// ItemReference groups data needed to reference a OneDrive item
// across the service into a single structure.
DriveIDstring`json:"driveId"`// Unique identifier for the Drive that contains the item. Read-only.
IDstring`json:"id"`// Unique identifier for the item. Read/Write.
Pathstring`json:"path"`// Path that used to navigate to the item. Read/Write.
// FolderFacet groups folder-related data on OneDrive into a single structure
ChildCountint64`json:"childCount"`// Number of children contained immediately within this container.
// HashesType groups different types of hashes into a single structure, for an item on OneDrive.
Sha1Hashstring`json:"sha1Hash"`// base64 encoded SHA1 hash for the contents of the file (if available)
Crc32Hashstring`json:"crc32Hash"`// base64 encoded CRC32 value of the file (if available)
// FileFacet groups file-related data on OneDrive into a single structure.
MimeTypestring`json:"mimeType"`// The MIME type for the file. This is determined by logic on the server and might not be the value provided when the file was uploaded.
HashesHashesType`json:"hashes"`// Hashes of the file's binary content, if available.
// FileSystemInfoFacet contains properties that are reported by the
// device's local file system for the local version of an item. This
// facet can be used to specify the last modified date or created date
// of the item as it was on the local device.
CreatedDateTimeTimestamp`json:"createdDateTime"`// The UTC date and time the file was created on a client.
LastModifiedDateTimeTimestamp`json:"lastModifiedDateTime"`// The UTC date and time the file was last modified on a client.
// DeletedFacet indicates that the item on OneDrive has been
// deleted. In this version of the API, the presence (non-null) of the
// facet value indicates that the file was deleted. A null (or
// missing) value indicates that the file is not deleted.
// Item represents metadata for an item in OneDrive
IDstring`json:"id"`// The unique identifier of the item within the Drive. Read-only.
Namestring`json:"name"`// The name of the item (filename and extension). Read-write.
ETagstring`json:"eTag"`// eTag for the entire item (metadata + content). Read-only.
CTagstring`json:"cTag"`// An eTag for the content of the item. This eTag is not changed if only the metadata is changed. Read-only.
CreatedByIdentitySet`json:"createdBy"`// Identity of the user, device, and application which created the item. Read-only.
LastModifiedByIdentitySet`json:"lastModifiedBy"`// Identity of the user, device, and application which last modified the item. Read-only.
CreatedDateTimeTimestamp`json:"createdDateTime"`// Date and time of item creation. Read-only.
LastModifiedDateTimeTimestamp`json:"lastModifiedDateTime"`// Date and time the item was last modified. Read-only.
Sizeint64`json:"size"`// Size of the item in bytes. Read-only.
ParentReference*ItemReference`json:"parentReference"`// Parent information, if the item has a parent. Read-write.
WebURLstring`json:"webUrl"`// URL that displays the resource in the browser. Read-only.
Descriptionstring`json:"description"`// Provide a user-visible description of the item. Read-write.
Folder*FolderFacet`json:"folder"`// Folder metadata, if the item is a folder. Read-only.
File*FileFacet`json:"file"`// File metadata, if the item is a file. Read-only.
FileSystemInfo*FileSystemInfoFacet`json:"fileSystemInfo"`// File system information on client. Read-write.
// Image *ImageFacet `json:"image"` // Image metadata, if the item is an image. Read-only.
// Photo *PhotoFacet `json:"photo"` // Photo metadata, if the item is a photo. Read-only.
// Audio *AudioFacet `json:"audio"` // Audio metadata, if the item is an audio file. Read-only.
// Video *VideoFacet `json:"video"` // Video metadata, if the item is a video. Read-only.
// Location *LocationFacet `json:"location"` // Location metadata, if the item has location data. Read-only.
Deleted*DeletedFacet`json:"deleted"`// Information about the deleted state of the item. Read-only.
// ViewDeltaResponse is the response to the view delta method
Value[]Item`json:"value"`// An array of Item objects which have been created, modified, or deleted.
NextLinkstring`json:"@odata.nextLink"`// A URL to retrieve the next available page of changes.
DeltaLinkstring`json:"@odata.deltaLink"`// A URL returned instead of @odata.nextLink after all current changes have been returned. Used to read the next set of changes in the future.
DeltaTokenstring`json:"@delta.token"`// A token value that can be used in the query string on manually-crafted calls to view.delta. Not needed if you're using nextLink and deltaLink.
// ListChildrenResponse is the response to the list children method
Value[]Item`json:"value"`// An array of Item objects
NextLinkstring`json:"@odata.nextLink"`// A URL to retrieve the next available page of items.
// CreateItemRequest is the request to create an item object
Namestring`json:"name"`// Name of the folder to be created.
FolderFolderFacet`json:"folder"`// Empty Folder facet to indicate that folder is the type of resource to be created.
ConflictBehaviorstring`json:"@name.conflictBehavior"`// Determines what to do if an item with a matching name already exists in this folder. Accepted values are: rename, replace, and fail (the default).
// SetFileSystemInfo is used to Update an object's FileSystemInfo.
FileSystemInfoFileSystemInfoFacet`json:"fileSystemInfo"`// File system information on client. Read-write.
// CreateUploadResponse is the response from creating an upload session
// AsyncOperationStatus provides information on the status of a asynchronous job progress.
// The following API calls return AsyncOperationStatus resources:
// Copy Item
// Upload From URL
Operationstring`json:"operation"`// The type of job being run.
PercentageCompletefloat64`json:"percentageComplete"`// An float value between 0 and 100 that indicates the percentage complete.
Statusstring`json:"status"`// A string value that maps to an enumeration of possible values about the status of the job. "notStarted | inProgress | completed | updating | failed | deletePending | deleteFailed | waiting"