In case of ellipsis usage compiler defines argument type as ArrayT
(which is correct, because it's a natural representation of the last
argument, it represents the array of interface{}).
Here goes the problem:
=== RUN TestEventWarnings/variadic_event_args_via_ellipsis
Error Trace: compiler_test.go:251
Error: Received unexpected error:
event 'Event' should have 'Integer' as type of 1 parameter, got: Array
Test: TestEventWarnings/variadic_event_args_via_ellipsis
Parsing the last argument in this case is a separate complicated problem
due to the fact that we need to grab types of elements of []interface{} inside the
fully qualified ast node which may looks like:
runtime.Notify("Event", (append([]interface{}{1, 2}, (([]interface{}{someVar, 4}))...))...)
Temporary solution is to exclude such notifications from analysis until we're
able to properly resolve element types of []interface{}.