Anna Shaleva b6b80f3abf cli: properly handle run VM CLI command
Properly load the provided method using NEF and hash specified. It allows
to have NEF properly set in the VM context and handle CALLT instruction

Signed-off-by: Anna Shaleva <>
2023-05-19 13:26:56 +03:00

1402 lines
46 KiB

package vm
import (
gio "io"
type readCloser struct {
func (r *readCloser) Close() error {
return nil
func (r *readCloser) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
defer r.Unlock()
return r.Buffer.Read(p)
func (r *readCloser) WriteString(s string) {
defer r.Unlock()
type executor struct {
in *readCloser
out *bytes.Buffer
cli *CLI
ch chan struct{}
exit atomic.Bool
func newTestVMCLI(t *testing.T) *executor {
return newTestVMCLIWithLogo(t, false)
func newTestVMCLIWithLogo(t *testing.T, printLogo bool) *executor {
return newTestVMCLIWithLogoAndCustomConfig(t, printLogo, nil)
func newTestVMCLIWithLogoAndCustomConfig(t *testing.T, printLogo bool, cfg *config.Config) *executor {
e := &executor{
in: &readCloser{Buffer: *bytes.NewBuffer(nil)},
out: bytes.NewBuffer(nil),
ch: make(chan struct{}),
var c config.Config
if cfg == nil {
configPath := "../../config/protocol.unit_testnet.single.yml"
var err error
c, err = config.LoadFile(configPath)
require.NoError(t, err, "could not load chain config")
c.ApplicationConfiguration.DBConfiguration.Type = dbconfig.InMemoryDB
} else {
c = *cfg
var err error
e.cli, err = NewWithConfig(printLogo,
func(int) { e.exit.Store(true) },
Prompt: "",
Stderr: e.out,
Stdout: e.out,
FuncIsTerminal: func() bool {
return false
}, c)
require.NoError(t, err)
return e
// newTestVMClIWithState creates executor backed by level DB filled by simple chain.
// LevelDB-backed CLI must be exited on cleanup.
func newTestVMClIWithState(t *testing.T) *executor {
// Firstly create a DB with chain, save and close it.
path := t.TempDir()
opts := dbconfig.LevelDBOptions{
DataDirectoryPath: path,
store, err := storage.NewLevelDBStore(opts)
require.NoError(t, err)
customConfig := func(c *config.Blockchain) {
c.StateRootInHeader = true // Need for P2PStateExchangeExtensions check.
c.P2PSigExtensions = true // Need for basic chain initializer.
bc, validators, committee, err := chain.NewMultiWithCustomConfigAndStoreNoCheck(t, customConfig, store)
require.NoError(t, err)
go bc.Run()
e := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bc, validators, committee)
basicchain.InitSimple(t, "../../", e)
// After that create CLI backed by created chain.
configPath := "../../config/protocol.unit_testnet.yml"
cfg, err := config.LoadFile(configPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
cfg.ApplicationConfiguration.DBConfiguration.Type = dbconfig.LevelDB
cfg.ApplicationConfiguration.DBConfiguration.LevelDBOptions = opts
cfg.ProtocolConfiguration.StateRootInHeader = true
return newTestVMCLIWithLogoAndCustomConfig(t, false, &cfg)
func (e *executor) runProg(t *testing.T, commands ...string) {
e.runProgWithTimeout(t, 4*time.Second, commands...)
func (e *executor) runProgWithTimeout(t *testing.T, timeout time.Duration, commands ...string) {
cmd := strings.Join(commands, "\n") + "\n" + "\n")
go func() {
require.NoError(t, e.cli.Run())
select {
case <
case <-time.After(timeout):
require.Fail(t, "command took too long time")
func (e *executor) checkNextLine(t *testing.T, expected string) {
line, err := e.out.ReadString('\n')
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Regexp(t, expected, line)
func (e *executor) checkNextLineExact(t *testing.T, expected string) {
line, err := e.out.ReadString('\n')
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expected, line)
func (e *executor) checkError(t *testing.T, expectedErr error) {
line, err := e.out.ReadString('\n')
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := "Error: " + expectedErr.Error()
require.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(line, expected), fmt.Errorf("expected `%s`, got `%s`", expected, line))
func (e *executor) checkStack(t *testing.T, items ...any) {
d := json.NewDecoder(e.out)
var actual any
require.NoError(t, d.Decode(&actual))
rawActual, err := json.Marshal(actual)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := vm.NewStack("")
for i := range items {
rawExpected, err := json.Marshal(expected)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.JSONEq(t, string(rawExpected), string(rawActual))
// Decoder has it's own buffer, we need to return unread part to the output.
outRemain := e.out.String()
_, err = gio.Copy(e.out, d.Buffered())
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = e.out.ReadString('\n')
require.NoError(t, err)
func (e *executor) checkEvents(t *testing.T, isKeywordExpected bool, events ...state.NotificationEvent) {
if isKeywordExpected {
e.checkNextLine(t, "Events:")
d := json.NewDecoder(e.out)
var actual any
require.NoError(t, d.Decode(&actual))
rawActual, err := json.Marshal(actual)
require.NoError(t, err)
rawExpected, err := json.Marshal(events)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.JSONEq(t, string(rawExpected), string(rawActual))
// Decoder has it's own buffer, we need to return unread part to the output.
outRemain := e.out.String()
_, err = gio.Copy(e.out, d.Buffered())
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = e.out.ReadString('\n')
require.NoError(t, err)
func (e *executor) checkStorage(t *testing.T, kvs {
for _, kv := range kvs {
e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", hex.EncodeToString(kv.Key), hex.EncodeToString(kv.Value)))
type storageChange struct {
ContractID int32
func (e *executor) checkChange(t *testing.T, c storageChange) {
e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("Contract ID: %d", c.ContractID))
e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("State: %s", c.State))
e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("Key: %s", hex.EncodeToString(c.Key)))
if c.Value != nil {
e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("Value: %s", hex.EncodeToString(c.Value)))
func (e *executor) checkSlot(t *testing.T, items ...any) {
d := json.NewDecoder(e.out)
var actual any
require.NoError(t, d.Decode(&actual))
rawActual, err := json.Marshal(actual)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := make([]json.RawMessage, len(items))
for i := range items {
if items[i] == nil {
expected[i] = []byte("null")
data, err := stackitem.ToJSONWithTypes(stackitem.Make(items[i]))
require.NoError(t, err)
expected[i] = data
rawExpected, err := json.MarshalIndent(expected, "", " ")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.JSONEq(t, string(rawExpected), string(rawActual))
// Decoder has it's own buffer, we need to return unread part to the output.
outRemain := e.out.String()
_, err = gio.Copy(e.out, d.Buffered())
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = e.out.ReadString('\n')
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestRun_WithNewVMContextAndBreakpoints(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("contract without init", func(t *testing.T) {
src := `package kek
func Main(a, b int) int {
var c = a + b
return c + 5
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
filename := prepareLoadgoSrc(t, tmpDir, src)
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
e.runProgWithTimeout(t, 10*time.Second,
"loadgo "+filename,
"break 8",
"run main 3 5",
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, "breakpoint added at instruction 8")
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 8 (PUSH5)*")
e.checkStack(t, 13)
t.Run("contract with init", func(t *testing.T) {
src := `package kek
var I = 5
func Main(a, b int) int {
var c = a + b
return c + I
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
filename := prepareLoadgoSrc(t, tmpDir, src)
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
e.runProgWithTimeout(t, 10*time.Second,
"loadgo "+filename,
"break 10",
"run main 3 5",
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, "breakpoint added at instruction 10")
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 10 (ADD)*")
e.checkStack(t, 13)
// prepareLoadgoSrc prepares provided SC source file for loading into VM via `loadgo` command.
func prepareLoadgoSrc(t *testing.T, tmpDir, src string) string {
filename := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "vmtestcontract.go")
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filename, []byte(src), os.ModePerm))
filename = "'" + filename + "'"
wd, err := os.Getwd()
require.NoError(t, err)
goMod := []byte(`module test.example/kek
require ( v0.0.0
replace => ` + filepath.Join(wd, "../../pkg/interop") + `
go 1.18`)
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "go.mod"), goMod, os.ModePerm))
return filename
// prepareLoadnefSrc compiles provided SC source and prepares NEF and manifest for loading into VM
// via `loadnef` command. It returns the name of manifest and NEF files ready to be used in CLI
// commands.
func prepareLoadnefSrc(t *testing.T, tmpDir, src string) (string, string) {
config.Version = "0.92.0-test"
nefFile, di, err := compiler.CompileWithOptions("test.go", strings.NewReader(src), nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
filename := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "vmtestcontract.nef")
rawNef, err := nefFile.Bytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filename, rawNef, os.ModePerm))
m, err := di.ConvertToManifest(&compiler.Options{})
require.NoError(t, err)
manifestFile := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "vmtestcontract.manifest.json")
rawManifest, err := json.Marshal(m)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(manifestFile, rawManifest, os.ModePerm))
manifestFile = "'" + manifestFile + "'"
filename = "'" + filename + "'"
return manifestFile, filename
func TestLoad(t *testing.T) {
script := []byte{byte(opcode.PUSH3), byte(opcode.PUSH4), byte(opcode.ADD)}
ownerAddress := "NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB"
ownerAcc, err := address.StringToUint160(ownerAddress)
require.NoError(t, err)
sideAcc := util.Uint160{1, 2, 3}
buff := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Bytes(buff.BinWriter, ownerAcc.BytesBE())
emit.Syscall(buff.BinWriter, interopnames.SystemRuntimeCheckWitness)
checkWitnessScript := buff.Bytes()
t.Run("loadhex", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadhex notahex",
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script),
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator,
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+"not-a-separator",
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+"not-a-signer",
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAddress, // owner:DefaultScope => true
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAddress+":None", // owner:None => false
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAcc.StringLE(), // ownerLE:DefaultScope => true
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+"0x"+ownerAcc.StringLE(), // owner0xLE:DefaultScope => true
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+sideAcc.StringLE(), // sideLE:DefaultScope => false
e.checkError(t, ErrMissingParameter)
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 3 instructions")
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, false)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, false)
t.Run("loadbase64", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadbase64 not_a_base64",
"loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(script),
"loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator,
"loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+"not-a-separator",
"loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" not-a-signer",
"loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAddress, // owner:DefaultScope => true
"loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAddress+":None", // owner:None => false
"loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAcc.StringLE(), // ownerLE:DefaultScope => true
"loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+"0x"+ownerAcc.StringLE(), // owner0xLE:DefaultScope => true
"loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(checkWitnessScript)+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+sideAcc.StringLE(), // sideLE:DefaultScope => false
e.checkError(t, ErrMissingParameter)
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 3 instructions")
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, false)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, false)
src := `package kek
func Main(op string, a, b int) int {
if op == "add" {
return a + b
} else {
return a * b
t.Run("loadgo", func(t *testing.T) {
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
checkLoadgo := func(t *testing.T, cName, cErrName string) {
filename := filepath.Join(tmpDir, cName)
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filename, []byte(src), os.ModePerm))
filename = "'" + filename + "'"
filenameErr := filepath.Join(tmpDir, cErrName)
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filenameErr, []byte(src+"invalid_token"), os.ModePerm))
filenameErr = "'" + filenameErr + "'"
goMod := []byte(`module test.example/vmcli
go 1.18`)
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "go.mod"), goMod, os.ModePerm))
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
e.runProgWithTimeout(t, 10*time.Second,
"loadgo "+filenameErr,
"loadgo "+filename,
"run main add 3 5")
e.checkError(t, ErrMissingParameter)
e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 8)
t.Run("simple", func(t *testing.T) {
checkLoadgo(t, "vmtestcontract.go", "vmtestcontract_err.go")
t.Run("utf-8 with spaces", func(t *testing.T) {
checkLoadgo(t, "тестовый контракт.go", "тестовый контракт с ошибкой.go")
t.Run("check calling flags", func(t *testing.T) {
srcAllowNotify := `package kek
import ""
func Main() int {
runtime.Log("Hello, world!")
return 1
filename := prepareLoadgoSrc(t, tmpDir, srcAllowNotify)
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadgo "+filename,
"run main")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 1)
t.Run("check signers", func(t *testing.T) {
srcCheckWitness := `package kek
import (
func Main() bool {
var owner = address.ToHash160("` + ownerAddress + `")
return runtime.CheckWitness(owner)
filename := prepareLoadgoSrc(t, tmpDir, srcCheckWitness)
t.Run("invalid", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadgo "+filename+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator,
"loadgo "+filename+" "+"not-a-separator",
"loadgo "+filename+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" not-a-signer",
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
t.Run("address", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadgo "+filename+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAddress, // owner:DefaultScope => true
"run main",
"loadgo "+filename+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAddress+":None", // owner:None => false
"run main")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, false)
t.Run("string LE", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadgo "+filename+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAcc.StringLE(), // ownerLE:DefaultScope => true
"run main",
"loadgo "+filename+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+"0x"+ownerAcc.StringLE(), // owner0xLE:DefaultScope => true
"run main")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, true)
t.Run("nonwitnessed signer", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadgo "+filename+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+sideAcc.StringLE(), // sideLE:DefaultScope => false
"run main")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, false)
t.Run("loadnef", func(t *testing.T) {
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
manifestFile, nefFile := prepareLoadnefSrc(t, tmpDir, src)
filenameErr := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "vmtestcontract_err.nef")
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filenameErr, []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}, os.ModePerm))
notExists := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "notexists.json")
filenameErr = "'" + filenameErr + "'"
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadnef "+filenameErr+" "+manifestFile,
"loadnef "+nefFile+" "+notExists,
"loadnef "+nefFile+" "+nefFile,
"loadnef "+nefFile+" "+manifestFile,
"run main add 3 5",
"loadnef "+nefFile,
"run main add 3 5",
"loadnef "+nefFile+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator,
"loadnef "+nefFile+" "+manifestFile+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator,
"loadnef "+nefFile+" "+manifestFile+" "+"not-a-separator",
"loadnef "+nefFile+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+util.Uint160{1, 2, 3}.StringLE(),
"run main add 3 5",
"loadnef "+nefFile+" "+manifestFile+" "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+util.Uint160{1, 2, 3}.StringLE(),
"run main add 3 5",
e.checkError(t, ErrMissingParameter)
e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 8)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 8)
e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:") // manifest missing, missing signer after --
e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:") // manifest present, missing signer after --
e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:") // manifest present, invalid separator
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions") // manifest missing, signer present, OK
e.checkStack(t, 8)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions") // manifest present, signer present, OK
e.checkStack(t, 8)
func TestLoad_RunWithCALLT(t *testing.T) {
// Our smart compiler will generate CALLT instruction for the following StdLib call:
src := `package kek
import ""
func Main() int {
return std.Atoi("123", 10)
t.Run("loadgo", func(t *testing.T) {
tmp := t.TempDir()
filename := prepareLoadgoSrc(t, tmp, src)
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadgo "+filename,
"run main",
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 123)
t.Run("loadnef", func(t *testing.T) {
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
manifestFile, nefFile := prepareLoadnefSrc(t, tmpDir, src)
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadnef "+nefFile+" "+manifestFile,
"run main",
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 123)
t.Run("loaddeployed", func(t *testing.T) {
// We'll use `Runtime example` example contract which has a call to native Management
// inside performed via CALLT instruction (`destroy` method).
e := newTestVMClIWithState(t)
var (
cH util.Uint160
cName = "Runtime example"
bc = e.cli.chain
for i := int32(1); ; i++ {
h, err := bc.GetContractScriptHash(i)
if err != nil {
cs := bc.GetContractState(h)
if cs == nil {
if cs.Manifest.Name == cName {
cH = cs.Hash
require.NotEmpty(t, cH, fmt.Sprintf("failed to locate `%s` example contract with CALLT usage in the simple chain", cName))
"loaddeployed "+cH.StringLE()+" -- NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB:Global", // the contract's owner got from the contract's code.
"run destroy",
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d* instructions")
e.checkStack(t) // Nothing on stack, successful execution.
func TestRunWithDifferentArguments(t *testing.T) {
src := `package kek
var a = 1
func init() {
a += 1
func InitHasRun() bool {
return a == 2
func Negate(arg bool) bool {
return !arg
func GetInt(arg int) int {
return arg
func GetString(arg string) string {
return arg
func GetArr(arg []any) []any{
return arg
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
filename := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "run_vmtestcontract.go")
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filename, []byte(src), os.ModePerm))
filename = "'" + filename + "'"
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
e.runProgWithTimeout(t, 30*time.Second,
"loadgo "+filename, "run notexists",
"loadgo "+filename, "run negate false",
"loadgo "+filename, "run negate true",
"loadgo "+filename, "run negate bool:invalid",
"loadgo "+filename, "run getInt 123",
"loadgo "+filename, "run getInt int:invalid",
"loadgo "+filename, "run getString validstring",
"loadgo "+filename, "run initHasRun",
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString([]byte{byte(opcode.ADD)}),
"run _ 1 2",
"loadbase64 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte{byte(opcode.MUL)}),
"run _ 21 2",
"loadgo "+filename, "run getArr [ 1 2 3 ]",
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, false)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions")
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 123)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions")
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, "validstring")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 3)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 42)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d.* instructions")
e.checkStack(t, []stackitem.Item{
func TestPrintOps(t *testing.T) {
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.String(w.BinWriter, "log")
emit.Syscall(w.BinWriter, interopnames.SystemRuntimeLog)
emit.Instruction(w.BinWriter, opcode.PUSHDATA1, []byte{3, 1, 2, 3})
script := w.Bytes()
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script),
e.checkNextLine(t, ".*no program loaded")
e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("READY: loaded %d instructions", len(script)))
e.checkNextLine(t, "INDEX.*OPCODE.*PARAMETER")
e.checkNextLine(t, "0.*PUSHDATA1.*6c6f67")
e.checkNextLine(t, "5.*SYSCALL.*System\\.Runtime\\.Log")
e.checkNextLine(t, "10.*PUSHDATA1.*010203")
func TestLoadAbort(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSH1), byte(opcode.ABORT)}),
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 2 instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:.*at instruction 1.*ABORT")
func TestBreakpoint(t *testing.T) {
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.ADD, opcode.PUSH6, opcode.ADD)
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"break 3",
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(w.Bytes()),
"break second",
"break 2",
"break 4",
"cont", "estack",
"run", "estack",
e.checkNextLine(t, "no program loaded")
e.checkNextLine(t, "no program loaded")
e.checkNextLine(t, "no program loaded")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 5 instructions")
e.checkError(t, ErrMissingParameter)
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkNextLine(t, "breakpoint added at instruction 2")
e.checkNextLine(t, "breakpoint added at instruction 4")
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 2.*ADD")
e.checkStack(t, 1, 2)
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 4.*ADD")
e.checkStack(t, 3, 6)
e.checkStack(t, 9)
func TestDumpSSlot(t *testing.T) {
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.INITSSLOT, 2, // init static slot with size=2
opcode.PUSH5, opcode.STSFLD, 1, // put `int(5)` to sslot[1]; sslot[0] is nil
opcode.LDSFLD1) // put sslot[1] to the top of estack
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(w.Bytes()),
"break 5",
"step", "sslot",
"cont", "estack",
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 6 instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, "breakpoint added at instruction 5")
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 5.*LDSFLD1")
e.checkSlot(t, nil, 5)
e.checkStack(t, 5)
func TestDumpLSlot_DumpASlot(t *testing.T) {
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.PUSH4, opcode.PUSH5, opcode.PUSH6, // items for args slot
opcode.INITSLOT, 2, 3, // init local slot with size=2 and args slot with size 3
opcode.PUSH7, opcode.STLOC1, // put `int(7)` to lslot[1]; lslot[0] is nil
opcode.LDLOC, 1) // put lslot[1] to the top of estack
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(w.Bytes()),
"break 6",
"break 8",
"cont", "aslot",
"cont", "lslot",
"cont", "estack",
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 10 instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, "breakpoint added at instruction 6")
e.checkNextLine(t, "breakpoint added at instruction 8")
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 6.*PUSH7")
e.checkSlot(t, 6, 5, 4) // args slot
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 8.*LDLOC")
e.checkSlot(t, nil, 7) // local slot
e.checkStack(t, 7)
func TestStep(t *testing.T) {
script := hex.EncodeToString([]byte{
byte(opcode.PUSH0), byte(opcode.PUSH1), byte(opcode.PUSH2), byte(opcode.PUSH3),
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadhex "+script,
"step invalid",
"step 2",
"ip", "step", "ip")
e.checkNextLine(t, "no program loaded")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 1.*PUSH1")
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 3.*PUSH3")
e.checkNextLine(t, "instruction pointer at 3.*PUSH3")
e.checkNextLine(t, "execution has finished")
e.checkNextLine(t, "execution has finished")
func TestErrorOnStepInto(t *testing.T) {
script := hex.EncodeToString([]byte{byte(opcode.ADD)})
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadhex "+script,
e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:.*no program loaded")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 1 instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Error:")
func TestStepIntoOverOut(t *testing.T) {
script := hex.EncodeToString([]byte{
byte(opcode.PUSH2), byte(opcode.CALL), 4, byte(opcode.NOP), byte(opcode.RET),
byte(opcode.PUSH3), byte(opcode.ADD), byte(opcode.RET),
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadhex "+script,
"step", "stepover", "run",
"loadhex "+script,
"step", "stepinto", "step", "estack", "run",
"loadhex "+script,
"step", "stepinto", "stepout", "run")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 8 instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 1.*CALL")
e.checkNextLine(t, "instruction pointer at.*NOP")
e.checkStack(t, 5)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 8 instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint.*CALL")
e.checkNextLine(t, "instruction pointer at.*PUSH3")
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint.*ADD")
e.checkStack(t, 2, 3)
e.checkStack(t, 5)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 8 instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, "at breakpoint 1.*CALL")
e.checkNextLine(t, "instruction pointer at.*PUSH3")
e.checkNextLine(t, "instruction pointer at.*NOP")
e.checkStack(t, 5)
// `Parse` output is written via `tabwriter` so if any problems
// are encountered in this test, try to replace ' ' with '\\s+'.
func TestParse(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Integer", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"parse 6667")
e.checkError(t, ErrMissingParameter)
e.checkNextLine(t, "Integer to Hex.*0b1a")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Integer to Base64.*Cxo=")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Hex to String.*\"fg\"")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Hex to Integer.*26470")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Swap Endianness.*6766")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to String.*\"뮻\"")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to BigInteger.*-4477205")
e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Hex.*36363637")
e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Base64.*NjY2Nw==")
t.Run("Address", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
e.runProg(t, "parse "+"NbTiM6h8r99kpRtb428XcsUk1TzKed2gTc")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Address to BE ScriptHash.*aa8acf859d4fe402b34e673f2156821796a488eb")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Address to LE ScriptHash.*eb88a496178256213f674eb302e44f9d85cf8aaa")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Address to Base64.*(BE).*qorPhZ1P5AKzTmc/IVaCF5akiOs=")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Address to Base64.*(LE).*64iklheCViE/Z06zAuRPnYXPiqo=")
e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Hex.*4e6254694d3668387239396b70527462343238586373556b31547a4b656432675463")
e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Base64.*TmJUaU02aDhyOTlrcFJ0YjQyOFhjc1VrMVR6S2VkMmdUYw==")
t.Run("Uint160", func(t *testing.T) {
u := util.Uint160{66, 67, 68}
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
e.runProg(t, "parse "+u.StringLE())
e.checkNextLine(t, "Integer to Hex.*b6c706")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Integer to Base64.*tscG")
e.checkNextLine(t, "BE ScriptHash to Address.*NKuyBkoGdZZSLyPbJEetheRhQKhATAzN2A")
e.checkNextLine(t, "LE ScriptHash to Address.*NRxLN7apYwKJihzMt4eSSnU9BJ77dp2TNj")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Hex to String")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Hex to Integer.*378293464438118320046642359484100328446970822656")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Swap Endianness.*4243440000000000000000000000000000000000")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to String.*")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to BigInteger.*376115185060690908522683414825349447309891933036899526770189324554358227")
e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Hex.*30303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030343434333432")
e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Base64.*MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDQ0NDM0Mg==")
t.Run("public key", func(t *testing.T) {
pub := "02b3622bf4017bdfe317c58aed5f4c753f206b7db896046fa7d774bbc4bf7f8dc2"
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
e.runProg(t, "parse "+pub)
e.checkNextLine(t, "Public key to BE ScriptHash.*ee9ea22c27e34bd0148fc4108e08f74e8f5048b2")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Public key to LE ScriptHash.*b248508f4ef7088e10c48f14d04be3272ca29eee")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Public key to Address.*Nhfg3TbpwogLvDGVvAvqyThbsHgoSUKwtn")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Hex to String")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Hex to Integer.*-7115107707948693452214836319400158580475150561081357074343221218306172781415678")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Swap Endianness.*c28d7fbfc4bb74d7a76f0496b87d6b203f754c5fed8ac517e3df7b01f42b62b302")
e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Hex.*303262333632326266343031376264666533313763353861656435663463373533663230366237646238393630343666613764373734626263346266376638646332")
e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Base64.*MDJiMzYyMmJmNDAxN2JkZmUzMTdjNThhZWQ1ZjRjNzUzZjIwNmI3ZGI4OTYwNDZmYTdkNzc0YmJjNGJmN2Y4ZGMy")
t.Run("base64", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
u := random.Uint160()
e.runProg(t, "parse "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(u.BytesBE()))
e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to String\\s+")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to BigInteger\\s+")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to BE ScriptHash\\s+"+u.StringBE())
e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to LE ScriptHash\\s+"+u.StringLE())
e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to Address \\(BE\\)\\s+"+address.Uint160ToString(u))
e.checkNextLine(t, "Base64 to Address \\(LE\\)\\s+"+address.Uint160ToString(u.Reverse()))
e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Hex\\s+")
e.checkNextLine(t, "String to Base64\\s+")
func TestPrintLogo(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLIWithLogo(t, true)
require.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(e.out.String(), logo))
require.False(t, e.exit.Load())
func TestExit(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
e.runProg(t, "exit")
require.True(t, e.exit.Load())
func TestReset(t *testing.T) {
script := []byte{byte(opcode.PUSH1)}
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script),
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 1 instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, "INDEX.*OPCODE.*PARAMETER")
e.checkNextLine(t, "0.*PUSH1.*")
e.checkNextLine(t, "")
e.checkError(t, fmt.Errorf("VM is not ready: no program loaded"))
func TestRunWithState(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMClIWithState(t)
// Ensure that state is properly loaded and on-chain contract can be called.
script := io.NewBufBinWriter()
h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(1) // examples/storage/storage.go
require.NoError(t, err)
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "put", callflag.All, 3, 3)
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script.Bytes()),
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 37 instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 3)
func TestRunWithHistoricState(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMClIWithState(t)
script := io.NewBufBinWriter()
h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(1) // examples/storage/storage.go
require.NoError(t, err)
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "get", callflag.All, 1)
b := script.Bytes()
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(b), // normal invocation
"loadhex --historic 3 "+hex.EncodeToString(b), // historic invocation, old value should be retrieved
"loadhex --historic 0 "+hex.EncodeToString(b), // historic invocation, contract is not deployed yet
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 36 instructions")
e.checkStack(t, []byte{2})
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 36 instructions")
e.checkStack(t, []byte{1})
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 36 instructions")
e.checkNextLineExact(t, "Error: at instruction 31 (SYSCALL): System.Contract.Call failed: called contract 73a23e915b66ae406866787f4a6c1c517dc981e2 not found: key not found\n")
func TestEvents(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMClIWithState(t)
script := io.NewBufBinWriter()
h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(2) // examples/runtime/runtime.go
require.NoError(t, err)
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "notify", callflag.All, []any{true, 5})
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script.Bytes()),
expectedEvent := state.NotificationEvent{
ScriptHash: h,
Name: "Event",
Item: stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 42 instructions")
e.checkStack(t, stackitem.Null{})
e.checkEvents(t, true, expectedEvent) // automatically printed after `run` command
e.checkEvents(t, false, expectedEvent) // printed after `events` command
func TestEnv(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("default setup", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
e.runProg(t, "env")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Chain height: 0")
e.checkNextLineExact(t, "VM height (may differ from chain height in case of historic call): 0\n")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Network magic: 42")
e.checkNextLine(t, "DB type: inmemory")
t.Run("setup with state", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMClIWithState(t)
e.runProg(t, "env", "exit")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Chain height: 5")
e.checkNextLineExact(t, "VM height (may differ from chain height in case of historic call): 5\n")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Network magic: 42")
e.checkNextLine(t, "DB type: leveldb")
t.Run("setup with historic state", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMClIWithState(t)
e.runProg(t, "loadbase64 --historic 3 "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSH1)}),
"env", "exit")
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 1 instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Chain height: 5")
e.checkNextLineExact(t, "VM height (may differ from chain height in case of historic call): 3\n")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Network magic: 42")
e.checkNextLine(t, "DB type: leveldb")
t.Run("verbose", func(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMClIWithState(t)
e.runProg(t, "env -v", "exit")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Chain height: 5")
e.checkNextLineExact(t, "VM height (may differ from chain height in case of historic call): 5\n")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Network magic: 42")
e.checkNextLine(t, "DB type: leveldb")
e.checkNextLine(t, "Node config:") // Do not check exact node config.
func TestDumpStorage(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMClIWithState(t)
h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(1) // examples/storage/storage.go
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := []storage.KeyValue{
{Key: []byte{1}, Value: []byte{2}},
{Key: []byte{2}, Value: []byte{2}},
"storage "+h.StringLE(),
"storage 0x"+h.StringLE(),
"storage "+address.Uint160ToString(h),
"storage 1",
"storage 1 "+hex.EncodeToString(expected[0].Key),
"storage 1 --backwards",
e.checkStorage(t, expected...)
e.checkStorage(t, expected...)
e.checkStorage(t, expected...)
e.checkStorage(t, expected...)
e.checkStorage(t, storage.KeyValue{Key: nil, Value: []byte{2}}) // empty key because search prefix is trimmed
e.checkStorage(t, expected[1], expected[0])
func TestDumpStorageDiff(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMClIWithState(t)
script := io.NewBufBinWriter()
h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(1) // examples/storage/storage.go
require.NoError(t, err)
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "put", callflag.All, 3, 3)
expected := []storage.KeyValue{
{Key: []byte{1}, Value: []byte{2}},
{Key: []byte{2}, Value: []byte{2}},
diff := storage.KeyValue{Key: []byte{3}, Value: []byte{3}}
"storage 1",
"storage 1 --diff",
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script.Bytes()),
"storage 1",
"storage 1 --diff",
e.checkStorage(t, expected...)
// no script is executed => no diff
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 37 instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 3)
e.checkStorage(t, append(expected, diff)...)
e.checkStorage(t, diff)
func TestDumpChanges(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMClIWithState(t)
script := io.NewBufBinWriter()
h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(1) // examples/storage/storage.go
require.NoError(t, err)
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "put", callflag.All, 3, 4) // add
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "delete", callflag.All, 1) // remove
emit.AppCall(script.BinWriter, h, "put", callflag.All, 2, 5) // update
expected := []storageChange{
ContractID: 1,
Operation: dboper.Operation{
State: "Deleted",
Key: []byte{1},
ContractID: 1,
Operation: dboper.Operation{
State: "Changed",
Key: []byte{2},
Value: []byte{5},
ContractID: 1,
Operation: dboper.Operation{
State: "Added",
Key: []byte{3},
Value: []byte{4},
"changes 1",
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(script.Bytes()),
"changes 1 "+hex.EncodeToString([]byte{1}),
"changes 1 "+hex.EncodeToString([]byte{2}),
"changes 1 "+hex.EncodeToString([]byte{3}),
// no script is executed => no diff
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 113 instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 3, true, 2)
e.checkChange(t, expected[0])
e.checkChange(t, expected[1])
e.checkChange(t, expected[2])
func TestLoadtx(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMClIWithState(t)
b, err := e.cli.chain.GetBlock(e.cli.chain.GetHeaderHash(2)) // Block #2 contains transaction that puts (1,1) pair to storage contract.
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(b.Transactions))
tx := b.Transactions[0]
tmp := filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), "tx.json")
require.NoError(t, paramcontext.InitAndSave(netmode.UnitTestNet, tx, nil, tmp))
"loadtx "+tx.Hash().StringLE(), // hash LE
"loadtx --gas 10000 "+tx.Hash().StringLE(), // with GAS
"loadtx 0x"+tx.Hash().StringLE(), // hash LE with 0x prefix
"loadtx '"+tmp+"'", // Tx from parameter context file.
"loadtx", // missing argument
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 1)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkError(t, errors.New("at instruction 3 (PACK): gas limit is exceeded"))
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 1)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, 1)
e.checkError(t, errors.New("missing argument: <file-or-hash>"))
func TestLoaddeployed(t *testing.T) {
e := newTestVMClIWithState(t)
h, err := e.cli.chain.GetContractScriptHash(1) // examples/storage/storage.go
require.NoError(t, err)
ownerAddress := "NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB" // owner of examples/runtime/runtime.go (taken from deployed contract with ID=2)
ownerAcc, err := address.StringToUint160(ownerAddress)
require.NoError(t, err)
sideAcc := util.Uint160{1, 2, 3}
"loaddeployed "+h.StringLE(), // hash LE
"run get 1",
"loaddeployed --gas 420000 "+h.StringLE(), // gas-limited
"run get 1",
"loaddeployed "+"0x"+h.StringLE(), // hash LE with 0x prefix
"run get 1",
"loaddeployed 1", // contract ID
"run get 1",
"loaddeployed --historic 2 1", // historic state, check that hash is properly set
"run get 1",
// Check signers parsing:
"loaddeployed 2 "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator,
"loaddeployed 2 "+"not-a-separator",
"loaddeployed 2 "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" not-a-signer",
"loaddeployed 2 "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAddress, // check witness (owner:DefautScope => true)
"run checkWitness",
"loaddeployed 2 "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAddress+":None", // check witness (owner:None => false)
"run checkWitness",
"loaddeployed 2 "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAddress+":CalledByEntry", // check witness (owner:CalledByEntry => true)
"run checkWitness",
"loaddeployed 2 "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+ownerAcc.StringLE()+":CalledByEntry", // check witness (ownerLE:CalledByEntry => true)
"run checkWitness",
"loaddeployed 2 "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+"0x"+ownerAcc.StringLE()+":CalledByEntry", // check witness (owner0xLE:CalledByEntry => true)
"run checkWitness",
"loaddeployed 2 "+cmdargs.CosignersSeparator+" "+sideAcc.StringLE()+":Global", // check witness (sideLE:Global => false)
"run checkWitness",
"loaddeployed", // missing argument
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, []byte{2})
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkError(t, errors.New("at instruction 63 (SYSCALL): System.Storage.Get failed: insufficient amount of gas"))
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, []byte{2})
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, []byte{2})
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions")
e.checkStack(t, []byte{1})
// Check signers parsing:
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkError(t, ErrInvalidParameter)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") // check witness of owner:DefaultScope
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") // check witness of owner:None
e.checkStack(t, false)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") // check witness of owner:CalledByEntry
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") // check witness of ownerLE:CalledByEntry
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") // check witness of owner0xLE:CalledByEntry
e.checkStack(t, true)
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded \\d+ instructions") // check witness of owner0xLE:CalledByEntry
e.checkStack(t, false)
e.checkError(t, errors.New("contract hash, address or ID is mandatory argument"))
func TestJump(t *testing.T) {
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.ABORT) // some garbage
jmpTo := buf.Len()
emit.Opcodes(buf.BinWriter, opcode.PUSH4, opcode.PUSH5, opcode.ADD) // useful script
e := newTestVMCLI(t)
"loadhex "+hex.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()),
"jump "+strconv.Itoa(jmpTo),
e.checkNextLine(t, "READY: loaded 6 instructions")
e.checkNextLine(t, fmt.Sprintf("jumped to instruction %d", jmpTo))
e.checkStack(t, 9)