Two changes being done here, because they require a lot of updates to tests. Now we're back into version 0 and we only have one type of transaction. It also removes GetType and GetScript interops, both are obsolete in Neo 3.
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package core
import (
func TestAddHeaders(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
defer bc.Close()
lastBlock := bc.topBlock.Load().(*block.Block)
h1 := newBlock(bc.config, 1, lastBlock.Hash()).Header()
h2 := newBlock(bc.config, 2, h1.Hash()).Header()
h3 := newBlock(bc.config, 3, h2.Hash()).Header()
require.NoError(t, bc.AddHeaders())
require.NoError(t, bc.AddHeaders(h1, h2))
require.NoError(t, bc.AddHeaders(h2, h3))
assert.Equal(t, h3.Index, bc.HeaderHeight())
assert.Equal(t, uint32(0), bc.BlockHeight())
assert.Equal(t, h3.Hash(), bc.CurrentHeaderHash())
// Add them again, they should not be added.
require.NoError(t, bc.AddHeaders(h3, h2, h1))
assert.Equal(t, h3.Index, bc.HeaderHeight())
assert.Equal(t, uint32(0), bc.BlockHeight())
assert.Equal(t, h3.Hash(), bc.CurrentHeaderHash())
h4 := newBlock(bc.config, 4, h3.Hash().Reverse()).Header()
h5 := newBlock(bc.config, 5, h4.Hash()).Header()
assert.Error(t, bc.AddHeaders(h4, h5))
assert.Equal(t, h3.Index, bc.HeaderHeight())
assert.Equal(t, uint32(0), bc.BlockHeight())
assert.Equal(t, h3.Hash(), bc.CurrentHeaderHash())
h6 := newBlock(bc.config, 4, h3.Hash()).Header()
h6.Script.InvocationScript = nil
assert.Error(t, bc.AddHeaders(h6))
assert.Equal(t, h3.Index, bc.HeaderHeight())
assert.Equal(t, uint32(0), bc.BlockHeight())
assert.Equal(t, h3.Hash(), bc.CurrentHeaderHash())
func TestAddBlock(t *testing.T) {
const size = 3
bc := newTestChain(t)
blocks, err := bc.genBlocks(size)
require.NoError(t, err)
lastBlock := blocks[len(blocks)-1]
assert.Equal(t, lastBlock.Index, bc.HeaderHeight())
assert.Equal(t, lastBlock.Hash(), bc.CurrentHeaderHash())
// This one tests persisting blocks, so it does need to persist()
require.NoError(t, bc.persist())
for _, block := range blocks {
key := storage.AppendPrefix(storage.DataBlock, block.Hash().BytesLE())
_, err := bc.dao.Store.Get(key)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "block %s not persisted", block.Hash())
assert.Equal(t, lastBlock.Index, bc.BlockHeight())
assert.Equal(t, lastBlock.Hash(), bc.CurrentHeaderHash())
func TestScriptFromWitness(t *testing.T) {
witness := &transaction.Witness{}
h := util.Uint160{1, 2, 3}
res, err := ScriptFromWitness(h, witness)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, res)
witness.VerificationScript = []byte{4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42}
h = hash.Hash160(witness.VerificationScript)
res, err = ScriptFromWitness(h, witness)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, res)
h[0] = ^h[0]
res, err = ScriptFromWitness(h, witness)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Nil(t, res)
func TestGetHeader(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
tx := transaction.New([]byte{byte(opcode.PUSH1)}, 0)
tx.ValidUntilBlock = bc.BlockHeight() + 1
assert.Nil(t, addSender(tx))
assert.Nil(t, signTx(bc, tx))
block := bc.newBlock(tx)
err := bc.AddBlock(block)
assert.Nil(t, err)
// Test unpersisted and persisted access
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
hash := block.Hash()
header, err := bc.GetHeader(hash)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, block.Header(), header)
b2 := bc.newBlock()
_, err = bc.GetHeader(b2.Hash())
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, bc.persist())
func TestGetBlock(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
blocks, err := bc.genBlocks(100)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Test unpersisted and persisted access
for j := 0; j < 2; j++ {
for i := 0; i < len(blocks); i++ {
block, err := bc.GetBlock(blocks[i].Hash())
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "can't get block %d: %s, attempt %d", i, err, j)
assert.Equal(t, blocks[i].Index, block.Index)
assert.Equal(t, blocks[i].Hash(), block.Hash())
assert.NoError(t, bc.persist())
func TestHasBlock(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
blocks, err := bc.genBlocks(50)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Test unpersisted and persisted access
for j := 0; j < 2; j++ {
for i := 0; i < len(blocks); i++ {
assert.True(t, bc.HasBlock(blocks[i].Hash()))
newBlock := bc.newBlock()
assert.False(t, bc.HasBlock(newBlock.Hash()))
assert.NoError(t, bc.persist())
//TODO NEO3.0:Update binary
func TestGetTransaction(t *testing.T) {
b1 := getDecodedBlock(t, 1)
block := getDecodedBlock(t, 2)
bc := newTestChain(t)
// Turn verification off, because these blocks are really from some other chain
// and can't be verified, but we don't care about that in this test.
bc.config.VerifyBlocks = false
assert.Nil(t, bc.AddBlock(b1))
assert.Nil(t, bc.AddBlock(block))
// Test unpersisted and persisted access
for j := 0; j < 2; j++ {
tx, height, err := bc.GetTransaction(block.Transactions[0].Hash())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, block.Index, height)
assert.Equal(t, block.Transactions[0], tx)
assert.Equal(t, 10, io.GetVarSize(tx))
assert.Equal(t, 1, io.GetVarSize(tx.Attributes))
assert.Equal(t, 1, io.GetVarSize(tx.Inputs))
assert.Equal(t, 1, io.GetVarSize(tx.Outputs))
assert.Equal(t, 1, io.GetVarSize(tx.Scripts))
assert.NoError(t, bc.persist())
func TestGetClaimable(t *testing.T) {
bc := newTestChain(t)
bc.generationAmount = []int{4, 3, 2, 1}
bc.decrementInterval = 2
_, err := bc.genBlocks(10)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("first generation period", func(t *testing.T) {
amount := bc.CalculateClaimable(1, 0, 2)
require.EqualValues(t, 8, amount)
t.Run("a number of full periods", func(t *testing.T) {
amount := bc.CalculateClaimable(1, 0, 6)
require.EqualValues(t, 4+4+3+3+2+2, amount)
t.Run("start from the 2-nd block", func(t *testing.T) {
amount := bc.CalculateClaimable(1, 1, 7)
require.EqualValues(t, 4+3+3+2+2+1, amount)
t.Run("end height after generation has ended", func(t *testing.T) {
amount := bc.CalculateClaimable(1, 1, 10)
require.EqualValues(t, 4+3+3+2+2+1+1, amount)
func TestClose(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
r := recover()
assert.NotNil(t, r)
bc := newTestChain(t)
_, err := bc.genBlocks(10)
require.NoError(t, err)
// It's a hack, but we use internal knowledge of MemoryStore
// implementation which makes it completely unusable (up to panicing)
// after Close().
_ = bc.dao.Store.Put([]byte{0}, []byte{1})
// This should never be executed.
assert.Nil(t, t)
func TestSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
// We use buffering here as a substitute for reader goroutines, events
// get queued up and we read them one by one here.
const chBufSize = 16
blockCh := make(chan *block.Block, chBufSize)
txCh := make(chan *transaction.Transaction, chBufSize)
notificationCh := make(chan *state.NotificationEvent, chBufSize)
executionCh := make(chan *state.AppExecResult, chBufSize)
bc := newTestChain(t)
assert.Empty(t, notificationCh)
assert.Empty(t, executionCh)
assert.Empty(t, blockCh)
assert.Empty(t, txCh)
blocks, err := bc.genBlocks(1)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Eventually(t, func() bool { return len(blockCh) != 0 }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond)
assert.Empty(t, notificationCh)
assert.Empty(t, executionCh)
assert.Empty(t, txCh)
b := <-blockCh
assert.Equal(t, blocks[0], b)
assert.Empty(t, blockCh)
script := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Bytes(script.BinWriter, []byte("yay!"))
emit.Syscall(script.BinWriter, "Neo.Runtime.Notify")
require.NoError(t, script.Err)
txGood1 := transaction.New(script.Bytes(), 0)
txGood1.Sender = neoOwner
txGood1.Nonce = 1
txGood1.ValidUntilBlock = 100500
require.NoError(t, signTx(bc, txGood1))
// Reset() reuses the script buffer and we need to keep scripts.
script = io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Bytes(script.BinWriter, []byte("nay!"))
emit.Syscall(script.BinWriter, "Neo.Runtime.Notify")
emit.Opcode(script.BinWriter, opcode.THROW)
require.NoError(t, script.Err)
txBad := transaction.New(script.Bytes(), 0)
txBad.Sender = neoOwner
txBad.Nonce = 2
txBad.ValidUntilBlock = 100500
require.NoError(t, signTx(bc, txBad))
script = io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Bytes(script.BinWriter, []byte("yay! yay! yay!"))
emit.Syscall(script.BinWriter, "Neo.Runtime.Notify")
require.NoError(t, script.Err)
txGood2 := transaction.New(script.Bytes(), 0)
txGood2.Sender = neoOwner
txGood2.Nonce = 3
txGood2.ValidUntilBlock = 100500
require.NoError(t, signTx(bc, txGood2))
invBlock := newBlock(bc.config, bc.BlockHeight()+1, bc.CurrentHeaderHash(), txGood1, txBad, txGood2)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(invBlock))
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
return len(blockCh) != 0 && len(txCh) != 0 &&
len(notificationCh) != 0 && len(executionCh) != 0
}, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond)
b = <-blockCh
require.Equal(t, invBlock, b)
assert.Empty(t, blockCh)
// Follow in-block transaction order.
for _, txExpected := range invBlock.Transactions {
tx := <-txCh
require.Equal(t, txExpected, tx)
exec := <-executionCh
require.Equal(t, tx.Hash(), exec.TxHash)
if exec.VMState == "HALT" {
notif := <-notificationCh
require.Equal(t, hash.Hash160(tx.Script), notif.ScriptHash)
assert.Empty(t, txCh)
assert.Empty(t, notificationCh)
assert.Empty(t, executionCh)
// Ensure that new blocks are processed correctly after unsubscription.
_, err = bc.genBlocks(2 * chBufSize)
require.NoError(t, err)