ProtocolConfiguration: Magic: 56753 MaxTraceableBlocks: 200000 SecondsPerBlock: 15 MemPoolSize: 50000 StandbyCommittee: - 02b3622bf4017bdfe317c58aed5f4c753f206b7db896046fa7d774bbc4bf7f8dc2 - 02103a7f7dd016558597f7960d27c516a4394fd968b9e65155eb4b013e4040406e - 03d90c07df63e690ce77912e10ab51acc944b66860237b608c4f8f8309e71ee699 - 02a7bc55fe8684e0119768d104ba30795bdcc86619e864add26156723ed185cd62 ValidatorsCount: 4 SeedList: - localhost:20333 - localhost:20334 - localhost:20335 - localhost:20336 VerifyBlocks: true VerifyTransactions: true P2PSigExtensions: false NativeActivations: ContractManagement: [0] StdLib: [0] CryptoLib: [0] LedgerContract: [0] NeoToken: [0] GasToken: [0] PolicyContract: [0] RoleManagement: [0] OracleContract: [0] ApplicationConfiguration: # LogPath could be set up in case you need stdout logs to some proper file. # LogPath: "./log/neogo.log" DBConfiguration: Type: "leveldb" #other options: 'inmemory','boltdb' # DB type options. Uncomment those you need in case you want to switch DB type. LevelDBOptions: DataDirectoryPath: "./chains/privnet" # BoltDBOptions: # FilePath: "./chains/privnet.bolt" # Uncomment in order to set up custom address for node. # Address: localhost NodePort: 20332 Relay: true DialTimeout: 3 ProtoTickInterval: 2 PingInterval: 30 PingTimeout: 90 MaxPeers: 10 AttemptConnPeers: 5 MinPeers: 3 P2PNotary: Enabled: false UnlockWallet: Path: "/notary_wallet.json" Password: "pass" RPC: Enabled: true MaxGasInvoke: 15 EnableCORSWorkaround: false Port: 20331 TLSConfig: Enabled: false Port: 20330 CertFile: serv.crt KeyFile: serv.key Prometheus: Enabled: true Port: 2112 Pprof: Enabled: false Port: 2113