diff --git a/fs/fspath/path.go b/fs/fspath/path.go
index a9dd858d1..2c9c42b00 100644
--- a/fs/fspath/path.go
+++ b/fs/fspath/path.go
@@ -13,13 +13,12 @@ import (
 const (
-	configNameRe = `[\w\p{L}\p{N}.-]+(?: +[\w\p{L}\p{N}.-]+)*`
+	configNameRe = `[\w\p{L}\p{N}.]+(?:[ -]+[\w\p{L}\p{N}.-]+)*` // don't allow it to start with `-` as it complicates usage (#4261)
 var (
-	errInvalidCharacters = errors.New("config name contains invalid characters - may only contain numbers, letters, `_`, `-`, `.` and space, while not start or end with space")
+	errInvalidCharacters = errors.New("config name contains invalid characters - may only contain numbers, letters, `_`, `-`, `.` and space, while not start with `-` or space, and not end with space")
 	errCantBeEmpty       = errors.New("can't use empty string as a path")
-	errCantStartWithDash = errors.New("config name starts with `-`")
 	errBadConfigParam    = errors.New("config parameters may only contain `0-9`, `A-Z`, `a-z` and `_`")
 	errEmptyConfigParam  = errors.New("config parameters can't be empty")
 	errConfigNameEmpty   = errors.New("config name can't be empty")
@@ -42,10 +41,6 @@ func CheckConfigName(configName string) error {
 	if !configNameMatcher.MatchString(configName) {
 		return errInvalidCharacters
-	// Reject configName, if it starts with -, complicates usage. (#4261)
-	if strings.HasPrefix(configName, "-") {
-		return errCantStartWithDash
-	}
 	return nil
diff --git a/fs/fspath/path_test.go b/fs/fspath/path_test.go
index 6c4ac754d..ad58ef399 100644
--- a/fs/fspath/path_test.go
+++ b/fs/fspath/path_test.go
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func TestCheckConfigName(t *testing.T) {
 		{"rem\\ote", errInvalidCharacters},
 		{"[remote", errInvalidCharacters},
 		{"*", errInvalidCharacters},
-		{"-remote", errCantStartWithDash},
+		{"-remote", errInvalidCharacters},
 		{"r-emote-", nil},
 		{"_rem_ote_", nil},
 		{".", nil},
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func TestCheckRemoteName(t *testing.T) {
 		{".:", nil},
 		{"..:", nil},
 		{".r.e.m.o.t.e.:", nil},
-		{"-r-emote-:", nil},
+		{"-r-emote-:", errInvalidCharacters},
 		{"rem ote:", nil},
 		{"blåbær:", nil},
 		{"chữ Quốc ngữ:", nil},