When block is being spread through the network we can get a lot of invs with the same hash. Some more stale nodes may also announce previous or some earlier block. We can avoid full DB lookup for them and minimize inv handling time (timeouts in inv handler had happened in #2744). It doesn't affect tests, just makes node a little less likely to spend some considerable amount of time in the inv handler.
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package core
import (
// Tuning parameters.
const (
headerBatchCount = 2000
version = "0.2.6"
defaultInitialGAS = 52000000_00000000
defaultGCPeriod = 10000
defaultMemPoolSize = 50000
defaultP2PNotaryRequestPayloadPoolSize = 1000
defaultMaxBlockSize = 262144
defaultMaxBlockSystemFee = 900000000000
defaultMaxTraceableBlocks = 2102400 // 1 year of 15s blocks
defaultMaxTransactionsPerBlock = 512
defaultSecondsPerBlock = 15
// HeaderVerificationGasLimit is the maximum amount of GAS for block header verification.
HeaderVerificationGasLimit = 3_00000000 // 3 GAS
defaultStateSyncInterval = 40000
// stateJumpStage denotes the stage of state jump process.
type stateJumpStage byte
const (
// none means that no state jump process was initiated yet.
none stateJumpStage = 1 << iota
// stateJumpStarted means that state jump was just initiated, but outdated storage items
// were not yet removed.
// newStorageItemsAdded means that contract storage items are up-to-date with the current
// state.
// genesisStateRemoved means that state corresponding to the genesis block was removed
// from the storage.
var (
// ErrAlreadyExists is returned when trying to add some already existing
// transaction into the pool (not specifying whether it exists in the
// chain or mempool).
ErrAlreadyExists = errors.New("already exists")
// ErrOOM is returned when adding transaction to the memory pool because
// it reached its full capacity.
ErrOOM = errors.New("no space left in the memory pool")
// ErrPolicy is returned on attempt to add transaction that doesn't
// comply with node's configured policy into the mempool.
ErrPolicy = errors.New("not allowed by policy")
// ErrInvalidBlockIndex is returned when trying to add block with index
// other than expected height of the blockchain.
ErrInvalidBlockIndex = errors.New("invalid block index")
// ErrHasConflicts is returned when trying to add some transaction which
// conflicts with other transaction in the chain or pool according to
// Conflicts attribute.
ErrHasConflicts = errors.New("has conflicts")
var (
persistInterval = 1 * time.Second
// Blockchain represents the blockchain. It maintans internal state representing
// the state of the ledger that can be accessed in various ways and changed by
// adding new blocks or headers.
type Blockchain struct {
config config.ProtocolConfiguration
// The only way chain state changes is by adding blocks, so we can't
// allow concurrent block additions. It differs from the next lock in
// that it's only for AddBlock method itself, the chain state is
// protected by the lock below, but holding it during all of AddBlock
// is too expensive (because the state only changes when persisting
// change cache).
addLock sync.Mutex
// This lock ensures blockchain immutability for operations that need
// that while performing their tasks. It's mostly used as a read lock
// with the only writer being the block addition logic.
lock sync.RWMutex
// Data access object for CRUD operations around storage. It's write-cached.
dao *dao.Simple
// persistent is the same DB as dao, but we never write to it, so all reads
// are directly from underlying persistent store.
persistent *dao.Simple
// Underlying persistent store.
store storage.Store
// Current index/height of the highest block.
// Read access should always be called by BlockHeight().
// Write access should only happen in storeBlock().
blockHeight uint32
// Current top Block wrapped in an atomic.Value for safe access.
topBlock atomic.Value
// Current persisted block count.
persistedHeight uint32
// Number of headers stored in the chain file.
storedHeaderCount uint32
// Header hashes list with associated lock.
headerHashesLock sync.RWMutex
headerHashes []util.Uint256
// Stop synchronization mechanisms.
stopCh chan struct{}
runToExitCh chan struct{}
memPool *mempool.Pool
// postBlock is a set of callback methods which should be run under the Blockchain lock after new block is persisted.
// Block's transactions are passed via mempool.
postBlock []func(func(*transaction.Transaction, *mempool.Pool, bool) bool, *mempool.Pool, *block.Block)
log *zap.Logger
lastBatch *storage.MemBatch
contracts native.Contracts
extensible atomic.Value
// knownValidatorsCount is the latest known validators count used
// for defaultBlockWitness.
knownValidatorsCount atomic.Value
// defaultBlockWitness stores transaction.Witness with m out of n multisig,
// where n = knownValidatorsCount.
defaultBlockWitness atomic.Value
stateRoot *stateroot.Module
// Notification subsystem.
events chan bcEvent
subCh chan interface{}
unsubCh chan interface{}
// StateRoot represents local state root module.
type StateRoot interface {
CurrentLocalHeight() uint32
CurrentLocalStateRoot() util.Uint256
CurrentValidatedHeight() uint32
FindStates(root util.Uint256, prefix, start []byte, max int) ([]storage.KeyValue, error)
GetState(root util.Uint256, key []byte) ([]byte, error)
GetStateProof(root util.Uint256, key []byte) ([][]byte, error)
GetStateRoot(height uint32) (*state.MPTRoot, error)
GetLatestStateHeight(root util.Uint256) (uint32, error)
// bcEvent is an internal event generated by the Blockchain and then
// broadcasted to other parties. It joins the new block and associated
// invocation logs, all the other events visible from outside can be produced
// from this combination.
type bcEvent struct {
block *block.Block
appExecResults []*state.AppExecResult
// transferData is used for transfer caching during storeBlock.
type transferData struct {
Info state.TokenTransferInfo
Log11 state.TokenTransferLog
Log17 state.TokenTransferLog
// NewBlockchain returns a new blockchain object the will use the
// given Store as its underlying storage. For it to work correctly you need
// to spawn a goroutine for its Run method after this initialization.
func NewBlockchain(s storage.Store, cfg config.ProtocolConfiguration, log *zap.Logger) (*Blockchain, error) {
if log == nil {
return nil, errors.New("empty logger")
if cfg.InitialGASSupply <= 0 {
cfg.InitialGASSupply = fixedn.Fixed8(defaultInitialGAS)
log.Info("initial gas supply is not set or wrong, setting default value", zap.String("InitialGASSupply", cfg.InitialGASSupply.String()))
if cfg.MemPoolSize <= 0 {
cfg.MemPoolSize = defaultMemPoolSize
log.Info("mempool size is not set or wrong, setting default value", zap.Int("MemPoolSize", cfg.MemPoolSize))
if cfg.P2PSigExtensions && cfg.P2PNotaryRequestPayloadPoolSize <= 0 {
cfg.P2PNotaryRequestPayloadPoolSize = defaultP2PNotaryRequestPayloadPoolSize
log.Info("P2PNotaryRequestPayloadPool size is not set or wrong, setting default value", zap.Int("P2PNotaryRequestPayloadPoolSize", cfg.P2PNotaryRequestPayloadPoolSize))
if cfg.MaxBlockSize == 0 {
cfg.MaxBlockSize = defaultMaxBlockSize
log.Info("MaxBlockSize is not set or wrong, setting default value", zap.Uint32("MaxBlockSize", cfg.MaxBlockSize))
if cfg.MaxBlockSystemFee <= 0 {
cfg.MaxBlockSystemFee = defaultMaxBlockSystemFee
log.Info("MaxBlockSystemFee is not set or wrong, setting default value", zap.Int64("MaxBlockSystemFee", cfg.MaxBlockSystemFee))
if cfg.MaxTraceableBlocks == 0 {
cfg.MaxTraceableBlocks = defaultMaxTraceableBlocks
log.Info("MaxTraceableBlocks is not set or wrong, using default value", zap.Uint32("MaxTraceableBlocks", cfg.MaxTraceableBlocks))
if cfg.MaxTransactionsPerBlock == 0 {
cfg.MaxTransactionsPerBlock = defaultMaxTransactionsPerBlock
log.Info("MaxTransactionsPerBlock is not set or wrong, using default value",
zap.Uint16("MaxTransactionsPerBlock", cfg.MaxTransactionsPerBlock))
if cfg.SecondsPerBlock == 0 {
cfg.SecondsPerBlock = defaultSecondsPerBlock
log.Info("SecondsPerBlock is not set or wrong, using default value",
zap.Int("SecondsPerBlock", cfg.SecondsPerBlock))
if cfg.MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement == 0 {
const secondsPerDay = int(24 * time.Hour / time.Second)
cfg.MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement = uint32(secondsPerDay / cfg.SecondsPerBlock)
log.Info("MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement is not set or wrong, using default value",
zap.Uint32("MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement", cfg.MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement))
if cfg.P2PStateExchangeExtensions {
if !cfg.StateRootInHeader {
return nil, errors.New("P2PStatesExchangeExtensions are enabled, but StateRootInHeader is off")
if cfg.StateSyncInterval <= 0 {
cfg.StateSyncInterval = defaultStateSyncInterval
log.Info("StateSyncInterval is not set or wrong, using default value",
zap.Int("StateSyncInterval", cfg.StateSyncInterval))
if cfg.RemoveUntraceableBlocks && cfg.GarbageCollectionPeriod == 0 {
cfg.GarbageCollectionPeriod = defaultGCPeriod
log.Info("GarbageCollectionPeriod is not set or wrong, using default value", zap.Uint32("GarbageCollectionPeriod", cfg.GarbageCollectionPeriod))
if len(cfg.NativeUpdateHistories) == 0 {
cfg.NativeUpdateHistories = map[string][]uint32{}
log.Info("NativeActivations are not set, using default values")
if cfg.Hardforks == nil {
cfg.Hardforks = map[string]uint32{}
log.Info("Hardforks are not set, using default value")
bc := &Blockchain{
config: cfg,
dao: dao.NewSimple(s, cfg.StateRootInHeader, cfg.P2PSigExtensions),
persistent: dao.NewSimple(s, cfg.StateRootInHeader, cfg.P2PSigExtensions),
store: s,
stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
runToExitCh: make(chan struct{}),
memPool: mempool.New(cfg.MemPoolSize, 0, false),
log: log,
events: make(chan bcEvent),
subCh: make(chan interface{}),
unsubCh: make(chan interface{}),
contracts: *native.NewContracts(cfg),
bc.stateRoot = stateroot.NewModule(bc.GetConfig(), bc.VerifyWitness, bc.log, bc.dao.Store)
bc.contracts.Designate.StateRootService = bc.stateRoot
if err := bc.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return bc, nil
// SetOracle sets oracle module. It doesn't protected by mutex and
// must be called before `bc.Run()` to avoid data race.
func (bc *Blockchain) SetOracle(mod native.OracleService) {
orc := bc.contracts.Oracle
if mod != nil {
md, ok := orc.GetMethod(manifest.MethodVerify, -1)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s method not found", manifest.MethodVerify))
mod.UpdateNativeContract(orc.NEF.Script, orc.GetOracleResponseScript(),
orc.Hash, md.MD.Offset)
keys, _, err := bc.contracts.Designate.GetDesignatedByRole(bc.dao, noderoles.Oracle, bc.BlockHeight())
if err != nil {
bc.log.Error("failed to get oracle key list")
reqs, err := bc.contracts.Oracle.GetRequests(bc.dao)
if err != nil {
bc.log.Error("failed to get current oracle request list")
// SetNotary sets notary module. It doesn't protected by mutex and
// must be called before `bc.Run()` to avoid data race.
func (bc *Blockchain) SetNotary(mod native.NotaryService) {
if mod != nil {
keys, _, err := bc.contracts.Designate.GetDesignatedByRole(bc.dao, noderoles.P2PNotary, bc.BlockHeight())
if err != nil {
bc.log.Error("failed to get notary key list")
func (bc *Blockchain) init() error {
// If we could not find the version in the Store, we know that there is nothing stored.
ver, err := bc.dao.GetVersion()
if err != nil {
bc.log.Info("no storage version found! creating genesis block")
ver = dao.Version{
StoragePrefix: storage.STStorage,
StateRootInHeader: bc.config.StateRootInHeader,
P2PSigExtensions: bc.config.P2PSigExtensions,
P2PStateExchangeExtensions: bc.config.P2PStateExchangeExtensions,
KeepOnlyLatestState: bc.config.KeepOnlyLatestState,
Value: version,
bc.dao.Version = ver
bc.persistent.Version = ver
genesisBlock, err := CreateGenesisBlock(bc.config)
if err != nil {
return err
bc.headerHashes = []util.Uint256{genesisBlock.Hash()}
bc.dao.PutCurrentHeader(genesisBlock.Hash(), genesisBlock.Index)
if err := bc.stateRoot.Init(0); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't init MPT: %w", err)
return bc.storeBlock(genesisBlock, nil)
if ver.Value != version {
return fmt.Errorf("storage version mismatch (expected=%s, actual=%s)", version, ver.Value)
if ver.StateRootInHeader != bc.config.StateRootInHeader {
return fmt.Errorf("StateRootInHeader setting mismatch (config=%t, db=%t)",
bc.config.StateRootInHeader, ver.StateRootInHeader)
if ver.P2PSigExtensions != bc.config.P2PSigExtensions {
return fmt.Errorf("P2PSigExtensions setting mismatch (old=%t, new=%t)",
ver.P2PSigExtensions, bc.config.P2PSigExtensions)
if ver.P2PStateExchangeExtensions != bc.config.P2PStateExchangeExtensions {
return fmt.Errorf("P2PStateExchangeExtensions setting mismatch (old=%t, new=%t)",
ver.P2PStateExchangeExtensions, bc.config.P2PStateExchangeExtensions)
if ver.KeepOnlyLatestState != bc.config.KeepOnlyLatestState {
return fmt.Errorf("KeepOnlyLatestState setting mismatch (old=%v, new=%v)",
ver.KeepOnlyLatestState, bc.config.KeepOnlyLatestState)
bc.dao.Version = ver
bc.persistent.Version = ver
// At this point there was no version found in the storage which
// implies a creating fresh storage with the version specified
// and the genesis block as first block.
bc.log.Info("restoring blockchain", zap.String("version", version))
bc.headerHashes, err = bc.dao.GetHeaderHashes()
if err != nil {
return err
bc.storedHeaderCount = uint32(len(bc.headerHashes))
currHeaderHeight, currHeaderHash, err := bc.dao.GetCurrentHeaderHeight()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve current header info: %w", err)
if bc.storedHeaderCount == 0 && currHeaderHeight == 0 {
bc.headerHashes = append(bc.headerHashes, currHeaderHash)
// There is a high chance that the Node is stopped before the next
// batch of 2000 headers was stored. Via the currentHeaders stored we can sync
// that with stored blocks.
if currHeaderHeight >= bc.storedHeaderCount {
hash := currHeaderHash
var targetHash util.Uint256
if len(bc.headerHashes) > 0 {
targetHash = bc.headerHashes[len(bc.headerHashes)-1]
} else {
genesisBlock, err := CreateGenesisBlock(bc.config)
if err != nil {
return err
targetHash = genesisBlock.Hash()
bc.headerHashes = append(bc.headerHashes, targetHash)
headers := make([]*block.Header, 0)
for hash != targetHash {
header, err := bc.GetHeader(hash)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not get header %s: %w", hash, err)
headers = append(headers, header)
hash = header.PrevHash
for _, h := range headers {
bc.headerHashes = append(bc.headerHashes, h.Hash())
// Check whether StateJump stage is in the storage and continue interrupted state jump if so.
jumpStage, err := bc.dao.Store.Get([]byte{byte(storage.SYSStateJumpStage)})
if err == nil {
if !(bc.GetConfig().P2PStateExchangeExtensions && bc.GetConfig().RemoveUntraceableBlocks) {
return errors.New("state jump was not completed, but P2PStateExchangeExtensions are disabled or archival node capability is on. " +
"To start an archival node drop the database manually and restart the node")
if len(jumpStage) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid state jump stage format")
// State jump wasn't finished yet, thus continue it.
stateSyncPoint, err := bc.dao.GetStateSyncPoint()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get state sync point from the storage")
return bc.jumpToStateInternal(stateSyncPoint, stateJumpStage(jumpStage[0]))
bHeight, err := bc.dao.GetCurrentBlockHeight()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve current block height: %w", err)
bc.blockHeight = bHeight
bc.persistedHeight = bHeight
if err = bc.stateRoot.Init(bHeight); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't init MPT at height %d: %w", bHeight, err)
err = bc.initializeNativeCache(bc.blockHeight, bc.dao)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't init natives cache: %w", err)
// Check autogenerated native contracts' manifests and NEFs against the stored ones.
// Need to be done after native Management cache initialization to be able to get
// contract state from DAO via high-level bc API.
for _, c := range bc.contracts.Contracts {
md := c.Metadata()
storedCS := bc.GetContractState(md.Hash)
history := md.UpdateHistory
if len(history) == 0 || history[0] > bHeight {
if storedCS != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("native contract %s is already stored, but marked as inactive for height %d in config", md.Name, bHeight)
if storedCS == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("native contract %s is not stored, but should be active at height %d according to config", md.Name, bHeight)
storedCSBytes, err := stackitem.SerializeConvertible(storedCS)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to check native %s state against autogenerated one: %w", md.Name, err)
autogenCS := &state.Contract{
ContractBase: md.ContractBase,
UpdateCounter: storedCS.UpdateCounter, // it can be restored only from the DB, so use the stored value.
autogenCSBytes, err := stackitem.SerializeConvertible(autogenCS)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to check native %s state against autogenerated one: %w", md.Name, err)
if !bytes.Equal(storedCSBytes, autogenCSBytes) {
return fmt.Errorf("native %s: version mismatch (stored contract state differs from autogenerated one), "+
"try to resynchronize the node from the genesis", md.Name)
return bc.updateExtensibleWhitelist(bHeight)
// jumpToState is an atomic operation that changes Blockchain state to the one
// specified by the state sync point p. All the data needed for the jump must be
// collected by the state sync module.
func (bc *Blockchain) jumpToState(p uint32) error {
defer bc.lock.Unlock()
defer bc.addLock.Unlock()
return bc.jumpToStateInternal(p, none)
// jumpToStateInternal is an internal representation of jumpToState callback that
// changes Blockchain state to the one specified by state sync point p and state
// jump stage. All the data needed for the jump must be in the DB, otherwise an
// error is returned. It is not protected by mutex.
func (bc *Blockchain) jumpToStateInternal(p uint32, stage stateJumpStage) error {
if p+1 >= uint32(len(bc.headerHashes)) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid state sync point %d: headerHeignt is %d", p, len(bc.headerHashes))
bc.log.Info("jumping to state sync point", zap.Uint32("state sync point", p))
jumpStageKey := []byte{byte(storage.SYSStateJumpStage)}
switch stage {
case none:
bc.dao.Store.Put(jumpStageKey, []byte{byte(stateJumpStarted)})
case stateJumpStarted:
newPrefix := statesync.TemporaryPrefix(bc.dao.Version.StoragePrefix)
v, err := bc.dao.GetVersion()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get dao.Version: %w", err)
v.StoragePrefix = newPrefix
bc.persistent.Version = v
bc.dao.Store.Put(jumpStageKey, []byte{byte(newStorageItemsAdded)})
case newStorageItemsAdded:
cache := bc.dao.GetPrivate()
prefix := statesync.TemporaryPrefix(bc.dao.Version.StoragePrefix)
bc.dao.Store.Seek(storage.SeekRange{Prefix: []byte{byte(prefix)}}, func(k, _ []byte) bool {
// #1468, but don't need to copy here, because it is done by Store.
return true
// After current state is updated, we need to remove outdated state-related data if so.
// The only outdated data we might have is genesis-related data, so check it.
if p-bc.config.MaxTraceableBlocks > 0 {
err := cache.DeleteBlock(bc.headerHashes[0])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove outdated state data for the genesis block: %w", err)
prefixes := []byte{byte(storage.STNEP11Transfers), byte(storage.STNEP17Transfers), byte(storage.STTokenTransferInfo)}
for i := range prefixes {
cache.Store.Seek(storage.SeekRange{Prefix: prefixes[i : i+1]}, func(k, v []byte) bool {
return true
cache.Store.Put(jumpStageKey, []byte{byte(genesisStateRemoved)})
_, err := cache.Persist()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to persist old items removal: %w", err)
case genesisStateRemoved:
// there's nothing to do after that, so just continue with common operations
// and remove state jump stage in the end.
return errors.New("unknown state jump stage")
block, err := bc.dao.GetBlock(bc.headerHashes[p])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get current block: %w", err)
atomic.StoreUint32(&bc.blockHeight, p)
atomic.StoreUint32(&bc.persistedHeight, p)
block, err = bc.dao.GetBlock(bc.headerHashes[p+1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get block to init MPT: %w", err)
Index: p,
Root: block.PrevStateRoot,
err = bc.initializeNativeCache(block.Index, bc.dao)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize natives cache: %w", err)
if err := bc.updateExtensibleWhitelist(p); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to update extensible whitelist: %w", err)
return nil
func (bc *Blockchain) initializeNativeCache(blockHeight uint32, d *dao.Simple) error {
err := bc.contracts.NEO.InitializeCache(blockHeight, d)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't init cache for NEO native contract: %w", err)
err = bc.contracts.Management.InitializeCache(d)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't init cache for Management native contract: %w", err)
err = bc.contracts.Designate.InitializeCache(d)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't init cache for Designation native contract: %w", err)
if bc.P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() {
err = bc.contracts.Notary.InitializeCache(d)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't init cache for Notary native contract: %w", err)
err = bc.contracts.Policy.InitializeCache(d)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't init cache for Policy native contract: %w", err)
return nil
// Run runs chain loop, it needs to be run as goroutine and executing it is
// critical for correct Blockchain operation.
func (bc *Blockchain) Run() {
persistTimer := time.NewTimer(persistInterval)
defer func() {
if _, err := bc.persist(true); err != nil {
bc.log.Warn("failed to persist", zap.Error(err))
if err := bc.dao.Store.Close(); err != nil {
bc.log.Warn("failed to close db", zap.Error(err))
go bc.notificationDispatcher()
var nextSync bool
for {
select {
case <-bc.stopCh:
case <-persistTimer.C:
var oldPersisted uint32
var gcDur time.Duration
if bc.config.RemoveUntraceableBlocks {
oldPersisted = atomic.LoadUint32(&bc.persistedHeight)
dur, err := bc.persist(nextSync)
if err != nil {
bc.log.Warn("failed to persist blockchain", zap.Error(err))
if bc.config.RemoveUntraceableBlocks {
gcDur = bc.tryRunGC(oldPersisted)
nextSync = dur > persistInterval*2
interval := persistInterval - dur - gcDur
if interval <= 0 {
interval = time.Microsecond // Reset doesn't work with zero value
func (bc *Blockchain) tryRunGC(oldHeight uint32) time.Duration {
var dur time.Duration
newHeight := atomic.LoadUint32(&bc.persistedHeight)
var tgtBlock = int64(newHeight)
tgtBlock -= int64(bc.config.MaxTraceableBlocks)
if bc.config.P2PStateExchangeExtensions {
syncP := newHeight / uint32(bc.config.StateSyncInterval)
syncP *= uint32(bc.config.StateSyncInterval)
if tgtBlock > int64(syncP) {
tgtBlock = int64(syncP)
// Always round to the GCP.
tgtBlock /= int64(bc.config.GarbageCollectionPeriod)
tgtBlock *= int64(bc.config.GarbageCollectionPeriod)
// Count periods.
oldHeight /= bc.config.GarbageCollectionPeriod
newHeight /= bc.config.GarbageCollectionPeriod
if tgtBlock > int64(bc.config.GarbageCollectionPeriod) && newHeight != oldHeight {
tgtBlock /= int64(bc.config.GarbageCollectionPeriod)
tgtBlock *= int64(bc.config.GarbageCollectionPeriod)
dur = bc.stateRoot.GC(uint32(tgtBlock), bc.store)
dur += bc.removeOldTransfers(uint32(tgtBlock))
return dur
func (bc *Blockchain) removeOldTransfers(index uint32) time.Duration {
bc.log.Info("starting transfer data garbage collection", zap.Uint32("index", index))
start := time.Now()
h, err := bc.GetHeader(bc.GetHeaderHash(int(index)))
if err != nil {
dur := time.Since(start)
bc.log.Error("failed to find block header for transfer GC", zap.Duration("time", dur), zap.Error(err))
return dur
var removed, kept int64
var ts = h.Timestamp
prefixes := []byte{byte(storage.STNEP11Transfers), byte(storage.STNEP17Transfers)}
for i := range prefixes {
var acc util.Uint160
var canDrop bool
err = bc.store.SeekGC(storage.SeekRange{
Prefix: prefixes[i : i+1],
Backwards: true, // From new to old.
}, func(k, v []byte) bool {
// We don't look inside of the batches, it requires too much effort, instead
// we drop batches that are confirmed to contain outdated entries.
var batchAcc util.Uint160
var batchTs = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k[1+util.Uint160Size:])
copy(batchAcc[:], k[1:])
if batchAcc != acc { // Some new account we're iterating over.
acc = batchAcc
} else if canDrop { // We've seen this account and all entries in this batch are guaranteed to be outdated.
return false
// We don't know what's inside, so keep the current
// batch anyway, but allow to drop older ones.
canDrop = batchTs <= ts
return true
if err != nil {
dur := time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
bc.log.Error("failed to flush transfer data GC changeset", zap.Duration("time", dur), zap.Error(err))
} else {
bc.log.Info("finished transfer data garbage collection",
zap.Int64("removed", removed),
zap.Int64("kept", kept),
zap.Duration("time", dur))
return dur
// notificationDispatcher manages subscription to events and broadcasts new events.
func (bc *Blockchain) notificationDispatcher() {
var (
// These are just sets of subscribers, though modelled as maps
// for ease of management (not a lot of subscriptions is really
// expected, but maps are convenient for adding/deleting elements).
blockFeed = make(map[chan *block.Block]bool)
txFeed = make(map[chan *transaction.Transaction]bool)
notificationFeed = make(map[chan *state.ContainedNotificationEvent]bool)
executionFeed = make(map[chan *state.AppExecResult]bool)
for {
select {
case <-bc.stopCh:
case sub := <-bc.subCh:
switch ch := sub.(type) {
case chan *block.Block:
blockFeed[ch] = true
case chan *transaction.Transaction:
txFeed[ch] = true
case chan *state.ContainedNotificationEvent:
notificationFeed[ch] = true
case chan *state.AppExecResult:
executionFeed[ch] = true
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad subscription: %T", sub))
case unsub := <-bc.unsubCh:
switch ch := unsub.(type) {
case chan *block.Block:
delete(blockFeed, ch)
case chan *transaction.Transaction:
delete(txFeed, ch)
case chan *state.ContainedNotificationEvent:
delete(notificationFeed, ch)
case chan *state.AppExecResult:
delete(executionFeed, ch)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad unsubscription: %T", unsub))
case event := <-bc.events:
// We don't want to waste time looping through transactions when there are no
// subscribers.
if len(txFeed) != 0 || len(notificationFeed) != 0 || len(executionFeed) != 0 {
aer := event.appExecResults[0]
if !aer.Container.Equals(event.block.Hash()) {
panic("inconsistent application execution results")
for ch := range executionFeed {
ch <- aer
for i := range aer.Events {
for ch := range notificationFeed {
ch <- &state.ContainedNotificationEvent{
Container: aer.Container,
NotificationEvent: aer.Events[i],
aerIdx := 1
for _, tx := range event.block.Transactions {
aer := event.appExecResults[aerIdx]
if !aer.Container.Equals(tx.Hash()) {
panic("inconsistent application execution results")
for ch := range executionFeed {
ch <- aer
if aer.VMState == vmstate.Halt {
for i := range aer.Events {
for ch := range notificationFeed {
ch <- &state.ContainedNotificationEvent{
Container: aer.Container,
NotificationEvent: aer.Events[i],
for ch := range txFeed {
ch <- tx
aer = event.appExecResults[aerIdx]
if !aer.Container.Equals(event.block.Hash()) {
panic("inconsistent application execution results")
for ch := range executionFeed {
ch <- aer
for i := range aer.Events {
for ch := range notificationFeed {
ch <- &state.ContainedNotificationEvent{
Container: aer.Container,
NotificationEvent: aer.Events[i],
for ch := range blockFeed {
ch <- event.block
// Close stops Blockchain's internal loop, syncs changes to persistent storage
// and closes it. The Blockchain is no longer functional after the call to Close.
func (bc *Blockchain) Close() {
// If there is a block addition in progress, wait for it to finish and
// don't allow new ones.
// AddBlock accepts successive block for the Blockchain, verifies it and
// stores internally. Eventually it will be persisted to the backing storage.
func (bc *Blockchain) AddBlock(block *block.Block) error {
defer bc.addLock.Unlock()
var mp *mempool.Pool
expectedHeight := bc.BlockHeight() + 1
if expectedHeight != block.Index {
return fmt.Errorf("expected %d, got %d: %w", expectedHeight, block.Index, ErrInvalidBlockIndex)
if bc.config.StateRootInHeader != block.StateRootEnabled {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v != %v",
ErrHdrStateRootSetting, bc.config.StateRootInHeader, block.StateRootEnabled)
if block.Index == bc.HeaderHeight()+1 {
err := bc.addHeaders(bc.config.VerifyBlocks, &block.Header)
if err != nil {
return err
if bc.config.VerifyBlocks {
merkle := block.ComputeMerkleRoot()
if !block.MerkleRoot.Equals(merkle) {
return errors.New("invalid block: MerkleRoot mismatch")
mp = mempool.New(len(block.Transactions), 0, false)
for _, tx := range block.Transactions {
var err error
// Transactions are verified before adding them
// into the pool, so there is no point in doing
// it again even if we're verifying in-block transactions.
if bc.memPool.ContainsKey(tx.Hash()) {
err = mp.Add(tx, bc)
if err == nil {
} else {
err = bc.verifyAndPoolTx(tx, mp, bc)
if err != nil && bc.config.VerifyTransactions {
return fmt.Errorf("transaction %s failed to verify: %w", tx.Hash().StringLE(), err)
return bc.storeBlock(block, mp)
// AddHeaders processes the given headers and add them to the
// HeaderHashList. It expects headers to be sorted by index.
func (bc *Blockchain) AddHeaders(headers ...*block.Header) error {
return bc.addHeaders(bc.config.VerifyBlocks, headers...)
// addHeaders is an internal implementation of AddHeaders (`verify` parameter
// tells it to verify or not verify given headers).
func (bc *Blockchain) addHeaders(verify bool, headers ...*block.Header) error {
var (
start = time.Now()
batch = bc.dao.GetPrivate()
err error
if len(headers) > 0 {
var i int
curHeight := bc.HeaderHeight()
for i = range headers {
if headers[i].Index > curHeight {
headers = headers[i:]
if len(headers) == 0 {
return nil
} else if verify {
// Verify that the chain of the headers is consistent.
var lastHeader *block.Header
if lastHeader, err = bc.GetHeader(headers[0].PrevHash); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("previous header was not found: %w", err)
for _, h := range headers {
if err = bc.verifyHeader(h, lastHeader); err != nil {
return err
lastHeader = h
defer bc.headerHashesLock.Unlock()
oldlen := len(bc.headerHashes)
var lastHeader *block.Header
for _, h := range headers {
if int(h.Index) != len(bc.headerHashes) {
err = batch.StoreHeader(h)
if err != nil {
return err
bc.headerHashes = append(bc.headerHashes, h.Hash())
lastHeader = h
if oldlen != len(bc.headerHashes) {
for int(lastHeader.Index)-headerBatchCount >= int(bc.storedHeaderCount) {
err = batch.StoreHeaderHashes(bc.headerHashes[bc.storedHeaderCount:bc.storedHeaderCount+headerBatchCount],
if err != nil {
return err
bc.storedHeaderCount += headerBatchCount
batch.PutCurrentHeader(lastHeader.Hash(), lastHeader.Index)
updateHeaderHeightMetric(len(bc.headerHashes) - 1)
if _, err = batch.Persist(); err != nil {
return err
bc.log.Debug("done processing headers",
zap.Int("headerIndex", len(bc.headerHashes)-1),
zap.Uint32("blockHeight", bc.BlockHeight()),
zap.Duration("took", time.Since(start)))
return nil
// GetStateRoot returns state root for the given height.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetStateRoot(height uint32) (*state.MPTRoot, error) {
return bc.stateRoot.GetStateRoot(height)
// GetStateModule returns state root service instance.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetStateModule() StateRoot {
return bc.stateRoot
// GetStateSyncModule returns new state sync service instance.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetStateSyncModule() *statesync.Module {
return statesync.NewModule(bc, bc.stateRoot, bc.log, bc.dao, bc.jumpToState)
// storeBlock performs chain update using the block given, it executes all
// transactions with all appropriate side-effects and updates Blockchain state.
// This is the only way to change Blockchain state.
func (bc *Blockchain) storeBlock(block *block.Block, txpool *mempool.Pool) error {
var (
cache = bc.dao.GetPrivate()
aerCache = bc.dao.GetPrivate()
appExecResults = make([]*state.AppExecResult, 0, 2+len(block.Transactions))
aerchan = make(chan *state.AppExecResult, len(block.Transactions)/8) // Tested 8 and 4 with no practical difference, but feel free to test more and tune.
aerdone = make(chan error)
go func() {
var (
kvcache = aerCache
err error
txCnt int
baer1, baer2 *state.AppExecResult
transCache = make(map[util.Uint160]transferData)
if bc.config.RemoveUntraceableBlocks {
var start, stop uint32
if bc.config.P2PStateExchangeExtensions {
// remove batch of old blocks starting from P2-MaxTraceableBlocks-StateSyncInterval up to P2-MaxTraceableBlocks
if block.Index >= 2*uint32(bc.config.StateSyncInterval) &&
block.Index >= uint32(bc.config.StateSyncInterval)+bc.config.MaxTraceableBlocks && // check this in case if MaxTraceableBlocks>StateSyncInterval
int(block.Index)%bc.config.StateSyncInterval == 0 {
stop = block.Index - uint32(bc.config.StateSyncInterval) - bc.config.MaxTraceableBlocks
if stop > uint32(bc.config.StateSyncInterval) {
start = stop - uint32(bc.config.StateSyncInterval)
} else if block.Index > bc.config.MaxTraceableBlocks {
start = block.Index - bc.config.MaxTraceableBlocks // is at least 1
stop = start + 1
for index := start; index < stop; index++ {
err := kvcache.DeleteBlock(bc.headerHashes[index])
if err != nil {
bc.log.Warn("error while removing old block",
zap.Uint32("index", index),
for aer := range aerchan {
if aer.Container == block.Hash() {
if baer1 == nil {
baer1 = aer
} else {
baer2 = aer
} else {
err = kvcache.StoreAsTransaction(block.Transactions[txCnt], block.Index, aer)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to store exec result: %w", err)
if aer.Execution.VMState == vmstate.Halt {
for j := range aer.Execution.Events {
bc.handleNotification(&aer.Execution.Events[j], kvcache, transCache, block, aer.Container)
if err != nil {
aerdone <- err
if err := kvcache.StoreAsBlock(block, baer1, baer2); err != nil {
aerdone <- err
for acc, trData := range transCache {
err = kvcache.PutTokenTransferInfo(acc, &trData.Info)
if err != nil {
aerdone <- err
if !trData.Info.NewNEP11Batch {
kvcache.PutTokenTransferLog(acc, trData.Info.NextNEP11NewestTimestamp, trData.Info.NextNEP11Batch, true, &trData.Log11)
if !trData.Info.NewNEP17Batch {
kvcache.PutTokenTransferLog(acc, trData.Info.NextNEP17NewestTimestamp, trData.Info.NextNEP17Batch, false, &trData.Log17)
_ = cache.GetItemCtx() // Prime serialization context cache (it'll be reused by upper layer DAOs).
aer, v, err := bc.runPersist(bc.contracts.GetPersistScript(), block, cache, trigger.OnPersist, nil)
if err != nil {
// Release goroutines, don't care about errors, we already have one.
return fmt.Errorf("onPersist failed: %w", err)
appExecResults = append(appExecResults, aer)
aerchan <- aer
for _, tx := range block.Transactions {
systemInterop := bc.newInteropContext(trigger.Application, cache, block, tx)
v.LoadScriptWithFlags(tx.Script, callflag.All)
v.GasLimit = tx.SystemFee
err := systemInterop.Exec()
var faultException string
if !v.HasFailed() {
_, err := systemInterop.DAO.Persist()
if err != nil {
// Release goroutines, don't care about errors, we already have one.
return fmt.Errorf("failed to persist invocation results: %w", err)
} else {
bc.log.Warn("contract invocation failed",
zap.String("tx", tx.Hash().StringLE()),
zap.Uint32("block", block.Index),
faultException = err.Error()
aer := &state.AppExecResult{
Container: tx.Hash(),
Execution: state.Execution{
Trigger: trigger.Application,
VMState: v.State(),
GasConsumed: v.GasConsumed(),
Stack: v.Estack().ToArray(),
Events: systemInterop.Notifications,
FaultException: faultException,
appExecResults = append(appExecResults, aer)
aerchan <- aer
aer, _, err = bc.runPersist(bc.contracts.GetPostPersistScript(), block, cache, trigger.PostPersist, v)
if err != nil {
// Release goroutines, don't care about errors, we already have one.
return fmt.Errorf("postPersist failed: %w", err)
appExecResults = append(appExecResults, aer)
aerchan <- aer
b := mpt.MapToMPTBatch(cache.Store.GetStorageChanges())
mpt, sr, err := bc.stateRoot.AddMPTBatch(block.Index, b, cache.Store)
if err != nil {
// Release goroutines, don't care about errors, we already have one.
// Here MPT can be left in a half-applied state.
// However if this error occurs, this is a bug somewhere in code
// because changes applied are the ones from HALTed transactions.
return fmt.Errorf("error while trying to apply MPT changes: %w", err)
if bc.config.StateRootInHeader && bc.HeaderHeight() > sr.Index {
h, err := bc.GetHeader(bc.GetHeaderHash(int(sr.Index) + 1))
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to get next header: %w", err)
} else if h.PrevStateRoot != sr.Root {
err = fmt.Errorf("local stateroot and next header's PrevStateRoot mismatch: %s vs %s", sr.Root.StringBE(), h.PrevStateRoot.StringBE())
if err != nil {
// Release goroutines, don't care about errors, we already have one.
return err
if bc.config.SaveStorageBatch {
bc.lastBatch = cache.GetBatch()
// Every persist cycle we also compact our in-memory MPT. It's flushed
// already in AddMPTBatch, so collapsing it is safe.
persistedHeight := atomic.LoadUint32(&bc.persistedHeight)
if persistedHeight == block.Index-1 {
// 10 is good and roughly estimated to fit remaining trie into 1M of memory.
aererr := <-aerdone
if aererr != nil {
return aererr
_, err = aerCache.Persist()
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = cache.Persist()
if err != nil {
return err
mpt.Store = bc.dao.Store
bc.stateRoot.UpdateCurrentLocal(mpt, sr)
atomic.StoreUint32(&bc.blockHeight, block.Index)
bc.memPool.RemoveStale(func(tx *transaction.Transaction) bool { return bc.IsTxStillRelevant(tx, txpool, false) }, bc)
for _, f := range bc.postBlock {
f(bc.IsTxStillRelevant, txpool, block)
if err := bc.updateExtensibleWhitelist(block.Index); err != nil {
return err
// Genesis block is stored when Blockchain is not yet running, so there
// is no one to read this event. And it doesn't make much sense as event
// anyway.
if block.Index != 0 {
bc.events <- bcEvent{block, appExecResults}
return nil
func (bc *Blockchain) updateExtensibleWhitelist(height uint32) error {
updateCommittee := bc.config.ShouldUpdateCommitteeAt(height)
stateVals, sh, err := bc.contracts.Designate.GetDesignatedByRole(bc.dao, noderoles.StateValidator, height)
if err != nil {
return err
if bc.extensible.Load() != nil && !updateCommittee && sh != height {
return nil
newList := []util.Uint160{bc.contracts.NEO.GetCommitteeAddress(bc.dao)}
nextVals := bc.contracts.NEO.GetNextBlockValidatorsInternal(bc.dao)
script, err := smartcontract.CreateDefaultMultiSigRedeemScript(nextVals)
if err != nil {
return err
newList = append(newList, hash.Hash160(script))
bc.updateExtensibleList(&newList, bc.contracts.NEO.GetNextBlockValidatorsInternal(bc.dao))
if len(stateVals) > 0 {
h, err := bc.contracts.Designate.GetLastDesignatedHash(bc.dao, noderoles.StateValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
newList = append(newList, h)
bc.updateExtensibleList(&newList, stateVals)
sort.Slice(newList, func(i, j int) bool {
return newList[i].Less(newList[j])
return nil
func (bc *Blockchain) updateExtensibleList(s *[]util.Uint160, pubs keys.PublicKeys) {
for _, pub := range pubs {
*s = append(*s, pub.GetScriptHash())
// IsExtensibleAllowed determines if script hash is allowed to send extensible payloads.
func (bc *Blockchain) IsExtensibleAllowed(u util.Uint160) bool {
us := bc.extensible.Load().([]util.Uint160)
n := sort.Search(len(us), func(i int) bool { return !us[i].Less(u) })
return n < len(us)
func (bc *Blockchain) runPersist(script []byte, block *block.Block, cache *dao.Simple, trig trigger.Type, v *vm.VM) (*state.AppExecResult, *vm.VM, error) {
systemInterop := bc.newInteropContext(trig, cache, block, nil)
if v == nil {
v = systemInterop.SpawnVM()
} else {
v.LoadScriptWithFlags(script, callflag.All)
if err := systemInterop.Exec(); err != nil {
return nil, v, fmt.Errorf("VM has failed: %w", err)
} else if _, err := systemInterop.DAO.Persist(); err != nil {
return nil, v, fmt.Errorf("can't save changes: %w", err)
return &state.AppExecResult{
Container: block.Hash(), // application logs can be retrieved by block hash
Execution: state.Execution{
Trigger: trig,
VMState: v.State(),
GasConsumed: v.GasConsumed(),
Stack: v.Estack().ToArray(),
Events: systemInterop.Notifications,
}, v, nil
func (bc *Blockchain) handleNotification(note *state.NotificationEvent, d *dao.Simple,
transCache map[util.Uint160]transferData, b *block.Block, h util.Uint256) {
if note.Name != "Transfer" {
arr, ok := note.Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
if !ok || !(len(arr) == 3 || len(arr) == 4) {
from, err := parseUint160(arr[0])
if err != nil {
to, err := parseUint160(arr[1])
if err != nil {
amount, err := arr[2].TryInteger()
if err != nil {
var id []byte
if len(arr) == 4 {
id, err = arr[3].TryBytes()
if err != nil || len(id) > limits.MaxStorageKeyLen {
bc.processTokenTransfer(d, transCache, h, b, note.ScriptHash, from, to, amount, id)
func parseUint160(itm stackitem.Item) (util.Uint160, error) {
_, ok := itm.(stackitem.Null) // Minting or burning.
if ok {
return util.Uint160{}, nil
bytes, err := itm.TryBytes()
if err != nil {
return util.Uint160{}, err
return util.Uint160DecodeBytesBE(bytes)
func (bc *Blockchain) processTokenTransfer(cache *dao.Simple, transCache map[util.Uint160]transferData,
h util.Uint256, b *block.Block, sc util.Uint160, from util.Uint160, to util.Uint160,
amount *big.Int, tokenID []byte) {
var id int32
nativeContract := bc.contracts.ByHash(sc)
if nativeContract != nil {
id = nativeContract.Metadata().ID
} else {
assetContract, err := bc.contracts.Management.GetContract(cache, sc)
if err != nil {
id = assetContract.ID
var transfer io.Serializable
var nep17xfer *state.NEP17Transfer
var isNEP11 = (tokenID != nil)
if !isNEP11 {
nep17xfer = &state.NEP17Transfer{
Asset: id,
Amount: *amount,
From: from,
To: to,
Block: b.Index,
Timestamp: b.Timestamp,
Tx: h,
transfer = nep17xfer
} else {
nep11xfer := &state.NEP11Transfer{
NEP17Transfer: state.NEP17Transfer{
Asset: id,
Amount: *amount,
From: from,
To: to,
Block: b.Index,
Timestamp: b.Timestamp,
Tx: h,
ID: tokenID,
transfer = nep11xfer
nep17xfer = &nep11xfer.NEP17Transfer
if !from.Equals(util.Uint160{}) {
_ = nep17xfer.Amount.Neg(&nep17xfer.Amount)
err := appendTokenTransfer(cache, transCache, from, transfer, id, b.Index, b.Timestamp, isNEP11)
_ = nep17xfer.Amount.Neg(&nep17xfer.Amount)
if err != nil {
if !to.Equals(util.Uint160{}) {
_ = appendTokenTransfer(cache, transCache, to, transfer, id, b.Index, b.Timestamp, isNEP11) // Nothing useful we can do.
func appendTokenTransfer(cache *dao.Simple, transCache map[util.Uint160]transferData, addr util.Uint160, transfer io.Serializable,
token int32, bIndex uint32, bTimestamp uint64, isNEP11 bool) error {
transferData, ok := transCache[addr]
if !ok {
balances, err := cache.GetTokenTransferInfo(addr)
if err != nil {
return err
if !balances.NewNEP11Batch {
trLog, err := cache.GetTokenTransferLog(addr, balances.NextNEP11NewestTimestamp, balances.NextNEP11Batch, true)
if err != nil {
return err
transferData.Log11 = *trLog
if !balances.NewNEP17Batch {
trLog, err := cache.GetTokenTransferLog(addr, balances.NextNEP17NewestTimestamp, balances.NextNEP17Batch, false)
if err != nil {
return err
transferData.Log17 = *trLog
transferData.Info = *balances
var (
log *state.TokenTransferLog
newBatch *bool
nextBatch *uint32
currTimestamp *uint64
if !isNEP11 {
log = &transferData.Log17
newBatch = &transferData.Info.NewNEP17Batch
nextBatch = &transferData.Info.NextNEP17Batch
currTimestamp = &transferData.Info.NextNEP17NewestTimestamp
} else {
log = &transferData.Log11
newBatch = &transferData.Info.NewNEP11Batch
nextBatch = &transferData.Info.NextNEP11Batch
currTimestamp = &transferData.Info.NextNEP11NewestTimestamp
err := log.Append(transfer)
if err != nil {
return err
transferData.Info.LastUpdated[token] = bIndex
*newBatch = log.Size() >= state.TokenTransferBatchSize
if *newBatch {
cache.PutTokenTransferLog(addr, *currTimestamp, *nextBatch, isNEP11, log)
*currTimestamp = bTimestamp
// Put makes a copy of it anyway.
transCache[addr] = transferData
return nil
// ForEachNEP17Transfer executes f for each NEP-17 transfer in log starting from
// the transfer with the newest timestamp up to the oldest transfer. It continues
// iteration until false is returned from f. The last non-nil error is returned.
func (bc *Blockchain) ForEachNEP17Transfer(acc util.Uint160, newestTimestamp uint64, f func(*state.NEP17Transfer) (bool, error)) error {
return bc.dao.SeekNEP17TransferLog(acc, newestTimestamp, f)
// ForEachNEP11Transfer executes f for each NEP-11 transfer in log starting from
// the transfer with the newest timestamp up to the oldest transfer. It continues
// iteration until false is returned from f. The last non-nil error is returned.
func (bc *Blockchain) ForEachNEP11Transfer(acc util.Uint160, newestTimestamp uint64, f func(*state.NEP11Transfer) (bool, error)) error {
return bc.dao.SeekNEP11TransferLog(acc, newestTimestamp, f)
// GetNEP17Contracts returns the list of deployed NEP-17 contracts.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetNEP17Contracts() []util.Uint160 {
return bc.contracts.Management.GetNEP17Contracts(bc.dao)
// GetNEP11Contracts returns the list of deployed NEP-11 contracts.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetNEP11Contracts() []util.Uint160 {
return bc.contracts.Management.GetNEP11Contracts(bc.dao)
// GetTokenLastUpdated returns a set of contract ids with the corresponding last updated
// block indexes. In case of an empty account, latest stored state synchronisation point
// is returned under Math.MinInt32 key.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetTokenLastUpdated(acc util.Uint160) (map[int32]uint32, error) {
info, err := bc.dao.GetTokenTransferInfo(acc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bc.config.P2PStateExchangeExtensions && bc.config.RemoveUntraceableBlocks {
if _, ok := info.LastUpdated[bc.contracts.NEO.ID]; !ok {
nBalance, lub := bc.contracts.NEO.BalanceOf(bc.dao, acc)
if nBalance.Sign() != 0 {
info.LastUpdated[bc.contracts.NEO.ID] = lub
stateSyncPoint, err := bc.dao.GetStateSyncPoint()
if err == nil {
info.LastUpdated[math.MinInt32] = stateSyncPoint
return info.LastUpdated, nil
// GetUtilityTokenBalance returns utility token (GAS) balance for the acc.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetUtilityTokenBalance(acc util.Uint160) *big.Int {
bs := bc.contracts.GAS.BalanceOf(bc.dao, acc)
if bs == nil {
return big.NewInt(0)
return bs
// GetGoverningTokenBalance returns governing token (NEO) balance and the height
// of the last balance change for the account.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetGoverningTokenBalance(acc util.Uint160) (*big.Int, uint32) {
return bc.contracts.NEO.BalanceOf(bc.dao, acc)
// GetNotaryBalance returns Notary deposit amount for the specified account.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetNotaryBalance(acc util.Uint160) *big.Int {
return bc.contracts.Notary.BalanceOf(bc.dao, acc)
// GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey returns NotaryServiceFeePerKey which is a reward per
// notary request key for designated notary nodes.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey() int64 {
return bc.contracts.Notary.GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey(bc.dao)
// GetNotaryContractScriptHash returns Notary native contract hash.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetNotaryContractScriptHash() util.Uint160 {
if bc.P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() {
return bc.contracts.Notary.Hash
return util.Uint160{}
// GetNotaryDepositExpiration returns Notary deposit expiration height for the specified account.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetNotaryDepositExpiration(acc util.Uint160) uint32 {
return bc.contracts.Notary.ExpirationOf(bc.dao, acc)
// LastBatch returns last persisted storage batch.
func (bc *Blockchain) LastBatch() *storage.MemBatch {
return bc.lastBatch
// persist flushes current in-memory Store contents to the persistent storage.
func (bc *Blockchain) persist(isSync bool) (time.Duration, error) {
var (
start = time.Now()
duration time.Duration
persisted int
err error
if isSync {
persisted, err = bc.dao.PersistSync()
} else {
persisted, err = bc.dao.Persist()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if persisted > 0 {
bHeight, err := bc.persistent.GetCurrentBlockHeight()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
oldHeight := atomic.SwapUint32(&bc.persistedHeight, bHeight)
diff := bHeight - oldHeight
storedHeaderHeight, _, err := bc.persistent.GetCurrentHeaderHeight()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
duration = time.Since(start)
bc.log.Info("persisted to disk",
zap.Uint32("blocks", diff),
zap.Int("keys", persisted),
zap.Uint32("headerHeight", storedHeaderHeight),
zap.Uint32("blockHeight", bHeight),
zap.Duration("took", duration))
// update monitoring metrics.
return duration, nil
// GetTransaction returns a TX and its height by the given hash. The height is MaxUint32 if tx is in the mempool.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetTransaction(hash util.Uint256) (*transaction.Transaction, uint32, error) {
if tx, ok := bc.memPool.TryGetValue(hash); ok {
return tx, math.MaxUint32, nil // the height is not actually defined for memPool transaction.
return bc.dao.GetTransaction(hash)
// GetAppExecResults returns application execution results with the specified trigger by the given
// tx hash or block hash.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetAppExecResults(hash util.Uint256, trig trigger.Type) ([]state.AppExecResult, error) {
return bc.dao.GetAppExecResults(hash, trig)
// GetStorageItem returns an item from storage.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetStorageItem(id int32, key []byte) state.StorageItem {
return bc.dao.GetStorageItem(id, key)
// GetBlock returns a Block by the given hash.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetBlock(hash util.Uint256) (*block.Block, error) {
topBlock := bc.topBlock.Load()
if topBlock != nil {
tb := topBlock.(*block.Block)
if tb.Hash().Equals(hash) {
return tb, nil
block, err := bc.dao.GetBlock(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !block.MerkleRoot.Equals(util.Uint256{}) && len(block.Transactions) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("only header is found")
for _, tx := range block.Transactions {
stx, _, err := bc.dao.GetTransaction(tx.Hash())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
*tx = *stx
return block, nil
// GetHeader returns data block header identified with the given hash value.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetHeader(hash util.Uint256) (*block.Header, error) {
topBlock := bc.topBlock.Load()
if topBlock != nil {
tb := topBlock.(*block.Block)
if tb.Hash().Equals(hash) {
return &tb.Header, nil
block, err := bc.dao.GetBlock(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &block.Header, nil
// HasTransaction returns true if the blockchain contains he given
// transaction hash.
func (bc *Blockchain) HasTransaction(hash util.Uint256) bool {
if bc.memPool.ContainsKey(hash) {
return true
return errors.Is(bc.dao.HasTransaction(hash), dao.ErrAlreadyExists)
// HasBlock returns true if the blockchain contains the given
// block hash.
func (bc *Blockchain) HasBlock(hash util.Uint256) bool {
var height = bc.BlockHeight()
for i := int(height); i >= int(height)-4 && i >= 0; i-- {
if hash.Equals(bc.headerHashes[i]) {
return true
if header, err := bc.GetHeader(hash); err == nil {
return header.Index <= bc.BlockHeight()
return false
// CurrentBlockHash returns the highest processed block hash.
func (bc *Blockchain) CurrentBlockHash() util.Uint256 {
topBlock := bc.topBlock.Load()
if topBlock != nil {
tb := topBlock.(*block.Block)
return tb.Hash()
return bc.GetHeaderHash(int(bc.BlockHeight()))
// CurrentHeaderHash returns the hash of the latest known header.
func (bc *Blockchain) CurrentHeaderHash() util.Uint256 {
hash := bc.headerHashes[len(bc.headerHashes)-1]
return hash
// GetHeaderHash returns hash of the header/block with specified index, if
// Blockchain doesn't have a hash for this height, zero Uint256 value is returned.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetHeaderHash(i int) util.Uint256 {
defer bc.headerHashesLock.RUnlock()
hashesLen := len(bc.headerHashes)
if hashesLen <= i {
return util.Uint256{}
return bc.headerHashes[i]
// BlockHeight returns the height/index of the highest block.
func (bc *Blockchain) BlockHeight() uint32 {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&bc.blockHeight)
// HeaderHeight returns the index/height of the highest header.
func (bc *Blockchain) HeaderHeight() uint32 {
n := len(bc.headerHashes)
return uint32(n - 1)
// GetContractState returns contract by its script hash.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetContractState(hash util.Uint160) *state.Contract {
contract, err := bc.contracts.Management.GetContract(bc.dao, hash)
if contract == nil && !errors.Is(err, storage.ErrKeyNotFound) {
bc.log.Warn("failed to get contract state", zap.Error(err))
return contract
// GetContractScriptHash returns contract script hash by its ID.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetContractScriptHash(id int32) (util.Uint160, error) {
return bc.dao.GetContractScriptHash(id)
// GetNativeContractScriptHash returns native contract script hash by its name.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetNativeContractScriptHash(name string) (util.Uint160, error) {
c := bc.contracts.ByName(name)
if c != nil {
return c.Metadata().Hash, nil
return util.Uint160{}, errors.New("Unknown native contract")
// GetNatives returns list of native contracts.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetNatives() []state.NativeContract {
res := make([]state.NativeContract, 0, len(bc.contracts.Contracts))
for _, c := range bc.contracts.Contracts {
res = append(res, c.Metadata().NativeContract)
return res
// GetConfig returns the config stored in the blockchain.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetConfig() config.ProtocolConfiguration {
return bc.config
// SubscribeForBlocks adds given channel to new block event broadcasting, so when
// there is a new block added to the chain you'll receive it via this channel.
// Make sure it's read from regularly as not reading these events might affect
// other Blockchain functions.
func (bc *Blockchain) SubscribeForBlocks(ch chan *block.Block) {
bc.subCh <- ch
// SubscribeForTransactions adds given channel to new transaction event
// broadcasting, so when there is a new transaction added to the chain (in a
// block) you'll receive it via this channel. Make sure it's read from regularly
// as not reading these events might affect other Blockchain functions.
func (bc *Blockchain) SubscribeForTransactions(ch chan *transaction.Transaction) {
bc.subCh <- ch
// SubscribeForNotifications adds given channel to new notifications event
// broadcasting, so when an in-block transaction execution generates a
// notification you'll receive it via this channel. Only notifications from
// successful transactions are broadcasted, if you're interested in failed
// transactions use SubscribeForExecutions instead. Make sure this channel is
// read from regularly as not reading these events might affect other Blockchain
// functions.
func (bc *Blockchain) SubscribeForNotifications(ch chan *state.ContainedNotificationEvent) {
bc.subCh <- ch
// SubscribeForExecutions adds given channel to new transaction execution event
// broadcasting, so when an in-block transaction execution happens you'll receive
// the result of it via this channel. Make sure it's read from regularly as not
// reading these events might affect other Blockchain functions.
func (bc *Blockchain) SubscribeForExecutions(ch chan *state.AppExecResult) {
bc.subCh <- ch
// UnsubscribeFromBlocks unsubscribes given channel from new block notifications,
// you can close it afterwards. Passing non-subscribed channel is a no-op, but
// the method can read from this channel (discarding any read data).
func (bc *Blockchain) UnsubscribeFromBlocks(ch chan *block.Block) {
for {
select {
case <-ch:
case bc.unsubCh <- ch:
break unsubloop
// UnsubscribeFromTransactions unsubscribes given channel from new transaction
// notifications, you can close it afterwards. Passing non-subscribed channel is
// a no-op, but the method can read from this channel (discarding any read data).
func (bc *Blockchain) UnsubscribeFromTransactions(ch chan *transaction.Transaction) {
for {
select {
case <-ch:
case bc.unsubCh <- ch:
break unsubloop
// UnsubscribeFromNotifications unsubscribes given channel from new
// execution-generated notifications, you can close it afterwards. Passing
// non-subscribed channel is a no-op, but the method can read from this channel
// (discarding any read data).
func (bc *Blockchain) UnsubscribeFromNotifications(ch chan *state.ContainedNotificationEvent) {
for {
select {
case <-ch:
case bc.unsubCh <- ch:
break unsubloop
// UnsubscribeFromExecutions unsubscribes given channel from new execution
// notifications, you can close it afterwards. Passing non-subscribed channel is
// a no-op, but the method can read from this channel (discarding any read data).
func (bc *Blockchain) UnsubscribeFromExecutions(ch chan *state.AppExecResult) {
for {
select {
case <-ch:
case bc.unsubCh <- ch:
break unsubloop
// CalculateClaimable calculates the amount of GAS generated by owning specified
// amount of NEO between specified blocks.
func (bc *Blockchain) CalculateClaimable(acc util.Uint160, endHeight uint32) (*big.Int, error) {
return bc.contracts.NEO.CalculateBonus(bc.dao, acc, endHeight)
// FeePerByte returns transaction network fee per byte.
func (bc *Blockchain) FeePerByte() int64 {
return bc.contracts.Policy.GetFeePerByteInternal(bc.dao)
// GetMemPool returns the memory pool of the blockchain.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetMemPool() *mempool.Pool {
return bc.memPool
// ApplyPolicyToTxSet applies configured policies to given transaction set. It
// expects slice to be ordered by fee and returns a subslice of it.
func (bc *Blockchain) ApplyPolicyToTxSet(txes []*transaction.Transaction) []*transaction.Transaction {
maxTx := bc.config.MaxTransactionsPerBlock
if maxTx != 0 && len(txes) > int(maxTx) {
txes = txes[:maxTx]
maxBlockSize := bc.config.MaxBlockSize
maxBlockSysFee := bc.config.MaxBlockSystemFee
oldVC := bc.knownValidatorsCount.Load()
defaultWitness := bc.defaultBlockWitness.Load()
curVC := bc.config.GetNumOfCNs(bc.BlockHeight() + 1)
if oldVC == nil || oldVC != curVC {
m := smartcontract.GetDefaultHonestNodeCount(curVC)
verification, _ := smartcontract.CreateDefaultMultiSigRedeemScript(bc.contracts.NEO.GetNextBlockValidatorsInternal(bc.dao))
defaultWitness = transaction.Witness{
InvocationScript: make([]byte, 66*m),
VerificationScript: verification,
var (
b = &block.Block{Header: block.Header{Script: defaultWitness.(transaction.Witness)}}
blockSize = uint32(b.GetExpectedBlockSizeWithoutTransactions(len(txes)))
blockSysFee int64
for i, tx := range txes {
blockSize += uint32(tx.Size())
blockSysFee += tx.SystemFee
if blockSize > maxBlockSize || blockSysFee > maxBlockSysFee {
txes = txes[:i]
return txes
// Various errors that could be returns upon header verification.
var (
ErrHdrHashMismatch = errors.New("previous header hash doesn't match")
ErrHdrIndexMismatch = errors.New("previous header index doesn't match")
ErrHdrInvalidTimestamp = errors.New("block is not newer than the previous one")
ErrHdrStateRootSetting = errors.New("state root setting mismatch")
ErrHdrInvalidStateRoot = errors.New("state root for previous block is invalid")
func (bc *Blockchain) verifyHeader(currHeader, prevHeader *block.Header) error {
if bc.config.StateRootInHeader {
if bc.stateRoot.CurrentLocalHeight() == prevHeader.Index {
if sr := bc.stateRoot.CurrentLocalStateRoot(); currHeader.PrevStateRoot != sr {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s != %s",
ErrHdrInvalidStateRoot, currHeader.PrevStateRoot.StringLE(), sr.StringLE())
if prevHeader.Hash() != currHeader.PrevHash {
return ErrHdrHashMismatch
if prevHeader.Index+1 != currHeader.Index {
return ErrHdrIndexMismatch
if prevHeader.Timestamp >= currHeader.Timestamp {
return ErrHdrInvalidTimestamp
return bc.verifyHeaderWitnesses(currHeader, prevHeader)
// Various errors that could be returned upon verification.
var (
ErrTxExpired = errors.New("transaction has expired")
ErrInsufficientFunds = errors.New("insufficient funds")
ErrTxSmallNetworkFee = errors.New("too small network fee")
ErrTxTooBig = errors.New("too big transaction")
ErrMemPoolConflict = errors.New("invalid transaction due to conflicts with the memory pool")
ErrInvalidScript = errors.New("invalid script")
ErrInvalidAttribute = errors.New("invalid attribute")
// verifyAndPoolTx verifies whether a transaction is bonafide or not and tries
// to add it to the mempool given.
func (bc *Blockchain) verifyAndPoolTx(t *transaction.Transaction, pool *mempool.Pool, feer mempool.Feer, data ...interface{}) error {
// This code can technically be moved out of here, because it doesn't
// really require a chain lock.
err := vm.IsScriptCorrect(t.Script, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", ErrInvalidScript, err)
height := bc.BlockHeight()
isPartialTx := data != nil
if t.ValidUntilBlock <= height || !isPartialTx && t.ValidUntilBlock > height+bc.config.MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: ValidUntilBlock = %d, current height = %d", ErrTxExpired, t.ValidUntilBlock, height)
// Policying.
if err := bc.contracts.Policy.CheckPolicy(bc.dao, t); err != nil {
// Only one %w can be used.
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", ErrPolicy, err)
size := t.Size()
if size > transaction.MaxTransactionSize {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: (%d > MaxTransactionSize %d)", ErrTxTooBig, size, transaction.MaxTransactionSize)
needNetworkFee := int64(size) * bc.FeePerByte()
if bc.P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() {
attrs := t.GetAttributes(transaction.NotaryAssistedT)
if len(attrs) != 0 {
na := attrs[0].Value.(*transaction.NotaryAssisted)
needNetworkFee += (int64(na.NKeys) + 1) * bc.contracts.Notary.GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey(bc.dao)
netFee := t.NetworkFee - needNetworkFee
if netFee < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: net fee is %v, need %v", ErrTxSmallNetworkFee, t.NetworkFee, needNetworkFee)
// check that current tx wasn't included in the conflicts attributes of some other transaction which is already in the chain
if err := bc.dao.HasTransaction(t.Hash()); err != nil {
switch {
case errors.Is(err, dao.ErrAlreadyExists):
return fmt.Errorf("blockchain: %w", ErrAlreadyExists)
case errors.Is(err, dao.ErrHasConflicts):
return fmt.Errorf("blockchain: %w", ErrHasConflicts)
return err
err = bc.verifyTxWitnesses(t, nil, isPartialTx)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := bc.verifyTxAttributes(bc.dao, t, isPartialTx); err != nil {
return err
err = pool.Add(t, feer, data...)
if err != nil {
switch {
case errors.Is(err, mempool.ErrConflict):
return ErrMemPoolConflict
case errors.Is(err, mempool.ErrDup):
return fmt.Errorf("mempool: %w", ErrAlreadyExists)
case errors.Is(err, mempool.ErrInsufficientFunds):
return ErrInsufficientFunds
case errors.Is(err, mempool.ErrOOM):
return ErrOOM
case errors.Is(err, mempool.ErrConflictsAttribute):
return fmt.Errorf("mempool: %w: %s", ErrHasConflicts, err)
return err
return nil
func (bc *Blockchain) verifyTxAttributes(d *dao.Simple, tx *transaction.Transaction, isPartialTx bool) error {
for i := range tx.Attributes {
switch attrType := tx.Attributes[i].Type; attrType {
case transaction.HighPriority:
h := bc.contracts.NEO.GetCommitteeAddress(d)
if !tx.HasSigner(h) {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: high priority tx is not signed by committee", ErrInvalidAttribute)
case transaction.OracleResponseT:
h, err := bc.contracts.Oracle.GetScriptHash(bc.dao)
if err != nil || h.Equals(util.Uint160{}) {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", ErrInvalidAttribute, err)
hasOracle := false
for i := range tx.Signers {
if tx.Signers[i].Scopes != transaction.None {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: oracle tx has invalid signer scope", ErrInvalidAttribute)
if tx.Signers[i].Account.Equals(h) {
hasOracle = true
if !hasOracle {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: oracle tx is not signed by oracle nodes", ErrInvalidAttribute)
if !bytes.Equal(tx.Script, bc.contracts.Oracle.GetOracleResponseScript()) {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: oracle tx has invalid script", ErrInvalidAttribute)
resp := tx.Attributes[i].Value.(*transaction.OracleResponse)
req, err := bc.contracts.Oracle.GetRequestInternal(bc.dao, resp.ID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: oracle tx points to invalid request: %v", ErrInvalidAttribute, err)
if uint64(tx.NetworkFee+tx.SystemFee) < req.GasForResponse {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: oracle tx has insufficient gas", ErrInvalidAttribute)
case transaction.NotValidBeforeT:
if !bc.config.P2PSigExtensions {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: NotValidBefore attribute was found, but P2PSigExtensions are disabled", ErrInvalidAttribute)
nvb := tx.Attributes[i].Value.(*transaction.NotValidBefore).Height
curHeight := bc.BlockHeight()
if isPartialTx {
maxNVBDelta := bc.contracts.Notary.GetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta(bc.dao)
if curHeight+maxNVBDelta < nvb {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: NotValidBefore (%d) bigger than MaxNVBDelta (%d) allows at height %d", ErrInvalidAttribute, nvb, maxNVBDelta, curHeight)
if nvb+maxNVBDelta < tx.ValidUntilBlock {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: NotValidBefore (%d) set more than MaxNVBDelta (%d) away from VUB (%d)", ErrInvalidAttribute, nvb, maxNVBDelta, tx.ValidUntilBlock)
} else {
if curHeight < nvb {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: transaction is not yet valid: NotValidBefore = %d, current height = %d", ErrInvalidAttribute, nvb, curHeight)
case transaction.ConflictsT:
if !bc.config.P2PSigExtensions {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: Conflicts attribute was found, but P2PSigExtensions are disabled", ErrInvalidAttribute)
conflicts := tx.Attributes[i].Value.(*transaction.Conflicts)
if err := bc.dao.HasTransaction(conflicts.Hash); errors.Is(err, dao.ErrAlreadyExists) {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: conflicting transaction %s is already on chain", ErrInvalidAttribute, conflicts.Hash.StringLE())
case transaction.NotaryAssistedT:
if !bc.config.P2PSigExtensions {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: NotaryAssisted attribute was found, but P2PSigExtensions are disabled", ErrInvalidAttribute)
if !tx.HasSigner(bc.contracts.Notary.Hash) {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: NotaryAssisted attribute was found, but transaction is not signed by the Notary native contract", ErrInvalidAttribute)
if !bc.config.ReservedAttributes && attrType >= transaction.ReservedLowerBound && attrType <= transaction.ReservedUpperBound {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: attribute of reserved type was found, but ReservedAttributes are disabled", ErrInvalidAttribute)
return nil
// IsTxStillRelevant is a callback for mempool transaction filtering after the
// new block addition. It returns false for transactions added by the new block
// (passed via txpool) and does witness reverification for non-standard
// contracts. It operates under the assumption that full transaction verification
// was already done so we don't need to check basic things like size, input/output
// correctness, presence in blocks before the new one, etc.
func (bc *Blockchain) IsTxStillRelevant(t *transaction.Transaction, txpool *mempool.Pool, isPartialTx bool) bool {
var recheckWitness bool
var curheight = bc.BlockHeight()
if t.ValidUntilBlock <= curheight {
return false
if txpool == nil {
if bc.dao.HasTransaction(t.Hash()) != nil {
return false
} else if txpool.HasConflicts(t, bc) {
return false
if err := bc.verifyTxAttributes(bc.dao, t, isPartialTx); err != nil {
return false
for i := range t.Scripts {
if !vm.IsStandardContract(t.Scripts[i].VerificationScript) {
recheckWitness = true
if recheckWitness {
return bc.verifyTxWitnesses(t, nil, isPartialTx) == nil
return true
// VerifyTx verifies whether transaction is bonafide or not relative to the
// current blockchain state. Note that this verification is completely isolated
// from the main node's mempool.
func (bc *Blockchain) VerifyTx(t *transaction.Transaction) error {
var mp = mempool.New(1, 0, false)
defer bc.lock.RUnlock()
return bc.verifyAndPoolTx(t, mp, bc)
// PoolTx verifies and tries to add given transaction into the mempool. If not
// given, the default mempool is used. Passing multiple pools is not supported.
func (bc *Blockchain) PoolTx(t *transaction.Transaction, pools ...*mempool.Pool) error {
var pool = bc.memPool
defer bc.lock.RUnlock()
// Programmer error.
if len(pools) > 1 {
panic("too many pools given")
if len(pools) == 1 {
pool = pools[0]
return bc.verifyAndPoolTx(t, pool, bc)
// PoolTxWithData verifies and tries to add given transaction with additional data into the mempool.
func (bc *Blockchain) PoolTxWithData(t *transaction.Transaction, data interface{}, mp *mempool.Pool, feer mempool.Feer, verificationFunction func(tx *transaction.Transaction, data interface{}) error) error {
defer bc.lock.RUnlock()
if verificationFunction != nil {
err := verificationFunction(t, data)
if err != nil {
return err
return bc.verifyAndPoolTx(t, mp, feer, data)
// GetCommittee returns the sorted list of public keys of nodes in committee.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetCommittee() (keys.PublicKeys, error) {
pubs := bc.contracts.NEO.GetCommitteeMembers(bc.dao)
return pubs, nil
// GetValidators returns current validators.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetValidators() ([]*keys.PublicKey, error) {
return bc.contracts.NEO.ComputeNextBlockValidators(bc.blockHeight, bc.dao)
// GetNextBlockValidators returns next block validators.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetNextBlockValidators() ([]*keys.PublicKey, error) {
return bc.contracts.NEO.GetNextBlockValidatorsInternal(bc.dao), nil
// GetEnrollments returns all registered validators.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetEnrollments() ([]state.Validator, error) {
return bc.contracts.NEO.GetCandidates(bc.dao)
// GetTestVM returns an interop context with VM set up for a test run.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetTestVM(t trigger.Type, tx *transaction.Transaction, b *block.Block) (*interop.Context, error) {
if b == nil {
var err error
h := bc.BlockHeight() + 1
b, err = bc.getFakeNextBlock(h)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create fake block for height %d: %w", h, err)
systemInterop := bc.newInteropContext(t, bc.dao, b, tx)
_ = systemInterop.SpawnVM() // All the other code suppose that the VM is ready.
return systemInterop, nil
// GetTestHistoricVM returns an interop context with VM set up for a test run.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetTestHistoricVM(t trigger.Type, tx *transaction.Transaction, nextBlockHeight uint32) (*interop.Context, error) {
if bc.config.KeepOnlyLatestState {
return nil, errors.New("only latest state is supported")
b, err := bc.getFakeNextBlock(nextBlockHeight)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create fake block for height %d: %w", nextBlockHeight, err)
var mode = mpt.ModeAll
if bc.config.RemoveUntraceableBlocks {
if b.Index < bc.BlockHeight()-bc.config.MaxTraceableBlocks {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("state for height %d is outdated and removed from the storage", b.Index)
mode |= mpt.ModeGCFlag
if b.Index < 1 || b.Index > bc.BlockHeight()+1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported historic chain's height: requested state for %d, chain height %d", b.Index, bc.blockHeight)
// Assuming that block N-th is processing during historic call, the historic invocation should be based on the storage state of height N-1.
sr, err := bc.stateRoot.GetStateRoot(b.Index - 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve stateroot for height %d: %w", b.Index, err)
s := mpt.NewTrieStore(sr.Root, mode, storage.NewPrivateMemCachedStore(bc.dao.Store))
dTrie := dao.NewSimple(s, bc.config.StateRootInHeader, bc.config.P2PSigExtensions)
dTrie.Version = bc.dao.Version
// Initialize native cache before passing DAO to interop context constructor, because
// the constructor will call BaseExecFee/StoragePrice policy methods on the passed DAO.
err = bc.initializeNativeCache(b.Index, dTrie)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize native cache backed by historic DAO: %w", err)
systemInterop := bc.newInteropContext(t, dTrie, b, tx)
_ = systemInterop.SpawnVM() // All the other code suppose that the VM is ready.
return systemInterop, nil
// getFakeNextBlock returns fake block with the specified index and pre-filled Timestamp field.
func (bc *Blockchain) getFakeNextBlock(nextBlockHeight uint32) (*block.Block, error) {
b := block.New(bc.config.StateRootInHeader)
b.Index = nextBlockHeight
hdr, err := bc.GetHeader(bc.GetHeaderHash(int(nextBlockHeight - 1)))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b.Timestamp = hdr.Timestamp + uint64(bc.config.SecondsPerBlock*int(time.Second/time.Millisecond))
return b, nil
// Various witness verification errors.
var (
ErrWitnessHashMismatch = errors.New("witness hash mismatch")
ErrNativeContractWitness = errors.New("native contract witness must have empty verification script")
ErrVerificationFailed = errors.New("signature check failed")
ErrInvalidInvocation = errors.New("invalid invocation script")
ErrInvalidSignature = fmt.Errorf("%w: invalid signature", ErrVerificationFailed)
ErrInvalidVerification = errors.New("invalid verification script")
ErrUnknownVerificationContract = errors.New("unknown verification contract")
ErrInvalidVerificationContract = errors.New("verification contract is missing `verify` method")
// InitVerificationContext initializes context for witness check.
func (bc *Blockchain) InitVerificationContext(ic *interop.Context, hash util.Uint160, witness *transaction.Witness) error {
if len(witness.VerificationScript) != 0 {
if witness.ScriptHash() != hash {
return ErrWitnessHashMismatch
if bc.contracts.ByHash(hash) != nil {
return ErrNativeContractWitness
err := vm.IsScriptCorrect(witness.VerificationScript, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", ErrInvalidVerification, err)
ic.VM.LoadScriptWithHash(witness.VerificationScript, hash, callflag.ReadOnly)
} else {
cs, err := ic.GetContract(hash)
if err != nil {
return ErrUnknownVerificationContract
md := cs.Manifest.ABI.GetMethod(manifest.MethodVerify, -1)
if md == nil || md.ReturnType != smartcontract.BoolType {
return ErrInvalidVerificationContract
verifyOffset := md.Offset
initOffset := -1
md = cs.Manifest.ABI.GetMethod(manifest.MethodInit, 0)
if md != nil {
initOffset = md.Offset
ic.VM.LoadNEFMethod(&cs.NEF, util.Uint160{}, hash, callflag.ReadOnly,
true, verifyOffset, initOffset, nil)
if len(witness.InvocationScript) != 0 {
err := vm.IsScriptCorrect(witness.InvocationScript, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", ErrInvalidInvocation, err)
return nil
// VerifyWitness checks that w is a correct witness for c signed by h. It returns
// the amount of GAS consumed during verification and an error.
func (bc *Blockchain) VerifyWitness(h util.Uint160, c hash.Hashable, w *transaction.Witness, gas int64) (int64, error) {
ic := bc.newInteropContext(trigger.Verification, bc.dao, nil, nil)
ic.Container = c
if tx, ok := c.(*transaction.Transaction); ok {
ic.Tx = tx
return bc.verifyHashAgainstScript(h, w, ic, gas)
// verifyHashAgainstScript verifies given hash against the given witness and returns the amount of GAS consumed.
func (bc *Blockchain) verifyHashAgainstScript(hash util.Uint160, witness *transaction.Witness, interopCtx *interop.Context, gas int64) (int64, error) {
gasPolicy := bc.contracts.Policy.GetMaxVerificationGas(interopCtx.DAO)
if gas > gasPolicy {
gas = gasPolicy
vm := interopCtx.SpawnVM()
vm.GasLimit = gas
if err := bc.InitVerificationContext(interopCtx, hash, witness); err != nil {
return 0, err
err := interopCtx.Exec()
if vm.HasFailed() {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%w: vm execution has failed: %v", ErrVerificationFailed, err)
estack := vm.Estack()
if estack.Len() > 0 {
resEl := estack.Pop()
res, err := resEl.Item().TryBool()
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%w: invalid return value", ErrVerificationFailed)
if vm.Estack().Len() != 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%w: expected exactly one returned value", ErrVerificationFailed)
if !res {
return vm.GasConsumed(), ErrInvalidSignature
} else {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%w: no result returned from the script", ErrVerificationFailed)
return vm.GasConsumed(), nil
// verifyTxWitnesses verifies the scripts (witnesses) that come with a given
// transaction. It can reorder them by ScriptHash, because that's required to
// match a slice of script hashes from the Blockchain. Block parameter
// is used for easy interop access and can be omitted for transactions that are
// not yet added into any block.
// Golang implementation of VerifyWitnesses method in C# (https://github.com/neo-project/neo/blob/master/neo/SmartContract/Helper.cs#L87).
func (bc *Blockchain) verifyTxWitnesses(t *transaction.Transaction, block *block.Block, isPartialTx bool) error {
interopCtx := bc.newInteropContext(trigger.Verification, bc.dao, block, t)
gasLimit := t.NetworkFee - int64(t.Size())*bc.FeePerByte()
if bc.P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() {
attrs := t.GetAttributes(transaction.NotaryAssistedT)
if len(attrs) != 0 {
na := attrs[0].Value.(*transaction.NotaryAssisted)
gasLimit -= (int64(na.NKeys) + 1) * bc.contracts.Notary.GetNotaryServiceFeePerKey(bc.dao)
for i := range t.Signers {
gasConsumed, err := bc.verifyHashAgainstScript(t.Signers[i].Account, &t.Scripts[i], interopCtx, gasLimit)
if err != nil &&
!(i == 0 && isPartialTx && errors.Is(err, ErrInvalidSignature)) { // it's OK for partially-filled transaction with dummy first witness.
return fmt.Errorf("witness #%d: %w", i, err)
gasLimit -= gasConsumed
return nil
// verifyHeaderWitnesses is a block-specific implementation of VerifyWitnesses logic.
func (bc *Blockchain) verifyHeaderWitnesses(currHeader, prevHeader *block.Header) error {
var hash util.Uint160
if prevHeader == nil && currHeader.PrevHash.Equals(util.Uint256{}) {
hash = currHeader.Script.ScriptHash()
} else {
hash = prevHeader.NextConsensus
_, err := bc.VerifyWitness(hash, currHeader, &currHeader.Script, HeaderVerificationGasLimit)
return err
// GoverningTokenHash returns the governing token (NEO) native contract hash.
func (bc *Blockchain) GoverningTokenHash() util.Uint160 {
return bc.contracts.NEO.Hash
// UtilityTokenHash returns the utility token (GAS) native contract hash.
func (bc *Blockchain) UtilityTokenHash() util.Uint160 {
return bc.contracts.GAS.Hash
// ManagementContractHash returns management contract's hash.
func (bc *Blockchain) ManagementContractHash() util.Uint160 {
return bc.contracts.Management.Hash
func (bc *Blockchain) newInteropContext(trigger trigger.Type, d *dao.Simple, block *block.Block, tx *transaction.Transaction) *interop.Context {
baseExecFee := int64(interop.DefaultBaseExecFee)
if block == nil || block.Index != 0 {
// Use provided dao instead of Blockchain's one to fetch possible ExecFeeFactor
// changes that were not yet persisted to Blockchain's dao.
baseExecFee = bc.contracts.Policy.GetExecFeeFactorInternal(d)
baseStorageFee := int64(native.DefaultStoragePrice)
if block == nil || block.Index != 0 {
// Use provided dao instead of Blockchain's one to fetch possible StoragePrice
// changes that were not yet persisted to Blockchain's dao.
baseStorageFee = bc.contracts.Policy.GetStoragePriceInternal(d)
ic := interop.NewContext(trigger, bc, d, baseExecFee, baseStorageFee, bc.contracts.Management.GetContract, bc.contracts.Contracts, contract.LoadToken, block, tx, bc.log)
ic.Functions = systemInterops
switch {
case tx != nil:
ic.Container = tx
case block != nil:
ic.Container = block
return ic
// P2PSigExtensionsEnabled defines whether P2P signature extensions are enabled.
func (bc *Blockchain) P2PSigExtensionsEnabled() bool {
return bc.config.P2PSigExtensions
// RegisterPostBlock appends provided function to the list of functions which should be run after new block
// is stored.
func (bc *Blockchain) RegisterPostBlock(f func(func(*transaction.Transaction, *mempool.Pool, bool) bool, *mempool.Pool, *block.Block)) {
bc.postBlock = append(bc.postBlock, f)
// GetBaseExecFee return execution price for `NOP`.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetBaseExecFee() int64 {
if bc.BlockHeight() == 0 {
return interop.DefaultBaseExecFee
return bc.contracts.Policy.GetExecFeeFactorInternal(bc.dao)
// GetMaxVerificationGAS returns maximum verification GAS Policy limit.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetMaxVerificationGAS() int64 {
return bc.contracts.Policy.GetMaxVerificationGas(bc.dao)
// GetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta returns maximum NotValidBeforeDelta Notary limit.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta() uint32 {
if !bc.config.P2PSigExtensions {
panic("disallowed call to Notary")
return bc.contracts.Notary.GetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta(bc.dao)
// GetStoragePrice returns current storage price.
func (bc *Blockchain) GetStoragePrice() int64 {
if bc.BlockHeight() == 0 {
return native.DefaultStoragePrice
return bc.contracts.Policy.GetStoragePriceInternal(bc.dao)