"description":"Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.",
"description":"API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.",
"description":"OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.",
"description":"Returns response with indentations and line breaks.",
"description":"Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. Overrides userIp if both are provided.",
"description":"IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to enforce per-user limits.",
"description":"Request to get the IDP authentication URL.",
"description":"The app ID of the mobile app, base64(CERT_SHA1):PACKAGE_NAME for Android, BUNDLE_ID for iOS."
"description":"Explicitly specify the auth flow type. Currently only support \"CODE_FLOW\" type. The field is only used for Google provider."
"description":"The relying party OAuth client ID."
"description":"The opaque value used by the client to maintain context info between the authentication request and the IDP callback."
"description":"The URI to which the IDP redirects the user after the federated login flow."
"description":"The query parameter that client can customize by themselves in auth url. The following parameters are reserved for server so that they cannot be customized by clients: client_id, response_type, scope, redirect_uri, state, oauth_token.",
"description":"The customized query parameter."
"description":"The hosted domain to restrict sign-in to accounts at that domain for Google Apps hosted accounts."
"description":"The email or federated ID of the user."
"description":"The developer's consumer key for OpenId OAuth Extension"
"description":"Additional oauth scopes, beyond the basid user profile, that the user would be prompted to grant"
"description":"Optional realm for OpenID protocol. The sub string \"scheme://domain:port\" of the param \"continueUri\" is used if this is not set."
"description":"The native app package for OTA installation."
"description":"The IdP ID. For white listed IdPs it's a short domain name e.g. google.com, aol.com, live.net and yahoo.com. For other OpenID IdPs it's the OP identifier."
"description":"Request to verify the IDP assertion.",
"description":"When it's true, automatically creates a new account if the user doesn't exist. When it's false, allows existing user to sign in normally and throws exception if the user doesn't exist."
"description":"GCP project number of the requesting delegated app. Currently only intended for Firebase V1 migration.",
"description":"The GITKit token of the authenticated user."
"description":"Instance id token of the app."
"description":"The GITKit token for the non-trusted IDP pending to be confirmed by the user."
"description":"The post body if the request is a HTTP POST."
"description":"The URI to which the IDP redirects the user back. It may contain federated login result params added by the IDP."
"description":"Whether return 200 and IDP credential rather than throw exception when federated id is already linked."
"description":"Whether to return refresh tokens."
"description":"Whether return sts id token and refresh token instead of gitkit token."
"description":"Session ID, which should match the one in previous createAuthUri request."
"description":"GCP project number of the requesting delegated app. Currently only intended for Firebase V1 migration.",
"description":"The email of the user."
"description":"The GITKit token of the authenticated user."
"description":"Instance id token of the app."
"description":"The password inputed by the user."
"description":"The GITKit token for the non-trusted IDP, which is to be confirmed by the user."
"description":"Whether return sts id token and refresh token instead of gitkit token."
"description":"Template for a single idp configuration.",
"description":"OAuth2 client ID."
"description":"Whether this IDP is enabled."
"description":"Percent of users who will be prompted/redirected federated login for this IDP.",
"description":"OAuth2 provider."
"description":"OAuth2 client secret."
"description":"Whitelisted client IDs for audience check.",
"description":"Request of getting a code for user confirmation (reset password, change email etc.)",
"description":"whether or not to install the android app on the device where the link is opened"
"description":"minimum version of the app. if the version on the device is lower than this version then the user is taken to the play store to upgrade the app"
"description":"android package name of the android app to handle the action code"
"description":"whether or not the app can handle the oob code without first going to web"
"description":"The recaptcha response from the user."
"description":"The recaptcha challenge presented to the user."
"description":"The url to continue to the Gitkit app"
"description":"The email of the user."
"description":"iOS app store id to download the app if it's not already installed"
"description":"the iOS bundle id of iOS app to handle the action code"
"description":"The user's Gitkit login token for email change."
"description":"The new email the user attempts to change to."
"description":"The user's hashed password.",
"description":"The photo url of the user."
"description":"The user's profiles at the associated IdPs.",
"description":"The user's display name at the IDP."
"description":"User's identifier at IDP."
"description":"The user's photo url at the IDP."
"description":"The IdP ID. For whitelisted IdPs it's a short domain name, e.g., google.com, aol.com, live.net and yahoo.com. For other OpenID IdPs it's the OP identifier."
"description":"If idToken is STS id token, then this field will be refresh token."
"description":"Response of signing up new user, creating anonymous user or anonymous user reauth.",
"description":"The name of the user."
"description":"The email of the user."
"description":"If idToken is STS id token, then this field will be expiration time of STS id token in seconds.",
"description":"The Gitkit id token to login the newly sign up user."
"description":"Template for an individual account info.",
"description":"User creation timestamp.",
"description":"Whether the user is authenticated by the developer."
"description":"Whether the user is disabled."
"description":"The name of the user."
"description":"The email of the user."
"description":"Whether the email has been verified."
"description":"last login timestamp.",
"description":"The local ID of the user."
"description":"The user's hashed password.",
"description":"The timestamp when the password was last updated.",
"description":"User's phone number."
"description":"The URL of the user profile photo."
"description":"The IDP of the user.",
"description":"The user's display name at the IDP."
"description":"User's email at IDP."
"description":"User's identifier at IDP."
"description":"User's phone number."
"description":"The user's photo url at the IDP."
"description":"The IdP ID. For white listed IdPs it's a short domain name, e.g., google.com, aol.com, live.net and yahoo.com. For other OpenID IdPs it's the OP identifier."
"description":"User's raw identifier directly returned from IDP."
"description":"User's screen name at Twitter or login name at Github."
"description":"The user's plain text password."
"description":"The user's password salt.",
"description":"User's screen name at Twitter or login name at Github."
"description":"Timestamp in seconds for valid login token.",
"description":"Version of the user's password.",
"description":"Response of verifying the IDP assertion.",
"description":"The action code."
"description":"URL for OTA app installation."
"description":"The custom scheme used by mobile app."
"description":"The opaque value used by the client to maintain context info between the authentication request and the IDP callback."
"description":"The birth date of the IdP account."
"description":"The display name of the user."
"description":"The email returned by the IdP. NOTE: The federated login user may not own the email."
"description":"It's true if the email is recycled."
"description":"The value is true if the IDP is also the email provider. It means the user owns the email."
"description":"Client error code."
"description":"If idToken is STS id token, then this field will be expiration time of STS id token in seconds.",
"description":"The unique ID identifies the IdP account."
"description":"The first name of the user."
"description":"The full name of the user."
"description":"The ID token."
"description":"It's the identifier param in the createAuthUri request if the identifier is an email. It can be used to check whether the user input email is different from the asserted email."
"description":"True if it's a new user sign-in, false if it's a returning user."
"description":"The language preference of the user."
"description":"The last name of the user."
"description":"The RP local ID if it's already been mapped to the IdP account identified by the federated ID."
"description":"Whether the assertion is from a non-trusted IDP and need account linking confirmation."
"description":"Whether need client to supply email to complete the federated login flow."
"description":"The nick name of the user."
"description":"The OAuth2 access token."
"description":"The OAuth2 authorization code."
"description":"The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth2 access token.",
"description":"The OIDC id token."
"description":"The user approved request token for the OpenID OAuth extension."
"description":"The scope for the OpenID OAuth extension."
"description":"The OAuth1 access token secret."
"description":"The original email stored in the mapping storage. It's returned when the federated ID is associated to a different email."
"description":"The URI of the public accessible profiel picture."
"description":"The IdP ID. For white listed IdPs it's a short domain name e.g. google.com, aol.com, live.net and yahoo.com. If the \"providerId\" param is set to OpenID OP identifer other than the whilte listed IdPs the OP identifier is returned. If the \"identifier\" param is federated ID in the createAuthUri request. The domain part of the federated ID is returned."
"description":"Raw IDP-returned user info."
"description":"If idToken is STS id token, then this field will be refresh token."
"description":"The screen_name of a Twitter user or the login name at Github."
"description":"The timezone of the user."
"description":"When action is 'map', contains the idps which can be used for confirmation.",
"description":"Response from verifying a custom token",
"description":"If idToken is STS id token, then this field will be expiration time of STS id token in seconds.",
"description":"The GITKit token for authenticated user."