"description":"API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.",
"description":"Returns Analytics data for a view (profile).",
"description":"A comma-separated list of Analytics dimensions. E.g., 'ga:browser,ga:city'.",
"description":"End date for fetching Analytics data. Request can should specify an end date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, or as a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or 7daysAgo). The default value is yesterday.",
"description":"A comma-separated list of dimension or metric filters to be applied to Analytics data.",
"description":"Unique table ID for retrieving Analytics data. Table ID is of the form ga:XXXX, where XXXX is the Analytics view (profile) ID.",
"description":"The response will include empty rows if this parameter is set to true, the default is true",
"description":"The maximum number of entries to include in this feed.",
"description":"A comma-separated list of Analytics metrics. E.g., 'ga:sessions,ga:pageviews'. At least one metric must be specified.",
"description":"The selected format for the response. Default format is JSON.",
"Returns the response in Google Charts Data Table format. This is useful in creating visualization using Google Charts.",
"Returns the response in standard JSON format."
"description":"The desired sampling level.",
"Returns response with a sample size that balances speed and accuracy.",
"Returns a fast response with a smaller sample size.",
"Returns a more accurate response using a large sample size, but this may result in the response being slower."
"description":"An Analytics segment to be applied to data.",
"description":"A comma-separated list of dimensions or metrics that determine the sort order for Analytics data.",
"description":"Start date for fetching Analytics data. Requests can specify a start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, or as a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or 7daysAgo). The default value is 7daysAgo.",
"description":"Returns Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels data for a view (profile).",
"description":"A comma-separated list of Multi-Channel Funnels dimensions. E.g., 'mcf:source,mcf:medium'.",
"description":"End date for fetching Analytics data. Requests can specify a start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, or as a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or 7daysAgo). The default value is 7daysAgo.",
"description":"A comma-separated list of dimension or metric filters to be applied to the Analytics data.",
"description":"Unique table ID for retrieving Analytics data. Table ID is of the form ga:XXXX, where XXXX is the Analytics view (profile) ID.",
"description":"The maximum number of entries to include in this feed.",
"description":"A comma-separated list of Multi-Channel Funnels metrics. E.g., 'mcf:totalConversions,mcf:totalConversionValue'. At least one metric must be specified.",
"description":"The desired sampling level.",
"Returns response with a sample size that balances speed and accuracy.",
"Returns a fast response with a smaller sample size.",
"Returns a more accurate response using a large sample size, but this may result in the response being slower."
"description":"A comma-separated list of dimensions or metrics that determine the sort order for the Analytics data.",
"description":"Start date for fetching Analytics data. Requests can specify a start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, or as a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or 7daysAgo). The default value is 7daysAgo.",
"description":"Account ID to retrieve the user links for.",
"description":"The maximum number of account-user links to include in this response.",
"description":"An index of the first account-user link to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
"description":"Account Id for the custom data sources to retrieve.",
"description":"The maximum number of custom data sources to include in this response.",
"description":"A 1-based index of the first custom data source to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
"description":"Web property Id for the custom data sources to retrieve.",
"description":"Lists goals to which the user has access.",
"description":"Account ID to retrieve goals for. Can either be a specific account ID or '~all', which refers to all the accounts that user has access to.",
"description":"The maximum number of goals to include in this response.",
"description":"View (Profile) ID to retrieve goals for. Can either be a specific view (profile) ID or '~all', which refers to all the views (profiles) that user has access to.",
"description":"An index of the first goal to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
"description":"Web property ID to retrieve goals for. Can either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers to all the web properties that user has access to.",
"description":"Account ID to retrieve profile filter links for.",
"description":"The maximum number of profile filter links to include in this response.",
"description":"Profile ID to retrieve filter links for. Can either be a specific profile ID or '~all', which refers to all the profiles that user has access to.",
"description":"An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
"description":"Web property Id for profile filter links for. Can either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers to all the web properties that user has access to.",
"description":"Account ID which the given view (profile) belongs to.",
"description":"The maximum number of profile-user links to include in this response.",
"description":"View (Profile) ID to retrieve the profile-user links for. Can either be a specific profile ID or '~all', which refers to all the profiles that user has access to.",
"description":"An index of the first profile-user link to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
"description":"Web Property ID which the given view (profile) belongs to. Can either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers to all the web properties that user has access to.",
"description":"Lists views (profiles) to which the user has access.",
"description":"Account ID for the view (profiles) to retrieve. Can either be a specific account ID or '~all', which refers to all the accounts to which the user has access.",
"description":"The maximum number of views (profiles) to include in this response.",
"description":"An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
"description":"Web property ID for the views (profiles) to retrieve. Can either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers to all the web properties to which the user has access.",
"description":"Account ID to retrieve unsampled reports for. Must be a specific account ID, ~all is not supported.",
"description":"The maximum number of unsampled reports to include in this response.",
"description":"View (Profile) ID to retrieve unsampled reports for. Must be a specific view (profile) ID, ~all is not supported.",
"description":"An index of the first unsampled report to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
"description":"Web property ID to retrieve unsampled reports for. Must be a specific web property ID, ~all is not supported.",
"description":"ID of the account which the given web property belongs to.",
"description":"The maximum number of webProperty-AdWords links to include in this response.",
"description":"An index of the first webProperty-AdWords link to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
"description":"Web property ID to retrieve the AdWords links for.",
"description":"Create a new property if the account has fewer than 20 properties. Web properties are visible in the Google Analytics interface only if they have at least one profile.",
"description":"Account ID to create the web property for.",
"description":"Lists web properties to which the user has access.",
"description":"Account ID to retrieve web properties for. Can either be a specific account ID or '~all', which refers to all the accounts that user has access to.",
"description":"The maximum number of web properties to include in this response.",
"description":"An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
"description":"Account ID which the given web property belongs to.",
"description":"The maximum number of webProperty-user Links to include in this response.",
"description":"An index of the first webProperty-user link to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
"description":"Web Property ID for the webProperty-user links to retrieve. Can either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers to all the web properties that user has access to.",
"description":"An AccountSummary collection lists a summary of accounts, properties and views (profiles) to which the user has access. Each resource in the collection corresponds to a single AccountSummary.",
"description":"A list of AccountSummaries.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Collection type.",
"description":"Link to next page for this AccountSummary collection.",
"description":"Link to previous page for this AccountSummary collection.",
"description":"The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.",
"description":"The total number of results for the query, regardless of the number of results in the response.",
"description":"Email ID of the authenticated user",
"description":"JSON template for an Analytics account ticket. The account ticket consists of the ticket ID and the basic information for the account, property and profile.",
"description":"Account for this ticket."
"description":"Account ticket ID used to access the account ticket.",
"description":"Resource type for account ticket.",
"description":"View (Profile) for the account."
"description":"Redirect URI where the user will be sent after accepting Terms of Service. Must be configured in APIs console as a callback URL.",
"description":"JSON template for an Analytics account tree requests. The account tree request is used in the provisioning api to create an account, property, and view (profile). It contains the basic information required to make these fields.",
"description":"JSON template for an Analytics account tree response. The account tree response is used in the provisioning api to return the result of creating an account, property, and view (profile).",
"description":"An account collection provides a list of Analytics accounts to which a user has access. The account collection is the entry point to all management information. Each resource in the collection corresponds to a single Analytics account.",
"description":"A list of accounts.",
"description":"The maximum number of entries the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of entries returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Collection type.",
"description":"Next link for this account collection.",
"description":"Previous link for this account collection.",
"description":"The starting index of the entries, which is 1 by default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.",
"description":"The total number of results for the query, regardless of the number of results in the response.",
"description":"Email ID of the authenticated user",
"description":"Lists Analytics custom data sources to which the user has access. Each resource in the collection corresponds to a single Analytics custom data source.",
"description":"Collection of custom data sources.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Collection type.",
"description":"Link to next page for this custom data source collection.",
"description":"Link to previous page for this custom data source collection.",
"description":"The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.",
"description":"The total number of results for the query, regardless of the number of results in the response.",
"description":"Email ID of the authenticated user",
"description":"A custom dimension collection lists Analytics custom dimensions to which the user has access. Each resource in the collection corresponds to a single Analytics custom dimension.",
"description":"Collection of custom dimensions.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Collection type.",
"description":"Link to next page for this custom dimension collection.",
"description":"Link to previous page for this custom dimension collection.",
"description":"The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.",
"description":"The total number of results for the query, regardless of the number of results in the response.",
"description":"Email ID of the authenticated user",
"description":"A custom metric collection lists Analytics custom metrics to which the user has access. Each resource in the collection corresponds to a single Analytics custom metric.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Collection type.",
"description":"Link to next page for this custom metric collection.",
"description":"Link to previous page for this custom metric collection.",
"description":"The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.",
"description":"The total number of results for the query, regardless of the number of results in the response.",
"description":"Email ID of the authenticated user",
"description":"A list of AdWords client accounts. These cannot be MCC accounts. This field is required when creating an AdWords link. It cannot be empty.",
"description":"Web property being linked.",
"description":"Entity AdWords link ID",
"description":"Resource type for entity AdWords link.",
"description":"An entity AdWords link collection provides a list of GA-AdWords links Each resource in this collection corresponds to a single link.",
"description":"A list of entity AdWords links.",
"description":"The maximum number of entries the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of entries returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"JSON template for an Analytics Entity-User Link. Returns permissions that a user has for an entity.",
"description":"Entity for this link. It can be an account, a web property, or a view (profile).",
"description":"Account for this link."
"description":"View (Profile) for this link."
"description":"Web property for this link."
"description":"Entity user link ID",
"description":"Resource type for entity user link.",
"description":"Permissions the user has for this entity.",
"description":"Effective permissions represent all the permissions that a user has for this entity. These include any implied permissions (e.g., EDIT implies VIEW) or inherited permissions from the parent entity. Effective permissions are read-only.",
"description":"Permissions that a user has been assigned at this very level. Does not include any implied or inherited permissions. Local permissions are modifiable.",
"description":"An entity user link collection provides a list of Analytics ACL links Each resource in this collection corresponds to a single link.",
"description":"A list of entity user links.",
"description":"The maximum number of entries the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of entries returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Collection type.",
"description":"Next link for this account collection.",
"description":"Previous link for this account collection.",
"description":"The starting index of the entries, which is 1 by default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.",
"description":"The total number of results for the query, regardless of the number of results in the response.",
"description":"JSON template for Analytics experiment resource.",
"description":"Account ID to which this experiment belongs. This field is read-only.",
"description":"Time the experiment was created. This field is read-only.",
"description":"Notes about this experiment.",
"description":"If true, the end user will be able to edit the experiment via the Google Analytics user interface.",
"description":"The ending time of the experiment (the time the status changed from RUNNING to ENDED). This field is present only if the experiment has ended. This field is read-only.",
"description":"Boolean specifying whether to distribute traffic evenly across all variations. If the value is False, content experiments follows the default behavior of adjusting traffic dynamically based on variation performance. Optional -- defaults to False. This field may not be changed for an experiment whose status is ENDED.",
"description":"Experiment ID. Required for patch and update. Disallowed for create.",
"description":"Internal ID for the web property to which this experiment belongs. This field is read-only.",
"description":"Resource type for an Analytics experiment. This field is read-only.",
"description":"An integer number in [3, 90]. Specifies the minimum length of the experiment. Can be changed for a running experiment. This field may not be changed for an experiments whose status is ENDED.",
"description":"Experiment name. This field may not be changed for an experiment whose status is ENDED. This field is required when creating an experiment.",
"description":"The metric that the experiment is optimizing. Valid values: \"ga:goal(n)Completions\", \"ga:adsenseAdsClicks\", \"ga:adsenseAdsViewed\", \"ga:adsenseRevenue\", \"ga:bounces\", \"ga:pageviews\", \"ga:sessionDuration\", \"ga:transactions\", \"ga:transactionRevenue\". This field is required if status is \"RUNNING\" and servingFramework is one of \"REDIRECT\" or \"API\".",
"description":"Whether the objectiveMetric should be minimized or maximized. Possible values: \"MAXIMUM\", \"MINIMUM\". Optional--defaults to \"MAXIMUM\". Cannot be specified without objectiveMetric. Cannot be modified when status is \"RUNNING\" or \"ENDED\".",
"description":"Parent link for an experiment. Points to the view (profile) to which this experiment belongs.",
"description":"Link to the view (profile) to which this experiment belongs. This field is read-only.",
"description":"Value is \"analytics#profile\". This field is read-only.",
"description":"View (Profile) ID to which this experiment belongs. This field is read-only.",
"description":"Why the experiment ended. Possible values: \"STOPPED_BY_USER\", \"WINNER_FOUND\", \"EXPERIMENT_EXPIRED\", \"ENDED_WITH_NO_WINNER\", \"GOAL_OBJECTIVE_CHANGED\". \"ENDED_WITH_NO_WINNER\" means that the experiment didn't expire but no winner was projected to be found. If the experiment status is changed via the API to ENDED this field is set to STOPPED_BY_USER. This field is read-only.",
"description":"Boolean specifying whether variations URLS are rewritten to match those of the original. This field may not be changed for an experiments whose status is ENDED.",
"description":"Link for this experiment. This field is read-only.",
"description":"The framework used to serve the experiment variations and evaluate the results. One of: \n- REDIRECT: Google Analytics redirects traffic to different variation pages, reports the chosen variation and evaluates the results.\n- API: Google Analytics chooses and reports the variation to serve and evaluates the results; the caller is responsible for serving the selected variation.\n- EXTERNAL: The variations will be served externally and the chosen variation reported to Google Analytics. The caller is responsible for serving the selected variation and evaluating the results.",
"description":"The snippet of code to include on the control page(s). This field is read-only.",
"description":"The starting time of the experiment (the time the status changed from READY_TO_RUN to RUNNING). This field is present only if the experiment has started. This field is read-only.",
"description":"Experiment status. Possible values: \"DRAFT\", \"READY_TO_RUN\", \"RUNNING\", \"ENDED\". Experiments can be created in the \"DRAFT\", \"READY_TO_RUN\" or \"RUNNING\" state. This field is required when creating an experiment.",
"description":"A floating-point number in (0, 1]. Specifies the fraction of the traffic that participates in the experiment. Can be changed for a running experiment. This field may not be changed for an experiments whose status is ENDED.",
"description":"Time the experiment was last modified. This field is read-only.",
"description":"Array of variations. The first variation in the array is the original. The number of variations may not change once an experiment is in the RUNNING state. At least two variations are required before status can be set to RUNNING.",
"description":"The name of the variation. This field is required when creating an experiment. This field may not be changed for an experiment whose status is ENDED.",
"description":"Status of the variation. Possible values: \"ACTIVE\", \"INACTIVE\". INACTIVE variations are not served. This field may not be changed for an experiment whose status is ENDED.",
"description":"The URL of the variation. This field may not be changed for an experiment whose status is RUNNING or ENDED.",
"description":"Weight that this variation should receive. Only present if the experiment is running. This field is read-only.",
"description":"True if the experiment has ended and this variation performed (statistically) significantly better than the original. This field is read-only.",
"description":"Web property ID to which this experiment belongs. The web property ID is of the form UA-XXXXX-YY. This field is read-only.",
"description":"A floating-point number in (0, 1). Specifies the necessary confidence level to choose a winner. This field may not be changed for an experiments whose status is ENDED.",
"description":"Boolean specifying whether a winner has been found for this experiment. This field is read-only.",
"description":"An experiment collection lists Analytics experiments to which the user has access. Each view (profile) can have a set of experiments. Each resource in the Experiment collection corresponds to a single Analytics experiment.",
"description":"A list of experiments.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Collection type.",
"description":"Link to next page for this experiment collection.",
"description":"Link to previous page for this experiment collection.",
"description":"The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.",
"description":"The total number of results for the query, regardless of the number of resources in the result.",
"description":"Email ID of the authenticated user",
"description":"Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.",
"description":"A filter collection lists filters created by users in an Analytics account. Each resource in the collection corresponds to a filter.",
"description":"A list of filters.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1,000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Collection type.",
"description":"Link to next page for this filter collection.",
"description":"Link to previous page for this filter collection.",
"description":"The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.",
"description":"The total number of results for the query, regardless of the number of results in the response.",
"description":"Email ID of the authenticated user",
"description":"Analytics data for a given view (profile).",
"description":"Column headers that list dimension names followed by the metric names. The order of dimensions and metrics is same as specified in the request.",
"description":"Column Type. Either DIMENSION or METRIC.",
"description":"Data type. Dimension column headers have only STRING as the data type. Metric column headers have data types for metric values such as INTEGER, DOUBLE, CURRENCY etc.",
"description":"Column name.",
"description":"Determines if Analytics data contains samples.",
"description":"The last refreshed time in seconds for Analytics data.",
"description":"Unique ID for this data response.",
"description":"The maximum number of rows the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of rows returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 10,000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Resource type.",
"description":"Link to next page for this Analytics data query.",
"description":"Link to previous page for this Analytics data query.",
"description":"Information for the view (profile), for which the Analytics data was requested.",
"description":"Account ID to which this view (profile) belongs.",
"description":"Internal ID for the web property to which this view (profile) belongs.",
"description":"View (Profile) ID.",
"description":"View (Profile) name.",
"description":"Table ID for view (profile).",
"description":"Web Property ID to which this view (profile) belongs.",
"description":"Analytics data request query parameters.",
"description":"List of analytics dimensions.",
"description":"End date.",
"description":"Comma-separated list of dimension or metric filters.",
"description":"Unique table ID.",
"description":"Maximum results per page.",
"description":"List of analytics metrics.",
"description":"Desired sampling level",
"description":"Analytics advanced segment.",
"description":"List of dimensions or metrics based on which Analytics data is sorted.",
"description":"Start date.",
"description":"Start index.",
"description":"Analytics data rows, where each row contains a list of dimension values followed by the metric values. The order of dimensions and metrics is same as specified in the request.",
"description":"The number of samples used to calculate the result.",
"description":"Total size of the sample space from which the samples were selected.",
"description":"Link to this page.",
"description":"The total number of rows for the query, regardless of the number of rows in the response.",
"description":"Key-value pair for the total value of a metric. Key is the metric name and the value is the total value for that metric.",
"description":"Total values for the requested metrics over all the results, not just the results returned in this response. The order of the metric totals is same as the metric order specified in the request.",
"description":"A goal collection lists Analytics goals to which the user has access. Each view (profile) can have a set of goals. Each resource in the Goal collection corresponds to a single Analytics goal.",
"description":"A list of goals.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Collection type.",
"description":"Link to next page for this goal collection.",
"description":"Link to previous page for this goal collection.",
"description":"The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.",
"description":"The total number of results for the query, regardless of the number of resources in the result.",
"description":"Email ID of the authenticated user",
"description":"JSON template for an Analytics Remarketing Include Conditions.",
"description":"The look-back window lets you specify a time frame for evaluating the behavior that qualifies users for your audience. For example, if your filters include users from Central Asia, and Transactions Greater than 2, and you set the look-back window to 14 days, then any user from Central Asia whose cumulative transactions exceed 2 during the last 14 days is added to the audience.",
"description":"Boolean indicating whether this segment is a smart list. https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/4628577",
"description":"Resource type for include conditions.",
"description":"Number of days (in the range 1 to 540) a user remains in the audience.",
"description":"The segment condition that will cause a user to be added to an audience.",
"description":"Multi-Channel Funnels data for a given view (profile).",
"description":"Column headers that list dimension names followed by the metric names. The order of dimensions and metrics is same as specified in the request.",
"description":"Column Type. Either DIMENSION or METRIC.",
"description":"Data type. Dimension and metric values data types such as INTEGER, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, MCF_SEQUENCE etc.",
"description":"Column name.",
"description":"Determines if the Analytics data contains sampled data.",
"description":"Unique ID for this data response.",
"description":"The maximum number of rows the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of rows returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 10,000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Resource type.",
"description":"Link to next page for this Analytics data query.",
"description":"Link to previous page for this Analytics data query.",
"description":"Information for the view (profile), for which the Analytics data was requested.",
"description":"Account ID to which this view (profile) belongs.",
"description":"Internal ID for the web property to which this view (profile) belongs.",
"description":"View (Profile) ID.",
"description":"View (Profile) name.",
"description":"Table ID for view (profile).",
"description":"Web Property ID to which this view (profile) belongs.",
"description":"Analytics data request query parameters.",
"description":"List of analytics dimensions.",
"description":"End date.",
"description":"Comma-separated list of dimension or metric filters.",
"description":"Unique table ID.",
"description":"Maximum results per page.",
"description":"List of analytics metrics.",
"description":"Desired sampling level",
"description":"Analytics advanced segment.",
"description":"List of dimensions or metrics based on which Analytics data is sorted.",
"description":"Start date.",
"description":"Start index.",
"description":"Analytics data rows, where each row contains a list of dimension values followed by the metric values. The order of dimensions and metrics is same as specified in the request.",
"description":"A union object representing a dimension or metric value. Only one of \"primitiveValue\" or \"conversionPathValue\" attribute will be populated.",
"description":"A conversion path dimension value, containing a list of interactions with their attributes.",
"description":"Type of an interaction on conversion path. Such as CLICK, IMPRESSION etc.",
"description":"Node value of an interaction on conversion path. Such as source, medium etc.",
"description":"A primitive dimension value. A primitive metric value.",
"description":"The number of samples used to calculate the result.",
"description":"Total size of the sample space from which the samples were selected.",
"description":"Link to this page.",
"description":"The total number of rows for the query, regardless of the number of rows in the response.",
"description":"Key-value pair for the total value of a metric. Key is the metric name and the value is the total value for that metric.",
"description":"Total values for the requested metrics over all the results, not just the results returned in this response. The order of the metric totals is same as the metric order specified in the request.",
"description":"Default page for this view (profile).",
"description":"Indicates whether ecommerce tracking is enabled for this view (profile).",
"description":"Indicates whether enhanced ecommerce tracking is enabled for this view (profile). This property can only be enabled if ecommerce tracking is enabled.",
"description":"The query parameters that are excluded from this view (profile).",
"description":"View (Profile) ID.",
"description":"Internal ID for the web property to which this view (profile) belongs.",
"description":"Resource type for Analytics view (profile).",
"description":"Permissions the user has for this view (profile).",
"description":"All the permissions that the user has for this view (profile). These include any implied permissions (e.g., EDIT implies VIEW) or inherited permissions from the parent web property.",
"description":"The rank of this profile filter link relative to the other filters linked to the same profile.\nFor readonly (i.e., list and get) operations, the rank always starts at 1.\nFor write (i.e., create, update, or delete) operations, you may specify a value between 0 and 255 inclusively, [0, 255]. In order to insert a link at the end of the list, either don't specify a rank or set a rank to a number greater than the largest rank in the list. In order to insert a link to the beginning of the list specify a rank that is less than or equal to 1. The new link will move all existing filters with the same or lower rank down the list. After the link is inserted/updated/deleted all profile filter links will be renumbered starting at 1.",
"description":"Link for this profile filter link.",
"description":"A profile filter link collection lists profile filter links between profiles and filters. Each resource in the collection corresponds to a profile filter link.",
"description":"A list of profile filter links.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1,000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"A view (profile) collection lists Analytics views (profiles) to which the user has access. Each resource in the collection corresponds to a single Analytics view (profile).",
"description":"A list of views (profiles).",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Real time data for a given view (profile).",
"description":"Column headers that list dimension names followed by the metric names. The order of dimensions and metrics is same as specified in the request.",
"description":"Column Type. Either DIMENSION or METRIC.",
"description":"Data type. Dimension column headers have only STRING as the data type. Metric column headers have data types for metric values such as INTEGER, DOUBLE, CURRENCY etc.",
"description":"Column name.",
"description":"Unique ID for this data response.",
"description":"Real time data request query parameters.",
"description":"List of real time dimensions.",
"description":"Comma-separated list of dimension or metric filters.",
"description":"Unique table ID.",
"description":"Maximum results per page.",
"description":"List of real time metrics.",
"description":"List of dimensions or metrics based on which real time data is sorted.",
"description":"Real time data rows, where each row contains a list of dimension values followed by the metric values. The order of dimensions and metrics is same as specified in the request.",
"description":"Link to this page.",
"description":"The total number of rows for the query, regardless of the number of rows in the response.",
"description":"Key-value pair for the total value of a metric. Key is the metric name and the value is the total value for that metric.",
"description":"Total values for the requested metrics over all the results, not just the results returned in this response. The order of the metric totals is same as the metric order specified in the request.",
"description":"A remarketing audience collection lists Analytics remarketing audiences to which the user has access. Each resource in the collection corresponds to a single Analytics remarketing audience.",
"description":"A list of remarketing audiences.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"An segment collection lists Analytics segments that the user has access to. Each resource in the collection corresponds to a single Analytics segment.",
"description":"A list of segments.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Collection type for segments.",
"description":"Link to next page for this segment collection.",
"description":"The type of download you need to use for the report data file. Possible values include `GOOGLE_DRIVE` and `GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE`. If the value is `GOOGLE_DRIVE`, see the `driveDownloadDetails` field. If the value is `GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE`, see the `cloudStorageDownloadDetails` field.",
"description":"An unsampled report collection lists Analytics unsampled reports to which the user has access. Each view (profile) can have a set of unsampled reports. Each resource in the unsampled report collection corresponds to a single Analytics unsampled report.",
"description":"A list of unsampled reports.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Upload collection lists Analytics uploads to which the user has access. Each custom data source can have a set of uploads. Each resource in the upload collection corresponds to a single Analytics data upload.",
"description":"A list of uploads.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"A web property collection lists Analytics web properties to which the user has access. Each resource in the collection corresponds to a single Analytics web property.",
"description":"A list of web properties.",
"description":"The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.",
"description":"Permissions the user has for this web property.",
"description":"All the permissions that the user has for this web property. These include any implied permissions (e.g., EDIT implies VIEW) or inherited permissions from the parent account.",
"description":"View (Profile) count for this web property.",