// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT. package ec2_test import ( "bytes" "fmt" "time" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/ec2" ) var _ time.Duration var _ bytes.Buffer func ExampleEC2_AcceptReservedInstancesExchangeQuote() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AcceptReservedInstancesExchangeQuoteInput{ ReservedInstanceIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), TargetConfigurations: []*ec2.TargetConfigurationRequest{ { // Required OfferingId: aws.String("String"), // Required InstanceCount: aws.Int64(1), }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.AcceptReservedInstancesExchangeQuote(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AcceptVpcPeeringConnection() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AcceptVpcPeeringConnectionInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.AcceptVpcPeeringConnection(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AllocateAddress() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AllocateAddressInput{ Domain: aws.String("DomainType"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.AllocateAddress(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AllocateHosts() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AllocateHostsInput{ AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), // Required InstanceType: aws.String("String"), // Required Quantity: aws.Int64(1), // Required AutoPlacement: aws.String("AutoPlacement"), ClientToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.AllocateHosts(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AssignIpv6Addresses() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AssignIpv6AddressesInput{ NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), // Required Ipv6AddressCount: aws.Int64(1), Ipv6Addresses: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.AssignIpv6Addresses(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AssignPrivateIpAddresses() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AssignPrivateIpAddressesInput{ NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), // Required AllowReassignment: aws.Bool(true), PrivateIpAddresses: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.AssignPrivateIpAddresses(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AssociateAddress() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AssociateAddressInput{ AllocationId: aws.String("String"), AllowReassociation: aws.Bool(true), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), InstanceId: aws.String("String"), NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), PublicIp: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.AssociateAddress(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AssociateDhcpOptions() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AssociateDhcpOptionsInput{ DhcpOptionsId: aws.String("String"), // Required VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.AssociateDhcpOptions(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AssociateIamInstanceProfile() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AssociateIamInstanceProfileInput{ IamInstanceProfile: &ec2.IamInstanceProfileSpecification{ // Required Arn: aws.String("String"), Name: aws.String("String"), }, InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.AssociateIamInstanceProfile(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AssociateRouteTable() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AssociateRouteTableInput{ RouteTableId: aws.String("String"), // Required SubnetId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.AssociateRouteTable(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AssociateSubnetCidrBlock() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AssociateSubnetCidrBlockInput{ Ipv6CidrBlock: aws.String("String"), // Required SubnetId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.AssociateSubnetCidrBlock(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AssociateVpcCidrBlock() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AssociateVpcCidrBlockInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.AssociateVpcCidrBlock(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AttachClassicLinkVpc() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AttachClassicLinkVpcInput{ Groups: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.AttachClassicLinkVpc(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AttachInternetGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AttachInternetGatewayInput{ InternetGatewayId: aws.String("String"), // Required VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.AttachInternetGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AttachNetworkInterface() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AttachNetworkInterfaceInput{ DeviceIndex: aws.Int64(1), // Required InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.AttachNetworkInterface(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AttachVolume() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AttachVolumeInput{ Device: aws.String("String"), // Required InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required VolumeId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.AttachVolume(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AttachVpnGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AttachVpnGatewayInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required VpnGatewayId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.AttachVpnGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressInput{ GroupId: aws.String("String"), // Required CidrIp: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), FromPort: aws.Int64(1), IpPermissions: []*ec2.IpPermission{ { // Required FromPort: aws.Int64(1), IpProtocol: aws.String("String"), IpRanges: []*ec2.IpRange{ { // Required CidrIp: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Ipv6Ranges: []*ec2.Ipv6Range{ { // Required CidrIpv6: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, PrefixListIds: []*ec2.PrefixListId{ { // Required PrefixListId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, ToPort: aws.Int64(1), UserIdGroupPairs: []*ec2.UserIdGroupPair{ { // Required GroupId: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), PeeringStatus: aws.String("String"), UserId: aws.String("String"), VpcId: aws.String("String"), VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, }, // More values... }, IpProtocol: aws.String("String"), SourceSecurityGroupName: aws.String("String"), SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId: aws.String("String"), ToPort: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressInput{ CidrIp: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), FromPort: aws.Int64(1), GroupId: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), IpPermissions: []*ec2.IpPermission{ { // Required FromPort: aws.Int64(1), IpProtocol: aws.String("String"), IpRanges: []*ec2.IpRange{ { // Required CidrIp: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Ipv6Ranges: []*ec2.Ipv6Range{ { // Required CidrIpv6: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, PrefixListIds: []*ec2.PrefixListId{ { // Required PrefixListId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, ToPort: aws.Int64(1), UserIdGroupPairs: []*ec2.UserIdGroupPair{ { // Required GroupId: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), PeeringStatus: aws.String("String"), UserId: aws.String("String"), VpcId: aws.String("String"), VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, }, // More values... }, IpProtocol: aws.String("String"), SourceSecurityGroupName: aws.String("String"), SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId: aws.String("String"), ToPort: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_BundleInstance() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.BundleInstanceInput{ InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required Storage: &ec2.Storage{ // Required S3: &ec2.S3Storage{ AWSAccessKeyId: aws.String("String"), Bucket: aws.String("String"), Prefix: aws.String("String"), UploadPolicy: []byte("PAYLOAD"), UploadPolicySignature: aws.String("String"), }, }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.BundleInstance(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CancelBundleTask() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CancelBundleTaskInput{ BundleId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CancelBundleTask(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CancelConversionTask() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CancelConversionTaskInput{ ConversionTaskId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), ReasonMessage: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CancelConversionTask(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CancelExportTask() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CancelExportTaskInput{ ExportTaskId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.CancelExportTask(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CancelImportTask() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CancelImportTaskInput{ CancelReason: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), ImportTaskId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CancelImportTask(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CancelReservedInstancesListing() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CancelReservedInstancesListingInput{ ReservedInstancesListingId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.CancelReservedInstancesListing(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CancelSpotFleetRequests() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CancelSpotFleetRequestsInput{ SpotFleetRequestIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, TerminateInstances: aws.Bool(true), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CancelSpotFleetRequests(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CancelSpotInstanceRequests() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CancelSpotInstanceRequestsInput{ SpotInstanceRequestIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CancelSpotInstanceRequests(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ConfirmProductInstance() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ConfirmProductInstanceInput{ InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required ProductCode: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.ConfirmProductInstance(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CopyImage() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CopyImageInput{ Name: aws.String("String"), // Required SourceImageId: aws.String("String"), // Required SourceRegion: aws.String("String"), // Required ClientToken: aws.String("String"), Description: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Encrypted: aws.Bool(true), KmsKeyId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CopyImage(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CopySnapshot() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CopySnapshotInput{ SourceRegion: aws.String("String"), // Required SourceSnapshotId: aws.String("String"), // Required Description: aws.String("String"), DestinationRegion: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Encrypted: aws.Bool(true), KmsKeyId: aws.String("String"), PresignedUrl: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CopySnapshot(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateCustomerGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateCustomerGatewayInput{ BgpAsn: aws.Int64(1), // Required PublicIp: aws.String("String"), // Required Type: aws.String("GatewayType"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CreateCustomerGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateDhcpOptions() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateDhcpOptionsInput{ DhcpConfigurations: []*ec2.NewDhcpConfiguration{ // Required { // Required Key: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CreateDhcpOptions(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateEgressOnlyInternetGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateEgressOnlyInternetGatewayInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required ClientToken: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CreateEgressOnlyInternetGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateFlowLogs() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateFlowLogsInput{ DeliverLogsPermissionArn: aws.String("String"), // Required LogGroupName: aws.String("String"), // Required ResourceIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, ResourceType: aws.String("FlowLogsResourceType"), // Required TrafficType: aws.String("TrafficType"), // Required ClientToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CreateFlowLogs(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateFpgaImage() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateFpgaImageInput{ InputStorageLocation: &ec2.StorageLocation{ // Required Bucket: aws.String("String"), Key: aws.String("String"), }, ClientToken: aws.String("String"), Description: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), LogsStorageLocation: &ec2.StorageLocation{ Bucket: aws.String("String"), Key: aws.String("String"), }, Name: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CreateFpgaImage(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateImage() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateImageInput{ InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required Name: aws.String("String"), // Required BlockDeviceMappings: []*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{ { // Required DeviceName: aws.String("String"), Ebs: &ec2.EbsBlockDevice{ DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), Encrypted: aws.Bool(true), Iops: aws.Int64(1), SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), VolumeSize: aws.Int64(1), VolumeType: aws.String("VolumeType"), }, NoDevice: aws.String("String"), VirtualName: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Description: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), NoReboot: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CreateImage(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateInstanceExportTask() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateInstanceExportTaskInput{ InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required Description: aws.String("String"), ExportToS3Task: &ec2.ExportToS3TaskSpecification{ ContainerFormat: aws.String("ContainerFormat"), DiskImageFormat: aws.String("DiskImageFormat"), S3Bucket: aws.String("String"), S3Prefix: aws.String("String"), }, TargetEnvironment: aws.String("ExportEnvironment"), } resp, err := svc.CreateInstanceExportTask(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateInternetGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateInternetGatewayInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CreateInternetGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateKeyPair() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateKeyPairInput{ KeyName: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CreateKeyPair(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateNatGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateNatGatewayInput{ AllocationId: aws.String("String"), // Required SubnetId: aws.String("String"), // Required ClientToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CreateNatGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateNetworkAcl() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateNetworkAclInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CreateNetworkAcl(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateNetworkAclEntry() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateNetworkAclEntryInput{ Egress: aws.Bool(true), // Required NetworkAclId: aws.String("String"), // Required Protocol: aws.String("String"), // Required RuleAction: aws.String("RuleAction"), // Required RuleNumber: aws.Int64(1), // Required CidrBlock: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), IcmpTypeCode: &ec2.IcmpTypeCode{ Code: aws.Int64(1), Type: aws.Int64(1), }, Ipv6CidrBlock: aws.String("String"), PortRange: &ec2.PortRange{ From: aws.Int64(1), To: aws.Int64(1), }, } resp, err := svc.CreateNetworkAclEntry(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateNetworkInterface() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateNetworkInterfaceInput{ SubnetId: aws.String("String"), // Required Description: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Groups: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Ipv6AddressCount: aws.Int64(1), Ipv6Addresses: []*ec2.InstanceIpv6Address{ { // Required Ipv6Address: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), PrivateIpAddresses: []*ec2.PrivateIpAddressSpecification{ { // Required PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), // Required Primary: aws.Bool(true), }, // More values... }, SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.CreateNetworkInterface(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreatePlacementGroup() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreatePlacementGroupInput{ GroupName: aws.String("String"), // Required Strategy: aws.String("PlacementStrategy"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CreatePlacementGroup(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateReservedInstancesListing() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateReservedInstancesListingInput{ ClientToken: aws.String("String"), // Required InstanceCount: aws.Int64(1), // Required PriceSchedules: []*ec2.PriceScheduleSpecification{ // Required { // Required CurrencyCode: aws.String("CurrencyCodeValues"), Price: aws.Float64(1.0), Term: aws.Int64(1), }, // More values... }, ReservedInstancesId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.CreateReservedInstancesListing(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateRoute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateRouteInput{ RouteTableId: aws.String("String"), // Required DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String("String"), DestinationIpv6CidrBlock: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId: aws.String("String"), GatewayId: aws.String("String"), InstanceId: aws.String("String"), NatGatewayId: aws.String("String"), NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CreateRoute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateRouteTable() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateRouteTableInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CreateRouteTable(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateSecurityGroup() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateSecurityGroupInput{ Description: aws.String("String"), // Required GroupName: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), VpcId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CreateSecurityGroup(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateSnapshot() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateSnapshotInput{ VolumeId: aws.String("String"), // Required Description: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CreateSnapshot(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateSpotDatafeedSubscriptionInput{ Bucket: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Prefix: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateSubnet() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateSubnetInput{ CidrBlock: aws.String("String"), // Required VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Ipv6CidrBlock: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CreateSubnet(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateTags() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateTagsInput{ Resources: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Tags: []*ec2.Tag{ // Required { // Required Key: aws.String("String"), Value: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CreateTags(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateVolume() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateVolumeInput{ AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Encrypted: aws.Bool(true), Iops: aws.Int64(1), KmsKeyId: aws.String("String"), Size: aws.Int64(1), SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), TagSpecifications: []*ec2.TagSpecification{ { // Required ResourceType: aws.String("ResourceType"), Tags: []*ec2.Tag{ { // Required Key: aws.String("String"), Value: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, }, // More values... }, VolumeType: aws.String("VolumeType"), } resp, err := svc.CreateVolume(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateVpc() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateVpcInput{ CidrBlock: aws.String("String"), // Required AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock: aws.Bool(true), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), InstanceTenancy: aws.String("Tenancy"), } resp, err := svc.CreateVpc(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateVpcEndpoint() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateVpcEndpointInput{ ServiceName: aws.String("String"), // Required VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required ClientToken: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), PolicyDocument: aws.String("String"), RouteTableIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.CreateVpcEndpoint(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateVpcPeeringConnection() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateVpcPeeringConnectionInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), PeerOwnerId: aws.String("String"), PeerVpcId: aws.String("String"), VpcId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CreateVpcPeeringConnection(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateVpnConnection() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateVpnConnectionInput{ CustomerGatewayId: aws.String("String"), // Required Type: aws.String("String"), // Required VpnGatewayId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Options: &ec2.VpnConnectionOptionsSpecification{ StaticRoutesOnly: aws.Bool(true), }, } resp, err := svc.CreateVpnConnection(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateVpnConnectionRoute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateVpnConnectionRouteInput{ DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String("String"), // Required VpnConnectionId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.CreateVpnConnectionRoute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_CreateVpnGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.CreateVpnGatewayInput{ Type: aws.String("GatewayType"), // Required AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.CreateVpnGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteCustomerGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteCustomerGatewayInput{ CustomerGatewayId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteCustomerGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteDhcpOptions() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteDhcpOptionsInput{ DhcpOptionsId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteDhcpOptions(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteEgressOnlyInternetGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteEgressOnlyInternetGatewayInput{ EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId: aws.String("EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteEgressOnlyInternetGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteFlowLogs() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteFlowLogsInput{ FlowLogIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DeleteFlowLogs(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteInternetGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteInternetGatewayInput{ InternetGatewayId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteInternetGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteKeyPair() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteKeyPairInput{ KeyName: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteKeyPair(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteNatGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteNatGatewayInput{ NatGatewayId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.DeleteNatGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteNetworkAcl() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteNetworkAclInput{ NetworkAclId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteNetworkAcl(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteNetworkAclEntry() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteNetworkAclEntryInput{ Egress: aws.Bool(true), // Required NetworkAclId: aws.String("String"), // Required RuleNumber: aws.Int64(1), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteNetworkAclEntry(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteNetworkInterface() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteNetworkInterfaceInput{ NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteNetworkInterface(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeletePlacementGroup() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeletePlacementGroupInput{ GroupName: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeletePlacementGroup(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteRoute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteRouteInput{ RouteTableId: aws.String("String"), // Required DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String("String"), DestinationIpv6CidrBlock: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteRoute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteRouteTable() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteRouteTableInput{ RouteTableId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteRouteTable(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteSecurityGroup() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteSecurityGroupInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), GroupId: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DeleteSecurityGroup(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteSnapshot() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteSnapshotInput{ SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteSnapshot(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscriptionInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteSubnet() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteSubnetInput{ SubnetId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteSubnet(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteTags() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteTagsInput{ Resources: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Tags: []*ec2.Tag{ { // Required Key: aws.String("String"), Value: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DeleteTags(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteVolume() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteVolumeInput{ VolumeId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteVolume(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteVpc() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteVpcInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteVpc(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteVpcEndpoints() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteVpcEndpointsInput{ VpcEndpointIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteVpcEndpoints(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteVpcPeeringConnection() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionInput{ VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteVpcPeeringConnection(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteVpnConnection() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteVpnConnectionInput{ VpnConnectionId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteVpnConnection(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteVpnConnectionRoute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteVpnConnectionRouteInput{ DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String("String"), // Required VpnConnectionId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.DeleteVpnConnectionRoute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeleteVpnGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeleteVpnGatewayInput{ VpnGatewayId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeleteVpnGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DeregisterImage() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DeregisterImageInput{ ImageId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DeregisterImage(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeAccountAttributes() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeAccountAttributesInput{ AttributeNames: []*string{ aws.String("AccountAttributeName"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DescribeAccountAttributes(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeAddresses() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeAddressesInput{ AllocationIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, PublicIps: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeAddresses(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeAvailabilityZones() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeAvailabilityZonesInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, ZoneNames: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeAvailabilityZones(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeBundleTasks() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeBundleTasksInput{ BundleIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeBundleTasks(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeClassicLinkInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeClassicLinkInstancesInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, InstanceIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeClassicLinkInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeConversionTasks() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeConversionTasksInput{ ConversionTaskIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DescribeConversionTasks(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeCustomerGateways() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeCustomerGatewaysInput{ CustomerGatewayIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeCustomerGateways(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeDhcpOptions() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeDhcpOptionsInput{ DhcpOptionsIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeDhcpOptions(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeEgressOnlyInternetGateways() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeEgressOnlyInternetGatewaysInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), EgressOnlyInternetGatewayIds: []*string{ aws.String("EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId"), // Required // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeEgressOnlyInternetGateways(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeExportTasks() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeExportTasksInput{ ExportTaskIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeExportTasks(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeFlowLogs() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeFlowLogsInput{ Filter: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, FlowLogIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeFlowLogs(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeHostReservationOfferings() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeHostReservationOfferingsInput{ Filter: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxDuration: aws.Int64(1), MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), MinDuration: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), OfferingId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeHostReservationOfferings(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeHostReservations() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeHostReservationsInput{ Filter: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, HostReservationIdSet: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeHostReservations(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeHosts() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeHostsInput{ Filter: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, HostIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeHosts(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeIamInstanceProfileAssociations() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeIamInstanceProfileAssociationsInput{ AssociationIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("NextToken"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeIamInstanceProfileAssociations(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeIdFormat() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeIdFormatInput{ Resource: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeIdFormat(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeIdentityIdFormat() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeIdentityIdFormatInput{ PrincipalArn: aws.String("String"), // Required Resource: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeIdentityIdFormat(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeImageAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeImageAttributeInput{ Attribute: aws.String("ImageAttributeName"), // Required ImageId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DescribeImageAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeImages() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeImagesInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), ExecutableUsers: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, ImageIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Owners: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeImages(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeImportImageTasks() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeImportImageTasksInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, ImportTaskIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeImportImageTasks(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeImportSnapshotTasks() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeImportSnapshotTasksInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, ImportTaskIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeImportSnapshotTasks(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeInstanceAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeInstanceAttributeInput{ Attribute: aws.String("InstanceAttributeName"), // Required InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DescribeInstanceAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeInstanceStatus() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeInstanceStatusInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, IncludeAllInstances: aws.Bool(true), InstanceIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeInstanceStatus(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, InstanceIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeInternetGateways() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeInternetGatewaysInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, InternetGatewayIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeInternetGateways(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeKeyPairs() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeKeyPairsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, KeyNames: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeKeyPairs(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeMovingAddresses() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeMovingAddressesInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), PublicIps: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeMovingAddresses(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeNatGateways() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeNatGatewaysInput{ Filter: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NatGatewayIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeNatGateways(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeNetworkAcls() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeNetworkAclsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, NetworkAclIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeNetworkAcls(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttributeInput{ NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), // Required Attribute: aws.String("NetworkInterfaceAttribute"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeNetworkInterfaces() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeNetworkInterfacesInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, NetworkInterfaceIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeNetworkInterfaces(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribePlacementGroups() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribePlacementGroupsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, GroupNames: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribePlacementGroups(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribePrefixLists() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribePrefixListsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), PrefixListIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribePrefixLists(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeRegions() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeRegionsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, RegionNames: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeRegions(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeReservedInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeReservedInstancesInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, OfferingClass: aws.String("OfferingClassType"), OfferingType: aws.String("OfferingTypeValues"), ReservedInstancesIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeReservedInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeReservedInstancesListings() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeReservedInstancesListingsInput{ Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, ReservedInstancesId: aws.String("String"), ReservedInstancesListingId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeReservedInstancesListings(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeReservedInstancesModifications() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeReservedInstancesModificationsInput{ Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, NextToken: aws.String("String"), ReservedInstancesModificationIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeReservedInstancesModifications(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsInput{ AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, IncludeMarketplace: aws.Bool(true), InstanceTenancy: aws.String("Tenancy"), InstanceType: aws.String("InstanceType"), MaxDuration: aws.Int64(1), MaxInstanceCount: aws.Int64(1), MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), MinDuration: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), OfferingClass: aws.String("OfferingClassType"), OfferingType: aws.String("OfferingTypeValues"), ProductDescription: aws.String("RIProductDescription"), ReservedInstancesOfferingIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeRouteTables() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeRouteTablesInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, RouteTableIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeRouteTables(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeScheduledInstanceAvailability() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeScheduledInstanceAvailabilityInput{ FirstSlotStartTimeRange: &ec2.SlotDateTimeRangeRequest{ // Required EarliestTime: aws.Time(time.Now()), // Required LatestTime: aws.Time(time.Now()), // Required }, Recurrence: &ec2.ScheduledInstanceRecurrenceRequest{ // Required Frequency: aws.String("String"), Interval: aws.Int64(1), OccurrenceDays: []*int64{ aws.Int64(1), // Required // More values... }, OccurrenceRelativeToEnd: aws.Bool(true), OccurrenceUnit: aws.String("String"), }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), MaxSlotDurationInHours: aws.Int64(1), MinSlotDurationInHours: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeScheduledInstanceAvailability(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeScheduledInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeScheduledInstancesInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), ScheduledInstanceIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, SlotStartTimeRange: &ec2.SlotStartTimeRangeRequest{ EarliestTime: aws.Time(time.Now()), LatestTime: aws.Time(time.Now()), }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeScheduledInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeSecurityGroupReferences() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesInput{ GroupId: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DescribeSecurityGroupReferences(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeSecurityGroups() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, GroupIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, GroupNames: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeSecurityGroups(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeSnapshotAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeSnapshotAttributeInput{ Attribute: aws.String("SnapshotAttributeName"), // Required SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DescribeSnapshotAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeSnapshots() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeSnapshotsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), OwnerIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, RestorableByUserIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, SnapshotIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeSnapshots(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscriptionInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeSpotFleetInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeSpotFleetInstancesInput{ SpotFleetRequestId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeSpotFleetInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistory() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistoryInput{ SpotFleetRequestId: aws.String("String"), // Required StartTime: aws.Time(time.Now()), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), EventType: aws.String("EventType"), MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistory(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeSpotFleetRequests() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeSpotFleetRequestsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), SpotFleetRequestIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeSpotFleetRequests(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeSpotInstanceRequests() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, SpotInstanceRequestIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeSpotInstanceRequests(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeSpotPriceHistory() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeSpotPriceHistoryInput{ AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), EndTime: aws.Time(time.Now()), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, InstanceTypes: []*string{ aws.String("InstanceType"), // Required // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), ProductDescriptions: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, StartTime: aws.Time(time.Now()), } resp, err := svc.DescribeSpotPriceHistory(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeStaleSecurityGroups() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeStaleSecurityGroupsInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("NextToken"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeStaleSecurityGroups(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeSubnets() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, SubnetIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeSubnets(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeTags() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeTagsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeTags(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVolumeAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVolumeAttributeInput{ VolumeId: aws.String("String"), // Required Attribute: aws.String("VolumeAttributeName"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DescribeVolumeAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVolumeStatus() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVolumeStatusInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), VolumeIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeVolumeStatus(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVolumes() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVolumesInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), VolumeIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeVolumes(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVolumesModifications() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVolumesModificationsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), VolumeIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeVolumesModifications(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVpcAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVpcAttributeInput{ Attribute: aws.String("VpcAttributeName"), // Required VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DescribeVpcAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVpcClassicLink() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVpcClassicLinkInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, VpcIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeVpcClassicLink(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVpcClassicLinkDnsSupportInput{ MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("NextToken"), VpcIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVpcEndpointServices() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVpcEndpointServicesInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeVpcEndpointServices(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVpcEndpoints() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVpcEndpointsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("String"), VpcEndpointIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeVpcEndpoints(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVpcPeeringConnections() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, VpcPeeringConnectionIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeVpcPeeringConnections(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVpcs() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVpcsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, VpcIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeVpcs(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVpnConnections() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVpnConnectionsInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, VpnConnectionIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeVpnConnections(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DescribeVpnGateways() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DescribeVpnGatewaysInput{ DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), Values: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, }, // More values... }, VpnGatewayIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeVpnGateways(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DetachClassicLinkVpc() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DetachClassicLinkVpcInput{ InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DetachClassicLinkVpc(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DetachInternetGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DetachInternetGatewayInput{ InternetGatewayId: aws.String("String"), // Required VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DetachInternetGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DetachNetworkInterface() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DetachNetworkInterfaceInput{ AttachmentId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Force: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DetachNetworkInterface(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DetachVolume() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DetachVolumeInput{ VolumeId: aws.String("String"), // Required Device: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Force: aws.Bool(true), InstanceId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DetachVolume(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DetachVpnGateway() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DetachVpnGatewayInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required VpnGatewayId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DetachVpnGateway(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DisableVgwRoutePropagation() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DisableVgwRoutePropagationInput{ GatewayId: aws.String("String"), // Required RouteTableId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.DisableVgwRoutePropagation(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DisableVpcClassicLink() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DisableVpcClassicLinkInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DisableVpcClassicLink(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DisableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DisableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupportInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DisableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DisassociateAddress() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DisassociateAddressInput{ AssociationId: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), PublicIp: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DisassociateAddress(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DisassociateIamInstanceProfile() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DisassociateIamInstanceProfileInput{ AssociationId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.DisassociateIamInstanceProfile(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DisassociateRouteTable() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DisassociateRouteTableInput{ AssociationId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.DisassociateRouteTable(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DisassociateSubnetCidrBlock() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DisassociateSubnetCidrBlockInput{ AssociationId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.DisassociateSubnetCidrBlock(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_DisassociateVpcCidrBlock() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.DisassociateVpcCidrBlockInput{ AssociationId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.DisassociateVpcCidrBlock(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_EnableVgwRoutePropagation() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.EnableVgwRoutePropagationInput{ GatewayId: aws.String("String"), // Required RouteTableId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.EnableVgwRoutePropagation(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_EnableVolumeIO() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.EnableVolumeIOInput{ VolumeId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.EnableVolumeIO(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_EnableVpcClassicLink() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.EnableVpcClassicLinkInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.EnableVpcClassicLink(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_EnableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.EnableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupportInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.EnableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_GetConsoleOutput() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.GetConsoleOutputInput{ InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.GetConsoleOutput(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_GetConsoleScreenshot() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.GetConsoleScreenshotInput{ InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), WakeUp: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.GetConsoleScreenshot(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_GetHostReservationPurchasePreview() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.GetHostReservationPurchasePreviewInput{ HostIdSet: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, OfferingId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.GetHostReservationPurchasePreview(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_GetPasswordData() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.GetPasswordDataInput{ InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.GetPasswordData(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_GetReservedInstancesExchangeQuote() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.GetReservedInstancesExchangeQuoteInput{ ReservedInstanceIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), TargetConfigurations: []*ec2.TargetConfigurationRequest{ { // Required OfferingId: aws.String("String"), // Required InstanceCount: aws.Int64(1), }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.GetReservedInstancesExchangeQuote(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ImportImage() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ImportImageInput{ Architecture: aws.String("String"), ClientData: &ec2.ClientData{ Comment: aws.String("String"), UploadEnd: aws.Time(time.Now()), UploadSize: aws.Float64(1.0), UploadStart: aws.Time(time.Now()), }, ClientToken: aws.String("String"), Description: aws.String("String"), DiskContainers: []*ec2.ImageDiskContainer{ { // Required Description: aws.String("String"), DeviceName: aws.String("String"), Format: aws.String("String"), SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), Url: aws.String("String"), UserBucket: &ec2.UserBucket{ S3Bucket: aws.String("String"), S3Key: aws.String("String"), }, }, // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Hypervisor: aws.String("String"), LicenseType: aws.String("String"), Platform: aws.String("String"), RoleName: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.ImportImage(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ImportInstance() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ImportInstanceInput{ Platform: aws.String("PlatformValues"), // Required Description: aws.String("String"), DiskImages: []*ec2.DiskImage{ { // Required Description: aws.String("String"), Image: &ec2.DiskImageDetail{ Bytes: aws.Int64(1), // Required Format: aws.String("DiskImageFormat"), // Required ImportManifestUrl: aws.String("String"), // Required }, Volume: &ec2.VolumeDetail{ Size: aws.Int64(1), // Required }, }, // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), LaunchSpecification: &ec2.ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification{ AdditionalInfo: aws.String("String"), Architecture: aws.String("ArchitectureValues"), GroupIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, GroupNames: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: aws.String("ShutdownBehavior"), InstanceType: aws.String("InstanceType"), Monitoring: aws.Bool(true), Placement: &ec2.Placement{ Affinity: aws.String("String"), AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), HostId: aws.String("String"), Tenancy: aws.String("Tenancy"), }, PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), SubnetId: aws.String("String"), UserData: &ec2.UserData{ Data: aws.String("String"), }, }, } resp, err := svc.ImportInstance(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ImportKeyPair() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ImportKeyPairInput{ KeyName: aws.String("String"), // Required PublicKeyMaterial: []byte("PAYLOAD"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.ImportKeyPair(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ImportSnapshot() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ImportSnapshotInput{ ClientData: &ec2.ClientData{ Comment: aws.String("String"), UploadEnd: aws.Time(time.Now()), UploadSize: aws.Float64(1.0), UploadStart: aws.Time(time.Now()), }, ClientToken: aws.String("String"), Description: aws.String("String"), DiskContainer: &ec2.SnapshotDiskContainer{ Description: aws.String("String"), Format: aws.String("String"), Url: aws.String("String"), UserBucket: &ec2.UserBucket{ S3Bucket: aws.String("String"), S3Key: aws.String("String"), }, }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), RoleName: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.ImportSnapshot(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ImportVolume() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ImportVolumeInput{ AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), // Required Image: &ec2.DiskImageDetail{ // Required Bytes: aws.Int64(1), // Required Format: aws.String("DiskImageFormat"), // Required ImportManifestUrl: aws.String("String"), // Required }, Volume: &ec2.VolumeDetail{ // Required Size: aws.Int64(1), // Required }, Description: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.ImportVolume(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyHosts() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyHostsInput{ AutoPlacement: aws.String("AutoPlacement"), // Required HostIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.ModifyHosts(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyIdFormat() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyIdFormatInput{ Resource: aws.String("String"), // Required UseLongIds: aws.Bool(true), // Required } resp, err := svc.ModifyIdFormat(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyIdentityIdFormat() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyIdentityIdFormatInput{ PrincipalArn: aws.String("String"), // Required Resource: aws.String("String"), // Required UseLongIds: aws.Bool(true), // Required } resp, err := svc.ModifyIdentityIdFormat(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyImageAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyImageAttributeInput{ ImageId: aws.String("String"), // Required Attribute: aws.String("String"), Description: &ec2.AttributeValue{ Value: aws.String("String"), }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), LaunchPermission: &ec2.LaunchPermissionModifications{ Add: []*ec2.LaunchPermission{ { // Required Group: aws.String("PermissionGroup"), UserId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Remove: []*ec2.LaunchPermission{ { // Required Group: aws.String("PermissionGroup"), UserId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, }, OperationType: aws.String("OperationType"), ProductCodes: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, UserGroups: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, UserIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Value: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.ModifyImageAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyInstanceAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput{ InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required Attribute: aws.String("InstanceAttributeName"), BlockDeviceMappings: []*ec2.InstanceBlockDeviceMappingSpecification{ { // Required DeviceName: aws.String("String"), Ebs: &ec2.EbsInstanceBlockDeviceSpecification{ DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), VolumeId: aws.String("String"), }, NoDevice: aws.String("String"), VirtualName: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, DisableApiTermination: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Bool(true), }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), EbsOptimized: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Bool(true), }, EnaSupport: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Bool(true), }, Groups: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: &ec2.AttributeValue{ Value: aws.String("String"), }, InstanceType: &ec2.AttributeValue{ Value: aws.String("String"), }, Kernel: &ec2.AttributeValue{ Value: aws.String("String"), }, Ramdisk: &ec2.AttributeValue{ Value: aws.String("String"), }, SourceDestCheck: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Bool(true), }, SriovNetSupport: &ec2.AttributeValue{ Value: aws.String("String"), }, UserData: &ec2.BlobAttributeValue{ Value: []byte("PAYLOAD"), }, Value: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.ModifyInstanceAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyInstancePlacement() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyInstancePlacementInput{ InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required Affinity: aws.String("Affinity"), HostId: aws.String("String"), Tenancy: aws.String("HostTenancy"), } resp, err := svc.ModifyInstancePlacement(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeInput{ NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), // Required Attachment: &ec2.NetworkInterfaceAttachmentChanges{ AttachmentId: aws.String("String"), DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), }, Description: &ec2.AttributeValue{ Value: aws.String("String"), }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Groups: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, SourceDestCheck: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Bool(true), }, } resp, err := svc.ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyReservedInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyReservedInstancesInput{ ReservedInstancesIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, TargetConfigurations: []*ec2.ReservedInstancesConfiguration{ // Required { // Required AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), InstanceCount: aws.Int64(1), InstanceType: aws.String("InstanceType"), Platform: aws.String("String"), Scope: aws.String("scope"), }, // More values... }, ClientToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.ModifyReservedInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifySnapshotAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifySnapshotAttributeInput{ SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), // Required Attribute: aws.String("SnapshotAttributeName"), CreateVolumePermission: &ec2.CreateVolumePermissionModifications{ Add: []*ec2.CreateVolumePermission{ { // Required Group: aws.String("PermissionGroup"), UserId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Remove: []*ec2.CreateVolumePermission{ { // Required Group: aws.String("PermissionGroup"), UserId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), GroupNames: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, OperationType: aws.String("OperationType"), UserIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.ModifySnapshotAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifySpotFleetRequest() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifySpotFleetRequestInput{ SpotFleetRequestId: aws.String("String"), // Required ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy: aws.String("ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy"), TargetCapacity: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.ModifySpotFleetRequest(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifySubnetAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifySubnetAttributeInput{ SubnetId: aws.String("String"), // Required AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Bool(true), }, MapPublicIpOnLaunch: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Bool(true), }, } resp, err := svc.ModifySubnetAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyVolume() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyVolumeInput{ VolumeId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Iops: aws.Int64(1), Size: aws.Int64(1), VolumeType: aws.String("VolumeType"), } resp, err := svc.ModifyVolume(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyVolumeAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyVolumeAttributeInput{ VolumeId: aws.String("String"), // Required AutoEnableIO: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Bool(true), }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.ModifyVolumeAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyVpcAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyVpcAttributeInput{ VpcId: aws.String("String"), // Required EnableDnsHostnames: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Bool(true), }, EnableDnsSupport: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Bool(true), }, } resp, err := svc.ModifyVpcAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyVpcEndpoint() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyVpcEndpointInput{ VpcEndpointId: aws.String("String"), // Required AddRouteTableIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), PolicyDocument: aws.String("String"), RemoveRouteTableIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, ResetPolicy: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.ModifyVpcEndpoint(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ModifyVpcPeeringConnectionOptions() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ModifyVpcPeeringConnectionOptionsInput{ VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String("String"), // Required AccepterPeeringConnectionOptions: &ec2.PeeringConnectionOptionsRequest{ AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc: aws.Bool(true), AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc: aws.Bool(true), AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink: aws.Bool(true), }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), RequesterPeeringConnectionOptions: &ec2.PeeringConnectionOptionsRequest{ AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc: aws.Bool(true), AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc: aws.Bool(true), AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink: aws.Bool(true), }, } resp, err := svc.ModifyVpcPeeringConnectionOptions(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_MonitorInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.MonitorInstancesInput{ InstanceIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.MonitorInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_MoveAddressToVpc() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.MoveAddressToVpcInput{ PublicIp: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.MoveAddressToVpc(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_PurchaseHostReservation() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.PurchaseHostReservationInput{ HostIdSet: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, OfferingId: aws.String("String"), // Required ClientToken: aws.String("String"), CurrencyCode: aws.String("CurrencyCodeValues"), LimitPrice: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.PurchaseHostReservation(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingInput{ InstanceCount: aws.Int64(1), // Required ReservedInstancesOfferingId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), LimitPrice: &ec2.ReservedInstanceLimitPrice{ Amount: aws.Float64(1.0), CurrencyCode: aws.String("CurrencyCodeValues"), }, } resp, err := svc.PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_PurchaseScheduledInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.PurchaseScheduledInstancesInput{ PurchaseRequests: []*ec2.PurchaseRequest{ // Required { // Required InstanceCount: aws.Int64(1), // Required PurchaseToken: aws.String("String"), // Required }, // More values... }, ClientToken: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.PurchaseScheduledInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_RebootInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.RebootInstancesInput{ InstanceIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.RebootInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_RegisterImage() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.RegisterImageInput{ Name: aws.String("String"), // Required Architecture: aws.String("ArchitectureValues"), BillingProducts: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, BlockDeviceMappings: []*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{ { // Required DeviceName: aws.String("String"), Ebs: &ec2.EbsBlockDevice{ DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), Encrypted: aws.Bool(true), Iops: aws.Int64(1), SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), VolumeSize: aws.Int64(1), VolumeType: aws.String("VolumeType"), }, NoDevice: aws.String("String"), VirtualName: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Description: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), EnaSupport: aws.Bool(true), ImageLocation: aws.String("String"), KernelId: aws.String("String"), RamdiskId: aws.String("String"), RootDeviceName: aws.String("String"), SriovNetSupport: aws.String("String"), VirtualizationType: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.RegisterImage(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_RejectVpcPeeringConnection() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.RejectVpcPeeringConnectionInput{ VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.RejectVpcPeeringConnection(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ReleaseAddress() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ReleaseAddressInput{ AllocationId: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), PublicIp: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.ReleaseAddress(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ReleaseHosts() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ReleaseHostsInput{ HostIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.ReleaseHosts(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ReplaceIamInstanceProfileAssociation() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ReplaceIamInstanceProfileAssociationInput{ AssociationId: aws.String("String"), // Required IamInstanceProfile: &ec2.IamInstanceProfileSpecification{ // Required Arn: aws.String("String"), Name: aws.String("String"), }, } resp, err := svc.ReplaceIamInstanceProfileAssociation(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ReplaceNetworkAclAssociationInput{ AssociationId: aws.String("String"), // Required NetworkAclId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ReplaceNetworkAclEntry() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ReplaceNetworkAclEntryInput{ Egress: aws.Bool(true), // Required NetworkAclId: aws.String("String"), // Required Protocol: aws.String("String"), // Required RuleAction: aws.String("RuleAction"), // Required RuleNumber: aws.Int64(1), // Required CidrBlock: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), IcmpTypeCode: &ec2.IcmpTypeCode{ Code: aws.Int64(1), Type: aws.Int64(1), }, Ipv6CidrBlock: aws.String("String"), PortRange: &ec2.PortRange{ From: aws.Int64(1), To: aws.Int64(1), }, } resp, err := svc.ReplaceNetworkAclEntry(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ReplaceRoute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ReplaceRouteInput{ RouteTableId: aws.String("String"), // Required DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String("String"), DestinationIpv6CidrBlock: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId: aws.String("String"), GatewayId: aws.String("String"), InstanceId: aws.String("String"), NatGatewayId: aws.String("String"), NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.ReplaceRoute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ReplaceRouteTableAssociation() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ReplaceRouteTableAssociationInput{ AssociationId: aws.String("String"), // Required RouteTableId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.ReplaceRouteTableAssociation(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ReportInstanceStatus() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ReportInstanceStatusInput{ Instances: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, ReasonCodes: []*string{ // Required aws.String("ReportInstanceReasonCodes"), // Required // More values... }, Status: aws.String("ReportStatusType"), // Required Description: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), EndTime: aws.Time(time.Now()), StartTime: aws.Time(time.Now()), } resp, err := svc.ReportInstanceStatus(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_RequestSpotFleet() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.RequestSpotFleetInput{ SpotFleetRequestConfig: &ec2.SpotFleetRequestConfigData{ // Required IamFleetRole: aws.String("String"), // Required LaunchSpecifications: []*ec2.SpotFleetLaunchSpecification{ // Required { // Required AddressingType: aws.String("String"), BlockDeviceMappings: []*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{ { // Required DeviceName: aws.String("String"), Ebs: &ec2.EbsBlockDevice{ DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), Encrypted: aws.Bool(true), Iops: aws.Int64(1), SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), VolumeSize: aws.Int64(1), VolumeType: aws.String("VolumeType"), }, NoDevice: aws.String("String"), VirtualName: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, EbsOptimized: aws.Bool(true), IamInstanceProfile: &ec2.IamInstanceProfileSpecification{ Arn: aws.String("String"), Name: aws.String("String"), }, ImageId: aws.String("String"), InstanceType: aws.String("InstanceType"), KernelId: aws.String("String"), KeyName: aws.String("String"), Monitoring: &ec2.SpotFleetMonitoring{ Enabled: aws.Bool(true), }, NetworkInterfaces: []*ec2.InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification{ { // Required AssociatePublicIpAddress: aws.Bool(true), DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), Description: aws.String("String"), DeviceIndex: aws.Int64(1), Groups: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Ipv6AddressCount: aws.Int64(1), Ipv6Addresses: []*ec2.InstanceIpv6Address{ { // Required Ipv6Address: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), PrivateIpAddresses: []*ec2.PrivateIpAddressSpecification{ { // Required PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), // Required Primary: aws.Bool(true), }, // More values... }, SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: aws.Int64(1), SubnetId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Placement: &ec2.SpotPlacement{ AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), Tenancy: aws.String("Tenancy"), }, RamdiskId: aws.String("String"), SecurityGroups: []*ec2.GroupIdentifier{ { // Required GroupId: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, SpotPrice: aws.String("String"), SubnetId: aws.String("String"), UserData: aws.String("String"), WeightedCapacity: aws.Float64(1.0), }, // More values... }, SpotPrice: aws.String("String"), // Required TargetCapacity: aws.Int64(1), // Required AllocationStrategy: aws.String("AllocationStrategy"), ClientToken: aws.String("String"), ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy: aws.String("ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy"), FulfilledCapacity: aws.Float64(1.0), ReplaceUnhealthyInstances: aws.Bool(true), TerminateInstancesWithExpiration: aws.Bool(true), Type: aws.String("FleetType"), ValidFrom: aws.Time(time.Now()), ValidUntil: aws.Time(time.Now()), }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.RequestSpotFleet(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_RequestSpotInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.RequestSpotInstancesInput{ SpotPrice: aws.String("String"), // Required AvailabilityZoneGroup: aws.String("String"), BlockDurationMinutes: aws.Int64(1), ClientToken: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), InstanceCount: aws.Int64(1), LaunchGroup: aws.String("String"), LaunchSpecification: &ec2.RequestSpotLaunchSpecification{ AddressingType: aws.String("String"), BlockDeviceMappings: []*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{ { // Required DeviceName: aws.String("String"), Ebs: &ec2.EbsBlockDevice{ DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), Encrypted: aws.Bool(true), Iops: aws.Int64(1), SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), VolumeSize: aws.Int64(1), VolumeType: aws.String("VolumeType"), }, NoDevice: aws.String("String"), VirtualName: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, EbsOptimized: aws.Bool(true), IamInstanceProfile: &ec2.IamInstanceProfileSpecification{ Arn: aws.String("String"), Name: aws.String("String"), }, ImageId: aws.String("String"), InstanceType: aws.String("InstanceType"), KernelId: aws.String("String"), KeyName: aws.String("String"), Monitoring: &ec2.RunInstancesMonitoringEnabled{ Enabled: aws.Bool(true), // Required }, NetworkInterfaces: []*ec2.InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification{ { // Required AssociatePublicIpAddress: aws.Bool(true), DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), Description: aws.String("String"), DeviceIndex: aws.Int64(1), Groups: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Ipv6AddressCount: aws.Int64(1), Ipv6Addresses: []*ec2.InstanceIpv6Address{ { // Required Ipv6Address: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), PrivateIpAddresses: []*ec2.PrivateIpAddressSpecification{ { // Required PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), // Required Primary: aws.Bool(true), }, // More values... }, SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: aws.Int64(1), SubnetId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Placement: &ec2.SpotPlacement{ AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), Tenancy: aws.String("Tenancy"), }, RamdiskId: aws.String("String"), SecurityGroupIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, SecurityGroups: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, SubnetId: aws.String("String"), UserData: aws.String("String"), }, Type: aws.String("SpotInstanceType"), ValidFrom: aws.Time(time.Now()), ValidUntil: aws.Time(time.Now()), } resp, err := svc.RequestSpotInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ResetImageAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ResetImageAttributeInput{ Attribute: aws.String("ResetImageAttributeName"), // Required ImageId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.ResetImageAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ResetInstanceAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ResetInstanceAttributeInput{ Attribute: aws.String("InstanceAttributeName"), // Required InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.ResetInstanceAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ResetNetworkInterfaceAttributeInput{ NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), SourceDestCheck: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_ResetSnapshotAttribute() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.ResetSnapshotAttributeInput{ Attribute: aws.String("SnapshotAttributeName"), // Required SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.ResetSnapshotAttribute(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_RestoreAddressToClassic() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.RestoreAddressToClassicInput{ PublicIp: aws.String("String"), // Required DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.RestoreAddressToClassic(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_RevokeSecurityGroupEgress() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.RevokeSecurityGroupEgressInput{ GroupId: aws.String("String"), // Required CidrIp: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), FromPort: aws.Int64(1), IpPermissions: []*ec2.IpPermission{ { // Required FromPort: aws.Int64(1), IpProtocol: aws.String("String"), IpRanges: []*ec2.IpRange{ { // Required CidrIp: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Ipv6Ranges: []*ec2.Ipv6Range{ { // Required CidrIpv6: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, PrefixListIds: []*ec2.PrefixListId{ { // Required PrefixListId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, ToPort: aws.Int64(1), UserIdGroupPairs: []*ec2.UserIdGroupPair{ { // Required GroupId: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), PeeringStatus: aws.String("String"), UserId: aws.String("String"), VpcId: aws.String("String"), VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, }, // More values... }, IpProtocol: aws.String("String"), SourceSecurityGroupName: aws.String("String"), SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId: aws.String("String"), ToPort: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.RevokeSecurityGroupEgress(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_RevokeSecurityGroupIngress() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.RevokeSecurityGroupIngressInput{ CidrIp: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), FromPort: aws.Int64(1), GroupId: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), IpPermissions: []*ec2.IpPermission{ { // Required FromPort: aws.Int64(1), IpProtocol: aws.String("String"), IpRanges: []*ec2.IpRange{ { // Required CidrIp: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Ipv6Ranges: []*ec2.Ipv6Range{ { // Required CidrIpv6: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, PrefixListIds: []*ec2.PrefixListId{ { // Required PrefixListId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, ToPort: aws.Int64(1), UserIdGroupPairs: []*ec2.UserIdGroupPair{ { // Required GroupId: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), PeeringStatus: aws.String("String"), UserId: aws.String("String"), VpcId: aws.String("String"), VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, }, // More values... }, IpProtocol: aws.String("String"), SourceSecurityGroupName: aws.String("String"), SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId: aws.String("String"), ToPort: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.RevokeSecurityGroupIngress(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_RunInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.RunInstancesInput{ ImageId: aws.String("String"), // Required MaxCount: aws.Int64(1), // Required MinCount: aws.Int64(1), // Required AdditionalInfo: aws.String("String"), BlockDeviceMappings: []*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{ { // Required DeviceName: aws.String("String"), Ebs: &ec2.EbsBlockDevice{ DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), Encrypted: aws.Bool(true), Iops: aws.Int64(1), SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), VolumeSize: aws.Int64(1), VolumeType: aws.String("VolumeType"), }, NoDevice: aws.String("String"), VirtualName: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, ClientToken: aws.String("String"), DisableApiTermination: aws.Bool(true), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), EbsOptimized: aws.Bool(true), IamInstanceProfile: &ec2.IamInstanceProfileSpecification{ Arn: aws.String("String"), Name: aws.String("String"), }, InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: aws.String("ShutdownBehavior"), InstanceType: aws.String("InstanceType"), Ipv6AddressCount: aws.Int64(1), Ipv6Addresses: []*ec2.InstanceIpv6Address{ { // Required Ipv6Address: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, KernelId: aws.String("String"), KeyName: aws.String("String"), Monitoring: &ec2.RunInstancesMonitoringEnabled{ Enabled: aws.Bool(true), // Required }, NetworkInterfaces: []*ec2.InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification{ { // Required AssociatePublicIpAddress: aws.Bool(true), DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), Description: aws.String("String"), DeviceIndex: aws.Int64(1), Groups: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Ipv6AddressCount: aws.Int64(1), Ipv6Addresses: []*ec2.InstanceIpv6Address{ { // Required Ipv6Address: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), PrivateIpAddresses: []*ec2.PrivateIpAddressSpecification{ { // Required PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), // Required Primary: aws.Bool(true), }, // More values... }, SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: aws.Int64(1), SubnetId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Placement: &ec2.Placement{ Affinity: aws.String("String"), AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), HostId: aws.String("String"), Tenancy: aws.String("Tenancy"), }, PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), RamdiskId: aws.String("String"), SecurityGroupIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, SecurityGroups: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, SubnetId: aws.String("String"), TagSpecifications: []*ec2.TagSpecification{ { // Required ResourceType: aws.String("ResourceType"), Tags: []*ec2.Tag{ { // Required Key: aws.String("String"), Value: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, }, // More values... }, UserData: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.RunInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_RunScheduledInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.RunScheduledInstancesInput{ LaunchSpecification: &ec2.ScheduledInstancesLaunchSpecification{ // Required ImageId: aws.String("String"), // Required BlockDeviceMappings: []*ec2.ScheduledInstancesBlockDeviceMapping{ { // Required DeviceName: aws.String("String"), Ebs: &ec2.ScheduledInstancesEbs{ DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), Encrypted: aws.Bool(true), Iops: aws.Int64(1), SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), VolumeSize: aws.Int64(1), VolumeType: aws.String("String"), }, NoDevice: aws.String("String"), VirtualName: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, EbsOptimized: aws.Bool(true), IamInstanceProfile: &ec2.ScheduledInstancesIamInstanceProfile{ Arn: aws.String("String"), Name: aws.String("String"), }, InstanceType: aws.String("String"), KernelId: aws.String("String"), KeyName: aws.String("String"), Monitoring: &ec2.ScheduledInstancesMonitoring{ Enabled: aws.Bool(true), }, NetworkInterfaces: []*ec2.ScheduledInstancesNetworkInterface{ { // Required AssociatePublicIpAddress: aws.Bool(true), DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), Description: aws.String("String"), DeviceIndex: aws.Int64(1), Groups: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Ipv6AddressCount: aws.Int64(1), Ipv6Addresses: []*ec2.ScheduledInstancesIpv6Address{ { // Required Ipv6Address: aws.String("Ipv6Address"), }, // More values... }, NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), PrivateIpAddressConfigs: []*ec2.ScheduledInstancesPrivateIpAddressConfig{ { // Required Primary: aws.Bool(true), PrivateIpAddress: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: aws.Int64(1), SubnetId: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Placement: &ec2.ScheduledInstancesPlacement{ AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), GroupName: aws.String("String"), }, RamdiskId: aws.String("String"), SecurityGroupIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, SubnetId: aws.String("String"), UserData: aws.String("String"), }, ScheduledInstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required ClientToken: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), InstanceCount: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.RunScheduledInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_StartInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.StartInstancesInput{ InstanceIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, AdditionalInfo: aws.String("String"), DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.StartInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_StopInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.StopInstancesInput{ InstanceIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), Force: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.StopInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_TerminateInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.TerminateInstancesInput{ InstanceIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.TerminateInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_UnassignIpv6Addresses() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.UnassignIpv6AddressesInput{ Ipv6Addresses: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.UnassignIpv6Addresses(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_UnassignPrivateIpAddresses() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.UnassignPrivateIpAddressesInput{ NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String("String"), // Required PrivateIpAddresses: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.UnassignPrivateIpAddresses(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) } func ExampleEC2_UnmonitorInstances() { sess := session.Must(session.NewSession()) svc := ec2.New(sess) params := &ec2.UnmonitorInstancesInput{ InstanceIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DryRun: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.UnmonitorInstances(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }