When there is a single big instruction (like PUSHDATA4) in script, all other instructions are padded to the right with spaces. This makes it hard to view script in terminal, because long lines are usually wrapped at the screen boundary and printed as multiple lines. The culprit is our `cursor` field which is printed in the last column and causes all previous fields to have the same length for every instruction. One way to fix this is to omit cursor field if it is empty. Signed-off-by: Evgeniy Stratonikov <evgeniy@nspcc.ru>
2607 lines
79 KiB
2607 lines
79 KiB
package vm
import (
func fooInteropHandler(v *VM, id uint32) error {
if id == interopnames.ToID([]byte("foo")) {
if !v.AddGas(1) {
return errors.New("invalid gas amount")
return nil
return errors.New("syscall not found")
func TestInteropHook(t *testing.T) {
v := newTestVM()
v.SyscallHandler = fooInteropHandler
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Syscall(buf.BinWriter, "foo")
emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.RET)
runVM(t, v)
assert.Equal(t, 1, v.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(1), v.estack.Pop().value.Value())
func TestVM_SetPriceGetter(t *testing.T) {
v := newTestVM()
prog := []byte{
byte(opcode.PUSH4), byte(opcode.PUSH2),
byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1), 0x01, 0x01,
byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1), 0x02, 0xCA, 0xFE,
byte(opcode.PUSH4), byte(opcode.RET),
t.Run("no price getter", func(t *testing.T) {
runVM(t, v)
require.EqualValues(t, 0, v.GasConsumed())
v.SetPriceGetter(func(op opcode.Opcode, p []byte) int64 {
if op == opcode.PUSH4 {
return 1
} else if op == opcode.PUSHDATA1 && bytes.Equal(p, []byte{0xCA, 0xFE}) {
return 7
return 0
t.Run("with price getter", func(t *testing.T) {
runVM(t, v)
require.EqualValues(t, 9, v.GasConsumed())
t.Run("with sufficient gas limit", func(t *testing.T) {
v.GasLimit = 9
runVM(t, v)
require.EqualValues(t, 9, v.GasConsumed())
t.Run("with small gas limit", func(t *testing.T) {
v.GasLimit = 8
checkVMFailed(t, v)
func TestAddGas(t *testing.T) {
v := newTestVM()
v.GasLimit = 10
require.True(t, v.AddGas(5))
require.True(t, v.AddGas(5))
require.False(t, v.AddGas(5))
func TestPushBytes1to75(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
for i := 1; i <= 75; i++ {
b := randomBytes(i)
emit.Bytes(buf.BinWriter, b)
vm := load(buf.Bytes())
err := vm.Step()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, vm.estack.Len())
elem := vm.estack.Pop()
assert.IsType(t, &stackitem.ByteArray{}, elem.value)
assert.IsType(t, elem.Bytes(), b)
assert.Equal(t, 0, vm.estack.Len())
errExec := vm.execute(nil, opcode.RET, nil)
require.NoError(t, errExec)
assert.Equal(t, 0, vm.istack.Len())
func runVM(t *testing.T, vm *VM) {
err := vm.Run()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, false, vm.HasFailed())
func checkVMFailed(t *testing.T, vm *VM) {
err := vm.Run()
require.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, true, vm.HasFailed())
func TestStackLimitPUSH1Good(t *testing.T) {
prog := make([]byte, MaxStackSize*2)
for i := 0; i < MaxStackSize; i++ {
prog[i] = byte(opcode.PUSH1)
for i := MaxStackSize; i < MaxStackSize*2; i++ {
prog[i] = byte(opcode.DROP)
v := load(prog)
runVM(t, v)
func TestStackLimitPUSH1Bad(t *testing.T) {
prog := make([]byte, MaxStackSize+1)
for i := range prog {
prog[i] = byte(opcode.PUSH1)
v := load(prog)
checkVMFailed(t, v)
func TestPUSHINT(t *testing.T) {
for i := byte(0); i < 5; i++ {
op := opcode.PUSHINT8 + opcode.Opcode(i)
t.Run(op.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
buf := random.Bytes((8 << i) / 8)
prog := append([]byte{byte(op)}, buf...)
runWithArgs(t, prog, bigint.FromBytes(buf))
func TestPUSHNULL(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PUSHNULL, opcode.PUSHNULL, opcode.EQUAL)
v := load(prog)
require.NoError(t, v.Step())
require.Equal(t, 1, v.estack.Len())
runVM(t, v)
require.True(t, v.estack.Pop().Bool())
func TestISNULL(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.ISNULL)
t.Run("Integer", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, 1))
t.Run("Null", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, stackitem.Null{}))
func testISTYPE(t *testing.T, result bool, typ stackitem.Type, item stackitem.Item) {
prog := []byte{byte(opcode.ISTYPE), byte(typ)}
runWithArgs(t, prog, result, item)
func TestISTYPE(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Integer", func(t *testing.T) {
testISTYPE(t, true, stackitem.IntegerT, stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(42)))
testISTYPE(t, false, stackitem.IntegerT, stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{}))
t.Run("Boolean", func(t *testing.T) {
testISTYPE(t, true, stackitem.BooleanT, stackitem.NewBool(true))
testISTYPE(t, false, stackitem.BooleanT, stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{}))
t.Run("ByteArray", func(t *testing.T) {
testISTYPE(t, true, stackitem.ByteArrayT, stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{}))
testISTYPE(t, false, stackitem.ByteArrayT, stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(42)))
t.Run("Array", func(t *testing.T) {
testISTYPE(t, true, stackitem.ArrayT, stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{}))
testISTYPE(t, false, stackitem.ArrayT, stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{}))
t.Run("Struct", func(t *testing.T) {
testISTYPE(t, true, stackitem.StructT, stackitem.NewStruct([]stackitem.Item{}))
testISTYPE(t, false, stackitem.StructT, stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{}))
t.Run("Map", func(t *testing.T) {
testISTYPE(t, true, stackitem.MapT, stackitem.NewMap())
testISTYPE(t, false, stackitem.MapT, stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{}))
t.Run("Interop", func(t *testing.T) {
testISTYPE(t, true, stackitem.InteropT, stackitem.NewInterop(42))
testISTYPE(t, false, stackitem.InteropT, stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{}))
func testCONVERT(to stackitem.Type, item, res stackitem.Item) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
prog := []byte{byte(opcode.CONVERT), byte(to)}
runWithArgs(t, prog, res, item)
func TestCONVERT(t *testing.T) {
type convertTC struct {
item, res stackitem.Item
arr := []stackitem.Item{
stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{4, 8, 15}),
m := stackitem.NewMap()
m.Add(stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{1}), stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{2}))
getName := func(item stackitem.Item, typ stackitem.Type) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s->%s", item, typ)
t.Run("->Bool", func(t *testing.T) {
testBool := func(a, b stackitem.Item) func(t *testing.T) {
return testCONVERT(stackitem.BooleanT, a, b)
trueCases := []stackitem.Item{
stackitem.NewBool(true), stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(11)), stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{1, 2, 3}),
stackitem.NewArray(arr), stackitem.NewArray(nil),
stackitem.NewStruct(arr), stackitem.NewStruct(nil),
stackitem.NewMap(), m, stackitem.NewInterop(struct{}{}),
stackitem.NewPointer(0, []byte{}),
for i := range trueCases {
t.Run(getName(trueCases[i], stackitem.BooleanT), testBool(trueCases[i], stackitem.NewBool(true)))
falseCases := []stackitem.Item{
stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(0)), stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{0, 0}), stackitem.NewBool(false),
for i := range falseCases {
testBool(falseCases[i], stackitem.NewBool(false))
t.Run("compound/interop -> basic", func(t *testing.T) {
types := []stackitem.Type{stackitem.IntegerT, stackitem.ByteArrayT}
items := []stackitem.Item{stackitem.NewArray(nil), stackitem.NewStruct(nil), stackitem.NewMap(), stackitem.NewInterop(struct{}{})}
for _, typ := range types {
for j := range items {
t.Run(getName(items[j], typ), testCONVERT(typ, items[j], nil))
t.Run("primitive -> Integer/ByteArray", func(t *testing.T) {
n := big.NewInt(42)
b := bigint.ToBytes(n)
itemInt := stackitem.NewBigInteger(n)
itemBytes := stackitem.NewByteArray(b)
trueCases := map[stackitem.Type][]convertTC{
stackitem.IntegerT: {
{itemInt, itemInt},
{itemBytes, itemInt},
{stackitem.NewBool(true), stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(1))},
{stackitem.NewBool(false), stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(0))},
stackitem.ByteArrayT: {
{itemInt, itemBytes},
{itemBytes, itemBytes},
{stackitem.NewBool(true), stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{1})},
{stackitem.NewBool(false), stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{0})},
for typ := range trueCases {
for _, tc := range trueCases[typ] {
t.Run(getName(tc.item, typ), testCONVERT(typ, tc.item, tc.res))
t.Run("Struct<->Array", func(t *testing.T) {
arrayItem := stackitem.NewArray(arr)
structItem := stackitem.NewStruct(arr)
t.Run("Array->Array", testCONVERT(stackitem.ArrayT, arrayItem, arrayItem))
t.Run("Array->Struct", testCONVERT(stackitem.StructT, arrayItem, structItem))
t.Run("Struct->Array", testCONVERT(stackitem.ArrayT, structItem, arrayItem))
t.Run("Struct->Struct", testCONVERT(stackitem.StructT, structItem, structItem))
t.Run("Map->Map", testCONVERT(stackitem.MapT, m, m))
ptr := stackitem.NewPointer(1, []byte{1})
t.Run("Pointer->Pointer", testCONVERT(stackitem.PointerT, ptr, ptr))
t.Run("Null->", func(t *testing.T) {
types := []stackitem.Type{
stackitem.BooleanT, stackitem.ByteArrayT, stackitem.IntegerT, stackitem.ArrayT, stackitem.StructT, stackitem.MapT, stackitem.InteropT, stackitem.PointerT,
for i := range types {
t.Run(types[i].String(), testCONVERT(types[i], stackitem.Null{}, stackitem.Null{}))
t.Run("->Any", func(t *testing.T) {
items := []stackitem.Item{
stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(1)), stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{1}), stackitem.NewBool(true),
stackitem.NewArray(arr), stackitem.NewStruct(arr), m, stackitem.NewInterop(struct{}{}),
for i := range items {
t.Run(items[i].String(), testCONVERT(stackitem.AnyT, items[i], nil))
// appendBigStruct returns a program which:
// 1. pushes size Structs on stack
// 2. packs them into a new struct
// 3. appends them to a zero-length array
// Resulting stack size consists of:
// - struct (size+1)
// - array (1) of struct (size+1)
// which equals to size*2+3 elements in total.
func appendBigStruct(size uint16) []opcode.Opcode {
prog := make([]opcode.Opcode, size*2)
for i := uint16(0); i < size; i++ {
prog[i*2] = opcode.PUSH0
prog[i*2+1] = opcode.NEWSTRUCT
return append(prog,
opcode.INITSSLOT, 1,
opcode.PUSHINT16, opcode.Opcode(size), opcode.Opcode(size>>8), // LE
opcode.PACK, opcode.CONVERT, opcode.Opcode(stackitem.StructT),
opcode.STSFLD0, opcode.LDSFLD0,
opcode.PUSH0, opcode.NEWARRAY,
opcode.APPEND, opcode.RET)
func TestStackLimitAPPENDStructGood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(appendBigStruct(MaxStackSize/2 - 2)...)
v := load(prog)
runVM(t, v) // size = 2047 = (Max/2-2)*2+3 = Max-1
func TestStackLimitAPPENDStructBad(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(appendBigStruct(MaxStackSize/2 - 1)...)
v := load(prog)
checkVMFailed(t, v) // size = 2049 = (Max/2-1)*2+3 = Max+1
func TestStackLimit(t *testing.T) {
expected := []struct {
inst opcode.Opcode
size int
{opcode.PUSH2, 1},
{opcode.NEWARRAY, 3}, // array + 2 items
{opcode.STSFLD0, 3},
{opcode.LDSFLD0, 4},
{opcode.NEWMAP, 5},
{opcode.DUP, 6},
{opcode.PUSH2, 7},
{opcode.LDSFLD0, 8},
{opcode.SETITEM, 6}, // -3 items and 1 new element in map
{opcode.DUP, 7},
{opcode.PUSH2, 8},
{opcode.LDSFLD0, 9},
{opcode.SETITEM, 6}, // -3 items and no new elements in map
{opcode.DUP, 7},
{opcode.PUSH2, 8},
{opcode.REMOVE, 5}, // as we have right after NEWMAP
{opcode.DROP, 4}, // DROP map with no elements
prog := make([]opcode.Opcode, len(expected)+2)
prog[0] = opcode.INITSSLOT
prog[1] = 1
for i := range expected {
prog[i+2] = expected[i].inst
vm := load(makeProgram(prog...))
require.NoError(t, vm.Step(), "failed to initialize static slot")
for i := range expected {
require.NoError(t, vm.Step())
require.Equal(t, expected[i].size, int(vm.refs), "i: %d", i)
func TestPushm1to16(t *testing.T) {
var prog []byte
for i := int(opcode.PUSHM1); i <= int(opcode.PUSH16); i++ {
if i == 80 {
continue // opcode layout we got here.
prog = append(prog, byte(i))
vm := load(prog)
for i := int(opcode.PUSHM1); i <= int(opcode.PUSH16); i++ {
err := vm.Step()
require.NoError(t, err)
elem := vm.estack.Pop()
val := i - int(opcode.PUSH1) + 1
assert.Equal(t, elem.BigInt().Int64(), int64(val))
func TestPUSHDATA1(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Good", getTestFuncForVM([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1), 3, 1, 2, 3}, []byte{1, 2, 3}))
t.Run("NoN", getTestFuncForVM([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1)}, nil))
t.Run("BadN", getTestFuncForVM([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1), 1}, nil))
func TestPUSHDATA2(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Good", getTestFuncForVM([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA2), 3, 0, 1, 2, 3}, []byte{1, 2, 3}))
t.Run("NoN", getTestFuncForVM([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA2)}, nil))
t.Run("ShortN", getTestFuncForVM([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA2), 0}, nil))
t.Run("BadN", getTestFuncForVM([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA2), 1, 0}, nil))
func TestPUSHDATA4(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Good", getTestFuncForVM([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA4), 3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3}, []byte{1, 2, 3}))
t.Run("NoN", getTestFuncForVM([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA4)}, nil))
t.Run("BadN", getTestFuncForVM([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA4), 1, 0, 0, 0}, nil))
t.Run("ShortN", getTestFuncForVM([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA4), 0, 0, 0}, nil))
func TestPushData4BigN(t *testing.T) {
prog := make([]byte, 1+4+stackitem.MaxSize+1)
prog[0] = byte(opcode.PUSHDATA4)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(prog[1:], stackitem.MaxSize+1)
vm := load(prog)
checkVMFailed(t, vm)
func getTestCallFlagsFunc(syscall []byte, flags callflag.CallFlag, result interface{}) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
script := append([]byte{byte(opcode.SYSCALL)}, syscall...)
v := newTestVM()
v.SyscallHandler = testSyscallHandler
v.LoadScriptWithFlags(script, flags)
if result == nil {
checkVMFailed(t, v)
runVM(t, v)
require.Equal(t, result, v.PopResult())
func TestCallFlags(t *testing.T) {
noFlags := []byte{0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77}
readOnly := []byte{0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66}
t.Run("NoFlagsNoRequired", getTestCallFlagsFunc(noFlags, callflag.NoneFlag, new(int)))
t.Run("ProvideFlagsNoRequired", getTestCallFlagsFunc(noFlags, callflag.AllowCall, new(int)))
t.Run("NoFlagsSomeRequired", getTestCallFlagsFunc(readOnly, callflag.NoneFlag, nil))
t.Run("OnlyOneProvided", getTestCallFlagsFunc(readOnly, callflag.AllowCall, nil))
t.Run("AllFlagsProvided", getTestCallFlagsFunc(readOnly, callflag.ReadOnly, new(int)))
func callNTimes(n uint16) []byte {
return makeProgram(
opcode.PUSHINT16, opcode.Opcode(n), opcode.Opcode(n>>8), // little-endian
opcode.INITSSLOT, 1,
opcode.STSFLD0, opcode.LDSFLD0,
opcode.JMPIF, 0x3, opcode.RET,
opcode.LDSFLD0, opcode.DEC,
opcode.CALL, 0xF9) // -7 -> JMP to TOALTSTACK)
func TestInvocationLimitGood(t *testing.T) {
prog := callNTimes(MaxInvocationStackSize - 1)
v := load(prog)
runVM(t, v)
func TestInvocationLimitBad(t *testing.T) {
prog := callNTimes(MaxInvocationStackSize)
v := load(prog)
checkVMFailed(t, v)
func isLongJMP(op opcode.Opcode) bool {
return op == opcode.JMPL || op == opcode.JMPIFL || op == opcode.JMPIFNOTL ||
op == opcode.JMPEQL || op == opcode.JMPNEL ||
op == opcode.JMPGEL || op == opcode.JMPGTL ||
op == opcode.JMPLEL || op == opcode.JMPLTL
func getJMPProgram(op opcode.Opcode) []byte {
prog := []byte{byte(op)}
if isLongJMP(op) {
prog = append(prog, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
} else {
prog = append(prog, 0x04)
return append(prog, byte(opcode.PUSH1), byte(opcode.RET), byte(opcode.PUSH2), byte(opcode.RET))
func testJMP(t *testing.T, op opcode.Opcode, res interface{}, items ...interface{}) {
prog := getJMPProgram(op)
v := load(prog)
for i := range items {
if res == nil {
checkVMFailed(t, v)
runVM(t, v)
require.EqualValues(t, res, v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
func TestJMPs(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
items []interface{}
name: "no condition",
name: "single item (true)",
items: []interface{}{true},
name: "single item (false)",
items: []interface{}{false},
name: "24 and 42",
items: []interface{}{24, 42},
name: "42 and 24",
items: []interface{}{42, 24},
name: "42 and 42",
items: []interface{}{42, 42},
// 2 is true, 1 is false
results := map[opcode.Opcode][]interface{}{
opcode.JMP: {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2},
opcode.JMPIF: {nil, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2},
opcode.JMPIFNOT: {nil, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1},
opcode.JMPEQ: {nil, nil, nil, 1, 1, 2},
opcode.JMPNE: {nil, nil, nil, 2, 2, 1},
opcode.JMPGE: {nil, nil, nil, 1, 2, 2},
opcode.JMPGT: {nil, nil, nil, 1, 2, 1},
opcode.JMPLE: {nil, nil, nil, 2, 1, 2},
opcode.JMPLT: {nil, nil, nil, 2, 1, 1},
for i, tc := range testCases {
i := i
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
for op := opcode.JMP; op < opcode.JMPLEL; op++ {
resOp := op
if isLongJMP(op) {
t.Run(op.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
testJMP(t, op, results[resOp][i], tc.items...)
func TestPUSHA(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Negative", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.PUSHA, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), nil))
t.Run("TooBig", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.PUSHA, 10, 0, 0, 0), nil))
t.Run("Good", func(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NOP, opcode.PUSHA, 2, 0, 0, 0)
runWithArgs(t, prog, stackitem.NewPointer(3, prog))
func TestCALLA(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.CALLA, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.ADD, opcode.RET, opcode.PUSH3, opcode.RET)
t.Run("InvalidScript", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, stackitem.NewPointer(4, []byte{1})))
t.Run("Good", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 5, stackitem.NewPointer(4, prog)))
func TestCALL(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(
opcode.CALL, 4, opcode.ADD, opcode.RET,
opcode.CALL, 3, opcode.RET,
opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.RET)
runWithArgs(t, prog, 3)
func TestNOT(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NOT)
t.Run("Bool", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, false))
t.Run("NonZeroInt", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, 3))
t.Run("Array", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, []stackitem.Item{}))
t.Run("Struct", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, stackitem.NewStruct([]stackitem.Item{})))
t.Run("ByteArray0", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, []byte{0, 0}))
t.Run("ByteArray1", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, []byte{0, 1}))
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("Buffer0", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{})))
t.Run("Buffer1", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{1})))
// getBigInt returns 2^a+b.
func getBigInt(a, b int64) *big.Int {
p := new(big.Int).Exp(big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(a), nil)
p.Add(p, big.NewInt(b))
return p
func TestArith(t *testing.T) {
// results for 5 and 2
testCases := map[opcode.Opcode]int{
opcode.ADD: 7,
opcode.MUL: 10,
opcode.DIV: 2,
opcode.MOD: 1,
opcode.SUB: 3,
for op, res := range testCases {
t.Run(op.String(), getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(op), res, 5, 2))
func TestADDBigResult(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.ADD)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, getBigInt(stackitem.MaxBigIntegerSizeBits-1, -1), 1) // 0x7FFF...
func TestMULBigResult(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.MUL)
bi := getBigInt(stackitem.MaxBigIntegerSizeBits/2+1, 0)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, bi, bi)
func TestArithNegativeArguments(t *testing.T) {
runCase := func(op opcode.Opcode, p, q, result int64) func(t *testing.T) {
return getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(op), result, p, q)
t.Run("DIV", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("positive/positive", runCase(opcode.DIV, 5, 2, 2))
t.Run("positive/negative", runCase(opcode.DIV, 5, -2, -2))
t.Run("negative/positive", runCase(opcode.DIV, -5, 2, -2))
t.Run("negative/negative", runCase(opcode.DIV, -5, -2, 2))
t.Run("MOD", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("positive/positive", runCase(opcode.MOD, 5, 2, 1))
t.Run("positive/negative", runCase(opcode.MOD, 5, -2, 1))
t.Run("negative/positive", runCase(opcode.MOD, -5, 2, -1))
t.Run("negative/negative", runCase(opcode.MOD, -5, -2, -1))
t.Run("SHR", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("positive/positive", runCase(opcode.SHR, 5, 2, 1))
t.Run("negative/positive", runCase(opcode.SHR, -5, 2, -2))
t.Run("SHL", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("positive/positive", runCase(opcode.SHL, 5, 2, 20))
t.Run("negative/positive", runCase(opcode.SHL, -5, 2, -20))
func TestSUBBigResult(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SUB)
bi := getBigInt(stackitem.MaxBigIntegerSizeBits-1, -1)
runWithArgs(t, prog, new(big.Int).Sub(big.NewInt(-1), bi), -1, bi)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, -2, bi)
func TestPOW(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.POW)
t.Run("good, positive", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 9, 3, 2))
t.Run("good, negative, even", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 4, -2, 2))
t.Run("good, negative, odd", getTestFuncForVM(prog, -8, -2, 3))
t.Run("zero", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 1, 3, 0))
t.Run("negative exponent", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 3, -1))
t.Run("too big exponent", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1, maxSHLArg+1))
func TestSQRT(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SQRT)
t.Run("good, positive", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 3, 9))
t.Run("good, round down", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 2, 8))
t.Run("one", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 1, 1))
t.Run("zero", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 0, 0))
t.Run("negative value", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, -1))
func TestSHR(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SHR)
t.Run("Good", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 1, 4, 2))
t.Run("Zero", getTestFuncForVM(prog, []byte{0, 1}, []byte{0, 1}, 0))
t.Run("Negative", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 5, -1))
func TestSHL(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SHL)
t.Run("Good", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 16, 4, 2))
t.Run("Zero", getTestFuncForVM(prog, []byte{0, 1}, []byte{0, 1}, 0))
t.Run("BigShift", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 5, maxSHLArg+1))
t.Run("BigResult", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, getBigInt(stackitem.MaxBigIntegerSizeBits/2, 0), stackitem.MaxBigIntegerSizeBits/2))
func TestArithNullArg(t *testing.T) {
for _, op := range []opcode.Opcode{opcode.LT, opcode.LE, opcode.GT, opcode.GE} {
prog := makeProgram(op)
t.Run(op.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
runWithArgs(t, prog, false, stackitem.Null{}, 0)
runWithArgs(t, prog, false, 0, stackitem.Null{})
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, stackitem.NewInterop(nil), 1) // also has `.Value() == nil`
func TestLT(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.LT)
runWithArgs(t, prog, false, 4, 3)
func TestLE(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.LE)
runWithArgs(t, prog, true, 2, 3)
func TestGT(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.GT)
runWithArgs(t, prog, true, 9, 3)
func TestGE(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.GE)
runWithArgs(t, prog, true, 3, 3)
func TestDepth(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DEPTH)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
func TestEQUALTrue(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.EQUAL)
t.Run("Array", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, []stackitem.Item{}))
t.Run("Map", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, stackitem.NewMap()))
t.Run("Buffer", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{1, 2})))
func TestEQUAL(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.EQUAL)
t.Run("NoArgs", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("OneArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1))
t.Run("Integer", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, 5, 5))
t.Run("IntegerByteArray", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, []byte{16}, 16))
t.Run("BooleanInteger", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, true, 1))
t.Run("Map", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, stackitem.NewMap(), stackitem.NewMap()))
t.Run("Array", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, []stackitem.Item{}, []stackitem.Item{}))
t.Run("Buffer", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{42}), stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{42})))
func runWithArgs(t *testing.T, prog []byte, result interface{}, args ...interface{}) {
getTestFuncForVM(prog, result, args...)(t)
func getCustomTestFuncForVM(prog []byte, check func(t *testing.T, v *VM), args ...interface{}) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
v := load(prog)
for i := range args {
if check == nil {
checkVMFailed(t, v)
runVM(t, v)
check(t, v)
func getTestFuncForVM(prog []byte, result interface{}, args ...interface{}) func(t *testing.T) {
var f func(t *testing.T, v *VM)
if result != nil {
f = func(t *testing.T, v *VM) {
require.Equal(t, 1, v.estack.Len())
require.Equal(t, stackitem.Make(result).Value(), v.estack.Pop().Value())
return getCustomTestFuncForVM(prog, f, args...)
func makeRETProgram(t *testing.T, argCount, localCount int) []byte {
require.True(t, argCount+localCount <= 255)
fProg := []opcode.Opcode{opcode.INITSLOT, opcode.Opcode(localCount), opcode.Opcode(argCount)}
for i := 0; i < localCount; i++ {
fProg = append(fProg, opcode.PUSH8, opcode.STLOC, opcode.Opcode(i))
fProg = append(fProg, opcode.RET)
offset := uint32(len(fProg) + 5)
param := make([]byte, 4)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(param, offset)
ops := []opcode.Opcode{
opcode.INITSSLOT, 0x01,
opcode.PUSHA, 11, 0, 0, 0,
opcode.JMPL, opcode.Opcode(param[0]), opcode.Opcode(param[1]), opcode.Opcode(param[2]), opcode.Opcode(param[3]),
ops = append(ops, fProg...)
// execute func multiple times to ensure total reference count is less than max
callCount := MaxStackSize/(argCount+localCount) + 1
args := make([]opcode.Opcode, argCount)
for i := range args {
args[i] = opcode.PUSH7
for i := 0; i < callCount; i++ {
ops = append(ops, args...)
ops = append(ops, opcode.LDSFLD0, opcode.CALLA)
return makeProgram(ops...)
func TestRETReferenceClear(t *testing.T) {
// 42 is a canary
t.Run("Argument", getTestFuncForVM(makeRETProgram(t, 100, 0), 42, 42))
t.Run("Local", getTestFuncForVM(makeRETProgram(t, 0, 100), 42, 42))
func TestNOTEQUALByteArray(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NOTEQUAL)
t.Run("True", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, []byte{1, 2}, []byte{0, 1, 2}))
t.Run("False", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, []byte{1, 2}, []byte{1, 2}))
func TestNUMEQUAL(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NUMEQUAL)
t.Run("True", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, 2, 2))
t.Run("False", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, 1, 2))
func TestNUMNOTEQUAL(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NUMNOTEQUAL)
t.Run("True", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, 1, 2))
t.Run("False", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, 2, 2))
func TestINC(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.INC)
runWithArgs(t, prog, 2, 1)
func TestINCBigResult(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.INC, opcode.INC)
vm := load(prog)
x := getBigInt(stackitem.MaxBigIntegerSizeBits-1, -2)
require.NoError(t, vm.Step())
require.False(t, vm.HasFailed())
require.Equal(t, 1, vm.estack.Len())
require.Equal(t, new(big.Int).Add(x, big.NewInt(1)), vm.estack.Top().BigInt())
checkVMFailed(t, vm)
func TestDECBigResult(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DEC, opcode.DEC)
vm := load(prog)
x := getBigInt(stackitem.MaxBigIntegerSizeBits-1, -1)
require.NoError(t, vm.Step())
require.False(t, vm.HasFailed())
require.Equal(t, 1, vm.estack.Len())
require.Equal(t, new(big.Int).Sub(x, big.NewInt(1)), vm.estack.Top().BigInt())
checkVMFailed(t, vm)
func TestNEWBUFFER(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NEWBUFFER)
t.Run("Good", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 0, 0}), 3))
t.Run("Negative", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, -1))
t.Run("TooBig", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, stackitem.MaxSize+1))
func getTRYProgram(tryBlock, catchBlock, finallyBlock []byte) []byte {
hasCatch := catchBlock != nil
hasFinally := finallyBlock != nil
tryOffset := len(tryBlock) + 3 + 2 // try args + endtry args
var (
catchLen, finallyLen int
catchOffset, finallyOffset int
if hasCatch {
catchLen = len(catchBlock) + 2 // endtry args
catchOffset = tryOffset
if hasFinally {
finallyLen = len(finallyBlock) + 1 // endfinally
finallyOffset = tryOffset + catchLen
prog := []byte{byte(opcode.TRY), byte(catchOffset), byte(finallyOffset)}
prog = append(prog, tryBlock...)
prog = append(prog, byte(opcode.ENDTRY), byte(catchLen+finallyLen+2))
if hasCatch {
prog = append(prog, catchBlock...)
prog = append(prog, byte(opcode.ENDTRY), byte(finallyLen+2))
if hasFinally {
prog = append(prog, finallyBlock...)
prog = append(prog, byte(opcode.ENDFINALLY))
prog = append(prog, byte(opcode.RET))
return prog
func getTRYTestFunc(result interface{}, tryBlock, catchBlock, finallyBlock []byte) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
prog := getTRYProgram(tryBlock, catchBlock, finallyBlock)
runWithArgs(t, prog, result)
func TestTRY(t *testing.T) {
throw := []byte{byte(opcode.PUSH13), byte(opcode.THROW)}
push1 := []byte{byte(opcode.PUSH1)}
add5 := []byte{byte(opcode.PUSH5), byte(opcode.ADD)}
add9 := []byte{byte(opcode.PUSH9), byte(opcode.ADD)}
t.Run("NoCatch", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("NoFinally", func(t *testing.T) {
prog := getTRYProgram(push1, nil, nil)
vm := load(prog)
checkVMFailed(t, vm)
t.Run("WithFinally", getTRYTestFunc(10, push1, nil, add9))
t.Run("Throw", getTRYTestFunc(nil, throw, nil, add9))
t.Run("WithCatch", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("NoFinally", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Simple", getTRYTestFunc(1, push1, add5, nil))
t.Run("Throw", getTRYTestFunc(18, throw, add5, nil))
t.Run("Abort", getTRYTestFunc(nil, []byte{byte(opcode.ABORT)}, push1, nil))
t.Run("ThrowInCatch", getTRYTestFunc(nil, throw, throw, nil))
t.Run("WithFinally", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Simple", getTRYTestFunc(10, push1, add5, add9))
t.Run("Throw", getTRYTestFunc(27, throw, add5, add9))
t.Run("Nested", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("ReThrowInTry", func(t *testing.T) {
inner := getTRYProgram(throw, []byte{byte(opcode.THROW)}, nil)
getTRYTestFunc(27, inner, add5, add9)(t)
t.Run("ThrowInFinally", func(t *testing.T) {
inner := getTRYProgram(throw, add5, []byte{byte(opcode.THROW)})
getTRYTestFunc(32, inner, add5, add9)(t)
t.Run("TryMaxDepth", func(t *testing.T) {
loopTries := []byte{byte(opcode.INITSLOT), 0x01, 0x00,
byte(opcode.PUSH16), byte(opcode.INC), byte(opcode.STLOC0),
byte(opcode.TRY), 1, 1, // jump target
byte(opcode.LDLOC0), byte(opcode.DEC), byte(opcode.DUP),
byte(opcode.STLOC0), byte(opcode.PUSH0),
byte(opcode.JMPGT), 0xf8, byte(opcode.LDLOC0)}
vm := load(loopTries)
checkVMFailed(t, vm)
t.Run("ThrowInCall", func(t *testing.T) {
catchP := []byte{byte(opcode.CALL), 2, byte(opcode.PUSH1), byte(opcode.ADD), byte(opcode.THROW), byte(opcode.RET)}
inner := getTRYProgram(throw, catchP, []byte{byte(opcode.PUSH2)})
// add 5 to the exception, mul to the result of inner finally (2)
getTRYTestFunc(47, inner, append(add5, byte(opcode.MUL)), add9)(t)
func TestMEMCPY(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.MEMCPY)
t.Run("Good", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 1, 2, 3})
runWithArgs(t, prog, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 6, 7, 3}), buf, buf, 1, []byte{4, 5, 6, 7}, 2, 2)
t.Run("NonZeroDstIndex", func(t *testing.T) {
buf := stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 1, 2})
runWithArgs(t, prog, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 6, 7}), buf, buf, 1, []byte{4, 5, 6, 7}, 2, 2)
t.Run("NegativeSize", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 1}), 0, []byte{2}, 0, -1))
t.Run("NegativeSrcIndex", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 1}), 0, []byte{2}, -1, 1))
t.Run("NegativeDstIndex", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 1}), -1, []byte{2}, 0, 1))
t.Run("BigSizeSrc", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 1}), 0, []byte{2}, 0, 2))
t.Run("BigSizeDst", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 1}), 0, []byte{2, 3, 4}, 0, 3))
func TestNEWARRAY0(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NEWARRAY0)
runWithArgs(t, prog, []stackitem.Item{})
func TestNEWSTRUCT0(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NEWSTRUCT0)
runWithArgs(t, prog, stackitem.NewStruct([]stackitem.Item{}))
func TestNEWARRAYArray(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NEWARRAY)
t.Run("ByteArray", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{}), []byte{}))
t.Run("BadSize", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, MaxStackSize+1))
t.Run("Integer", getTestFuncForVM(prog, []stackitem.Item{stackitem.Null{}}, 1))
func testNEWARRAYIssue437(t *testing.T, i1 opcode.Opcode, t2 stackitem.Type, appended bool) {
prog := makeProgram(
opcode.PUSH2, i1,
opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH3, opcode.APPEND,
opcode.INITSSLOT, 1,
opcode.STSFLD0, opcode.LDSFLD0, opcode.CONVERT, opcode.Opcode(t2),
opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH4, opcode.APPEND,
opcode.LDSFLD0, opcode.PUSH5, opcode.APPEND)
arr := makeArrayOfType(4, stackitem.AnyT)
arr[2] = stackitem.Make(3)
arr[3] = stackitem.Make(4)
if appended {
arr = append(arr, stackitem.Make(5))
if t2 == stackitem.ArrayT {
runWithArgs(t, prog, stackitem.NewArray(arr))
} else {
runWithArgs(t, prog, stackitem.NewStruct(arr))
func TestNEWARRAYIssue437(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Array+Array", func(t *testing.T) { testNEWARRAYIssue437(t, opcode.NEWARRAY, stackitem.ArrayT, true) })
t.Run("Struct+Struct", func(t *testing.T) { testNEWARRAYIssue437(t, opcode.NEWSTRUCT, stackitem.StructT, true) })
t.Run("Array+Struct", func(t *testing.T) { testNEWARRAYIssue437(t, opcode.NEWARRAY, stackitem.StructT, false) })
t.Run("Struct+Array", func(t *testing.T) { testNEWARRAYIssue437(t, opcode.NEWSTRUCT, stackitem.ArrayT, false) })
func TestNEWARRAYT(t *testing.T) {
testCases := map[stackitem.Type]stackitem.Item{
stackitem.BooleanT: stackitem.NewBool(false),
stackitem.IntegerT: stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(0)),
stackitem.ByteArrayT: stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{}),
stackitem.ArrayT: stackitem.Null{},
0xFF: nil,
for typ, item := range testCases {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NEWARRAYT, opcode.Opcode(typ), opcode.PUSH0, opcode.PICKITEM)
t.Run(typ.String(), getTestFuncForVM(prog, item, 1))
func TestNEWSTRUCT(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NEWSTRUCT)
t.Run("ByteArray", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewStruct([]stackitem.Item{}), []byte{}))
t.Run("BadSize", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, MaxStackSize+1))
t.Run("Integer", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewStruct([]stackitem.Item{stackitem.Null{}}), 1))
func TestAPPEND(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH5, opcode.APPEND)
arr := []stackitem.Item{stackitem.Make(5)}
t.Run("Array", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewArray(arr), stackitem.NewArray(nil)))
t.Run("Struct", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewStruct(arr), stackitem.NewStruct(nil)))
func TestAPPENDCloneStruct(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH0, opcode.NEWSTRUCT, opcode.INITSSLOT, 1, opcode.STSFLD0,
opcode.LDSFLD0, opcode.APPEND, opcode.LDSFLD0, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.APPEND)
arr := []stackitem.Item{stackitem.NewStruct([]stackitem.Item{})}
runWithArgs(t, prog, stackitem.NewArray(arr), stackitem.NewArray(nil))
func TestAPPENDBad(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.APPEND)
t.Run("no arguments", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("one argument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1))
t.Run("wrong type", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, []byte{}, 1))
func TestAPPENDGoodSizeLimit(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NEWARRAY, opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH0, opcode.APPEND)
vm := load(prog)
vm.estack.PushVal(MaxStackSize - 3) // 1 for array, 1 for copy, 1 for pushed 0.
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 1, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, MaxStackSize-2, len(vm.estack.Pop().Array()))
func TestAPPENDBadSizeLimit(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NEWARRAY, opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH0, opcode.APPEND)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, MaxStackSize)
func TestAPPENDRefSizeLimit(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NEWARRAY0, opcode.DUP, opcode.DUP, opcode.APPEND, opcode.JMP, 0xfd)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil)
func TestPICKITEM(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PICKITEM)
t.Run("bad index", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, []stackitem.Item{}, 0))
t.Run("Array", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 2, []stackitem.Item{stackitem.Make(1), stackitem.Make(2)}, 1))
t.Run("ByteArray", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 2, []byte{1, 2}, 1))
t.Run("Buffer", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 2, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{1, 2}), 1))
t.Run("Exceptions", func(t *testing.T) {
tryProg := getTRYProgram(
[]byte{byte(opcode.PICKITEM), byte(opcode.RET)},
[]byte{byte(opcode.RET)}, nil)
items := []stackitem.Item{
for _, item := range items {
t.Run(item.String()+", negative", getTestFuncForVM(tryProg,
fmt.Sprintf("The value %d is out of range.", math.MinInt32),
item, math.MinInt32))
t.Run(item.String()+", very big index",
getTestFuncForVM(tryProg, nil, item, int64(math.MaxInt32)+1))
m := stackitem.NewMap()
t.Run("Map, missing key", getTestFuncForVM(tryProg, "Key not found in Map", m, 1))
func TestVMPrintOps(t *testing.T) {
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Bytes(w.BinWriter, make([]byte, 1000))
emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.PUSH0)
emit.Bytes(w.BinWriter, make([]byte, 8))
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
v := New()
ss := strings.Split(buf.String(), "\n")
require.Equal(t, 5, len(ss)) // header + 3 opcodes + trailing newline
require.True(t, len(ss[0]) < 1000)
require.True(t, len(ss[1]) > 1000)
require.True(t, len(ss[2]) < 1000)
require.True(t, len(ss[3]) < 1000)
func TestPICKITEMDupArray(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH0, opcode.PICKITEM, opcode.ABS)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
items := vm.estack.Pop().Value().([]stackitem.Item)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(-1), items[0].Value())
func TestPICKITEMDupMap(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSHINT8, 42, opcode.PICKITEM, opcode.ABS)
vm := load(prog)
m := stackitem.NewMap()
m.Add(stackitem.Make(42), stackitem.Make(-1))
vm.estack.Push(Element{value: m})
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
items := vm.estack.Pop().Value().([]stackitem.MapElement)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(items))
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(42), items[0].Key.Value())
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(-1), items[0].Value.Value())
func TestPICKITEMMap(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PICKITEM)
m := stackitem.NewMap()
m.Add(stackitem.Make(5), stackitem.Make(3))
runWithArgs(t, prog, 3, m, 5)
func TestSETITEMBuffer(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.REVERSE4, opcode.SETITEM)
t.Run("Good", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 42, 2}), 42, 1, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 1, 2})))
t.Run("BadValue", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 256, 1, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 1, 2})))
t.Run("Exceptions", func(t *testing.T) {
tryProg := getTRYProgram(
[]byte{byte(opcode.SETITEM), byte(opcode.PUSH12), byte(opcode.RET)},
[]byte{byte(opcode.RET)}, nil)
t.Run("negative index", getTestFuncForVM(tryProg,
fmt.Sprintf("The value %d is out of range.", math.MinInt32),
stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 1, 2}), math.MinInt32, 0))
t.Run("very big index", getTestFuncForVM(tryProg,
nil, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 1, 2}), int64(math.MaxInt32)+1, 0))
func TestSETITEMArray(t *testing.T) {
tryProg := getTRYProgram(
[]byte{byte(opcode.SETITEM), byte(opcode.RET)},
[]byte{byte(opcode.RET)}, nil)
t.Run("Good", func(t *testing.T) {
arr := stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{stackitem.Make(12), stackitem.Make(2)})
expected := stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{stackitem.Make(12), stackitem.Make(42)})
runWithArgs(t, tryProg, expected, arr, arr, 1, 42)
t.Run("negative index", getTestFuncForVM(tryProg,
fmt.Sprintf("The value %d is out of range.", math.MinInt32),
[]stackitem.Item{}, math.MinInt32, 42))
t.Run("very big index", getTestFuncForVM(tryProg,
nil, []stackitem.Item{}, int64(math.MaxInt32)+1, 0))
func TestSETITEMMap(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SETITEM, opcode.PICKITEM)
m := stackitem.NewMap()
m.Add(stackitem.Make(5), stackitem.Make(3))
runWithArgs(t, prog, []byte{0, 1}, m, 5, m, 5, []byte{0, 1})
t.Run("big key", func(t *testing.T) {
m := stackitem.NewMap()
key := make([]byte, stackitem.MaxKeySize)
for i := range key {
key[i] = 0x0F
m.Add(stackitem.NewByteArray(key), stackitem.Make(3))
runWithArgs(t, prog, "value", m, key, m, key, "value")
func TestSETITEMBigMapBad(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SETITEM)
m := stackitem.NewMap()
for i := 0; i < MaxStackSize; i++ {
m.Add(stackitem.Make(i), stackitem.Make(i))
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, m, m, MaxStackSize, 0)
// This test checks is SETITEM properly updates reference counter.
// 1. Create 2 arrays of size MaxStackSize/2 - 3.
// 2. SETITEM each of them to a map.
// 3. Replace each of them with a scalar value.
func TestSETITEMMapStackLimit(t *testing.T) {
size := MaxStackSize/2 - 3
m := stackitem.NewMap()
m.Add(stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(1)), stackitem.NewArray(makeArrayOfType(size, stackitem.BooleanT)))
m.Add(stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(2)), stackitem.NewArray(makeArrayOfType(size, stackitem.BooleanT)))
prog := makeProgram(
opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.SETITEM,
opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.SETITEM,
opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH3, opcode.PUSH3, opcode.SETITEM,
opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH4, opcode.PUSH4, opcode.SETITEM)
v := load(prog)
runVM(t, v)
func TestSETITEMBigMapGood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SETITEM)
vm := load(prog)
m := stackitem.NewMap()
for i := 0; i < MaxStackSize-3; i++ {
m.Add(stackitem.Make(i), stackitem.Make(i))
vm.estack.Push(Element{value: m})
runVM(t, vm)
func TestSIZE(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SIZE)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("ByteArray", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 2, []byte{0, 1}))
t.Run("Buffer", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 2, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{0, 1})))
t.Run("Bool", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 1, false))
t.Run("Array", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 2, []stackitem.Item{stackitem.Make(1), stackitem.Make([]byte{})}))
t.Run("Map", func(t *testing.T) {
m := stackitem.NewMap()
m.Add(stackitem.Make(5), stackitem.Make(6))
m.Add(stackitem.Make([]byte{0, 1}), stackitem.Make(6))
runWithArgs(t, prog, 2, m)
func TestKEYSMap(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.KEYS)
vm := load(prog)
m := stackitem.NewMap()
m.Add(stackitem.Make(5), stackitem.Make(6))
m.Add(stackitem.Make([]byte{0, 1}), stackitem.Make(6))
vm.estack.Push(Element{value: m})
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 1, vm.estack.Len())
top := vm.estack.Pop().value.(*stackitem.Array)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(top.Value().([]stackitem.Item)))
assert.Contains(t, top.Value().([]stackitem.Item), stackitem.Make(5))
assert.Contains(t, top.Value().([]stackitem.Item), stackitem.Make([]byte{0, 1}))
func TestKEYS(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.KEYS)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("WrongType", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, []stackitem.Item{}))
func TestVALUESMap(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.VALUES)
vm := load(prog)
m := stackitem.NewMap()
m.Add(stackitem.Make(5), stackitem.Make([]byte{2, 3}))
m.Add(stackitem.Make([]byte{0, 1}), stackitem.Make([]stackitem.Item{}))
vm.estack.Push(Element{value: m})
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 1, vm.estack.Len())
top := vm.estack.Pop().value.(*stackitem.Array)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(top.Value().([]stackitem.Item)))
assert.Contains(t, top.Value().([]stackitem.Item), stackitem.Make([]byte{2, 3}))
assert.Contains(t, top.Value().([]stackitem.Item), stackitem.Make([]stackitem.Item{}))
func TestVALUES(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.VALUES)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("WrongType", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 5))
t.Run("Array", getTestFuncForVM(prog, []int{4}, []int{4}))
func TestHASKEY(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.HASKEY)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("OneArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1))
t.Run("WrongKeyType", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, []stackitem.Item{}, []stackitem.Item{}))
t.Run("WrongCollectionType", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1, 2))
arr := makeArrayOfType(5, stackitem.BooleanT)
t.Run("Array", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("True", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, stackitem.NewArray(arr), 4))
t.Run("False", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, stackitem.NewArray(arr), 5))
t.Run("Struct", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("True", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, stackitem.NewStruct(arr), 4))
t.Run("False", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, stackitem.NewStruct(arr), 5))
t.Run("Buffer", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("True", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{5, 5, 5}), 2))
t.Run("False", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{5, 5, 5}), 3))
t.Run("Negative", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{5, 5, 5}), -1))
func TestHASKEYMap(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.HASKEY)
m := stackitem.NewMap()
m.Add(stackitem.Make(5), stackitem.Make(6))
t.Run("True", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, m, 5))
t.Run("False", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, m, 6))
func TestHASKEYBigKey(t *testing.T) {
v := newTestVM()
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Int(buf.BinWriter, 1024*1024)
emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.NEWBUFFER, opcode.NEWMAP)
emit.Int(buf.BinWriter, 64)
emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.NEWBUFFER)
emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.INITSLOT, opcode.Opcode(0), opcode.Opcode(3))
emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.LDARG1, opcode.LDARG0, opcode.CONVERT, opcode.Opcode(stackitem.ByteArrayT))
emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.LDARG0, opcode.SETITEM, opcode.LDARG1, opcode.LDARG2)
emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.CONVERT, opcode.Opcode(stackitem.ByteArrayT))
emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.HASKEY)
emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.JMP, opcode.Opcode(0xFB)) // -5
checkVMFailed(t, v)
func TestSIGN(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SIGN)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("WrongType", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, []stackitem.Item{}))
t.Run("Bool", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 0, false))
t.Run("PositiveInt", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 1, 2))
t.Run("NegativeInt", getTestFuncForVM(prog, -1, -1))
t.Run("Zero", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 0, 0))
t.Run("ByteArray", getTestFuncForVM(prog, 1, []byte{0, 1}))
func TestSimpleCall(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
w := buf.BinWriter
emit.Opcodes(w, opcode.PUSH2)
emit.Instruction(w, opcode.CALL, []byte{03})
emit.Opcodes(w, opcode.RET)
emit.Opcodes(w, opcode.PUSH10)
emit.Opcodes(w, opcode.ADD)
emit.Opcodes(w, opcode.RET)
result := 12
vm := load(buf.Bytes())
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, result, int(vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()))
func TestNZ(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NZ)
t.Run("True", getTestFuncForVM(prog, true, 1))
t.Run("False", getTestFuncForVM(prog, false, 0))
func TestPICK(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PICK)
t.Run("NoItem", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1))
t.Run("Negative", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, -1))
func TestPICKgood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PICK)
result := 2
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, int64(result), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
func TestPICKDup(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PUSHM1, opcode.PUSH0,
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 4, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(0), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(-1), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
func TestROTBad(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.ROT)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, 1, 2)
func TestROTGood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.ROT)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 3, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, stackitem.Make(1), vm.estack.Pop().value)
assert.Equal(t, stackitem.Make(3), vm.estack.Pop().value)
assert.Equal(t, stackitem.Make(2), vm.estack.Pop().value)
func TestROLLBad1(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.ROLL)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, 1, -1)
func TestROLLBad2(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.ROLL)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, 1, 2, 3, 3)
func TestROLLGood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.ROLL)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 4, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, stackitem.Make(3), vm.estack.Pop().value)
assert.Equal(t, stackitem.Make(4), vm.estack.Pop().value)
assert.Equal(t, stackitem.Make(2), vm.estack.Pop().value)
assert.Equal(t, stackitem.Make(1), vm.estack.Pop().value)
func getCheckEStackFunc(items ...interface{}) func(t *testing.T, v *VM) {
return func(t *testing.T, v *VM) {
require.Equal(t, len(items), v.estack.Len())
for i := 0; i < len(items); i++ {
assert.Equal(t, stackitem.Make(items[i]), v.estack.Peek(i).Item())
func TestREVERSE3(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.REVERSE3)
t.Run("SmallStack", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1, 2))
t.Run("Good", getCustomTestFuncForVM(prog, getCheckEStackFunc(1, 2, 3), 1, 2, 3))
func TestREVERSE4(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.REVERSE4)
t.Run("SmallStack", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1, 2, 3))
t.Run("Good", getCustomTestFuncForVM(prog, getCheckEStackFunc(1, 2, 3, 4), 1, 2, 3, 4))
func TestREVERSEN(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.REVERSEN)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("SmallStack", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1, 2, 3))
t.Run("NegativeArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1, 2, -1))
t.Run("Zero", getCustomTestFuncForVM(prog, getCheckEStackFunc(3, 2, 1), 1, 2, 3, 0))
t.Run("OneItem", getCustomTestFuncForVM(prog, getCheckEStackFunc(42), 42, 1))
t.Run("Good", getCustomTestFuncForVM(prog, getCheckEStackFunc(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5))
func TestTUCKbadNoitems(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.TUCK)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("NoItem", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1))
func TestTUCKgood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.TUCK)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, int64(34), vm.estack.Peek(0).BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(42), vm.estack.Peek(1).BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(34), vm.estack.Peek(2).BigInt().Int64())
func TestTUCKgood2(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.TUCK)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, int64(34), vm.estack.Peek(0).BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(42), vm.estack.Peek(1).BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(34), vm.estack.Peek(2).BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(11), vm.estack.Peek(3).BigInt().Int64())
func TestOVER(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.OVER)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("NoItem", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1))
func TestOVERgood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.OVER)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, int64(42), vm.estack.Peek(0).BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(34), vm.estack.Peek(1).BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(42), vm.estack.Peek(2).BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, 3, vm.estack.Len())
func TestOVERDup(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PUSHDATA1, 2, 1, 0,
opcode.PUSHDATA1, 1, 2,
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 3, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, []byte{0x01, 0x02}, vm.estack.Pop().Bytes())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, []byte{0x01, 0x00}, vm.estack.Pop().Bytes())
func TestNIPBadNoItem(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NIP)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, 1)
func TestNIPGood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NIP)
runWithArgs(t, prog, 2, 1, 2)
func TestDROPBadNoItem(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DROP)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil)
func TestDROPGood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DROP)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 0, vm.estack.Len())
func TestXDROP(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.XDROP)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("NoN", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1, 2))
t.Run("Negative", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1, -1))
func TestXDROPgood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.XDROP)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), vm.estack.Peek(0).BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Peek(1).BigInt().Int64())
func TestCLEAR(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.CLEAR)
v := load(prog)
require.Equal(t, 1, v.estack.Len())
require.NoError(t, v.Run())
require.Equal(t, 0, v.estack.Len())
func TestINVERTbadNoitem(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.INVERT)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil)
func TestINVERTgood1(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.INVERT)
runWithArgs(t, prog, -1, 0)
func TestINVERTgood2(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.INVERT)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, int64(0), vm.estack.Peek(0).BigInt().Int64())
func TestINVERTgood3(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.INVERT)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, int64(-0x6A), vm.estack.Peek(0).BigInt().Int64())
func TestINVERTWithConversion1(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PUSHDATA2, 0, 0, opcode.INVERT)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, int64(-1), vm.estack.Peek(0).BigInt().Int64())
func TestINVERTWithConversion2(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PUSH0, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.NUMEQUAL, opcode.INVERT)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, int64(-1), vm.estack.Peek(0).BigInt().Int64())
func TestCAT(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.CAT)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("OneArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, []byte("abc")))
t.Run("BigItem", func(t *testing.T) {
arg := make([]byte, stackitem.MaxSize/2+1)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, arg, arg)
t.Run("Good", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte("abcdef")), []byte("abc"), []byte("def")))
t.Run("Int0ByteArray", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{}), 0, []byte{}))
t.Run("ByteArrayInt1", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{1}), []byte{}, 1))
func TestSUBSTR(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SUBSTR)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("OneArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1))
t.Run("TwoArguments", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 0, 2))
t.Run("Good", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte("bc")), []byte("abcdef"), 1, 2))
t.Run("BadOffset", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, []byte("abcdef"), 7, 1))
t.Run("BigLen", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, []byte("abcdef"), 1, 6))
t.Run("NegativeOffset", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, []byte("abcdef"), -1, 3))
t.Run("NegativeLen", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, []byte("abcdef"), 3, -1))
func TestSUBSTRBad387(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SUBSTR)
vm := load(prog)
b := make([]byte, 6, 20)
copy(b, "abcdef")
checkVMFailed(t, vm)
func TestLEFT(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.LEFT)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("NoString", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 2))
t.Run("NegativeLen", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, "abcdef", -1))
t.Run("Good", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte("ab")), "abcdef", 2))
t.Run("BadBigLen", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, "abcdef", 8))
func TestRIGHT(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.RIGHT)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("NoString", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 2))
t.Run("NegativeLen", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, "abcdef", -1))
t.Run("Good", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte("ef")), "abcdef", 2))
t.Run("BadLen", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, "abcdef", 8))
func TestPACK(t *testing.T) {
for _, op := range []opcode.Opcode{opcode.PACK, opcode.PACKSTRUCT} {
t.Run(op.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(op)
t.Run("BadLen", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1))
t.Run("BigLen", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 100500))
t.Run("Good0Len", getTestFuncForVM(prog, []stackitem.Item{}, 0))
func TestPACKGood(t *testing.T) {
for _, op := range []opcode.Opcode{opcode.PACK, opcode.PACKSTRUCT} {
t.Run(op.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(op)
elements := []int{55, 34, 42}
vm := load(prog)
// canary
for i := len(elements) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
a := vm.estack.Peek(0).Array()
assert.Equal(t, len(elements), len(a))
for i := 0; i < len(elements); i++ {
e := a[i].Value().(*big.Int)
assert.Equal(t, int64(elements[i]), e.Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Peek(1).BigInt().Int64())
func TestPACK_UNPACK_MaxSize(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PACK, opcode.UNPACK)
elements := make([]int, MaxStackSize-2)
vm := load(prog)
// canary
for i := len(elements) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
runVM(t, vm)
// check reference counter = 1+1+1024
assert.Equal(t, 1+1+len(elements), int(vm.refs))
assert.Equal(t, 1+1+len(elements), vm.estack.Len()) // canary + length + elements
assert.Equal(t, int64(len(elements)), vm.estack.Peek(0).Value().(*big.Int).Int64())
for i := 0; i < len(elements); i++ {
e, ok := vm.estack.Peek(i + 1).Value().(*big.Int)
assert.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, int64(elements[i]), e.Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Peek(1+len(elements)).BigInt().Int64())
func TestPACK_UNPACK_PACK_MaxSize(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PACK, opcode.UNPACK, opcode.PACK)
elements := make([]int, MaxStackSize-2)
vm := load(prog)
// canary
for i := len(elements) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
runVM(t, vm)
// check reference counter = 1+1+1024
assert.Equal(t, 1+1+len(elements), int(vm.refs))
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
a := vm.estack.Peek(0).Array()
assert.Equal(t, len(elements), len(a))
for i := 0; i < len(elements); i++ {
e := a[i].Value().(*big.Int)
assert.Equal(t, int64(elements[i]), e.Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Peek(1).BigInt().Int64())
func TestPACKMAP_UNPACK_PACKMAP_MaxSize(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PACKMAP, opcode.UNPACK, opcode.PACKMAP)
elements := make([]int, (MaxStackSize-2)/2)
vm := load(prog)
// canary
for i := len(elements) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
elements[i] = i
vm.estack.PushVal(i * 2)
runVM(t, vm)
// check reference counter = 1+1+1024
assert.Equal(t, 1+1+len(elements), int(vm.refs))
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
m := vm.estack.Peek(0).value.(*stackitem.Map).Value().([]stackitem.MapElement)
assert.Equal(t, len(elements), len(m))
for i := 0; i < len(elements); i++ {
k := m[i].Key.Value().(*big.Int)
v := m[i].Value.Value().(*big.Int)
assert.Equal(t, int64(elements[i]), k.Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(elements[i])*2, v.Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(-1), vm.estack.Peek(1).BigInt().Int64())
func TestPACKMAPBadKey(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PACKMAP)
vm := load(prog)
checkVMFailed(t, vm)
func TestUNPACKBadNotArray(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.UNPACK)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, 1)
func TestUNPACKGood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.UNPACK)
elements := []int{55, 34, 42}
vm := load(prog)
// canary
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 5, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, int64(len(elements)), vm.estack.Peek(0).BigInt().Int64())
for k, v := range elements {
assert.Equal(t, int64(v), vm.estack.Peek(k+1).BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Peek(len(elements)+1).BigInt().Int64())
func TestREVERSEITEMS(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.REVERSEITEMS)
t.Run("InvalidItem", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1))
t.Run("Buffer", getTestFuncForVM(prog, stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{3, 2, 1}), stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte{1, 2, 3})))
func testREVERSEITEMSIssue437(t *testing.T, i1 opcode.Opcode, t2 stackitem.Type, reversed bool) {
prog := makeProgram(
opcode.PUSH0, i1,
opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.APPEND,
opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.APPEND,
opcode.DUP, opcode.CONVERT, opcode.Opcode(t2), opcode.REVERSEITEMS)
arr := make([]stackitem.Item, 2)
if reversed {
arr[0] = stackitem.Make(2)
arr[1] = stackitem.Make(1)
} else {
arr[0] = stackitem.Make(1)
arr[1] = stackitem.Make(2)
if i1 == opcode.NEWARRAY {
runWithArgs(t, prog, stackitem.NewArray(arr))
} else {
runWithArgs(t, prog, stackitem.NewStruct(arr))
func TestREVERSEITEMSIssue437(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Array+Array", func(t *testing.T) { testREVERSEITEMSIssue437(t, opcode.NEWARRAY, stackitem.ArrayT, true) })
t.Run("Struct+Struct", func(t *testing.T) { testREVERSEITEMSIssue437(t, opcode.NEWSTRUCT, stackitem.StructT, true) })
t.Run("Array+Struct", func(t *testing.T) { testREVERSEITEMSIssue437(t, opcode.NEWARRAY, stackitem.StructT, false) })
t.Run("Struct+Array", func(t *testing.T) { testREVERSEITEMSIssue437(t, opcode.NEWSTRUCT, stackitem.ArrayT, false) })
func TestREVERSEITEMSGoodOneElem(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.REVERSEITEMS)
elements := []int{22}
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
a := vm.estack.Peek(0).Array()
assert.Equal(t, len(elements), len(a))
e := a[0].Value().(*big.Int)
assert.Equal(t, int64(elements[0]), e.Int64())
func TestREVERSEITEMSGoodStruct(t *testing.T) {
eodd := []int{22, 34, 42, 55, 81}
even := []int{22, 34, 42, 55, 81, 99}
eall := [][]int{eodd, even}
for _, elements := range eall {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.REVERSEITEMS)
vm := load(prog)
arr := make([]stackitem.Item, len(elements))
for i := range elements {
arr[i] = stackitem.Make(elements[i])
vm.estack.Push(Element{value: stackitem.NewStruct(arr)})
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
a := vm.estack.Peek(0).Array()
assert.Equal(t, len(elements), len(a))
for k, v := range elements {
e := a[len(a)-1-k].Value().(*big.Int)
assert.Equal(t, int64(v), e.Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Peek(1).BigInt().Int64())
func TestREVERSEITEMSGood(t *testing.T) {
eodd := []int{22, 34, 42, 55, 81}
even := []int{22, 34, 42, 55, 81, 99}
eall := [][]int{eodd, even}
for _, elements := range eall {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.REVERSEITEMS)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
a := vm.estack.Peek(0).Array()
assert.Equal(t, len(elements), len(a))
for k, v := range elements {
e := a[len(a)-1-k].Value().(*big.Int)
assert.Equal(t, int64(v), e.Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Peek(1).BigInt().Int64())
func TestREMOVE(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.REMOVE)
t.Run("NoArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("OneArgument", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1))
t.Run("NotArray", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 1, 1))
t.Run("BadIndex", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, []int{22, 34, 42, 55, 81}, 10))
func TestREMOVEGood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.REMOVE)
elements := []int{22, 34, 42, 55, 81}
reselements := []int{22, 34, 55, 81}
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, stackitem.Make(reselements), vm.estack.Pop().value)
assert.Equal(t, stackitem.Make(1), vm.estack.Pop().value)
func TestREMOVEMap(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.REMOVE, opcode.PUSH5, opcode.HASKEY)
vm := load(prog)
m := stackitem.NewMap()
m.Add(stackitem.Make(5), stackitem.Make(3))
m.Add(stackitem.Make([]byte{0, 1}), stackitem.Make([]byte{2, 3}))
vm.estack.Push(Element{value: m})
vm.estack.Push(Element{value: m})
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 1, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, stackitem.Make(false), vm.estack.Pop().value)
func testCLEARITEMS(t *testing.T, item stackitem.Item) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.DUP, opcode.CLEARITEMS, opcode.SIZE)
v := load(prog)
runVM(t, v)
require.Equal(t, 2, v.estack.Len())
require.EqualValues(t, 2, int(v.refs)) // empty collection + it's size
require.EqualValues(t, 0, v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
func TestCLEARITEMS(t *testing.T) {
arr := []stackitem.Item{stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(1)), stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{1})}
m := stackitem.NewMap()
m.Add(stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(1)), stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{}))
m.Add(stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{42}), stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(2)))
testCases := map[string]stackitem.Item{
"empty Array": stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{}),
"filled Array": stackitem.NewArray(arr),
"empty Struct": stackitem.NewStruct([]stackitem.Item{}),
"filled Struct": stackitem.NewStruct(arr),
"empty Map": stackitem.NewMap(),
"filled Map": m,
for name, item := range testCases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { testCLEARITEMS(t, item) })
t.Run("Integer", func(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.CLEARITEMS)
runWithArgs(t, prog, nil, 1)
func TestPOPITEM(t *testing.T) {
testPOPITEM := func(t *testing.T, item, elem, arr interface{}) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.POPITEM)
v := load(prog)
runVM(t, v)
require.EqualValues(t, stackitem.Make(elem), v.estack.Pop().Item())
require.EqualValues(t, stackitem.Make(arr), v.estack.Pop().Item())
elems := []stackitem.Item{stackitem.Make(11), stackitem.Make(31)}
t.Run("Array", func(t *testing.T) {
testPOPITEM(t, stackitem.NewArray(elems), 31, elems[:1])
t.Run("Struct", func(t *testing.T) {
testPOPITEM(t, stackitem.NewStruct(elems), 31, elems[:1])
t.Run("0-length array", func(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NEWARRAY0, opcode.POPITEM)
v := load(prog)
checkVMFailed(t, v)
t.Run("primitive type", func(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PUSH4, opcode.POPITEM)
v := load(prog)
checkVMFailed(t, v)
func TestSWAPGood(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SWAP)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(4), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
func TestSWAP(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.SWAP)
t.Run("EmptyStack", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil))
t.Run("SmallStack", getTestFuncForVM(prog, nil, 4))
func TestDupInt(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.DUP, opcode.ABS)
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(-1), vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
func TestNegateCopy(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.NEGATE)
v := load(prog)
bi := stackitem.Make(-1)
runVM(t, v)
assert.Equal(t, 2, v.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(-1), v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
func TestDupByteArray(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PUSHDATA1, 2, 1, 0,
opcode.PUSHDATA1, 1, 2,
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, []byte{0x01, 0x02}, vm.estack.Pop().Bytes())
assert.Equal(t, []byte{0x01, 0x00}, vm.estack.Pop().Bytes())
func TestDupBool(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(opcode.PUSH0, opcode.NOT,
opcode.PUSH1, opcode.NOT,
vm := load(prog)
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, 2, vm.estack.Len())
assert.Equal(t, false, vm.estack.Pop().Bool())
assert.Equal(t, true, vm.estack.Pop().Bool())
var opcodesTestCases = map[opcode.Opcode][]struct {
name string
args []interface{}
expected interface{}
actual func(vm *VM) interface{}
opcode.AND: {
name: "1_1",
args: []interface{}{1, 1},
expected: int64(1),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "1_0",
args: []interface{}{1, 0},
expected: int64(0),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "0_1",
args: []interface{}{0, 1},
expected: int64(0),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "0_0",
args: []interface{}{0, 0},
expected: int64(0),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "random_values",
args: []interface{}{
[]byte{1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
[]byte{1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
expected: []byte{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().Bytes()
opcode.OR: {
name: "1_1",
args: []interface{}{1, 1},
expected: int64(1),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "0_0",
args: []interface{}{0, 0},
expected: int64(0),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "0_1",
args: []interface{}{0, 1},
expected: int64(1),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "1_0",
args: []interface{}{1, 0},
expected: int64(1),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "random_values",
args: []interface{}{
[]byte{1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
[]byte{1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
expected: []byte{1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().Bytes()
opcode.XOR: {
name: "1_1",
args: []interface{}{1, 1},
expected: int64(0),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "0_0",
args: []interface{}{0, 0},
expected: int64(0),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "0_1",
args: []interface{}{0, 1},
expected: int64(1),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "1_0",
args: []interface{}{1, 0},
expected: int64(1),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "random_values",
args: []interface{}{
[]byte{1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
[]byte{1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
expected: []byte{0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1},
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().Bytes()
opcode.BOOLOR: {
name: "1_1",
args: []interface{}{true, true},
expected: true,
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().Bool()
name: "0_0",
args: []interface{}{false, false},
expected: false,
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().Bool()
name: "0_1",
args: []interface{}{false, true},
expected: true,
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().Bool()
name: "1_0",
args: []interface{}{true, false},
expected: true,
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().Bool()
opcode.MIN: {
name: "3_5",
args: []interface{}{3, 5},
expected: int64(3),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "5_3",
args: []interface{}{5, 3},
expected: int64(3),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "3_3",
args: []interface{}{3, 3},
expected: int64(3),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
opcode.MAX: {
name: "3_5",
args: []interface{}{3, 5},
expected: int64(5),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "5_3",
args: []interface{}{5, 3},
expected: int64(5),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "3_3",
args: []interface{}{3, 3},
expected: int64(3),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
opcode.WITHIN: {
name: "within",
args: []interface{}{4, 3, 5},
expected: true,
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().Bool()
name: "less",
args: []interface{}{2, 3, 5},
expected: false,
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().Bool()
name: "more",
args: []interface{}{6, 3, 5},
expected: false,
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().Bool()
opcode.NEGATE: {
name: "3",
args: []interface{}{3},
expected: int64(-3),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "-3",
args: []interface{}{-3},
expected: int64(3),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
name: "0",
args: []interface{}{0},
expected: int64(0),
actual: func(vm *VM) interface{} {
return vm.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
func TestBitAndNumericOpcodes(t *testing.T) {
for code, opcodeTestCases := range opcodesTestCases {
t.Run(code.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
for _, testCase := range opcodeTestCases {
prog := makeProgram(code)
vm := load(prog)
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, arg := range testCase.args {
runVM(t, vm)
assert.Equal(t, testCase.expected, testCase.actual(vm))
func TestSLOTOpcodes(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Fail", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("EmptyStatic", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSSLOT, 0), nil))
t.Run("EmptyLocal", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 0, 0), nil))
t.Run("NotEnoughArguments", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSSLOT, 0, 2), nil, 1))
t.Run("DoubleStatic", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSSLOT, 1, opcode.INITSSLOT, 1), nil))
t.Run("DoubleLocal", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 1, 0, opcode.INITSLOT, 1, 0), nil))
t.Run("DoubleArgument", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 0, 1, opcode.INITSLOT, 0, 1), nil, 1, 2))
t.Run("LoadBigStatic", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSSLOT, 2, opcode.LDSFLD2), nil))
t.Run("LoadBigLocal", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 2, 2, opcode.LDLOC2), nil, 1, 2))
t.Run("LoadBigArgument", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 2, 2, opcode.LDARG2), nil, 1, 2))
t.Run("StoreBigStatic", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSSLOT, 2, opcode.STSFLD2), nil, 0))
t.Run("StoreBigLocal", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 2, 2, opcode.STLOC2), nil, 0, 1, 2))
t.Run("StoreBigArgument", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 2, 2, opcode.STARG2), nil, 0, 1, 2))
t.Run("Default", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("DefaultStatic", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSSLOT, 2, opcode.LDSFLD1), stackitem.Null{}))
t.Run("DefaultLocal", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 2, 0, opcode.LDLOC1), stackitem.Null{}))
t.Run("DefaultArgument", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 0, 2, opcode.LDARG1), 2, 2, 1))
t.Run("Set/Get", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("FailCrossLoads", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Static/Local", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSSLOT, 2, opcode.LDLOC1), nil))
t.Run("Static/Argument", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSSLOT, 2, opcode.LDARG1), nil))
t.Run("Local/Argument", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 0, 2, opcode.LDLOC1), nil))
t.Run("Argument/Local", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 2, 0, opcode.LDARG1), nil))
t.Run("Static", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSSLOT, 8, opcode.STSFLD, 7, opcode.LDSFLD, 7), 42, 42))
t.Run("Local", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 8, 0, opcode.STLOC, 7, opcode.LDLOC, 7), 42, 42))
t.Run("Argument", getTestFuncForVM(makeProgram(opcode.INITSLOT, 0, 2, opcode.STARG, 1, opcode.LDARG, 1), 42, 42, 1, 2))
t.Run("InitStaticSlotInMethod", func(t *testing.T) {
prog := makeProgram(
opcode.CALL, 4, opcode.LDSFLD0, opcode.RET,
opcode.INITSSLOT, 1, opcode.PUSH12, opcode.STSFLD0, opcode.RET,
runWithArgs(t, prog, 12)
func TestNestedStructClone(t *testing.T) {
progs := []string{
// VALUES for deeply nested structs, see neo-project/neo#2534.
// APPEND of deeply nested struct to empty array.
// VALUES for map with deeply nested struct.
// VALUES for a lot of not-so-deep nested structs.
for _, h := range progs {
prog, err := hex.DecodeString(h)
require.NoError(t, err)
vm := load(prog)
checkVMFailed(t, vm)
func TestNestedStructEquals(t *testing.T) {
h := "560112c501fe0160589d604a12c0db415824f7509d4a102aec4597" // See neo-project/neo-vm#426.
prog, err := hex.DecodeString(h)
require.NoError(t, err)
vm := load(prog)
checkVMFailed(t, vm)
func makeProgram(opcodes ...opcode.Opcode) []byte {
prog := make([]byte, len(opcodes)+1) // RET
for i := 0; i < len(opcodes); i++ {
prog[i] = byte(opcodes[i])
prog[len(prog)-1] = byte(opcode.RET)
return prog
func load(prog []byte) *VM {
vm := newTestVM()
if len(prog) != 0 {
return vm
func randomBytes(n int) []byte {
const charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
b := make([]byte, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = charset[rand.Intn(len(charset))]
return b
func newTestVM() *VM {
v := New()
v.GasLimit = -1
return v