprintf("signer %d has no verify method in deployed contract", i))
				paramz = md.Parameters // Might as well have none params and it's OK.
			} else { // Regular signature verification.
				if vm.IsSignatureContract(w.VerificationScript) {
					paramz = []manifest.Parameter{{Type: smartcontract.SignatureType}}
				} else if nSigs, _, ok := vm.ParseMultiSigContract(w.VerificationScript); ok {
					paramz = make([]manifest.Parameter, nSigs)
					for j := 0; j < nSigs; j++ {
						paramz[j] = manifest.Parameter{Type: smartcontract.SignatureType}
			inv := io.NewBufBinWriter()
			for _, p := range paramz {
			if inv.Err != nil {
				return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to create dummy invocation script (signer %d): %s", i, inv.Err.Error()))
			w.InvocationScript = inv.Bytes()
		gasConsumed, _ := s.chain.VerifyWitness(signer.Account, tx, &w, int64(s.config.MaxGasInvoke))
		netFee += gasConsumed
		size += io.GetVarSize(w.VerificationScript) + io.GetVarSize(w.InvocationScript)
	if s.chain.P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() {
		attrs := tx.GetAttributes(transaction.NotaryAssistedT)
		if len(attrs) != 0 {
			na := attrs[0].Value.(*transaction.NotaryAssisted)
			netFee += (int64(na.NKeys) + 1) * s.chain.GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey()
	fee := s.chain.FeePerByte()
	netFee += int64(size) * fee
	return result.NetworkFee{Value: netFee}, nil

// getApplicationLog returns the contract log based on the specified txid or blockid.
func (s *Server) getApplicationLog(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	hash, err := reqParams.Value(0).GetUint256()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	trig := trigger.All
	if len(reqParams) > 1 {
		trigString, err := reqParams.Value(1).GetString()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
		trig, err = trigger.FromString(trigString)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	appExecResults, err := s.chain.GetAppExecResults(hash, trigger.All)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrUnknownScriptContainer, fmt.Sprintf("failed to locate application log: %s", err))
	return result.NewApplicationLog(hash, appExecResults, trig), nil

func (s *Server) getNEP11Tokens(h util.Uint160, acc util.Uint160, bw *io.BufBinWriter) ([]stackitem.Item, string, int, error) {
	items, finalize, err := s.invokeReadOnlyMulti(bw, h, []string{"tokensOf", "symbol", "decimals"}, [][]interface{}{{acc}, nil, nil})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", 0, err
	defer finalize()
	if (items[0].Type() != stackitem.InteropT) || !iterator.IsIterator(items[0]) {
		return nil, "", 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid `tokensOf` result type %s", items[0].String())
	vals := iterator.Values(items[0], s.config.MaxNEP11Tokens)
	sym, err := stackitem.ToString(items[1])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", 0, fmt.Errorf("`symbol` return value error: %w", err)
	dec, err := items[2].TryInteger()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", 0, fmt.Errorf("`decimals` return value error: %w", err)
	if !dec.IsInt64() || dec.Sign() == -1 || dec.Int64() > math.MaxInt32 {
		return nil, "", 0, errors.New("`decimals` returned a bad integer")
	return vals, sym, int(dec.Int64()), nil

func (s *Server) getNEP11Balances(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	u, err := ps.Value(0).GetUint160FromAddressOrHex()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	bs := &result.NEP11Balances{
		Address:  address.Uint160ToString(u),
		Balances: []result.NEP11AssetBalance{},
	lastUpdated, err := s.chain.GetTokenLastUpdated(u)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Failed to get NEP-11 last updated block", err.Error())
	var count int
	stateSyncPoint := lastUpdated[math.MinInt32]
	bw := io.NewBufBinWriter()
	for _, h := range s.chain.GetNEP11Contracts() {
		toks, sym, dec, err := s.getNEP11Tokens(h, u, bw)
		if err != nil {
		if len(toks) == 0 {
		cs := s.chain.GetContractState(h)
		if cs == nil {
		isDivisible := (cs.Manifest.ABI.GetMethod("balanceOf", 2) != nil)
		lub, ok := lastUpdated[cs.ID]
		if !ok {
			cfg := s.chain.GetConfig()
			if !cfg.P2PStateExchangeExtensions && cfg.RemoveUntraceableBlocks {
				return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get LastUpdatedBlock for balance of %s token: internal database inconsistency", cs.Hash.StringLE()))
			lub = stateSyncPoint
		bs.Balances = append(bs.Balances, result.NEP11AssetBalance{
			Asset:    h,
			Decimals: dec,
			Name:     cs.Manifest.Name,
			Symbol:   sym,
			Tokens:   make([]result.NEP11TokenBalance, 0, len(toks)),
		curAsset := &bs.Balances[len(bs.Balances)-1]
		for i := range toks {
			id, err := toks[i].TryBytes()
			if err != nil || len(id) > limits.MaxStorageKeyLen {
			var amount = "1"
			if isDivisible {
				balance, err := s.getNEP11DTokenBalance(h, u, id, bw)
				if err != nil {
				if balance.Sign() == 0 {
				amount = balance.String()
			curAsset.Tokens = append(curAsset.Tokens, result.NEP11TokenBalance{
				ID:          hex.EncodeToString(id),
				Amount:      amount,
				LastUpdated: lub,
			if count >= s.config.MaxNEP11Tokens {
				break contract_loop
	return bs, nil

func (s *Server) invokeNEP11Properties(h util.Uint160, id []byte, bw *io.BufBinWriter) ([]stackitem.MapElement, error) {
	item, finalize, err := s.invokeReadOnly(bw, h, "properties", id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer finalize()
	if item.Type() != stackitem.MapT {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid `properties` result type %s", item.String())
	return item.Value().([]stackitem.MapElement), nil

func (s *Server) getNEP11Properties(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	asset, err := ps.Value(0).GetUint160FromAddressOrHex()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	token, err := ps.Value(1).GetBytesHex()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	props, err := s.invokeNEP11Properties(asset, token, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Failed to get NEP-11 properties", err.Error())
	res := make(map[string]interface{})
	for _, kv := range props {
		key, err := kv.Key.TryBytes()
		if err != nil {
		var val interface{}
		if result.KnownNEP11Properties[string(key)] || kv.Value.Type() != stackitem.AnyT {
			v, err := kv.Value.TryBytes()
			if err != nil {
			if result.KnownNEP11Properties[string(key)] {
				val = string(v)
			} else {
				val = v
		res[string(key)] = val
	return res, nil

func (s *Server) getNEP17Balances(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	u, err := ps.Value(0).GetUint160FromAddressOrHex()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	bs := &result.NEP17Balances{
		Address:  address.Uint160ToString(u),
		Balances: []result.NEP17Balance{},
	lastUpdated, err := s.chain.GetTokenLastUpdated(u)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Failed to get NEP-17 last updated block", err.Error())
	stateSyncPoint := lastUpdated[math.MinInt32]
	bw := io.NewBufBinWriter()
	for _, h := range s.chain.GetNEP17Contracts() {
		balance, sym, dec, err := s.getNEP17TokenBalance(h, u, bw)
		if err != nil {
		if balance.Sign() == 0 {
		cs := s.chain.GetContractState(h)
		if cs == nil {
		lub, ok := lastUpdated[cs.ID]
		if !ok {
			cfg := s.chain.GetConfig()
			if !cfg.P2PStateExchangeExtensions && cfg.RemoveUntraceableBlocks {
				return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get LastUpdatedBlock for balance of %s token: internal database inconsistency", cs.Hash.StringLE()))
			lub = stateSyncPoint
		bs.Balances = append(bs.Balances, result.NEP17Balance{
			Asset:       h,
			Amount:      balance.String(),
			Decimals:    dec,
			LastUpdated: lub,
			Name:        cs.Manifest.Name,
			Symbol:      sym,
	return bs, nil

func (s *Server) invokeReadOnly(bw *io.BufBinWriter, h util.Uint160, method string, params ...interface{}) (stackitem.Item, func(), error) {
	r, f, err := s.invokeReadOnlyMulti(bw, h, []string{method}, [][]interface{}{params})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	return r[0], f, nil

func (s *Server) invokeReadOnlyMulti(bw *io.BufBinWriter, h util.Uint160, methods []string, params [][]interface{}) ([]stackitem.Item, func(), error) {
	if bw == nil {
		bw = io.NewBufBinWriter()
	} else {
	if len(methods) != len(params) {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("asymmetric parameters")
	for i := range methods {
		emit.AppCall(bw.BinWriter, h, methods[i], callflag.ReadStates|callflag.AllowCall, params[i]...)
		if bw.Err != nil {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create `%s` invocation script: %w", methods[i], bw.Err)
	script := bw.Bytes()
	tx := &transaction.Transaction{Script: script}
	b, err := s.getFakeNextBlock(s.chain.BlockHeight() + 1)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	ic := s.chain.GetTestVM(trigger.Application, tx, b)
	ic.VM.GasLimit = core.HeaderVerificationGasLimit
	ic.VM.LoadScriptWithFlags(script, callflag.All)
	err = ic.VM.Run()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to run %d methods of %s: %w", len(methods), h.StringLE(), err)
	estack := ic.VM.Estack()
	if estack.Len() != len(methods) {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid return values count: expected %d, got %d", len(methods), estack.Len())
	return estack.ToArray(), ic.Finalize, nil

func (s *Server) getNEP17TokenBalance(h util.Uint160, acc util.Uint160, bw *io.BufBinWriter) (*big.Int, string, int, error) {
	items, finalize, err := s.invokeReadOnlyMulti(bw, h, []string{"balanceOf", "symbol", "decimals"}, [][]interface{}{{acc}, nil, nil})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", 0, err
	res, err := items[0].TryInteger()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected `balanceOf` result type: %w", err)
	sym, err := stackitem.ToString(items[1])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", 0, fmt.Errorf("`symbol` return value error: %w", err)
	dec, err := items[2].TryInteger()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", 0, fmt.Errorf("`decimals` return value error: %w", err)
	if !dec.IsInt64() || dec.Sign() == -1 || dec.Int64() > math.MaxInt32 {
		return nil, "", 0, errors.New("`decimals` returned a bad integer")
	return res, sym, int(dec.Int64()), nil

func (s *Server) getNEP11DTokenBalance(h util.Uint160, acc util.Uint160, id []byte, bw *io.BufBinWriter) (*big.Int, error) {
	item, finalize, err := s.invokeReadOnly(bw, h, "balanceOf", acc, id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	res, err := item.TryInteger()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected `balanceOf` result type: %w", err)
	return res, nil

func getTimestampsAndLimit(ps params.Params, index int) (uint64, uint64, int, int, error) {
	var start, end uint64
	var limit, page int

	limit = maxTransfersLimit
	pStart, pEnd, pLimit, pPage := ps.Value(index), ps.Value(index+1), ps.Value(index+2), ps.Value(index+3)
	if pPage != nil {
		p, err := pPage.GetInt()
		if err != nil {
			return 0, 0, 0, 0, err
		if p < 0 {
			return 0, 0, 0, 0, errors.New("can't use negative page")
		page = p
	if pLimit != nil {
		l, err := pLimit.GetInt()
		if err != nil {
			return 0, 0, 0, 0, err
		if l <= 0 {
			return 0, 0, 0, 0, errors.New("can't use negative or zero limit")
		if l > maxTransfersLimit {
			return 0, 0, 0, 0, errors.New("too big limit requested")
		limit = l
	if pEnd != nil {
		val, err := pEnd.GetInt()
		if err != nil {
			return 0, 0, 0, 0, err
		end = uint64(val)
	} else {
		end = uint64(time.Now().Unix() * 1000)
	if pStart != nil {
		val, err := pStart.GetInt()
		if err != nil {
			return 0, 0, 0, 0, err
		start = uint64(val)
	} else {
		start = uint64(time.Now().Add(-time.Hour*24*7).Unix() * 1000)
	return start, end, limit, page, nil

func (s *Server) getNEP11Transfers(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	return s.getTokenTransfers(ps, true)

func (s *Server) getNEP17Transfers(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	return s.getTokenTransfers(ps, false)

func (s *Server) getTokenTransfers(ps params.Params, isNEP11 bool) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	u, err := ps.Value(0).GetUint160FromAddressOrHex()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	start, end, limit, page, err := getTimestampsAndLimit(ps, 1)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("malformed timestamps/limit: %s", err))

	bs := &tokenTransfers{
		Address:  address.Uint160ToString(u),
		Received: []interface{}{},
		Sent:     []interface{}{},
	cache := make(map[int32]util.Uint160)
	var resCount, frameCount int
	// handleTransfer returns items to be added into the received and sent arrays
	// along with a continue flag and error.
	var handleTransfer = func(tr *state.NEP17Transfer) (*result.NEP17Transfer, *result.NEP17Transfer, bool, error) {
		var received, sent *result.NEP17Transfer

		// Iterating from the newest to the oldest, not yet reached required
		// time frame, continue looping.
		if tr.Timestamp > end {
			return nil, nil, true, nil
		// Iterating from the newest to the oldest, moved past required
		// time frame, stop looping.
		if tr.Timestamp < start {
			return nil, nil, false, nil
		// Using limits, not yet reached required page.
		if limit != 0 && page*limit >= frameCount {
			return nil, nil, true, nil

		h, err := s.getHash(tr.Asset, cache)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, false, err

		transfer := result.NEP17Transfer{
			Timestamp: tr.Timestamp,
			Asset:     h,
			Index:     tr.Block,
			TxHash:    tr.Tx,
		if tr.Amount.Sign() > 0 { // token was received
			transfer.Amount = tr.Amount.String()
			if !tr.From.Equals(util.Uint160{}) {
				transfer.Address = address.Uint160ToString(tr.From)
			received = &result.NEP17Transfer{}
			*received = transfer // Make a copy, transfer is to be modified below.
		} else {
			transfer.Amount = new(big.Int).Neg(&tr.Amount).String()
			if !tr.To.Equals(util.Uint160{}) {
				transfer.Address = address.Uint160ToString(tr.To)
			sent = &result.NEP17Transfer{}
			*sent = transfer

		// Check limits for continue flag.
		return received, sent, !(limit != 0 && resCount >= limit), nil
	if !isNEP11 {
		err = s.chain.ForEachNEP17Transfer(u, end, func(tr *state.NEP17Transfer) (bool, error) {
			r, s, res, err := handleTransfer(tr)
			if err == nil {
				if r != nil {
					bs.Received = append(bs.Received, r)
				if s != nil {
					bs.Sent = append(bs.Sent, s)
			return res, err
	} else {
		err = s.chain.ForEachNEP11Transfer(u, end, func(tr *state.NEP11Transfer) (bool, error) {
			r, s, res, err := handleTransfer(&tr.NEP17Transfer)
			if err == nil {
				id := hex.EncodeToString(tr.ID)
				if r != nil {
					bs.Received = append(bs.Received, nep17TransferToNEP11(r, id))
				if s != nil {
					bs.Sent = append(bs.Sent, nep17TransferToNEP11(s, id))
			return res, err
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid transfer log: %s", err))
	return bs, nil

// getHash returns the hash of the contract by its ID using cache.
func (s *Server) getHash(contractID int32, cache map[int32]util.Uint160) (util.Uint160, error) {
	if d, ok := cache[contractID]; ok {
		return d, nil
	h, err := s.chain.GetContractScriptHash(contractID)
	if err != nil {
		return util.Uint160{}, err
	cache[contractID] = h
	return h, nil

func (s *Server) contractIDFromParam(param *params.Param) (int32, *neorpc.Error) {
	var result int32
	if param == nil {
		return 0, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	if scriptHash, err := param.GetUint160FromHex(); err == nil {
		cs := s.chain.GetContractState(scriptHash)
		if cs == nil {
			return 0, neorpc.ErrUnknown
		result = cs.ID
	} else {
		id, err := param.GetInt()
		if err != nil {
			return 0, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
		if err := checkInt32(id); err != nil {
			return 0, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, err.Error())
		result = int32(id)
	return result, nil

// getContractScriptHashFromParam returns the contract script hash by hex contract hash, address, id or native contract name.
func (s *Server) contractScriptHashFromParam(param *params.Param) (util.Uint160, *neorpc.Error) {
	var result util.Uint160
	if param == nil {
		return result, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	nameOrHashOrIndex, err := param.GetString()
	if err != nil {
		return result, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	result, err = param.GetUint160FromAddressOrHex()
	if err == nil {
		return result, nil
	result, err = s.chain.GetNativeContractScriptHash(nameOrHashOrIndex)
	if err == nil {
		return result, nil
	id, err := strconv.Atoi(nameOrHashOrIndex)
	if err != nil {
		return result, neorpc.NewRPCError("Invalid contract identifier (name/hash/index is expected)", err.Error())
	if err := checkInt32(id); err != nil {
		return result, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, err.Error())
	result, err = s.chain.GetContractScriptHash(int32(id))
	if err != nil {
		return result, neorpc.NewRPCError("Unknown contract", "")
	return result, nil

func makeStorageKey(id int32, key []byte) []byte {
	skey := make([]byte, 4+len(key))
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(skey, uint32(id))
	copy(skey[4:], key)
	return skey

var errKeepOnlyLatestState = errors.New("'KeepOnlyLatestState' setting is enabled")

func (s *Server) getProof(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	if s.chain.GetConfig().KeepOnlyLatestState {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("'getproof' is not supported: %s", errKeepOnlyLatestState))
	root, err := ps.Value(0).GetUint256()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	sc, err := ps.Value(1).GetUint160FromHex()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	key, err := ps.Value(2).GetBytesBase64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	cs, respErr := s.getHistoricalContractState(root, sc)
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	skey := makeStorageKey(cs.ID, key)
	proof, err := s.chain.GetStateModule().GetStateProof(root, skey)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get proof: %s", err))
	return &result.ProofWithKey{
		Key:   skey,
		Proof: proof,
	}, nil

func (s *Server) verifyProof(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	if s.chain.GetConfig().KeepOnlyLatestState {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("'verifyproof' is not supported: %s", errKeepOnlyLatestState))
	root, err := ps.Value(0).GetUint256()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	proofStr, err := ps.Value(1).GetString()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	var p result.ProofWithKey
	if err := p.FromString(proofStr); err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	vp := new(result.VerifyProof)
	val, ok := mpt.VerifyProof(root, p.Key, p.Proof)
	if ok {
		vp.Value = val
	return vp, nil

func (s *Server) getState(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	root, err := ps.Value(0).GetUint256()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, "invalid stateroot")
	if s.chain.GetConfig().KeepOnlyLatestState {
		curr, err := s.chain.GetStateModule().GetStateRoot(s.chain.BlockHeight())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get current stateroot: %s", err))
		if !curr.Root.Equals(root) {
			return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("'getstate' is not supported for old states: %s", errKeepOnlyLatestState))
	csHash, err := ps.Value(1).GetUint160FromHex()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, "invalid contract hash")
	key, err := ps.Value(2).GetBytesBase64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, "invalid key")
	cs, respErr := s.getHistoricalContractState(root, csHash)
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	sKey := makeStorageKey(cs.ID, key)
	res, err := s.chain.GetStateModule().GetState(root, sKey)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Failed to get historical item state", err.Error())
	return res, nil

func (s *Server) findStates(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	root, err := ps.Value(0).GetUint256()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, "invalid stateroot")
	if s.chain.GetConfig().KeepOnlyLatestState {
		curr, err := s.chain.GetStateModule().GetStateRoot(s.chain.BlockHeight())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get current stateroot: %s", err))
		if !curr.Root.Equals(root) {
			return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("'findstates' is not supported for old states: %s", errKeepOnlyLatestState))
	csHash, err := ps.Value(1).GetUint160FromHex()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, fmt.Sprintf("invalid contract hash: %s", err))
	prefix, err := ps.Value(2).GetBytesBase64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, fmt.Sprintf("invalid prefix: %s", err))
	var (
		key   []byte
		count = s.config.MaxFindResultItems
	if len(ps) > 3 {
		key, err = ps.Value(3).GetBytesBase64()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, fmt.Sprintf("invalid key: %s", err))
		if len(key) > 0 {
			if !bytes.HasPrefix(key, prefix) {
				return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, "key doesn't match prefix")
			key = key[len(prefix):]
		} else {
			// empty ("") key shouldn't exclude item matching prefix from the result
			key = nil
	if len(ps) > 4 {
		count, err = ps.Value(4).GetInt()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, fmt.Sprintf("invalid count: %s", err))
		if count > s.config.MaxFindResultItems {
			count = s.config.MaxFindResultItems
	cs, respErr := s.getHistoricalContractState(root, csHash)
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	pKey := makeStorageKey(cs.ID, prefix)
	kvs, err := s.chain.GetStateModule().FindStates(root, pKey, key, count+1) // +1 to define result truncation
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to find historical items: %s", err))
	res := result.FindStates{}
	if len(kvs) == count+1 {
		res.Truncated = true
		kvs = kvs[:len(kvs)-1]
	if len(kvs) > 0 {
		proof, err := s.chain.GetStateModule().GetStateProof(root, kvs[0].Key)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get first proof: %s", err))
		res.FirstProof = &result.ProofWithKey{
			Key:   kvs[0].Key,
			Proof: proof,
	if len(kvs) > 1 {
		proof, err := s.chain.GetStateModule().GetStateProof(root, kvs[len(kvs)-1].Key)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get last proof: %s", err))
		res.LastProof = &result.ProofWithKey{
			Key:   kvs[len(kvs)-1].Key,
			Proof: proof,
	res.Results = make([]result.KeyValue, len(kvs))
	for i, kv := range kvs {
		res.Results[i] = result.KeyValue{
			Key:   kv.Key[4:], // cut contract ID as it is done in C#
			Value: kv.Value,
	return res, nil

func (s *Server) getHistoricalContractState(root util.Uint256, csHash util.Uint160) (*state.Contract, *neorpc.Error) {
	csKey := makeStorageKey(native.ManagementContractID, native.MakeContractKey(csHash))
	csBytes, err := s.chain.GetStateModule().GetState(root, csKey)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Failed to get historical contract state", err.Error())
	contract := new(state.Contract)
	err = stackitem.DeserializeConvertible(csBytes, contract)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to deserialize historical contract state: %s", err))
	return contract, nil

func (s *Server) getStateHeight(_ params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	var height = s.chain.BlockHeight()
	var stateHeight = s.chain.GetStateModule().CurrentValidatedHeight()
	if s.chain.GetConfig().StateRootInHeader {
		stateHeight = height - 1
	return &result.StateHeight{
		Local:     height,
		Validated: stateHeight,
	}, nil

func (s *Server) getStateRoot(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	p := ps.Value(0)
	if p == nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError("missing stateroot identifier")
	var rt *state.MPTRoot
	var h util.Uint256
	height, err := p.GetIntStrict()
	if err == nil {
		if err := checkUint32(height); err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, err.Error())
		rt, err = s.chain.GetStateModule().GetStateRoot(uint32(height))
	} else if h, err = p.GetUint256(); err == nil {
		var hdr *block.Header
		hdr, err = s.chain.GetHeader(h)
		if err == nil {
			rt, err = s.chain.GetStateModule().GetStateRoot(hdr.Index)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrUnknownStateRoot
	return rt, nil

func (s *Server) getStorage(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	id, rErr := s.contractIDFromParam(ps.Value(0))
	if rErr == neorpc.ErrUnknown {
		return nil, nil
	if rErr != nil {
		return nil, rErr

	key, err := ps.Value(1).GetBytesBase64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	item := s.chain.GetStorageItem(id, key)
	if item == nil {
		return "", nil

	return []byte(item), nil

func (s *Server) getrawtransaction(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	txHash, err := reqParams.Value(0).GetUint256()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	tx, height, err := s.chain.GetTransaction(txHash)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrUnknownTransaction
	if v, _ := reqParams.Value(1).GetBoolean(); v {
		res := result.TransactionOutputRaw{
			Transaction: *tx,
		if height == math.MaxUint32 { // Mempooled transaction.
			return res, nil
		_header := s.chain.GetHeaderHash(int(height))
		header, err := s.chain.GetHeader(_header)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Failed to get header for the transaction", err.Error())
		aers, err := s.chain.GetAppExecResults(txHash, trigger.Application)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Failed to get application log for the transaction", err.Error())
		if len(aers) == 0 {
			return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Inconsistent application log", "application log for the transaction is empty")
		res.TransactionMetadata = result.TransactionMetadata{
			Blockhash:     header.Hash(),
			Confirmations: int(s.chain.BlockHeight() - header.Index + 1),
			Timestamp:     header.Timestamp,
			VMState:       aers[0].VMState.String(),
		return res, nil
	return tx.Bytes(), nil

func (s *Server) getTransactionHeight(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	h, err := ps.Value(0).GetUint256()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	_, height, err := s.chain.GetTransaction(h)
	if err != nil || height == math.MaxUint32 {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrUnknownTransaction

	return height, nil

// getContractState returns contract state (contract information, according to the contract script hash,
// contract id or native contract name).
func (s *Server) getContractState(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	scriptHash, err := s.contractScriptHashFromParam(reqParams.Value(0))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	cs := s.chain.GetContractState(scriptHash)
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Unknown contract", "")
	return cs, nil

func (s *Server) getNativeContracts(_ params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	return s.chain.GetNatives(), nil

// getBlockSysFee returns the system fees of the block, based on the specified index.
func (s *Server) getBlockSysFee(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	num, err := s.blockHeightFromParam(reqParams.Value(0))
	if err != nil {
		return 0, neorpc.NewRPCError("Invalid height", "invalid block identifier")

	headerHash := s.chain.GetHeaderHash(num)
	block, errBlock := s.chain.GetBlock(headerHash)
	if errBlock != nil {
		return 0, neorpc.ErrUnknownBlock

	var blockSysFee int64
	for _, tx := range block.Transactions {
		blockSysFee += tx.SystemFee

	return blockSysFee, nil

// getBlockHeader returns the corresponding block header information according to the specified script hash.
func (s *Server) getBlockHeader(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	param := reqParams.Value(0)
	hash, respErr := s.blockHashFromParam(param)
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr

	verbose, _ := reqParams.Value(1).GetBoolean()
	h, err := s.chain.GetHeader(hash)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrUnknownHeader

	if verbose {
		res := result.Header{
			Header:        *h,
			BlockMetadata: s.fillBlockMetadata(h, h),
		return res, nil

	buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
	if buf.Err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("encoding error: %s", buf.Err))
	return buf.Bytes(), nil

// getUnclaimedGas returns unclaimed GAS amount of the specified address.
func (s *Server) getUnclaimedGas(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	u, err := ps.Value(0).GetUint160FromAddressOrHex()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	neo, _ := s.chain.GetGoverningTokenBalance(u)
	if neo.Sign() == 0 {
		return result.UnclaimedGas{
			Address: u,
		}, nil
	gas, err := s.chain.CalculateClaimable(u, s.chain.BlockHeight()+1) // +1 as in C#, for the next block.
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Can't calculate claimable", err.Error())
	return result.UnclaimedGas{
		Address:   u,
		Unclaimed: *gas,
	}, nil

// getCandidates returns the current list of candidates with their active/inactive voting status.
func (s *Server) getCandidates(_ params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	var validators keys.PublicKeys

	validators, err := s.chain.GetNextBlockValidators()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Can't get next block validators", err.Error())
	enrollments, err := s.chain.GetEnrollments()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Can't get enrollments", err.Error())
	var res = make([]result.Candidate, 0)
	for _, v := range enrollments {
		res = append(res, result.Candidate{
			PublicKey: *v.Key,
			Votes:     v.Votes.Int64(),
			Active:    validators.Contains(v.Key),
	return res, nil

// getNextBlockValidators returns validators for the next block with voting status.
func (s *Server) getNextBlockValidators(_ params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	var validators keys.PublicKeys

	validators, err := s.chain.GetNextBlockValidators()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Can't get next block validators", err.Error())
	enrollments, err := s.chain.GetEnrollments()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Can't get enrollments", err.Error())
	var res = make([]result.Validator, 0)
	for _, v := range enrollments {
		if !validators.Contains(v.Key) {
		res = append(res, result.Validator{
			PublicKey: *v.Key,
			Votes:     v.Votes.Int64(),
	return res, nil

// getCommittee returns the current list of NEO committee members.
func (s *Server) getCommittee(_ params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	keys, err := s.chain.GetCommittee()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("can't get committee members: %s", err))
	return keys, nil

// invokeFunction implements the `invokeFunction` RPC call.
func (s *Server) invokeFunction(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	tx, verbose, respErr := s.getInvokeFunctionParams(reqParams)
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	return s.runScriptInVM(trigger.Application, tx.Script, util.Uint160{}, tx, nil, verbose)

// invokeFunctionHistoric implements the `invokeFunctionHistoric` RPC call.
func (s *Server) invokeFunctionHistoric(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	b, respErr := s.getHistoricParams(reqParams)
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	if len(reqParams) < 2 {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	tx, verbose, respErr := s.getInvokeFunctionParams(reqParams[1:])
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	return s.runScriptInVM(trigger.Application, tx.Script, util.Uint160{}, tx, b, verbose)

func (s *Server) getInvokeFunctionParams(reqParams params.Params) (*transaction.Transaction, bool, *neorpc.Error) {
	if len(reqParams) < 2 {
		return nil, false, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	scriptHash, responseErr := s.contractScriptHashFromParam(reqParams.Value(0))
	if responseErr != nil {
		return nil, false, responseErr
	method, err := reqParams[1].GetString()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	var invparams *params.Param
	if len(reqParams) > 2 {
		invparams = &reqParams[2]
	tx := &transaction.Transaction{}
	if len(reqParams) > 3 {
		signers, _, err := reqParams[3].GetSignersWithWitnesses()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, false, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
		tx.Signers = signers
	var verbose bool
	if len(reqParams) > 4 {
		verbose, err = reqParams[4].GetBoolean()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, false, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	if len(tx.Signers) == 0 {
		tx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{Account: util.Uint160{}, Scopes: transaction.None}}
	script, err := params.CreateFunctionInvocationScript(scriptHash, method, invparams)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("can't create invocation script: %s", err))
	tx.Script = script
	return tx, verbose, nil

// invokescript implements the `invokescript` RPC call.
func (s *Server) invokescript(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	tx, verbose, respErr := s.getInvokeScriptParams(reqParams)
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	return s.runScriptInVM(trigger.Application, tx.Script, util.Uint160{}, tx, nil, verbose)

// invokescripthistoric implements the `invokescripthistoric` RPC call.
func (s *Server) invokescripthistoric(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	b, respErr := s.getHistoricParams(reqParams)
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	if len(reqParams) < 2 {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	tx, verbose, respErr := s.getInvokeScriptParams(reqParams[1:])
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	return s.runScriptInVM(trigger.Application, tx.Script, util.Uint160{}, tx, b, verbose)

func (s *Server) getInvokeScriptParams(reqParams params.Params) (*transaction.Transaction, bool, *neorpc.Error) {
	script, err := reqParams.Value(0).GetBytesBase64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	tx := &transaction.Transaction{}
	if len(reqParams) > 1 {
		signers, witnesses, err := reqParams[1].GetSignersWithWitnesses()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, false, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, err.Error())
		tx.Signers = signers
		tx.Scripts = witnesses
	var verbose bool
	if len(reqParams) > 2 {
		verbose, err = reqParams[2].GetBoolean()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, false, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, err.Error())
	if len(tx.Signers) == 0 {
		tx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{Account: util.Uint160{}, Scopes: transaction.None}}
	tx.Script = script
	return tx, verbose, nil

// invokeContractVerify implements the `invokecontractverify` RPC call.
func (s *Server) invokeContractVerify(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	scriptHash, tx, invocationScript, respErr := s.getInvokeContractVerifyParams(reqParams)
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	return s.runScriptInVM(trigger.Verification, invocationScript, scriptHash, tx, nil, false)

// invokeContractVerifyHistoric implements the `invokecontractverifyhistoric` RPC call.
func (s *Server) invokeContractVerifyHistoric(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	b, respErr := s.getHistoricParams(reqParams)
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	if len(reqParams) < 2 {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	scriptHash, tx, invocationScript, respErr := s.getInvokeContractVerifyParams(reqParams[1:])
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	return s.runScriptInVM(trigger.Verification, invocationScript, scriptHash, tx, b, false)

func (s *Server) getInvokeContractVerifyParams(reqParams params.Params) (util.Uint160, *transaction.Transaction, []byte, *neorpc.Error) {
	scriptHash, responseErr := s.contractScriptHashFromParam(reqParams.Value(0))
	if responseErr != nil {
		return util.Uint160{}, nil, nil, responseErr

	bw := io.NewBufBinWriter()
	if len(reqParams) > 1 {
		args, err := reqParams[1].GetArray() // second `invokecontractverify` parameter is an array of arguments for `verify` method
		if err != nil {
			return util.Uint160{}, nil, nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, err.Error())
		if len(args) > 0 {
			err := params.ExpandArrayIntoScript(bw.BinWriter, args)
			if err != nil {
				return util.Uint160{}, nil, nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("can't create witness invocation script: %s", err))
	invocationScript := bw.Bytes()

	tx := &transaction.Transaction{Script: []byte{byte(opcode.RET)}} // need something in script
	if len(reqParams) > 2 {
		signers, witnesses, err := reqParams[2].GetSignersWithWitnesses()
		if err != nil {
			return util.Uint160{}, nil, nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
		tx.Signers = signers
		tx.Scripts = witnesses
	} else { // fill the only known signer - the contract with `verify` method
		tx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{Account: scriptHash}}
		tx.Scripts = []transaction.Witness{{InvocationScript: invocationScript, VerificationScript: []byte{}}}
	return scriptHash, tx, invocationScript, nil

// getHistoricParams checks that historic calls are supported and returns fake block
// with the specified index to perform the historic call. It also checks that
// specified stateroot is stored at the specified height for further request
// handling consistency.
func (s *Server) getHistoricParams(reqParams params.Params) (*block.Block, *neorpc.Error) {
	if s.chain.GetConfig().KeepOnlyLatestState {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("only latest state is supported: %s", errKeepOnlyLatestState))
	if len(reqParams) < 1 {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	height, respErr := s.blockHeightFromParam(reqParams.Value(0))
	if respErr != nil {
		hash, err := reqParams.Value(0).GetUint256()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid block hash or index or stateroot hash: %s", err))
		b, err := s.chain.GetBlock(hash)
		if err != nil {
			stateH, err := s.chain.GetStateModule().GetLatestStateHeight(hash)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("unknown block or stateroot: %s", err))
			height = int(stateH)
		} else {
			height = int(b.Index)
	b, err := s.getFakeNextBlock(uint32(height + 1))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("can't create fake block for height %d: %s", height+1, err))
	return b, nil

func (s *Server) getFakeNextBlock(nextBlockHeight uint32) (*block.Block, error) {
	// When transferring funds, script execution does no auto GAS claim,
	// because it depends on persisting tx height.
	// This is why we provide block here.
	b := block.New(s.stateRootEnabled)
	b.Index = nextBlockHeight
	hdr, err := s.chain.GetHeader(s.chain.GetHeaderHash(int(nextBlockHeight - 1)))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	b.Timestamp = hdr.Timestamp + uint64(s.chain.GetConfig().SecondsPerBlock*int(time.Second/time.Millisecond))
	return b, nil

func (s *Server) prepareInvocationContext(t trigger.Type, script []byte, contractScriptHash util.Uint160, tx *transaction.Transaction, b *block.Block, verbose bool) (*interop.Context, *neorpc.Error) {
	var (
		err error
		ic  *interop.Context
	if b == nil {
		b, err = s.getFakeNextBlock(s.chain.BlockHeight() + 1)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("can't create fake block: %s", err))
		ic = s.chain.GetTestVM(t, tx, b)
	} else {
		ic, err = s.chain.GetTestHistoricVM(t, tx, b)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to create historic VM: %s", err))
	if verbose {
	ic.VM.GasLimit = int64(s.config.MaxGasInvoke)
	if t == trigger.Verification {
		// We need this special case because witnesses verification is not the simple System.Contract.Call,
		// and we need to define exactly the amount of gas consumed for a contract witness verification.
		gasPolicy := s.chain.GetMaxVerificationGAS()
		if ic.VM.GasLimit > gasPolicy {
			ic.VM.GasLimit = gasPolicy

		err = s.chain.InitVerificationContext(ic, contractScriptHash, &transaction.Witness{InvocationScript: script, VerificationScript: []byte{}})
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("can't prepare verification VM: %s", err))
	} else {
		ic.VM.LoadScriptWithFlags(script, callflag.All)
	return ic, nil

// runScriptInVM runs the given script in a new test VM and returns the invocation
// result. The script is either a simple script in case of `application` trigger,
// witness invocation script in case of `verification` trigger (it pushes `verify`
// arguments on stack before verification). In case of contract verification
// contractScriptHash should be specified.
func (s *Server) runScriptInVM(t trigger.Type, script []byte, contractScriptHash util.Uint160, tx *transaction.Transaction, b *block.Block, verbose bool) (*result.Invoke, *neorpc.Error) {
	ic, respErr := s.prepareInvocationContext(t, script, contractScriptHash, tx, b, verbose)
	if respErr != nil {
		return nil, respErr
	err := ic.VM.Run()
	var faultException string
	if err != nil {
		faultException = err.Error()
	items := ic.VM.Estack().ToArray()
	sess := s.postProcessExecStack(items)
	var id uuid.UUID

	if sess != nil {
		// b == nil only when we're not using MPT-backed storage, therefore
		// the second attempt won't stop here.
		if s.config.SessionBackedByMPT && b == nil {
			b, err = s.getFakeNextBlock(ic.Block.Index)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("unable to prepare block for historic call: %s", err))
			// Rerun with MPT-backed storage.
			return s.runScriptInVM(t, script, contractScriptHash, tx, b, verbose)
		id = uuid.New()
		sessionID := id.String()
		sess.finalize = ic.Finalize
		sess.timer = time.AfterFunc(time.Second*time.Duration(s.config.SessionExpirationTime), func() {
			defer s.sessionsLock.Unlock()
			if len(s.sessions) == 0 {
			sess, ok := s.sessions[sessionID]
			if !ok {
			delete(s.sessions, sessionID)
		if len(s.sessions) >= s.config.SessionPoolSize {
			return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError("max session capacity reached")
		s.sessions[sessionID] = sess
	} else {
	var diag *result.InvokeDiag
	tree := ic.VM.GetInvocationTree()
	if tree != nil {
		diag = &result.InvokeDiag{
			Invocations: tree.Calls,
			Changes:     storage.BatchToOperations(ic.DAO.GetBatch()),
	notifications := ic.Notifications
	if notifications == nil {
		notifications = make([]state.NotificationEvent, 0)
	res := &result.Invoke{
		State:          ic.VM.State().String(),
		GasConsumed:    ic.VM.GasConsumed(),
		Script:         script,
		Stack:          items,
		FaultException: faultException,
		Notifications:  notifications,
		Diagnostics:    diag,
		Session:        id,

	return res, nil

// postProcessExecStack changes iterator interop items according to the server configuration.
// It does modifications in-place, but it returns a session if any iterator was registered.
func (s *Server) postProcessExecStack(stack []stackitem.Item) *session {
	var sess session

	for i, v := range stack {
		var id uuid.UUID

		stack[i], id = s.registerOrDumpIterator(v)
		if id != (uuid.UUID{}) {
			sess.iteratorIdentifiers = append(sess.iteratorIdentifiers, &iteratorIdentifier{
				ID:   id.String(),
				Item: v,
	if len(sess.iteratorIdentifiers) != 0 {
		return &sess
	return nil

// registerOrDumpIterator changes iterator interop stack items into result.Iterator
// interop stack items and returns a uuid for it if sessions are enabled. All the other stack
// items are not changed.
func (s *Server) registerOrDumpIterator(item stackitem.Item) (stackitem.Item, uuid.UUID) {
	var iterID uuid.UUID

	if (item.Type() != stackitem.InteropT) || !iterator.IsIterator(item) {
		return item, iterID
	var resIterator result.Iterator

	if s.config.SessionEnabled {
		iterID = uuid.New()
		resIterator.ID = &iterID
	} else {
		resIterator.Values, resIterator.Truncated = iterator.ValuesTruncated(item, s.config.MaxIteratorResultItems)
	return stackitem.NewInterop(resIterator), iterID

func (s *Server) traverseIterator(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	if !s.config.SessionEnabled {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidRequestError("sessions are disabled")
	sID, err := reqParams.Value(0).GetUUID()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid session ID: %s", err))
	iID, err := reqParams.Value(1).GetUUID()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid iterator ID: %s", err))
	count, err := reqParams.Value(2).GetInt()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid iterator items count: %s", err))
	if err := checkInt32(count); err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError("invalid iterator items count: not an int32")
	if count > s.config.MaxIteratorResultItems {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("iterator items count is out of range (%d at max)", s.config.MaxIteratorResultItems))

	session, ok := s.sessions[sID.String()]
	if !ok {
		return []json.RawMessage{}, nil
	// Perform `till` update only after session.iteratorsLock is taken in order to have more
	// precise session lifetime.
	session.timer.Reset(time.Second * time.Duration(s.config.SessionExpirationTime))

	var (
		iIDStr = iID.String()
		iVals  []stackitem.Item
	for _, it := range session.iteratorIdentifiers {
		if iIDStr == it.ID {
			iVals = iterator.Values(it.Item, count)

	result := make([]json.RawMessage, len(iVals))
	for j := range iVals {
		result[j], err = stackitem.ToJSONWithTypes(iVals[j])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to marshal iterator value: %s", err))
	return result, nil

func (s *Server) terminateSession(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	if !s.config.SessionEnabled {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidRequestError("sessions are disabled")
	sID, err := reqParams.Value(0).GetUUID()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid session ID: %s", err))
	strSID := sID.String()
	defer s.sessionsLock.Unlock()
	session, ok := s.sessions[strSID]
	if ok {
		// Iterators access Seek channel under the hood; finalizer closes this channel, thus,
		// we need to perform finalisation under iteratorsLock.
		if !session.timer.Stop() {
		delete(s.sessions, strSID)
	return ok, nil

// submitBlock broadcasts a raw block over the NEO network.
func (s *Server) submitBlock(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	blockBytes, err := reqParams.Value(0).GetBytesBase64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("missing parameter or not a base64: %s", err))
	b := block.New(s.stateRootEnabled)
	r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(blockBytes)
	if r.Err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("can't decode block: %s", r.Err))
	err = s.chain.AddBlock(b)
	if err != nil {
		switch {
		case errors.Is(err, core.ErrInvalidBlockIndex) || errors.Is(err, core.ErrAlreadyExists):
			return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrAlreadyExists, err.Error())
			return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrValidationFailed, err.Error())
	return &result.RelayResult{
		Hash: b.Hash(),
	}, nil

// submitNotaryRequest broadcasts P2PNotaryRequest over the NEO network.
func (s *Server) submitNotaryRequest(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	if !s.chain.P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("P2PSignatureExtensions are disabled", "")

	bytePayload, err := ps.Value(0).GetBytesBase64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("not a base64: %s", err))
	r, err := payload.NewP2PNotaryRequestFromBytes(bytePayload)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("can't decode notary payload: %s", err))
	return getRelayResult(s.coreServer.RelayP2PNotaryRequest(r), r.FallbackTransaction.Hash())

// getRelayResult returns successful relay result or an error.
func getRelayResult(err error, hash util.Uint256) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	switch {
	case err == nil:
		return result.RelayResult{
			Hash: hash,
		}, nil
	case errors.Is(err, core.ErrAlreadyExists):
		return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrAlreadyExists, err.Error())
	case errors.Is(err, core.ErrOOM):
		return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrOutOfMemory, err.Error())
	case errors.Is(err, core.ErrPolicy):
		return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrPolicyFail, err.Error())
		return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrValidationFailed, err.Error())

func (s *Server) submitOracleResponse(ps params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	oracle :=*OracleHandler)
	if oracle == nil || *oracle == nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Oracle is not enabled", "")
	var pub *keys.PublicKey
	pubBytes, err := ps.Value(0).GetBytesBase64()
	if err == nil {
		pub, err = keys.NewPublicKeyFromBytes(pubBytes, elliptic.P256())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("public key is missing: %s", err))
	reqID, err := ps.Value(1).GetInt()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("request ID is missing: %s", err))
	txSig, err := ps.Value(2).GetBytesBase64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("tx signature is missing: %s", err))
	msgSig, err := ps.Value(3).GetBytesBase64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("msg signature is missing: %s", err))
	data := broadcaster.GetMessage(pubBytes, uint64(reqID), txSig)
	if !pub.Verify(msgSig, hash.Sha256(data).BytesBE()) {
		return nil, neorpc.NewRPCError("Invalid request signature", "")
	(*oracle).AddResponse(pub, uint64(reqID), txSig)
	return json.RawMessage([]byte("{}")), nil

func (s *Server) sendrawtransaction(reqParams params.Params) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	if len(reqParams) < 1 {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError("not enough parameters")
	byteTx, err := reqParams[0].GetBytesBase64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("not a base64: %s", err))
	tx, err := transaction.NewTransactionFromBytes(byteTx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInvalidParamsError(fmt.Sprintf("can't decode transaction: %s", err))
	return getRelayResult(s.coreServer.RelayTxn(tx), tx.Hash())

// subscribe handles subscription requests from websocket clients.
func (s *Server) subscribe(reqParams params.Params, sub *subscriber) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	streamName, err := reqParams.Value(0).GetString()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	event, err := neorpc.GetEventIDFromString(streamName)
	if err != nil || event == neorpc.MissedEventID {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	if event == neorpc.NotaryRequestEventID && !s.chain.P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() {
		return nil, neorpc.WrapErrorWithData(neorpc.ErrInvalidParams, "P2PSigExtensions are disabled")
	// Optional filter.
	var filter interface{}
	if p := reqParams.Value(1); p != nil {
		param := *p
		jd := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(param.RawMessage))
		switch event {
		case neorpc.BlockEventID:
			flt := new(neorpc.BlockFilter)
			err = jd.Decode(flt)
			filter = *flt
		case neorpc.TransactionEventID, neorpc.NotaryRequestEventID:
			flt := new(neorpc.TxFilter)
			err = jd.Decode(flt)
			filter = *flt
		case neorpc.NotificationEventID:
			flt := new(neorpc.NotificationFilter)
			err = jd.Decode(flt)
			filter = *flt
		case neorpc.ExecutionEventID:
			flt := new(neorpc.ExecutionFilter)
			err = jd.Decode(flt)
			if err == nil && (flt.State == "HALT" || flt.State == "FAULT") {
				filter = *flt
			} else if err == nil {
				err = errors.New("invalid state")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	defer s.subsLock.Unlock()
	select {
	case <-s.shutdown:
		return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError("server is shutting down")
	var id int
	for ; id < len(sub.feeds); id++ {
		if sub.feeds[id].event == neorpc.InvalidEventID {
	if id == len(sub.feeds) {
		return nil, neorpc.NewInternalServerError("maximum number of subscriptions is reached")
	sub.feeds[id].event = event
	sub.feeds[id].filter = filter
	return strconv.FormatInt(int64(id), 10), nil

// subscribeToChannel subscribes RPC server to appropriate chain events if
// it's not yet subscribed for them. It's supposed to be called with s.subsLock
// taken by the caller.
func (s *Server) subscribeToChannel(event neorpc.EventID) {
	switch event {
	case neorpc.BlockEventID:
		if s.blockSubs == 0 {
	case neorpc.TransactionEventID:
		if s.transactionSubs == 0 {
	case neorpc.NotificationEventID:
		if s.notificationSubs == 0 {
	case neorpc.ExecutionEventID:
		if s.executionSubs == 0 {
	case neorpc.NotaryRequestEventID:
		if s.notaryRequestSubs == 0 {

// unsubscribe handles unsubscription requests from websocket clients.
func (s *Server) unsubscribe(reqParams params.Params, sub *subscriber) (interface{}, *neorpc.Error) {
	id, err := reqParams.Value(0).GetInt()
	if err != nil || id < 0 {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	defer s.subsLock.Unlock()
	if len(sub.feeds) <= id || sub.feeds[id].event == neorpc.InvalidEventID {
		return nil, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams
	event := sub.feeds[id].event
	sub.feeds[id].event = neorpc.InvalidEventID
	sub.feeds[id].filter = nil
	return true, nil

// unsubscribeFromChannel unsubscribes RPC server from appropriate chain events
// if there are no other subscribers for it. It's supposed to be called with
// s.subsLock taken by the caller.
func (s *Server) unsubscribeFromChannel(event neorpc.EventID) {
	switch event {
	case neorpc.BlockEventID:
		if s.blockSubs == 0 {
	case neorpc.TransactionEventID:
		if s.transactionSubs == 0 {
	case neorpc.NotificationEventID:
		if s.notificationSubs == 0 {
	case neorpc.ExecutionEventID:
		if s.executionSubs == 0 {
	case neorpc.NotaryRequestEventID:
		if s.notaryRequestSubs == 0 {

func (s *Server) handleSubEvents() {
	b, err := json.Marshal(neorpc.Notification{
		JSONRPC: neorpc.JSONRPCVersion,
		Event:   neorpc.MissedEventID,
		Payload: make([]interface{}, 0),
	if err != nil {
		s.log.Error("fatal: failed to marshal overflow event", zap.Error(err))
	overflowMsg, err := websocket.NewPreparedMessage(websocket.TextMessage, b)
	if err != nil {
		s.log.Error("fatal: failed to prepare overflow message", zap.Error(err))
	for {
		var resp = neorpc.Notification{
			JSONRPC: neorpc.JSONRPCVersion,
			Payload: make([]interface{}, 1),
		var msg *websocket.PreparedMessage
		select {
		case <-s.shutdown:
			break chloop
		case b := <-s.blockCh:
			resp.Event = neorpc.BlockEventID
			resp.Payload[0] = b
		case execution := <-s.executionCh:
			resp.Event = neorpc.ExecutionEventID
			resp.Payload[0] = execution
		case notification := <-s.notificationCh:
			resp.Event = neorpc.NotificationEventID
			resp.Payload[0] = notification
		case tx := <-s.transactionCh:
			resp.Event = neorpc.TransactionEventID
			resp.Payload[0] = tx
		case e := <-s.notaryRequestCh:
			resp.Event = neorpc.NotaryRequestEventID
			resp.Payload[0] = &result.NotaryRequestEvent{
				Type:          e.Type,
				NotaryRequest: e.Data.(*payload.P2PNotaryRequest),
		for sub := range s.subscribers {
			if sub.overflown.Load() {
			for i := range sub.feeds {
				if sub.feeds[i].Matches(&resp) {
					if msg == nil {
						b, err = json.Marshal(resp)
						if err != nil {
							s.log.Error("failed to marshal notification",
								zap.String("type", resp.Event.String()))
							break subloop
						msg, err = websocket.NewPreparedMessage(websocket.TextMessage, b)
						if err != nil {
							s.log.Error("failed to prepare notification message",
								zap.String("type", resp.Event.String()))
							break subloop
					select {
					case sub.writer <- msg:
						// MissedEvent is to be delivered eventually.
						go func(sub *subscriber) {
							sub.writer <- overflowMsg
					// The message is sent only once per subscriber.
	// It's important to do it with lock held because no subscription routine
	// should be running concurrently to this one. And even if one is to run
	// after unlock, it'll see closed s.shutdown and won't subscribe.
	// There might be no subscription in reality, but it's not a problem as
	// core.Blockchain allows unsubscribing non-subscribed channels.
	if s.chain.P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() {
	for {
		select {
		case <-s.blockCh:
		case <-s.executionCh:
		case <-s.notificationCh:
		case <-s.transactionCh:
		case <-s.notaryRequestCh:
			break drainloop
	// It's not required closing these, but since they're drained already
	// this is safe and it also allows to give a signal to Shutdown routine.

func (s *Server) blockHeightFromParam(param *params.Param) (int, *neorpc.Error) {
	num, err := param.GetInt()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, neorpc.ErrInvalidParams

	if num < 0 || num > int(s.chain.BlockHeight()) {
		return 0, invalidBlockHeightError(0, num)
	return num, nil

func (s *Server) packResponse(r *params.In, result interface{}, respErr *neorpc.Error) abstract {
	resp := abstract{
		Header: neorpc.Header{
			ID:      r.RawID,
	if respErr != nil {
		resp.Error = respErr
	} else {
		resp.Result = result
	return resp

// logRequestError is a request error logger.
func (s *Server) logRequestError(r *params.Request, jsonErr *neorpc.Error) {
	logFields := []zap.Field{
		zap.Int64("code", jsonErr.Code),
	if len(jsonErr.Data) != 0 {
		logFields = append(logFields, zap.String("cause", jsonErr.Data))

	if r.In != nil {
		logFields = append(logFields, zap.String("method", r.In.Method))
		params := params.Params(r.In.RawParams)
		logFields = append(logFields, zap.Any("params", params))

	logText := "Error encountered with rpc request"
	switch jsonErr.Code {
	case neorpc.InternalServerErrorCode:
		s.log.Error(logText, logFields...)
		s.log.Info(logText, logFields...)

// writeHTTPErrorResponse writes an error response to the ResponseWriter.
func (s *Server) writeHTTPErrorResponse(r *params.In, w http.ResponseWriter, jsonErr *neorpc.Error) {
	resp := s.packResponse(r, nil, jsonErr)
	s.writeHTTPServerResponse(&params.Request{In: r}, w, resp)

func (s *Server) writeHTTPServerResponse(r *params.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, resp abstractResult) {
	// Errors can happen in many places and we can only catch ALL of them here.
	resp.RunForErrors(func(jsonErr *neorpc.Error) {
		s.logRequestError(r, jsonErr)
	if r.In != nil {
		resp := resp.(abstract)
		if resp.Error != nil {
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
	if s.config.EnableCORSWorkaround {
		w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
		w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Authorization, X-Requested-With")

	encoder := json.NewEncoder(w)
	err := encoder.Encode(resp)

	if err != nil {
		switch {
		case r.In != nil:
			s.log.Error("Error encountered while encoding response",
				zap.String("err", err.Error()),
				zap.String("method", r.In.Method))
		case r.Batch != nil:
			s.log.Error("Error encountered while encoding batch response",
				zap.String("err", err.Error()))

// validateAddress verifies that the address is a correct NEO address
// see
func validateAddress(addr interface{}) bool {
	if addr, ok := addr.(string); ok {
		_, err := address.StringToUint160(addr)
		return err == nil
	return false

func escapeForLog(in string) string {
	return strings.Map(func(c rune) rune {
		if !strconv.IsGraphic(c) {
			return -1
		return c
	}, in)