Package server implements NEO-specific JSON-RPC 2.0 server.
This package is currently in alpha and is subject to change.


The server is written to support as much of the JSON-RPC 2.0 Spec as possible.
The server is run as part of the node currently.

	Implement HTTPS server.
	Add remaining methods (Documented below).
	Add Swagger spec and test using dredd in circleCI.

Example call

An example would be viewing the version of the node:

	$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "getversion", "params": [], "id": 1}' http://localhost:20332

which would yield the response:

	  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
	    "id" : 1,
	    "result" : {
	      "port" : 20333,
	      "useragent" : "/NEO-GO:0.36.0-dev/",
	      "nonce" : 9318417

Unsupported methods

	getcontractstate (needs to be implemented in pkg/core/blockchain.go)
	getrawmempool (needs to be implemented on in pkg/network/server.go)
	getrawtransaction (needs to be implemented in pkg/core/blockchain.go)
	getstorage (lacks VM functionality)
	gettxout (needs to be implemented in pkg/core/blockchain.go)
	invoke (lacks VM functionality)
	invokefunction (lacks VM functionality)
	invokescript (lacks VM functionality)
	sendrawtransaction (needs to be implemented in pkg/core/blockchain.go)
	submitblock (needs to be implemented in pkg/core/blockchain.go)

package server