We need to keep the headers information consistent with header batches
and headers. This comit fixes the bug with failing blockchain
initialization on recovering from state reset interrupted after the
second stage (blocks/txs/AERs removal):
anna@kiwi:~/Documents/GitProjects/nspcc-dev/neo-go$ ./bin/neo-go db reset -t --height 83000
2022-11-20T16:28:29.437+0300 INFO MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement is not set or wrong, using default value {"MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement": 5760}
2022-11-20T16:28:29.440+0300 INFO restoring blockchain {"version": "0.2.6"}
failed to create Blockchain instance: could not initialize blockchain: could not get header 1898cd356a4a2688ed1c6c7ba1fd6ba7d516959d8add3f8dd26232474d4539bd: key not found