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@startuml storage node ape
!pragma teoz true
participant "Administrator" as administrator
participant "Client" as client
box "Storage node" #Green
participant "Object service" as obj
participant "Control service" as control
end box
box "Access Policy Engine" #LightGreen
participant "Local override storage" as localOverrides
participant "Chain Router" as chainRouter
participant "Morph rule storage" as morphRuleStorage
end box
group Set local override
client -> control: Add local override
control -> localOverrides: Save override in DB
localOverrides -> control: OK
control -> client: OK
group Update state in Policy contract
administrator -> morphRuleStorage: Add chain
morphRuleStorage -> administrator: OK
group Perform a request A
client -> obj : Sending a request
obj -> chainRouter: Check if APE allows the request
note over chainRouter : Fetches local overrides and rules defined for a target/targets and looks for a match
chainRouter -> obj: APE returns status: "ACCESS DENIED"
obj -> client: Response: "the request is denied"
group Perform a request B
client -> obj : Sending a request
obj -> chainRouter: Check if APE allows the request
note over chainRouter : Fetches local overrides and rules defined for a target/targets and looks for a match
chainRouter -> obj: APE returns status: "ALLOW"
obj -> client: Response: "OK"
PlantUML version 1.2020.02(Sun Mar 01 13:22:07 MSK 2020)
(GPL source distribution)
Java Runtime: OpenJDK Runtime Environment
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Java Version: 11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu222.04.1
Operating System: Linux
Default Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en
Country: null