generated from TrueCloudLab/basic
[#25] engine: Refactor LocalOverrideStorage
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* Make LocalOverrideStorage methods to receive Target type instead resource * Refactor unit-tests and dependencies * Make default chain router check local overrides not only for container but also for namespaces Signed-off-by: Airat Arifullin <>
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 67 additions and 56 deletions
@ -25,19 +25,36 @@ func NewDefaultChainRouterWithLocalOverrides(morph MorphRuleChainStorage, local
func (dr *defaultChainRouter) IsAllowed(name chain.Name, namespace string, r resource.Request) (status chain.Status, ruleFound bool, err error) {
if dr.local != nil {
var localRuleFound bool
status, localRuleFound, err = dr.checkLocalOverrides(name, r)
if err != nil {
return chain.NoRuleFound, false, err
} else if localRuleFound {
ruleFound = true
status, ruleFound, err = dr.checkLocal(name, namespace, r)
if err != nil {
return chain.NoRuleFound, false, err
} else if ruleFound {
status, ruleFound, err = dr.checkMorph(name, namespace, r)
func (dr *defaultChainRouter) checkLocal(name chain.Name, namespace string, r resource.Request) (status chain.Status, ruleFound bool, err error) {
if dr.local == nil {
status, ruleFound, err = dr.matchLocalOverrides(name, ContainerTarget(r.Resource().Name()), r)
if err != nil {
return chain.NoRuleFound, false, err
} else if ruleFound {
status, ruleFound, err = dr.matchLocalOverrides(name, NamespaceTarget(namespace), r)
func (dr *defaultChainRouter) checkMorph(name chain.Name, namespace string, r resource.Request) (status chain.Status, ruleFound bool, err error) {
var namespaceRuleFound bool
status, namespaceRuleFound, err = dr.checkNamespaceChains(name, namespace, r)
status, namespaceRuleFound, err = dr.matchMorphRuleChains(name, NamespaceTarget(namespace), r)
if err != nil {
} else if namespaceRuleFound && status != chain.Allow {
@ -46,7 +63,7 @@ func (dr *defaultChainRouter) IsAllowed(name chain.Name, namespace string, r res
var cnrRuleFound bool
status, cnrRuleFound, err = dr.checkContainerChains(name, r.Resource().Name(), r)
status, cnrRuleFound, err = dr.matchMorphRuleChains(name, ContainerTarget(r.Resource().Name()), r)
if err != nil {
} else if cnrRuleFound && status != chain.Allow {
@ -61,8 +78,8 @@ func (dr *defaultChainRouter) IsAllowed(name chain.Name, namespace string, r res
func (dr *defaultChainRouter) checkLocalOverrides(name chain.Name, r resource.Request) (status chain.Status, ruleFound bool, err error) {
localOverrides, err := dr.local.ListOverrides(name, r.Resource().Name())
func (dr *defaultChainRouter) matchLocalOverrides(name chain.Name, target Target, r resource.Request) (status chain.Status, ruleFound bool, err error) {
localOverrides, err := dr.local.ListOverrides(name, target)
if err != nil {
@ -74,8 +91,8 @@ func (dr *defaultChainRouter) checkLocalOverrides(name chain.Name, r resource.Re
func (dr *defaultChainRouter) checkNamespaceChains(name chain.Name, namespace string, r resource.Request) (status chain.Status, ruleFound bool, err error) {
namespaceChains, err := dr.morph.ListMorphRuleChains(name, NamespaceTarget(namespace))
func (dr *defaultChainRouter) matchMorphRuleChains(name chain.Name, target Target, r resource.Request) (status chain.Status, ruleFound bool, err error) {
namespaceChains, err := dr.morph.ListMorphRuleChains(name, target)
if err != nil {
@ -86,16 +103,3 @@ func (dr *defaultChainRouter) checkNamespaceChains(name chain.Name, namespace st
func (dr *defaultChainRouter) checkContainerChains(name chain.Name, container string, r resource.Request) (status chain.Status, ruleFound bool, err error) {
containerChains, err := dr.morph.ListMorphRuleChains(name, ContainerTarget(container))
if err != nil {
for _, c := range containerChains {
if status, ruleFound = c.Match(r); ruleFound {
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ func TestInmemory(t *testing.T) {
require.False(t, ok)
t.Run("quota on a different container", func(t *testing.T) {
s.LocalStorage().AddOverride(chain.Ingress, container, &chain.Chain{
s.LocalStorage().AddOverride(chain.Ingress, engine.ContainerTarget(container), &chain.Chain{
Rules: []chain.Rule{{
Status: chain.QuotaLimitReached,
Actions: chain.Actions{Names: []string{"native::object::put"}},
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ func TestInmemory(t *testing.T) {
var quotaRuleChainID chain.ID
t.Run("quota on the request container", func(t *testing.T) {
quotaRuleChainID, _ = s.LocalStorage().AddOverride(chain.Ingress, container, &chain.Chain{
quotaRuleChainID, _ = s.LocalStorage().AddOverride(chain.Ingress, engine.ContainerTarget(container), &chain.Chain{
Rules: []chain.Rule{{
Status: chain.QuotaLimitReached,
Actions: chain.Actions{Names: []string{"native::object::put"}},
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ func TestInmemory(t *testing.T) {
require.True(t, ok)
t.Run("removed quota on the request container", func(t *testing.T) {
err := s.LocalStorage().RemoveOverride(chain.Ingress, container, quotaRuleChainID)
err := s.LocalStorage().RemoveOverride(chain.Ingress, engine.ContainerTarget(container), quotaRuleChainID)
require.NoError(t, err)
status, ok, _ = s.IsAllowed(chain.Ingress, namespace, reqGood)
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
type targetToChain map[string][]*chain.Chain
type targetToChain map[engine.Target][]*chain.Chain
type inmemoryLocalStorage struct {
usedChainID map[chain.ID]struct{}
@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ func NewInmemoryLocalStorage() engine.LocalOverrideStorage {
func (s *inmemoryLocalStorage) generateChainID(name chain.Name, resource string) chain.ID {
func (s *inmemoryLocalStorage) generateChainID(name chain.Name, target engine.Target) chain.ID {
var id chain.ID
for {
suffix := rand.Uint32() % 100
sid := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s/%d", name, resource, suffix)
sid := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s/%d", name, target.Name, suffix)
sid = strings.ReplaceAll(sid, "*", "")
sid = strings.ReplaceAll(sid, "/", ":")
sid = strings.ReplaceAll(sid, "::", ":")
@ -43,24 +43,24 @@ func (s *inmemoryLocalStorage) generateChainID(name chain.Name, resource string)
return id
func (s *inmemoryLocalStorage) AddOverride(name chain.Name, resource string, c *chain.Chain) (chain.ID, error) {
func (s *inmemoryLocalStorage) AddOverride(name chain.Name, target engine.Target, c *chain.Chain) (chain.ID, error) {
// AddOverride assigns generated chain ID if it has not been assigned.
if c.ID == "" {
c.ID = s.generateChainID(name, resource)
c.ID = s.generateChainID(name, target)
if s.nameToResourceChains[name] == nil {
s.nameToResourceChains[name] = make(targetToChain)
rc := s.nameToResourceChains[name]
rc[resource] = append(rc[resource], c)
rc[target] = append(rc[target], c)
return c.ID, nil
func (s *inmemoryLocalStorage) GetOverride(name chain.Name, resource string, chainID chain.ID) (*chain.Chain, error) {
func (s *inmemoryLocalStorage) GetOverride(name chain.Name, target engine.Target, chainID chain.ID) (*chain.Chain, error) {
if _, ok := s.nameToResourceChains[name]; !ok {
return nil, engine.ErrChainNameNotFound
chains, ok := s.nameToResourceChains[name][resource]
chains, ok := s.nameToResourceChains[name][target]
if !ok {
return nil, engine.ErrResourceNotFound
@ -72,30 +72,33 @@ func (s *inmemoryLocalStorage) GetOverride(name chain.Name, resource string, cha
return nil, engine.ErrChainNotFound
func (s *inmemoryLocalStorage) RemoveOverride(name chain.Name, resource string, chainID chain.ID) error {
func (s *inmemoryLocalStorage) RemoveOverride(name chain.Name, target engine.Target, chainID chain.ID) error {
if _, ok := s.nameToResourceChains[name]; !ok {
return engine.ErrChainNameNotFound
chains, ok := s.nameToResourceChains[name][resource]
chains, ok := s.nameToResourceChains[name][target]
if !ok {
return engine.ErrResourceNotFound
for i, c := range chains {
if c.ID == chainID {
s.nameToResourceChains[name][resource] = append(chains[:i], chains[i+1:]...)
s.nameToResourceChains[name][target] = append(chains[:i], chains[i+1:]...)
return nil
return engine.ErrChainNotFound
func (s *inmemoryLocalStorage) ListOverrides(name chain.Name, resource string) ([]*chain.Chain, error) {
func (s *inmemoryLocalStorage) ListOverrides(name chain.Name, target engine.Target) ([]*chain.Chain, error) {
rcs, ok := s.nameToResourceChains[name]
if !ok {
return []*chain.Chain{}, nil
for container, chains := range rcs {
if !util.GlobMatch(resource, container) {
for t, chains := range rcs {
if t.Type != target.Type {
if !util.GlobMatch(target.Name, t.Name) {
return chains, nil
@ -9,11 +9,15 @@ import (
const (
resrc = "native:::object/ExYw/*"
container = "native:::object/ExYw/*"
chainID = "ingress:ExYw"
nonExistChainId = "ingress:LxGyWyL"
var (
resrc = engine.ContainerTarget(container)
func testInmemLocalStorage() *inmemoryLocalStorage {
return NewInmemoryLocalStorage().(*inmemoryLocalStorage)
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ func NewInmemoryMorphRuleChainStorage() engine.MorphRuleChainStorage {
func (s *inmemoryMorphRuleChainStorage) AddMorphRuleChain(name chain.Name, target engine.Target, c *chain.Chain) (err error) {
switch target.Type {
case engine.Namespace:
_, err = s.nameToNamespaceChains.AddOverride(name, target.Name, c)
_, err = s.nameToNamespaceChains.AddOverride(name, target, c)
case engine.Container:
_, err = s.nameToContainerChains.AddOverride(name, target.Name, c)
_, err = s.nameToContainerChains.AddOverride(name, target, c)
err = engine.ErrUnknownTarget
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ func (s *inmemoryMorphRuleChainStorage) AddMorphRuleChain(name chain.Name, targe
func (s *inmemoryMorphRuleChainStorage) RemoveMorphRuleChain(name chain.Name, target engine.Target, chainID chain.ID) error {
switch target.Type {
case engine.Namespace:
return s.nameToNamespaceChains.RemoveOverride(name, target.Name, chainID)
return s.nameToNamespaceChains.RemoveOverride(name, target, chainID)
case engine.Container:
return s.nameToContainerChains.RemoveOverride(name, target.Name, chainID)
return s.nameToContainerChains.RemoveOverride(name, target, chainID)
return engine.ErrUnknownTarget
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ func (s *inmemoryMorphRuleChainStorage) RemoveMorphRuleChain(name chain.Name, ta
func (s *inmemoryMorphRuleChainStorage) ListMorphRuleChains(name chain.Name, target engine.Target) ([]*chain.Chain, error) {
switch target.Type {
case engine.Namespace:
return s.nameToNamespaceChains.ListOverrides(name, target.Name)
return s.nameToNamespaceChains.ListOverrides(name, target)
case engine.Container:
return s.nameToContainerChains.ListOverrides(name, target.Name)
return s.nameToContainerChains.ListOverrides(name, target)
return nil, engine.ErrUnknownTarget
@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ type ChainRouter interface {
// LocalOverrideStorage is the interface to manage local overrides defined
// for a node. Local overrides have a higher priority than chains got from morph storage.
type LocalOverrideStorage interface {
AddOverride(name chain.Name, resource string, c *chain.Chain) (chain.ID, error)
AddOverride(name chain.Name, target Target, c *chain.Chain) (chain.ID, error)
GetOverride(name chain.Name, resource string, chainID chain.ID) (*chain.Chain, error)
GetOverride(name chain.Name, target Target, chainID chain.ID) (*chain.Chain, error)
RemoveOverride(name chain.Name, resource string, chainID chain.ID) error
RemoveOverride(name chain.Name, target Target, chainID chain.ID) error
ListOverrides(name chain.Name, resource string) ([]*chain.Chain, error)
ListOverrides(name chain.Name, target Target) ([]*chain.Chain, error)
DropAllOverrides(name chain.Name) error
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