* fix root
* factor ftpConnection
* fix path munging
* fix recursive dir loops after update
* use fs.Trace and comment out debugs
* re-arrange and supplement docs
* put the most up to date docs into the code
* generate command docs using rclone gendocs
* put command docs into own directory
* remake them into MANUAL.md
* Implement include/exclude
* Implement rsync compatible file globbing
* Implement command line filtering flags
* --delete-excluded - Delete files on dest excluded from sync
* --filter - Add a file-filtering rule
* --filter-from - Read filtering patterns from a file
* --exclude - Exclude files matching pattern
* --exclude-from - Read exclude patterns from file
* --include - Include files matching pattern
* --include-from - Read include patterns from file
* --files-from - Read list of source-file nam
* --min-size - Don't transfer any file smaller than this in k or suffix k|M|G
* --max-size - Don't transfer any file larger than this in k or suffix k|M|G
* Document